HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-30, Page 17How about tomorrow?
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The annual meeting of the
Dungannon Agriculture soc-.
• January 22 at.the Agriculture
Hall. ,
President Bob Wright cal-
led the meeting to order. In
his remarks Bob thanked all
the volunteers and society
members who worked so
hard to make the year 1979
such a success. .
Be also, remarked on all
the improvements made en
the new parking, lot, the barn
and judges stand, •• which
were painted and the interior
of the hall vvhich was rewir-
• The fair in 1979 was a huge
business to the. village . and Mrs. Charlotte Johnston is . eess. • .
has been' for log years- a•:patiet4 in Wilighain Hns' ' 0 EilltOADCAST
feted on January '18. ..
BY: Lisa Branrn success, as well as. the float Stephen Park was selected , IntaVfollowing a stroke i4t.'",
which was entered in several as the delegate to vote on
fairs, winning either first or
behalf , pf. the . Agricultural Visitors on Friday .evening . and Annettet Curran ,
second prize each time. Society as a policy ;holder.; , January 25 with Harvey and At the beginning of this
..• Week,' we started the ping
Fred, Durst from the firm --., . AINITgD Pihrgart '', Mary.Alton were Margaret-
27 and Jim Errington, Hazel
,gong , tournament.
of Durst, Vodden and. Bender . On Sund-aY, January, and Tom Webster . of .Dun- On Thursday, Janriary 24,
presented the financial state— George• Cowan spoke on, the 1980, :the senior volleyball meat for
year which -. topic "Learning What' We galron and Mrs. Harold
Live a This . teams went to Lucknow to
proved to be quite encourag-. and: Living' What . We Adams of Ltiekatiw.
surpr ise occasion was to help play, We are pleased to say ing, It was agreed unanitn 7 f,earn" • , ..the Brookside teams won . ously , to retain„the firm's The; United .Ckiurch Wei: Mary celebrate her birthday _
that day, Margaret had roas-, both games:. services'again for' 1980: ' en s annual Meeting of the Alio, public speaking, has Jack Caesar condUcted the . Huron-Perth Presbytery is to ted a chicken and brought it begun and the school contest
election of four directors who be held ' in North Street Plu§ all the trimmings, birth- will he on Friday; FebrUary will stand for' a three year .United Chinch, Goderich, day cake included. 15. •
Visitors on Sunday with • term. They were- Stephen from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on The Lucknow Legion .Pub-
Park Carol Menary, Ivlickie , ' January 28, Harvey and Mary Alton were
r. an samp _ tic 'Speaking contest- will be
Geisbrecht and Marie Park: —77 All U.C.W. members ''are son, Tommy and Penny and . held on Friday, February 22
Mrs. Sandy McWhinney ' invited and each one is• asked
Mrs-. Iris Sampson,, son all of at 8.00 p.m.
will assume the position of to bring a bag lunch. Bev- , . p ,.
secretary, due to the tesii- erage is provided. . Goderich..
nation nation of Dorothy Brown. - __ All nieniber.s_of the .Church On February 4 the Centen
• Randy Kerr, offered to pur-
c-hase the eavestrotighing for '.
the hall and' John Fielder
volunteered with help to
install it.
Six Members are to attend
the agricultural convention to
Co-op work. Mi. and MrS.
Dan Tiffin and Mrs.. Bevan
Tiffin visited with Miss Joyce
Tiffin of Toronto. •
Mr. and Mrs, Robert
Hardwood of Hamilton were
Saturday visitors with Miss
Mildred McClenaghan and
Mr. and Mrs. Ted McClen-
aghan of Kitchener-spent the
weekend with her. •
On Thursday and Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss of
Plattsville visited with Mrs.
MarY McClenaghan and Mr.
and. Mrs. Carl MeClenaghan:
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Jarv-
is of Clinton _were Sunday
visitors with Miss Mildred
Sunday visitors„;with .Mrs. •
Mary McClenaghan, and Mr.
and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan
were Mr. and Mr's. Melvin
McClenaghan of Waterloo
and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin
McCienaghan of St, Thomas,
Mrs. Lorne Durnin spent
Monday hi Goderich.
Pine River,
The Pine River ladies' of
the Urgent Action Amensty
International group met Jan-
uary 25 at the home of Mrs.
Murray Thompson. Also at-
tending were twp ladies from
Kincardine and six young
During the business part
of the meeting, Janette
Thompson and Gayle Lowry
volunteered as treasurers for
this interesting up-coining
• At this morning coffee
clack of reporting, study and
letter writing, a petition was
prepared to send to Pakistan,
Whi tech-arch...
•from page 13
Purwcomon annual meetitig
Elect new
• be held in Toronto on Feb: 2Q
.and 21, They are Diane Park,
Linda McNee, Carel Nivins,
Carol Menary; Kathy Stan-
bury-arid-Sand 7
The 1980 Fall Fair will be
held on Sept, 17 and 18 with
the dance to be held Sept-
ember 19,.
All society members were
urged to attend the annual.
West Wawanosh' Insurance
meeting (On February 15 to'
voice opiniens on the 'pro-
posed 'move -of• -the 'lead
• office out of Dungannon;
All policy holders. have the
right to vote ne'to this move,.
They were urged to resist the
Move AS this is a major office
are urged' again to put into
practice the conuriandment
that Jesus gave to "go- into
all the world" 'by -inviting_
ose in he Community who
are pot actively associated
with a church,. to join in
SundaY worship.
Eric Stewart has been•
avvarded the contract of pan-
,elling the Agriculture hall, to
be finished by Thursday
-.George Sager ' of Goderich
can cOrntriencethe plastering
of the tipper half of the 'Walls,
'The wiring thus far complet-
ed has' been done by Don.
, Ritchie" of Lecknow. •
nial Entertainment Commit-
tee Will meet with Molsorts to
discuss trophies and other
celebrations: On February 11
they ,will meet with. Labatts.
.Mrs. Mary - Bare fell on
Sunday morning,.' fracturing
her left wrist, Her son David
took her to Goderich hospital
where she had a Cast applied,
Mrs, Olive Blake motored
o Cambridge, where she
spent a few days last week
with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Blake,
.• Becky, Kara. and Julie,
The dance held at Agricul-
- turd Hall on Saturday. night, •
with proceeds to, the birthday' • celebrations, a was real suc
Itti h.
on a homes
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anusiy 30, 1980—Page .17