HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-30, Page 7•',
to oLl
the ,:"HuiCitt County pork
:`Producers'. Marketing Hoard will
be held •
DINNER: 12:00 NOON - -
at the •
- for the purpose of the proper •• business of the Annual
Meeting; the eleCtion of the County Board of Directors;
and the • election of twenty-six (26) councilmen end!
• three (3)alternates, fora three year, term, tothe North
Area ProdUcers' Council', These elections will take
place between 2;00 -and '3:00 Dinner .tickets
available from any of the direCtors.
With. A New, Paint Job /
Bob Bergman Auto Body
Bergman Autry Body
Phone S28-5303
HOURS: MOLT.-PR. 8 A.M. - 6P.M.
SAT. 8 - 12 NOON
Last:week inE,LE. Madill a
health 'unit; representatives.
from. the Huron •Perth Lung
Two compete
Art Helm and Glen Porter
of 'Lucknow will be among,
farm tractor drivers compet-
ing , for purses totalling
$24,200 in Canada's Only
indoor tractor-pull at the
Canada Farm Show, Jan. 29
to Feb. 1, at the Coliseum,
Exhibition Place, 'Toronto.
The tractor-pull events are
being held on the show's last
two nights, Jim. al and Feb.
I, in conjunction with dis-
plays of latest farm equip-
ment and supplies by neatly
500 exhibitors.
Sanctioned by the Cartad,
ian Tractor Pullers ,Associa-
tion and the Canadian Mini-
Tractor Ptillers Xssociation;
the events will include ve-
hicles ranging from four-
wheel drive trucks and mini-
tractors to super' stock and
modified farm tractors
weighing up to 12,200 lbs.
Association, came, to take a
Blood Carbon -Monoxide
Test., This test is to Measure
the-2- amount of pollutant
(carbon monoxide) present in
a person's blood. This test
was administered to smokers
whoa volunteered for the
The test is simple: just
take-a deep breath, hold for ,
15 seconds, then blow into a
plastic bag; This' bag is
Take care
The mild weather over the
pa`lt weeks has caused. a
number of fatal snowmobile
accidents when snowmobil-
ers' broke through thin ice,
Four persons died near Sault
Ste. Marie two weeks ago
and two more ? persons
drowned in- the' Kifigstond
The O.P.P. urges you to'
.stay off lakes and rivers until
the weather is cold enough to
build up a good solid layer of
connected to a carbon rnon-_,result.. Though many assume
oxide indicator which shows .carbon monoxide is obtained
the concentration of carbon from smoking tobacco alone,
monoxide in the blood in this is not so. High readings,
parts per Million). 'If the can be due to exposure to
carbon monoxide level reach , second hand tobacco smoke,
ed is less than 7 ppm, the exhaust fumes from motor
blood flow is altered. At 20 vehicles, industrial proces-
ppm eLttercise tolerance is ses, incineration of waste,
reduced and at 20 ppm or inefficient room heating,
more vision and hearing are cooking barbecues, and fires:
decreased, reaction time is From a group of students
slower, and during pregnan- the following results were
cy, the fetus IS affected. If found: 37 of them were above
the reading is greater than normal, 5 - 18 were abnorm-
100 ppm, headacheS, fatigue al, and 61 were found
and even •unconsciousness normal. '
Special for Christians
" The Singtime &glaciation
of United Churches presents
its February TV special, en-
titled '`The Burden of the
Lord", -Satiirclay, February
9th at 6.30 p.m.,' on CKNX
TV, Channel 8,
Rea draiit and Grant Pres-
ton ccrhost this .program
which looks into the sdrip-
tures for insight into some of
the burdens that people
bear, and some that Christ-
ians take on because of their
faith and committnient to
Musk will be provided by
Mount Forest United Church
`Choir featuring soloists Lil-
lian Cohn and Herman Her-
ald and by Jim and Fran
Feair. s.
iiston Bros. (Bothwell Ltd.]
PhOne Phone
Wardsillle 693-4383 Ontoka 471-3059
Dut*annon 529-7047
Home is'Where the heart is, so the preparations for
my departure froM the Hungry Hundred .wore like an
overture .to a Symphony I would never hear again, The • could think about was me,.
music of nature and the harmony of. My family during , Angus rose shakily to his feet and walked slowly
thoSe tender yearsCould not be replayed in .quite the away with the aid 'of, his stick I followed hill). •
same way, ,and Angus, of course was the maestro who, “I'vegot'a job lined u§ in the 'City,. It.pays good -
in his rough way, waved the baton, over that perlod in' : Won't have any trouble finding a plate to rent."
our lives; , . He didn't say anything, until we almost reached the`.',,
Under the circunistanceS; there was no choice but tO house, then . he turned and limped .towards the rail
Say goOdbye. to the rolling land: I Must free my•old fence; Leaning on .the:rail, 'he lobked•out towards. the ' ;friend ,frorn any obligations and tell him that it was my setting 'suri,, ,I .stood beside him. waiting for him :to
--. parting. After all the :sacrifices he had made for rne • "Since yer got yer mindset; I got Sornethin'•ter soy
-and. My family, this would bee cruel 'statement, but 1 . . too was just goin' ter .'ave'a.sale, but since. you're..
bad to be cruello be kind: I waited'for the opporttmity ' figurin' on leavin,..I guesi I might just as well sell the
• .- t o tackle him and it came'one.evening as he sat On--the ': land', at the sametiMe." Doc Peters.. says I should git
lawn watohirid.the children playing.. .Angus may have -myselVtritd.:,-ttat there retirement 'one in Pantown.
aPPeared gruff 'and 'Tunfriendly..to .all but his most Sounds ter me tike 0-good idea. I sure as ., '.eii can't stay.. ,
intimate atquaintances, :yet his attitude to children arounc! 'ere on my oWn." ' ,‘
Was one; 0f quiet, patipnt understanding. .H.e. was : - . 41'now ' all •the..oardS were on the table: •I' hadn't,. ,
alWays ready to push them on'the,swing beneath:the ,PlaYed my hand..aS wel! as I would haye wished, but .
Old ,Ohesthuttree,. repair a toy orniake a skipping rope • Sometimes in the game of:fifer no' matter how hard we
and quite often; it was hetoo who dried the tears from. try,- :-we are: ' destined 'to' be losers. There'. was '
little fade8... As I 'approachedshirn, he bent painfully to something tragically final •'about this moment' and .1
,pick up' a Pall and throw It.backtOthe''kicts., In hiS'IoveLL would have liked to have said that., the iast.thing I
of . children, '''he was . perhaPS closer., to God than _Wanted to do was': to leave him.• Angus would not have
anybody 1: baVe ever .knoWn: "Por .Of such js ,tha ' appreciated' words of ;sentiment. The innermost
Kingdom of •Heaven". ' : • 1 feelings of nis• heart Were never allowed to rise to his . . . . . ...
When he saw, me he picked up.a newspaper which lips and he expected other men to keep the soft side of
Was lying beside. him on the seat -'..a rough 'plank their Character to theMpelves. • . • ___,
..resting on two lods, IrWas his invitationfOr,me to sit "Well,• I guess we said •it All,"so we 'aVe . 7 there's • down. I asked how- he was feeling.''; ' only one thing left fer a feller ter-do:" He' smiled and
"I ain't too - bad: Feeling. better'. anyWays..'" He. it . seemed ;to break the depressibn. • '
gazed ahead and is if talking to. himself .Said: 1?was puzzled. -"What's that?" •
"mourseLt ain't_no sPring_chicken .- I...just :about "a917--- :', r-"We'd-better ge-inlbe-kAise an' Levee. drink; so-we' r ,
the biscuit, so, I 'ave,.,.,...„—,.::-- • ---- „„ad,,'„., ,-:,., , , ...,,,.,...,-;!„ „„,„„,.:,„;„„,,,,;;;,..:3,-,„„y„,,,;,,,, ., ,.., ,.,,.. • i,
"I' had lo' pick' the right' "momentto tell. Ang us m y . • , Later that week, when I told .Doc Peters about the
decision and I waited until my wife had called the conversation. .•13etwpert Angus and .ine,.. it was hardly
with.a feeling of aceornplishment• It, was as;if I had children indoors. The sun was sinking. rapidly" in the ...
west and reflecting from • the Metal roof of a farm.: maneuvered Angus' nto a path of no return- the road;.
building way off in the distance. It' waS cooler now and which Would . lead him away. fromeverything' his life .
,it would ' be time for. Angus to go back to the ; had represented. .Underdifferent circumstances I
house. m have I took the bull by the has. , . . would' stayed with him On that sweated soil, and •
- -1-live decided-to give.up the-n-eW-spaper business," somewhere between the typewriter and the plough I
I said, trying to be casual.' "I'm flogging a dead . Would haVe found a real reason for living.. put the ti me r , .. .. . • , , . . • . responsibilities of men overrule their personal desires
if this came as -a surpfise;the-face-of-A-q-us-ciid-n ;tHend-embit-ion.S7-Sorrietirnee-trrthe-endlest'-aiTigg re- to.'
Show-it . • . : ., . , .., , . survilye,.411 which they held dear-Must Wsacrificed -
"There ain't no way•yer can keep goin'?" : ' this I was to learn frombiter experience.
I shook my head. "Things are too tight financially. , I turned my attention to winding up: the Grunt 8,',
It takes money to. run a businesS,. even a newspaper.'' , Thunder; My little newspaper was •.-worthless. as--a.
Angus looked at, me :intently and I. think I saw. bUsiness and it was, pointless putting _it up for sale.
sadness in his eyes, Was he disappointed that, ,after Ironically,. I was visited, one day by an enthUsiastic
all the time of being together, it should mean so little . new reader - a little dynamo Of a woman who was'.
to me? How could he know that my heart was like' anxious to make my acquaintanee,
lead! He.. jerked his head and there was a proud . "I like the spirit of your writing,".She said. "It puts •
' defiant look on his lace. .- , ' . ' • fire into a community. - I, want to be a subscriber!"
"You ain't beat yet - I could giya yer some money, "I am afraid you're a little late, madam,'" I ,said
so I could, an' yer wife an kids? Where are yer gain
' rather sarcastically. "1 m fresh out of fuel for the
ter go?" fire!" •
Some Madill smokers in., trouble.
1- -
I had made my decision primarily for Angus, It was •
strange, All I could think about was him and all he
decision and mine. albrte Which WoUid bring abOut the' Speak,
Washed Materials-7Crushed Stone.
Cement Gravel •
.Crushed Giayel--ROadrContiactors