HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-30, Page 1There-mut 'enough Show in Luelonow over the weekend foi 16'1 folks to get out 'ou t Tamil — . some of the whiter sports they'iv• been missing becainte, of the unusual mild weather. Lila Putties and NantYLeDiane found enough snow in the vacant field on North.Delhi Street to go " tobogganing on Sunday. The slope wasn't quite steep enough' for a good VIM; bit it wits fail [Sentinel Staff Photo] 4 all the same. am hospital to take psychiatric unit Wingham . wild' provide associated dealing with' the ministry," Hayes told supplies and services. ' • 'the board. ' ' ,,,' pSychiatric care in the countS, and' as hfuonpcetdiontoh,fghavvieita4nina,lctholieolipc'syperhogiartrie Hayes "We can go. to the ministry' and say Ekeeutive director Norman told theboard at their Janu ary meeting" these need' services are, here but we Wednesday '' night, the _Goderich ,hexapvaeollYstiotolite''SpaCe f°r th"n and we n!Id. . hospital will maintain the mandate for HaYe-s7s'aidlhe-Gbd6661/1166Pitatilad part of that mandate, Dr. .Michael . . sCuoinlit pbpysysicchiaiantrifosrtih we fwllinbgehtahrne- unit, . service. He is . confident, he can ti , negotiate the money for 'thii .program . . , • . on the transfer of the budget and the • _ • . If at some, point Dr. Conlon chose.to , money for this program will be-added Ieave the. Goderich hospital, Wingham to the budget as it comes to Wingham. and Gciderich hospitals would consult ' * • Board member Jack KnPas aq,k9..41 on who would be hired to take over as why Goderich wanted to live up the" Winghani unit. --Hayes answered that' they were interested in -' starting another :phase< of psychiatric service, • referring to the addition, planned at Goderielf Alekandra Marine , and General which will allow the present Goderich psych-unit to be moved to the • MeliSsa Becker-, daughter of Chuck and Nancy Becker, Lticknow, won the gold medal -for -ladies' preliminary-- figures at the Great Lakes Winter Skating Festival. in London on the -weekend.. . The event . sanctioned by the Canadian and United States Figure Skating Association, London" was the • host club. About 700 skaters competed in, this year'S :contests. Cathy Chisholm, daughter Of 'Grant and. Wilma Chisholm, Lucknow, corn peted in the ladies' junior bronze fret skate and placed, eighth. John. and Patti Barger;.children of Allan and Marie • Barger, R. R.'. 3 Lucknow; also competed at. London-. Patti placed 12th in the ladies': free skate and John pladed seventh in the . men's free skate. John Barger and Aveleigh Cook of • Goderich placed third in the senior bronze dance competition, Rick and Debbie:'' ettit are the pros for 'Cathy, John, Patti' and :A,Veleigh. Melissa's pro is See the back, page of this edition• for more: Lucknow news. - Hank'- and. Alice den Boer are re-opening their bake shop on tuck- noW's Main street Febrtiary .5 after an absence about ,three months. , The den Boer bakery was burned „ . out last October.,'and since that time Hank has been taking care of his, anti which was badly, burned • in the fire. 131.4 doctorS now: say Hank' is ready to' resumebusiriegS'as: usual,:and it isn't a moment too soon as far as LUcknoW and area shopper§ are coneerned. According ;to. some , main' street business men, the den War., bakery-- was missed, especially during the Christmas season. The apartment above the.store and —the store have been 'restored. See the. den Boer advertisement elsewhere it this issue for full details of the re-opening. 0, With the federal election being held this, time during the wintery month' of February, the regular advance polls will become more important to many people.. • Persons, in Lucknow and area who are concerned about the weather and the driving. conditions. on Monday, February .18, election day, are urged to make use of one of the advance polls S at urcl Lfebru ar• Mettdayl .February 11; or Tuesday; February 12. -Advance polls for the Ashfield voters in polling division 83 are in Goderich . at St.. George's Anglican Church; for the rest of Ashfield and for Huron Township, Ripley., Lucknow, Kinhsss Township and polfs 152 to 154 in West Wawanosh. Township, at. the Lucknow Town Hall; and for poll 1544 of West Wawanosh, in Clinton Town • Hall. All advance polls will be open frOm noon to 8: p.m. • Need a proxy certificate for the upcoming election? • • In tucknowind area, these can be obtained at the L'uctriow town hall on Thursday, February 7 at.1.30 p.m:, or in the disttict returning office at Seaford' during business,hOurs, Don Campbell has _a new series- 'starting on CKNX A.M. on Monday, February 4,_ 40.06 entitled "Tiffs is My Wingham and District Hospital board aceepted a "proposal from Goderich Alexandra Marine and -Genera' to take over the", psychiatric •unit at the Wingham hospital. The pyschiatrie unit is currently opeated by the Goderich hospital because they have a mandate to provide pSychiatric. services in the county. ' The unit at. Wingharn was the pilot project of an outreackPrograrn which saw Goderich hoSpital. rent, space at Arifigham .for unit - and proVide-the staff and funding from their budget, The Wingham hospital will take over operation of the Unit and will .provide 2,2 fulltitne nursing staff. The budget money for the unit will be transferred "from .the Goderich hospital budget to the 'Wingham global budget, . and High interest rates were blarned fora $47,690. loss during the past year fer the Lucknow. District Co-oPerative. Don tiiCkten,S :UCO regional ' manager exPlained • to. the'membership at• the annual meeting January 22 that in rates had doubled in 1979. Mtich of the increased interest was paid on "bridge capItal" borrowed .lo tie the, company over. until morIgage funding was available while the company built • their nexts toreand--warehonselacilit south of Lucknow. . The los§ to the business .last 'year. totalled $71,065. but the.sale of the doWntown property, the fornier store location on Lucknow's main street was applied against the deficit and the final loss armiunted to $47,690. - Stockton, said 'the Lucknow Co-Op's board of directors has instructed the management to 'weed out bad accounts and payment of accounts is now 30 days, cash or 90 days, C.O.D. • Stockton said the new approach to payments on accounts is fluShing out Hospital gets more for 1980 Wingham __.and District Hospital. has received a budget increase of $242,431 over last years figure of $3,138,417, according to figures recently released by the Ministry of Health. Hospital administrator Norman Hayes. said the increase was "similar to other hospitals" in the province. "Last year we got, nothing to start with. I'm pleased. about (the increase)," he said. However, he said the increase may be too small given the rate ofinflation. "If there are heavy settlements this year, back we'll go with hats in hand," he said. 'Mr. Hayes cited 'upcoming wage ne- gotiations, higher costs for' supplies and increased energy costs as major reasons wily the approximately • eight per cent increase may not be enough. "It's a little too early to tell," he said. Increised energy costs "create a ripple effect through' the entire economy. The allotments may be a bit unrealistic in that sense", Wingharn Hospifal.receive $3:380A48- this year as compared to $3,138,417 for last year, The Ministry of Healtbwill provide $2.269 Turn to page 2 , physician for the-two units. . Hayes,-said the psVcfriatric unit would become a. part off Wingham's overall, service at the hospital. The :;hospital now has a stroke unit, psychiatric services and can.begin to add to theses -need services hospital from 'the Hluevvater Centre for "It can be ,used as a lever When the Developmentally Handicapped. bad debts 1which should . lower the amount lost to < bankrupties and `un- collectable accounts in the future. StOckton. said the measure . •is , ad- cented Eby a change in, the times: Inflation improved the postion of farmers in recent• years and the value of land increased drastically. Banks' Were extending More credit' to farmers because of this inflationary effect on the price of land, said Stockton. Now that-tire-agriCulturein-dustry-bas-seen-,a setback in the market place, banks are not allowing as great an extention of credit. - Stockton said he sees this 'as a good •thing because he said, he feels sorry for the farmer who oVer-extended himseff •two -years ago and is now 'forced to carry the high interest rates' of today. The members, of the Lucknew Ccwop elected three directors' to their board including Bill Scott and Bob Irwin who ' had finished their term on the board but were eligible for re-election. Tony Miltenburg-welected to his fit•st tern on the board. Merle Gunby retired as director and was not eligible for election.