HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-23, Page 22 01,-)rst-5,4s4sr.,;s ren 41b Ies special, and it's worth- while to see your own .poem or story 'bring laughter to , someone's , eyes ,or, thoughts to his mind,• and respect from your worst enemy. • • Large,LiAui.ocation:saie winghom Sales Arena 680 Josephine Street [North end of Nyingliam] • SALE STARTS, Thuri., Fr., Sat. Jan. 24, 25 and 26 • • .from .9 -bead' day±_ For . your consideration this • week we . offering a various selection of new furniture at WHOLESALE PRICES. Also on sale used furniture and appliances. , PARTIAL LISTING. OF SALE: NEW FURNITURE Buid: bed complete with. posture • board and mattress; 7 pc. dining room suite; 5 pc. bedroom ?Miter brass beds in queen, • chlubla, and , single; china cabinets in solid oak . dinette spite in maple [includes batch and buffet]; round oak tables With matching press back chairs;. other table and chairs ideal for the kitchen; hall seat irfth mirror back; tea wagons; planters; corner shelves, ' box spring and .nuittretist chesterfield -.snites hi. the'latest styles, materials and patterns. USED' FURNITURE 8z APPLIANCES Admiral, frost free ref. With' Matching stove in Harvest Gold; 2 deep freezers; other used ref. and. stoves;' T.Vs.; dining room suites; bedroom suite's; 4ving room suited; and mulch more:: SORRY - NO SIMES,THIS WEEK s AS THEY HAVE BEEN SOLD P.S.-We pay' oPPrieeti kit good used furnitu re, Antiques or Appliances, Will buy complete householda Call 357-1730 or 357.2981 after honrs • NHS'. DRAMA Well, the scripts, and mus- ' ic are in• and things are atarting---te-role.-- -What-for7-- The spriilg Productign; This' year "Oklahoma" is the play that was picked. and audi- tions for the parts began last week on Thursday; Jan. 17. It should be mentioned that the auditions are open to the whole school body and not strictly drama students or meMbers. hoped, that.the success from previous years .will be Maintained this year. The'play will be preSented the first week in May but help from everyone is essent- ialto to get this show on the road. Good. Luck and break a leg. • „ • paSSigp. and Write.%• for the. work of. to 'See. :And. ••.then the • • much ": acclaimed _- 7iiittherfa-W11141Ye yeir- a pat 04-,:the,back'and' nient4: berShip. Crest, rine, ete. etc„-Of theelite. writer's club,' . Roy McMurtry protesting. a proposal for legislation to institute the-•"living will". The suggestion for a legal "living will" was made by 1 li gsbridge school news Mrs. Rose Frayne attend- ed a Family Life meeting at Dublin recently. ' Constable ., Bill Hassan came to the school on Friday to speak to -the children on FarM Safety. Mr. Dave Zyluk, school principal, was re-elieted chairman of. the .Kincardine Community Centre and Rte. teation _Board_for 1980.2_ Mr. Zyluk was also elected as a Liberal delegate to the Ontario Liberal Provincial Convention in 1980. , . . BY DOUG EADIE This Past weekend saw the Lucknow Midgets, defeated twice. The first:loss occurred Friday night in Lucknow with Teeswater. winning 7. - 5. Basic fundamental mistak- es and- penalties (ince agala were the downfall of , the Midgets. • • 4 . Saturday night` sancaraine hosted Liickno* and the loeals quickly fell behm 3 0. They-knight back but-still-- came out Re the short end of a 5 - 3 decision. • Seorieg in !the two games . were:: Larry MaePherson two goals: Art Clark, Kent' Alton, Glen Raynard, one goal, one assist each; Don:Greer, Dave Gibson, Al Rivett, One goal each; John Hopf, Eadie, rine assist each, Mr. Don Darrell conducted the Sunday morning service accompanied by Mrs. Elsie Henderson at the organ. The • choir sang the anthem 'Oh It Is Wonderful" under the dir- ection of Mr. Frank Bissett. ----The--sermen-topic-was--base&-• "on the theme "This Can Be the Best Year Yet". A lively time, was spent at old-time music on Monday afternoon when-MarieMynn- and nine other musicians provided some good'listening entertainment. Mr. Ken Dale, Mr. Warren Whit- more, Mr. Wilson McCart- ney, Mr. Stanley Hillen, Mr. • BY BARBARA KERR La Leche League of Bel- grave began its first series of the new year January 16 with the number of little ones greater than the mothers attending. Mrs. T. orstanje welcomed the mothers to her home and explained that she would be hostess for the next three meetings. Mrs. J.k Casemore was introduced as the new librarian for the LLL group. The new books will be using a card system. La Leche (pronounced lay- chay) comes from the Span- ish_ which: means plentiful milk. This name , was sug- gested for the League by Dr. White in' 1957, the husband of one of the foundifig mothers. The League enjoys_ giving information and en- your parents and.grandpas- ents, aunts and uncles, BREAK INTO PRINT friends and enemies - and One of the best events in even yoerSelf what you can Our creative. Writing Club.: is asking for poems, stories; or essays, to be brought in from each grade.level. So for you timid ankle biters or boisterous nreck checkers who never dream of seeing yoUr name in print, here is a golden opportunity to show La Leche league in Beigrave tn eourageent on he art of breastfeeding. • Mrs.' B. ' Kerr led the discussion covering the "Benefits of Breastfeeding -to Mother and Baby". Many mothers were pleased to hear that babies need no supple- ments while nersing .for the first,few months. This makes nursing so easy to do in a busy household, It is noted that "Cow's ' milk is for calves" and the recommen- dations of the Canadian Ped- iatric Society were taken into consideration. The mothers were happy to explain their great. joy in nursing their babies and the close bends formtd within the family.- The meeting closed' with refreshments and social hour. fcir us timid writers to put our provided of -course, that that patients and their famif- pen to paper with a renewed you're Successful. - _ ies -in Canada have always year of 1979-80. ItiaCria-rice and glerY the way "dangerous". They point out 0; 11 p $ e 0 C.,' • the Ontario Advisory Council, . . now under everybody's nos- you have nothing to lose, ,On snint, citizens. The min_ es without haif of vs even And:you do have. something . cal said'elderly people -Should prpperly , informed. It . could to gain if. your enty,;:one f is r,;;;,,,,9Th,, lavetheright tri signa:cleeit--,-be written down in history . the select Ones kr "enTer: , Merit to -vvitheld or Withdraw and change the whole course besides all the prestige, . artificial means -of life. sup of your life. Have you heard there is avair of tickets to, a - Pint • when recovery is riot about it yet?, • ... ' - future school dance -.for the likely and where death is It is the birth of the winners., And all feu have to inevitable and imminent. Creative Writing - Booklet of do is hand in your best The :Alliance for life said . that memorable. - or . what.. polished work to Mrs. Tiffin. .such legislation is not only soon could be memorable, From there it will be fame unpeCessary, it could -also be' :.'.urooti010..tkotoo.:ok A.... Ehter Snell, Mr, Lome Law- tamed the residents with son; along with .our own Jim some musical selections on Ruddock, Cecil Skinner and the piano. Mr. Ken Nett Norm Speir joined Marie finished the program off by While many old faveurite playing his violin..' Happy songs were played. Birthday was sung to those George Rumball was mas • celebrating their . birthdays --ter-rit -eereme-nter'when -the- and g strinlited-. Golden Radar Club enter- Mr. Cecil Skinner thanked tamed at the January Birth- the Golden ,Radar Club and day Party. Wat Webster cupcakes and tea was served: started the pregrain off with Residents are 'looking for- a -few-selectionsmouth on, a ward teine 23rdri-rianuary organ, followed by a solo by when the Golder:. Radar Club Mrs. Van Damme accompan- are joining them for an ied by Mrs. Radford at the , afternoon of euchre. piano. The club acted out a ' Thoughts are with Miss reading called "SomebridY'S Margaret Mitchell who' un- Mother": Elmer Trick enter- dervvent surgery this week. Residents Miss Margaret and hope she is feeling better soon. There is a special project-fer Valentines Day in. Ceramics underway, and any residents who would like to help are , invited te do so. Thereare three photo al- bUms distributed on Ground North, Normal Care and activity, Room; please feel free to look at these. There are new pictures added per- ' iodically. On Jan, 14 the, Winghant Pro-life group met at the Winghim Bible. Chapel, 'rherriain concern was that people stilt don't know what group does. They not only deal with, abortion,• but also with the •aging and. handicapped. Near the end of 1979 The ?finance for Life, the national cO:ritdinating bodY for .more than 120 pro-life. groups.103Se across Canada,. has-written to Ontario.' Attorney - General had the fight to refuse treat- ment and request cessation of -extraordinary life,-sustaln- ing procedures. In addition there is also a dangerous is** • **AO *• • iv WAWANOSH .150 acres, hedge being restyled offers new drywall interior,..._.neW, coMbination furnace. Barns 70 x 60 of coloured Steel new 50 x 100 hi)/ barn - pole bare -.2 granaries, pit silo; implement shed, More. land available, for rent. Excelient value at $139,000. WAWANOSH - 65 acres, no buildings, over half bushland, with. creek - building site with access. - as,,,,yery worth- while investment. ' HIGHWAY -9 - • 150 acres, :- brick house with, new addi- tion including new modern kitchen. Barn 80 x 90, pit silo 26 x .82, price 5129,000. 5 ACRE. building lot in Kin- cardine Twp-. new poured basement walls ready for new home - hydro, septic tank and drilled Well are in. Make an offer. RIPLEY = For cash croppers, 100 acres, 81 choice work- able, for corn or beans, ex- cellent 3 yr. old 3 bedroom bungalow, broadleemed throughout, steel impleinent shed 32 x 40. ' MEL MATHERS • Winghain Phone 367.3208 _ Rep. L, W. Hatton Real Estate Ltd. Broker, gincardine •••..•....r:` ii • • • • difference between ordinary, and extraordinary treatment that they have the right to refuse 'treatment, and the should be made Birthright is one area where Voice fig Life "puts it's shoulder where it's mouth is" to quote President Sally Canipeau. This pro- gram is' intended to give active support to pregnant women in distress through counSelling, medical and leg- ' al ...assistance as well as ' • clothing, accommoda- tions etc both before • and afterbitth• the child as required Most importantly, •Birth- right gives much needed moral support ata,difficult period 'in a distressed moth- er's: life, egiithredicertified Canada No. 1' Grain • : Also Seed Flax and Corn • We-carry most varieties of grain and grais seed.' • WCwant you to shop around then come to us and see if we can't save you a-$1..00 more per hag. . • Anyone thinking of. _custom_ cleaning your own gtain should call us first for favourable exchange. on, ours. Can-19.54972 Nights. 395-3267 or 395.2861 WINGHAM SALES ARENA possibility that a "living ; will"„ written by a patient in good health, might be car- ried into effect against his wishes at a later date When he is unable to make his wiShes know!' or when there has: been some failure or delay in. the process fts rescinding ,the "will". The Alliance -noted that once wi sips, death by 'ehoice becaMe ac cepted; pressure would in- creasingly 'be placed on the sick and elderly: to cheese it. Instead of the "laying it should be made known to patients and their hinnies