The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-23, Page 17•170111.
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DUNG,ANNON 1.980—Page
Bessie MoNee; 2nd vice
president, Elsie Irvin; secret-
ary,• Tilde Logtenberg; Ass%
secretary, Gloria Pearson;.
treasurer, Helen Dawson,
—COwooers: cards and In
Memoriam Elsie Irvin; com-
mimications, Mary Here;
rep. to, official board, Amy
Wiggins; rep. to manse,
Olive Blake; rep. to board of
stewards, Bessie McNee;
stewardship and Finance,
Helen DaWson, Doris Cowan,
Olive Blake, Doris Culbert.
, Pregram and Christian De-
velopment, , Donna Alton,
, Bessie McNee, Amy. Wig-
gins, Tinie Logtenberg. •
Leadership and Develop-
ment; Dorothy Pentland,
Emily Drennan, Norac. Saun-
World Outreach, Madorie
Pentland; Beth McConnell,
Mary Bere.
Church in Society, Elsie.
Irvin, , Donna young," Doris
Hodges, Helen , Dawson.
ideas for the New " Year.
DUNGANNON. Mrs. Joan Errington was
'UNITED CHURCH delegated to purchase some
Mr.. George COMA spoke, covering for the tables with
on the topic,aiWNOthIng" money ,collectod at7-the-M
on Sunday morning, streS- ember meeting: MTS. Bessie
sing how people must hum- McNee gave the feature in
• ' ble themselves and become, the form of several fitting
as little children before God,;'; poems, Mrs. Helen •Dawson
to be born again. The phild; gave:the financial report. It
ren's story followed the was decided to make a crib
hymn, "God Sees the Little .• quilt iu the near future, Mrs.
Sparrow Fall"- and 'adViSed Time Logtenberg to get the
doing any kind deed new Material.
rather than putting it off. The
choir sang an anthem led by.
organist, Mrs. Jean Elliott.
"The Dungannon Church
nominating committee meets
at .the home of Thos, Web-.:.
stet on Monday evening. The
members .of this committee
. are: ;Lorne -HastY, clerk Of
ses'sion; ...Lloyd Hodges,
chairman of :stewards; Mrs
Amy , Wiggina, 'press
ident; Wayne Snyder, :Supt.i.
of Sunday School; and Tem
Webater, representative of
trustees. • •
The official board .meeting
is on Thursday evening at the
church.. All annual reports of
the charge, ' including the'
1980 budget . must pres-
ented and approved:,
The U.C.W. • annual meet-
in§ of the Huron-Park Pres
bytpry is to be held in North •
Street United. Church; 'Oodr•'..
erich' on January. All. !.
memberS are invit-
•• Anyone wishing to make
donationS of clothing or bed-
ding to help the Breivn
family in North Ashfield whci-
recently lost:.everything by
fire .'•••• „please:, Contact. ;,,Mrs:-,, •
Woodcock, 529-7839. •
The January meeting was
held at.., the home Of Mts.
Helen Dawson. on Jan. 15
starting , with a tessert
• Lunch .It was attended by 12
inembers and:one child.
Mrs. Gloria Pearson open-
ed, the , devotional with the
23rd Nairn. Mis.•BeSsie Mc,
Nee led in prayer: Mrs. .8
Pearson and. Mrs. McNee
gave the topic, taken from
the deVotional program,
which stressed the seven
• • responsibilities: actions •
time, work, words;. . ways,
money, life.
wishes from
t. Helens
Ten tables of shoot players
gathered Thursday ' night.
Winners were Clarence Han-
. pa, high man; Rob Seicker,
send high man; Mrs. Stone-
house, -high lady; Bill: Marc-',,
Pherson, second high iady
and Annie Gaunt for "Most
Shoots". Low man and wom-
an were George Grigg and
Shirley Hackett. The lucky ,
cup draw went to Jim Coul-
Get well wishei go out to
Allan Miller and Florence
Humphrey who have been
..... recently hospitalized in
• Wingham. Also get well
wishes go out to several
persons convalescingl at •
home. They are Hugh Todd;
Steve MaePhetson,. Mel Ly.
ons and Amanda Todd.
Social Functions, Gloria Congratulations tit Ron 01, Harvey and. Eldon Culbert.
Pearson; Doris Culbert, Ma= son who placed first in a . Sincere sympathy extend,
tie Stewart, ,Jean Errington; bowling tournament held on, ed. • .
Nominating Committee, Sunday in Mount Forest,. Ron Mrs. Marlene Godfrey is a
Amy Wiggins,'' Helen Davi-, bowls out of the Lucky Wood patient in Goderich: Hospital.
son, Tithe Logenrg. n:Gocerich.b Mi. AtIld-MV4.
SOCIAL NOTES Mr.. and Mrs,,Fred Young accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Sincere sympathy " is es- and Sharou; Mrs. J. B. 'Edward- Deeves to Chatham
tended to Chester Finnigan, Young and Mrs. Amy Wit., on Thursday, to Visit Mr. and
DaVid and Jim on the sudden gins called on Mrs, Grace • Mrs. William J. Saville!. Mr;
passing of a beloved Wife and Gibson of Lucknow . on Sttn- Saville is an uncle; to Mrs,
mother, Ruby; on Friday, day.
$111ih January her bathe in Mrs. Dove Horton of God - Fritday, dinner guests with
' erich visited with Mts.-AmY Mr. and Mrs, Jack Smith'
An usual sight for•January -Wiggins on Friday and at- were Mr: and Mks. Richard
is a grader in the village tended the euchre. party. on Ayotte of Zurich:
ploughing snow, but on Fri- • Friday evening.. . Barbara, Carol and Wil-
day, January the 18th the Dungannon BranchE.O.L. Kilgour of Waterloo,.
West Wawanosh grader was 324 held their first euchre on Mr, and .Mrs. Paul Byers. of
in the village grading the .`Fri, Jan. nth with seven:. Stratford and Mr. and Mrs.
gravel road, a most Unusual tables in play. High winners Wellington Webster, • Jim
sight. -n---•••••• • • were. Louise Brindley And and Cecil of Lueknow were
:Mr.: and Mrs:. Harold El- Stanley:Dennis: Secnnd high weekend visitors with Mr.
liott, Donald and Helen ;winners were Marie Park and and Mis. Jack Smith.
visited with jean'A parents, Herb Finnigan. • Sincere' sympathy is ex,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy .McCreight Mrs..Selina Hunter tended to the family of the
of ,Goderich. Harold visited PinecrestManot in Lucknow. late Robert E Irvin who died
with his mother Mrs: Elliott, She . was a sister of the late on7u nday night in London
fot a Short while too. Mrs. Annie I3ere And aunt to HoSpital. °
& Jr. Misses.
3 off
and buy a
wordinating e j
ormitip PARK The, roll pill, was "Nevi
The' annual
meeting is on Jan. 28- in
Godekicb: The World Day of
Prayer is on Mar.. 7. Cones-
pondence• was read and cur
resit business • discussed be-
fore the meeting adjourned.
The officers of the 1J.C.W.,
fqr 1980 were instilled
ing 'church service on Dec-
eniber • 30. They 'are • as
follows: past president, Tinie
Logtenberg; president,. Amy
Wiggins;• I* vice president,
%I •
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