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1161404;k00'er. Sentinel; Wednelgish Iowa 23,
• 0
The Atom . "A" squad..
let Mildmay,, have the
first goal, but that ,was
'all, as they, won 4,11, Clint
T,wolan sdo.rek jr "'_
Stephen Keelan in the
second period, and john
Bak,.Blair Scott and
Stephen Keelan each got
unassisted markers in the
tbird. In Mildmay, a
couple of nighti later.the
score was a little closer,.
3-2. Todd Farrell frimi
Kevin Pollock. hnd
Stephen , Keelan, and.
Gerry . '.MenrS froth'
gdal;,-, three assists;:Jett:
Grosel„ one : goal, one
Larry Ellis; and. GeOrge
Lopers, one goal; 'Ken
Campbell and Roger
Harrop; one, assist.
Ripley scorers were:
Chris MCGarvey and
Jerry McNulty with two
goals and •"two assists;
Dave Dunlop with a goal
and Brian Coiling, an
-asslit. Drayton had: 12
penalties and Ripley,
,On Friday night Ripley
lost .7-4. in Monkton. It was
a fast :Jame with only
four penalties, Ripleyhad
one of therm '
Monkton 'goals were
scored by LarrY Weir,
Randy - Raycralt, Ken
Jarmouth, Gary Fizzell
and RiChard Broughton.
Mike Pollock, Larry
Farrell and Brian Coiling
each had a-goal-and an-
' assist for Ripley.'. Mike
Gallant scored the'other
goo i Assist's were
credited' to Mark t4nley -
with two, and 'Dan
Walden and ' Robert'.
Regier, one.
The Ripley Inter-' -
mediates finally broke,
their unlucky streak and
won 7-3,,agaInst, Bruisels
on Sunday night
Blaine McCutcheon led
Brussels scoring with a
' goal and an assist. Randy .
Clarke and. Randy White
put 'in the other goals.
Jerry McNulty scored a
goal and two assists for
Ripley.. Robert Regier
and Mike Pollock put in
two goals each,' and Mark '
-Stanley and_Da.Ve Dunlop
one each. Dan Walden
had two -assists andtMike
Gallant and ROb loWry,
This was a
rougher game with
Ripley serving , 11
penalties and Brussels,
- Ripley goeS to BruSsels
(on SUnday, Jan. 27 and
1VIonkton plays in Ripley
.on Sunday, Feb. 3. That
wilt end the regular
In One of 'the best
games of the seasons,
Drayton and Ripley tied 5
all in Drayton on Tuesday
Drayton poinfs were
to John Bults, one
The annual Darwin
Pollock Curling Bonspiel
Was held on Saturday.
The winning team ' was
composed of Shelley
Hackett, Rick Rock,
Heather Harris, and Gail
MacDonald, Everyone
enjoyecrthe meal and had.
a great day. •
As there has hardly
been any snow this year,
-the-grade 9 and -1-0's-hdre-'
had two cancellations for
their ski trip to Talisman.
-It -is unlikely-. that they
will_go,this year because
the semester is almost
over. We Certainly hope
that the Weather will be
better in February as the
grade 11 and 12's will be
going skiing then. •
The junior girls' and
boys' basketball teams
played` Chesley in Ripley
last Tuesday. The girls
won but in spite of a good
game the boys lost their
game. Last Thursday the
teams played in Kin-
cardine. Both teams were
unable -to—rre Kin-
cardine. . •
The 'geography 315
class visited the weather
station in Mount ForeSt
on Jan.- 15. They asked
questions and found the
trip to be very in-
Our chess team this
year consists of Adrian
Korten, John Korten,
Mark Foulds, Jack Muers
and Mike Lamb. The
team will be travelling
with the basketball team
starting the end \ of
January. Last'year they
placed third and we hope
do just as well this
The final exams for the
first semester will be on
Jan. 23, 24 and. 25. There
will also be a
Professional Activity
Day on Jan. 28 for
secondary students only
Good luck to the students
who have to write exams:
the books!
Scott; scored in the first
period. Mildmay opened
iri the second, but Stephen
unassisted. 'Mildmay got
the only goal in the third
,,period. Cory Cuyler -Was
in goal, and the other
team members are .Clint
Twolan, Mark 'Dahmer,
' Billy. Patterson, 'John
Bak, ' Sorbara,
Darren Cook. Harold
Keelan„ and Bill Cuyler
are coach and Manager.
a I
The Atqm -"B"s lost to
Forbes 7-2. Ripley got
`their markers in'the third
period. Vincent Wright
scored the first, - assisted
by DaVe Hodgins and Jeff
Chalthers , 'and then pave.'
IlOdgins - 'Scored from
The 'Pee Wee "A"
squad continue to have •
'trouble with Tiverton
losing 74, -and then • a
closer.' 3-2. Todd Hunter;
Mitch T wolan.and Danny
Wood got the goats in .the.
first game, with assists
going to -Danny Wood,
Eddie Moore and: Mitch
Twolan, At the. Paisley
Tournament, they
defeated . Chesley 41-2,
Eddie Moore accounted
for two goals, Danny
Wood one goal and two
assists., Mitch TWolanone
goal and two assists, and .
Robert Campbell, two
assists. In their second
gahie, Tiverton defeated
thein 3-2 in. overtime.
Geoff • Denstedt scored
-froth TOdd WaTden, and
Danny Wood from Eddie
Were.. "
In Pee Wee "B' On,
Ripley won ()Ver. ;the
Kincardine,- :'squad.,,, 114.
Jeff ,:Gamble.and Doug
Victory with four :goals
and one assist each.
Brian Baines scored
tWic e, "and. av e Cbok got
one goal and one assist;.
Other assists went 'to
Robbie Brooks with
three, John Forster one,
Mike Clement one arid
Bruce Sumner two.
Lucknow lost their
home game to Ripley, 5-1.
George Alton got
Lucknow's only tally in '
the. first period; and then.
Ripley took over. Kevin
Boyle scored from Jeff
Scott and Paul -Harris,
Eric Vander Glas and
Larry Coiling scored
unassisted goals, and
then Shawn Morrison
took a pass from 'Mike
Moore and Gary
Rutledge for the fourth
goal. Eric Vander Glas
scored the only' goal in'the
third period from Shawn
Morrison. Back in Ripley
the next night, Ripley
won again , 7-5 over.
Lucluvw.. Paul Keelan
led with a hat trick, Kevin
Boyle got two goals, and
assists,--Terry Irwin
• one and pne; Larry
Coiling one goal, ASSigS
went to Mike Moore with
two, and one each to
Shawn Morrison, ' . Jeff
Scott, Eric Vander'Glas,.,
" Mike Nicholson and Paul
The Juvenile ",boys
scored an easy 10-3
victory over Howick. Jeff
Mac Tavish led the attack
with , four goals' and two
assiits, while Brian
Regier and Murray:
Coiling each got two goals
and one assist. Dave
Gamble .got one_goal and
. four •assists, ,and Robin'
Stevenson one goal. Other
assists 'went to Brian
4-.0wry with four, and
Jamie Gallant' and Won-
' MacKay each had two.
Don , Harris and Greg -
Stevenson play ' defence,
and Brent Coiling was in
. goal, Scotty Regier, John
D. MacKay and Rod
MacDonald coach and
manage'this team.
Th e Juvenile girls
played Teeswater to a
one all tie on their home
ice, with Janice Elliott
the Marksman. Disaster
struck the next game
howeyer, and they lost 6-
*Financial asth0nce
* ,Management couraelling(CASE
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lira* Qffice Addiess) For orioriaort4ation,
please call. 271.5680 [collect] or write 1036 Oritarla
Street Stratford
The, Ripley Tykes "Ai'
team continued their
winning ways, decisively
defeating. Tiverton 13-O.
Robbie Wood was iout,
front With six goals, while
Robbie Thompson • got
three, ,David van Kooten
two, Billy Johnson one,
and Todd Farrell one
This team plays for the
Lions' Challenge Cup on
-Friday night at 7:15 p.m.
in Kincardine.
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