HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-23, Page 15Come in today and browse through
our huge showrooms. Our knowledge-
able staff are Waiting to show you
the endless • possibilities, and help
It's the carpet sale of the, year,
You just can't afford to miss it!
. Ltic!Mow. Sentinel 'WedneStilth haling. 23,
surgery on his -knee a
week 'ago in Londun. This ,
-is Said , to be the third
operation on 'Ken's knee,
'Mt.• and Mt's; Johnny,
• concession 8. east, visited.
Leonard Irwin in
University HOspital,
Loxion a _week ago , last '
Sunday evening. Friends
wish all the Ripley area
A Bobby. Btirns night is
being held iii .the "hall at
Bervie this , Friday
evening Jan. 25. A
number of Ripley, folks
have- been.; attending
these events held in the
Bervie '.
Last. Saturday, af--:
ternoon 'arid evening
and Mrs• teorge IVICLean .
qient, pne 14
must go to • Miss Clara
Norman .„ who ream,
•mendedto the board that
they • . 'obtain Mr.
Sutherland as -principal.,
Eleven. sOjects were
.,,-taught in; Firicardine at
that time as tollOws: Mr.
Sutherland' taught
algebra, geometry,
trigonometry, and
physics for four, subjects ;:
Miss Ckard NorMan,
Latin composition •and
authorS •••• two subjects;
and Miss Viola Gilfillan
French composition, -and
authors., .S:triglish•
literatuf-e- and English.
composition: far" four
subjects. This totals ten
of the eleven subjects. In-..of.Ripley were in' ,port
the writer's year Elgin attending the
remaining' Modern Wedding of John Hellyer, •
HistorY, was Miss Nbrris • George's cousin,,. and
whd then moved`to- Miss caroline Haraldsen •
Ottawa Collegiate • also of POrt Elgin. The
From 1914 to. 1920 the : wedding . Was held; in the
late Miss Mary Stratlidee Port Elgin Anglican •
and Miss Viola Gilfillan , Church followed by the
tornied the teaching staff dinrier in the Elgin,
at the Ripley, ,::Lodge. Mr, and Mrs. -
tinuation, sehobl here, Hellyer will re§ide in Port
Getting hack; to the. Elgin. At one' time
scholarships each year Hellyer, .native;.of the
WeSternstiniversity4Rve Lion's Head area, worked
the top 'three -students' . in the Kincardine Royal'
entering therea164r year Bank • N ow he is em-
seholarShip which Meant. Ployed at thet.N.P.b..
• the` winners had. free Last MondaY, 'Jan. 14,
tuition.- no fees: To thd, "members.: of the Smith
three :teacherS Mr. D.A.. family , attended the ;
_ . Sutherland, Miss Clara funeral of -Mrs.
Norman, and Mrs, ,Viola Sproule in Detroit. They
Gilfi11an this writer_owei___were_Donald_*.S.mitti _ of
his' career a teacher Walkerton, Mrs} John
here' in Ripley. • • MacLean ..(Mary.Smith)
A real ood crowd and Mrs. Jim Emmerton
turned out last-'Friday xmaisr7 ,Anne FunstdriY--.-
evening .for_ the benefit both of London, and John'
dance held for Atirel and and Alta Smith of the:8th
Marjorie Armstrong of concession east of Ripley.
the South :4:Line. Their They, motored' to Detroit
house was destroyed by. by Way 'of . London and",
fire when "`struck by.Sarnia, and returned the:
lightning around 6 a.m. same day.
on Monday January 7, Last Wednesday -af-
1980•, The dance was held . ternoon Mrs. 'Mary'
in the auditorium .of •the Fludder and. Mrs. .Pran
Ripley .District,:, High. WArlds of Ripley visited
School with Glenn Boyd's' with -Bill Steer in the
• orchestra. The 'sides of Pirteer est Manor Nursing
. the Main street west from.: Home in LuCknow. While
the bank corner were there they also:visited,
lined with Parked ,:cars with • Mr§. May"
and as :well cars were MacDonald ' and; Lloyd
parked around the school, Irwin.
Huron township halt, and On Wednesday and
over to the CoMplex. The Thitriday. of la§t week
ladies supplied the lunch. Jack and Evelyn Johnson
It is reported that the and'Glen Harris, of
donations: to help Aurel Ripley, visited with A.J.
and Marj . exceeded and Glenda•Gardner and
.$9,000. - • •-sons Aaron and Brandon
The interVali of , mild in Vanastra.
weather during the: past Mrs. ,Joan MacKay
couple' of weeks have reportsl that the Ripley
caused the buds of sortie and District Liens Annual
shrubs and trees to swell Midget Hockey Totir-
like it was spring; Last, nament Will, be held this
Saturday morning Sat., Jan. 26, starting at 8
Redvers johneon. was a.m; in the Ripley Huron
showing a lilac branCh Community Centre
which he had takeri inside ComPlex. It will be just a
• a couple of days before. It one day ,event, with the
Was shoWing;greenleaves championship gaines "in
,and white blossoms. In the late afternoon and
the afternoon of the same ;,,,eVening. The schedule is
. day Mrs. Bette MacLeod 'already drawn up. Teams
• brought, a branch of the will be here from
willow ree aeher place Luc know ,• Tiverfon,'
and the pussy willows Ripley, Howick, Blyth,
were showing on it. Elma Logan (Monkton),
John' tolling of Ripley , Brussels and PaiSley,
is reported to be a patient. ., Visiting last SUnday
in Kincardine and with Evelyn and Jack "
bistrict nospital at Johnson in Ripley were
present. Ken Farrell of Marion and Jack Lawrie
Fine River underwent of Bruce township.
Now-is'the time to have the beauty,
luxury boa-comfort underfoot only
,Carpet can provide. And we're making
- it easier than you think. ,Because Hod-
gins 'Buildall has the carpets you've
PET SALE ancr.we're doing it up right.
In stock now are level loops, patterns,
plushesT--and-Sctilptures,.'in' colour
ranges please everyone,:fand at
prices we are sure will put a smile
on your face.: ; -
Drop into Hodgins Buildall today
while the selection is at its best,
and get the carpets you've dreamed
of at unbelievable sale prices.
Have your new carpet profession-
ally installed by our installer or in-
stall it yourself. Either way delivery
is FREE wherever youlive.
you select the carpet style and col-
our that is best suited for your Particu-
lar needs.