The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-23, Page 12er
'Builders For Todays
Building Needs!'
Alex Chisholm 529971
, Chalmers W.M.S. held
their January Meeting on
Jan, 16 at the heme of Mrs,
:Wesley Tiffin:-
The worship service was
prepared by'Mrs, John Bell
and Mrs. Alan Falcener.
The meeting opened with
the call to worship, 'WhOSe
thetne- was "Beginning I
said to the man who stood at
the, gate of the year".
"All sang the hyrtin; "Give
to our God linortal,Praise'%-
The scripture, Dent. 11: 10
21 and Exochis 2, was read
by Mrs. Alan Falconer.
Poems "Live Each Day" ,
and "'Look to This Day" were
read by Mrs. Alan Falconer.
Mrs. Don Ross; gave 'a poem
"Tithe" Mrs. Wesley Tiffin
:gave a Poen' "When Life.
Begins". Mrs, Falconer gave
a, reading "Time And. Eter-
Pity!' and led in prayer,
All sang "Morning Has
Broken". The offering was
receiVeci and dedicated'. by .
, Mrs. John Tirell, •
The 'topic "'Beginnings"
was giyenby Mrs John Bell.
The "B' stands for Birth of
Christ, the near Year and a
:new Decade, New' Birth:,
.Except a man be born again
he cannot enter the Kingdom
of Heaven. •
stands for —dance.,
tion of ourselves throuth
reading, endeavour; enthuS;
lasm, enjoyment:. _
The "G' stands for Giving.
Here we have a brand new
, year of 366 days, a gift-from
God and an extra day. We
can not buy it with all the
money in theworld. We can,
Mrs. Torn MacDonald was
hostess fot the January
meeting of the Presbyterian
W.M.S. on Wednesday, af-
ternoon. Mrs. Don Robertson
was in charge of the devo-
tions and the roll call was
---1"-Thoughts for the -New_
Year". Suitable hymns were
Heartfelt sympathy is ex-
tended to M. Arthur Hal-
- denby and family, in the
death 'of his dear wife,
Barbara-Lynn spent Monday.
ness- We are pleased to report afternoon at their cottage at
Miss Winnifred Percy is at 'The funeralherprati—that--.-Oeorge—Welister. was Tiverton; _
the home of s Mr. and Mrs. Saturday at the .litiglican released from-University Nit -Thomson of ueknovr
Don Bertrand (Joan Percy)
at - Church here with temporary Hospital on Saturday, spent Sunday afternoon as a
.are sorry' that entombment in the Teeswar- Mrs. Agnes Fattier artiv, caller on Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Joan is ill with pneumonia, er Mausoleum. Spring burial ' •ed—home- on Wednesday-- Emerson,.,;-___
• the T Cemetery, evening after visiting since At the '''Whitechurch pro-
Miss Bonnie Boyle of New -Years with Mr. and gressive euchre party held in
London, visited ~on Sunday Mrs. Fred Davis and. Dana at the hall on Monday evening,
Afternoon with Edna and LaSalle and .with Mr, and sponsored by Whitechurch
May Boyle: Mrs. JaCk Gillespie and W.L , there were eleven
Mr. and Mrs. 'Rick Fry, family at Sarnia. . tables in play. High gent,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fry of Mrs. Agnes Farrier receiv- Pharis Mothers; high lady, •
Harristori, Mr. and !Mrs. ed word last week that her Mrs. Dave Gibb; low man,
Ralph lialdenby of Guelph aunt, Miss Edith Peddle of Brian Rintoul; low lady, -Mrs.
visited with Mr. and Mrs, Central Park Lodge, Exlmon-• • Bill Evans; draw, Wallace
William E. Haldenby, ton, passed away Saturday, Conn; Weather permitting,
Mr. • and Mrs.' 'Howard January 14, 1980 in her 90th another party will be held in
Bennett and s his mother, year. Her home was on two weeks,. February. 4.
Mrs. Marjorie Bennett, Mr, Highway 86 where Mr. and
and Mrs. Howard Whiteside,
Howard and Brian Whiteside
of Toronto have been at the
;. home of Mr. Arthur Halden-
by and also many ether rela-
tives came to,attend the late
Mrs. Halderiby's funeral.
Her many friends here., wish
her a speedy recovery.
M r. and Mrs. Jack Barr
visited 'on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. John Hamilton at
Mr. Harry Schuurmans of
Londertir. passed away at
Victoria Hospital on Wednes-
day, January 16 following a
lengthy illness. He was in his
77th year. '
Besides his wife, four
sons, John, Morris, Bert and
Gerald (Mike), all of the
London, area and one daugh-
ter, Mrs, TOM (Betty) McGee
of Peterborough and Several -
grandchildren, survive. °
His son Morris, is married
to Dora Van Osch, formerly
of this area.
news and notes
area news
not.squander it in advance,
No one can steal it, Each is
given the same amount, of
time. "
How ate we going to
hii preciousi gift of our
,Fathers? Will we „waste it,
spend it on no good things.
We we give of -ourselves for
others? Let ,us pray for
strength to face the New
'I' is Invitation. Jesus said '
e "Cem unto, me all ye that
labour and ire heavy laden
and I will give you rest."
Simeon and .Andrew were
fishing when Jesus came
alpng and said "Conte after
me and I will make you
fishers of men" and they left
their nets and followed Him.'
Would we have been so
ready' to give up and go?
represents neighbours.
Who is your neighbour? The
world has now conic to our
doorstep. There are few
or cities where there is
not at least one family from a
far off
The second N ,- 'at a
Biennial Conference in
Wingham a new chorus, A
Whole New Me Was Made.
The second "I' - Jesus is
'This week in
Lillian, after a lengthy ill-
. Mrs. Ken Peyvtress now-.
reside. She'-taught, Public- -
Scliool hi-the-locality where
she was recognized as a very
efficient' teacher. The com-
munity extends sympathy to
the relatives.
We ate pleased to report
that Walter Elliott was able
to return home from Wing-
ham Hospital on Sunday.
'Carrie `and Robin Bell of
Walkerton . spent Saturday
• and. Sunday with 'their grand-
parents, Rev. and Mrs. John
The Schuurmans were one Bell.
of the first families to arrive. Mrs. Bill Evans visited on
in the Klligsbridge area froM Friday with her daughter,
Holland in 1948. In the early Mrs. Edith Brown of London.
fifiies,, they Armed on the On Wednesday Larryffen-
ferric now owned by John and demon of Galt visited with
Grace Austin. ! Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin
Jack Van Osch of Luelmow and in the afternoon Larry
and the Van Osch families and Wesley went to. Port
'from this' area attended the Elgin where they visited with
funeral on friday, January. Larry"s daughter, Mrs. Grant
St. Patrick's. Church, Wolfe.
Louden. Mr. and Mrs. Benson
Sister Maureen Dalton of ! Falconer and Brian of Sarnia
London and Morgan. Dalton, visited oh Sunday with his
.Huronview, Clinton, were mother,Mrs,. Robert Mow'
Weekend visitors • with Mr,, bray. Vliett on their way
and Mrs, Dennis Dalton! home, Mrs. Mowbray and
use -4Vh ---,-'--,The-third-ANL---en 4
new loving' hand reaches out"
for a new and Netter life, A
:better life , will begin.
The second ,'G' is, grati-
tude. Who' is nor grateful for,
light and, sunshine? Jesiis
said "Ye are the light of the
world. Let your light, shine
before me, that they may see
your-good Works and glorify
my Father". •
the answer to all. onr, prob,
leins the way of truth and
life, Read Pant, Bibles, the
• answers. are, there.
home Sunday' from .Univer-
sitY Hoipital, Lentil", Allele:,
he , underwent surgery and is
much improved.
Mrs. Ann Carson . and
daughters Barbara-Lynn and
Gail` of WetaskiWin, Alberta
came by plane to= Toronto,
Saturday where they ,were
met by Bert Fontaine of
Brampton. and on SUnday he
brotight them to White-
'church , in time to attend
• church- where her father,
S' is. for Salvation, the. Rey. John. Bell, is the pastor.
Saving grace ofJestis Christ. In the afternoon they were
What a reward for believing!. joined by .Mr. :and Mrs.
Mrs: Bill Rintoul • gave a. wesiey, Bell of :Walkerton .. Walkerton
reading;"Weil •and thou only and' ,the family " enjoyed a
first in pmy heart High Aitig family. reunion. Robin and
All sang kuthYe theyaMsntiT'Haertai:: wCitrtriletheBirel:Iparreetniitrsn,trti, agde
.ty of the tarth". 'The Mrs. WesIcY Bell
ness was then conducted. by Congratulations to. Alan
preSident Mrs. ;Ruely -de , Falconer who has completed
Boer, The secretary, Mrs; his course at. OWen Sound
Bill Purdon,—was-:- sent7-froin
es, cOrrespOndencen ed cal- Douglas pOint • and in 'the
led the roll, answered by 12, exams received; 90' per. cent
.The neict 'meeting is at the and came feurth in the class.
hoMe of Mrs. AlanFalconer; Mond4y he returned to
in Febriinry. following' the his 'regular Work ,at Douglas
closing prayer, the• hostess; Point -
Mrs. Wesley. Tiffin, served Mrs. Laura McNeil and
refreshMentS. Elmer Woods of St. Helens
Walter Elliott admit-visitedwaS- recently with Miry and.
ted to Wingham Hospital' n Mrs. Lorne Durnin.,
Tuesday with surgery on
Wednesday, The community Res,: and Mrs. John Bell,
Lilies him -a speedy-recov- ,Mrs.. _.Ann Carson, Gail and
,,Isama;•*•1 0•11•0slearrrok•
Tony Falconer -accompanied
them to• Ineknow to visit
'Mrs. Isobel Tiffin.
."° Mrs. Hugh MeMillan of
Watford, and Hung and Nei-
ghia'Truang, being sponsor- -
ed by the McMillans, Spent
the weekend with her moth • -
er, Mrs, Isobel Tiffin and on
Saturday evening called, on
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin.
We' are pleased to' report
that. Earl Wilkens arrived
For, those who are energy conscious
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An airtight stove with fully- gasketted-clOor-
Baffled door for preheated combuStionair
• Heat exchanger and blower are standard
Enjoy the beauty of this fine wood stove alt
evening ancLyvak.e ini.the morning to a,warrn.
hq,use or cottage.
Six Models TO Choose From.
Your Local Dealer Is
Phone 5284392 R. 2, Lucknow
January 23rd . 31st
lbny Gabriel
honourary campaign -
March of Dimes
Ability Fund sayso
, .
twh anrard.wrhntner athiateS (MAN Rough Nat, Tony Gabor,
1.4ost Outoandmq Player"of the Canadfan thotbal Lodgaa,
'arid Lynnda Staples, Gold MrdanSt at the Canadian Miedtharr Garnet
We can't help without your help.
oirotoi, '
Canvassers will be calling in
Lucknow and Dungannon,
When a volunteer calls or you get
your rural appeal letter, please
give generously.