HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-23, Page 7i t
Shirts it Parts
Caribou Coats
Hydro Parkas
Work: .Clothing
You EvorYday
L.I1OKNOW• . ' PHONE 528.i526
'Whilst. Angus was :confined to his bed,the
neighbours visited the Hungry Hundred night" and
morning to do the chores I had suggested that -.I help
them ,but to no avail. They didn't lo9K, upon. me as a .
farmer and, although I was no longer a stranger in
• their Midst, Ij. was never .completely a. part of their'
world; It was always with a feeling cflguilt, that I left:.
for the newspaper office each day, as if I was failing in
duty to Angus, not: o attempt. at least a part of -the
farrri work. -1 told my neighbours that .1 should .be
:helping, but as one of them said: "You got enough ter.
do ;. good job you ain't sick -- we'd make•one 'ell of a
mess of that there. Grunt &Thunder, if we ',ad ter put
.. the 'words together!" • . ; •
One Morning, Completely unannounced, Angus
appeared In-their., midst.. His face was pale • and he
walked. cautiously with the :aid of a stick: When he
• entered the barn, the neighbours were concerned. He.
looked haddarcl and they knew he should not have. left.
his bed, They, would have liked. to. have told him. he
Was stupidto.retuen to the.barn in that weak. state, but
-nobody dared to rebuke him. TheY.came towards
knowing he had something to say. A flicker of a'SrrOle
crossed his face, • .
''" wanna 'thank YouS fer all yous done.' guess
ain't fit-ter do 'er any More. A, feller should:furm . . when 'es•beat,- an' I'm gonna quit, so I am.`.'
He turned:and hobbled out of the .door. Painfully
and sloWly made his way back .to the'houpe but
when, he• reaciled the verandah, he down , and
:warmed himself in the morning sun. •
When •DoC peterS arrived, Angus Was, still' sitting
there, looking at-everything and nothing
"Who told you to get out of bed?'."'"Cloc said .angiily.
Ai:10s 'ignored :the question and Doc Walked. over
and sat down beside him. Doc . Peters had knoWn
Angus for _many .. years and he „knew _
• hiro. This was the time: to keep .quiet until Angus was
ready to speak ;They sat in Silence for a‘few Moments.
• "I gonna quit," Angus: .said quietly .and sadly: •
"That's what:you ,said I should do, ain't 't9 D
nodded. "When you gets?back ter Redtrees tell that
ther auctioneer 1. wanna See '16 - "I'M:gonna 'ave a;4'
sale, so I am." • • ' , ,
`Dod Peters fried to visualize-an auction sale at the
....Hungry Hundred; Except for the liveStock,, there' was.
little of value. Horsec.g.reWn equipment --waS 'out of
Style There was the land of course. Did Angus intend'
to move? H •
,L,•Areloti-goli06--puftthe-land up--for sale?"
"I thinkqhe,shoUid sell out right now, 'except
DQCsearchedrnY face. HoW could helell me that l:"Yie
the obstacle, in the path of .Angus'.8 retirtnent.':
"There's a place.in:Pantown, .a sort of home forthe
elderly, I think it Would be ideal -for Angus, but it's.
.rather expensive.: .
I had visualized this situation Many times, and had
Intended to rent a' place in Redtrees as soon as ny
ship fiampin.: In reality, the ship was long overdue, if
in' fact it would ever arrive, as long as I persisited in
trYingte run a newspaper. Even.the Grunt-,& Thunder
was almost on the rocks and aboUt to break up any
time. To be practical, I had, to put on one:side my own
selfish -arnbtions- and for, the sake Of. Angus, :and my
family, find amore lucrative way of life. For the time
being, anyhoW, that fire known only- to writers Which
burned within .me, must be quenched. Some other
• time, in some other place perhaPs,-I could once ,again
',rekindle the flame: . . •
‘11 knoW what:'you're.trying to tell me ..Doc, and
you're right of course. rye .got to-leave the farm es
?quick as. I can, it's the least! can do fOr Angus.."
I .w.as glad It,was•Thufsday. There• was no 'deadline
pressure and my mind was wrestling with all the Many
problems ,which confronted me. My wife and.kids had
almOst become a part of the'llungry'Hyndred and the
rolling .,.and. It was , as dear to. them . as "ynCle
Angus", I had. wrenched them froth an goglish way of
life and dropped :them in a completely strange
environment,.which in time they had come to iove. We :.
had Sunk our roots deep:into .sandy soil and it••••
would hurt. when .1. plucked .them from the earth, and
tried to replant them in the concrete -of. the city.
Bitterly-„-but -by-Sheer. necessity, the-MoVe just had-to:
be. Made„-i lifted;the phone ancl..got• through to'an old
cornrade.Of mine. He was a manager in that. growing.
industry whiCh could have made Oanada a leader in .
the , field of -aviation; -but ,for pOlitical
ManoeuvreS of selfish men. ; • .
"Where the hell have yoU been,. Don - 1 thought
you'd died?”,
I told •him=what I. had been doing. He said I:was.
comPletplx. Math .WhOever. of an:. aircraft
engineer starving himeeif to run a newspaper? I •told
him I was looking for. a job and I would be available m
a few weeks. What kind of money :were. they::paying
for people like me, i couldn't believe what he told Me:
One hundred and fifty bucks' a week! -Anytime .you
want. to start, you've got a job," he said.. "You'd
better come In out of the rain Don - you're .getting_
When I returned • to the ; Hungry: Hundred that
evening I was a little confused , but at "least I had a job
lined up and frorn a financial standpoint, the promise
of-a.better-way-of-life,When-Ole-,kids-Were in beti-c-MYL
-wife and .1 took' astroll across ;the fields and told her
all about the plahs I had:been ferped tornake. In a few
days I would -break. the news to AngUs.' I would
pretend that I really Wanted to .leave the' Hungry
Our lot Is Overflowing with Good Used Cars
1979 ASPEN,.4 door, 6.cyiinder, auioinatic,
-2 to -choose-from- —
1979 ASPEN, 2 door,, 6 cylinder. automatic
1977 GRANADA, 2 door, with air
1077 GMC, tort pickup
1977. DODGE, van
1977 DODGE ASPEN, stationwagon,
V8 ,with, air
'1976 ,FORD, Ri9kup .
1975 By,11(CENTURY
1975 CHEV IMPALA, 2 door hardtop
1.975 FORD 'LTD, 4 --dcidr-
1975 FORD F150, pickup
Several Used SnowinstAles In Stock
1980 Polaris Snowmobiles In Stock
The .face of Angus took'on a' Concerned'expression:
"1 ain't got around ter thinkin'. about that, yet." He
jerked his head aS he always did "As long'as Don and
'is family .are i ere, I ain't Puttin the place up fer_sale
- I:gotta -think some;: so I 'ave."
I worked 'in the newspaper office -that morning
totally unaware of the decisions which Angus had
made and it came,as a shock when Doc Peters camp to
give rne a run-down on the situation. _
-ost made in
After almost three. months of investi-
gation, an arrest. hai been made in the
Tiverton Hallowe'en hank robber case.
.;Last .ttauovve--en;-- A - man aressed as ."a
woman and carrying •a sawed-off shotgun
approached the manager of ,the Tiverton
branch ofthe Imperial Bank of Commerce in
the parking lot as the manager went to open
up the bank for the day.
The robber entered the bank with the
manager, Doug 'WOW% and after tying
Woods, and ' two fellers, fled with overt
A" late-modelgold TransAm, stolen from
Owen Sound the night before and allegedly
used in,the robbery, was recoveredAtorth of
Glamis a few days later,
On lath 17, Waterloo Regional Police in
co.operation with.the Ontario Provincial
lice executed several search.warrants'iri "
• cherterWaterloo. An, additional- two search
warrants were issued ;in SoUthaniptott.,
As a result of the searches, an undisclosed
amount, of moneyt•has been recovered:.
• David Roy Hill„ 25, of kitchener has been
arrested- and charged With robbery. He
appeared in Provincial Court, Walkerton, on
' Monday and was held without bail for his
first formal appearanee Jan. 24.
To the Editori
"We can't help without
your help" is the theme for
the Ontario March of Dimes
1986 Campaign. Canvassers
in Lucknow• and Dungannon
will be calling Until the end, of,
the month and rural appeal
letters have been sent to
those living out-of-town.
The Ontario March of
Dimes works with many
thousands of physically dis-
abled men and women across
this province to help them'
discover "their potential and
get on.*Avid), living, Our goal is!
independence for disabled
Laura Lee Cayley
Area Campaign Chairman,
adults. Ontario,March of Dimes.
Jobs, housing, transporta-
tion, aids like wheelchalro
and artificial limbs, recrea-
tion and wheelchair Worts,
and camping holidays are
services which touch every
aspect of a disabled person's
life And are available to all,.
no matter what the cause of
/ So when our letter arrives
or our, volunteer calls - please
give generously to the Ont-
ario March of Dimes Ability
rittypi. ' --`PHONE $44$2