HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-16, Page 2121. Personal 31. Cards of thanks ALTON „I would like to thank, all MY friends and neighbours• for all the Visits,' gifts; letters and cards while I was a patient in University Hospit al. All your Idndriess, 414 so much -to 'help-Me-through difficult time. ' Dora Alton PREGNANT and need help? Free positiVe -confidential., supPort. Birthright. Call 1066 or 392-6541 or 432-7197" • r4-40tf • HAVING DRINKING PROBLEM? Phone Goderich 524,6001 or Walkerton 881-30.55- 22. Lost and found LOST otie bred heifer cow from Hwy. 86, Kinloss Twp. Phone 528-2075 after 6 p.m. 2,3x 30. In memoriam 32. Coming events NATIONAL,NON,SMOKIN WEEK.1980 . . January 21 - 27 - Including Weedless Wednesdays, Jan- nary. 9, 16, 23, -30. Do you need a speaker for : your group?: Weald you like the -Carbon—Monexidealti—yedr blood or locale tested? Con- tact Huron Perth Lung As- sociation, • 121 Wellington, Stratford or Phone 271-7500. "National Non Smoking Week is an Interagency SpOnsovE Project". --3at I TORONTO FARIVI SHOW' Bus to Toronto Farm. Show and Horse Sale, January '30. Phone Jiiir Aitchison, • 528- 6993, —3 LYNNLOWEY ORM SYSTEMS. , .PHONE cLAy. - Silo: UnloaderSs Feeders, , Muncie Stabling YAffiqVitOtii 140(1 Man ure Equipment, Hai inent, • BUTLER -Silo Unloaders t Feeders, Conveyor's. FARMATIC - Mills, Angell. etc. ACORN "0 Cleaners, Heated Waterers WESTEEL-RO$CQ • odes, B Hog Paneiling: ---140ifar F. For rent Gran, 'DATION SALE OF footwearrithifihans, Newand Used- Items New and Used Furniture, Brass and Copper Pr's and More • The Mayhem: Sales Arena 680 Josephine Street woo gild of Whigham] SALE STARTS. Mori, hi., t 18, from' - 6 On sale will be various sizes of ladies;. men's and children'S footwear, blue jeans,• fishing reels .,and 'Urea, fine. selection of new furniturei betiding round'oak tables with Matching Chairs, eak•bow• front cabinets; Chesterfield. suites, tea :Nrions, brass and wood lantern, etc.. Used furniture consists 'of, dining room suites, bedroom suites, and appliancee. NOTE: We pay top prices for good Clean aged furniture, antiques, appliances. Will buy. complete households or estates, or cOnsign to. our weekly auctions; con " 357-1730 357-2987 idter hours • 32. Coming events NOTICE Lucknow Legion •k_lly. Branch N. 309 J.a.nuary pAnce Saturday; January 19 • 9:30 p.m, 1---2,3artk VARIETY 4ONCERT. From Lucknow Stockyards • CALL 5284530 Home or • 52813119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by' 8:30 a.m. for prompt service ASK BILL FOR •• . REQUIREMENTS OF' REPLACEMENT CATTLE —39tfar E. Farm services TOWER KING PRESSED. STAVE• SILOS Oxygen limiting silos with bottom unIcildero- Liquid manure tanks:Phone Francis Boyle, .395-5088. -3tfar LUCKNOW SHIPPER TO UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO - LIVESTOCK DEPT.' ° TORONTO' Ship. your livestock BILL iwnithyLoR R. R.# 5, LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Or groups of 5 or more On. Thursdays r MORRIS TOWNSHIP: apse to BlYth. 128 Acres. 'Finishing hog set up, Modern • buildings. Auternatic,systems. Must be seen. Priced m for imediate sal" HULLETT TOWNSHIP:: On Highway NO.25. Beef & hog set Up. Farrow to finish for 80 sows. 150 head of beef. Automatic feederS. Two tiarvestore silos. Completely modern set up with• brick storey house: 140 acres workable, partially. drained. _HUL.I.ETT TOWNSHIP: ' Close to kondesboro. 290 acres - 240 workable: TroUt pond. New modern home. Beef & hogs. Hardwood. _lush. Good buildings. Don't delay.; ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP: On Division line: Beef set-up. 200 acres. LeVef land. Good buildings. _ 'HEAR DUNGANNON ,: • Hog operation. 100 acres - 70 workable. FarroWing 130 sows. Modern barn. Modernized home. Farm stock and ' equipment negetiable...Trciut ,pond. Hardwood bush. Second home available. Excellent for partnership. AO-WIELD TOWNSHIP NORTH 100 acres.. All wOrkable: No buildings. Priced to sell. For above farms, or if you are buying or selling, contact our . Farm' Salesinan• R A. (GUS) CHIISHIOLM Homo 824-804 or Bus. 324.2177 ' I ALEXANDER-8 -CHAPMAN' REALTY LIMITED 10 The'Square, Oaderich PHONE 52402171, GO CLASSIFI D 528-282 trieltrOw WoditeadaY, Jtuisiary 16, 1.01*-Page *- 00 MacLEOD $20 . ; •one • j a ek po Of . per head to Accompany' apPli- Will be held on January 16, the pasture firm 1980 at p.m . at the for the T980 season. Applica 'TevitishiP Hall.. 10 'TegUlai tiOns will also be; eceived for games at $15.00; "Purple Ball , '. heavy cattle, 600 - 800 lbs. • f th emonthsof M and. Entry fee - $3.66 share the Wealth cm 5 calls, • or May June of $65, 4 corners jackpotene $500.06 on 55ca cation. Grazing fees 16oper lls; .consola -7 lb. Application forms avail'' game of $50,06. 5 door prizes: --3ar Attention Formers _able fromPntario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Box • 1330, Walkerton, : OntariO, s Telephone 881-3301. cation deadline 'February,18 2000 BALES OF STRAW. 1980: .--2,3ar Call' 529-7890 or 52947469./ • . • . —3-6 GET YOU* Mikk Wrrit APPLICATIONS will be re- RELEy LIONS BINGO`"ceiVed 'for grazing steers on • BUSHELL In •loving memory, of a 'dear mother :and: ;grandmother, ° • Gertrude Bnshell, who pas- sed away one year ago, January 17th; 1979. • Gone from us, but 'leaving memories ' Death can never take away; Memories. that will always linger While upon this earth stay. Lovingly rememhered ' by • the. family. ' 31. Cards of thanks HARVEY - MeN0 The ,family of the late .M. Elaine McNay . Harvey. •vvish: to express their sincere Up- -. prectapan, to relatives, friends and neighbours for floral tributes, the Elaine Harvey Memorial. Fund at Feterboiough Civic Hospital;'. dOnationg: to the. Canadian Cancer Soeiety,s. aid with the : farm ; chores, inessageS of sympathy and, other acts. of kindness Sh§Wif. fCr"theid.) during their recent bereave- ment. Special thanks to Dr. M. Trusler Dr. J. Maryn; , Dr:S. Holland, and Dr. B. K. MolifacfrO for their Care 'and. concern. A. very special thank y he- Ntirses-eftgitchi---- s "Ve.„ the RecoVery. Room Sta rs: Jean Walker Direc ar • Patient Care Services; and all other niirs- daring Elaine's: Hines's. Thanks'also.to Rev. J. Gard-. ner • of St. •Luke's Anglican Church and Rev. D. Kauf- Man for •their, prayers and supportive visitations. "These expressions Of, kindness will not soon be. forgotten. 'Lional-Harvey, • Maryan d Kelso McNay, Ann and. Bob Hirvey, and. Faniilies.- MacMPICKY We would like to 'thank the • Senior Citizens Bowling Club for the lovely Region Begonia :plant they gave us on our 61st .wedding-' anniversary. Your thoughtfulneSs is`great- ly, appreciated. Helen and J. A. MacMurchy —3x I wish to express my. sincere thanks and deep'appreciation to my neighbonrs, 'friends ' and relatives for their many acts of kindnesS, "floret trib- utes,. charitable donations and messages of sympathy , dining . our repent bereave- •:thent.• Special thanks to leve W.. Munshaw and :Rey. R. Armstrong, Management • and staff of Pinecrest Nurs- - ing Manor and Doctors Cor- rin, and Jolly. Thanks alsO to' the "lodieS• the Sepoy:Apartuient-build ini.fer 'serving lunch. and MacKentie and eMeCreith Funeral Home. Mrs. Ada MacLeod 10 SPRING' EWE, LAMBS • :exposed to farms inearly fall. Contact 'VVilliarii.Dickie, 395- 5007. —2x !.; 1000 BALES' OF STRAW. 'PhOne 528-391-6: •-3 D. Livestock hi ' hway faET on elmbre Formosa road; good 2 storey brick house, 95 acres dry, workable lond, •barn 72 X 108, a good. farm reason .. ably priced. - OUTSTAN DING 116 ` 'cre highway . farm, N.W't ngharn area. Attractive stone house, large barn, farrowing barn, silo, -107 acres level and drained. 150 ACRE Wawanosh hog farni, 4 bedroom house, re- styled and. insulate , new combintation furnac , barns are 70 x 60, 36 x .60 and new 50 x 100 hog barn; imple- , ment shed. 'Low asking price for this gooil setup. • • OTHER DAIRY, beef and cash ,crop farms includingio 100 acre level, mostly all workable, no buildings. 150 ACRES ' north of Tees- Nater, highway farm; brick hOtisewith new addition and new kitchen, lieu/ combine tion furnace - 2 baths; barn 80 x 90, pit silo 26' x 82'. Asking '$129,000. Will . con- sider all reasonable offers. , MEL MATHEFiS' Winghtim P-hOtie:35?-4208 Rpti. L W. Hutton • Real tat**, Ltd. Broker, larieardine alaageosilsio.faii0. rungoN The families of- the slate Marlene, Isabella and, Robert Finleon Nvould like to thank eVeryone for their many acts of. kindneSs. SpeCial thanks to the Lucknow Fire Depart- ment, friends and , neigh- bours who helped ipso many ways at the time of the fire' and• since. . Thanks also for the visits, . cards and many donations of food and money at the time of the funeral. Thefinleon Family t• • :NMI • SALES ARENA ALL STAR TOtrli SPECIALS Twcweeks at St, Petersburg; Florida; tbree weeks. paythiia peachj.three'or four Weeks,in , Orlando; two, weeks in Texas and New Orleans;,. or aster • in .13ermuda. Plus.' many more. For.urthe tiforma- tidn-andibroaluires: contact ingTstaff-of Merle Elliett, 528-5500. -7-2 AND DANCE • At Bervie IOOF Hall on DOBSON I wish to :thank Terry , ,Fried • ANNUAL mEETING who took me te the hospital, Dungannon Agricultural Soo- Doctors Corrin, Jolly and, iety are holding their. annual McKim, the orderlieS 'and meeting on Tuesday, Joint- nursing staff at Wingham ary 22 at 8:30 pan. Everyone Hospital for their care during welcome.. —3ar my stay in hospital.. , Ed Dobson EttimE PART*, West •Wawanosh Tovvnship Federation of Agriculture is' holding a social evening and euchre party on Thursday, January- 24-at8'0-,nt. in-the— - St. Helens Hall. Ladies bring sandwiches,' 50e admission charge, prizei, everyone wel- '," come, —3,4 - 17 at 8:30 m Ever one . • . P. • 3' wel o e —3x ' Friday, January 25th. Ladies please bring lunch.-Sponsor-, ed by • Hilltop Rebekah Lodge, beginning at 8:30 p.m., dance to folloW.'.-3 SHOOT PARTY Will he held, at St'. Helens Hall on Thursday, January Bob 'Robinson; Walton 345,4, 2317.:=3,4,5. GOossictletotivrismr JHuatios REALTY LTD. Rita Allan 5244131 ° Reis. 3244411041• PUREBRED POLLED Angus - b • one purebred Hereford bull, both at breeding 'age. phone 357-2870. —2,3 solisoess**siOssIbitlii •• • , • . GOOD SELECTION Hainp,' shire, Yorkshire, Romp x'. York and York :•X Landrakie_d boars,' Also available gilts . of theSe lireeda and crosses WAWANOSH - 65 acres, -no buildings, over., 1/2 • balance.wOrkable, creek,., ex= cellent building sites. A' Very good investment PtoPertY-' 5 ACRE „LOT in . Glommis Tiverton are, new. poured • basetnent wall, hydro to dr Meth well Lovw. asking price; owner tranSfer- red.