HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-16, Page 14• Financial assistance • Management counselling (CASE) o Management training • Information on government programs for business Can we help you? See our Representative Don Handlord'andi_nrr .• at:' The Bedford Hotel Goclerich, Ontario 'Every Tuesday .0,1: Next Visit: January 22nd John, Mac enzie - • •+, „ . ' FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK lcoo 1tzeprepared for the stormy dap • BILL'S PLACE. VARIETY HAVE ALL THE NECESSARY MATERIALS FOR QUILTING Quilt- Batting Frames Threads Quilt Patches Cotton. Embroider • - Blocks .and • One - Dresden ,Plate Quilt 'Ensemble needed,. Clarke said. that St .art and Clara Shiells answer to that question noticed petched on a Why those starlings' on the 4th-concession, two-, blocks west of the 15th. In 1967 Sam organized the special Ripley Huron parade , as apart ,of Canada's Centennial -. .,:irew That winter (1968) he died suddenly from a heart attack while doing farm chores. The family_ took an, active part in the community. Brian at- - tended the Ripley District High School. Mike and.his wife Judy and family now 'live on the farm. To Mike,' Brian and all family relatives the sympathy of this community is- ex- tended: ' ••"' John - and Helen 1•MeMurelty bf Ltieltno*, and fOrmerly of the sixth concession •west in Huron township r•ecentlY- celebrated • their. 61st wedding anniversarY On , Sunday: afternoon, Jan. 6, their three daughters, Margaret, , Norma, and. Audrey,; along with their husbands Bill Ferguson of LucknOw and formerly Atriberley, Cecil Hum,' phrey of Point Clark, and:, Lester Ferguson of 'the' sixth,' treated them to a faMily dinner •in restaurant. SPecial guest f.at the dinner ..Was .John's sister Mrs. Elizabeth ' MacDonald. of Ripley. Huron and Ripley friends extend best wishes to John'. and. Helen .at !this time. With -the flaines shOotin from • the top of . the chimney it looked frightening for a few.' minntes. , Ripley firefighters, who an-. swered the • call, .were Clarence Pollock, Harvey Pollock,- Bob Johnston;;. Ted, RouSe, Ray Fuller, :Aernie Twolan; "Joe Hodgins, Doug Liddle, Chief Ivan.'Cook, John D. MacKay, and George McLea,it: 'The reception dance for john ' and Grace MaeAuley was held last 'Satiirday evening in the auditorinm of the 'Ripley flOren•, 'Community Centre Complex with ,Norni Dunsmoori,S OrChestra...supplying the The Ripley Boy. ScoutS held a battle chive last Saturday morning. : .0n ...Monday evening, • SPINi7IITE YARNS- Including Wheeling 2 and 3 PlY SPECIAL Rose Milk Skin Care CrfrimS §g0 Mk, 51.99 Ear Ring Trees, Eitegt $4.99) -bn Sale $1,59 AbWilds the meeting- was^ _in- :formed : 'that the Immigration • Bianchi office in Orillia wkich, is in charge, was Informed' last February that, 'the Ripley'Huron area Wished to" receive a• fainily. The . Committee has been pleased with' the' response of this area for.; funds'. At • present there' are. donations totalling in •excess of ten thouSand dollars ami•morels being received. For all- these the , committee. . is. grateful. At the 'meeting on. Jan. 7 ReV. Bob' Putman of Reid's Corners •,-spoke telling the - committee about the .Listewel area, Which , has' 11 „.refugee families, Soil you wish to . learn m,ore,. the next meeting .i.S:,next Monday. night . Church, Ripley. ',, Monday Morning, Jan. •14, 1980 it iS:a dull and mild 'day .fbr:winter time. The. weather: during,, the past week haS been a ini*ture of snow, rain, wind and". cold freezing teinperatureS. Last Friday Merning from eight • to . nine the ,rain ledge highOn the front of .migrate likethat we delft the Huron, end Erie know: Perhaps 'they -like Building on .1MM das Christrhas inthe city. Street east in London when; there were none up here. After the 'big' rain last Friday morning it. 'Started to warm •up and reached about 48 degrees, Fahrenheit. Then in the :evening it sure dropped in hurry. In one hbnr it Went from' 42 down to 16 • and •the January' • thaw was, over, for the time. However- for today, Wednesday, the forecast, right or wrong; is for sunshine: Any persorkintereste4in returning ob for one semester can complete" up o four. credits by the end of school in une. For further information call 95-2695. is now accepting' :Day School Registration for second semester beginning, TUESDAY JANUARY . No Walking. • No oxprcisa, 1111111.. •NIG, effort, Penalty " a 'shorter life No ar:gumeni• Fitness is fun .. Fria .try .some. (BrAncti, Offite Address} , Volriiikor itifOrthatiOn •EdeasU call 2/1-$650 feelleetj or writtf106 Ontario SitMford 4 ;stet ck by • 1 i Apt ng . 'Nada Altria Lowry of the Lakeshore Road Oth to around six , ;,d tht. , 004_04c: fi r e 10th area) and Mrs. Olive Needham of Lileknow,,„A.,- cieSlirOyed , Far* iS-thonight that they. will ',- Ripley 'Fire 'Department ''.•• 1e Gulf Was there be on- 11 and then the side' „ar Kincardine Fire Florida. The -folks of -Huron-and--' Department. A good turn out is eXpected to help Ripley were sorry to hear Aurel and Marjorie:, • • the news of the death of Around a quarter to ten Mrs., Margaret Stewart last Saturday morning last Friday evening in the the fire siren sounded . Chatham Hospital. The former Mrs. Margaretagain in Ripley,. With Snobelen, she was in her gusting high south winds blowing at the• time, the 56th year. The funeral s chimney - at Clarkeervice was held .on F ergus on' s houie at 'Monday Of' this week in Point Clark, was on fire, Blenheim and spring Soon the fire engine and burial will be in She the the water tank trflek Were' ----Ripley cemetery. is on their way driven by survived by her second Joe Hodgins and John D. h usband, ArthurAtewart MacKay. In the mean,-. of the Blenheim'area, two ike Snobelen of -,tane Clarke' using water Huron TownS hip, was, able to put the fire , . out. They called and Brian Sn°heleil of succeeded in getting the Vanconver in British 'fire engine, turned back COlumbin. The late Mr, on its way' but the tank and Mrs. Sam' Snobelen , truck continued on down moved to Huron township' the hill to POint"Clark in in the. ease extra Water ' was they earlysixties When bought the farm of graduate froth Western music. There was ,,a good ,Jan .-: Mrs, Marlon came Pelting down driven , ' UniversitY •in London. attendance and everYone McLean •presided over a by high winds and during, Surviving Margaret are had a nice time according meeting of the local that ' buSy, hour .. it was to reports, . . . Ripley. Hilron B t ''' her . . brother Dr, "--°-- rath er' difficult for MacAuley Gilmore of Home for the weekend , People" ' coranittee. • It anyone outside :walking: Stratford and her sisters ,r visiting with their was held in t', Sunday Today ;:Jan. 14the kathleen (Mrs.. John: parents Ralph and Helen School Room.' the Knott '. starlings ' are babk to .Grubb. and brothers Presbyterian% Church .in: Ripley MacDonald).- and Eileen :. There were about of L°41"n• Ail -'0f She ' Marvinpe.and e Parre___,Birn Another. : 0, a half...d pzen over by the Ri 1 y were -:Miss - '. - ' Grain iallow-uP----- Rtpley--, -Elevators.... family- attended flre -•- • - schools'. in Ripley and. bara ,Grubb,of Fanshawe meeting will be held in picking. scattered seeds. then Western University: . College in London ,,and the same plaCe next - of University in Waterloo -Dor f Kincardine • . this owtheirneg.n,one .Before --After--attending,Western---_-- OlPtili.,..:Qruhif 1$1r.,_. Monday evening, •Jan. 21, 1V1ay_he_you Wilfrid. ,----77-raiirier at - 8 -T.n-i.-- wheti-m-theel did not know •that-they'' Urtivrsity - and:,' the . Ontari o ' College • eY a- Will • ever left here. Well they Education Margaret Colin MacLennan of be here. He received the do - away for the holidays. taught in the collegiate in • Agincourt was • up for. a .i first family of boat people f rom ----w-e-eke-rid• -wl-th---L•-Ripley -- -(re fu gees-- -from ,''-‘74:0--- -rdid-mid ,e4-ch7,10ar mid'November' to Collingwood. -STri-iiiathy ' of friends in this area is friends. Colin stay with Nam) to arrive in. Kin- No, they don't go ..to extended. , his aunt Miss Flor nce • candine this past fall.. , Florida, just to the cities MacDonald. Mrs. McLean reports A benefit dance for Mr.' iti.Southern Ontario. and Mrs. Aurel Arrn- Ripley folks flew from that people have been . One cold raw Sunday strong of the South Line Toronto airport last • asking • when, a familY evening in DeceMber Sundayt spend next' ' •here.-about -5 o . the would arrive In 1978, 0 „ were will be held this. Friday month ,in Daytona Beach, evening, Jan. rs in the Ripley- Distria High Florida.4 • School auditoriUm. Glenn This past vveekena --- Lynn and Gayle Lowry,of Boydls--orchestiva will be — there. On Monday Amberley• were motoring to Florida, ' With them morning of last week, Jan. 7 their home was were his parents. Eldon received • in Ripley of the. . k recent death , of Mrs. 11 ifir ee • _ in `Margaret Blum of" Anchorage, Alaska. She Was the second daughter in the family• of the late' Rev. and Mrs. George Gilt-Aare. Rev. George Gilmore was the minister Of Knox Presyterian • church in Ripley- ...from 19.13 to 1922.1VIrs.. Gilmore was the first woman to ':Lat :week word • was .• wners ,.ovule: