HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-16, Page 14• Financial assistance
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programs for business
Can we help you?
See our Representative
Don Handlord'andi_nrr .•
at:' The Bedford Hotel
Goclerich, Ontario
'Every Tuesday .0,1: Next Visit: January 22nd
John, Mac enzie - •
•+, „ . '
1tzeprepared for the stormy dap
Quilt- Batting
Quilt Patches
Cotton. Embroider •
- Blocks .and • One -
Dresden ,Plate
Quilt 'Ensemble
needed,. Clarke said. that St .art and Clara Shiells answer to that question noticed petched on a Why those starlings'
on the 4th-concession, two-,
blocks west of the 15th. In
1967 Sam organized the
special Ripley Huron
parade , as apart ,of
Canada's Centennial -.
.,:irew That winter (1968)
he died suddenly from a
heart attack while doing
farm chores. The family_
took an, active part in the
community. Brian at- -
tended the Ripley District
High School. Mike and.his
wife Judy and family now
'live on the farm. To Mike,'
Brian and all family
relatives the sympathy of
this community is- ex-
tended: ' ••"'
John - and Helen
1•MeMurelty bf Ltieltno*,
and fOrmerly of the sixth
concession •west in Huron
township r•ecentlY-
celebrated • their. 61st
wedding anniversarY On
, Sunday: afternoon, Jan. 6,
their three daughters,
Margaret, , Norma, and.
Audrey,; along with their
husbands Bill Ferguson
of LucknOw and formerly
Atriberley, Cecil Hum,'
phrey of Point Clark, and:,
Lester Ferguson of 'the'
sixth,' treated them to a
faMily dinner •in
restaurant. SPecial guest
f.at the dinner ..Was .John's
sister Mrs. Elizabeth
' MacDonald. of Ripley.
Huron and Ripley friends
extend best wishes to
John'. and. Helen .at !this
With -the flaines shOotin
from • the top of . the
chimney it looked
frightening for a few.'
minntes. , Ripley
firefighters, who an-.
swered the • call, .were
Clarence Pollock, Harvey
Pollock,- Bob Johnston;;.
Ted, RouSe, Ray Fuller,
:Aernie Twolan; "Joe
Hodgins, Doug Liddle,
Chief Ivan.'Cook, John D.
MacKay, and George
'The reception dance for
john ' and Grace
MaeAuley was held last
'Satiirday evening in the
auditorinm of the 'Ripley
flOren•, 'Community
Centre Complex with
,Norni Dunsmoori,S
OrChestra...supplying the
The Ripley Boy. ScoutS
held a battle chive last
Saturday morning. :
.0n ...Monday evening,
• SPINi7IITE YARNS- Including Wheeling
2 and 3 PlY
Rose Milk Skin Care CrfrimS §g0 Mk, 51.99
Ear Ring Trees, Eitegt $4.99) -bn Sale $1,59
the meeting- was^ _in-
:formed : 'that the
Immigration • Bianchi
office in Orillia wkich, is
in charge, was Informed'
last February that, 'the
Ripley'Huron area
Wished to" receive a•
fainily. The . Committee
has been pleased with' the'
response of this area for.;
funds'. At • present there'
are. donations totalling in
•excess of ten thouSand
dollars ami•morels being
received. For all- these
the , committee. . is.
At the 'meeting on. Jan.
7 ReV. Bob' Putman of
Reid's Corners •,-spoke
telling the - committee
about the .Listewel area,
Which , has' 11 „.refugee
families, Soil you wish to .
learn m,ore,. the next
meeting .i.S:,next Monday.
night . Church,
Ripley. ',,
Monday Morning, Jan.
•14, 1980 it iS:a dull and
mild 'day .fbr:winter time.
The. weather: during,, the
past week haS been a
ini*ture of snow, rain,
wind and". cold freezing
teinperatureS. Last
Friday Merning from
eight • to . nine the ,rain
ledge highOn the front of .migrate likethat we delft
the Huron, end Erie know: Perhaps 'they -like
Building on .1MM das Christrhas inthe city.
Street east in London
when; there were none up
here. After the 'big' rain
last Friday morning it.
'Started to warm •up and
reached about 48 degrees,
Fahrenheit. Then in the
:evening it sure dropped in
hurry. In one hbnr it
Went from' 42 down to 16
and •the January' • thaw
was, over, for the time.
However- for today,
Wednesday, the forecast,
right or wrong; is for
Any persorkintereste4in returning ob
for one semester can complete" up o four.
credits by the end of school in une. For
further information call 95-2695.
is now accepting'
:Day School Registration
for second semester beginning,
No Walking. •
No oxprcisa,
1111111.. •NIG, effort,
Penalty "
a 'shorter life
No ar:gumeni•
Fitness is fun .. Fria .try .some.
(BrAncti, Offite Address} , Volriiikor itifOrthatiOn •EdeasU call 2/1-$650 feelleetj or writtf106 Ontario
;stet ck by • 1 i Apt ng . 'Nada Altria Lowry of the
Lakeshore Road Oth to around six , ;,d tht. , 004_04c: fi r e 10th area) and Mrs. Olive
Needham of Lileknow,,„A.,- cieSlirOyed , Far* iS-thonight that they. will ',- Ripley 'Fire 'Department ''.•• 1e Gulf Was there be on- 11
and then the side' „ar
Kincardine Fire Florida. The -folks of -Huron-and--' Department. A good turn out is eXpected to help Ripley were sorry to hear
Aurel and Marjorie:, • • the news of the death of
Around a quarter to ten Mrs., Margaret Stewart
last Saturday morning last Friday evening in the
the fire siren sounded . Chatham Hospital. The former Mrs. Margaretagain in Ripley,. With Snobelen, she was in her gusting high south winds
blowing at the• time, the 56th year. The funeral s chimney - at Clarkeervice was held .on F ergus on' s houie at 'Monday Of' this week in
Point Clark, was on fire, Blenheim and spring
Soon the fire engine and burial will be in
the water tank trflek Were' ----Ripley cemetery. is
on their way driven by survived by her second
Joe Hodgins and John D. h usband, ArthurAtewart
MacKay. In the mean,-. of the Blenheim'area, two
ike Snobelen of
-,tane Clarke' using water Huron TownS hip, was, able to put the fire ,
. out. They called and Brian Sn°heleil of
succeeded in getting the Vanconver in British
'fire engine, turned back COlumbin. The late Mr,
on its way' but the tank and Mrs. Sam' Snobelen
, truck continued on down moved to Huron township'
the hill to POint"Clark in in the.
ease extra Water ' was they earlysixties When bought the farm of
graduate froth Western music. There was ,,a good ,Jan .-: Mrs, Marlon came Pelting down driven , '
UniversitY •in London. attendance and everYone McLean •presided over a by high winds and during,
Surviving Margaret are had a nice time according meeting of the local that ' buSy, hour .. it was
to reports, . . . Ripley. Hilron B t ''' her . . brother Dr, "--°-- rath er' difficult for
MacAuley Gilmore of Home for the weekend , People" ' coranittee. • It anyone outside :walking:
Stratford and her sisters ,r visiting with their was held in t', Sunday Today ;:Jan. 14the
kathleen (Mrs.. John: parents Ralph and Helen School Room.' the Knott '. starlings ' are babk to
.Grubb. and brothers Presbyterian% Church .in: Ripley MacDonald).- and Eileen :. There were about
of L°41"n• Ail -'0f She ' Marvinpe.and e Parre___,Birn
: 0, a half...d pzen over by the
Ri 1 y were -:Miss - '. - ' Grain iallow-uP----- Rtpley--, -Elevators.... family- attended flre -•-
• - schools'. in Ripley and. bara ,Grubb,of Fanshawe meeting will be held in picking. scattered seeds.
then Western University: . College in London ,,and the same plaCe next -
of University in Waterloo -Dor f Kincardine • .
this owtheirneg.n,one .Before
--After--attending,Western---_-- OlPtili.,..:Qruhif 1$1r.,_. Monday evening, •Jan. 21, 1V1ay_he_you
Wilfrid. ,----77-raiirier at - 8 -T.n-i.-- wheti-m-theel did not know •that-they'' Urtivrsity - and:,' the .
Ontari o ' College • eY a- Will • ever left here. Well they
Education Margaret Colin MacLennan of be here. He received the do - away for the holidays.
taught in the collegiate in • Agincourt was • up for. a .i first family of boat people f rom
----w-e-eke-rid• -wl-th---L•-Ripley -- -(re fu gees-- -from ,''-‘74:0--- -rdid-mid ,e4-ch7,10ar
mid'November' to
Collingwood. -STri-iiiathy '
of friends in this area is friends. Colin stay with Nam) to arrive in. Kin- No, they don't go ..to
extended. , his aunt Miss Flor nce • candine this past fall.. , Florida, just to the cities
MacDonald. Mrs. McLean reports
A benefit dance for Mr.' iti.Southern Ontario.
and Mrs. Aurel Arrn- Ripley folks flew from that people have been . One cold raw Sunday
strong of the South Line Toronto airport last • asking • when, a familY evening in DeceMber
Sundayt spend next' ' •here.-about -5 o . the would arrive In 1978, 0 „ were will be held this. Friday month ,in Daytona Beach, evening, Jan. rs in the
Ripley- Distria High Florida.4 •
School auditoriUm. Glenn This past vveekena
Lynn and Gayle Lowry,of Boydls--orchestiva will be —
there. On Monday Amberley• were motoring
to Florida, ' With them morning of last week, Jan. 7 their home was were his parents. Eldon
received • in Ripley of the. .
k recent death , of Mrs. 11 ifir ee • _ in
`Margaret Blum of"
Anchorage, Alaska. She
Was the second daughter
in the family• of the late'
Rev. and Mrs. George
Gilt-Aare. Rev. George
Gilmore was the minister
Of Knox Presyterian
• church in Ripley- ...from
19.13 to 1922.1VIrs.. Gilmore
was the first woman to
':Lat :week word • was .•