HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-16, Page 12for group officers. he 198°-
81 slafe• of offieeti-arePr„-e§:
ident. Mrs. Harold Greer;.
Assistant, Mrs. Jack' Tre,
leaven; Secretary, Mrs.
Charles Anderson; Treasur--,
Mrs,, Ken Cameron;
Pianist, Mrs. Gordon Cayley;
Clifienship and Social Ac-
tion, Mrs. Stuart Collyer
Community Friendship and-
Visithigi'Mrs4 Graydon' Rit
clue, Mrs. Bin Bogues;. Stew
ardship and 'Recruiting, ,Mrs,
Leonard Ritchie; Supply and,
Welfare, 'Mrs. Doug Lauf-
rnanpSocial Functions, Mrs.
Charles Davies; Mrs. Jack
Treleaven;. Christian and
Missionary Education, Mrs.
0 quilt
The' Janiary meeting of
Donnybrook U.C.W. was
held at the home of Mrs.
John Hildebrand op-
, ened• the > ineefinS, a
poem, "A Happy New, W1
Year", Mrs, R. Hanna gave
a reading, "Turw'- New . .
. Page".. The three afternoon units spersing the devotions given
Readings, "Holidays" ;. of the D.C.W. met in the - by Mrs. Grace Gibson. Mrs.
"Coats off to the Future"; fellowship room ' of the Shirley, Bolt and Mrs. Noma
"`New 'Year Wishes"--and a l church, ' Tuesday, . January -Campbell. '' eVeral readings---
, Asit";---were read-by -----8th." A. splendid turnout of pertamin to Nat to the New. Year
''Mrs. Wes Jefferson and members enjoyed a. pot-luck were given . by, Mrs. Allene
-- ' Mrs. Ray Hanna. Mrs. .E.. lucheon. Bradley.
Robinson gave the prayer, '
Mrs. R. Jefferson took Mrs. Lois Walden intro-
over for the business; ducd the new study books
-A quilt- is-to-be-quilted -at - an-japan and a sked_forideas
1-` the next meeting. Mrs. Stu-.., for future joint ,meetings.
art ' Chamney gave the fin Verses of "Standing at -the
ancial report. Portal", were swig,. inter
The names of members for
each new unit were read and
each unit adjourned to sep-
arate rooms to form their
committees and ni thigs for
the ensuing 'year.
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12-144010Yer Sentinel,' ednesilaY: January 16, 1980
Velma Morniniota FRAY-
: erS, Mrs'-,--Armstr
Mrs. Bob. Canipbell;
, bershipl Mri.,Ken Cameron;
Nominations; Mrs, Cliff
Crawford; Press Reporter,
• Mrs. Cain Thonipsop.
-Plans were made for food
and workers for the Agtieul4
tural Society' ban4uet to be
held in the. church on Jan-
nary 17.
The lreasuree, Ivai. Ken
Unit 4 of the .Lucknew
United Church Women met
in the church "on Tuesday,
January 8 at 8 p.m. With an
attendance of - twelve. The.*
president, Mrs. Harold
Greer, called the meeting to,
order with .a, poem.
Business was.. dealt with
which included nominations
sand' prayer:•
A Life Meinter5hip.Certi
ficatej,y.a stinted to Mrs.
AlviiPSeinnidt by Mrs. Philip
Steer. Mrs. Steen-commend-
ed Mrs, Schmidt for her
many years of faithful service
to the W.M.S. '
Mrs, Bruce Hamilton save
the Bible Study on the.
Parable of the Sower. She
compared the seeds in the
Parable' to the ',seed • n
modern day life. Mrs. Harold
Howald read `A, Pledge, for
the New Year'. The roll call
was answered by 15 mein-
`bers .Bible: reading a verse
containing the word 'scat,:
ter'. The 'peeM, 'Give your,
self some time', was read by
Mrs. Harold Campbell;
The.' last chapter.: of the
Study Book, 'Contemporary
Chine, was discusSed
Mrs.. Bruce Hamilton and •
Several members. Mrs,-.Olive
. ee ham, Mrs. Vera
Sehmrdt, and-- --Mrs: John
Forster gave prayers,
The meeting closed with
prayer by Mrs. Harold
Cameron reported the total
amounted to $1,188.69.
Suggestions were made .for
pot-luck. .supper for the
March.'meeting.: .
• The president clOsed the
business part of the meeting
With prayer. ,
The, following program
was presented by the corn-
mitee in Charge*, Scripture_
was read by Mrs.-Jack Tre-
:leaven, who • alao a
_ggp,s4pg,m "Life's Lantern".
Mrs. :Harold dreqr read a:
poem, "Net Knowing" and • a
-message written by
Monroe Parker was given by
Mrs, Stuart Collyer.
A group discuasion was
hel n "Our Society"', 'With
posit!, e and'7negative views
given, using articles as sy*
Mrs. ,Bruce Hamilton was
hosress to the members ef
South Kinloss W.M.S. of,
January 9 for their January
meeting. Mrs. Lloyd Mac-
Dougall, •-presiden4 opened
the meeting by 'reading 'A
Message 'for the NeW Year'
Donnybrook h
Stuart Charnney on Wed,,,,
wit eight. members present. units start
nesday afternoon, January 9.
resent life me ers
o S member
Watch Next Week's
Lucknow Sentinel
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