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Tony MeQuail, who has the nod to
,:represent'the. New Democratic Party in
HOron-Bruce, sees the. NDP as the only rea
alterriatiVe in - the federal election this ebtuary. •
said the Conservatives., are
"incapable" and called the Liberals "deceit-
' fur . He said the theme song of this
campaign should be "Don't make promises
you can't keep." '
The Conservatives tell the people of the
country;' "Of course we made promises, but
once we got in office, we discovered we Were
'incapable of keeping...them." And the
Liberals did not want to talk about policy
the last olection, because after years in
power, they had done nothing. to 'regain
control of Canada's resonrces or' lead
Canada to'a `secure energy future. After_ 10'
years,„ the people of Canada had begun to,
realize Liberal policy did not do much for
most Canadians. Now, says McQuail, the
Liberals want to talk about policies.
"If-they think they can get.a vote they are ,
prepared to promise what they know is
iMpossible and clearly contradicts what they
did while in power," said' McQuail.
-----f---Thelrek Democratic Partyrsaid---MCQUail,
has presented Canadians with clear policy
proposals on the issues which . confront
Canadians ,and on occasions, the 'party in
power had adopted 'SDP .policies. Petrocan
and universal Medicare were two such -
According to McQuail the NDP offers
Canadians a clear choice in this election..
. The NDP would return to a fifty- cost
sharing agreement with the provinces to
fund medicare, The Liberals with' Conserve-
tive support have moved to bloCk .a funding.
'aPproaCh whieli,as• meant:cut backs, bed
closures and fewer medical services.
An NDP government, said McQuait,
would lovier interest rates by . two full
Pcicentage 'points; to encourage. tanadianS
to invest in Canada and permit farmers and
Small business to-borrow at lower rates.
"High interest rates are crippling small
business and agriculture," said *McQuail.
"Both are risky enough Withelit haVing to
to: muddle .about, failing to take the
opportunities ,which today . could be.
He also pointed out, In opposition
.NDP' policies have beenImplemented
after electicins, because they were good
policies. The NDP is continuing to
produce' good policies and it is time
they, got to implement them, as the
GovernMent." , •
McQuail told riding supporters that
, present high interest rates are crip-
pling small businesses and agriculture
and noted, "The NDP fully supports the
family • farm as the foundation of.
Canadian agriculture which -ensures
that our food system will meet human
needs and corporate greed."
'''lie second nothinee, -Fanner told
the NDP supporters that Petro. Canada
is an, instrument that can be used in
exploring other energy sources.
He also stressed the need. to lower'
interestirates and reduce profit taking,
thus, leaving .more for the 6onsurner,
decreasing the unemployment rate and
increasing the.Gross National Product,
• "We the voters are like painters who
Over , the years -have painted. them-
Selves into a ,corner and can't get:
without leaving marks," Panshe,r sai
. -
He suggeted that Voters leave their
Mark with an X for the NDP party on
their voting ballot.
Michael Davidson, MP, for Hamilton
Centre', was the guest speaker.' He
canie„,40n. hard on the Liberal and , ,
ConservatiVe parties and said, "Never
was there a time when we needed an
election More." •
In his speech, Davidson noted that
there are no real differences between
the . Liberal and ConserVatiVe
characters or policies.
"This is a rare opportunity for the
NDP. party," he said, "Now -the voters
see what the NDP have always seen.
All we've asked for is a chance to get
the country baCk on the road." • "
The Huron,-Bruce NDP,s are. COn-
fident that their party will have a good
,chance to,lead the country.
Paul Carroll, riding, election
chairman and NDP party .member for.:
the past 10 years told the supporters
that he had never felt More pride in
being an NDP, and stated, 'People
aren't going .:to; brush us aside, They're
going to listen."::
service this kind ,of debt load,
The NDP would cut taxes for people in low
and,moderate,inconie ranges by eliminating
tax ginlinicks,'Whicii'bavp lowered the'taxes
for the wealthy, and by changing the SYstem
of depletion 'allowances; fast write OM and,
defered.,taiOS which: allow huge corporations
to contribute So 'few tax 'dollars; to Canada,'
"No one likes taxes's," stated McQuiiii;
"Nit a fair tax system is More tolerable, than
those of Misgnided Robbing Hooda, like
„John Crosbie, Who, give to. the ::rich by
robbing the poor,"
• Net farm income has been dropng as a•
result of rising input costs; noteably energy
and , interest said: McQuail, The .• NDPi
believes:. in: ,
--rguaranteed farm commodity' price's' and
orderly marketing, ,to,.-: ensure . fair and
•,reasonable farm, income
=maximizing food Prodaction and eitend-
nig foreign aid, credit to countries . needing.
food to encourage Canadian: sales' ,,
---,long term, low:interest - loans to- assist
young farmers and for farm improverrients.
The INDP also proposes national
ta prevent foreign corporate takeover. of
agricultural -tend while ensuring fair com-
pensation-for the farmers
The NDP fully supports the family farm as
the foundation of Canadian '-agricultine.
-told the coxiVelition.
cording to McQuail;
• If, election, • the ,NDP would appoint a
Commission on Petroleum Pricing to report
by June .1, 1.98p on the :actual costs of the
.Petroleurn industry and. the anticipated
_replacement -cost of today's fuel. From the
Commission report.. a real price'for petrol-
eum wouldbe S'et- a price based on thereat
value of oil depending on what it would cost
tad° the same work with renewable energy
sources. ' . .
-Wennhis price would be allofted—a--fair
return to the petroleum industry for the costs
Of extraction, processing and _distribution, •
The. remainder would be placed ,in' a joint
'federal/provincial energy security fund and
used, to develep '..;replacement "energy sup-
plies. • , - •
This has the advantage that windfall
pro ts currently being reaped by the multi-
national oil companies and being removed
from Canada, would *Stead be invested in •
developing a secure energy ,future :for .0"
Canada', 'I'VleQuail said, ,
NDP -energY .Pelicies*Clude the expan-
' skin of Petrocan to provide real competition
with the multinatlenals and to make govern.
ment to government agreements regarding.
Canadian Oil imports to ensure they won't be
diverted, Conservation would be encouraged
with an improved Canadian• Home Insulation
,Program and by a Natkinal Building Code
.dealing with energy saving -practices and .
design. "
Energy conservation in industry would be
encouraged by making federal sales tax ,
new machinery "proportional to .riorgy tise,
the more efficient the inaehinery:the less the
tax: A method of labelling ,appliances to
know which are most efficient:
Canadian cOritiol of natutal,resources an
cornrilittnept•to energy coriservatiOn•and
'develop erOf renewable eriergy-sii4lies;'.-P
McQuail.'POffitOlVt. 4Cah0:44',. needs
government corrimittedi011eing the revenue '
from today's oil to cleveloprenewable, energy
for a secure tomorrow; be added:
"Without such-a.Commitinent,.. We fae0
economic disaster," warned McQuall; '
*from page humarineeds; not corporate'gred, McQuail would be implemented so consumers would
which ensures our „food system, will Meet . shoW.energy consumption arid uSeful..outPut
The NDP offers an alternatiVe to the ' The NDP' hns. a long'standing Policy for
Liberal/Conservative "energy fiascO", ac