HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-09, Page 22The, Liicktiow 'and Distriet
Lions Club is; pleased to
report the cOnipletiori of the
new sign for the community
centre. This was.. made pos-
sible by the generous dona7
tion, of $1200 00 raised by our
own Leo Club.. The';remain
ing $600,00 was inStie nP
the, Lions....
The Lucknovi Hortieultu
Society has donated $500.
for landscaping of the veva-
' inunity centre, This welconie
contribution *ill certainly get
the. Lions Club off to a good .
start in the' spring:.. • .
one:chairman Walter Ar-,
nold will .be in the running
for deputy 'district governor.
in 1980 and we 'wish
every success. •
For those who missed .,,the
Sant4 Claus. parade this- year;
ithere was "a ..good Participa-
tion and we hope. it will
continue: The. Lions Club '
float. was a spirited addition.
Ladies night was held thin
year on: jt was.
Very well attended by. Lions
• and their guests. Guest
speakerS were district, gover-
nor, Paddi Rundle .and past
district governor, Ken Hen-
derson. Entertainment
provided by Lori and Bonnie
The Lions wish to extend ;
thanks tor.,the lively enter-
tainment on bachelor's ghi
to .PiPer Frank MacKe zie,
‘.; fiddler Walter Collins,
arist Don Robertson,',:and.
step, dancer Bill 'Johnston.,.'.
The:Lucknow and District
Lions were 'able to-make
substanital donationa in the
Commun4 to date: ,the con-
tribution to the den , Boer
family, victims in the recent
. LnektioW fire, $200.00 to the,
Haetilophiliac- Society, and.
$200 ..00 to, sitpport the Hilt-
on-Eruce Disability Co=op
Leo Club Pres!dent; Nancy Thempson and-Stu Reavip, chairtnati.uf the connamity/Centre
building committee, show off the new sign purchased through a generous donation of the Leo
Ciao'. The :Leos donated $1;200 to:Wardi the :new sign, and the-Lions club made:tip the
rence of $OO. • . [Sentinel Staff Photo], The 'first ,meeting of the dainty lu
new year of the St, Helens- by the committee
W.I. was held ;in the. W.L.Cranston, Mts. I. Cl
hall on. Thursday, January 3 Mrs.. R. ErrUigton.
wlithag6Qd attendance. The
roll call, What is;your beef as - • + + +
a consumer, brought .'a num- Sales • of after-shave
ber Of good responses:„. lotion and' cologne reach . •
Frices on the rent for the all time highs in, June,
hall were brought, before the proving 'that everyone
meeting by,the Committee'in loves Fathery-but,..•:46':',O.
rg likes a 'W'dY'he'S ells:
° WAVY' NOSH:- 65 acres, no were, raised as the price of v Art ingS, over 1/2 bushlanci, hydro and fuel ,haye., both
ante workable, Creek, ex, gone up since these have
cellent building sites, A very been changed.
good investment, property. The topic ' oh Resolutioni°
.vas -ably given bYMrs. I.'
consumer bee
vv.,J. Hughes .
REALTY ;Itip: •
Rita Alien 24,9131
Re*. 541-8480
system was not' working
____pmperLy_but_ assured mem-
bers- it would be in working
tp-Iey for the black and white show
at the lair to help. promote
the Fair. Two representativ-
es, Bill 'Gibbings and Murray.
The goal fel` the'newyear
for the Huron County Hol-
stein Club is to increase its
7membership to include all
Holstein breeders in the
'county, At ;a meeting in
Clinton, .Thursday, club Or-
ectors and. Members made
plans -for a canvass of
members by .local- directors
w will go over 'any prob.;
lent, ew members may be
'having with' their cattle oper-
ation. Special kits of_ itifor-'
!nation are being made up to
give to the .neVv•,mernbers.
in other bicsitiess", commit-
tees Were n'amed for, the
.0 upcoming events in 1980.
_A:hey are: bus trip, Dennis
' Martin, Ken Ramsey, and
Murray Donaldson;, Twilight
meeting, . Bob }sodden, Bill.
GibbingS, Hank Binnendyke
and Dennis •Martin; Walker-
- ton Little: Royal. Elwood
Seili, Jor Van .Oscli and
• Murray , Donaldson; Club
Wilgus.,Fteeman, Dave
Marshall.::Bob Carter, Bob
McNeil -and Jim MeKague;
Ladiei' night; Stu Steckle,
'Don Watson, Glenn Hod-
gins, Ken Ramsey; bus _trip
to the, Royal, rather, than
sponsor a bus load the club.
Oecided to support Gotlerich
Coach Lines who haVe.spec-
lal buses, travelling • tO the'
. •
The annual meeting. cern-
Mitee is Joe Van Osch, Keith
Johnston,, Hank Etinnen-
j dyke, and Elwood Seili,
Bob McNeil was se-elected
. to , a. two year term as
councillor to the Ontario Hol-
stein Association. Dave Mar-
shall has one year left of his
two year term., Each county
has two elected members on
tfe council,
Judges for the Clinton
Spting.fair were appointed.
Rodger Dyment is to be' the
official judge and Mac Logan
is to be back,up, „
Dave Dalzell from ,the
Clinton. ;kinsmen and the' ,
Clinton Fair board met with
the club' to iron out a few
requests concerning the fair
for 1980. The club requested
that a better sound sy,sterne
available for the judging and
ivir. Dalzeil that due to
lack of time,. last year, the .
Ripley Curling Club
got off 'to a gOod start in
1981) With a full bonspiel
and pot luck dinner on
Sat. Jan. 5.
Winners in the Jo'clotjt.
draw were - 1st - Martin.
Wright ' with Peg
MacCharles, Dale Liddle
and Judy B411avance.
2nd - Howard Hodge.
with Marie MacDonald ;
Gord Rp dn, andL
Sandra 1_1(3W: 3rd - Don
MacTavish ,.,with 'Gail
Johnson, Joyce Courtney
and Dorothy Duvall.
In the 11 a.M. draw
prize winners were - 1st
Gary < Ccairtn6y with
Marianne Sineltzer,'
Donald Poil'ard and
Donald Farrell. 2nd to
Harry -Scott with Diane
Brooks; Donnie Pollard
and Marina Cameron.
to Sandy MacCharles
with Jane klUnder, Ed
Fink and Caeca Goebel to
round out their teams.
Win or lose, everyone
the day.
e ladies', men's and
mixed draws have been
made up arid curling
begins this week;, °
There are lots' of
-bonspiels coming up ,so•
sign up and good curling..
order in plenty of time this
He also informeel mentb
that there may be a po ib,-
ility of more barn spade if an
older building were cleaned
up. 1-le could foresee no
possibility of h f• ,b d
-building a larger barn or
even a le.an to
The Holstein club propos-
ed that they advertise more
events were, given by Mrs.
Barb Tyler. Readings were
given by. v1: Curran arid,-E.
.An interesting 0,
'The action in your conimun-
' ity begins with you", was
given by Miss Isobel- Miller."
Lucknow, measuring .66' x
165' in, new subdivision.
Asking $16,500.
HOUSE on 1% acres. 4
bedroom, large kitchen. Lots
of trees and creek ciossing
the property. Priced to° sell.
1 ;BEDROOM frame dWell-,
ing,, electric heat, well insu-
litedi'space for 2nd hedroom ..
and another apartment. Low
2 ACRE country Jet, new well
with frame building partially
remodelled for" dwelling,
'Weare in need of farm
11940; #M13belt
tea. $19,1417-
Perry MeDonagh
Res. 528.3821
\ SO \ 10% No.
5 ' ACRE LOT in GlanimiS
100 ACRE highway farm
Belmore FortnoSa road, good
2 storey briclytouse, 95 acres
dry, workable land,I barn 72
x 108, a good farin reason-
ably. priced:
highway farm, Wingbaric
area. Attractive stone house,
large barn, farrowing barn,
010-; Ores level , and
drained".., sr"
.150 ' ACRE 'Wawanosh hog
farm, bedroom house, re-
styled ,and insulated, new
combintation furnace, barns
are .70 x .60; 36 X. 60 and new
50 'x 100 hog barn, imple-,
ent 'shed. 'Low askinkprice
or this good setup.
OTHER DAIRY, beef kid
cash crop' farms including a
100 acre level, mostly all
workable, no buildings:
1.11 .V1 Ceb-
watet, highway farm,.brick ,
house with new addition, and
new kitchen, new conibina,
Lion furnace - 2 baths, barn
80 x '90, pit silo 26' x 82'.
Asking $129,000. Will con-
sider all reasonable offers.
Phone 357-3208
Real tstitte'Ltd.'
e' tng 1 Howatt, were appointed- to Shirley. Clarke. gave , a -read= .•
Clark.. Interesting current
.bedroorn-c -orie,stdrey, ingul--
atecff garage; paved drive,
double'lot, ..low'down 'pay-
ment. '
HOUSE in Lucknow fOr, rent,
no children, rin„petS."
'' colours. galow, plus extra lot; 3 up the brns, etc. blocks-from the P.O. Asking
fair board in setting ing, "January's• coat, of many..2 BEDROOM well kept bun
only $27,500
:room bungalow, with recrear:
tion room, paved • drive.'
Asking $7,900. Vendor
: moved.
0 re poure
basement wall, hydro to
--7property; drilted- well. 'LOW-.
asking price, owner.transfer-