HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-09, Page 21W046044!"`,,41411.#ry 91 ly IFICATIONS *tides for stile" 2. Mobile Homes 3. • Articles' for rent 4. Articies-wanted:- S. Care; trucks fora sale 11. Room SO 'board *12. Help wanted 13- WanietI [general] 14. Employinent wanted, 15- Tenders" ,16 Mortgages 17. Anction'tiles, 18;.' Service* tOallible. 19. Noticeta, ereilliOrn 20 Public-n a t. Personal . 22, Lost, and found; 23, Miseellanoons • 24 Business 5, give eiveY 6.' Births 27, Deaths 28, Engagements 29..Marriageti 30, In Memoriam 31. Cards of thanks 1•32: Corning events I ,• 6. Peisk • Real estate for sale.. 8 Real-estate Wanted 19._Accommodsdlon to rent 2 10. Wanted te'rent 2 DEADLINE Classified Ads 5.P.M. MONDAY ' Ads cannot he accepted after 5 p.m. Monday for that week's paper. VRON-74-BRUCE W DEMOCRATIC PARTY MINATION Ali today, Jan. 14 Clinton PublicVchool 7., FOR INFORMATION. CALL YOUR NDP INFO CENTRE: Hayfield 565-5014 Exeter 235-1628 Blyth 523.9316 : Cioderich 5244882 Clinton 4824208 • Seaforth 527-1860 Zurich 236.4675 Autho'rized,by Huron-Bruce N, DP.,' • • THE MAN TO SEE IS ifisINTEE HOMES ASFIFIEU TOWNSHIP, situated orrbVer 2 acres of iand;.a brick veneered 6 bedroom home. This home has ad_ great .„deal„_of -renovation;.-large roonis,, • original wood work. If you want lots of roo;:n ask to see this property. • - , DUPLEX - Willoughby --Sfreet, Lucknovv, both have -2 bedrooms. • .2 BEDROOM*HO-ME'- nicely located on Stauffer Street, reduced to $21,000. FARMS s. 75 ACRES ilurqn Twp:, well maintained 3 bedroom home; barrnsuitable for fattening. hogs or cattle, paved yard,. steel granary,, Cement yard, new hydro. 300 ACRES,': Ashfield tO"Wnsiiip, 3 bedroom home, every convenience; barn has capacity for 45 sows, finishing 1000 yearly; liquid manure storage. 70 ACRE FARM, Cuiross Township, close to Teeswater;.9 room brick home, well Maintained; older barn and new implement Shed and corn crib. 150 ACRE dairy farm; Kincardine Township, cows and quota available. 150 ACRES in East Wawanosh; *7 room frame home; beef barn and modern farrowing barn 50' x 100', 460 ACRES, Highway # 86, additional land available; 2 ' homes and barns for beef cattle; a good ' productive farm, partly in pasture; fall possession available. • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY k • ' AN OPPORTUNITY to start your own business. 3 bedroom home with .2 baths, well maintained through- out, and former general :store, Hwy. 86 location. Immediate pOssession. Take out food outlet, small i engine repair? We have' inquiries for farms, both large and small acreages. If you. are thinking of sellirig, -give us a call, we would be pleased tO talk to ilytgrenit erry Zinn' R.R.# 2, LUC1CNOW, PHONE 529-7350 NOTICE. Euelinpw. Legion - Branch No.309." • Tanuary.Dance • ' . ' SaturdaY, January 19 9:30 p.m,* 3ar • RECEPTION. 'For John and Grace MacAti- ley at Ripley Community Centre Complex,' Saturday, January 12, 9 to .1. EverYf body welcome. Music , by Norm, Dunsmoor. -2 :CHILD HEALTH. CLINIC The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, held, at „the Health Unit office, Wing- lam Hospital- on Wednes- day; January'16, 1980 'from 9:30 - 11:30 • a.m. for: 1. Health5at" ceillance 2. Ana is Screening • 3. Immiinization 4.. Hearing Screening 5. Vision SCreening 6. Fluoride brushing for ages , 3 to :5 years. -2ar HOWICIC LIONS BINGO Will be held on FridaY, January 11th at 8:00 .p.m. in. Wroxeter Comiilunity Hall. Admission $1.00. 12 'Regular games • for $10.00; 2 Share the VVealth; one S2§.00Spec- Jackriet 312fl.tie "On - 54 calls;. Purple Ball $250.00;' Door and.Consolation FriZes. Attention-FarmeOs . For sale 8000 BALES of first and second, cut hay. Done Alf Eickmeier, Mildmay, • 367- 2105. ,AYSHIRE-' HEIFER; - dug middle Of January. Phone 529-7412. --2 10 SPRING .: EWE' LAMBS irposed to.rams in parly-fall- Conti& William Dickie, 395- 5007. -2x PUREBRED POLLED Angus bul1;_orie,purebred Hereford bull, both at breeding age. Phone 357-2870; -2,3 0. Livestock 12 FIRST LITTER GILTS due • soon, bred Hampshire and LandraCe. Phone 482---3300 after 5 Pan. -2x : E. Farm services 32. Coming events ALL STAR TOUR SPECIALS Two weeks. at St. Pefershurg, Fhirida;,three weeks Daytona Beach; three or four weeks in Orlando; tWo weeks in Texas and New Orleansi. dr Easter in Bermuda.: Plus many more For further informa- • tjos :and;:brueltutes.,Contact er105 '528-3500.-` -2 ,Elliott,„ : BEEFSET.U0 Ashfield rovinshipon bivis!on Line 200 Acres,limiel' Land;..Good Building I z • , ..; CALL R. A..(GUS) CHISHOLNI,.+- . 524,8S54.. er.01. Cho ;tatty• l.td; OonznicH .5244177 10 THE SQUARE iia :4+ .FARMS .FOR 'SALE. MORRIS TOWNSHIP ': • • f."7- Close to Bryth. 128 Acres. Finishing hog set up. Modern buildings. Automatic systerns. Must be Seen. Priced for immediate sale. 'HULLETT TOWNSHIP On Highviay No. 25. Beef & hog set up. Farrow to finish. for 80 sows. 150 head of beef. Automatic feeders, Twd Harvestore silos. Completely modern set up with Brick, 2;shire1 house-140 acres workable, partially drained. t•fitILLETT TOWNSHIP: Closd,eto Londesboro, 29.0 acres, - 240 workable. Trout pond. Nev,i modern home. Beef & hogs. HaidwoOd hush, Good, buildings.: Don't delay. ASH FIEL(D T NSHIPi • Ofi 'Division ii 4e.Beef set-up. '200 acres. LeVel land. Gbod buildings. NEAR DUNGANNON; ., Hog operation. 100 acres - 70 workable, Farrowing 130 sows, Modern barn. Modernized home: Farrn stock and equftiment negotiable. Trout pond. Hardwood bush. Second home available. Excellent for partnership. ASH F I ELIO .TOWNSHIP NORTH 100 acres. All workable. Nit buildings. Priced to sell. For above farms, or if you are buying or selling, contact our Farm Salesman, , R. A. (GUS) CHISHOLM Home 524.4554 or Bus. 524-2177 • ALEXANDER:i CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED 10 The Square, Godlerich PHONE'524-2177 •r 31. Cards of thanks 32. Coming events bered. flowers and gifts to me While one who sent cards, letters,. ness will always be remem- My sincere ;thanks to every, I was 'in hospital, Your kind- HUSTON' . United Church, Thursday, January 17 at 7 pail. Mein . hers wishing tickets cohtact • The -Lucknow AgricUltural Society will hold their annual meeting' in . ;the Lucknow ANNUAL *METING( .any sfirector_or. the-secretary;-7 -Martha._Huston' • 528-2184. -1,2ar The family of:. the' late Alvin Miller of Strathroy wish to express their sincere thanks 'to'relatives, friends and neighbours fo-r-fheir, cards, floral tributes, memorial do- nations, and • messages of sympathy received during: their recent bereavement,- Your many acts of kindness were deeply appreciated... 2 MaeMILLAN We like to express -our thanks to our neighbours, friends for the ' many kind tresses, gifts and''visits that Weleceived during the Holi day Season. • • ' • ' Joe and Betty MacMillan --2 MURRAY Many thanks'to the Lucknow Concert Band and members of the .Lucknow Caroliest for the cash donationlo assist in the rehabilitation of ,„.zur' refugee' family. It was mucc' appreciated The Murray Families„ Leo and Imelda Murraz -2x • t WILKINS woUld like'to thank all those reinertihered with cards;gifts and visits while I was a patient 'in Wingham HOspital and since. returning - home. ,special' thanks 'to DoctorsCorriti•McKim and Jolly and the nurses on first floor. ,Mrs. Frances-Wilkins- 2x viaasoxL. •'I would like to take this opportunity to ..say a sinCere. thanks to my fainily and all my friends who remembered me with. visits, •flovvers, gifts ,and cards :whge in hospital. Also to Docters Corrhi, Mc- Kim and Jolly and nurses , on • second 'floor of Wingham •-Hospitai. - - - A.J. Wilson -2x TOWN AND COUNTRY The Town and Country Sen- •ior Citizens wish to express their appreCiation and thanks to all the organizations who entertained them through the, past year. We wish you all a happy 1980: -2x . RITCHIE , I would like to thank every- one for 'their kindness to me ....while in hospital and •since LUCKNOW SHIPPER earning home. The Lucknow TO • UNITED CO=OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO Ship your livestock • with 'BILL TAYLOR R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Oikroiips of 5 or more On Thursdays • Vrom Lucknow Stockyards . CALL 528-3530 Home --1-39tfir. F. For rent LYNN 1•OWRY APPLICATIONS will'be re FARM SYSTEMS. LTD. ceived. for grazing steers On Amberley the A.R.D.A1 pasture farm PHONE 395.5286 . for the 1980 season. • CLAY - Silo Ihiloaders; tions will also be received for Feeders, Cleaners, Stabling, heavy Cattle 600 800 lbs. Leg' Elevators, Liquid Man- , for the months OfMay, June -O•re-NliPPleirt, Hog-Equip, and. tali -Entry fee ..- $3.00 . ment. • , to,accompany appli- BUTLER Silo UnIciaders., cat n. Grazing fees 16c per Gran- Doctors and nurses on sec- ond floor, for visitors who called. Special thanks ,to the U.C.W: of Trinity for their box of treats and.to everyone for their treats at Christmas `time. 'Jack Ritchie 001!$11‘. r , 5284119 Yards ' -Tuesday or Thursday by 6 . 1:30 i:ei,-ficiliiiiirititserVi& ASK BILL FOR. ROPIREMENTSOF REPLACE1VICENT CATTLE Feeders„ Conveyors. - ARMATIC - Augeri, eta ACORN,- Cleaners, Heated. liVaterors. • ,WESTEEL-ROSCO Cries.• '. • B !8c L Hog, Panelling; -.4-40tfar pplication forms avail- * able from Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food; Hex 1330, Walkerton, ••Ontario,. Telephone 881-3301. Appli- cation deadline February 18, 1980.- •2,3iir