HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-09, Page 20WOOD ST Ein good con- dition. Phone 357-3097, after 2 SETS OF HEAVY tractor chaina.to to; 10 x 24 and 14 x 28 tires. Phone 529,7587. : I • • • • • SMALL McCULLOCH chain saw ; 12" bar, $65.00, firm. Phone .529-7103. -2x ADMIRAL FRIG. Phone 528- -3123 after 5 p.m.,-2 4. Articles wanted WANTED 'old brick build- , ings for demolition/wrecking and salvige purPoses. con- tact Ross Lumley; 1185 Mut.- phy Road, Sarnia, 1-542-4088 • ior David Rapson; R. R. #• 4, Brussels. 1-887-9584. -2eow LOGS WANTED Standing Thnber For top prices and instant cash all your local sawmill CRAIG'S SAWMILL ' AUBURN Bill Craig Phone 526.7220 Al 'Craig Phone $264512 9. Accommodation to rent HOUSE, 1/2 mile west of St. • Helens. Phone 528-6193. •-•=-1tf " TWO BEDROOM apartment' .• available immediately, call '528;2625 -•Zif 28.353.6:...--..-5 ,-47tf , • 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in +Am- barley. For further inforMS; •.• tion ,call 395-5305. --43tfar SALES HELF1REQIIIRED:, -7:7-Due to an ever expanding Real Estatenuirket Johnsen' Carney is looking for a Real Estate., Representative in Lucknow and surrounding area. '1"Or'a confidential interview,.centact Gaiy McWilliams,. 396-7561. Johnson Carrier Ltd. 313 LAMUTON ST. KINCARDINE, ONTARIO ,The Position of Copywriter Willing to train the might individual. Good typing essential For information and appointment contact Mr. Jack Gillespie, phone 357-1310. An Individual Ith Wonted by CKNX Radio some writing, experience To fill FULL TIME Employees needed to work immediately • $1 60Da per week (approx.) to start All applicants must hove-car By oppointnient Only • 24.092- Weekdays 11:00 a. m'. • 3:00' p.m. 444 4 , . HORSES BOARDED; indoor arena.. Phone 482-9960 after 6 p.m. -2tfnc PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in shop repair work Custom Stablhig SPLICE BARXER -It. 41MQVF. 528-2026 -2tfar People do read small ads - you• are. Phone 528-2822. 'BILL TROMPSQN CARPENTRY. Renovations, repairs, odd jobs, cement patios, curbs, sidewalks etc. Free egimate call 528-3715. after Mx. POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY Agent for Heintzman Pianos and Panasonic 'Sound Equip- ment. Redonditioned pianot for sale; used 'pianos wanted. For piano tuning and repairs call, 395-2982. -,40tfar DRY AM •Try an Electrohome Huinid ifier from Greer T.V. and Electric, phone .528-j112, Luclinow. We also have filters, and. Sanitaire for. your , Electrohome ;humidifier. --45tfar BEEF, By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM. ILLING On Tuesday and Thursday; Cut and wrapped to:your specifications Quick Freezing Available ' BUTTON'S MEAT LUCKN Shop 528" Or If No'Answer Call •• 5282112 • FIREWOOD and cedar posts. Call: 353-5046 after. 6 p,m. 0. in memoriam 4•-• "MePHERS I • hiving memory' of a dear husband; father and grand- - father und great grandfather, Ewart McPherson, who pas- • sed away two years ago to-day, January 7th, 1978. Gone from us, but leaving • memories ' Death can never take away. Memories that will always linger Mlle upon ,this earth we. stay. Lovingly remembered by his wife, Luella and Family. -2x • • USED SMITH CORONA ad- ding Machine, priced to sell. Sepoy Stationery and Print- ing, phone 528-4290 -- . 2ar 1980 CALENDARS, date books •in various sizes, good seleOtion;: also complete sel- /ction of ledgers, ledger beets,.file folders, calm; lators and much more to assist you in the new year. Sepoy'Stationery & Printing, 528-2919. -2a 9. Accommodation to rent ' LARGE: TWO BEDROOM .house on 12th of Ashfield, , Phone 5294335,, 2,3 available MAN WOULD LIKE Omploy, meat on fantila ,Luelcrklw - Amberley area. Phone 395- 2444. -2,3x PAPERING AND PAINTING Interior and Exterior room furnished apartment, The Ilurpn CountyBoard' of *len one bedroom apart- EdneatiOn will receive plainly • or Joe Allison 396-7173 GUITAR • ment,„ furnished or tinfurn- marked sealed tenciervfor • 528-3234. -74 ONE BEDROOM apartment in; Lucknow, heated, good parking. '''Plione 528-2113. -52if • 12. Help wanted tion call United Trails., Sea- forth; $27-1222. -47tf McDonald 11; J. Cochrane H for: the. personal .safety • of Manage era. of both the .• ; • -2ar • DONTHOMPSONT.V.. & APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and Service Tower and Antenna InStallation 395.3393 or 395-3466 RIPLEY -15tfar FINLAY DECORATORS RE-OPENS January 14;1980 5CHLUETER friends and family • I would_ like tothank . my and get Well cards received. while; in Kincardine Hospital and since returning home. I would like to thank Dr. Boron and Knox and nurses 21. Personal *hire' in hospital, I would. PREGNANT and need ,help? also like to thank my neigh- Free positive confiaental bourn, for baking and help support. Birthright. -,L±,L)kbile_at home convalescing. 1066 or19,2-6$41 or432-7197 Margaret Schlueter c011ect. -2x MAJOR SUPPLIER cus- ontlbuilt honie`'systems seeks a representative your' area.. Be the first to offer 'over 300 . fiber Plana: Please . address inquiries to Territory Manager, Tri-ang, Home, Systems, Box; 339', 'Lancaster, . Ontario-. • KOC INO 613-347-3737. O TW BEDROOM apart-. merit, Lucknow,, 'two bed - LESS0NS GlennhaVen ' Apartments, ').• atodkt!Sitispliei AUCTIONEER. SERVICE ished, Teeswater. Phone . • PERSON TO WORK •in 'of- flee. Reply to .P.O. Box 220, Ripley. -2 And- on a - customized van: "Rich van, poor man."' reqUi d by our Elementary and $ cendary Schools up to 12 o'clock 'noon local time Friday, January 25, • 1980. :Specifications and Tender 'formai:May be obtained from the Board. Office, 103 Albert" Street, • Clinton, Ontario. NOM 1LO 15. Tenders LoWest or any tender. not necessarily' accepted, 14. Employment Wanted H' rood h '39$•5390. 'Director. .'40- 40fai. , One ;anyone, stealing gasoline or Lucknlowl mediate, hock- Grant MeDonalOtpley Wallace Ballagb, Teemvater Licensed Au, etiOneers - Sales of all types Phone Ripley,: 395-5353 Teeawater 39276170 -40tfar BERG STABLE EQUIPME Cleaners, Bunk Feeders,; Silo Unloaders, FarroWing Crat es, Water Bowls, COw..Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, 'R.. IL 3 rGEORtreitR3BERS CINTRUCTION Renovations, additions, cot- tages. Phone 357-3457, 'Whitechurch. -3ff , APPLIANCES BEFRIGERATION SERVICE Lucknow Appliance Centre Lucknow Phone 5384946 -32tfar 18. Services available -TOWNSHIP OFKINLOSS EXCAVATING, GRADING Thetownship waste dispos AND TRUCKING topsoil, al site will be open every Sand, gravel of all types and other Saturday, jsnuary •5th fill. Phone Robert.' 'Syrues and 19th; February 2nd and Contracting, R.. R. # 16th, March 1, 15 and 29th.' ucknow, phone 528-3047.; ToWnship of Kinloss 14-29tfar . -2,3ar Cecil Cranston 2 Auburn Phone 529-7691 AIIM[AIVIMER BACKEOEING --5tfar Or 528.3047 -49tfar Phone Todd;Park 395-5079 SIX PUPPIES to give away, wish to , express my, Sincere snowmowhig great household pets, part thanks and deep appreciation Residential and Commercial Toy Terrier, part Chihuahua; to neighbours, friends and JaPnia SYmes, 528-3233 seven Weeks old. Phone relatives for their many acts bnueriisdoinnagl:property behind my finore.nt. providinge c l entertain- atte. Elmer Umbach •-:51-4ax recreation and arena boards§ the referees, Clark' Pollock RIMEL (31:0 6-ER,iHOM-11 , Galidubb jafinam, ieily GaEinlliaant; A sunervised retirerlient 'lock, Hodgins ' and home caring for your person- John Kelly, all of whom al needs 24 hours a„,• day. donated time and, energy ,to Lucknow 528-2703. -750tfar make the evening so suceass- fur. .• ;Thanks .hanks also' to Miller, Metenzie,,,Reality„and the Bluewater Agrimart for do- nating the door prizes. Lynn and Barry iliamasisas samosua BUS TO N.R.L. games in' Detroit from January 26 to April S. for more informs ' EYE GLASS COLLECTION Lucknow Lions Eye Glass collection. Bring any unwant- ed eye glasses' to Schmid 's Jewellery , and China.,, to. McDonagh's Insurance :or to any Lions meMber. - • • ' • • great Lsuccess. A .,special., I will'not be held responsible thanks to the ,players and interfering in, anyway. with , py team arid t e Ripley club 20. Public notices by experienced teacher in Lucknow area 25. To give away 30. In memoriam Phone 3573248 LYnn ArmstrOng and I3arry MacDonald would like to send their thanks:and appre: cation to all who helped make' their 'benefit iiig,ht 31. Cards of thanks -2 HAVING, A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help.' Phone Goderich $24-6001-or. Walkeuton 881-365S. ' - ---40tfar 22. Lost and found LOST one bred, 'heifer cow from, Hwy. 86, Kinloss Twp, Phone 528-2075 after 6 p.m. -2,3x FORSTER 'My. sincere thanks to neigh- liOuri,--friefids and relatives for cards, treats and' visits 4'while I was a patient in Witighani Hospital. 'Special thanks to Lucknow Doctors, nurses` and •orderlies on 1st floor. Bill Forster CARTER 5297628 after six pam----2 of kindness, floral charitable donations • and messages of Sympathy 'dur- ADAMS big my recent bereavement. Rev. Mun- In loving memory of a dear Special thanks to R 'husband and father. Robert" 'shave,, lte, F ezv f. rAtrhe their vttoi;gt s and' and Adams, who passed 'away, to December 29, 1978. prayers and to the Doctors; Never more than a 'thought,nurses and staff of Wingham away Hospital for their wonderful Care and thoughtfulness. ?uittdlyay,teme , mbered .every, Thanks, also to the MacKen- No need for words except to ale and McCreath Funerld sad Home, and to the Presby- - Still ireme.44e-a----fire-v-orterlan-Churcir ladies:for:04r kindness-following the ‘s,Crv-waY Pauline Adams ice." " 4:1;n1; Carter and folly'