HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-09, Page 17FEDERAL BUSINESS
See our . Representative
Don Handforci and/Or 4ohn MacKenzie
at: The Bedford Hotel
Goderich, Ontario
Every Tuesday' on: Next' Visit: January 16th
G y
'Mrs, Charles Pearce, Of
Brantford, who died '.tidea
December 2a. Funeral Seiv
ice Was held in Brantford on
Smear -December '36.
, On. SOnday, januaty *he 6,
the children's hymn was "I'll
be a sunbeam for Jesus".
Mr.*-r-oivitit had a children's
story, could be like
Jesus , when he used, a
portrait of Jesus as the focal
The sermon was "My
yoke Easy". The choir
Under thee leadership of Jean
Elliott sang, "`Who At My
Door IS: ;Standing?'.'.
MARIE PARK ' • • terich with Jeayr s Parents,
Mr._ and .Mrs. Roy Me,
Winner of the20":Poitable Creight. Also present Were
colour **vision -drawn .10.01p Mrs, Emma. Elliott and Mr. ,
office on. Christmas. Eve was arend4 of Milvertc'n•
Rick Taman, of. Blyth. .Mrs: Clyde WesthaVer;
-Mrs. Dora marsh of ,Aub..• wife of the fornier minister
urn, Betty Marsh of Burling: here, upder*ent major surg-
ton and itelen Marsh of ..eiy in. London • at University
Madison, WiSeonsin, visited Hospital.. She was allowed
'With Met Jones' on ::Sunday home for Christinas-at Mar-
-- Spending' Christmas Pay
with Mr. and Mrs.- George'
Errington wetg his parents,
jack and Evelyn ErringtOn of
Brussels visited on :Wednes.: satisfactory'
field spent the holiday's at lives over the holidays inns
home with,: his. '.'parents, eluding Ron and Anita Pitt,
George and Jean Errington: 0011, Stacey and : Danny of
9•1::iettM•-Briington;• daughter Brnoefield, Monn a and
of 6.6arge: and Jean, Erring. Chttek Kerr and Steven of
ton received' the Florence' p„ Oshawa, . „ Marlene and' Bob
Eadie Scholarship iri;;, rocog. Derbecker, Puane, Alan-and
ration of 4-H -Homemaking Mark of VoOdstoek,..Gny in
• Club active Participation. •• aiKi Reg ,Purdon of Kitchen—.
Betty; a Student at Fansha err • ken ' and 'Of •
College in LondOn.haS taken Win0am and Bob and paw'
fourteen ,Ratnemaking MOrkan and • Norma of
clubs. She received a cheque ,
Kerweed. .
and a Certificate • : Sympathy is extended to .. Company On: Christmas' the FinleOn families and. Mr.
Day :with Elmer . and Gail and'MrS. Eldon Austin and
Cook and Kevin' were Mr. family on the tragic death of
and Mrs.Robt:' Schultz and three MeMberS of their Tam- •
Terry;of Huron Haven, God:: •.• :ily in an early morning blaze
erieli, and Mr. and Mrs Roy on Saturday, 'January the
Ashtortof Onderieh; Sth:. The . fire eon-4310ply
Mrs. Gertrude Park ,spent' , levelled their heme on 'the
Christmas. DaY in Auburn 8th conceSsion of West
with Mr. and Mrs. TOM. Law- Wawanosh. • "
lor... Also at the Lawlor hotrie Sympathy is extended to
were Mr. and Mrs, Jim Kt; and Mrs. Gordon Ander-
Lawlor and Andrea of Wat.: *M. and faintly on the death
Mrsy Wirmielfell'.of God,
erich 'Visited on New Year's
Day With- Mel Jones.
Company for NeW Year's
-Day I with.:-Mri Mrs. Bill
Park, Wanda, Patti, Todd
and Brad were Mr. and Mrs.:
Roberta SchUlti • and TprrY of
HuronEaven, Goderich, Mr:
and Mrs. ROY -AShfon, God-
erich, Tom, Valerie and Vicki
Park of Goderich, Mike Ben-
dig; Goderich, Michelle .
Good, Goderich, Steve Popp,
Auburn, Mrs. Gertrude
Park, Tim Hodges and Mr:
and Mrs. Elmer ,Cook: .and
Kevin and Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen. Park ' and Holly, all
of the village.
Family home: with Mrs..
Florence Berry throughout
the holidays :were Donna
Berry, Isobel and Larry Bren-
nan, Sue and Gary Faking-
ton, all of London and Ann
and. Roy Dupuis of Mississ-
auga. • """74.-
Mr. and Mr's. 'Jack Smith
had plenty of company dur-
ing thelestive . season, inclu, .
ding Mr. and Mrs. Paul 'I3y-
er's, Stratford, Douglas Smith -
and family of London,. Mr.
and Mrs.. Gary Itilgottr , and
fainily Of Kitcherter4 'Mrs,
Helen Castrenis of Stratford,
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington ,
Webster and Jim of Luck
now, Mr, and Mrs, Bob
&filth and family, Mr. and
'Mrs. Bill Smith and family;'
and Mr. and Mrs. Ed peev-
es, all , of Clinton, and
Mrs. Nathan Smith and
Natalie of Goderich, Fred
Dutot and Walter Bell, God-
trich Toi,vnship, and Mrs, •
Smith's mother, Mrs. Harold
Morrell of Clinton,
Mr.. and MrS. Harold El-
liott, DOrtald and Helen,
spent Christmas Day in God.
mora but had to return to
London for more' treatment.
We are sorry to ,report that
Robert Irvin is again a
patiqt in Victoria. Hospital,
the village and Mr. and Mrs. Lonan, following surgery on .
Bob Morgan and Norata of December 29th. At this time,
Kerwoock J hn Aitchison of his -condition is ^reported as 0
• Bill Errington of Spring., entertained friends and rela- day. • Mr. an rs. Pu o
lenstein. .of Gordon's sister, Olive
The, ..January meetingof •
the Dungann branch of the
W.I. was held in the lUbited
Church basement, on Thura-
day, qrantiary 3, in the form of
a work meeting,
Discussion on W.1.'s parti-
cipation in.the August Birth-
day Celebration for Dungan-
non wereplanned . in more
Mrs. Warren Zinnexpl in-
ed. work yet lobe final' to
have a history, book ready by
August 1st
W.I. members were pleas
ed to learn that Betty Erring-
ton, a-4-H member, has been
selected by the
Scholarship committee to
cave-Pie-Florence P. Sadie
scholarship of $110.00. Con-
gratulations, Betty!
It was decided to spobsOr
'the next 4-H club
Tvio quilts are to'be set up
at the church baseMent on
Tuesday morning (one to be•
tied, the other to ttilte
Courtesies re Indoor 'rd
ening leaders and,those who
helped with Christmas Party,
were expressed.' by. Mrs.
George Errington, pretident..
Lunch hostesses were Mrs.
Charles Travis, and Mrs.
Harry Girvin. ,
Rick Tinian . of Blyth woillie draw for' a 20.-inch portable television •Sponsored by %the
Dingannon 125th birthday, celebration ,.committee to hick :off the., 'birthday celebration.l
Suzanne Alton is shown making the draw,, 'While from the left, ,Joanne Whitney, chairlidy,
Helen 'Dawson . invitation committee convener, Jack Caesar,,, entertainment committee.
convener, Isabe'lle.ZedY, food committee•Convfitt and K;,.Kimpirvson,. heritage 466M/bitten
Convener, look
Cord Skirts
Narrow and Wide Wail
Flannel Skirts
Co.ordinates A,
Total Outfit Or
Buy,Them Separate
Wine, Teal, Winter.White
And Red
-rm. •
(Btranch Office Address) For prior information
please call 271-5650 tcollect] or write' 1036 Ontario
Street, Stratford - •
Ernanc assistour
* ltlanagement couns ng(CASE)
* Management training
* : ormationongonment
programs forbusin€s.