HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-09, Page 12' •
°hos ,ion Bros.
[Boihwell Ltd.]
Phone Phone".
Wardsville 693-4383 Komoka 47I-3059
DPfigannon 529-7947
N,Siashed Materials--Crushed
Crashed _Gravel RoadCfenOraeors •
HOBolulu and its. Waikiki
Beach nearby on Oahu
Island, in, the Hawaii
Islands, • JaPan,- Ming
TO-11g, Bangkok,
Singapore, • Australia,
New Zealand; Tahiti and
back to California..
'Evelynand Jack
, (,Glen Harris;
Carol and . Donnie
Fludder, Tainrny and
Everyone is welcome to attend a co-op
Annual Meeting: However, as a mem-
ber and owner of your Co-operative, the
Annual Meeting is an opportunity to
expreSa your ideas and dpinions con-
cerning the CO-OP:..what goods and
services should be offered.— and so on!
Your Board of Directors and CO-Op
Management weldorne your suggestions
and comm'en'ts— they want to know
YoUr likes and dislikes—, so they nab
Jason, all of Ripley spent
Christmas with `,,,9.1enda
'and A, J:. Gardner, Aaron
and • Brandon -at their
home in Vanastra. •
Reuben and Ursula
Burnett and daughters
Jermet• and Michele of
Pine -River visited last
Sunday ' afternoon with .
Muriel • and Alex
MacAuley in Ripley.
Ron and Dianne Farrell
- •
'ffroM Page 10 • Dave, at their home en
J. MacKenzie of LiStOwel Tain' . Street in Ripley .
visited last Sunday with were the followingAmily •
his Mother .Mrs, Violet xnemt,er,. l it and Mrs..
---ManKeriliOcriRiPleY: Doug Huber and. Jeffrey,
Mrs. Violet MacKenzie and Mrs. and Mrs, Dong
was the lucky Winner of Sandercott and ,Sharon,
the Mildniay Senior ...all of St,. ThoMas, Denise
Citizen's quilt, and Donna Huber. of
, • Kitchener, Patti Huber of .
INTENDED FOR Kincardine, and Mr-and
, • LAST 'WEEK Mrs., Brian HUber of
Waterloo. •
Mr. And Mrs. Leslie 'Stewart and Clara
Wardell and son Henry of Shiells of 'Ripley spent
the 4th concession, Huron BOxing Day' with Lester
Township . and Mr., and and AudreY Ferguson
Spence Irwin Of and:: Allan 'at their borne
• spent Christ- on the sixth concession
mas • Day with. Mr. west, • Also home was
Ashton, Mike, Barbara, "their.daughter Miss' Joan
, carrip and Michael and Ferguson; • R.N. of :the
'Christopher ; Wardell.. at. NUrsing. St aff at St...
Bright east of Stratford. JoseplOs HeSpital in.
On. BoXing . Day Cathy •Loridori.
Find der of Malcolm .;For th'e record we. had a
Street,. • Ripley Went, to g-r e e n. Chr i s t na a.s ;
Hepworth`; where she is Tuesday DeCernber, 25,
spending' :part of „the 1979 -no snow was to be,
holidays with her friend seefi anywhere, Arid soit
Brenda van. KOoten of continues and if there is
HepWortharid formerly no change : it will be, a
of Ripley:'Cathy returned green _New Year's Day. •
home on Sunday. , Weil .with the Upcoming
Ripley folks were sorry election on Feb:,18 it:Will
to learn of the passing of make it easy for everyone
Henry Carter of Lucknow to -get down to the grass
in the Wingham and roots. Of course this term
District Hospital. Henry is not in much use,
served for,Some years as The "in" word at this'
the station 'agent in, time is "hopefully".- just.
Ripley. While residirig in listen to a speaker or read
• Ripley Mr. and Mrs. an article. Our prediction
Carter lived in the hense for the next few weeks is
where Dave and Grace hopefully that the use of
Murray are 'now. He Was . the word' hopefully will
in his 79th year. The hopefully increase during
• funeral service was held 10B0. • • "
at the • MacKenzie 'Mi.. and Mrs, Martin •
McCr eath Home in Phelan and daughters'
tinc.kno.w Pp, ,T4,147)41,XtA;a: tatr,,,,,
afternoon, December :27, ChriStina Street inRipley •
_With Winter' Ontorribmerif-!Par'e spending the
in South KinloSS, Y Stir- Christrfias-New . Year's,
viving are ..hiS Wife,: holidays with his folks at
nephews and nieces to the - town of Chapeau
Whom' sympathy is ex ( "hat'!-- to you
tended. Anglophones).-
Sini and Corrine „Huber Allumette Island (ditto
of Lurgan,:down the hill Match Island). which is•
at the .base •of the 4th located • in the. Ottawa
concession, River away to the nor,.
Spent 'Christmas in thwest °of the city , of
Guelph at the home .of OttaWa.
...vrerimpwt•theirk•claughter Diane and , With Mary , and Joe
husband. . Fludder, and datighter.•
Larry and Shejley Cathy at their` home on .
Barker of C011ingWood Malcolm Street for
were here for the Christmas were Bill Steer
• Christmas season with of the Pinecrest Manor
her parents Carl and Pat Nursing Horne y in
Brennan at their home on Lucknow, Harry Scott of
William Street and also the fourth concession
up to the. store on Huron, John and 1J
tnainStreet. - Fludder, Dawn and Brad
A ntimber•, of people of :William Street in
from Huron and Ripley Ripley.
attended the. variety Niels Frederiksen of
concert and dance held in Malcolm Street spent
the Bervie Hall last •:.Christmas with. Nina and
Friday evening, It was a Bill Wyld and family oil
good program and a good the sixth concession . west
crowd was iri attendance. in HurOn ' .
Among those from this Ron and Pat Cornish of
area were' Ross and, Malcolm Street spent
Amelia Cumming, Oraen ChriStmas with his folks -
/and : Doris Rock and -Mr. and Mrs. Jinx Cornish
Ronnie, George and Joy and family at their home
McLean, Leslie and on the sixth concession
Dorothy Wardell,. The west.
Xotintry Itats were the Early , Monday prior-
band orchestra for the ning, iantidry 7, 1980,
&nee. Taking part in the= Jerry and Anne Huber of •
14, evening were Ronnie Ripley were in a group of
Rook„. singing and playing folks flying out of Toronto
is 'guitar,"- .Joy 'McLean ;Airport hounded for Los_
withher 'accordion.,” and Angeles, California. ThiS
Dorothy Wardell at. the will be the first "leg" of a
Piano,. Allan Miller of long guided tour taking.
Hogan of them halfway around, the
AShfield, and 'Margaret world and back, 'the
Harkness of Bervie, 'should be about
Here for Christmas half Aver ,hefOre they
with Jerry and Anne return. A few of the
Huber, Murray , and plates to be _visited are •
Annual MpOt.ing and Bang'. uet
of the •
LuOknow Community Centre
Banquet at 7:00 p.m. Business Meeting at 8:00 p.m. •
Dance Following Meeting - Musk By summer Rairk
Banquet tickets available from Directors or at the -co-00 Store,
and family of Calgary'
flevv to Toronto and spent
game between LucknoW,
And Ripley arid to • her.
area. LaSt winter Dianne
was a 'Member Of. the
Ripley Ladies Curling
team representing
WesterncOntario. •
Mrs. ElsieForrester of
RiPley. and her daughter
Mrs. Barbara Barber of
Norwood motored back to.
Ripley last Friday, Elsie
had been ''visiting these
past weeks with -her
daughter • Who is now
visiting here:
Our thanks to Mr's,
Gwen .HarriSon.......fer,..the...
write up on , last , Satur-
claY's benefit :hockey
Barry MacDonald, two
injured players on
.Ripley Intermediates.
'Thanks '.;also to Mrs,
ristmas-New Year husband • Howard for Elaine. Pollock: 'for her
with her mother bringing it ••into Ripley regular weekly report. on ,
I S.na d:r.7P-olfard early- Monday-morning:72 games in the Ripley
and other faintly .The game was to help Huron• Complex and to
relatives in the Ripley Lyn Armstrong and Mrs. Helen Grubb for the
weekly 'Ripley"Huron .
Turn' to page 23*
formulate policies, make decleions,
,utilize resources and.carry out programs
for maximum benefit of all members.
So, make it a date. Plan to participate in
the, next CO-OP Annual Meeting.
You're welcome.,.you're invited and::-
you're needed! In today's economy, the,
co-Operative Way of doing business is
more relevant. than ever.
.Over. 75,000 members believe working
together works!