HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-09, Page 6FREDINcGEEAUTO ELECTRIC LTD.
355 Josephine *eat, nigher& Pk. 351-141-6-
2 miles south of Harriteri
Ph. 338-342? ,
Page 0-4aelta. ev, Sentinel, Wedneaday., Anfiuury 9, 1980
Bushell on Friday evening.,
Mr: • and. Mrs. :Tack Hod-
gins-held a. faMilyAinner on
Christmas and On SitniAaY,„
Mrs. Audrey Borthwick from
St.•Catharines came. The two
ladies visited Saturday even,
Mg with Mrs; Agnes 'Hod-
Mr, and Mrs. Bill'Horts
and their three. child n
• spent Christmas in Torodto
with 'Mrs. Marjorie Wilson. •
Mr.. and Mrs. George
. Burt, Michael and Matther,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fran
ciscp; all `of Toronto and m4s
Cherie 'Mitchell, Aylmer
were XhristMas guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rut and
family.. ." • • , •
Mrs. George Graham was
a dinner guest with Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Young,,Kinloss.:\
Mr. 'Wand Mrs... Gerald
Rhody had friends in for a
party on Friday evening
their new, home here.
Mr. and Mrs.• Bill ButV
Terry. and Paul spent Satar
daY evening arid had dinrie
with. Mr. (and Mrs, Bill
Hodgins and: family.
• Mr. and Ws; ' DcingldS
McEwari and , family had as
, their guests on Christmas?
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McEw-
an and Duncan; concession
12, Mr:and Mrs. •JOmes :Mc,.
Ewan, jamie, Sandy. and
Kenny of .Silver: Lake, Mr.
and Mrs. John White and
Margaret,• Kincardine, Miss
Mary White R.N. of Toronto
and' Mr. and Mrs. Jack
White of Kincardine.
For New Years Mr. and
Mrs. Roy . Shaw, and Mr.and
Mrs. Bill Shaw; Wendy and
Timothy Of Stayner were with
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burt and
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc-
Ewan held' New Years at
t '
Mr, ankMri, RonGilles-
pie had as their Christmas
Day guests Mt, and. Mrs,
Don Gillespie and Cathy and
Mr. and Mrs.' Orval Wilson
• of hereMr, and Mrs MOS-
, las Drennan, Mr: and_ Mrs,
. Allan Drennan, and Dennis
-Drennan, Kincardine. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bush--
ell'were dinner •gtiets on
Christmas evening with her
parents,: Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Stapleton, Wingham.:
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Barr
were-at the home of Mr. and
"Mrs, Bruce Hamilton and.
-family at k •
Mrs, es Hodgins is at
her home here and had
Christmas:dinner for her son,
jim•and his daughters, Tam-
my and Michele. Their moth,
er, yelaine; Was on nursing
Visitors for •the holiday •
week and over Christmas
with Mrs. George Graham
were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ella
cotta Toronto, Mr, arid Mrs;
Ron Drincan and Sarah • of
Mississauga and,Rev iL Alex
and Mrs. Hewitt and, daugh-
'ter,Meghan of Fergas, and
on New Year's, Mr; and
• Arthur Graham and Mr D.
. Thompson. '
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gilles-
pie and Cathy;Mr. and. Mrs.
Ron Gillespie' Boxing
Day with Mr,. and Mrs, Lorne
Ritchie and, family, conces-
sion I2, Huron.
Mr. and. Mrs. D n Bushell
had Chtiatmas at heir home
for their family,. anet Bush-
ell . and Kurt eilson. of
Tor,Onto, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
MorningStar of ort
• Mr. and Mrs. riari T
son and infant dau
Brett of Kincardine Town-
ship and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce-
Bushell from here.
Those at theit homes for
.the holiday were :Donald
Barr, ,Waterloo, `Cathy HPd-
ley, Kitcheuer, Tammy Hod-,
gins Sarnia, Cathy Gillespie
and Michele Hodgins, Fan-
shawe College; London. V' • „Mr., and Mrs; Don Gilles-
' Pie "and'. eatlisi and' Mr: and
Mrs. • Ron Gillespie visited
with MT: and Mrs. Don
Mr. and MiS. HoWard
Whi▪ teside, Mr and Mrs.
7110777-7-dvar r-Benneit and heir
mother; Mrs. Marjorie Ben,'
nett spent the weogpfid heie
with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Ilakienby. Mrs. Haldenby
was taken by.itmtiulanCe -to
Wingliam hospital on. .New
Year's night, We lvish her 'a
speedy recovery:::
Vi▪ sitors -on Christmas with,;,
'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Breck-
les Were Phillip Breeldes rand
Joyce SOuche •••of doderick
and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Dahmer of concession 4,
Huron. ,
Mr'. and . Mrs. Eciblirt
Bushell were dinner '-guests •
in Kincardine with Mrs.
Marf Campbell. • .
Mrs. Nettie :Dore of 13ervie
and her sister, Miss Merle.
Stewart of Pine Lodge, Luck-
now were dinner guests on
Friday with' Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald. Rhody. • •.
Mr. and Mrs. •. Jack Scott
Were dinner guests on Box-
ing Day . with Mr. and . Mrs.
Bill Scotland family and with
Mr. and Mrs:11361d Scott and
family on 'Sunday and with
Mr. and MrS• Jack Scott at
Ripley On: New Years.
( Mr. and Mrs. Morley
Bushell and :Blair of Wing-
ham, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr
and Miss Winnifred Percy
Were Sunday dinner gueSt
with Mrs. Sohn Barr,
Miss Winnifred Percy,'Bill
.and Brian ercy had a- New
and Blaine Spent New years
Failsr. .;
and Mrs: William F.
Haldenby spent ChriStmas at
WarriSton-With-Mic and MrS.,
• Norman. 'Fry, Ralph" Ilalden-
by who had been here with
his parents returned to his
home at Gnelph.
Mr. and Mrs.' Don Bushell
and family ,werp,New Year's
guests.Of Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Morningstar Port
Sympathyis extended to
Mrs. Jean HOdgins•of Wing
and formerly Of here in
the sudden death of her
sister, Olive,. Mrs. Charles
Pearce of Brantford. The
funeral was held 0 Sunday,
December 30th. .• •
. Mt. Stanley'and Mrs.. Bill
of Lucknow",yisited. on Sun-
day. with Mr.-and Mrs, Alex
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gra-
ham and Mrs. Dorothy
Thompson visited WedneS-
day with Mrs. John Barr.
-•• ' Miss Norma Coats of
Wingham spent a few days
With Edna and ,May Boyle.
Mr, and Mrs, 'Jack Scott,
concession JO, . Mrs. -Eliza;
beth Fair. and Mrs..- Mary
_MacDonald of. Ripley were
dinner guests on SundaY
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Collins Af.Lui•g4n:
Mrs. Shirley. Whiteside,
• Mts.' Marjorie Bennett: and
Mrs. -Heather Bennett of
Toronto ' visited ; with ' their
father,' Arthtir Haldenby and
with. Mrs. Haldenby, a patir
ent in Wingham Hospital.
Mr, and'Mrs. BevanStan:
• 103'. Michael and Teresa•held
a family`Christmas at their
home here and had Mi. and
Mrs. Bill Tessier, Mrs". Mar-
garet Tessier, Mr. and Mrs.
Merle Tessier of Watford
and her brother; Barry, as
guests.. For Ne Yeats the
Starer. family '_visited, at
`Stratford. • , , • •
Mr. and; Mrs, Tom Mc-
Donald spent Christmas with
-.Mi• and Mrs: Bert Thonip.-
aeon and family, and milleW
Years Mr. and WS, Gordon
MacDonald and family had •
his parents and Mr. andiVitiv.
Ken MacDonald, Carl and
Lisa •from here. ••
Mrs, Claire Bushell visited
here with her parents, Mr.
-and Mrs. Tom McDonald and
'on Sunday they' visited with ,
• Mr. Joe Guest at TeesWater.
Mr. and Mrs.• ldhn Rim,
melzwaan, Carol and Debbie
of Purple Grove visited. on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs;
Bert Nicholson and Lois.
Dinner guests over the ••
hrilidays with Mr. and Mrs.
William MacPherson, Holy-.
rood, were'Mr, and Mrs. Dan
,their home, foilheir, family2-,4,with Frank and Keith Maul-
Visitors on -'• Clitistings and-K en. --
over the holiday with Mr:.• - Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mac-
and Mrs: E. _Bushell , were Donald, Carl and Lisa Spent
• Mrs. Kattrine Fraser, Christmas in Kitchener,,at
Anne, Edwin and Janice of-lhe home of Mr. and Mrs.
Arrriow; Mr. and Mrs. Wal Richard Yeandle.
ter Breckles • and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs.. Ron Young:
• Mrs.. „Russell Bushell and and Laura spent" Christmas
Robert, , - • and the holiday -with their
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 'Parents, Mr. and,Mrs, Sikh-
Brecklea and girls held a ter at Whitby and Mr. and
Christmas dinner for retell"- Mrs. Lloyd Young at Niagara
Year dinne . Those pres nt . •
were Mr. and •Mrs. Alex
Percy, Mr. and d Mrs. Glen
Haldenby and amily, Mrs.
John Barrand Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Brooks, Bevan and
Bradley f
o Listowel.
Mr. an Mrs. Hugh Lane
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