HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-09, Page 5Electrical Energy
Conservation Workshops
Ontario Hydro ana l tne Public Utilities in
Georgian Bay Region are sponsoring Energy
Oonservation WOrkthopS, for retail
• merChants:,Snialt industrial and similartype
The workshops will provide inforMatiOn about:
„ energy use and possible dollar, savings.
For the denVen'ielibe:b1Cuistorriers whOrnai
find it difficult to attend during business '
the voorlishOps are from 7i30 p:m. to:
,10:304M. ' , • •
• There is no registratiOn fee. A manual and
reference material is also provided' free of
, . Please enquire from your local
Utility office or Ontario Hydro for
dates and locationethat.may be •
most convenient for you.
Boys Shkts '
Wool' OckS
Boxer Shorts '
CottOki Socks
Tickler Striped
.!from.: page 4
connti 'sbhoolst.
churches; stores" and
families would also be
.-appreciated,,They-can be
And ifanyone wants to
write the history of his
own farm or add tO it, the
committee says he is
more than WeicOme to, do
this too: •
Everything has to be
into the publisher, Town •
and Country Crier of ,
by•Maych 31 so
information and
.''photographs for the book
are needed by, the end of
JanuarY-no later.
The • committee is
Planning on, having 1,000
copies of the book: rmted
in paperback form.and it
' is taking orders now, The',:
A books will.also be for sale
• at Dungannon's birthday
celebrations in early
August. The price to. be
charged is not known yet
but the committee figures
the book i . will' contain °
more than'300 pages plus
about 200 pictures. It will •
include a map 'of the area
with all the present 'land
owners' names on it,
Frontier Ways to
Modern 'Days included
interesting facts from the ,
minute books of Ahfield
Township from 1842 .to
1976. These will' not ' be
repeated in this latest
''boo but in the section on •
mun cipal government,
thelast three years' ,
important` minutes, ;• from
a 197.6 to , 1979, will be,
Besides the ' farm
history, the book';will
-*elude history on
Churches, organizatiens,
Sports, teams, families
and hoMes, stores -And
;other businesses in the
village. • ,
There have been four
different surveys of, the
village of DungannOn. ,
Each of the four corners
of the .village was once
owned by a different
settler--Mallough and
Davidson on the Ashfield
•side- and blelViath : and
Berry on the West
a Wwanosh side. The
village was apparently
named in 185'4 when it
was laid out. It is said
that this was done ..•by
putting several names in'
a hat. The first one drawn
was Dungannon, the •
name of the'. city in,
Ireland from which
Mallough had emigrated.
Most of • the original
settlers in Dungannon
d 'were from Ireland an
many of their relatives
still remain in the area.
In fact, says Mrs. Zinn,
the nest male baby born
in • West, Wawanosh
ToWnship was named
John Wawanosh Jack-
man and his grand.
daughter-in-law is a
member of the
Dungannon Women's
Institute' now working on
the history book.
Dungannon was once.
quite a, thriving. corn. curred as late as 1975
munity. The 'women. • on when Bob Stothers'
the history book corn, garage burned:' But
inittee can rhyme off all perhaps, the most tragic'.
sorts of former AnduStries—firroucurreittin 1937-WlieWT:
and businesses including three stores, three houses
a sawmill, Aparding mill, and a garage on the west
a , creamery, a churn side of the village's main
manufacturing shop; a street', all burned. to, the
dressmaking shop;; shoe , ground. This,. fire oc- •
and boot Making shop,' a : curred on -April Fools
;harness making shop, a DO and When the .fire
grist mill and an apple bell was sounded; the
evaporator; to, name just, villagers simply figured
a few. The village even . it was a prank ,to suit the
had its own -newspaper occassion.
from 1908 .to• 1916. Mrs. Although' Dungannon is 2,
Blake has a'copy Of it. now only a tiny',cornt
There have `been three Munity with a population
major fires in Dungan- -of a few hundred, it can
SEAF0t2.TH SeafOrth e S e r tb
Police Chief John Cairns neWspaper, The Huron
has been:suspended from Expositor was unable to
duty by the towntouncil. contact thief Cairns and
-1 In 'a statement issued Mayor John" Sittharhon
On January' 2; the said the town would not .
Seaforth council said; be issuing official
"Seaforth Police Chief, statement at that'. time.
John Cairns, has been The council, committee
with pay; was ' scheduled to meet
pending the .ontcome of*. again on January 9:
hearing , before a COunty. When no statement was
Court 'Judge, in ac----rssued '` by council, the
cerdance with the PoliCe Expo'sitior called the.
Act:',' . *Ontario Police ,
-The decision was made mission in Toronto and a
in an in-camera hearing Spokesman said at 'the,
on the Matter by council time "we Were unaware.
members . on December the' cbief was stispen-
29. ded." • • •
non.. One occurred as still boast of several '
early -at 191.4. when _the .grocery stores, a bakery,
1VIallOugh Hotel, burned' a hardware store, a post
down .arid another oc- office, two churches and
. a beauty parlor.; •. By
spring, there will be a
new garage in the village
top. There are a's°
several new- houses and
,.mobiles as more yOung.1;,.
people cheeSe to move to
the area, and commute to
work. `. " " • .•
Fort Albert, once-also
thriving community
whose life later tapered
off,' is, now growing again,
ton,even faster than
Dungannon. ;The Corn-
mittee says this is
because there a more
acres surveyed ere and
the lake. is also, an at-
Mrs. Zinn, a trtisteton
the Huron County Board
• of Education, -Whose -"
hushaira is the Reeve of
'.Ashfield TownshiP, says
the history book the-
committee is. working on •
is not a money making
project for the Women's
Institute. It is . simply
being done 'for the
community,. call it a
birthday present if yoir
'will Afterall, somebody
has to record the history
of the area now before' it
is lost forever.
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Boys poderivear:
,Boys Work Socks
Ilenim & Striped-
Lined Jeans
Nylon Socks
Lined Work Pants
[100% Cotton]
Green Cords
Seleited Items * Sale Ends Janwtry..19th
Charmanis Work Clothing
Welcomes Yon Everyday