HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-09, Page 2SPECI O PENINGR :se eraniici and Craft • wereA: Berotky,.:iennips;.Ltickitow, bronzed,'. statue Mrs. Ruby MeWbinneY., lieciataWi'l free ceramic lessons., Mrs. Alma Nobert, R. R. Gimierich; embossed' planter Cheryl Baker; Kincardine, ceramic Asktra$' Evelyn Lentsips;:ineknow, 15A/0 gift •certifleate • Mrs. Gladys Ilitzelden, Lucknow, $5.00 gift certificate. Mrs, Irene Sprul;'Anburn, ceramic planter Registratialifar Oasset • Monday thru. Thursday Classes- kerning 11:30 a.m. Afternoon vening 1:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 7:30.p.m. - 9:30 p.m: 'NEW PATONS. YARN NOW.INSTOCK . . . • PoOble Knitting , Gr •. . „ , • . -:ouoki:1(nifting,50 G.. • 25%.. WOOL; 75% ACRYLIC: Machine Wash,Machine Dry Macrame Cltisses Tuesday N)ght 740 .t6 ,940 • 2 i 2-4-4nelapw Sentinel, litteduti4Y, Jammu, p!.1980 .4. 41 • afloat' A Holyrood area farmer has tosserl'hiS hat 'running OUts' into the ring for the, PC nomination in the Johnston also wants to see, further sah- ,_-...41furorroBrilee riding__ . :sidization of interest rates on farm credit Barry Johnston; 3fr reeve: of 19nless, "Econornies show you can't ceritinue delcared his intention to seeklhe nrommation to farnt *with Such high interest rates,", lie • last week. , a said.. Johnston said the Canadian interest. Johnston-said he decided to run, because rates; have to follOW' the Amertcatf rates,- he wanted to , see the south of Bruce He alsci wants to see the national railway reptesented in the race andto create interest 'system unproved:. so farmers can get their ",,,,in the nP,Inkna,003iruvention for residents graih . to perts, He described rail the Bruce aria transportation system as. a "rnickey mouse' 'Johnston said itnorninated he would work system" and added if western farmers can't to retain•the faintly farms and support the: •get their grain to market, they'll start expleratiork. of • alternate, feel sOurces. He producing livesteck instead; suggested 'the extractiOn of' alcohol for fuel Johnston called this election "senselesi". from sugar bdCts and corn is an ;alternate The governinent brought dOWn a "'realistic" energy source' he wants to see researched. budget Whkh would ,stop :deficit spending. He believe,federall-aSsistance is .necessary and conserve energy he to get the ,project Starte'it, because it unrealistic to expot the private sector lb • Johnston ,has' been reeve of Xinloss for take the initiative, because„.. of the costs three yearsand served as councillor': for six isin 'olved; • • a . years. Be past president of the Bruce He criticized the Liheials 'fol.' failing to County Federation, of Agriculture and is &dare an, energy Policy. Johnston'said he• chairman of tho,'Bruee' COut,n67,- Museum ••• would rather p'aY,,$Z,a. gallon for gasoline; and. 'Board. He is' also a .inember- of the Sou,th have •at gu,ariviteed future supply than have ' Bruce Planning Board:. A farmer .fer 16 , cheaP,,,edetgY, rand no policy with the tisk of years, he Is married' with three children. :0,1111 • •, 11roni ,page 1:.. „ , budget, commented Mr. Whalen, .' The. .4%:,,,tionuthis ,,tiMe', party faithful ,are confident of 'Conservative§ tried to sell the excise tax on :a ..Liberal upset in' Huron-Bruce. ‘ , ' fuel as a conservation measure, but this tax, ,• , A lifelong resident of the tiding, Mr. Craig . said: Mr. Whalen, would aiso affect public lias•farmed-near Walton since-graduating transportation. as. • well`: as 'fuel,-for--food 'for. -food from Ricigetoti,'T College 9f Agricultural production. ' TeChnology. ';f-le iswa director of the Huron, /0,"The budgetmeant slow grtkvth and Cattlernen 's Association, searetary-treasur- i , , cr ef the, Huron PloCvmen, past president of double digit infl ation," Mr, Whalen, said. . . The campaign should be an interesting one county Junior Farmers and of the Brussels'. Agricultural Socie,ty. ,has been a 4-H swine, club leader frit the past 12 years. Mr Craig said high interest rates fad eroded the "confidende of people and the PrerChristinas sales indicated a cutback• in, 'consumer-pending. . • s ".Theettfundaitl. e tax credit the Conner.. y. . vative 'government.;-was:, promising would only cover 20; per • cent of the 'income ' families," laid M,r; Craig;—: ForpwrIiber4,Agri4ltIt Mfriister, ene , Whelan, m.p. Esser: Windsor, was guest, speaker and came doWn hard on the , budget and the minority Conservative 141 • and will take a lot of Treasurer Murray'ElstOn'reported on the campa.4,ai fbr cOntributionS, at' thecbnven: ilon. He indicated that more 'funding would 'be necessary to .cover the ,greateivolunle of advertising that Willtle done to overconie lthe tact .that the may; caMpaigning.ay be Cut - Short 1)1, winter, Weather,: Vgriltert%*M*Kr,r,57,5 t.2 t "We (the . Liberals) know about minority' governmentS; -Mr; Whalen. " e had a 'minority government under Lest r Pearson and Pierre Trudeati. And, when you are a minority, you'take.sOme.of the Other parties' ViewS:.and Consult with them." Mr, Whelan s • thiSon, ernment only represAted 38 per cent of the country Everyone Would hay'6'x'''',afiectd-bje-th& - • • *from page, 1 January 8, 1980 from Roman St. Augustine • Church. at 11 co'clocL 1nterinenf followed in St. Augustine Cemetery. 'Mac Kenzie and McCreath Funeral Home, Lucknow was in charge of• the funeral arrangements.. • kilkegammasitumg ,udgard recolistruction • • 1•74`• ) Lucknow Village Council named their committees to serve for the new year at the - January ses n, Monday night, The following committees were appointed: roads,, George • Joynt and Tom Andrew; water, Eldon Mann; hydro, Russell Whitby; , arena, Ab Murray and' Russell Whitby; • recreation, Tom -Andrew and Eldon Mann;' fire; Tom Andrew and Russell Whitby; property, Ab. Murray; sanitation,,Ab Murray' .and Tom Andrew and conservation wasleld 9vci: ort,j09#iari at the February meeting. peeve 'George JOynt made the following recommendations to council, for the year; --• the reeOn#ruction of havelock Street from Ludgard to the CNR•tracks -- the reconstruction of Ludgard Street, west of Havelock to the County Road - --•water works in this area are to be 'updated — inspection of well number five —"'inspection of the truss legs behind the concrete seating area for water damage ."ands air circulation af"rthe arena — completion of the, cornice area on the exterior of the town hall and a; facelift for the interior main entance and stairways, down;. stairs . --- consideration of a planning ,program for replacemenfof those trees removedover the past few years inspection of stieet lighting and a survey conducted by Ontario Hydro for primary and secondary lines, pole replacement, trans- former. capacities and other needs — revision d main street parking and parking lots required NEWSPAPER. ADVERTISING' TELLS ,PEOPLE WHERE AS 'WELL AS'WHAT. BOY. :•• sleek new shape. • Cane in and see them Soon...Offer ends February 1900. CLOSED MONDAYSimam ER MONTHS' 3 JEWELLERY'.• AND CliINA OWNERS AND DEAN E. AGNEw Lija(Stryv h PHONE 528.3532 Choosorom gardekof. patterns The IreSh spirit of Youth, the Joy of a sunny garden, the tiMetess beauty of deafen excellence and the traditional quality of Royal Albert• English Bone China have wed in "New Romance". . , ) Your choice of s enchanting new . floral patterns skill ful)y executed on a