The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-02, Page 10•„.
1977 GMC,,1 ton pickup
1977 DODGE, van.
1577 DODGE Ad:PEN, statiOnwagon,
V8 with air
1976 FORD 150,, pickup
• Financial assistance
• Management counselling (CASE)
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• Information on government
programs for business
Can we help you?
See our Repre§entatiVe
Bob Furtney at. The Bedford Hotel
Goderich Ontario "---\"'
Every Tuesday On.'. Next Visit: January 8th
1975 CHEV IMPALA,*2 door rtarcItop
1975 FORD LTD, 4 door
1975 FORD—F450, pickup
i973 PLYMOUTH VALIENT, .4 'door
'Several Used 4nowrnobiles in Stock
1980 Polaris Snowmobiles in Stock
•ATter the cgunrattni”..WOr4 The Sunday SAool was • as they were working The Mrs. Eileen Emmerton with was taken hY Eileen ••ErnMer- May West-tt.ault treasurer `
Ship,sertrice held in, the Pine donate& a beautiful round , hall,. tree, and tables were dessert served by Eileen at ton. Theron call was answer- Mrs. Carol Collins; pre re,°.--;
River Anglican ChUrch, Lir- table and 'twelve chairs by decorated to reflect the. one Welock, ed, by a line from a Christmas porter and ergabicr.'
gall, on . December r 9th, the ° the Courtney family in mem- Christ-nuts sPirit and was, The meeting opened' with carpi. Christmas readings Freida Collins
congregation assembled ory, of their paren nee gain enjoyed by all. prayer,: by the preiident, R followed-OblejAlphabeLb
' •
The Ltirgan meet.,
ing was held home of
The December •eeting of
Pine River U,C.W. was held
in the church. Mrs, Kenneth
Farrell opened With a seas
White gift service •
Brandh of the Salvation Army and Murray.Lyons of Wind.: ham along with Mr. and Mrs.
for distribution. sor. ; Mark MacAulay and family
Pre-Christmas visitors Mr, and Mrs. John:Sleeker .'• of Riply 'and Mr. and Mrs
with Mr.• and Mrs. Gordon and family and . Mr. and Mrs. Allis akivskis and'family :Christmas thought of the
McPherson were Marg, Eliz Hugh Todd and family were
abeth and Kevin. Black of Boxing. Day visitors with Mr.
Lucknow, Fred Black of Win- and Mrs. Pat O'Hagan.
nipeg and Janet Nevery of Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor
Wirigharn... enjoyed the company Of
Sympathy is expressed to Carol and Debbie McRoberts e"
Luba,:Webet °and her family of Chatsworth", Mr and Mrs.
on the tragic death- of her " Paul .Sprague of Tillsonburg
father last week. Wand Mr. and Mrs r 'Ron
Holiday guests' at - -the Sprague, of the village.
home of Isobel Miller were • Mr. and Mrs. Allan'Cran
Mr...and Mrs. Gordon Mac- ston visited with Mr. and
the', Parish Hall 'where they
held their Annual Christmas.
PartY.;ChYistrnas carols were.
sang- as the. sCriPtilre WO'
read about the birthof Jesus.
Recitations, piang solos and
(Wets were giveri 'by the
eatsiren, Three contests
were given which proved, to
be a lot of fun and games.
The -afternoon event ended
With a' pot luck supper and
St. Helens
BY KA'rHRYN TODD ies of ,St. Helens': #'
-Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ly-
- White Gift Sunday was ens and :Mel enjoyed the
held prior to•Christmas at the company of Mr,:' and Mrs.
St. Helens United Church. Jeff. Croskill of Windsor, Mr,
The gifts that were collected and Mrs; John Lyons, Tim
were given to -the .Wingham and Sarah of Londesbettb,
Mrs. Arthur Courtney; form-
erly of' Arriberley (Courtney
Store). The children use it
for .the 'first time for their
supper *and enjoyed it • very
much. They also received
their Christatas treats., •
Two of the 'wardens and
their wives from Kincardine
attepded the dinner.and, Were
welcomed. There were p.bout
forty for dinner and a`s usual
some were unable to be there
onal poem, followed with
PraYer by Mrs. Gary' Court-
A ..-ChristMaS meditation
with narration and scripture
readings was presented_ by
the conveners, 'assisted. by 'dent, Mrs, Irene Emmerton;
Mrs. Jim. Farrell and Mrs.- vice PFes1.4nt, Mrs. Eileen '
Christmas Holidaiis•. She' is.
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Bob Aitchison": • °
Mr, and WS. Wayne Todd_
.'and family spent ,Christmas
Eye with Mr. and .•Mrs.
Verdun DuCharme of W'n
London is home for 'the
Phone: -Phone
Wardsville 693-4383 Korneka 471-3059
Dirgannori 0-94947 •
:.accompanied Mrs. Lynit°g...,
LOwry. A poem; "Light a
Candle" arid prayer closed
the devotional :period,
Acting . president, -MrS.
Bob CourtneY,' and acting
secretary; Mrs. Lenard
.Real.,4nresided for th e re=
tnacild'er otthe 'meeting. Roll °
call :'was-,answered With A
Murray Thompson, - Inter- Eminerton; seciet,(4,.- Mrs:
.spersed carol singing was
Mrs". Freida Collins.; follewed
by.ihe rd's Prayer 'repeat-
ed ;men, The study book,
minutes with:Jesus",
Mary Scott, "The Contaiumg
Christ", by Irene Emmerton,
.' 'Just for te-day",. by May'.
West-Gual, "The• road to
Bethlehem", by Carol Col-
lins, comic reading '(Christ
ileen m---
ertort., and The Cross in trly
Pocket, by Freida Collins.
Minutes and business follow-
ed. , •
The annual meeting fol..
lowed with reports from the
secretary and treasurer. The
officers for 19_80 are pres-.
Rev. L. VanStaaldtiitien
10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
• Listen to the
Back to God Hour
10:30 a.rn. CKNX
Igor oft ,•P. writ
10 San. Sunday Scliool
11.a.m.'Morning Worship
Everyone Welcome
40 a.m. Sunday-School
Morning Worship
Nursery Provided
For:Fre-School Children
Jr,Congregation for •
5 -8 Year Old Children*
Rev:' Doug Kaufman
Irityre of Richmond Hill, Mr. Mrs, Torn livvin and Candice
and Mrs. Gordon Miller of of . Belgrave on Christmas
London, Larry Miller of Day. Also visiting with the
Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cianstons were .Mr.•.....mtd
laidlaw and family of Wing-• Mrs. , Roriald , Cranston and
ham and Mr. and Mrs'. Hugh Cheryl, of Ferguson.'
and Wayne Tedd.and famil- Miss Barb Aitchison Of
Christmas with
Trinity olks....
Washed MateriAa=Cttiisbed Stone
1979 ASPEN,„04 door, 6 cylinder, -autoMatic,
2 to choose from
1979 ASPEN,. '2 door, :6 cylinder automatic
1V7- GRANADA,-2 dbor, with air
1977 BUICK LA SABRE, cUsto 4'cloor,,vvith
-offMn page 5 family, held at . her sister's,
- Mrs. Wagger of Bruinner:
Campbell, Leander and Log- Christmas with, Mr; and
an when they came to have . Mrs. Allan . Ritchie, Bryce
Christmas With 'Winnie. and Violet's aunt, 'Annie'
Celebrating Christmas ,on Nesbit, were Mr. and Mrs.
`Sunday with ,Harvey. Betty "Jerry•Huizinga and family of
,hand Bryan Ritchie were Mel, - Auburn, John and Kenny
Jayne, and • Krista Ritchie, —Ritchie- and.' Mr. and Mrs.
•''‘ arid Elva' Ritchie of Wing- Wesley Ritchie' of Liseknow
haM. and Tom Culbert of Dun-
):.- Christmas • visitors with gannon. - ,
Evelyn and D. A. Hackett We extend sympathy to
' and family were -Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Kelso MeNay
Mrs. Howard Walker and and family in the loss of their
Cheryl; Mr. and Mrs. Glen dangliter-Elaine, Mrs. Lionel
Walker and Todd of Wing- Harvey of Peterborough.
,• „ham Murray . Mr, and Mrs. Mu , Mr. and Mrs. Eldon RR- )
in ent, Dean, Jayne and chie, Jim, Donald and Carol
°V ghati of Belgrave; Terry spent Christmas with I -her -
Hayes and ' Gordon Kemp, mother, Mrs. Ernest'Bogie of
and on Boicing Day; Mr. and Goderich.
Mrs, George- Hackett and . Pdf., Harvey and Kirk Liv
nancy of , Waterdown. ingston spent christmast, Eve •
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ritchie and Day- ,at Pat's parents,
and Krista spent Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Khern Kuipers
at Blyth' with' her parents, and boys of • Georgetown.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Watson and Paul Kuipers (Pat's brother)
family. : returned with them for the
Jack and Wanda Millar of remainder of the olidays.
Anten Mills spent a few days Thanks go out tht week to
with her parents, Jim and Cora. Cranston, Betty Ritchie,
Isabel Hunter and, all attend- , and. Ella Haekett who helped
ed the Hunter gathering at gather all the Christmas
,Lorna Button's on Sunday news this week. °
;arid the Nieholsori Christmas ' We would like to wish,
at Lorne and Margaret Rites everyone a happy and blessl
chic's of Ripley on Vitecinec 7 ', ed New Year in 1980. Also,
day.. Isabel's father, „ Dan'. we would like to thank the
Nicholson, spent Christmas . many neighbours who have (Branch Offite Address)
with them; phoned and written news. to please" call , 271,5650 [collect]
Larry and Janet Wilkins- help Make this column pos. Street, Stratford ,
spent Christmas with her sible.
rot prior', information
or write '1036 " Ontario