The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-02, Page 8, ....., R i, CES
$51.95 $70.00
SALE Regular
'Brookside 'School, auditor-
Min was .again' packed to
capacity on Tuesday.. even-
and .Holly 'spent Stmday at
Nile, with her Parents, Mr.
and Mrs.. Arnold-StOthersT7
when all the family Were
home to".enjoy their, ,Christ-'.
weekend in Dinidas With the
Murray Popp family.of Aub-
Mr.,and Mks. Tom- Enter-
Son Queensville. and Mr.
Christmas turkey roll off.
i'vft. and - Mrs. Stephen
Park .and „Holty entertained.
their '., grandinother, Mrs.'.
Gertrude Park on Friday,'
Lisa and' Michael, Mr. and
Mrs DennisVanderburgh
Vicki and Paula„:Mra. and.
Mrs. Stev :Waller;Mr.
Hodges and. Wanda Park
Day with. Mr. and Mrs,
mer Cook nd Kevin were
Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Schultz
village and Mr. and. Mrs...ROY.
. .. In gt December isth, when as. . , p rs. George Graham . We are ,p ease to, report enjoyed ChristMos with Mr, .Ashton, Ooderich.
they Presented their. annual sympa0;y,, is extended to ,and Jennifer of soarboronih . that.: Frank ThOmpsMi' was and Mrs. Carie'Bere at Mkt Mr.. and, Mrs.' Tom Web.
Albert; ' •','' _ .. , stet entertained' their family
Christmas concert; Much Mr. and Mrs. Randy. Kerry , sPent Sunda with Mrs, Tynn . allowed to be home to Kin-
work .was
,.put, into' this- and family, on the death on . Wall and children- , cardine . for ' Christmas with Mr. and Mrs , Irvine Eedy :;_for ChristinliT;444r; and Mrs.
4o.keLert and Id the teachers December 17 of Judy's Mr- "and Mrs.,. Freenan,. his family: . . . . ,, _ . spent Christina's Day in ,JBill Bradley, GOderich,.'Mr. '
and helia-s'involved must be brother, David •Schwatt4 of - Olson ceiehrotpd Christ mas Mr. and Mri. Ben _mole Stratford with their daught- and . Mrs, Robert (Brenda)
..4?• congratulated. . . ., .,,, Vancouver in his 26th year,,, A . on SundaY When all their ' s had members of their family er, Martha and husband, Miller ;and Byadiey of Kit-,
On Thursday afternoon the. private funeral service was :TalraY. were home. . , home on. Christmas'. ,D4y. , • Allan Bossence; , - ,chener, Mr., and Mrs. Bruce
pupils. of . Brookside sehool, , . held,at;,Stile(Funeral Home, Congratulations to all , the , Mr. and, Mrs. Lloyd HOd- Sympathy is extended to (Fay) •Rodrigues and Jamie,
. -enjoyed an hour of skating at Goderich on Thursday, Dec- luck; 'winners .04 ,the Tuck- ges, ,Mr.. and .Mrs. Terry the Rourke family on the. Hamilton, Miss 'Alice Brad- •
Lucknow arena, ember 20th. now-Dungann4 . bowling •' Hodges, Sherry and, Tanya, paising on ,Christmas. Day of leY, Cambridge, Mr. , and,
Stephen and Debbie, Park . P/Ilfs Patti Park spent the . .1eague, who wMi!. hi the . Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sillib, a belovedlwifeind mother, Mrs. Ken Thomas,. Lynda,
'0,4-n.. -.,.. PIS , V.0 j ' d' ' Ce Mrs. Ada Rourke, Wendy and Jennifer of tol-
.:•41,' "*P7' 6?'4'.• '%, s ;ikl,, .
OtNicker, Etc-
Arriy,,Ing Wepkly
Company • on Christmas ton.
Once+yek savings on -20-PIECE
Now i -ttje perfect tinie to•atart or add to your set of Oneida Silverplate,'Gold Eledtroplate, or Stainless.
207Plece Service for 4 includes: 4 Salad Fo6cs, 4 Dinner Forks, 4-Dinner Knives, 4 Dessert/SOup SpoOns, 4 Teas
$119.95 $150.00
SALE Regular
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SALE Regular
t Not available in Gold Electroplate,
Closed Mondays'
Daring Winter Months
Schrtiid's Jewellery and