The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-02, Page 5"^"
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• Guelph; Carla Bianoncei, Day they took his parents, ten day holiday in Florida. Christmas :1-reekriber 2Sth ,Brenda Campbell, • Michael Urn to page 10.
.Miller, Goderich; Douglas Nixon, family. Christmas Preda Broome for Christmas' Bob Markarn, Rob, Chris and
'urn; and ',Helen's , parents, ., room:' • ' ,: . • ' , 'Broome, Eric and Carrie, Russell : and ..Jean . Phillips, ...
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,DobneY ' Mr, and Mrs. Bill'Phillips, • HoltneSville; Tom. and Rose Fred Phillips' and Brenda
. of •Kiticardine, ' , - ' • Bob:• - -4n4 - Ayttliey, their Broome, Diane and. Pat; Bremner, Ken: and Miry
Russell and Lillian liVin daughter,-Shirley and Hugh 'Mary ' and 'Ken Scheerer, Phillips and , uncle Albert
had Christmas on Christmas Eskritt,"Fordwicb, celebrated . Pam and Greg, Goderich., Phillips; West Wawanosh.
Day:With their „family:, Wit-. ,:Christmas with Mrs.. Phil- . Frank and . Loreen Alton, Jack and Lilo Irwin; Krist- ' .s• _
Barn •and Shirley y Irvin.: and tiPS*',Parents, Mr. *and ' Mrs. Gordon, Kevin ' and Jamie en, Matthew anctBillie Cele.
Shelley;; Murray arid Eliza-, Harry Walter„.13enmiller no visited'' Christtna5 Day With: ` brated Christmas.with Jade's' ' E--•
beth fryin; Dale, rrviti, Kid- ; other members of their fain- -Austin and • Joan—Martin,--- lamilYi-JackandSadie_ILWiti,
chefter,, Susan; ..Irvin, , Ivo-• ily: , ..: , ; - ,. :.•• Maril$rn .
and. Rick„ Lucknow. Goderi.Ch. Others present for
laceburg; Alex . Irvin.' and Celebrating : ChriStraas ' Mr.. _and Mrs. Walter *Alton .1the dart' ,were': Ron and -Jean;
.Sandti Gardner, and . Lil- 'with jehri -arid Helen Nichol,. were also, with their fan*„,:rbelm,_pson,' Michael, , Bonnie
Ban's mOther; . Mrs. . Clark ' son on• December 25, Were .for the -, 'day.:' Frank , and- „, a0Wayne, Wingham; Nan-
Raynard, •Lucknovi; f t; -their son, Harold a a Loreen, Kevin' ands;, Jamieei% London; and Mel Irwin, ucl---Lio3)
.The Livinston family ;, , NicholsOn and girls, Juli. 2visited ,with cousins Elmira, Goderich and his 'gen, Mae.
Christmas wag ,, beld':at the and Debbie, Lucknow and and Gordon Finnigan, God. . . Celebrating Christmas
home Of Cliff and Joan Liv-.their :darighter, Shirley' and s 'ericil on Boxing Day. , .- - with Ivan and Gail Cranston”
tngston And, family_ Guests James.4.114,ontgonl' erY and Mrs. Ethel Hoy, Goderich and. Danielle, were her par-
Were Cliff's mother, Martha . Christopher. Lorraine and and per sort, Art., cOoder- entst vr.. and MrS. Stuart ,
'and friend` Dorothy Beatnish JO '4 Clark froin Glencoe ich, celebrated - Christmas 'Jamieson and Glenda, ',and
willing- at the Pinacrest and S•erena of Grand ‘, towards evening.. • Dieroif and George. and Nits: Wayne Jamieson, rritFley, Steven, Kevin and
.InSing Home and the SePoY Marion and family.. of ..Tack and Pont* Alton, ''Visitink with "Hareld and .Michael and Jennifer, JgC,Y; Shirley, andJasOn
AOattihentL: They., returned Zuricbk Ha. e. •• • Pat-and _GarY and Jeff celebrated ,"susan, Kim and Chris Cooke kerton;:-Mr, and, Mrs. • Art Straughan, -all of Goderich;
te,the home of lath Alien. for Kirk, Lucknow; 'Gordon, and Christmas On December 24th for 'Citrittnas were Susan's Short, Leanne and , Alechia, Billy, Patsy,' Barbara and:
refreshments and a Christ=:: Bernice Kemp,' Gail, Glenn, with their family. Shelley brother; Dannie , McDonald,. ingers011 and W.-and Mrs. Kenny Campbell,. family of
- Celebrating Christmas :at • Hackett; Margaret, and Don .1-eft the 2Stkto:go it A. Dean,: •Kiteheneri Su air's Kiteheiler. •Coiribridge; and IceaO's'
the ,horne of- Howard and Stirling;, Chatham. . skiing holidaY to Banff eg Dad and Mother; Mr. and Visiting with Winnie . friend, . Michael :,Kadir :from
Helen Blake were their font- Del and Wendy Nixon, and. Maxine Alton; Lucknew Mrs, Stuart AMCDonald;. and , Campbell on Christinas Day B.C.; and IVinnie's brother,
Hy, Gary and Bernice Blake • Cindy and Sherry visited ;on. also.attended. Early Wed- ,Barold's• Dad and. Mother, . were, her faMilY1,-Marie,iand40',,Frank'irwia, 'Belfast. Billy, ,•
and Matthew .of Cambridgei, 'Christmas Day with her Ateiday morning Gary.Alioni Mr. 'and .Mrs.'Chris Cooke. , Bill SteWart, Brian, Anabelle Patsy and Barbara• stayed
Greg and Wilma. Blake, • , parents; Mr. and Mrs. Ted .• Henry and Peter Van Dyke Herb, Rosalehe and. Tara and . Lila; Elaine 'and Paul until the next-day and visited_
Lucknow: Bev' Blake, Fear, .Clintdn. On Boxing Viand Steven Howard left foraBarger, Kincardine, , ,, 404, ,, 0!Donnell; Bernard and with Murray; and PiePhlinn
Mas get to - ,, -Gordon and ' frierid,: Lori: 'was Foraellrent TQlOhTe-and--"K"Sr-McDonald7,--Soft-and,---Marray:713n#OniLAnk„riavid,,,-Ita-atldXatheOne.:CaMPW, i...„_, 1
*from, page 4 of Brampton; Harold, Elsa called in for a While on with her, daughter, Joan and Greg Jaekson, Wiartort; ir, . an!d'- Alicia; Gertie aad Joe
Waterloo; Paul, Blake; Janice Isaac and Della Niton to the Visitors with Reg and ',and had as .guests, Irene and, '
Blake; -Sandra' Popp, Aub- . 'Belgrave' .arena meeting were Jack- ;and= MarioneL..„KellY. . Res-alene's....4wents,
„ • ?
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