The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-01-02, Page 4Hackett; Mr, Humbug by
Cheater Hackett; Mrs.'Busy,
Busy, Busy by Shirley Irvin;
Harry Price by Frank Alton;,
Ma. lina Ware by Elizabeth
Irvin and Annie Timis by
Shirley Scott. The . modern
day attitudes expressed in
the play were correlat d. to gi
the real meaning „of . rist-
,, Mas by speaker Gre lake,
The second part was nar-
rated by MaymeWilkins and,
was the story of the first
Christmas. Those taking part
were Janine Helm as Mary;
Matth ew kwity,,__as _Joseph; __Eva Adamson was a guest and Christmas. Day. with .
Bob Vanessa. Alton as the angel; of her daughter Diane and', Arnold's. sister, Bob and
Douglas Ifelm, Chris',Farrish Barry Hadketr., Eob and Bar- ,Muriel Cook of Petrolia.
And-Warren-Andrew as±..the _tiara 94...Christmas 1pai, . Celebrating. Christmas on
shepherds; Shauna 'Andrew,. Larry and Lois Cariwg6117-7S-sturd#, December 22 with
Shirley find Michael Nancy. Hunter and Donna erlkertained Lois' ' brother, . Doll,
Scott as the wise men. ' George Adamson, his son Hackett. were Rosalea and
' During the presentation ' VaurandAlendinida Merritt , Tom Rapson,-Seaforth,' Wil-
--the-blioir rendered suitable frOm Toronto. - ma and Greg Blake Luck
selections to introduce' the ' ' Larry and Katy- -Haeicett noir, Darlene, Ivan.• and
BY BELL' flAacerr different characters- portray- and Stuart spent Christmas
in the ChristmasAtog. Day with his annt,.,I0Srce and
The annual eandlefightiag ThiS'Part.Was concluded by. Ken'Ophieicfor-theirltackett
Service of Trinity Chnrch was the choir singing ,"Christmas family :Christmas ... • ,
held evening, Pee- is Christ a. Birthday which Laura 'Morgan; and Norm
0111bOr 23 and it was a very* featured an echo chorus Owen• from Paisley spent .
Meaningful part 'of • our taken by tSuzanne.AltOn. Christmas at the home of her
Christmas. Candles in the ''Each member of the: Oa- .daughter:, 'Gerry and Phil
..Windows and, tin the brass gregation lit individual, ma- McCann, Michael, Patrick •
,candelabraIli the altar glow,dies which Illuminated the and Brian.
'ecl, softly, forming a fitting entire church. The hymn,, Ken and Ruth Alton, Ge-
background for the presenta Night, was sung by., Inge, Sharon and: Suzanne'.
tion' of the Christmas Story. cindlelight. Rev, Miner an- visited at the otRUth'S
Instrumental prelude was nOunced the benediction - brother, ,'harlie and 'Grace'
provided by Wilma. Blake And, now to each and every Procter, Brussels.
With her violin, John Andrew one of you, and'Allie ieurink and.
With is saxophOne, and Ruth . HOPE that shines bright as Ka en entertained,on Christ-
Alton at the organ. that first Chriatmas star, mas . Day their -daughter,
-p The, themepresentation FAITH that led wise men to Reina and MeL,Arnold and.
' was "The message of Christ- , travel, afar, Carla, • Kineardine, and Al,..
mas'.' with• the first part .PE and * contentment lie's brother, Derk and Tina.
being Aplai,) "Christmas those first shepherds •Legteriberg and family,
with- our person-on-the- knew,.and, Douglas and NOncy Aitehi-
street", This ' play was an GOD'S. LOVE to guide yOu. son enjoyed their Christmas!". London, Don and' Sandra
interview with shoppers pas- celebration- at :the:home of Forster and Donna t Jean,
sing Ashton's Store in Luck- Jack and Nancy:Cameron her parents, ,-Leonard, and Purple Grove, Chester and
now. The interviewer was. and Brent celebrated Christ- Bernadine Ritchie, ,Lucknow. . Hackett, Jan, Scott and ••.
Mike Askum, played by Mel mas Day with her parents; Others present were Murray ; Arnie and. Pat §chiell,
Ritchie; and those taking. Clarence and Velma Shelley, and. Elizabeth-Irvin,'Stuart ham, Murray and -Gladys
part were Mrs. Gimmie by Mitchell and ether members .‘and ,Steven, Alton, Jack and., Tuck, Scott and Michael;.,
JoadHelm; her soinGiinmie- - of -heir. ;•,.. Ken Ritchie: Oakville. and Mrs • .`"
Gimmie, Alton; Celebrating Christmas . Celebrating ChriStniaa Zinn, Godericb.
Madame Party by Joan with Mrs: Cora (Cranston with Keith and' Irene . Wayne and Gloria.: Hack-
were her daughter, Leone Heather, .Shoron and Larry ett, Vicky and ShaWn enter-
and Bill Belton and Clarissa, were their dinghter,, Jan- tamed Wayne's. : parents,
Wingham and Ivan and Gail nette and Fred Trewartha, Alex and Ella Hackett on
Cranston and' Danielle, Laura and :Bradley,. Christmas Day,
Mrs. George Henry spent bourne;; Ron .. and 'Jeanne „ Celebrating' Christmas,
Chriatmas Day at the home Menary and Michael; Irene's with Lorne and iliazel Hack-
of Mr, and Mrs. Pete Jeffer- sister, Caryle and Keith ett, Greg, Brian, Brenda and
son, Donnybrook, with • her }licking, Brenda ,and Canter- Mac': on ,.Sainrday, December
daughter, Wanda and Bob Hanover, and ..Irene's'22 were , parent's',
Jefferson and family. On . parents, Hugh` and. -• Dolly. Glen and Vera Campbell,:
Thursday;Mrs. Henry enter-. Menary. ' Bleinha in and Hazel's .aister,,,
tarried her daughter, Wanda , Arnold and: Dona Camp-' Glenda 'land John Clarke,
and Bob „Jefferson, Cra, bell, Karen,.• °Sandra 'and Patila and Lori, of Bleinha
Teresa and Heather, and Shiela had Christmas on. the Hazel's, parents staye
Faye and. Herb Oakes, weekend with Dana'S moth,- the weekend.
George and Michael. Cr, CarolineKnott, Chathatn, ,Ciayton and Lois Alton,.
Anne and Lynne had as their
gnesta oh Christmas DaY•,
her mother, Mrs. Crowston,
L'ucknow, Clayton's sister,
Dorothy MacLeod, Lutknow,
and her daughter, Betty
Riechio, Toronto,
-=Wil1'iam and Shirley- Irvin-G
and Shelley celebrated
Christmas op- Sunday, Pec-
Chtistopber Wattant, Wing'
ham, Shirley's.mother, Mrs.
—Cummingr-Kiteherier --and-.
Kathy . Anderson, Seaforth.
Donna Hackett visited with
her by Phone in the
afternoon. Donna and her;
friend, Jean Siertsema, have
joined the nursing staff of the
Lethbridge Municipal Hos-
, pital in Lethbridge.
Warren and Marian Zinn,
Terry and Paui held Christ-.
mas- on Sunday, December,
2 for her Thos
present were her parenta,
Mr. and Mrs- DoUglas Gra-
ham, Lucknow, 'Ron • and
Diane Ferguson,' Kimberley ,
and Jeffrey, Woodstock,
`Margaret YAnd Evan Keith,
/Lueltnmv, 'Murray Keith,
Waterloo, Wanda Linnet!, '-
,,Robband family,„
ember 23 at the home of her
parents, Gordon and„ Ndra
Livingstone and Pearl
Menary had as their guest on
.Iackaow Business 4#9e,'
Draw Were
fit 'Nancy Swan
2nd Joy Houston
3rd --John G mi
. Ra. 3, .
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e O,Iyrood •
i; Ripley •
Cbt'ist014,431,4,y,- et' -stStetvi AY'
Mrs,,:' Cora Cranston.
On Saturday evening the
choir ofTrinity.Churchwent
Turn to page So
Students front kindergarten through grade 4 at St. JosePhs School
Kingsbridge presented the nativity scene as theit contribution to
the school's annual Christtnas concert, The:concert was
presented on Tuesday. (photo by Dave Sykes) .
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