HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-12-6, Page 5.. �+twwrrarali,a•e• THE SIGNJ.L, The World's Richest Treasures from T the Earth's Quaintest Corners Find 18 To Their Way to this Store Only from an extensive stock can one hope to select Gifts that are expressive �f their thought and the road to that end starts everywhere in this store Where the Christmas Spirit Reiigns Supreme T"ppp.TT.TTta'vcpaayl-cg`,p'at TTectcT,rztrztr.tv c 80 1.V +p '' with the 'MeV/1.4 fri Ort&Q/2iionic Victrola.. Mode14.3415 f%\1 Kodaks, Brownie Cameras $2.751_ $32.75 Kodak Accessories and Albums GIFTS FOR MEN rill Fuld- .14k• 104,2' i"' \I•ilhaga-' Sim%iug'4,t- It1. Yardley's \len'. Sets >t2.INI to tt2 -,t l• .,Il.•y'- shaving :,cps s I \t Mary Itru-h, , $..1111 to \t dafy Brush !its in Stn ... -.hatrig Mirror- 75.• t.. $1 '' -oft-. i'-nfhtr-t':rows-- Fl I a i to t<:Li ., LOTS OF NOVELTIES FOR MEN F11-t,t'ih'. 111 7,7• to A:.4111 Beautiful Box Stationery With Quill Pens 85c Box 25c to $5.00 SETS OF TOILET PIECES fn; �• - 1 ,,.tr.d I',•arlt.nl. .. "foil• t 1'.v•- in �.t- •�1 :: to . ll.r.., fr•.iai 57.95 to $25.00 Perfume Atomizers and Sets 50c to $7 30 Victor Orthophonic Victrola Portables $35.00 to $48.50 Cabinets from $1 15 \ tar li• vont .111,.1'. I: ' 81i. 75 Christmas Records Now in Stock MUSICAL i rRUMI' 1 \'inlint 1 krlei.=. It1 I:anjo,liuu:n. \l ti' Organs..I,tr+'-hart,-. \II llu-t,al String-, for .111 In.trnme•ii-. tt I 1 i Campbell's ru g Goderich Gifts of Choice Toiletries for Every Mood and Need Exquisite I'.•rfuuays of 1:1 -ting• and distinctive fragrance in captivating bottlia I!.1th Salts. Body Piiwd.•rs, Tule+, to make. the hath a joyous lutury TOILET PIECES IN CHARMING VARIETY TO GRACE MILADY'S BOUDOIR you will find, in endless assortment, the ! resat imported and doinestic Toilet Novelties ,i his d with utuost euro for your selection Yardley's and Many Other Choice Perfumes, $1.50 to $ti.0o Houbigarit's Quelques Fleurs Per- fumes, $I.00 to $2.25 French Perfumes'in Novelty Ccn- tainers, 25c to $1.50 Hudnut's Toilet and Many Other Toilet Waters, $1.00 to $1.50 Fugue* L'wir,1 v4r all rounb (hristmas (�ii'ilq adios of ow)IA1fl to GOIERICH, ONT. ':("'ERYCH TOWNSHIP MODEL THEATRE The neat weekly imetttg of the Zion Young People's Union will tie lou Friday, 1Mceualeer 11 ti. 111 the Lowe of • \Ir, 1•. F:. (:rotes. The meeting will. WEEK WE DECEMBER 10 TO 1:1 couu1101We at S oil..ck *harp. MoniIaty and Tuesdays. A Hr'l l+l� The beautiful scenic et 1w11itan pro- \$11F'iFa.D. Det'. :1. Mr. and Mrs."White Shadows" Fera- l), I' .1 Luuuau and *111 1,y'Id tlsitt•d with b:na'.I un the s•mat•.u•.t L...k by F'etvl- p:, I, in Nurkhlll :oat Loudon lust crick O'Brien meet p•�rtrayt•.l by a lair. :F "1'ti r+. Falmer Phillips is under, the lsal lIllt a ti 1.1 ia1 y ularlprarM • A ri. t . doctor's rare Ie present 3lrrmai.l ('••nualr 1 Messrs. Ernest Blake land Cecil John- r4 ohn- BLONDE` BEWARE" Q loll. :Mewled the Rout Wtacr Fair Toronto. Tlte> were winners ur pp , frit•, ou the lauthe Ito.* exhibited. Wednesday and 'flIurMbty- pg\Ir+. Will Mi•('ttr..ht visited Nish "S yd" Chaplin f :. �„i,.1. and Parkhill friends recently. Qtr \I, Joules t:iba.m, of Wawaetiosh, Kiugpino1 the (ouster+ in a tin--lrikt he guess of Lir 1rother4ii low uud ro11I I7 bit. 'rtae gay •I.Itenhlret o1 ;. ©1 tel, \I r. and dl r*4 . \1'w. Jli(uuuell,; Lin-Frekt, l hu.lw ntl i 101111e'I t IIt1 si,'.1 4�t :,,r a -few days lust tttek. lbrilis tool laughs gah.n. Farrytl.an; pf� fr..in giggles t., t;iitf.ttt+. :f air. and Mrs. Earl Blake and child-' A ' en, of (Tinton. visited on Saturday I eeJkirti" . list with the lady's parents. Mr. and Pattie Coined* til? Mrs. David .1c\1'Iduuey. "SMITHS FARM DAYS" ro Mrs. W. Ii. Maize has'returntd horse f * i.•iu Gudrrirh• after slwndiu. u few V ..:.fit there. Friday and Satunkq- L _ tut Mr. Robert »linin Islet t,u tia,i.t a Ranger tf lou• new ,Iiteylhi.ler trhhau.•bile �• -id:ur. Inayolcaiiic drauea of rte twdlauds in •-eo ./ f/C:; Nit Mr. and Mrs. 1:eslrge Ashton and %tacit a tiglttne dog pays his debt of i1 _ - ,, c ,'4 �q !amity: who hate• lived at Puri Albert ye1)ige ore• A taigtiy rple of the hinds. -► C7; �.r for a iiawdler of years, hate returned to "The Law of Fear" is 'heir farm In Colborne to. reside. December ---tie Christmas Month F. It. 1 1. l •. t!g alis lanoline l'amtlell tui tendered Hutt quiehly It conies around. p'� r resignation as 11 the in S S. No. "SHY KNEES" Think quickly anti deeid.• 1%11:it r• 1., take effect at the close• or the \(Stine. N.ttu•.tat :.I pni. you require ill llowrrs.. 1 . CoNlias "Little Shepherd of Kingdom .'oma- end •'Renton•" rr r It antItitl Set- in c.l l 1.t Ic. ••i Waterman and Parker Pens and Pencils Tburealay• December nth, Watch this space next week for our Yearly Christmas Sale M. ROBINS TIP-TOP AGENT FOR GODEKICH AND DISTRICT A Greeting Cards iff j\\'1.1.• variety at attractive.price. Nt dv lc to 25c- Benmiller Sunday School \i, - . sery Sunday ti .1 I'. 1.0 11 Everybody Cordially Invited to AHend Beautiful Toilet Accessories for Christmas Gifts \t1rartt4•• Toilet freers factional of rose nti anther. uinthrr of 1e•nrt ott anther. French ivory 011 anther Mirrors wi'h long handles Pearltone Hair Brushes Manicure Sets, 3 pieces . Natural Lht.ny Brushes . $1.00, $1 25. $1 7S W111'1'ECIIURt;H \\Jll'1'E•'III 111'11. 11.+ ::. Mr OR \Ir:. Thos. Isonal ,14.1,1 a 1,-4 day+ last week with their daughter. Mrs. �q \V'iikius, of Marion. ?S Mrs. John Johnston tool Ite.eiri•e are pit ,- i ug friends in Toronto. \1r. J. 11. Morrison returned. la.t ,.1s from the West. - ki „Sirs. t'eter It ,l.It 111 :and daugtlrr I- erenee. u1' Detroit. .Mento few d,i*, - week wllh relntitrs iq F:est \1:* nosh and Delgrate. Mrs. (:r'' Slitell and Let' halls s.�i, •,:c ,tome again rr.in,. Ills, l,.tpityl. Qi\1r. Richard Irwin 111.1 with a +er' 1.d = Went 1:I-1 w.r•k. tthett he fail :f titan the sew itt tie ir+rii ..f tri,: -..,.o 157 II. rsui. 11e was swi,1iug to the lad tt(1 •m the tbrio-.,':(tol it .eerie' away tool fall to 1L1; O;,ii'-1T.•'�t'a.. rai.iif-t, eq •• hospital, where It was h•.irn.o1 his t. tt a+ brukeu. 11e 1. itnl.r..%ii •, tot 111 be ••t l• •'t Ad. :f 'Ifs. John Ilerrroft'a Ilrath.-Tbire sway lit \\'iva,aaa h.. -Lilian loll Ike I .• - .1) morning. \,.trmlr•r _i. *'nth- �} Iwlot.sl %1ts. .12 t%Y tlr John Iler•roft. I:.a•t .. Q� I:. -series Ler hiMbto,•i -lit. (carr+ four t.ireu: Mrs. Dow. of East Wawa- ,J• Melcia , o.t 1."1,,!.q. Triter-ity . a:I lla•r•. nt Inane. .ttrd B.mtrer. ..r ��Wingh:am High School: :also her aged _ mother. Mrs: St.••:•. :oat nue sister. Q Sirs. 1:.,•. Ituls•r1•••i . no.l three Lro. ib#!her,: I l:ort and 1..•:1-•1., of F:a.t \\'a- " ttnuf.,11. •u .1 It.d.cr1. •.: \Cingh:lou. It,'v .1. S.•obio ret:,! Het. N. Da ..oa111•i.,i the vert ice, at Lon.,. turd 1 ,.r111et.•r. int 1'hnr,.::.y uftern•..•o. `, The \t'.•tu• n'+ 1i;stbite of White. t ehumle Lol tiny :u1 1.t len,• for the hR to.•ntla•r, n \\.•ttisdat ulgitl. Ntr. Iriti•1 I:.'. r"tet. .d New York. ,q 1..l 31r. nn•i \Irs. 1101.1. M,.nr,,• 1111.1 ID, Simpson. of 1n,tdatt. At 0101.•.1 the pa `Hno•riil-' of Sir+: John It,. raft .11 :. Thursday In••t. 3liss Edna Morrison .loft los Thurs- t't 4ny to visit re11044es in Toro11th. Mr. Robert 1'iirdou i• suffering frim V :1 wire (read. having 'Well 164.-.1 abate Ni the eye lis one of his hors s. UUN(;ANNON 1N'\4:.1N\4►\ Dee. :1. Mr. fund �,p 11r•. G. M. Melhettri.• and Maser Man .7 !•Qt9tg4a°mt� L,` -y' CC tCVCtC° 'V '. '. ' a Inn spent Wmdnt at 4linton. QQ Mr. Thos. :Withers and Mr. lent in ' ▪ \1.•Inttre motored to Toronto I i -i hR wick and RtU'U.Y4ct il relegrtmna rnrr- is tention. . Sir. F. Itogersou. of Idyllic .j with ttom. • 31r. and 31r•t. Mil4111 Reed and oh 11.1- Ea kiR ren: lof l.n.knlow, spent Sunday with • rte latter'.. ;camas. 31r.:It 1 Mrs. Jas. Girtli) Q Ni Mr. and Mrs. R. .1. McKenzie nn.l •r. e L..rne motored to London on i Mitt* �tlfr and spent the dot at the home of SIr. (1e W :ntd Mrs. .1. K. Mrlatihrrn. • Mr. and 31r.. F. Ynnt ntr.1 .•lrt.ivt-n. ••f Monkt.st. spent ttti»i-rr-ill--a-Li'-4.44.0 Qtf7 Qf •.i Mr. and Mrs. F.edy. if! 6d The regular monthly meting or the JJ" �hfa \Cas• \\'nwnuosh Tire lusin•ani.. t'.• �1 Njf was Held in Mr. Alien's other on Toe-- 4,z �Q miller. ,,rent Sundry 1.t the home of Eta 119 Mr. and Mrs. Burton Roach. .t pq Iter. W. R. .11p. of .lnbnrt, n. ,dried :f 11te 1411pi1 of the l'nit•d r•Intrrh !est �? Sunday na.rning noel eceuing on.1 .!, pA Ikorel tine f"rceful sermons. R. •t :�i� Walker took the services at, Mr. .11p:, e. n�g aplsdtitnlents. Nir. Walker wll� Lis own pulpit nest $undlly. +hh -Th.. -*-tint t t r wf-the--Dhrnrs--b After 1.e• at the home of Ile lihrnrI iii. Mi: - I.. l.renny. nn Mondaty .•tcnimg. Thr lby ..$500 up $2 50 up $2 25, $2 75 LADIES' HAND BAGS $1.50 to $4.50 fancy Boxed Chocolates 40c to $6 00 GEO. STE'WART (1)ER1CH T.•e our t lu�i.lows ('orale , Brtstt vet. 'telephone 105 Goderich • THE Goloshes and Overshoes FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN MEN, BOYS AND YOUTHS All Styles First Quality Reasonable Prices GEO. North Side of Square MacVICAR Goderich, Ont. Before You Buy -Hear This Set Nothing finer in radio has ever been offered than the new Kolster Alt -Electric Radio. A "plug-in" set of beautiful appearance. See it and hear it and you will want to own it. Huron` Motor Sales lot It ^t . 1 io.l. rice 1'eldpbot.. KOLSTER RADIO "All that Con sick in Radio" /'1 i �OtS Trt1 HLAPI-0L-KS '&IU.. FILL YOUR OFFICE AND APARTHtNT BUILDINGSr WITH HAPPY TENANTS i •s t 14 The Itt•at Folks' know the problems of heating big. u big. store or apartment r otli.,• building. Thy know that uetisft.tory' her: g...•+ a lung w•ay tuuwanls making -. tenants contented. And thi•y know how to get that he: t. Put then in charge of your tuitil;nf., :end you'll hrar no more couipli•ints about told roosts. . CALL THE For Good Clean Coal J. B. MUSTARD ('OMPANY Phone 98 Goderich 31 r. 1n1d Mrs. E.I. Million, of 11en• �r Phone 90 %VEST lel EF.F LAMPS We hay, j1. -t rt'e,iv,•d :1 largeat+sorttn4'tit or Junior. I4i44 and Table Lamps Nati' is the time to nt11101 your +elertirni J. R. WHEELER Furniture D..I.r F"users'Director Hamilton Street. GR. rirk 4denee 355w Phones' Store 335. •Lief oh.leitt of the meeting was to pro.±� tide flays and means of raising funds to pnrv•hnse morn les,k'. 11 ttas de- cided to hold n eoturrl In the tt.•ru A� fntnre :1t attic!' the tnricd1. schist!. ''f the district will be risked to, furnish I. 'h.• program. _ 1 ,tnler %m. held in the .lgrienitnr t1 '- 1 IT -til ,m Mon•hec .o.-itlii¢. QQ I'lu• pupils of the 1•nited etnr.h Son AO .111* tu•hcad urn tinny ;Inletl.httt their 4'htrt+tn1ns enterlilnm'ent. A e,ut.rrt und,rr ih.• anspl.i•s of the 1.p library Istird will 114' hell in the petrhtt !ha tall tall on Friday evening. Iw+rmtrer 14 it zr Mr. and Mrs. Tho.. 4:, Allen, hon Ir•unn.u, nnnonnre th.• encnaetn4'nt or to their sewn,( yonngesl .laughter. Lillian Georlre•trn, 10 Mr. .lames F;terett Fin zr ntgan. .Id..t son of Slr. 4,0.1 31r•• Janie. tinnicrn. \1'.••t 11 11‘ n110,11. 1.1e �g uuarrl•tttt, to take pl1.e the halter 'pint - \CESTFIF:1,11•u.s•. :t. 311.0. \itry F:111. stent boa week 111 Whigh1uu, visiting her mint. Nits. M. i:rtfnn. Mr. James Johnston. of .luhnnt, has installed a formic. for Mr. %vtt. WaMe•n. Mrs. ('hallrnger, of Goderich. 'lent **tardily with her sister. 31ri J. 1,. itonehoune. ' Mr. and Moi lien. Snell ore visiting their ,.on. Mr. John 10w11 of Windsor. Miss F:Ilen •Ston.hotrtir. of iteitxmre. spent a few day. twit week with her dater. Mrs. harry Melintre. ( of 7 .( Gn•ifi Christmas Gift Suggestions AT GRAY'S will he on full display commencing Tuesday, December 1 1 th (1) This season we have -purchased a . "larger and even more dainty assort- ment than ever, and prices this year are very reasonable Some Useful Suggestions Are: WOOL MOTOR ROBES SiI.K GLOVES WOOL BLANKETS FABRIC GLOVES WOOL MATS FOR THE IIOME KID GLOVES SILK BEDSPREADS WOOL. GLOVES SWEATER COATS - SILK VESTS DRESSES - - SILK 141.()OMERS WOOI. HOSIERY SILK GOWNS 511 .K HOSIERY SILK SLIPS BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS SILK 1 DAINTY HANDKERCHIEFS BRASSIERES ti ti LINEN TOWEI S A LINEN OUTWORK • . B•11 11 TOWELS A MADEIRA LINEN TOWEL SETS A DAINTY DRESS BUCKLES FLOWERS ( BOXED) MIS -ES' DRESS BELTS CHRISTMAS NOVELTY SETS A KIMONOS FUR CHOKERS ii BABY SWEATERS. BOOTEES. BONNETS. Er€., SILK SCARF'S of De.,•mis•r. �►9 The mania'. meeting of the Victoria - AII • ,old School 1.11111 will Ire lurid ill OF' %ictorhl ..ho.d After the boislite-4. meeting there STORE on Thursday nfner YOUR The S. A. Gray A 61 VALUE A fiunlli. e �t�atpt �• �t q.rr��ta, Pill an eel. in The Moat . �i :ih('f/(ptD(DINDINDMIM)12121 34241frf'f3tf I io.21)12M21a/iit%7tiS