HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-12-6, Page 1taw
tmas Is Coming!
Reed The Signal's advertising-00141mm;
each week for announcements of Gift
GoOdsfer the hOlidayfielleOn.
Shop WhoreYou AN Invited to Shop!
.4" •
To New Subscribers!
The Signol Will' be eent from now to
Janttary 1t 19*),,.fOr the prier of. a
year' rt ettbseripti011, $2.(1). '
Nohlh the time to sillier& !
'Intimately Connected with the
Affairs of the Town Through-
out His *Life
tolowlerieh this week mourns the death
one of Ha foreword citizens. Charles
• rt Nairn, whom. of a year's
duration teriuittated fatally on Friday
nigh( last at hie home. Keay.' wreet.
Mr. Nairn -In the early part of the year
Spent erveral months at the Toronto
General Hoopititi, wiwre he underwent
an operation. After his return home
Atorii hoe be showed 'for a litne
' Met' improvement aot to inwhwe hope
• - for his recovery. but Olio progress did
bot continue. and in the week before
, hie death he fulled ratoldly.
' Mr. Nairn was born April 23. 184.
and was Min in hie oeventy4ifth year.
He' was a lifelong resident of God -
t• erh•lo. a son of John Nairn and Jane
Ann 4:114mons of tide town. and a
• granilson of John Nairn, who came
• from Scotland and settled in ooderieb,
Deco:nine the tiret pchowd inspector for
Huron owl Brno* eau:oleo
, Probably 1141 1111P newt. intimniely
asoslated with' the viaried affnirs of
•• the boon over a long ilet,10,1 of Year..
,t than the late Mr. Nairn. rim thirty-
year% he condo...toil the well-
kneou grocery toushiess at the 1.orner
Change% in the Hoard Occaronowd by
Retirement of 0141 14-itilwrs
CIIIUSTMAS SHOPPING NUMBER P. Sheardown l'arter Scholarship! ,‘ e'ounty -Cotuwil in Session
NEXT WEEK The award of Ow Curter scholar.; TIN` POUUCil 1.4 ili session this
-et ' week with all the weathers in attend -
The News of the Town
The &num+) meeting of the Alexan-
dra Marine and General Hospital. As
imitation was held at Ilaw•Kay 'lull On
Monday eveuing, oh an attentianee
of about thirty. Mr. R. J. Memo!,
presideut of the Hospitol lioard, was
in the chair.
Reviewing the operations of the tried
year, the president stated that the
board had wietertaken to lay a quan-
tity of rubber flooring in the hoomital,
and in this undertaking the Intlies'
organizations had given generous co-
operation and thanks were due to Oro
ladies who load gathered funds for title
purpose. 'Floc board had been some-
what hampered during the year -toy
chunges in the position of ouperintenti-
ent. Ilise Donaldson left during the
summer and her soticeeteor, Mhos' Mor-
ris, had 1111W resigned. Miss Robson.
who had been ap yodelled night super-
visor in accordance vritb
regulations, for hospital') of title die,
had given unquiditied satisfaction in meou
The following is (low stuuding of the
ottoodent,s in first wrier of egaunue-
timid uf the year endibg No-
vember IMO.. Individual moor('
The Christmas Shopping Number of are being sent home for perusal' aud
ships for Huron county is au
----- The witotors are: let. William J. lien- ! note. A report of the proceedings will
der,00n,, %I/Ingham: 2tati. Iserey Shetor- he given lu next week',. !Owed. comment ny• the purents. The 11g1.1 1141
The eignal will be botued next week. slow'', tioderieli: 3ril. Gertrude Ilane . iu brackets after some names iudieute
It la specielly requested that ether- ikon. %%Ingham. The schelarships. arc Board of Health Meeting the number Of natters failed in: !
'rhe regular monthly meeting of the
timers hand in their 'low" as early as of the ralue co' *100, trio and $40,
poesible, in ortler to facilitate Hie, re"I''''''Ibre11. local Weird of ,itealth was held at the
too n hall on Mondoir at !lemma'.
work a the staff in getting out the Radio meeting Adjourned
Pri•sent were A. 1/..,3olelettot teltair-
paper. • A meeting of lhe Gmlerich Radio _man). Dr. ()allow. Mayor MiwEwan.
----- ' Aosiociotion was called for Wednesday i and Dr. Hunter. MAIM. The follow -
Another t'ar Takes to the Water i evening of this week. but NO many Mg report of testo of milk and cream
A peeuliar accident occurred at the other events were taking ;Awe itt town
/1111/1/11ed by dairies' it us presented:
harbor ou 34.ouday morning nbout , that only a handful were leftror Gob; , Milk I'moon
11.30 o'clock". when Mr. Wm. MocDon-j meeting. and it was decided t,, adeouru .1c4.11,4..1) .....:1.815 1). c. fat
241 is. e,
oihno ear. witkii lied been standing , to next Monday night. when the meet- 64,4;ttit. 4 20 24
alongside the ()telt-rich elevator, backed ing w1j1 be held in the Huron • Invest- 4.. itt.set1 ....3.7.0 24
into the lake. probably under the in: melts board room. North etreet. at e.N1.•Nlitnite -.3.40 22
lurt war to'eloek It is eritinanted that ra
'11" In- A motion was possed that the dairies'
Claes average 54 per cent.
11. ifonorst:-
Herbert Orlin.,
Emily McClure- 111
Marie Shield's (1)
Eolwarti Itaechler
Robert Stoddart (1)
111. liontors:•-
Edith Cornfield (2)
Earl Elliott (41
Pot !Owe (2)
Clutriotte Liniughant (3)
• 70.4
_ _ 6
fluent* of the SIIIT
Wooing. There were no pereons nettr etallallons in Ibmieriell anntOMt-ra a 14, inditt4,4 40.4 4‘. leave „la baffles at
t 1 p car at the time and those who paw value of 860,000 to ai:1,411NO and it le to , 13)
.1011/11•11 trailer quarnntine, but to leave
it go over the wharf were unnble to- tw.wore for the oweent alm.try_ _ tho milk in conteiners that 1141 1111i sw.'nf" 'riot '4";,014•4.1.
suive it. Mr. W. Its iForinreett'isieti,earrritiko intrieopolirnt.1•10tbte.lrawitittioloolotislil.xolo:;,..erriteell leave the 'awe. The sanitary in-';
tsltst stosoor was inetrui•tel to theke 1/ Johnston (4)
!Moots! 55 leer tent. overage: -
Clara %Wore 14)
tlint position, and the board coeld not
tim surface in the aftertown. The ear are at all intereeted are invited •to ennoreement of tputraitoine re-, itur t, .4)
do better than to appoint her super- wits only slightly damaged and we, attend the meeting next 11 lay !g„144,14„,
this your. an 141 Mr. Megaw, were Mrs. Rev. A• 111. 811666 1"rth Street ltriliiee Moore (6)
, ion ton (
11141'114U 1141 IS 00111104•2114111 tognin. night.•
!Mort:ono Shepherd AS)
The retiring members of the board Morrosono MacKay • (3)
Ilortow Mr. Lesstlie and Mr. Cotonou. ?retie/dation to Mrs. Puma Hockey .4meriation Yenned The Sunday Mow, tonuiver•olo of it
actia (4
anti it was most regrettable. he •miti. At thi• close of the oeek night Per- The meeting 1, i w ; Il
Friday evening for the pnrisooe of on Sunday inst. the pretteher fur the .
yr... .11 1-te 'town 1 11 North otrest. United i•iturela woo held L ,;,' M . ) ).
%411:trat ;;;:ri=
ws.,1„,,,..in, .10.i. the pastor ispoke of organizing a hockeY asowlation was dos being Rev. A. NIurray stiutrt. 1111. i 114 korw tilmi tull (7) ed
that H11 three bad mignifiesi tiair desire `les' "' N'1111" '‘ir"e' 1.11'1'11 churell' "11
Niinitel"li'i 11,14e11,14.1.11,1,1,':11471114.1.71,11. mt,'4!,' 11 i il i . II k
to retire. N41 members of tht• board
the regret of the congregation at the well attended toy bix•key entlousitste.
had given Inure unseltish service or
ibtetwiled deptirture of Mrs. J. Purves I Mr. S. D. Croft was appointed chair- 04...upied the' eteitre of the elturch. dur. I Enrt`Im113,.,",ilt:Lii 418.„)
Felker also wile retiring because of her prem.:141.1re henTr11171g. :17,..vi'ke:IiiiiitelTlitirpitl,:f; i.t.ir,i'1'.,,k-JA:41:1:t:::111) 1:;)'
laud been more untiring in their effort%
from the town, and then Called MIMI Mali Of the nweting mei Ilr. Cline. 1.:. g
for the hospital than these•three. Mre.
Myr'. J. Ilugow. who rend 15i Wit Pur- ., ealinders trecret.try. Mr. Creft stated
ves an addrese expressive of the t that the hx•al Lions (Onto had token the ewer, th, . 4 ,t 1 of 1
, it . i.i you og • w !
reueovni from towto. She lied been otu• 0,04....tlytifia of the WIPMen ( I. b .- IV., ail le`01131 1. 11
. , r of the itest worker* on Inc board and '' OH step of enter ng .1 Jun r • -1- ' t lass overage ts2 per MAL _
- ,, tiring from this tonsintoss in 191e.'but , W. M. S. i..141 the Ladies' Ald for her 0. it. A. This was ne far 114 the-Liorm'allto ' preetoutt in the sight' of -4114,
- of linuoiloon alreet nod the &more, re-
, t-ce•:--- anti amititaluing. numerons_lities of4 on recoltnition of tier valued serviers
department" of the Arne+ activitko-__up to this meeting_to decide wiwtiwr bash) 115 •
• prominent members of Knox church.
for tivirly year. its a member sof the
the vacant pho'es on the board. Mr.
N 'tuitions were then invited for McNevin presented Mrs. Nieves; with a then called upon Mr. Ed. Merklinger. Battli-ground of the Soot" lie Pahl 1 , u.c.,1,,e. a„!_a_e 1
beert or manalrers. and latterly as an handsome trivvetline calve. Mrs. Fur; who rend a BM Of lie•al players eligIbIe ! that (toed people arc not tempted to lAtirliii4fittorrsi:_ ., !lc
eider. Ile lond been a mender of Hu- ...... who one comple:ely taken loy sur- I to piny junior book..y Dos season and' ssonoult such vins an rt.) wry o
r Inlur ,,Ilarry Otrok ..... .-..-.. 74.
E. V. Lessile. Mr. R. J. 11..Melten and
ron 1..sige. No. 62. 1.0.0. F.. for am-. ri I lied briefly erpreediin the i stated that the local team would likely der, but rather are tempt.,1 to let 1 III'
( 10110 Erringten ' '
,,,,, Mre..C. F. Chapman were eleeted. Mr. 4',...- * • 74.
tiff, ...tr.- Aso tin no•tIve Liberal he "mitinilt to act on condition 1"'se' --.= - '
pkwurnire she had had in her a 14.041(1- be nroliped with t'liotem. Seanwth anti Otineli of l. -ser !importnitte smart. toe, Jca: Hunter
Father in 'leaven. II1P P“.11111g. 1 Honors:-
pervice in many nisi.. .1 to go in tile matter and It wa4
ttnittt 4? it. hist ime,etion bsd. mod, eliterfully rendered
.••• nett. tic woos one a the most h Curwen, . 7ro.
her a life -member. •. 5511 below of these got -Seth's Mrs. W aso.aintion Mould be formed. Ile prisotwhiel on able -*num' OH ..The t 1/4"..11.-
1 I1 1 1 I 111 11 (1 78.
Civic Banquet to Officers of the
Winter Fleet a Notable
When the Cauada Steamship Labe,
retained 'true of ito big freighters ia
houor of the limit of Goderit•it, the
town council procured o large burgee,
forty-tive feet long, with 'the single
word •litoderitOo" thereon, to be pre-
morated 11U (1141. find occasion preeentIng
itself. The COtal 5111 1164)41rd...1i arrived
at this port im Sunday night for the
first i 1114`. 11 1111 'Mayor MaicEwan and
the town council. with the coomeration
of MT. 11. 1. riirv.omi, Mr. J. W. Frasier
and others. arranged a banquet for the
mestere awl chief t•tigineera of the
vessels. ports With_ the preeeutation
.of the bungee ail, Hoe central feature.
Thio banquet was held at Hotel Bed-
ford Wednesday night tool proved te
lw a nicationthle ovosit.
Whet) the excidleitt 11.041 4 provided
by lite Bedford management had been
till/owed of. Mr. G. Is Pariimin, as
(+airman. Introduced the speakers of
Ga. tq'tqaittg. and it eerie.. of t In-
teresting ! spee.las followed. Ap-
propriute Allot, were beautifully rung
44 Urn- A. J. Micliay. oith Nil* Gene
Coman 11 illl• piano, %teeter "Billy
Joe" Jiohnetion nate sow of lois popu-
lar reeitalloons. and -Admiral- Bob
`Kerr contributed birth recitation and
'mug. - -
The high point of the evening Miff
reached when Revive Turner in behalf
of the town preeented the lourgee tet -
Captain ;Vette of the 'dimmer God-
erieh and the Captain in neat imeerb
tevossidel it in 'reknit' 4of the Canada
Steamship Linee. Owen: were gives
6 for the Captain. for Osier Eagle« and
Aist.u.sia.rt Rey tilt,. lad trained
The metwites given deoerve more 01-
tet111441 male.. thou lit available ill The
Signal Wfl•k. 1141 W111..110
given 111 next week,s testes.
Seventeen Steamer% Now in. and Store
Are Coming
The whiter fleet at this port this
eeneon will be competed of front nine-
teen t.o twenty-tive strainers. necord-
ing to present itelautione. tAist week
The Signal reported, nine steamers
then in winter (marten. and today
(Thitriolay) there are seventeen, and
two en _route.
.1 The boats arriving the poet week
With atorage eargioe.4 sole att foilows:
Yosemite. 200,000 bushel's of valeta:
11. ',smith Smith, t411,4100 lowoheb4
wheat. 01,0to0 te:41als irt barley. 641,000
bushels of barley and mot; bynford
E. Geer. 2.14.noo tousheis .of %heat ; W.
A. Itches. 244,000 ' bushele .of wIteat:
3211.000 bushels of wheat:
II. W. Smith. 1.41,000 bushels' trf
wheat, 72.41041 hoisliek of oats; Order,
3211.4)011 linnhela sof ,wheat. •
The (ileums,. diseharged 190,000
bushel,' of wheat! at the (haderielo
rotor title week and after nnioniling
_sena Into Wilitttr_ettatten.__
Two sten niers en route with.
winter atorage cargoes for the God-
erielt elevithor: Wilburt Smith. 2.10010
triteliela of wheat. loot Gellert/I Garret -
. . 78.
Omit he lor relieved of the triwarsurer-
Beni In North Ntreet and tar regret at Stratford. pinu,. of the higher. The men In the
etolp. Mrs. C. A. Reid having aeceptel tefivilig.
3Irs. POTTPI. leaves next week The meeting -being fororitide.to_the4 purulde 411.1 declined, the king'. iit•
' • 1 Ilurry Iliibli I I)
Robert Groves .-..-.1-e--ret 72.
the preeidelay of Ow Women'e Hon.t-
to join her son. Jitksh• at Stretford. formine of an Rginelflt ion. IN. folloW. , vitatroli. one beemeie he hail twilight it .4 Econg.)011 .. , . lis..
tad, Auxiliary in place of Mrs. 'Felker ink t.Meer, ond entemittee4 were t Mete of ground. ,.ntosolter beeause be I '„' .
------. - -- - - er?...1 Bisset (2) ' 014.
it .1CHN intimated tiutt it was the wish
Fortieth Wedding Anniversary I named; 1111411141 141 (onove Id. iist ti. ani st
!Whom McCresith
• • ••
of the Auxiliary that else ott
__ At 'Joon on Wednesday. Dee. 5th. al President. S. D. Croft: tvise-presi- beelinKt. 110 illarriPil 11 wire. were
to Ole Ole hospital board. and accordingly •.''o Burke. (1)
very happy gathering ens held tit the o dent m reltrien ; eocretary. E all doing proper Mingo: their folly
1,1101 (111111Pil f1/ fill 011 1 the max
home of Mr. end Mr4. John Fell. (aM- Merklinger treavneer. F. 11 Darrow : in permitting these thinge too alosorto
James Shestolown (2)
Beatrice Cionitheil (1)
Dorothy liorney 441•
Ilnroid (1)
Credit :-
Willintu Lullaby (3)
Marjorie Doer (3)
Marion- Holmes (2)
Dora Atkinson (2)
, Raymond Drennan (2)
D. Croft. E. f'. Robertson: leaning! .i..ns tried their skill on the Ilea
Nein:tact N104414.11 (3)
committee. G. Pareons. N. R. alleys. The generool verdict of thoN` Boon ,5.4, ver cent, pens
Culbert (3)
plred portion of Mre. Felker's; term, I tl f rrtietli noivertleing committee. Frank Ilihhert. them to the P110111414111 Of higher duties.
and it mot hm Wax pa soca request ing
ir a .
verivary of their wedding. The table; Geo. Jenner. 11. 0..eturilt : rink roue The good. he on141. plumb' never lead to
the hospital board to amend ito bYlawa war, „toady decorated for the oe- ;Wile,. S. D. Croft. E. Merklinger. F.; the sin of neglecting the ',c.a.
1111 nag I111' nomtnee of the WiTreen'a 1 ens/mi.-The- nuoly mot grindetteltheis -44.--Davrow: transport •ot eommit tee.
I • I "Sitrae all present; Mr. and Mrs. .1. T 4 1, 1.. rat4,11.. Dr. J. A. Grattan'. Lome. The New Alleys Opened
Auxiliary should autobuitically es
come a member of the board. I Foil, of town; Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Fell. Voting: eanvassing committee. lir. 11. .Thondaty evening marked the °owlet:
Mr. Lessile reported briefly on thel ot. Staffs': Mr. and Mrs. A.lex. Mellon- R. Hall. Phil. Cart.Y. N. TT FlaritY• of tlwe four new alleys oto the upper
1 Poltroons. for the proPertY rammittre' town. and eeten grandchildren. Vomit. Pi. MerklInner. V. It. Dittrow. W1.4 terve,. There was a large nt•
I. laid. of Senforth: Mies Edna Fell. Of G. L. Parsons. Hector Ilnys. Lerne floor at the ltoyal howling tolleYs.
lIntuovo of the board, and Mr.' 43.
reported the visit of Mr. Ware. expert Throughput the day mnny called to eX• 'Chalk K. Saundero. D. NI. O'Brien. S. tenilance of intereeted persons. many of
, from tbe r1epartment of AgrIcultere. ten.' isongratulations. Mr. and Mrs.
1 wiuo has eremite.' to milimit a plan
, , Fell were married December 5th. POOL
1 for the improvement of the loripitai by the toe Rer. Andrew iteme,c,,,,n. In
! gr;iinsts, roo that work may he vow- it,a• ran township: Tile itrxt thirty
teemed in the epring. years of their married life were epent
Mr. A• Ni. 1{"I'Pri`"" Was again aP'" OD their farm neor Stalin. and they
pnintel auditor and Mr. Willinin Lime COMP to Godericto ten yrnr. ago. Mr.
, Votes of thanks were mowed to tile otthenind Mention. tinl.n'epillit'e binnapipiwynewfrienfoil: mnalipihy
hotiorstry auditor.
mittee. N. B. Flority. H. 0. Sturdy. alleys are equal to Hits beet in Western
Fiarity. S. D. Cron ; equipment cone 1 who have tried th.111 to that the tau
.%riltur Freeman (5) 13
. 5.
Itswginothi Cost le ( 41 •
.1. B. Reyno'ds. Capt. E. Robinerno :1 Ontarl.o. The managtonent io.V.• si.c edwnr.1 JeRrev (4) . ' re
ettemitiVP 1-4.mmiiree. E. 14.rklinicor.1 chil pekes on NIon.lay night. Nliss mil 41),),(4) 170
Ft. D. Croft. Dr J. A. Gralanm, G. T..' Refit Fleet W1/11 'Nall 1,117.4.4 III 111.' .‘nta.:: ALkui,ou to ...,.... .. 1.
Parson.. Phil. Carry. Dr. 11. It. Hall. Indies' contest". Sfie hail di wore oi William Wool' 101
.7. R. Reynolds.. Hector Hoye NI•ty of UM iii .ifialea mid 522 for three 14/11 %root.] Cr'''. Ill . 41
' anditors and to the retiring member.. r 11.J. A. Meet:wan. II 0. Sturdy. ovectitive 'time.. The rintner-up ciattio immittaito (40
.1'er the board. ond eymptithetie refer- • "Bud- Sturdy. F. It. Tletrrow. N. It Mrs. S. Moulton. who land 1144 for , . _
4 inn tga n 1 1 1
1 enee wile M41114. 111 the denth of Mr. sperim senile, concluded - Ilirity. •D. Ne. Ilrlirien. Cap.. Ed. .ingle game and 514 for three cam,. i.tiortes sthoicii 0)))
Victoria :au -eel Fulleol eitureh ebteed Mr. N. R. Flarity was appointed TOO11.011.1 Willi 1101 11 prises. his swore
1 ctn.'s average 09 per cent.
aa sandn er ,i, og. with a caprwity at. 1 tempnrary mantiger of the team and being 3%0 for one looms and .:474 for'l
I. Honore :-
tendonee. The results of the twoi it TrOO deehleil tit offer n prize to the three games.
1114 splendid tarries- ,for lobt pnrty A. Nairn. who WON a charter Merli-
The special evangelistic servitor" 'Is In the geittienesn's emaleets ,Mr.
Rohineon. Frank Ilibbert.
Is. wee looked upon us .41111. er the ber of the boord nod ita frengoorer fon* M 1
N 115 a member of tiw town council at ,
lenders tiw !party In thia rioting. He fourteen 5parx.
different perlode he44 the piovitinn I
I .t• 11.4.ip in -the year+, 19111 and 1917.
Wiwi' the tioderieh Housing Commis. s
Won ecatilisited be henna it.,
chairman HMI held 141111. 11111 11.111.,.
death. Ile wee one of the partners In
the G.alerich Knitting Cowpony. 'Fowl
many years 111. tale er the mom
sully,. members of the hospital board I
Rail trensurer for a lone period. Ile
was. Ireton -Mr of the Oroterieh teem
bowling club for mem. yenre, end at
one time he was an energetle supporter
of the town lonnsi as an °Meer of the
4:oderielo Mualcal Society. Ile was
ohm a member of the Menettetung
Canoe Club.
He is !survived by ble wife ffornwr-
ly Mary Framed Dikere five daugh-
ter's and two none: Mrs. Athol Me-
Quarrie. of Toronto: Mrs. PIMP/. S.
Hume. of M,ontelnir. N.J.; Mei. R. C.
ilaYs. le. of town. and MITOPs Ade-
laide and Alice. at home: Charlem it.. Of
Detroit. and Douglas R.. sentient at
law. Toronto.. Ile 14111 VeM a 15110 (W11 hew
thern and fonr "deters: George, of De-
troit: Thomas. of Wnikerville: Mrs:
liavili nn.1 Moe Agnes. of Detroit. and
the Misses. Jennie and,Nnney. Wtilk-
The emend. whleh (took plea's.. from
,the revitlenee on Monday after-
noon, writ' Hie mowasion of ti litre
gatherleg friends' and neromintnner..
The merwlee‘ were (*pinhole(' IW Rev.
R. t'. Nlo•Dermid. lurid the pallbeirery
were the tvro brothera. George rind
Thomae Nairn. two eons-lreino. At to
31,4)narrie find n. Hare. Jr., Mid
two lifelong friende, linrry Iloimeg of
Acton fond Starlit' Rey tinkle Tnere
nun n 1.1rge representation 'of Iluron
badge, LI). F., end; the burial /114•Ytj
VIM of be order 119s conwhowted itt the,
.. graveside. 'rite town es41 tilso sit-
! "BMW n tiorier--k • nrrov• 44
floral .offerlture betokened the u isle-
spre 1.1 14`zrut and mytiranthy neenrdOnell
• the 1410,11•12' 'Of 11 MN II It fr1P111111
Meeting of Fleeter% re Holmes.
ville in the Evening
-The eleetion in ooderich townehip
on :Monday V1/01 keenly eonteeted and
a good vote wits pellet, considering the
dinnotreenble ;teener. TIPP result by
wards was;
No. 1 414 104
" 2 71
!" 3 09 09
!"- 4
92-20 -
" 5 r7 40
re 1.4
381 31s
OA 6
Majority for Middleton 43.
In the evening, when the clerk had
announced the result of the twit to the
ratepeyers %via tilled the boll nt
and decinred Mr. Mislolle-
ton elected, the meeting wait thrown
oPon far A general wilecuesion of rub-
jects of interest to the munielionlity.
Ma too' rot Jennur ( II
Mil) -
di no the eorlv eleetion. earlier
meta of 1:1 4"4. by November 15 Instead lownshin.
pay. 'street 11'nitel eburch. We4tminster , too mmolisted lit`r eostione. lis ter. Mn'. Horace Erwin thorfee. rant
ron of honor. efts In ametit”.t toms 'Ittireeellorst, sith.13). se' 'I P"' 1.11.1.:1:1111 .11:1154t
of I tecemlier 15 : leant I fy trig the - - at
Malcolm Alnelkmaid. Jr.. *foul '1"PP" 11•11rieh
weekre pervicoe were 1111104. -gratifiting-Inerwm who auggests thp tnost soltable Capt.
The testimonies from! time% who were mum -For the teem -All mime+ tire to Hie -November prho. %The metre oingte I
In regular atteminnee at the meetings
were that notbing but good omiti come
f rt. m s 1101 hea rt -sea roi in c mess& gee.
The messages 11,1Yeil eitt•lt toigitt and on
Sundaysi were mol (Beret and con-
vincing. The spiritual life of the
erairch ham been deepenisi. those who
he handed to the:fterretnrv. E. Meek- contest. 111. score 30.1 11:4 i,.
I. Honore• -
linger, net later than Pecember 20th. rimner-up wits Mr. Fred limit, NT Marvin Porter
The high seorer for three es.n.i4.5111“.1
, Sbodeline Nana I)
Harriness--Hewrie come° w"" Chni'mnn• Hun"! Itiloiot 1:dwards
_A eery pretty ereddlaa 4‘.,k piney nere-up vvere T. Pritchard. ; W. John- -3.h.Nreia.a. 4, It
the Find Preebyterlan church, Detrotit, Bisset. %2n, and I-. neat s211.
Shirr!' t Meronitell
at 4 o'cloeic November 24.511. 14 11011 A C1111.1111111S t nrkey is tile 1111'//e modionn, 4-1)
had become negligent in the meting of Helen Katitlyn Gibson. daughter of Mr. offeriol for biglteet gentleman o 1111111111 Thome.: ( I o
one hilaiIrport .01101 tither reei,nseera- retell. became the bride of Pr. Hugh
re hare been resentenced. rind newely and Mrs. John Skim Mod- for _three emseritt Ye:mune._ during Ito 1446.,
eember. Itrlat. W111 film hi' thett to prhidie (1).
f first time a aPw Harrison, of. tor. jlogli the Inwly with highest for three
meaning in the rhrlinian life 11/4 I erritem. Detroit. The church WIlfli
sealed by the life and teachings of dreoorrited with tali standards ..r large,
Jesus Christ. Mime Riggs NIls, "tale .11111 11114 11 I1(1 115*' filially loPaS OA`
27 it
r7007714::.:11: 342.1•00 Miis ns' ele+tt of wheat.
tight. The rrti..top steamed into port
nits; The Quedoe unleaded s5.000 buithelo
ipot400.64_1, isolfs.N4husioent 1011..1.t0,..1..:14towlelaismitof Oftweeta OIL
IflO 1 mid elenred for the bend of the taken,
no. this morning with *.nes.000 bushels+ of
teto ' wheat niol sorter her istrgo
62.4 clinrmil at the tioderielt elevator phe
ot I will clear for Fort William. Three
1 44'.(oPrlit : rSetio"-Zia7Isiewen, 12rik":10111".
I-N1111.11r.N.,11er1N''ILI:.11 ,e4txpi barley ; Onnoinc. 195,000 bunliel4 of
bushel., of ollent. elotouo tou4hels ot
•Otivisi 'robin (41 eat , %lieut. 8.1.0ino toissioels.of bur; ey (Inn -
rim, I mine. 250.1041 inethel4 of where. Tis.4e
rai 9 atMilocrs. toe.. are expected too sten
41Iva iitiloado.l.
Tlic toe vorre.1 nrrived in mot on
Sundity and ;till remain here for the
.P11",m Ilk being wed in planing the
mit freichters in their nepeitited berths le
7 1he tis risor
..1(.1,',1:'1.1r11.1..33-411(I1)%t';:i'sgirlst.iti(412)(2)...:..,-....::•' .....
.i ; . tees NI n ri .sliy: 7 I 2 i
Bonnie nre ordained ministers in the off .w tit %%bite mums. satin el 1.1M air 4
Methodist Episeopnl Chttreh in the tulle. Dr. Alienist officintell. Ths,,E _
Fnited States. A great future lies brisk. (-now 1141W11 1 IIP 0 1.11. Oil 1 114..11 1111 , •reter s Munster' will Ire the pest ,tighe.rr„taftel:14-loto ( 35 ........ - - - . .
I tcrtow in Met 'rent It f 4r, . . • •..
ti.try Alreleirmon 13-1 '-
ahead of them in tile evangelistic ffeld stilef iligarrinfawtLielriiint,g, imhti.irsetirtaphillIftylede 1411e Ili; , .so is,..d.rtinyloje.eicinsititig tLetisz. Ira Pt ist dowel' on
Howard Wiliam. .4-3.)--.--,----,-,-.
1011 the 'written! Arta brwr Noon-, .4 '1 -T -
their ninny frlethho• In Gooderklt will V% • hi' i5:14 'mei% o mode ,
follow them. The eultiorcli'ds left (of ivory transperent 1.01 Vet a 1111 an 1+% SMOIlly .1.1i4..1 of St. 1:eiirge*. ehorido
4;odoriell MominS hattilietb. qui•••Ite yell' of Mil roee-peint rind beet . win he hebi; in the 'inn eft
ont. where thew will engage In a too' ton hos% mot earry g shower ,if Thotrolity evening. lesember 290. nt
Itt It weeks' series of meetings %till' the frordenitts. news. valley lilies rind for. 4... 0 4 . 1 11 1041 11'1111'1S r2 I :i11
1101. W. 1. Ir014111.11Ve tia" NO1111 iteente-eme. White eatin siipper. .1 Services 'ant Sitnoiny Vietorin 1" 1:11 5-O 7,
I , . t chnrott a the wood ledow tier cent.. pingt:-.- •
the -Po111111 oikrrtLrltasrent voter alai 10101111..1. 11We. 14.11 h 143 n rn.
hall; power grittier. etc. Reeve-eleet The W. M. S. -of NI/rill otrect riffled; P.orto
nestrotte rorattlerafT
chore!, hehl the antlimf meeting t,,ir the, 111144.14 odtart, and how. flail enrried o ill bi• emolneted hy the min i•t,.1„r it„h‘,"*.a
MilltLetint wa. the first called Upon.
Po Non. 1,11 , * • * • • Is; 7
Nfter RI1 ex wewsims of thnitt4e to the eleo.lon sof soificer. owl Iloutility lifter.' ametity.r Munie Mrs. 111111 .%, wed... .tos r 811504414 of ..ertnidis: 11 11.111.. 3;144,4„
Wet -tore end assurattee of his determi. pooh. The fonoeing V.,Te P:cutPil for in on...mate of the loride, lorldesmai t. .1
nation to measure no to the truet re. the eiiming year: !honorary priviliTetitv. IVITV Wilfred fir ITrotrrIe ttnilwpftrOnt -Tattooed
. ..
• -1 .
Kahha I I, It" tt Murney (tis
posed in hint be pod 171 reidition Mr4. J. E. t'ord. M Tv. .1as. :01.4,111, vct wit it lint 88.1 !draft mateh, land • s.1;;;;51 and Itilde
the 101404 mentioned for illoremeiboi-- Mre. .1. It Celhorne, NIrs. 311., enrfleil bron7p 'mums, Mrs. MOP The Mcerh,a CI, Y. 1.. S
• N st • .. 4,.Phellis 1,norsone (es
efrOrtP 114'1117 made in the West 'Ilion: tor...Meta. Mrs. 1%. J. Atolreit ; te,,ree nut . . 01551,1 1 •
ta ,,,,Itst.st .0w 1111') lo wit), a sIssntlsn 1 wice-eresidents. 311 es Nt. 2. Robertson. t.IttrIng the wroli.e Mrs. I;ehrge wear- Ift the Sittolly ftelerd .
st with .1 .1,rne istaiti fin Mne Iteetow. Mrs. IltIcTio; reenr,ling.; Inn 11/1 ‘elvet gown Mot el'et141'W. Moe Andrew v4-111' Trove
thought the rest''' -5 would inetIfy the avoretnrs. MIR./ En11111. 11114.11nI1'111; mums. ; .. p ...rant rind ti II1P
1 Oniff111 looking this. the 'flitter 4,,r eecreovy, Mrs.('. 'Webb: treas., WiTitims wore rope chiffon nn.) carried oe !to, weetince all be oft ortslrees ssfs ;
Ibuying in whole -silo hag for the IIPP re Bret. 31 r.. 2. 11. (trout!!! : Aft.. raSP 11111I while The "Why ;1 4-1,r1stI1511's!
the farmer. at 4/nit. Mr. Rtekeld WAS 4. NI. Rolterleon; eeeret ry Thropoe. mother _WTI.% g!Ilytile,1 in Id ts'l wttlts leich •••ft..rent."
tIs' nest t.peeker and upheld hie hope. Mrs. (Rey.) C. r. I'larke; stnings,rs' 411.1Ie HMI ;her 11.'.'..'r' wer• orehiols S 5.1 es nt Nort•14 etroet
moon n sporty 'loser Itt /f-ITPIT eeeretsrY• Mi'..I,. Alnico:. aittl.t.,,ellthdtla....1Ntliet 1'4 11,1r,,H !dlr.reNt Sondt• ,if111 1011•; 111
opperdi on mot.
molt of piddle interred. seeretaries. Mrs. Thoe. Johnatocr Nfr., roeo nsidsted the gr nm Red Pr. 'F...1• a.m. -Mtwit's ttned ot,!!
looter/ (rho ?troop were. Reeve Cox. l'11:111. Itreekow Mirelonary montio ward loor• I he ond Mr. George th.tfre, rpm, et,
Me.t.re. N. W. Trewertha. W. 11, 1,n1M. vecreterY. Miso J. Whitely, wth '40101 the irne'4,.. The bride's parent. Life of Bell rind tne .11o. tn.
C 111 11 neke d Powell end .14.10iiate Nits. fled 'Meld a meepti..a After the feretnony -a, M'ork" In tie tool., 1n1 p it,
-wpm, %dived moldier.
. •oint or•
Councillor -Peet M. W. Churchill. flit. N11..e. and Jellkhool 13tried Pinelmeet nvenne. The rooms the Mew. is'.' .Mr II 1)
BRIEM profitable were the diselee41,M4 thnt se'retary. Mrs. temditon ; as.:ociate were dernfatr.1 with OdattlicTri worthlti at I) 1. m nn.I 7 rtn.
piors' 05 h I formal Inerwing ettnut helper.' secretaries Ile* 'W• l'rbilinm; lied liPinTP .141112r4. TN,. palivhc,' HMI Murelny eehool nt 3 pm.
lInby liand oecretarv, ler... T. 3, Ant serving table wile eovered with n Inee
l'olo's 11.4ok store will be open Peery not fall to intereat. the public. ...
. _ _ , erson; mutierintendent ef Missdon eh, It and et;ntred ern,' it larae wedslitia The menhir 5185" In of 'the W.c.T.I'
The Snlvntion Army will hold Italia- MT. ('ha. . Norman In annonneing the r1Tc1c. Nit's. W. F. A. Norte': meosein- enke snrropedeil with; Ivory taper.' in will be hell in meeKav .11.0t on ..st,,i, ,
evening until Christmns.
emit 1 11114 Ma. .41tertnIlimont on opening of lentillinvernem et ibis lerillsh iendents of Mberion Hand, Worst silver boblerk amen tulle and smilax.. any. De,venber loth. at a p.m.
Thnr-oinv, tweember 2001. at ft p.m. Evehnnore hotel wleheelt to he known 11radford and , .1tnimston. The aPW T11/1 ont-ef-towri tritest. inelnfied Mr .Nbont •••tentren toen11.0T4 nod
that he retx only ste a mainnfortnrere study Irook. "Dritms in the lonrknenti," end Milt Tbirell Ilarrleen and Mr. nn,I friends' of the Otter of •Nurtii street
Ao!eiiter ninment e•in be nicen hy agent lo direet eelline from moon- nay liegnn Olt this meeting. the firot Mr'. N. MoYcr. Prnnitm. Itnt.; Nlr. /1 1141 l'nited clitireh ittended the ponefert
15 een 1i.
Ihe NIP/1*. (110i of St. George's eltoreh facturer to wen mr. *dinning,' 10 tiro f'hilfiter !wing taken 1.) Mre. Ilether- Mrs. ;laved Tloyle. Toronto; 111. end . elven In tmtnrio o;reet l'nited ehttrelt.
In the terieb loll next Thur.(' iy evPn• Me m:111 orilor bow..., hat wtt.b the intent) and MIA% It••ber oim. The latrt. Roherr nemtn. .1tin Arbor; Mr. flinton. by this Wewtmlnoter Glee
ing, December 13th The pert added mit-at:tone flint he Is here treaeurer reported that •I1P bad on !Ind Mr". Mtn liennway. ()riot; Mr.i. Singer. Roo Thnryirtnr mot. •
witi he (I olden! .eene by member. of the time to .11 1-P eti.tomer4 the tronhle hood 84(11.24. trhloh with $366.20 ni- M. Stille•on and Mrv. J. Matta', find- .trent
Fattnrevhfon II(.1bbnlerolela.h..nhfnyTilenctoei,ni
the and lie er-on.1 pert vrill eon of Morreppondenee. in ere thnt orders ready remIttorel to the Presbyterial
I sit f Conndinn are sntiofactorilv !Writhe'. on.' to sit- treattnrer made $454.54 Int of the nllo-
erne* tind cntoolian life, 'shown tend personallv to the elastomers In-
through the eonrtese of the C.P.R. .5,4 tere404 lahnlf of tele minute.,
miesion 27.e, ehildren 15e. 1 toreros.
elation of $8t10 which the Society 01 -
Pett* to ruble folly before the mid of
the year.
erieh. Ont. Dr. end Mee. Itarrivon
loft Inc an Phittern trip, the bride
travelling in a grey eniemblo. After
their return thee will reek* on tre•
men. nvenne. Detroit
linsnfir Anil ale of homemade Milking
In Mr. Tiontber'y old •tand on five
Fignarr antor.loy Deg,. December
Ath, from 2 tto n'elork.
0111111 11.
Clam a_mrage 441,.per...anat-
1. hIsrior't-
Stith' $olkelot
11. flonor*:-
.1•••-efd, '1•3‘ Inc,
1.1;T,M4•9•• P!t4r•
Wilfred Maple
1ln rohl Tn !or f 1)
Amoy 'iVhite
Stiles) rim. •
,*2 1
.,O 1
,t .1
.. 7,
*tree,- 11etberingtett ....
Stnnley Tnyler
'hlrillet I intennIntro,he:_rturpti • ,
Dina' Knight
Mr. Tinto. NieGrotten, l'isd.riv,
gite••• Str. otid Mr. I.. S. %Tinker..
Ur. Mal Mn- Van thorn of Ike
trolt, were re,crit V:silerg at MP home
to!!! rtatti•Itti.. M r-.
\Ir. IV. G. Itott dem of embown. and
Mr. titt41 4111110'. 11.,wilim, et
motored iso flotherh•li eta Sat•
ttrtttrr•--11,---vnerot-the vrryk=eurt-vrtttr-'1.
their rseretma, Mr. and Mrs. W
10,1%440. 1:0-13s •treet.
Mr. .Nles, Smith has beset transfer..
red frem the Windsor breech the
!soonl lornnet of.the Canntifin 'Itntk �t
Mtort:1•11" (tS's'flflfltfiitt, Mi M
I•nve taken nt, r0.11,1111e0 $111Inteefil
vtreet. Mr. Plabiff 14 at tweet/it ff.
IleV/I1g tit the Mit. hrtinvb. ,
87.1 • E'er that potty nm ItInckoitonett
denelotle homemnde ice cram. Te
bulk or fatter brick..
7"he regillor meeting of Ahmeek
Cluipter. 1.(1.10.11. will he held at the
Evi 2 nreempnblic hprIthrtuvryh. not; 4Mnorelii:eiry. n fret -smolt
6862.22..82fi MnArdedliCifie; nwnillerl the11.1:111n4Ptibee"MentobleP •
hall on' florietmas night. Ty...ember
Iftb. Mnehr, by Driver's .orchestra. at
Margaret Penderion. . . .... *4:27
Dorothy Denderenn (2)
Pearl Sandy (1) 84
lenrietta Quithl
Annie TAvitield 12)
Mohan) MeNee
(Continued 011 rep 8)