HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-11-8, Page 7County and District Mr+. %name'' Brown, of Fords ich, a btitlaL tful decorated' arch of autumn d.ed it, totter 2:d1i its her eighty-third lounge and • taint leaves. The bride year, heskv I charming to a gown of Iuiitri The vttIr011 .Farwtr'. (•u-eitteratiye ruse beige georgette, baud-ewbruldared ('u., Lilttlted, of the village of Valtun, lit t+wtrawtulg shades, and curried a has gine into bankruptcy. 1'4'11,1 11a1 of link Briarcliff roses. Mists oss.Mies Bert 1,01.b. 4 uderich township. had Annie Dumb, of Lut•kuo", 'amain of his ant broken while tilling a silo. lie the bride, dressed in powder blue georgette, uud carrying a bouquet of pink carnations. acted as bridesmaid. The bridegroom was assisted by hit brut her. Shakart Keyes. immediately after the tetewuns Miss Relit Rowe, of Exeter. sung in aplenilid voice, "1 Love You Truly," and during :he signing of the register rendered "lie- eausr." The -Wedding March" was played by Mrs, %Vendorf, of 4'Iinton, who played softly throughout the tore- molly, amt also actanupe Masi the solo- ist. Inter the guests, numbering about 'seventy, retired to the dining -room, where the wedding dinner was nerved by tour cousins of the bride, Mlwts (:ratty l'okernan. grate Blake, Clara Ritchie rud Laura Webster. The toast to the bride was proposed by Rev. Mr. Penrose. and responded to by the bridegroom. The ihrittegraom'e gift to the bride was a silver tea set. to tlw bridesmaid a brooch. to the wtluWt fancy ,wtadles, to the pian - iso cut glass s+ vast+ and to the grooms- man cuff -Linke. Mr. and Mrs. Keyes left by motor for a honeymoon in Toronto and Eastern Ontario. The brides travelling i-artuwr was a dress of French georgette. trimmed with printed transparent velvet. and coat of navy French broadcloth, trimmed with Scotch mule. Atter their re- turn they will reside in Stanley tuw'n- ship. Guests were present from God= rrich, Lueknow, Blyth, Exeter, Park- hill. Louden. Ford City and Chicago. The death of Ann M.eitg,mlerS. Junior harmers' Me/1m Motels widow of the late Samuel Iturch111, ta'- ill tidy of threatening weather the curre,t at Winghain tletolwr LMtth. III plowing watch held lkeober 2.7itb at her ,scanty-ssatel year. iter butt- 1 tlw farm of John ae•ott, east of Lutk- banil diel about a %ear alio. and our -'I now. under the ausplws of tlw Jutdur saving are two slaters. Mrs. John F'arnwrs' flab. was fairly well at - Campbell of tallness ands Mary. Of hauled. The prizes were •warded as Winghanl, and a brother at Emerson. follows: Open to wen :15 and over -M., J. was Needing corn lute the cutter whe•ll ti large sheaf was thrown Joan across Itis 011 arm. breaking the large Ione. Rev. A. B. Thomas. rector of St. gleam's' chnrch. (liven Sound. has been appointed ru•tor of the Church of the Messiah. Khhanttlt•, to stewed Itev. T. 11. Farr, who goes to St. Johne, near IAaldell. Al•xauder Van Alstyue, one of the oldest residents of Turuherry town- ship. died (droller 20th in bit eighty- second year.. lie is survived by his wife and a daughter, Mre. J. Radford of Turuherry. A well -attended Sunday school e on- yrntlon for South -Huron was held at t'entralia on Monday of last week. There were two sessions, afternoon and evening. with addresses by cler- gymen and others. The death of Thomas Spretat suddenly occur- red tilt h Tuesday. /kt e rnl • red v ou at the home of his nephew. W. M. Spr.iat. 4th conesession of Trnkeramith. Deceased was Morn seventy-three years ago on the farm on which he died. WilliamWright, an old resident of the tnwnthip of Ttu'ker.mith. diel on Monday last In his eighty-ninth year. His wife died in 1!►2:. and two daugh- ters and bhp son +nrvlve• lira. Glen Sellers. of Gladstone. Miele.; Mrs. Andrew Jeffrey. of McMillan, Mich., and William 011 the old homestead. Mau. Silts H. Rates died (k•toher 19th at the borne M his niece. Mie: Alice Fra- hiek, Murata township, In bis seventy-. awvnd for Inst plowed }and. James bird year- He was Morn in It:ford 1 Forster. Open to met' 35 and under-McKen- ale Webb won for crown, finish and heat tdow.it laud: setouti for best I'ritt1tartl awl the threw awards for crown. finish and hest pktwed land; THE SIGNAL, `PINKHAM'S COMPOUND IS WONDERFUL" •Mans tukene indicate that Aruustict GODERICH, ONT. The Tenth Anniversary Af the Great Armistice Read This Letter from a Grateful Woman V arses&. pinkham's Ont. -9 think Lydia E. Compound is Vegetable wonderful. I haw had six children of tour are Irv - and myy m is a belies boy now months months old e weighs 23 da. I have our oneti- me adeore each of was born and re- peat peat benefit tram It. I atp my frim& m take it as I am we they wm ream^ the earns help I did -"-Mirk. MnaoN Mc. Mural, Valais" Ontario. Day will be celebrated this year to an extent and in a spirit %Wire aithout pit*edeut. It fella un Sulatay. and it Is hardly conceivable that a single church In the laud will full to recog- nise the aunluertocry of the end of the great war. Moretn•er, this year Warks the completion of a .decade. Sufficient time has elapsed nude.. ane alt the war in perspective. opinions have had time to wake ad- indtent with facts to which the lrusslus of the st Bute were blinded by struggle. lel more than all, recent events have %ukkeuexd the hearts and Kuper of wen as to the possibility of realize - ing the goal of a peaceful fore anotlr r International erisbt arises. Steadily the obsession that war is in- evitable is being dispelled In meter winds. More rud more We idealism ut peace is passing trues the few---tbe prophets, poets and sages--tu the rank and. file of the eowwuu folk who have to bear the heaviest berdeu tit war. The locate tnoveweut is now no longer the exclusive toneru of the intelli- gentsia. It le drawing to itself those very roan and w'uwen upon whose un- critlal patriotism governments have always depended for u protupt response wbeu a war was precipitated. With the hit -reaming discernment thdt war is not inevitable, that modern wars are not made by natural promisees uor by the th•llberate choice of people.. the }Race Vuestlun is today more intense ht public luterr+t tial -tit EUJ time slate the aradstiee. This fact is full of significance. ob- servers tsetse always noted that a trace movement follows every war. But with the pausing of a few years. the memory of the straggle cools and fader, Exeter, Twenty -Biz years ago he t brother, s neared Into town and with h Thomas, bought the lte,bhledlck grist mill. which they developed Into an im- portant concern. Mr. 'Harvey was prominent in tonnc•tt„n with the Exe- ter tlortl-ultural Society and in other Watters. He ix survived by hit wife. one daughter, Gladys, of Exeter. and two' eons, Rev. Linden. of Courtland, and Manrie, of Toronto. county and lived in the United Staten ..4,0T many v ears. His wife died Pix years ago, and since then 'he had dowel inti, John Scott ; thiel, Fred made his honor with lily niece In Mor- 1 rhe township. 11104111111u. A welding was quietly eeTebrated' it 1 Boys. lti and under -frown, Limo Pritchard; thtlrh. Walter Forster; best plit'eiI laud. Elmo Pritchard; second. -Walter Forster. Rest work by Wilkinson plow -R'. J. Pritchard; se+rud. Fred Mu.Qulllln. Best work try Massy-hiarrl+ pluw- auc n. Juhu Seutt. Tuckrr*mith. Ite•c. T. M. Jones ofll- 'Best dew St. Paul's Anglican eh arch. !feriaxlt. on .Mturday last. when M,try May. daughter '44 Mr. and Mrs. letni' Claris. was 'united in marriage to Robert Ertwst Buchanan. youngest sun lit Mr. 1 Mrs.Andrew iluelattatn all of p team --McKenzie Webb. ria ted. A pioneer resident of South Huron - Pnssed •iway on Sunday. October '..4.411.1 In the Berson of Mr. William blur -1 SEAVORTH ray, i l 11N•krnmi[h. IkNsms441 was I Mrs. Thomas Colbert. formerly Miss -- 1n her ninety-fifth year. Ilxv in New I Kate atei.Peal. diel recently at lundoh. te •trnxtvick in 1t:14. s le came with her after a 1ung-llltles1� w ail.,adon ngh. CLLVTON A Clinton firm. N attai, (1pl•in ore & Scrilddns, won first prize for honeyearly the Xtitlonel })airy Show held res at London. England. 111 three prizes sante to Ontario producers. Maitland Beadle had a narrow escape ane Inorning last wet•k when the tsar In which he was driving to I:,ol- erich was strnek try tlw 4 neloek snuhtowa,l train. Hr turned off schen receretd. Instead of cooling off. the Thou an honor art to me: he saw the tonin coming. but the rear Peace impulse has been grossing wore 1..•t me M• a praise to Thee. of the ems was struck. Mr. Beadle intense with each passing year. and it I .aur. K. 115ver¢nl. was uut'inlunN}, 1.114 the coir was pretty is well within the truth h' sty' that the ; i-- Indly stews%htc1. movement against war is more vigor- I PRAhlR RUSSELS oils, more widlzent. d, more hopeful and wore intetttgent. thou at tiny tine hely, us iu all our tray. to he true Loi alma. the arwistite. the Master whoa t e Lace a,'knowl- Parth'ulark to America and Great titre before to do Thy 11'will rthruugh evil report a+ well as good. For Jesus. sake. Aunt. parents to the loam road ihe--fill• lowing year. later the family mi►vel to Stanley township 1)e•e., * l lived ter of the late Mr. Daniel l'Nrk o F:gwondville. Alex. Gray. of ERmonh•ille. while with her husband for sous yearn In picking apples fell . from 'a tree and ( ZURICH Mr Murray h} rite besides. suffering l had %Ince made her home w 1 eommnu ty a oween roc branch o the P . « ALMOST FRANTIC WITH HEADACHE Kidney Trouble and Weakness Relieved by "Fruit-a-tives" Moe. TESSIER "I was very weak ts•cawte of Kidney Trouble and suffered with terrible Iteadachen,,, says Mme. Romulus Teenier, St. Jean de Mitha, P.Q. "I wan treated for a long time and was Just about dtacourxggad when I learned of 'Fruit-a-tivea.' Improvement came with the first few doers, and in six months the kidney trouble, weakness and headaches were gone." "Fruit -a -riven" regulates the bowels, kidneys and skin -purifies the hlo.ui- and brings Bound vigouroua health. Try this wonderful medicine made of fruit luicew combined with the finest medicinal ingredients. 2:te. and SI►e. a box -at dealers everywhere. Sunday Afternoon By ISABEL (HAMILTON, Iiodeerich, Ont. amt the glamor of war,rerppears. The result is that the peace Impulse files away and the new generation is ready' Lord. Ilan tNwdrst not, 1 kouw, and eager to respumd to the trumpet Srrcle such as I cru bring: call. lu tbe. tletwde sluice the great let r beet to prier and blame w:•r, this historic 9rre•rdrnt has been t full nljutttlantw to Illy King. Thurday, Xoretnber k. 1104.-1 Special Prices at McEwen's IN Groceries Tea and Coffee Tobacco Dry Goods Dinnerware and Chinaware COME AND LOOK THE PRICES OVER J. J. McEWEN Phone 46 South Side of Square Goods delivered promptly to all parts .,4 the toe n wtthout charge and the captain guise orders that he 1 be sltbje ted to 'scourging to make hie runless 'bis real crime. Paul then ad- vised hitt to be careful what he was doing. for he was a Loniten eitiaen and . 'T1 tier- bound. ere I*• 1 u u n should not sh Id tarut bin xtuazel the captain. and be qu.atioued Paul further. lin the fol - toning day I:e brought him before the' Sinllelriu. This was ntwwssary for the safety of I'uutl and for the ends of justice. Jos. Nleboleoa. ott 'Ethel. waft the successful hldder for No. : mall route out of Brussels. Edward Pollard had Ind the route for some )'ears. Word has hien received of the death of Thomas 1,. Hingston, of Everett. Wash.. a former resident tit this dte- trict. in his eighty-third year. Dt- reaPecl was a wen of the late Mr. and Mrs., W. G. itingaton. of Morris town- ship. and left here some fifty pairs ago. - Hugh Campbell. of Grey township. t Weisser the residence of Rodwrt Britain. and in Germany, teal. the eau of llellew la Mingling its roots down lel. the Christian e,ns•lente 1t - self. The 1•hurchcv are gradually taming to see that this neat* buiuiness Is their business. 1t world hardly be an over.••tatewet • to sac that tweet. la becoming an article oft our Chris- tian orthodoxy. And when it is re- velled that the t'hriirtian church has thrntghout history' Mt'n the chief bulwark of war. blessing every wear with divine ben_. i ,;..,. filling its WORLD HIM SIONR Christ's conquering church. the church established un weu'e allegiance to Him na their personal Saviour. has proved to hr the one twdurltg earthly' ltstitution, 1t has outlasted the world's mightiest en►¶iree. Tlw t•Itl- zeus of Christ's Kintnlow. though allot ohs nr• any I¢uoraut of schularlc lore. have won lasting luthwuce elate great poets. painters. architects, ora- tors. and rulep. ore forgott•u. AgxlliPt /'heist's C tuerilg chun•h, tease` Ies.1v through the ages, nil the bitter inset of Satan's arwlea has taeu hurled, and hurled in vain. 1t Is mightier today than ever before. 'and Is i•uuquerine anti to conquer until. It shall win universal domain. -1. B. Wells. S. 5. LESSON FOR NO%. beth, 192261 Lesson Tapir -Paul's l perieenrn. in Jerusalem. 1-et.sun 1^.u•.ag•'--1els 21:Y7; 23:1. Indigestion Comes With a Run - :Y down Condition -Relief Comes Bolden Text -Epi. 6:10. Through Enriching the Blood- 19na1. hating arnv.N1 iu Jerusalem. g was given a glad welcome by the j Dr. Wllllafnf Piuk Pills Make Ilhrlstixa+. J„ Wes• the la'rd's lane TONIC TREATMENT Hydro Electric The People's Power Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity Iron by Electricity We guarantee our Hydro 'snips for IMO hours we. HYDRO STORE Wed side of Square Gedencb FOR INDIGESTION{ New Blood. uor p Dark on John Ptr.wt and will retinae , temples and cathedrals with axe ,they, had the oversight of the church, to town at onet chile Mr. 'Ark move"arch his There err wane syluptouls of Nan- ny!) mortals to great soldiers, one ran fore- anti it w'aa to him Paul reported t% o afiPP TRfitttu6n's 11°11" nn -the see enormous a ns•guenes which will I,rP et a It the circ and Race au dc- gcttlou• such as niiifr j Tii offer evut- same street. Hole from a relit' "'hese wurshlie 1 count of his ministry to the Gentiles. ing. 'pricking of elm!. 1111 11.441 and pets will some etas recite as a part of •sae converts to Christianity had by vomiting. bloating and point 1st 11e [bete creed: I boelleee that war 1s etn.l this time grown to many thousands. region of the lei rt, a linen.} of taxi and Manitoba. fractured * a - and that the state which uses It as an •I'wruty-tl•'e yi'ir-i Ip•fon• this show for the misers It...lutes.. Dieting and Algoma dein in Algoma In it►la. Matt. Murray other painful injuries. At the animal meeting of the Zurich instrument ut policy may not claim the U,oustnt bad been conrerte,l at one the u+e of pre-digested flails nay mice R with her 1 Hallowe'en froth w'fls f h Bible 'Society etfkwra blessing of the church. , 1hn• 4 leap. 2r and afterw'art. the ea s,. but that is u11. and maulw'hik' Mr... !tarry Tyndall. in „ the evening of (> tuber dist. elected as follows: t rrsidrnt. But whatever Inhibitions may still' Humber had swrllt,l ttr aanw. fire the stomach grows steadily weaker. daughter. held n t weer thousand ichap. 4t. Thiess +till ole- The work ,.f dist•..lion depends noon Turkrrsmith Kir h son(yPcl b• ewe under the onside s of the Seaforth 1 Mita Lydia ra At : View -presidents. the tlyoon the church In this mutter, tie suns and two 41 nightie's.' tIdrtydl great- I.lons, tie0d was quite slNtiwasful• Rev. W. Y. 1►reier. Itev. E. Tt.•rkhrlm governments of the world biteP served the rites laid dtts11 in the law the !opal alnd nerves .rm1 the linty way anek hildret ttecentc-f„oir : Ilxm!d Coates, ooh" mus it 5H i:tted I and iter. 1'. sh•hrtg: exuettire commit- reached the stage of netlun. The right I „t Moser. The ln•+th.ii of the ole- to get rid of indigestion is to tour net grandchildren. and • throw great -great- i during bite path year with Prof. Parkin tee. yrs, inmis'1'raig. David (lingerie!) to go to war Kae ever been the suprenw j %i't fluty •0y discussed by the •council the stomach through the Wiped. to do grandchildren. da the arrouautbiti te,a•xrch ltibmatory and C. f Smith : s.N•retary-treasurer. prerogative of sovereignty. 11 has I Ichnp. 154 related only to the lira- the work nature luten,lea It should do. Arm Neatly Rented 1 at Toned() University. left late week been assumed and accepted a+ a right. tile concerts. Ilad the question been Tb.' 41 Il the Win lu Wilt\\'ll do 1 ti A. F. Hess. Gordon Snell sou of Humphrey t for /'amp Lindau ter join the Royal yr. nasi Mr Michael Uhler. of (:ud- loth Ictal and tarsal, and all our' agitated at Jrrusalew it *mild have i Il f Mullett ewnsy. *ttRerel wI Flying lugs. rrich were recant visitor. in 1 t II I i 1 t ld Ip'•'Ition t„ Christ- fills, which renew the bland, stream - village. 1 greatly retarded its fid Sue of a the peace plants have left it ttth ea ermeis . excote tenfold r ut t - then the nerves and enable the stomach s•rlouft bands ut armoire when one sof undisnerlpNI. Rut today the Rntert- iiullty am greto do its his was a�msat , While 4 •Mr. and Mrs. malts themselves bare laid the axe at vx11eeun•11t. 11 mus to he presumed Neglected indigestion with stthnease aIIII eliarimed Seth Amino, who s.tt' . wig circular r sass. Wille he - EXETER _-- --. __ leave resided tett a nmmlrPr of years on the root of We tree. They have slgtwd that, as the Christian religion because ens sawing ward its fag gliplyd.; their little tarot juttt east of the nil- a treaty not only condemning the ex- heifer nidersttiod, the la"•nlit1' That- misery'.otItll{gritnove.'an1) the tent.. shoals fhr error" his gloved bond agalnet the l FAL Lowery. of Brn,etels. Ira* taken loge. have gone to 1nfvnnloltt. Ind.. ereise of this sovereign right. hut nun•- unions of Muses would la' laid aside whirring pow. Thr• leather glove i /weir. 1.11r l'rntra1 hotel tram 4'. L•ee. Sylwre rimy P"r}ose spending the win- .erreilly renuunelne It RP a right. in- without tumult. We 4•811 Iher•fore treatment with I►r. Williams' fink exngl+t, drawing his left arm,agetniR who L�. worlut with his wife and Pan- ler months at least. ' stead of a right. the governments then- readily understand the concern of Pills at unit' and son will lie gretllled The syrMlPatP which M patting clown sPhe: would mnke.tt a rrinw, turning Janes and tlw rhuuh at the .•ouling with the reoulls. the saw', nasi' the forearm was ahnont�ny To -London. Am,NtIT •TKR twiny tetrri fraise l,ntn.i tretrreel. He was rrat el Itit1,s Clinton eph. ISawden, a former resldrnt .s test well_ for -til (n the farm of against It the whole ,'Peter" t.r inter- , of Paul about wlom retorts bail been hospital and It is hotpd that the arm j of Exeter. ilei at Iy .t .ow'n uu (kMt Ren Chnrrette. shout a mile smith of mitlotAT IN and the"tmMtr riorteienee rarrird to ,teresaiout- Its rsll-luind.Nl_new health thrtit¢4 the nee of 1Ir. Wil- % ' y ' St. Joseph. has tn*tiille,l the dr n_ tf m radioli. Jew*, Thee' retorts had grown until oleins l9iik PRT* 7s N ". lti may Ta• xr.N}. her -4th In his nlrwt send year. The hef�-1114.4d 1btkiy WKS brought to Exeter for instal. ,muttlt tad is ready to cotnmrn,w work This thing has lawn done In our Paul w'ns re¢lrtrd by some as n foe 11.11 Nu. nllonng,tu'fl. 1 cent hron¢ho h the 1 pretty cvwot at the borne of aur. Deceased Is strylrerl by three Pons ,oe the well. time. in the decade linty• 4-10.ing. ay'r „ the Jewish rites aunt customs. He 4rrtRit of nervous went through l1 esti a d )ire, Herold Graham. of G27 nth and one daughter.1.'yt'Since the detth of -_�-_ in this eery your 1!r_!s' Is nut this in- was advised, in usher to Hyoid tlw If torture hevnuw• u. usher word sen to lushly. on Hameln%. /ketoles 27. meas his wife some years acs he had been BLlTH Led a year of tour'! And roust not effete of the aril w•lort wldrh had 'the wef.lth¢ of the letter's Jame Clara living with eters members of his family. ' .trnistiie let- lie H climacteric day in been circulated. to aset'late hluwelf describe what I endured. 1 my mt•s Rrht lNw of ISttt'ler's toast-kuow'u buslur_ the feeling :and vision of all men of nob four wen who w'Pre aloud to ub- stomach ens empty 1 retched. If 1 Eun •r Relit. dnnRBre'-of-.Jnr sits _ k flog 1 vomited. 1 did not sleep, will is,tailc elmmrn,s• • ..,,.11'.' The theme will dtifitnnts; Pt•feit fitw'A►rms '.►f iwtrttitaRtun ¶ta ttM+ nuulir lute Mrs. RPIu, of Swuley own bus been removed by the .bathSa�ntoiTi itTri°- bare Tumhasel I:AtO Ewart 'eyes, so of Jusrph S. Harvey. which occurred alseepskins and the worship In 1111 :he churches. In I s•rilwd by Use bow ..f Moses in the and 1 Kos atendlly growing ....like'. 1 township. to \\'liras F, n b lx , .e or on Wishwsluy, 4Ictulper :31st. after an wool-pnllingl o1*rations. TNI+, along .tddltluu nunac. union sencicc•s will hreobsrn'aece of the cow of the Nazar- doctored foformonths but with no IsIs'',, of Mr. 51141 Mrs. Nrl+ou Key..r, else else• ar+tor of Illness of several mouths. -Deceased at Ith •the h.l.l t otuunwirlrs n. 1 if t \esu 1' 'l'M11 Thi+ 'i'nul ngreNl fit. (hie day' my hnshnu,l +old. as 1 ��� Staid. lrliii 1 • bite. J. W. fens i t 1 I when the that was nbnnt Varna Palled church, officiating. The wag horn in 1470 oil a farm on the bridal party took their places beneath Thames nod a short dtstnnte Last of J. R. Wheeler Yurwrsl Itirrt-lor and Embalmer A!1 cafe promptly att.-mi.-1 to day or nlrht I'HUNgt Yt„re 3:3.9 ReoidercY S::•e• Hamilton 44treet, Outlet -telt i Brophey Bros. THE I.Y:,U)IN(S IPVNFICAI, DIFLFi(TORf3 AND EMBALMERS Ambulance service al all hour, ,lay or night. PHONES: Store 120 Res. 217 lil►UF:RII'}I •P Couyhs. Co/ds. Croup, Bronchitis ARE OIAICKLY RELIEVED BY Dr. Chase's Syrup or Linseed & Turpentine "She just loves i t " AilkJ • woollen mill, will keep them r such wIII its- gt,tte lel%y during the winter months. amble ou Sun,ixy oftertown-ttth ur 1 It i' Mists il.•lin Symintrtme, who has iwrn ing nr .nu Homily. for n public „•1,- 111 for several analis. has been hakes britinn In remcinlrrtnce of the dead. to the hospital at thaterich for heart in rejoicing for the nuwifeet progress meat. of ,seas and In welt IPdicntlon in the Mrs. 1►avl.l tut' re is laid lip with felt consummation of the creat hope. a irekc•n hip, the result of a fall 1Iristhot 4'eta nry. deer. ,%. Shore 011,1 Mrs. Sherr have taken up their residence nt, the rm.: Tor). and Mr. Shore h•ts'taken neer lie; 'Lynes a1 inctntd.ent of the .tttglican 1t 1s nnnisit g to se an 0141 bachelor In -tiding it Isiby. especially if the baby ' I Irish. is uhotlt eighteen.-.Kitaston ttlilg- F. A. ijtgrnoi has been re -pranced Standard. 4,y the annals+tuners of the ltlyth Telephone System 11, a salary of $15ito rr t,00tttn. ---�-- isn.t_ Lmr,sear_ul,l._it:•n'ehler of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ilintm, was struck Nan- - 1 ,lay nfternarn by 1 neofhr r•:1r driven s 11.I art TI from. The chi! wvts I;uocke 11 to the cement craning striki,_• her herd. which env toitfotlli tutrt ilea eye war also fninr.+l and it t• ltrahuonl yon hoer hiu.l lots n an. and rndei, +orae JeWg who hail conic to helped yin. -why ni►t Ire 1►r..tlSSitxwr Jerusalem to worship, seeing Paul in Pink Pills. 1 etinsented and too got 1114• I %tier 1 b •41 beet' taking the ,..ix-yeurs,Iul site 1hn'hI, n1111Ware of the death of his*mother, Attempting to pre+.• reIne 1nm11� sntgw•o. Tfro-iwn' hent' retnr•„I• from school - shortly before S o cl.p•k and thought his neither meas 1.11wp. •!A!eort'y after he .• 1c value r"lrow+p^ himself unit s'e.1.1 for elope time. on the 'liter. but 1',ii'I. orad. •11 I from the eifeet ,s fe•.•I she may halve suffered inter- though +1111 snffcr sal Inlnrr. Tit, little girl was hit, it of the gar lie managed b. .1'.. st,me of ''nt.•d, as +he .'tt•ptw,J_ m.t, front he. the work of getting sit'•twr ne•nlr. 1t t ii.4.11 isrkaI ears npls.r:t4• St..\11,1--r...isis'ar't-Mr`-ttn-tnitfi•s- drtith- wsi. 'ell's 1'nitel church. sin.• to aldiv.iatlon hy' gas from the kitchen range. Mrs. 5falloitgh and bet little son had only a few dot's before glow Lome front 1•neknmr, titer +tent same tine Willi h. r nnrents. 'Mr. and 5T ni.er••n•t• w•r.•iw•s will hr hail In Ti t t JI 4hnl illi, The r•rahs 1 Nnret,ta•r 14t1. Sirs. Neil \t,•ltnn•I!.!. an old r•stdrnt ottf the eI11tg•`• 10s+,,1 away aerobes 2c1h In her w't-rney-+e•mi41 year. Her husband diel about nine years ego. Two sisters' servile.... firs Murray of Toronto it1•.1 tine Ito the \Vee•! %Iles•+ Tena nm! 51-tggle im!th of town have merited w'or.Y of the d,• tub of their ,•i.ti•r. SIre. Wrcharh tit, Nngl- 1 a•y.1, Stith. I1peel-:e•1 war so,em4y• itt•�qj yPflr+ of age. Tii' Teel&M of Lin -know learned with .neat ..ter ow' ut the tragic death e' Mr.. Itr'.s ti It. Millionth 1 forme! • Mese Etta -Belle M I)otualdl.' w'Id,•) :eluant tit h. r hone at I'etM'eo••.•' m• r Tees11ay of last week. When her tins' bred came home that evening be 1 foetid th.• Ironer fell of fns, his wife decd in n choir In the kitchen. and hitt i 1 CKNOW the Maple. stirred ut, the mull and m -erNtt 1tntelt arse_ i'l0• Clip tn of the Mollla11 soldiers ahose t duty It was to iirlult:tln }pen.+• In Ili.' ueig4la'rhou,t of the 1. ulple, arrived en • • .1 the killing of. 11114h• n snag, t , the 51 Pall!. Fu ierder t.. show the Cr.,wd that 1,e 1111 not 111.0,1 to ptetenl Paul's twine brongl i to trial. the cup rnia lead hila holt 11,1 nith.1h,in . Pali; Asked of him ptrnil;.ion to-Itvl,, .1 41,1 Then it wits the •iiitaur foiled oal he .t;•r not the disturber of the pear, he tool si.pei;te,l_LLIL.ltt 110 itt learning *hat he was 11 .,ratable citizen ola,rt:ut ell}' .•f Tar••,.. 1,,• readily •:i it 1'I him p•ruds-I'n 10 speak to t''. 1,•.gge. Standar::n on Ilse st air, he matte hf+ ulet,t c against the charge. br,nght Again -4 IIht1. They gat.• hint patient M•trhtg until he :Intl. ittire,1 , that he lead 1,1,11 c uissinn,d by (:oil . to ittrry. .the -(.i•t+l!•'l to the.G,nti1.-. Their rnee burst forth nut li. anal.' • 11"1 being uh;e to get nt Pool. who ass ttai'da1 by tin• .alleles. nb1•y .114.U. 14 their 4 1,' by throwing tiff their onto? t"h. 11 air pills for a while I knew' they were belling rue. ns the pelta+ dwT reteliihe grew les+ Had I slept Netter. I gladly continue,) the nae of 1114 1,111 n11.1 Int n few tteonth. 1 frill liken ts•a motion. better 111 n. I had felt for years., a„o. ah!e 1„ work for my h11'Mind I ••gain. ,%tier web n fol ' tl..It'iur how •rap I .1'. 'ittt 1 line .1-. hat riv°ommrmR:rn. Wttttitnie fills'" - If con t,.'d a blo,•i-Ilaii.lu,ir i-.- , 'Ie•gtn t iking I►r. Williams' fink Pill f the ten'nr. ?,T T.t' lttt m,,tlei ire .1.-.t.e-t or want to mall ',it a1 cents a 1s,. trritie_ The ler 51'illi:ons' S1e••' g1nn•W!s 8,144 nrr,sw1n_ .lilt,' toy cried ...it ;.• kill hila. Sntttlit : rr. u, w • 1':tilt' s then tn17,1, into ---the i• o1Sii• neknow 1'nllr,l rim roll an wen• bnne¢ht here for interment. � VENIIS LIGHTNING COUGH SYRU P 9'rt''" 6"'6' NIGHT COUGHS feeler Sift 7s4 natal lilt 334 014 501111 BRONCHITIS ;hilclren Love VINO'S Sgrup ASTHMA SCHOOL REPORT i'1re--rdtmrtng is tl, 1.1.•., 0 111 l i, srhro41 45 )t No !1. 1'uIM.i'11ei 'v• month. ..t' Septe,ui.-r :ntd4n-t„1„•, 'I' 1.11111- h:nr boon' lu- hn•y. •tu•IIeng, 11,•,.!1' .,I.t• •1•''INn,•'i• 'II 'ir.p•:unre. Sr 15- Llai 111• tlort„n •I I •', ' Il' nk Ilort ,. 711 Sr. 111 •''stun' emir . void- i ttI 'i ' :.7. (lave ',orb.; Iv til. Verne ,4.•o'-) t*er erns !lilli - Y:tr• i 7ti 1.•,- ' •• .lewe'1 IC. Jr- 11 11.. i •1 .• 4•T, Jr I • 55',1,.•1 , Ir.- rent.. ^rent.. harry 1'hi^I,••:1 "' I'r. Ostih Fnrri-Avec,..• Kithtw• 1•t'teludni leNe., NamalN•r ,te r.1'. 1:1 :n ern¢.• nitt•n,l .lame. 12.3. ANNE. I. 51 a-1n)N.%1.1►. T,'u-b Singer Sewing Machines SOLO ON EASY PAYMENTS Free denwitatra given in ver own home at any time. 1',w are under no uhligatiott-tr buy. MISS: S= NOBLE South Side of Square t i.derich W. GLEN COOK, General Aged It Is a 'Ire.' 1•4•1 thane''• 10 waren I.',.,le .he Mit.. ..i,.t. II1loll I ,. will Is. • •••rlun.o n- n,•• q ,.,r- r 1 11 1 1 of '114.111 *1111011.1 with horns, 11.1:1.1.1 Jont'Hul. THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List The Signal and The Toronto 6 SO obe ThGle Signal and TM Toronto Daily Star .- 6.50 The Signal and The London 6.50 Advertiser The Signal and The London 6.50 Free Press The Signal and The Toronto Mail and Empire 6.50 The Signal and The Farmers' 3 2S Sun The Signal and The Family Herald and Weekly Star 3.0„ The Signal and Saturday 5.50 Night The Signal and Saturday Es.'ntng Pnat 4 75 The Signal and The New Outlook The Signal and Canadian 4 65 Homes and Gardens The Signal and The Catholic 3.75 Record the Signal and McLean'.3 75 Magazine Thy Signal and Montreal Wel• 11555 renewal 3.R5 new 3 5" •nd World renewal 4.25 new 3 65 and Youth's The Signal Wide The Signal Companion The Signal and The Tnr'nto8 7S Star Weekly The Signal and Red and 3.85 Gun Tn. Skoal and The Canadian 2 95 Counts man 3 75 Clubbing Rates With Other Peri- odicals May Re Had on Application