HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-11-8, Page 3The Signal's Clubbing List will save you time and money. We can give you a price on almost any publication issued on the continent. ional ele.illaimw.+eMes werh Printing First-class work at reasonable prices. Call The Signal when you want a job of printing well done. Telephone 35 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 8, 1928 PSI SIGNAL PRINTING CO, LIMITED, Publishers. 1908 155 -DAY PROGRESS SOUND business principles and a policy of gradual expansion have marked the steady growth of this Bank for sixty years. To -day, one of the largest and strongest hanks in the world, it serves every phase of business and private life at home, and is taking a leading part in the expansion of trade in foreign markets. The Royal Bank of Canada Goderich Branch - - F. Woollcombe, Manager :0.9 CHARLES NORMAN %(GF:NT FOR British Peerless Tailoring, Slickers, Scotch Raincoats, etc. Sampler can be 'wen at British Exchange Hotel or brought to your home for inspection. Phone Goderich 433. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE! WELLINGTON STREET WALL( GOES BY THE BOARD FOR THIS YEAR Council Declines to Take Side in Dispute Between "Insiders" and "Outsiders" The difference of opinion over the Wellington street sidewalk hadsm- other brief airing at the meeting f of the \town council on FYlday evening. when Towu Clerk Knox reported an injunction had beeu served to re- strain the town from laying the walk Inside tbe trees. After surae die:usalon as to the ex - Pelee involved should the town otek Reeve have the Injunction setaside, he Turner decukl u is opinion that bold its dignity" t council entering silo rug a defence iu this action. Councillor Bal li l Thaatcoatis aalit right;ng us nut of when dignity of money it may be too expensive. 1 don't like litigation. (;. Weir. re..,hingllug dwelling, East street; Josiah Knight, garage, Well- ington street ; L. T. Neuert, garage, East street. A complaint wad received from Mrs. Joa. Elliott with regard to her road oil tax, but uu acaiuu win.takeu. A request from the War Memorial l'hlldreu'a Hospital, Loudon, for a grunt was referred to the special roue wiper. uu Couna•ilWr lYriRie tetrarked that if ts the Weldlugbm street reaideuhe teuud not agree he did not see why cin should u1 worryabout t [ the ii a not and sgees d constructed at all this year. Ilan w'++s Councillor Craigir's suggetitkM be - approved by the council, a Ing adopted that no action be taken with Iegard to the constuctt solicit of be walk thea year, and thatcon ti take stews to have the injuQebur withdrawn. Reeve Turner and Coun- cillor McLean were alone In °P1 ng this [notion. A petition from ratepayers on the east ..We of Wellington street for the construction of the sidewalk inside the tors was signed by Elisabeth Itohin- '..di, E. 1t. `Allele, John Wigging. James' A. Wilson. Hobert Turner. MMA `14K'. Templeton. J. B. Knight. Fanny old and N. Laura Salkeld. i The sexton of Maitland cemetery reported six interments in the month l of tlrtober. Rev. Canon 11111 made application for permission to have a court laid in front of him property on St. Georges Crescent. This Was referred to the public works committee to have the engineer bring in a sketch of the arrear. there being some question as to where the street poperb runs An application from the public lib- rary board for the remainder of its grant for 1928 was sent to the finance committee. imps, as Applications for building pe follows, were referred to the Are com- mittee: Wm. AngtaY, reshinRllnR dwelling, South 'street; Jag. Mc- Cracken, r ehingling dwelling. corner Victoria and Trafalgar streets; Fred A cuwtnunicatluu from the baud with reference to their amputee concerts was referred to the band eutnmitter. A letter from Mr. R. C. Hays, -Jr., solicitor for the Domluiun Road Ma- chinery Co., intimatedtheo atreptown's ante by the Company offer for the sale of the Maitland road plant, "s(bject, however, to a bylaw being aubmltted to the rate- puyers of the town for a'luwinal fixed aaseasweut on the Llutuiuluu !toad Ma- chinery plant and tbe staid proputed plant and being passed by the, said ruttya)ers." The Mayor, the !terve, Councillors Lee and Munniuga and the elerbt were appointed a committer to have u by- law prepared and submitted. ltecowmeudatluus reported by the finance committee included the follow- ing: That the water .and light eolu- mission be asked to turn over to the council an additional sum of t ,INt) from the water department surplus: that the auditors be asked to bring 1u a report OH the expomdlturt's of the water department this year to date. showing the amounts, of surplus on baud ; that the town's share of grand- stand receipts be collected front the full fair Marl; that $$(Mal of 19X41 Victory Mends fit the Buechler siuking fund 1a' pun•hnsal at a price of 1h14r.4.4: plus accrued interest and reglstratluu fee. The committer reported that ti* sum of $1L'f)t+.10 had been received fnow the Tonne', t'' General Trusts ('or- poratiun am the town's share of inter- est. due November 1st on Ontario Weld Shore Hallway howls, and that as this did not appear to be the c ir- re•ct amount the Corporation was IK - tag commuakwted with. The tifteen Monde of a total of $7,9tle lsstwd under bylaw Nu. 13 of 1.r.1 (the grandstand bylaw) and the ten bond* of a total of $ezei.10 issued to pay for the }furan road pavement (bylaw Nu. 4ti) had all been subscribed. for and the commit- ter recommended that the subscriptions be accepted. The committee reported alsl, that the water and light commis- sion had been paid a further sum of $-t,31N1 towards the cost of installation of the new pumping equipment. {"rid- ing the lame of bonds. This report was aduptwt with a brief di+s•wlaiun of the charge made Ily' the Torouto Ureteral Truing Corpora- tion for handling the O.W.14.R. fuud44. The Mayor described the charge of three per cent. set -outrageous." and said the matter Should he taken up at the next meeting of the interested municipalities. The pul.lir• works committee report's! that the petftlens for sidewalks as fol- lows wen• gntlk•b'ntic ilguel and re- commended that the necessary bylaws be passel: West slue Albert street. Newgate to Feast; west side Hinck44 street. Britannia to Raglan; 'south side Querns'' street, Waterloo to Well- ington. • The fire committee reported the {missing of applications for boil(ling permits and rrummendcrl that the water eelsd light eommb'141on he aekeil for a written report on the condition or the tire hydrants. Tea's' reports also were adopted. The Nlayur said he had reeplve'.1 trev- ernl (•ctmmuuicatb,ns from London ask- ing that this town 4e114) o delegation to a meeting tel be held tit that city Novemlwr 7th to daw•uss the question of airports. 1t was left to the Nluyur to arrange n deptttetion. His Worship resorted utteu(lance, With other menders of the conned, at II meeting of Blue Water Highway repr'stptativee held at Kineardlne on Thursday last. 1:1 brief report of this meeting will le found elsewhere in this home.) ('onmillor Lw' brought tin the mat- ter of the town's contribution towards the funds (1f the Tillie Witter Highway A'ws-lotion. last year's 14,M'ssmeut was not paid.' hot the .lssa•Iatiou hail agreed to forego payment for 11127 if this yeHlr's as!essmeut. $373. were veld. Some enols (olleeted for last per.. hilt rut forwarded. were on hand. and the cora $ell agreed to make up the differ- en(e, about 5170. in order that this town should be In was) standing with the Asst -dation. The public works .-ommitte• Was asked to ha.k Into they matter of drainage In the vicinity' of it1•e•r' 'T'urner's residence. Noll the .onncll then adjourned. WILL ASK TO RAVE BLUE WATER ROAD "SIGNED" Meeting of Highway Astmeintion al Kinryrdltte '11Wrs*Ly, Kincardine. Out., Nov. 2.-4Peudltty the time of the Provincial Government n taking over the Blue Water Hlgh ity as a Provincial road. the highways ih(risartweut of the Provincial tloveru- ment Ls to Le asked to plate markings simd1:r to those on regular Uovernment roads. 'Phis was deckled at a largely at- tended meeting of the 'Blue Water }fighway Astae.iution, held here Thurs- day afternoon. it was also decided not to stud a deputatuto wait t on lion. George S. Henry upon from Europe, as the association has assurance that the Department le not at present taking further roads' in hand, but has the Blue )Water road under u1.servatl. a for absorption into the Provincial system as soon as sur;, a step is deeMed feasible._ In the meantime wardens of countte4 tilting the route, who were all present. gave assurance that they would 11'P every effort to expedite Government action and to keep the highway in the best possible condrtiou until su li time as it becomes a prti inial charge. A meeting of the executive will be heleat Goderich in about two weeks. when the question of Goverimeut charge of fhb rood will again be din cussed. Mayor W. J. Morrison. of Kincar- dine. presided et the netting. (ethers present Include! Dr. Doolittle. Tor- onto, honorary' pr":irh•nt of the Asss•1- att(1n; Mayor Scott, Sarnia Eric Ift+r- ris, Sarnia. secretary o1 the• Assu 4s- tktn: Maybe MacEw•atb, 1)4444443' Reeve Crater., •(tu,neI1lors Lee and Muh- nings. Goderich; A..1. Creighton, p res- ident of 'the hoard of Trade. (►web Sound; Ald. J. C. Tennant, Sheriff Wm. Breese and 1t. 11. McWilliams. all of Owen Sound: Neil Milkmaid. Kln- canline: representative" from Port El- gin. Southampton. wardens of inter- vening counties and representatives of severel other tnulicipallties. ihadlttle was Appointed rvy+re- 4entatice to interview Government officials with a View to having the 'Bole Water Highway tuarked as other 1'ro- vlucial highways. The Blue Water Illtdawav between Owen 501111.1 1411.1 Barrie has 'trendy leen taken over etc the G,Rernment and it iv thought thilt n highway of 44u(•11 Importance to the tourist business of the Procinee as this 'Mould be booked after by the Province. J. W. Craigie Real Estate and insurance Huron Investments limited Westinghouse How Manor Years Behind ti isYom'Set? Console Ds Lunt 5195 Complete I?aio N the Westinghouse Batteryless Radio is embodied the latest im- I provements that Radio science has perfected. It means radio reception at its best, giving: True-to-life tone quality. Year 'round reception. Finely balanced selectivity. Clarity of distant stations. Full 6 -tube power. Single dial control. Economy of operation. Westinghouse Cone Speaker. This wonderful instrument is available at a price that represents more radio value than has ever been offered before. From $185.00 to $395.00. t lean a Westinghouse demonstrated and judge its value for yourself AUTHORIZED WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS For Batteryleas, Battery and the Full Line of Radiola Models FRANK McARTHUR Electrical Fixtures and Supplies West Street, Next Post Office Phone 82 AS Goderich WHEN YOU BUY A WESTINGHOUSE YOU OWN THE WORM MOST ADVANCED RADIO 1.1 SCHOOL REPORTS Stock Brokers Bond Dealers Insurance Royal Bank Building, Goderich, Out. Peones 430 and 445 S. S. NO. 5. OOI:MOR'NE The following Is the report for R. S. No. 5. Colborne. The pupils 11nce been examined In composition. sta•II- Ing. history, geography and arithme- tic: Jr. 1V-Tkrrte Johnston tai per cent.. Jacic }tenter 78. ('ret Freeman 70. Fhn Horton 157. Sr. 11L -Evelyn (;drain 72 per (sent.. Robert ('.sok fel, Harold 'Freeman 5S. Jr. 111.-- Andrew Frcenonn ttv per '' cent.. Jack ('Pok 0, Gree hooter 5".. Geo. Williams Dealsr In DO(t.LLN1ON, PROVINCIAL MUNICIPAL AND CORPO- RATION BONDS Fire, Accident, Automobile, and General Insurance Agent 1other, next t', !lank ir( I'• a nems' Billie Freeman 48. Jr. 11.--I'essrl Hunter 75 per eent. 1. -Clifford Horton tett per rent.. iteryl Freemen 75. .Frank Conk 70. 1'r. -Marie Rogue. Bernice ('Pok. R. GRANT; Teacher. S. s. NY). 1. (:OD}7RItsI1 TOWNISHiP The foliowing la the report of 8.5. No. 1. (:rolerieh, for the month of (k•t(l'er: honors 75 per tent.• pies' lin per cent.-: Sr. iV.--Marlon Lamprey 141 ler rent., Orville Oke k0. Jr. iV.-Everett Craddock 59 per cent. 111. --Arthur Hlekg 711 per cent. I1.--411adyr1 '1`anwnt 7i1 per ten Ada Farrant 72. Valelr Craddock 011. Sr. 1. -Hazel Moore 74 per rent. Sr. Pr. -t:race Beattie 52 per cent.. Ernest Salkeld 71. , Jr. Pr.-4'mr1 Farrant. hilly }turns. 1. 141WERV. Teacher. 9. S. NO. 17. W. WAWANOSII The following Is the report of S. S. No. 17. West \'nwv+nngh, for the months of Septetnler 44n1.Oetoter: Jr. V. -Edith Sprnnl 71 per tent.. Marie's McNee (absent). Sr. iV.-Melhomrne Culbert Ott .per cent.. 1111dn Finnigan M. Jr. 1V. -Anne Sproul 70 per rent.. ie'nore Ntothcrs t5). ('art Finnigan Ce. Clifford Culbert :de. Shenley Mot/rat- ten 52. I Jr. (11.- Russell Melntyre 75 per vent., Margaret Elliott M. Arnold lever (15. Emily M,•(:rattoi 62. sr. 11. Willie Sproul 72 per cent.. Harry (Arvin 84. Jr. 11. --Jimmie !Ashman at) per ant.. Ilnrvey Sproul fr. Sr 1'r. --World getout 70 per cent.. Harold Elliott. fr. Jr. Pr.-Fhirlry Mcdar,tten 52 per cent.. Dotted (ll1Tln An. iVA 1. ('ARIL. Teacher. S. S. NO. 3. AS)IFIEIA) School reba,rt for S. S. Mt. a. Ash- field. Excellent. 75 per cent.: goof. Os per cent.; pass. IMI per rent.: Sr. V.---TFtm,aen Simpson 71 per cent.. Anna MA,•(;rentor (t0. Sr. IV.-Ifie'.rge MacGregor. )44 tier cent.. Cecilia howler 75, Joe Hackett 72. Donald MacKay 70. armee Mac- Gregor fLI. Joe Mat Intyre rr. Sr. 111. Ethel MacKenzie s0 per cent.. Margaret 1fihlen OMW. Ronald MacGregor 82. For Early Navigation ('lowing Ilttaws4. Noy. 1. -iii 1111 effort to bring abut nn early cbsing of nncl- gAtintt un the (;rat Lakes rinds year the-lkgrnrtmcnt ort Martnc is com- municating with all shipowners. an official states today. 1Mremler 7 has 1w*'tl suggested at a tentattce date for the closing. 1t was pointed ort that many cala- mities have reunited from shipping continued lit a *'4444011 when severe storms are liable to 0(4)14. 11 Is ex- pected that a date can be arranged by Agreement .(ati1fActory to militating Interest. -The Depurtnwnt is acting in co- (4xretl0n with United States 44nthocl tic's In the matter. Hotel Bedford THURSDAY, NOV. 8th, 1928 J. B. KNIGHT will display a complete line of ladies' and gents' Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada offers many attractive forms of policies. Consult us regarding these. H. R. LONG, District Agent Goderich Phone 115 IHAIR_GOODS Next! ! ! A .ln advertisement that appeared in the columns of An 1ndlin paper m114t be among the test ova plea of Baku English Dere It Is. word for word: • Mohnmedstnan. halr-enter and clean ahan-er (;entlemen'% throat% cut with very 'hasp tarot's, with Rrest rare and skill. No irritating feeling after - want A trial *elicited." The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency including Patent Structure Advice on all Scalp Ailments and the use of Inecto Rapid /lull for .)ptan+.tmpd The W. T. Pember Stores Limited 129 YONGE ST . TORONTO, ONTARIO J LIFE INSURANCE (Sum Life Ca). ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, AUTO, ETC., INSURANCE Many cheap properties for sale. Ery terms. Eine chances for renters convert- ing rents into payments on homes Just a few of the many listed. Neat cottage, well-equipped, 5900. 5100 cash. Fine 1 1-2 story house, hill modern euipped, furnace heated. Garage. 51600, terms easy. Fine eight -mom bungalow, polished hardwood Home, e, well decorated, conven- ienctts. Cheap. Good 1 1-2 story hotter, heated by one, stove, good location. Price 51200. Easy terns. Choice red brick house, modern. $3150. Fine brick home, hot water heated, hardwood floors, garage, tine location. 53500. Good 1 1-2 story hone, Fast street: I Bargain for quick sale Farms Many Hop, well -improved farms very cheap. Ask about thecal. For all particulars see or write J. W. ARMSTRONG Real Estate Agent Boy 89 Square Goderids 0. F. CAREY & SON Limited INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Telephone 230 Masonic Temple Building GODERICH -- ONTARIO Jr. 11. - Maurice Bowler a1 Try, Robert Slmp'a'I. fel. 1t111y ('oI- Ilnatn Mr. 1. -Blur Drennan and Gorton MA(4}regnr good. Jr. 1. -'Excellent. hobby Jlara:r'gor : fair. Harold Johnston. - .1r. pr.-Rxeellent. 1Monald Simpson. Archie Maelnryrr.: pssl. Jack 1)ren- naa. ANDREW M. THOMT Why Give Bond Houses all the Corn and Use the Husks Yourself? The sweetest of the corn is yours by buying Standard Royalties, which are absolutely as safe and dependable as any bond. only giving you greater earnings on your money invested CALL 292 AND LET ME EXPLAIN OUR ISSUE Then use your own best judgment We also beadle Fire, Life, Sick, Accident and Automobile Insurance Phone 292 W. J. POW ELL P. O. Box 438 Kipper, Newton & Company MF.M MONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGE MONTREAL CURB MARKET Announce the opening of an office at 113 ROYAL BANK BUILDING LONDON, ONTARIO 1"NI)ER TM.: MANAGERSHIP OF LT. -COL. W. H. KIPPEN Private and direct wire connections to New York, Montreal, Toronto and other Exchanges TELEPHONE MET 3t'.1