HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-11-8, Page 2Mk
2-ThiIrsday Novetub r 8, It lGt+.
,' "•`lila;+vett-
learning that the are tee to put their
11.118 iu }Wbliautious i,sutd b) the. fete
-S1431141 ductal Department of k:ihtteti'I. •
• •
1'he Ftdt•ral liosarumetit has, giv eu
't- consent to the inergtelotthe Stuu,l
aril liauk and lilt• Ituuk of Cotuutert'.,
and t'auattt'• les+eniug list of INtnk• is
utsaile shortened by one. 'Thal there is
'tidespreltd dit•aplr►iutnteut over the
i love's hien l'a•aU•liuti cattiest be, gain
+aid. The Minister -of Vitiate*, Makes
sane cryptic remark. dhoti( back fail-
ures. but there is malting in the pub-,
lit.' ken. to support au;' assuwptioui
that the Stautlard Bunk watt in auy
danger of failure. t►ue bank more ur
lean does not wake a great different*,
Herbert 'louver is elected 1'r sidcut but when one coutpams the list of Cen-
ci( the United States with a targe wa- adian batiks today with that of twilit);
jur►ty over ilia chief uptrrut'ut, Alfred )y,urs ago one has saute nelson for ask-!
fpd Not only did Mr. Smith fall Ing where the proves.. of mercer and
purchase and absorption is gotug to
end. The matter will no doubt be dis-
cussed at the next session of Parlia-
ment. and Ministers need not be sur-
prised it their action in consenting to
the purchase of the Standard flank is
sharply questioned.
ESTABLISH tan 1603
Guull4WCH . . CANADA
ble itbet of Canadian Weekly News-
papers Aaaoelation
Published every Thursday morning
dub•cription price $2.00 per )ear
strictly in advance. LTD.
Telephone 3S : : Godeelth. Unt.
W. H. Robertson, Editor and Manager
1'hur+day, N,%rutber S. 1ty34.
to win any of the Eastern States, but
the Western States failed to endorse
his position On the - farm relief *pee
Lion, and even one or two S1e
hitherto solid Democratic, tanth have
gone Republican!' In wbot proportion
the various issues t,rtitributtd to the
result cannot be known with any -de-
gree of accuracy. !Did the votere
jeot Smith bet•ause of his rt4igitw?-
because of his attitude on the liquor
question? ---because of his Tamnwuy
Hall atflliatious?--or simply because
be was a Democrat':
Perhaps the Republicansrightrus
declaring that the issue w -at {
plerity. When times are good it is It
difficult, almost impossible. mater to
dislodge auy government or party
which, being in office. can claim credit
for Rte good awes. The RepUblitaus
t•Ialmrd that the prevailing proeperici
in the cuuutsy was due to their poli-
cies. and it appears that the voters be-
lieved them.
Smitb's loafses In the South may be
prejudice traced directly to religious { 1
and to olrplaltiuu to bis view's on pro-
hitr(tiou-prArably 'tow' former in
greater degree than the hatter. ,
Mr. Hoover appealed to the farmers
with a promise of higher dutiPt on
their products. and our farmers tin
Canada may brace themselves for an-
other jolt when the Haver tariff
policy is put in operation.
Don't pay -Cant Vote
Worts& Standard,
Parkhill ratepayer' who tail to pay
their taxes in full eteti year before
November 14th will be dieutualifled as
voti•rs at the municipal elet•tion the
first Monday iu December. at,•ording
to a bylaw passed by the council re-
cently. Suet' a bylaw is naw permis-
sible under the terns of the Ontario
Municipal Act. and Parkhill has been
one of the tire municipaliti
in be
Prrvint•e to enforee such legai►un
A Town with Four Ratep.yers
Canadian Lumberman
There is it townstlast year it
only feta rutt,pra.' e • .. . and e
apprrprktted Xiisterr for sports. accord-
ing to lion. Wm. Finlay..oll. Minister
,f Lauds attd Forests. who addressed
hub of Toronto lately.
the 1., et int ss t+ itrbin : IRs me eery
Iroquois Falls. he stated. has four Hear Mi. Mt' and play Sart plan together st,
like the rhyme you wrote today. 'Tway*, rent times. Aud do you know what
yens -the Orange Latae, the rrxt a picture tette. "Now! R She !
Knight* of Columbus. the Royal Bank ,imply c )ifs. �lao[Aatg,tll auswrrwl
them'a my sentiments tet you A Mrs- tl and Said, •\\'ell. 1 reel!) think
of Crna Co.and the Abitibi Power and should + ile.
Paper o. The municipal council 1r pretty tow•u'-well. i more than anything It's The Wnnth't'
elected int the saute manner as the The hest ITP seen to many a wile. 'Companion! In fact I m s,1 all
h i heads of any other town.- The (Haw at tic you des*1 there.'fila[
the fazes for the population 1f about I .rte .•,•rim:Nrn ilRhthmrsr." ' este e' t ours• Si, mouths fiom twrw y
not ate. J
A treat in the Peppermint -flavored
amu -coated jacket and another to
the Peppermint -flavored gum inaide-
stlaw■t value In long•lasdng delight
lltetrtdt New•ai
Nature b.ts a way of maintaining
-,•r •cheeks and b:the...es: sometime.,
- .e tights aguitist the ferment unit
-„'ut•t1wP1 for them- Recently tilt•'
tan -borer had.111e agricultural inter-
ests lordly seared. The :torn -sorer Is a
b:ul fallow'. Ile, with. his rapidly in-
tre'-•ing f•:wi!)' and reInt'ivt't. to cap-'
able of spoiling the Johnnycake bolus-,
try- over large are.ls. When the curie
boner crossed the border from the till- I
tarso peninsula and invaded Mit•hittau.
w,wt• Partners predicted that torn
grtt%u t would have to la. aittudoned.l
And the d•'eNh•ral and State Gieverti-
moils Wok the tutrter so seriously that
they made appropriations of million+
I and tiepin a clean-up campaign shpt
(aimed to prevent carrying over a shred
of t,a•urtalk Into ane of the affected
areas. Tlie-t• drastic measures were•
a great tuconyettiettte t.. the farmers.
and were not as effective as had been
hoped. lint now conies Komi**. that
Madnnw, Niture Is ri venting and call-
ing o halt to the ..ore -borer menet*
herself. In Genese county tarm,•rs
report observing the effects of a
strange battle that has been in 1'r"R-
fess during the latter part of the
summer. The corn•INrrers have met
s merilet. eueufv ax yet not Idents-.
Med. The remains of the borer' ar
tonna In the corn stalks. each tate de-
r ! t•apitatell. R'heret•er • tattle has been
c'f R stageas d in corn stalk every, tcrru-borer
"They do have such good times to -
OUR TOWN HEARD FROM Little Mrs. Turner's ret- rnuotted
wisittully the disappearing figures of
the Mae.Dougalts, her neighbors
l;trderich 11 getting some good ulcer-' acr.sts the way. Lunch -and camera
tisiug in the -Homemaker” depart-, �nfl sweater -laden. with the duff
went of The Globe. •Following the ar-
bounding joyously beforetlithem they
which', were off -father,
tick, w;r tern by Miss ]1clCibbin,three yl g Macl►ouRalle -for a `at -
we reproduced in last week -'s Signal urviny tramp in the 'rootlet. ii*
Rag another in the tame departweur of .t•} was Saline Mrs. Ilaclk,uyall out) y
The Globe on Friday last. The second! yesterday." little sera. Turner went
tootributinn was as follows: I on. "how it is that although the) all
MI1UF ABOUT GODF.BICH ! have special friends and hobbies ' f I
1' their own. they still manage to work
re of it
•view "Tele Sgnorr.
r e ens I sbonld like to order it for n
Abitibi rower and I'atrrr Co. void all 1 thought the same when 1 l elle Tear as r present from our fatally in I
ali tau 1
4,30p, 1 that's one thing that i did I tell tar if I wa'n't right.' But oh. the relieve, and the hills' I The llaclkrugalls are just one .ill
• fEkelrfrih on the Minns saw them-at1e1 they 'toothed my ills.! thousands id hnnst•hnlds where The 1
IFartuer't Suni \ friend of mine who owns "Liz" Lae' Youth's Companion le bringing 1191
'file pyldk• ought to t,rngtdrr diy{rls- mighty
nice young men he only entertainment in its fine book -
I siunately the claim that the farmers , drove me o'er the new highway.
ear bit -
!length navels. serials. and short - -
j widely may obtain electricity un much I morning at the break of da)• We got
stories. but fresh int••rrsts. new Sot-
ydrusEletaric yet 1r11tlons. Std eiPP{x'r. uatetstandlnttsl—
IL i ,said that b minute then For tialerith Is ,t through its feature articles and math I ARMISTICE DAY PLEA FOR
Swish putt the cheer.. ILxlcrr thea C etre trews than the H. ,, .b minute
just ,It ten. and 1 pre
Tota•, p R
� • � hi •h yultailr current of r I s to young end old
' AiK .iiiiiiiir..- 4
•., o'tissf •/at
,:r.a. S1i'�' . .
)iiiiyo.ka.w you could buy a jYau� :
elle«•, Salsa Bis4► Sedan for 6, fir `
'speed mad r+ lith pot
yca ohm& ani hemp
,■LIVfBt■! Too arm AJ liars
r O L L Y jg 4 V I r r M R Saga dsr Sit.ss ars
relay aim
midi bo�ur
anearad. Asabio drSP fames, bar mod
,11 fe-soId 4 Lswei.'f k,L_.Y` shook
ahasrbs.s .r mol odortl a am
ltiosatoms. tiles ass •se p/ub cars writ
mom 7 iaciaded is is eiai•-
es.4 price moor' above.
VERYON! is as -
KA .t til.
prices ,tlftb..w N.si
"4OO t . Th.l ammo
i.. look at rices arse.
ria freshly say is
odour cars at the pain. are son w ha pmt
1a ria ammo doss Irli ti's aim -401r •
Oa apps.c sans •bore yo.1 clops. tths
-41i/r'-lima rho Isw..t pa�iao�i %mo -
ea modoie bee ria ter• ewer
Woe liolp--•i.'..' skis. p'aAd.
• 1324
mop imam
TM Smackers' sssssr ass atm, high- Come is sad sos them. The maws! ,,•a, 1ergdt se Jim • Hadar ung 'beta el
1 Was it234 to $31S1, i,WN. 1 Csq/t, tweet. comas tree 11234 to 12114 itiu, N
l ames s ' �w Ow Moire Con Flt P-1
Iltl.IR{WA•T ItiATIISS/-XO •T/ss Cls MIS ?mu JILL
Ahllwiatsm alar li mos
these stere/
New +a.'bta drop hems
tial TersM.al vibrecioa
7-aaariag cr' - dr Off°• Woe
lbw. •t" tat lardaaa
I:sari.r msmlw+re
tbeewa plead Ower
Short turning radios
fesbt'attstsiaata..rriag Loagsr wheelbase
Omar visiaa from
paw pasts
Nue Spacial Da—
`umImoRom VOW
Phone 83 11 1' i'• et' \. , South Si , Goderich
Commi++iou can offer. s s oto
,rte do down or transtnrminR the dandy place wherein to srttt esters special h dpps to you. 1•*ttd alike. WAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL
til Hv,lTu s , h u 1 •end n• a nr this j„1' 1 offers happiness L furan a your family tie without ,
. wing. shish prmw Don't IPI J
"Al" Is still the hero of "The Side•1 tr,tulhiatl nn hut's makes x crural \red (herr 1 streuhei
York." df+trlhutton of power to ttw fnrml•" I tearful thing.t f till at monthly msenzine' it Redlrrt .tunes, fhr famous Flue
1 whole fay•' and sung like c"u 1 1 ?ideal -460n ceder to li+h urthopwlh
• • • dis I rU¢ of pro i the address 1 mol and catty that i
treat n N great 1
walks of New or x''
for tree w o t n+t spat your . surgw.u, dr1'lan,t n^
• Imaller And it
Ls Bald that praise. A pretty cool! 41w 1 cut will re a [ret years the 414.4-tared
smaller water powers. u widely s WI when l '
You've said it. ')enc, and.. the1 : end women still suffering from
Chief Justke Meredith has written trihuted. neer Is developed to produce i ear, I'm going heck'. The Tooth's Cnmtaniun. 1'. UIR men
Cheerful Jane. baring .•biMMssi
c the Minister ref Justice suggesting ,1st �(atTUmtell directly 8 local tan
tothe criminal code t 1 ity}t 1st of Two r/tra anm rel' be reduced by ninety utr
ON rhulnR change is theall
low voltage, which may
,- It
w' moo's t
It without cr
atice .
s may be greatly reduced
by auxiliary steam /r gas p
•, what is 1. 1011.11
o enable the n low o
• power m.ra r, •y •
These claims seem to a up o
the esquVV. o t
moused an unreasonable
o t e Hydro champions,
Int the
t.t rens e. and calm
r st and the right
mans rntera to enjoy t benefits sweetened.
which is beyond Ito Vo other medleinr it a r•mnrknhle re•
penalty les•tri it at prb t'+ which t ler can 1r i d 1 pfn Wlrnla that lam,
judge and jury.As lade( JU ! R 1 to pav c•I ter. hatR l.P drfPa hal suet' suc,e.s as ►
{ ! letting tl eight years including
k 1 all naris of Western Meredith says, colds and
simple fevers: correct dlnrrhtNat and
n bushel if )ou want to evilgaa
sings or electric shades and R
No "cur•" -test helps to re- A man shore heart to in his bouts
deco paroxysms d coughing, naturally hesitate+ to put his foot
C K S .Ines n.
filer,• is plenty of room at the tOp.
'but the distance from the bottom to
YA.PD RV5 the top le much Kreuter than the dist,
l J•ret/rI tense from the too 10 the bottom.
Euclid oierlotketl this.
If the dis(ulselt biography WSW.
pter■INs we *ball soon have to tregerd
1. to -
montblc number,. and deformities Incurred , tent. The 1
o w t ---- --- - bars to new s willt 1 DID YOU EVER
amendment +user with! nt t
curl the age of revolvers by N Of- stripers ordering within AO ',mason fur til t riatrp tats for I STOP TO THINK?' new novels as works of felt on.
stepping cltwnMat 1 1 xrytr far Kang a asp has Rune , o in the
tort. A recent case. In which a man
loss in lung dt•Jt trxnsmise+lon days. and I fine work being done In bittepl world through treading on a banana
Cast it h A copy of "WF" in 12 colors, I crippled children. I►iseases which were
war slant end killed while trying to *aid, plants to shin•
denote arrest, gave punt to ills re.•om allyl the peak Oen Be Quickly Banished With famine star la x C'.t Inches+. ieasllcrrt remedied.
wt incurable art naw 11. W. .\n11er, editor of The \Inn Allvhe is easy to give but bred to
take • e are u[ 1 All for note g" cheater I k}tcktnd r k;yrnlnK N'"" s •
take. llew•are of adopting the easy
usradation. Capital pgpupehmrut is and
load and t f II f the Baby •
a Own Tablets THE: X.
C/In.PANit1N Thr only 61rNpltalp for tale and crip► course. .(Meer men's opinions are
S. N. Dept.• Boston. Nass. pled t-hildren u( Its kind In Western sacs:
Fermat for the entree serious crime. a mice tele Ts' Re t 1 1 letter rill, ailments of childhood are maul I often better then }cut own and the
Qubarripdfoaa iReeelved at tux mike
I trnutri„ 1. t e 1\'ar )ermorir"ntrrb• TIiAT If cut must need
a sung
f Itnt a but nine -tenths of them Inc due tit nue rears Hos{81811.1 at I Inulon• y man w•ho talk. (1 blmsrlt for aa•h •
h been
out only after fhr red carr t t r public laU*e au,►,tar cause only -n disordered l sante what lou car. 1n need oat make
has been weighed
formally pcourtterl and care- uru.i+lenatluu in APPLE TREE WITH { Tbis institution has INrn in o{sees- ,t Rrnpopholw ratvtM of tt. Ion¢ tiu1P ttrt tie
thhlk+t hP Ifs iwen
rv,cxwUnga. and M have i,Nslitlon hf the stomach and IN�wels.'I tlott vu►). far ticP amara, yrs It his tilers no miss• ll+trulu¢ to t It elnle miles' needs a
fully waiglletek in court P /tp,px,altlnn f h }} 1 hntuptona Ti quickly banish any of the tniuur' The rolling atony RD
dhe poi Is acquired a replitaHun vrhlch ie se+,end hitt rt all OyentP it isa't a tombstone•
Running away from a Is \\r slxruld think tl tl f}vdrvl tan+t aliments u( babyhood x11.1 childhood A REMARKABLE RECORD our bead rep
yarn be to nunP in I'xnatlt. lu fhr sprtttg of
not a capital t ente, and the police- submitted the bowels mart be made to w o r k
owed to indict a ingnlr) The put m a 1 fight of fegtdarly and the stomal•Il must 11e Id the orchard of Kenneth there
1* n, 11y�'t fhr t1r+t tretients vera' adulltted If you ... w let keep J Most etet%t"iIr M•liry,s in the stir'
should not be all ties the Mt of West Vl'awamrNrtuwnabltt Ihrrr is an. U► its stmny wards. and during the you 11,x). a+ well pest your Lando uR vial of the fittest except the under
t the veers of 1 [ I tele ones has old apple ever with
first three years, :'-t`I patents from WmpdNr= oratory b not the Mei kind
1 WO°d» that suggests bubbles. !taker, and he d•x•+tl't M•Ibh f. III the
It Is no good biding your light under' sureltal of anybody 1ia11 RPp■rrter.
xtke t' ) test w ne tr.
u ae n or• , + has lk:t9's Own war tern 1lntarfo
maedi h the revolver (n such 1 c bluff and bhust,'r. Tutdrts They bireaIi constipation ►nr nR totela and 1 Indl¢rstlon break up 1 1 following t'►ile this ere produ,vNl
were aced far with o a total of tarso
polle defeats tete object for widest HERE IS A PREDICTION
1 naulrly to a0!
cobr and pr
pollee omt't'rs are engaged.
bring crimhmis til justice. sheer a MADE TEN YEARS A
diad body cannot be tried.
yitimle i Great Progress
dwote healthful sleep 1')
regulathtg the fitnctlons of lite *tone
' dch and Aowel., Concerting thew
Drown Walton. N•S••
• • • Author Pre \Ifs. 1. M• mor .
Aviation I writes: -"1 cannot steak t.N, highly of it+ trunk is tt r
It thing as if we should tract• t1 dol I !:al.)', Owe Tablets. as I 1111VP found two Pert frim the
about the I.R.Square. bbit 1 ,
xc11)11; lipubliome jhednuIlti' 1iut'.'them excellent for childhood ail- cpMr. eti►nn11
goal Lriell like Mgrs I. R. McKibbin' a{noted IRloty, its haling fhr advit•e ti meats,• . v till•' rase means t
and "Cheerful Jane'' puce' lu• their I ••kewp this article. au.1 read it tea I Baby's flan Tablets Ur sold i fruw eu4 pt side.
recital of the beauties of the IOwlt to year' from now." At least one It'r•us+licln,• dealers. or Iry mall at
tents a hot from Ties .1ir. \Williatits' tau' other three. 8
make uncomplimentary re•tstarks xboutl eon did this Signalallresiding l/in Aslhtteld 'r 1 Medicine Co.. Brockville. nut. \inns ..f the t
not I we c *t two
120 barrels of amble". tree run. The tient days lturinc the ala• o
biggest eros, in any tear war _ � years -1aa het P
PI d "" 1 level crops were produtwl iM I
D� r
'4t bar i uta were Int ell, with
patient dugs of 32.795. These
rely. an to a
twice. The Irve it a.1 -,`ort hlzt and speak ,lognrntpv f ChP In
aternges.44 feet ,cross the branches.
PPT its- elrtnmferten*.
applies four f011r good
ly. and a spray In
w1 sitlrlicattons---one
nordetntz 1a used for
red Hate-tulnhnr for
roe'. in tills orchard
're Fla :mil rill nM set :n feet apert.
our beloved Squire we listed ink tt she wends tit the clipping. The
shucked surprise. A grove of rine. big
trees in the centre of a town is so un-
usual that perhaps se have been ex-
Ns•tiug our visitors to *fund and ad-
Waldemar Knentrfft•rt. Holy
have plated the time lima n little too
hese but even In the ten yen r- smelt
reset has INY'll mode UI lilt• .• hop
Toe Years la Hospitals
How would you like to spend
ears of your life In tat
erensieg dematel upon the hospital t
from all parts of tide district.
the Im•
Few ltelrpl4 fully I I'
portal ee of the War Memorial f'hUd-
ren's Husplt*1 work. Ti nn•ler+trend
cum -
its t-ahu, to Western uutnrio
tnuuit1,•, ane tilled see the children at
the time /f their ndntissiuu and then
PPP theta again when tlwy Irve re-
turned to their borne••. They Pouts tient •
111 •end weak. ,ripplr,t and deMtnl
\ -string laid been tied around ever) 4' lllll
thringh aw,idrnl end �i lei Pie deft
un other tree in each row and the trews'
11 fns+
ho•ul s. read the ell
lad to ft you had the or-hnrl.
ou would Dee the time
„ make
h u r
•ria t o
.1 most ' 1' tr e
tel 1• r home 1rH h
I of
Kee I o
e .. r..
the prediction n remarkable gbn.•t' el-
the hospital offered the on r
mire without he gra-et
the creat Isere Pre alive. Mrs. Patrick has
to Iles future. Here are the lint••: of n living for years. Her
and where the grass will not Kron. r been uvea this war
and [hr tar nutnerlu+ cruets-pathand M':RF. 1!t A PICTURE KF. trouble' Cummun a oro ab lona nape
And let This 1s the Way We 7,h.tli tion. and ane u p ie the
11)C Near Future tri.•ndlees Her present stay
'c r u lixuls• Consumptives
tate 1 su D
1 1 trop
I T ur
• of 1 t
starchy IttP Hospital mon in o■
et P
,iv H p
1 ..to
antiImrhespa hAye been gar men bigger Wott w ill tit tient aerie- the -Fulled -has don* her os eft l ueh.tu [Coon, how• ever.
and the erase -tette) have been getting State-. in _'n honre; that ■ wheneehheleavlM• stnheuls
wider year by year. and if we have not li'I11 g• skylarking just as now we g" ' t
or f
anxious to Ret awns to a quiet 11 t;
In some •mall town, perhaps to open
0 obillnC : ry
noticed It Cur t• s tuts 1 treat:uent she eta,. l.•••,n getting has
.l will fly to yottf oMe•e! and Imo! ret. a small mllline shop The mace Yr o,t
In ltrs
that t!.r condition a top of your p
Patrick. but, of course, she and so {
been pillet w shandy, yet sit kindly•' your house will lune a 4,notortt' stir: mane but
of otn.rs who m t r T';,•tr"
heait t. mast he helped by na�a-
i 1 IMP Nuw .lt rel
f the `quare tuts , office hnCdilsR: ut e: is tore and n.: haps slwr, now,
rail ding•nia % IIP-', In nett'. lit+ntuar•..._--
\\'twn asked for :m e•a vel
a• •
"Tow or-
said; ;tnnatlo❑ )I r. Cameron
bent is getting so thick that 1 a
-t,..: 1 Wing in the brunches of those
nr etc.! trees . Thev it111 come -out
to It mid the remaining .trews
. -1 :1•1,1 :A1 fat inn
- .
'Ir - -z- r--t{'i*1'tr- 'unit" -W -e0441.11- Ar•-
••lalyd 1•••t% Lir a(Nlrt would you Pet
1 'coati 1 set atn-s :d► feet apart on
•'••h clay -teem "'11.,null•40 feet on
shall have to make 1\'e shall have traffic cap+ In thesp r. r Inst cent to the sc.•r ;l ld oie4l
to our attends vi eth ttntw:
Wout will go :t,rottnd 1he wtttlti itt 1 •yn I .. k rtw•ouldiv:I Rrt•*tlt RDDreft:ated. Itmht tic
rep cur ulluds w1N'ihet ver :Ire to kw'pl Wutl will tour Europe n n i
• 1r eat 11118 wrnM of ti„, Such may be sent to Han. K'. A. R•nme that
le •
Within the past few' )Pars til. equal►
+ 11. tall-.
al l t
P 'owlet
su 1
It t
tient anRttwlt I
feedings nod tail! tires fur chili:ren at
haute :Hili In tax' haspitel. It tats A
fully equipped tynnu:simtl w; ;o ink
/ r j of
�� tn. le help --
Klniis ref-AlKrrrw
dt,tertt,l little lin■hs tend IN,d1' . 11+
also maintainsn splint shop where or 1
tbolaelic applIatwee are nla.!r by e•r- I
i Iimuul t•o+t. the hn+leital 1" •
;wry -rel minimum
a physical therapy department which
Is In charge of skilled' phys.1'fli`Ii,+01 11 a
I mastg'use. This department
g artificial"t'-
t pngr'1 treatments and apt
' 110111 Snit hent 10 Ilse crippled bo.11,-
' iN'.i i to their uitmt•nts the
chil11 dren
keep well rep with their I attending dolly classes conducted by a
,pialitle.l teacher. Sher tarty last
year a sun roof
h s heel aide 10.the
tIi g which
amble v+flue to the little pntltnts.
.As iPxr go nn this ver)- imislrtant
Western thitario institution will eirn-
41 luny require -new snpptl. •:. modern
equipment and increased operating fn.
tipples. To function at tv•ttk effkh•n.y
the hospdtni I, obliged to brtnd,'nat An
41llnll:t u4Vla'al for funds. for it is only
Ithrough in.Jlt•idual ermtrllultlons that
it 1'1111 install the best of wielpnx•nt and
gyve the beet of service. 1t w'af
founded as 11 mea►rrriel to Weetettn ()u-
teri,' +,,Idlers who died daring the
Greet War and tech year It 'munch its
Armistiee Day plea an that the mem.
ori of the heroic dead may 1N• per -
Wanted, In little boys and girls re-
claimed pi health duct happiness.
1'lintrilnitions to aid 111 the work of
the Wet Memorial Children's Ilogtltnl
should be made direct to the hoopitnl
at London. /int.
In this or.•hard Are Well
with wire+ from branch le
It' w•Ues •ftrp attached to
erew-eye.. and It has been
the Wires mast ile renewed
i } t r F Amea 221 Col 4
frets. glee the
It more of n
rote week a
Sere will Is• light++Ifln• in the a r •u+ Charlton u
ns now there are lighthouse- for Gel 'Street, Toronto 1 "surto.
gra"* err grow-. nu,f tnakc ,I.1 etre) titrRe feats.
• , • • Pea
n11 the \Ip+ in half an
\ort will wi h
Mr. Ferguscm'e ezcmw for the omit-' nfterneNtn
Mill!) of air 'Wilfrid 1
Mowat and uthM't from the bol of and re u•h It in n few minnh..• Yon
will start for the 1ti'iIrt. 10 minute.
"Greet Men ofs (Inutile- i. a ver) IA before the c1rtnin rises. nod get
flap ►Nt{;' vent in.I
tat rfe'r Sir liver t,„11 will Iht pop miles from yo1r 1114•,•
Ile nays that
tended to 1'nyeT only 1 the period ftp totthere.
- Does It nil s41011Implssihle
Confederation? n,_t,,"at1..,,” Canada did not
Confederation. lbwwhy 'dotted It step!! Ktrp this aria i m An
mit It la years
cease ret 1'114.10.ra!ion. A :1'ividing
line might very properly have he'r•11
drawn between She iy nK. . Neth•e: ••+Cell. It scents fnrthcr'n 11
re,rntiy thing. anti the dcnd. bat It I
a quarter of le rennin slntr air itlleer
Mowers death. and n list of else grief
mt% of Canada without Sit Wilfrid
i,aurier included is grotes'Iae'. it Is'
rather broadly hinted that. Mr. (arrear
s ,ortl•anship 1P the ren.
Motu rist
thing. or even the tnw•n'r"
Is. but it ain't."
The nelghhnr of a man noted• for 1,1s
extreme ihrtft "a rel i 1111 , X11 14 week tint
drowsed in his 4's'
••\What's tip. Jim' he called oat.
1Why the gibed rag,'" "FittyPn't yon
hoard' thetrews', ''News! 4\trail
news? "TtipIMt!" "1 ►h, P.. that ac.
+,runts for--" began tyle IMlghlwtt, when
the frugal tae Interrupted him. "Yee
Hist account' for my wearing these
clothes. What In thlTnetet's the nPe of
ir)'Inif to t►t wonmMai!"
Very Eaioklt
• '•Ls It yct•f far to the next
oto i !tome other Lib-
erals from the hook. This may be tun
pet. pmt if the eseinsttla was not n &'-
liberate slight 1t was a blander. The;
tms/It 14 fat a greet ninny school
MiIQtsk thirenghont the Prarinee flee
You will want your car repaired as good as
We have the largest, most completely equip-
ped Auto Ilody Repair Department in Western
Ontario and do all our own work.
if We n badly wrecked ear or just a fender
dint let us do it and he assured ret a "good as
ss'" Job.
Dice le te-4,y-Dr'Iv■ out to rrurre .
nine Mover ret C•reet Ye,A and Tall.* Sts
It 1. and flint there are three 1)jN•s
1f husband. the Hera, the Nero. and
11114. %ere. .1iu ntrenI Star.
$2 AND
Quiet. Homelike
Man yy trawlers stop al
our tf0'I'F.IS because they
find quiet surroundings.
homelike atmosphere and
comfortable actnommodations
at moderate prices.
P E lei
Three sets of " Poker Hands" will
bring you a highgrade oversize self -
filling Fountain Pen. This Pen has
14kt. gold nib—and comes in four
attractive colours— red, black,
mottled or jade. This is one of
many presents procurable in
exchange for " Poker Hands," one
of which is attached to every plug
of Big Ben Chewing Tobacco.
Big Ben is rich, satisfying and
flavourful. Try it to -day.
Plug Chewing Tobacco