HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-11-8, Page 1hristmas Greeting Cards
See The Signal's range of Christnlas
Greeting Cards. Prices range front
11.00 per dozen up, including print -
''ingot name apd addreltaon each card.
-.-...ss.s,r'•Awrl••m,;: °'+,Md•s",t 't:.7-=a•'+,s.• . •sn
.Special Offer
To new subscribers The Signal will be
' for the ret°ainder of this year for
or to Jtinnsry let, 19:0for Li'l (k I.
I'IIE SIGNAL PI/INTIM; l't)., 1.IMITEI). l'ublist.rrs.
Ilsley, M.P., Gives Pleasing
• 'Address at Canadian Club
iutoruatle address, delivered
is moat pleasing style, was, hoard by
thaw• who attended the Canadian
(lib luncheon 4.t We Masonic Hall 4.t
goon ou Friday lust. The speaker
wee Mr. J. L. Matey, 11:1'. for Hauts-
jlJmgs, ;N.S., and his subject was rbc
Point of View of the Maritime 1'r0-
rioces." 'rhe gathering, while out
btrge, was a ,very revreeeutathe one.
sad the interest ,ltowu was, most en-
, QOursging 10 the Canadian 4'lul, exer•u-
Uve. net.. J. E. Ford, presfdeut of the
i.. pub, presided,
••• Mr. Ilsley opened ills address with
reference to the part of Nora 3c0-
trent which he ar,we.•s, the counties
(;o4krldl Lh2h1
ler 17111, pith sad 11)th, the Albert
Julm Harrington Eckardt special prize
has been awarded to Mr. tktmueI Alton,
of AIhtleld.
The prise is a handwome four -piece
.ill'er tea S•rvk'e. 24 -carat (told-Idne1.
and 1* given to the winner of rhe high-
est aggregate mtmber of points ob•
Mined under the conditions set forth
by Ihe'Ont:lrlo Department of Agricul-
ture i4. (onue(tiuu %!111 the 81ward.
Thea• (•4.1141111010 1published In '1914'
Signal of August I)thl )amvide that it
ee•rtalll number 4.t points, vary10lg ac-
tordiug to the chola of exhlitit. .11.1 11
toe alluw0d for first, ,le,'oud soil third
primas; als.l that "exhibitor- must
show :in nt Maw tw., t -lasses of live
stook. oilier than poultry, 881111 4.t least
three rla of tarrn',ro.hke or other
.Iudlnr •. but for this hitter
o o 'e
provision `ain4,e•r f h sirs
the Y P
would hat* 1we-11 Ilr. eleorge t.nith•
wahP. 4,f g,slerieh township. *110
w•urr,1 11111 8*4848*, but who sh,iwwl 114
Ki4,101 and Hauls, mostly 5 form- only "11e -sea of lire stock. Mr.
district, with 4(5, gypsum guys. Alton 10141 the next highest number of
4.L, Milting and lunfleriug. Ile thenrondo, .570, and fulfilled the condition
Whet' iirLellthe early history of weufluueri-
(MIh•r 1'x1,Ndlurs Alto r,lhkel high
Yreewhar. with its settlrme 4.t 115 were M: Crich, lieaforth. tCt: T. M.
people of curious racial origins -first
Ae,ltlinus, Awn settlers from the Snowden. %oribit. NM: Chas. 'Whitely.
'G.ulrrich 1,4*n.I111
,. (KW'; airs. J. S.
w x1414.841 suit... lutes the united 4'1,•, G.*Ia•r1.1, ""s' Mrs. Ha.w'rle.
it 4,,a4 14. 4,.errtlun,"1. took x (•'ry l.lrge
mulles of 8.81ites. bat the.. point. al -
:..we.: 101 the .14.54.5 14. whte•h sew ectal•
tilted were low In .'om►wria.n with
0.1 for Ilse stoa•k.
otd,. however, lard eontribute 8 it, a }I r. .111.44 has 1+w11 an (•x8-11,11,48 at
plre - I,oyaiiats; Wootton peopio.
rgely -in the rooter* tort u( the l'ro-
twee, Eugliadl, Irish and 4:erulau.
°ugh the 1'rovlu,'1t was (-ailed Nova
tie. it might %rah equal pmprlety
ve teen named New England. The
Cm a:.rb•ri. a fair for !,.lily pair.. and
mart:able diltree to the life of the he i* to le ee,ugrwtulateel r o4. *1)1'
ro4iu r unit of ala• i4umlflol. lh ei t I.Ilu:thle ten .tel t•.
:tent county a pedally they hal at,1":1"
f rilitles and u neat man 'i,t them T . .
k g } Mr. T. N. Ill he II ha n ,;annw/a11
a, toe out t'a urea n' high atsltInns ,. o, . ,
had g 1. R t n a e b :i X11-:1 -101st a4.::. said ,p
'111 various spheres. 1,, Halifax es- lw• 11:4.8 Hear. ,le•Ilrert- in (Ontario of the
I44'-1all) there NOM a large Irish ywtpn- !t4'_) nto41el. It arts purchased through
Dal l,4u, anQ 111 the lorry of 1 iIncn 4'.r. Ttarnl4 - C Tnnnat of lTnvin -Mot
!burg %ere large numbers of people of S!te•:
an early Mita w4ntuted educational
. Id %'Ill 1* held in \'Ictorla stree
['cited church on Monday evening, So-
%emb•r 12Th. Dinner will he served
from 5 to 1K p.m, Afterwards there
will be a splendid Kt/grain consisting.
of solos, duets, reading`.. monologue.
Instrumentals. etc..ldmissiun : .Adults.
lin cents; children under 12 years. 3441
veil IN.
Thanksgiving !My Road Rare.'
The a11s (')4.b 'I'liu11k.sgi.•ing !My
races yre proving very is,pular with
the boys again thio }lyse. Over twenty
entries have been Jerive.1 for tilt•
ruail rUce. In whietl tmyt. I,etwa'a•rr Iia`
(sea o[ fourtceu and eighteen yearn
may cuter, and forty entries from
under 1114. age 4.t feluriele1 rears %1 110
may t+,mpete In the roes. four thaws
around the 14tuare. 111 a411118l.,u t44 the
prizes 4.11484'.1, it i$ the Intatlttiou of the
hj.,us 1'18)1) rn entertain at drachma at
sane future date all is.ys finishing the
big race In fifty minute. nod the three
hays winning ).risla in the Siputre
nor. The rand nue w111 Ire start. -,l at
l4. , ,IoeI x8118 1(444 Janfor rat* 4.t 11..
• To Observe Ar'II,1•s!tir'e Day
Armletfce Day. wulday, November
11th. will be ..b-errell in the churches
of the town next Sundry. The moor
lug service in several or the chilr,1:,•
will commence a shortly before 11
o'clock 111 order that the two 11t104lIlt
sileti•e clay be oh.er'ed at 1) o'4•l,ek.
The Great War veterans of God -
(obit will hold their annual chart
1arade in the morning to St. George'.
church. Here a special service will
be carried out and the rector. 114'v.
.1. N. H. Mill*. will take as his scr-
im/1i subj4l't ••T1s, Teatb:a' Hour of
l.ils'rtc." The 4;4a1erlch land will
,resist in the mn4ienl 1en•1,8- with
ie:uadmaster ('. A. 11. R'llklneoe pre-
"1dh1g at tl'e organ. Tlie t.'ot cone
ell will attend In a NMI and 'the ...r-
ine.. will roplmenee promptly at to 87,
o'el oek.
d in t:uderi, h oa Frtduy, Nuvewler
2:!rd. It is expected that representa-
ti(4. from the muuictlw111tbc. slot.¢
the highway. will he present In con -1
eiderab:r numbers.
M. C. C. Olken/
The election of otlicers was tutu- I
Flietel at the w4uthlt meeting of the
Menesetlulg 4'a114* l'Iub 014 1larrsla}'
night, and the list for the cowing year 1
15 18.4' follows:
l'ra+.ldrnt 4'111De4,.r 11m•14,411111.1
V145-PreshlvDl - Jas. W. Mot.% e• 4r.
tiaw•rrtarr -Sidney Palmer.
Treasurer - .I. Ir. T.au/Ter.
C.wm,*Iore H. E. Sunder -on.
1,14..•e44oinutdurt Wllllato \\,Ila,,.
.141Qltloual members of e14e11tr(e
A. I« 4.4 :r. W. J. Powell 1114,•1.1.
Chaplain Rev. It. 4'. M,l erneid.
Atnlltors-U. la. Meaney. 1)r. 11. It.
ArraI1.('!t.1ts were made for the
ntulunl pool IourWneuL 1e1%45-0 ,.Ides
headed by the president and the vice
(:q ik•. Welding Celebration
Air. and Mrs. Itera:rtd \A'i.-..n. S.•.4
street. owl••brxt4.,i their golden 1'.rc.:14.g
11llnl rets,' ry 141 the 1041110 ,: Vivi,
daughter. Mrs. Harry M,•4're:lth. Sal: -
ford, oil Tue.•:rly .weeti111. The borne
w•a. prettlly decor:nett for tltr ..-easi.nl
ntut It vett. 1•4e5514411- •t1n►r wins .elft.
Ffte 4.r their chilIr•u were pre..•ut
Mr.. Harry _\le4 re:lth. Saltforrl: lir+.
('hurl... Muir and 10.441. of /:.wlrri.11:
George aini .1,4•eph. of Goat -rick tonic.
ship. utile other s•'4.. \\'il:ianl. of mon-
ism*. was not pr•'e11L Eigl.t grand•
children of MP balmy couple oho were
'present : Atllwul Maira.ut1.. Melia. Mc-
l'r•aQII. Hobert Alnlr: l►orotlay \lair.
Donald ylnlr..UL•rn )Inir. Erryu Wil
sent and Ellett Wilson. After tea tv11•'
•eyed game.. were played. I luring
the evening Henna \l.('r. ,-til read 514
and 110Wald Mntr and Evelyn
• 11'11••0, rte -pitted tine bride and groom
tern are ac1815151 14, relent their
rands early while the S•Ier•tinn t4.. at
In belt. Our card+ represent the
l.crt values obtainable. both for price
and goalit 3. The lathes range from
$1 it dozen up. including the printing
of your name 'and address 1.11 each
First Meeting of Story flour flub'
1'1144 Story (lour (gob held its tlrat
n11wtiug oaf tlx• 5•aw414 in file plhli.
library lint Saturday, %Iden rhe fol•
'owing ofil ors were (-booed f.tr the en-
year: I're"idept. Jessie NIutllle-
son vice-president. Jean Tho1111,411:
..* r[t:iry. Murgaf.•t M'Mshoia : 1.11111-
4Ilor+. Itrot.. Orr. Glen Lodge. Mr.
retur!Iwl_ nik4ioJlarT- frolic.
Clow. tent .4)w•ak at the next meeting
114 Saulr'I1I . November loth. .1 II
children tire invite( to attend thlli
Royal howling Alleys
The management of the Itoynl bowl-
ing alleys lei offering prizes of $2 for
the best single ,r•ore trade 1111* month ,,sots 8,48 She G4wlerie'11 eleva,lor.
and let for the (lest score In threw eon- The tug SmaKord (trilrrd for Sarnia
-'-'•utl84' game,: also shn1lar prise* for shortll after 2 „olook L•a•t Ttur•'1ay
t8:, ladle.. W. Tobin is leading w' far :Ifteruoa with the dredge which w4.*
111 the *lnatlte moue v441mpN•IIr1111. with A' IIWel 84) the 4'ad well 88redgfllg Com
.erre of :N4,; W. F'. Saunders follow•+ li:uly here last summer. Whin about
with :134L Por three (,lu10. 1t. IArll tarts miles from )*Irl trouble. was eh -
has ,n *444r,. of 7.1 and M. Sanderson
I.:,T 72:3.
and (ler dredge well( don't The 4'n
Thr Indies..
Layr t/.t gut down to
i work yet on their contest. but will
probably have some good tallies to le
.81444 coal boat arched at this port.
There 44 spill ri 11ort1IKr of rail%ay I Letter from Solicitor of D. R.
rare 11nt1 the export shlvweuts of I Machinery Co. Sets Forth
gra 101 from 'the G,aderich e:e8.8tlr I Reasons for Action
continue• at au average of abut fifty
carloads per day' user lath railways. I ...--
The steamers unloading at the God
erich elevator the twist week were :15
follows: Portsmouth, 1 ,41st bushels
of *beep; SusLal4Ilr*alto 1111.i111btlsh-
els of %heat; 1loute Siuith, 288 ,11414)
bushels of Alma: ; lingueta.t, 811,4)4141
bushels o[ oat,. 711,(14)40 bushels • of
wheal ; :\14'14' IAblie, 1452,11411 bushe•Is or
wheat. All these freiglltcrs were
from _Fort _\(Viltlatu %it It the exception
of the .\lex. Leslie, which was from
5 - 3'114'- Miartimi__is.-dlachar111fg-t4t114J.
11'hur*day I a cargo of 80 1.4111 bushels
of %het at the W05lef1 Canada
Flour ')dill e:,•yator. The c4.111 boat
Alpena front Toledo uploaded 25111
ton• of coal 4.t the \\'e5teru ('a ado
Flour Mills '(dant on Monday-.
'Te Saskatchewan is 4'u route from
Fort \William with 52.1111 bushels or
Doted -by text week.
in the Marl*(rste's Court •
The deal for lite sate of the Mait-
land road plant of the former Na-
tional Shipbuilding Co. to the Homan
Mu Road Machinery Co. is "uta." This
Is the tlrhIleils,l Item of Dews this week
lo nuwlcip'.tl eir.9es.
The lulu council held wettings on
uerlu1 and :Wednesday ulghts 'tor
Ihe'eola*II4•ratlou of the bylaw w1I' `---
It leas proposed to submit to the rate -
prayers In onncelFiii rTltl Th mcttrr
l'he ',..moll moo over the .:u•i,lur
'Isuye,. of the.byl*w 4484 'hu day night
and a.lJ•'uno•al to Wednesehl8 night to
1188,4* the repro.a•mlatitre of the hoed
JI11,•hita•rr ('o. to peruse it before it
,b.uid 1)t published for submission to
the ralelrlyer+. 4111 \1'ellI.'alay ilgl4t '
the following letter :d'Ir' «-eel to the
town clerk tis' prezetl... 111 the (ouL-
cfl :
From the ('untost y's Serlkltertl-
It 1. with considerable regret that
%e arse sending this teller to you. but
148' wish to I4.int out the following cir-
..Illritered on nav'nunt of the hent} sea cum-1,1JMe'41 Negotiations tiro.. cum- '
•% 1 u,or,•ed for Ila• nurcltase of tbe_ per.
of Three nen were sated and the sand posed plant o4. May 4th of title year.
11 Sal118 and 1144 54•1 I.' 1 Ila* (,'ken try ynilr •..1111 -
ford rout -tool l4. til! lost. u
day .the Sandford cleared for 34484,1:1 .41 Lodi! etre following J-tly. room
with tile '.•ales and Isa11tlom*. July HMI. the latter part of October
•81,41113" MucluroLl.1 had some our effort- to purchase it received no
trouble with. We (maim: ..f his Ilwb thing hal-tu111oorn resistance from (er-
t 1Tn member. of The e)umit.
After agreeing tel iucn•nw' the price
and accepting the resolution w•likll was
submitted mud adoi.te 1 by the couu•il,
which Ic+..lutiou i* n. follows; "l'hnt
*e offer to sell the Pogo 'hoof 1.4453 -
Pliny Plant. the boiler 111111 h••11ting
p1a111. 1114• large cram,. 1114. slnlftbug
and Hoilaer 4'4ami•4nv lot. ao.l suabm.t a
hyla* (ors n,ntitntl tl l n'se*sute•nt
esti the. Dominion Hood Company's -
plant mad the prn)s.w•d plant for ten
tears fear $4(.5151.410 4,11 •11111P terms an
outlined Til 14r11citur'n defter." you dirt
I. terms. S t rl'twa
4. carry out 1 stn . 1 4
utea 11
T811,444 tie talrenetot-lrtrr:Tric1' %W..44 - .
user what wee hall originally. submit-
ted. \\'e felt ice *er4 nunklug n fair
compromise ln oriter to get the owner
b3 nineteen bays end young men, (like will • es )eft between the now ,•rlhwork de1i$rli oral es{toditiamN! •tom• •- -
juvenile.+ here allowed to go Aft on's- I and side• nortl, pier for the shelter of I \\e understood Half the hyla* would
*•nivel sentence. and the Ma had to *mall craft be Illtmr.Ilntely drawn and suhmitt'd
l•np the damages and cost*, $i:.7 in all. , -_ - ---- - I to no for our approval. 118 1he 414mr ;
On4. 4.r 0144' ¢1111('* doings was to heal, I XIOY' ('lll'R('H. (:OI)I:RI('ll TI.' IuenO for Ill.• p11r 1144.1! of the protea)
the door of t8 e• w•h.ollomso off ywri;l .tnwiw(hw Ilay, iP►1'i44rP %onld In .nlbmlih•t to nom. 114' ora err
hhlRPs. tarn 4.0 the water nn,l.ttlnd that th1• bylaw' was prepa'r.rt
the bu1G11tik. 't o ole s 1rtNe.
Magi.trate Re111 on Oelob•r :51st Leat o4. Molotov afternoon. when he
gave Wellington Tetrenu. of Stephen na* retwnitl18 t.. port after lifting Ills
l..%'tastllp. n ar•nfPlar 4•f *Ix 10 l*elvrl arts. The•-trmtb4---.arlu•re1 %Is'n he
lu,4uths 111 tate (hltarlo Iteforuuttary u:: wII* oplaesite 1',4LiL-('lurk mud Lr 1'rr
the chirp. of brt•aking into the tense 'ceded under .4111 to 1{iurxMin.•. Herr
of John Keating. near !)n*hw4,4*!. nnil he dispose) ',,f ill. Ibth and had her
h•nllug n sum of money. Keating 1 might(' repaired. Ile is expected to
ono x511 10 11114. $.,(kt or ra11lre in a ' arrive bolas•_ today.
trunk iiTI'* l,onw•. Tetrean admitted' Dredging overall -ow. in IT,F'•note'
k n a u 5 • it 4.
'Termini des tett a thrifty I" sub- I
to ng teat 1.127. h h ,,tt r ba,101 ,, the harbor have (tenors! for
n! fifty year. ago with a beautiful ward. restored to_ Keating. William' tills year and the Kilmer A Ik.rlr•r
Mantle) stock. Many of the Lunen.
„burg people %ere msriurr., x1111 there
i(a were 4.o iMtter sailors l4. the *Deli.-
The people 4.t Nova Scotia, however,
:ete n.4 cnu.minu. of th.•ir nodal oil-
s 4,.
\4.y S.-4.thw u 1
dnw- t
(r• were al; . n
hey had a pride ln nod affection her
/*their 1'ro;imr. a ciuuutshnesw it might
he taut d. to leu extent tluU .1141 1.•'
appy hl. any odder Pro*Ina-c so far a -
the sglwker W1t hew. Nova ax otl* was
iso 11ttrC Tiute- of (`seri to. have
• Legislature, the first to have a news-
paper. Nie first to hate a college. The
first literary Its,4Pus•ut of (vpsequrtI''
In the Dominion originated In Nova
Scotia, and in Judge Ilnitburt41 a Sam
Slick) the i'rovinr alight claim the
Ursa eulinerr man of letters.
Erettamk Problems
TIM deprtoo:iurl (otu%ing the war
had turfed attention to the economic
problem, of the Province. ,tt tta•,
time ..f Confederation .Nova Scotia win. .
pro -Term.; her -per capita Maedi *1815,
greater than that of any other port of 1
-Irenada:' Now the po*itlnn wonsoon-t
Ietely re4or-rel: Ontario was now
' *urh al.eut of Nova Ilw..otla • in per.
Stipit•i wealth. While ILe iudustri. -
,f Nowa Scotia had languished. nn-
larlo'. industries had le great
ogress. Kltrhetwr 1 whirl. •Mie
beaker had Jnet visited 1 ' w•14 an ex-
ample of the remarkable rnnecntrtItlou
Of industry which ons typl•ttl of On-
tario and ()fiefs.... Finance ,I1 () Wei*
basely Vonlrollett In the large cities,
of ('hese vetted Provinces..
"Is not the fault with your own
perNde't" woo A e'tlteotbu, (bat might nae
*eked; but he (141 art believe tsai, the
speaker) that the (Nonillions were due.
any ' defect in 1114. 15.4 4141e of Nora
rutin: thew were about the mere a*
the Iettple of other parts of the I)o•
rlliiorl. The underlying rause was
the geogrnphi.wl situation of his
Prtov1IKr. A man Intending to ester.
Malin factory would not go too Nora
• otl*4. int 14011111 111111,1 it n(nrer 10
rrntre, of populntlon. There if -ere
Ps many people In the city of Totont0
as in the whole of'aN+,4a Scotia; A*
Woo It, Ilotltr,Al as In all the Mari-
time 1'rot•Ina-e* Still. Nava Scotia
had some very '-,41..r.*fnl tiLlrtafa4-
fbriew, their III*I•e.* being largely 'due
to the 111218 srnndhr4 of their product..
4 d to n %ell estaldl.hod trade name,
'I'hp speaker Then told of the princi-
pal Indu.lrios of his i'ruvInc','----gr1-
cultttre. fishing. production of wood
',millets. especially pain And paper.
mining and the steel 1,111110 connected
with the mining indfatry, Aa to
what molt, Ile don,. to moist In ,olting
the pr•ddrme cnnfrontltlpl the 1'rovinee.
this o0ul,1 conn• finder three Iavn1*:
Terifr. .trnnsportatIon nate.. trade
treaties. The,l'rminee•. exporting III•
'In*trie•. oi•re not totem -dell In protec-
tion. hatter they nor.' interested In
maintaining 11114 (.8as of production,
and to the extent that htriffv kept op
cysts they did not like them. An ex-
.-flltton Will the coal and allied steel
Industry, n'hieh inked Protection
against 0111144(1 Slates coal. iron nn60
steel. T1s' opening of n. 111111 mar-
ket. As p'*"tla a for Nova *cella pro.
nets, nn the test pn•*ihle- perm*, waif
reirah'n, nn60 there *A* nnnntmlty of
pinion It' the MIrltlna•' In frons of
r negotiation of treaties with rano-
!rtes lint take their prniliCt*.
ji Dealing .with Iran*portatltwt r41M,
Vie .penkcr spoke of 81* egerlal low
Pate* on Wester's wheat a 181,Iisllrd
Ary Federal legbdiki nn. Similar relief
114 afforded the ritITO, by the
*renty per rent. reduction of tote* In
re Pastern I'rovineem *tier the Marl-
time PrelFio hate* Alt of 11M'7 , T1*
Ullding. of the inteerolosial Railway
(Pae a port of the O ifedmrstion pipet,
a!8 far national 01 ntellt4Rlt 1.0111/11141111
It a n * (10nef nu tett W a twig rnwt*
. '_ •. iii °rid
"News from the Mite.." published tat
Toronto by the prt11111PM brokerage
term of S.Ilowrly, Jlill* & ('a, 411 10* 15-
511e oft (ore•mL1r 1,1 had the above
-cut" of Mr. S. G. 1"Srrtnly't ILin--
,leu of E‘et,r. Weil ki,o%d i4. G'sli•rlch.
,t(a,'uurpauy'it,lt the picture was the
followiug sketch:
A. G. Itnwdro, rorrestoitdeut 1f 1404-
N 1111. d Cn., IAmlteel. Flu -ter.
(Int,. ls._otell fitted to mire for 1144•
t4' i•rn¢1• (i et* of the worth. In that
prmrp•ros \fester, (►ntario town.
Horn i4. I'meter• he uttendel.Weetern
1'111verslty, !mutton, went • West,
Abell. he 111411111P prlu,Ineltt in real
esiate 111 Edmonton and In the early
development of the 4.;1 ,otetllalitJ414 of
.Uiertu. Mr. Bowden seined with the
.11hr•ro:l Guverlruent for three years.
1144 1111. been 4,r Inently a..o,iatel
with mite development In itritl411
Columbia and Patricia. In,t. II 1141 111,
broad exllerlenrm 111141 i,,pfilnrltr have
ninth' him eXcept dmse11v *urcessful Ap
it correspondent of til.- hnu.,.
"Sandy," 11. he 1s popularly known.
Imo n ipdrrreiFiT" iirtti'rli• reemnelt. _(tin,
haying played on three cfr.tnplon*hip
hockey and lacrosse teams In Western,
(rands rued assisted In winning a num-
ber of setae.prof(.'.btu-,l bn.pb111 pen-
nant. In firhtlsh Columbia. He hold.
tl:r Ithie• R'oter Golf and Country
Pled, open chnenpim,•hlp amp.
Publie School hoard thele harm.. Mr. and Ile. \Vile.., :rte
At the monthly meeting of the pub esteemed resident* 4.f a:oderieb and
lie 0411,4,1 board on Moudlly night the herr 11 i' good winhl'4 of the 4,.m-
.. , x - 1 t ' o • continued en and hap -
4. 1 ill f f, t health 11
a 4' tar rlroen cheque f 1 4.c h
4 { oda 4'4 4'E•. ill } n 1, 1
Dal receit•e,1 from the 1'rovira•ial ile- 8.18841**-
)6ort111ent of Education. this being the
l5.lance of the rear's grant from the CHURCH NOTES
Department, N-144.07. les. amount de-
ducted for tenehers otlertn,..,,,n,
$3.10.11 (which amount la in t; de- ArntLltiee And Thwnktkf"Itag strokes
(lnetad by the Fayard from the teachers' will Is. held in Knox church next Soh -
salary cheques). bath. Su1je!-:,. of ,.erm,4us: 11 a.m..
The principal of Central Adam! re- • -.Armistice anis fence;" 7 p.1i1'
ported for October; On roll. 95 buys.' "Turkic¢ 4►ur'Ghfis for Granted.- Wor-
79 ¢Iris-tutnl 174; average attend- shippers are r4'pne.ted to be in their
411145•, 40 boys. 74 girls--t1tnl 1(14). or bell at five minutes In 11 .ie•1•ek on
92 per 45.14. I'tnny- 11ank dep.el't.. Sunday morning. Sabbath Pr•bol mud • - - --- I Tito will 1
71,7,:81. table elassen at :t Memorial Tracer.
The prin(ipll of Victoria sch,s,l re The young ,•••pl .a4' North street PER,SONATa MENTION Ily,ne It4:..
ported AS follows' or Octoter: On roll. I'nited chore', (till 140141 their ivoekty • h.• --••n. 1'511. 17. IeI'. 7:8117: • f f
f r. t,.•; ,tion,: Prayer. • i.pented rrin4.t*, Mr. Mlt''b.•!I .u.1 •i,4.
I,41 boys, 171{_gir1'. 8.1:it-:t02; average u*5411 z it the• bn-41)14111 of the rorltr.h• Ile• \i 4'. ' 114 111 ", ug Ice:, p 1 enTeriug to 145.81 Ilrr's'. wl'Itel' vivre Cillo%rd la look,
„ n.
1:teudarae. 173 boy.. 1(14) girls 3x93. or Sunday - evening: after the 'retatlar; tile•. ill 'tv,8h4rvil ••. ter+ 4:: flnnrewsf athl MI -4 )Genu bylaw intim cnnn,hl 11lnuubrr.. Lill 1:40
= 1411' Vent. 1•enny Ihtltk 41,•111*iIs. 4.8,81111g ..rti,e. Ii•tes,.1 it on \1 114118- I '(lie. Fi onotf4rd i- .1..eing \Ir 4•„t•• cin•. WIN •11.11181104 the Rn88 1f to fake ate .ono• 4418:11 11044 ns \\e
cannot -nnder•re.iol Il,,- w,•4'.•, • i . t '
your round; (,•II 511.11141 Ike .ho%!
1114• molter. It 1.,4' .!•tarp a els ,,4'•p .
deal. Arra-Wel-n- hnsb.e-a -awl .
n r.asonold, opportunity t1 look into
the matter h.A'r. 4.r• 1+1i'I 1le•r-yee.••1
money, .1 brief tetanal. bonerer: .•1
the 1.31118* •I,oa tel us clearly why we
%4.r•. nod .,Ipp,l..'l t1 1'4% 10 uuti1.:8:F
il 1111,1 .14:.11 with 11, and %, •11;4
low' 1514551 It.
The bylaw Is not In Il.,•'rinuce stet
the re•+dIUon as outlined ulor4'. 4 'Ease
di • 1' the t11nw etnti•11 Harttre P.inTle "'
('oulpnny lot shall revert to ibc •not,
Mile,. hal.( 114 w'ithhl II f. year' 79,
fs nod n 8liri of 1114' r•.olntlnn.
I l,rlla•r,lt w•4.* 11,41 tart rd the r4,+.
It1I:•n •10 subsalt t1 Oho rntepuyt•rr til♦
bye.,* for the pnr•h5'e b3' the Com:
pato of the hnildh144', A.... bat to side -- -
mit a bylaw' for a tiled a'•4'•0la•nt
only. 'rhere I. nothing In the bylaw
which states 111111 til. 4'1'mpa4,y 4.81,88
tr. emptily one hundred meta
Clan%' four of 1114 !Maw dir!tn'tly
states that the 1'ltutwtnr are by obtain
their oast title nt their awn emperor•.
And the town In 111 nda4e gnarlat4o9.,.
111 giy4 n5 a clear. title or 'on.i• the
sane' to IN. done.. WI. hate rend over
0114 n¢reenicrt dated Ilss
*hi4h the corporation of the i.ia•u or
Iinder}r }r ..41. "-.0 to self lib- ?mild -Pogo
1111)) n4' do not see 0113 .111.1 recon why
the tow ti , Inll4't' grinrn1114e- 8014 the usual
died in tn:i100rr 4f 11,1'. kind. We do
not think tiny reeloyer wool/ , Apr..
1.Ir ('elaplty t1 pay gs,a11t1.1*1 .1 11.1
r our, .18811'48014'.
cumber of the recitals, n4. well
a 1r.•u 111:41'. of the dame., ::r'• .t
r"Ire:48,? 1., ala• n/alter+ In I4*u, 1".f
•'I'l:n'::t.!4 1.• 01:4.0 they are
I:n•.- ne•arl ttotlttnrr i' r
thin thea .I., !e
!Mon told .1111111.. Team. of (trntld , dredge has tied lot hi the harbor. The
fiend. are. eusbOlted of boring token I.•.autrart lots oat beets coml60etr)) and
or receive,, the rerun trifler of the d1). I operation' will i e resumed nl•xt spring.
and they [lave 'ito f e bCompany,
1 e. elected e tried y 1 .The Jackson Construction 4 milt , .
n .tory nt the mollify w•o•hln.• who were rerlet84 awarded flip coir
M..fwtna1P Rel.) 114'1.1 .vert at
tlru.5e•ls 1111. n,ornln4 to 40.nl with
charges of seriona 11alb.re' en mischief
tract for the estouaton of the ultorfu4
whnrf, commented work the p,1.t
wcek. It i. un.1..no, 4l that a sip
on 'Thursday, NA'.em,Pr 1st. bill t(e
here 114'44')' .4ficiall8 A14111Pl Dint :1.:•
(Na... done. 4111 Tile*day_ , No1cm!.er nth,
,.it .lout 3:10 l4. tile
u terno°n.. ••r
'1.11..2. , ..io, . rhe 1111111•.1 %111 tae • rhauk* 11. it. Currie nt letroit.
Thr Rr•retar - ons iu"0rncted to giving." sever 11 form. r mem/ er4 will Mlias Mnlel Str:n,g Lu r,•n,ru.,!
-' 1..0 Mr. \'h•t!'r fnurietou a letter of :assist %iter the pogrom. .A very inter-' from n rl*it to ithn. a. N 1' . '1',•r,11to
tlen(k4 for bio rr5•ut %-foil here to estina meeting Is being 1'lnntled hy' the' mutt--Nownsint Pt.
present the Robert i'ark memorial executive. A worn) aelcoul, 1%111 be O11 -..O11-.. Edna Rrmrs In:4- 15011 r110.1 8o;i
medal.. siren 11 314 the young p.lpie of tome her toe of y°nforth after it visit i
The matter of prenring various ehnr.h. - with friends in town:
soppily.;for the "4•bw.ls was referred 'The 'erti1 4'. at North street Vitae(' Ws.,.Alive Barter. of Toronto. 1.'
to the .ae'hearl management committee. church next Sunday will be .a* qui- t-1.14inc her sister. Mi.. Dario'. of the+
The gneetlnn of ('hrl*tma, pre•.enta. Ion's: -Til '.n'... \lei's Chill. '8 (•
4,4.i, ,dleglat4' institute stag.
tions in the w•hrois also gels discus- Band. fe0t,4w-sip .'no.. ":Are air *Ins
Mr. .1. A.:AnderS,n, of 15y1.40.411A14.1
4'.41 1111(8 the board intimated that it ('rink•.:.nil ars all crime. sl,,. k the visited hen parents. Mr. and Aire. '1'.
ilt,mn,,lored of the prnctlee The !Montt fn, chi' '(len'. 4'Iub. NIT.; .1. 1'. knier;otl.-m•er the week -end '
de•Ide1 al*n" that books required for finale ii TIT Ti•nTthe 41154.11.51(41. AT YT Itis. Mnyme- 18eIl, of (:nfl. w 4'o 'in,ll;
n.m. 0here will hr an armistice me pnrt.ht•1he...oaeert at I'nflow ionTne.
m1r1:11 *Tyke. delle ceo.aregAM.ilu I. dnv evening. stn.- the one.' of Mt-. 1
rr111e•t4',1 11 a.•4'm1,1e nt. 11'.55 ,fe11wk. 111tie Cornua 'hiring her .lay in town.
--- -- ---Snn•Inv "ebeel nR 4t m. , Use even- t t' Mr.. f.nrne Jewell how n•inrnref from
The residence of Ile. .IrmoV Casey, 10144 ,ren Ire the lo•0nr will 11114e n. hi+..Ayton. Ont.. n'her4- he spent ...vend ,
Toronto. was prettily d.5•nrntCd w•t'lt sermon >uldect -The Grateful Strttn- ..weeks relieving, as ledger-kar'ler 114
ferns and chrysanthemum. %hen ger•„ ' the staff of the 1103811 R:Ink in that
Marlon Emma. daughter 0f Mrs. .Urs- Thr \\'. M. S. tweeting of North tun n.
antler Kay 51141 the kite Mr. Kay. le- *0rer•t 1'ntte4 ehnrth 1111 Monday ..r. 1. 1►uls'.1o11, n,rmtntaut at the
enure the bride of air. IA•ighbll S{nam nftern,wm w -a• largely ntten11arl, And 'teal T,rnn,•h of the Itoy01 ltn,k. went
Walk/T. Sop of Mr. and Mrs, \Vestey proved 111 1, Due of 4945.8al intere4t M it!i.lP (his neck to take (diorite fif
Walker. of (:oderielt. 'I'be 11.14.1111111SThe W rlpturr an. mai by Mr.. in.. the i,nnui, rh°a• relieving moonset.
W1111 performed on Saturday evening. ('not nod prayer ons "6'141 by Mr.. (14' a few 'larkrrs.
November 3rd, at 7.34, &cl ck. by itev.
Pr. L. i1. Gibson. The welding MIMIC
a'114 played by Mrs. Lorne P. Marshall
and during the signing of the reenter
Mrs. A. J. ILirKay, spng "4) Promiec
Ate." The bride., who wap given in
marriage by Air. Joni * Cor, J.71ktoj't"ts't Sir a k its: --Rohr: -Warmer trn.l
charming in ri Period goon of Iyfamily hat',, removed 10 I'ntmer'ton,
moire to*hl4.n((1 with x ion¢ Footnoted la seInn0lug,'rrlunt of that dI*leaf elle Ln*t Snnday orb -room offer Sunday
mL*I(al instruction' should he 1/114'
(Mooed by the pupils -theme Ives,
which hnren*4'd earring...•bong,* c:tt-
.ldernhh, 111111 II %n' felt that the
Maritime Prioinees should not' bear
the entire harden of %fiat was n tat -
limn] undertaking. The Ithacan tom
msrl(m, Atter ti uon-pArti•an. 1n•lb•fa1
inquiry. had reported in f•r.','r of the
!eduction In freight charges and on
other matter, n1Teuting the Maritime.,
and '.icor the finding• of til,• ,ommlo-
"Ma had been n.h.pel condition. in
Nova Steeds had improved. The 11,4
minion Ilotrrnm'lit 111111 e.tnhllshe.I ,l
steamer route' t1 the 1h•iti='* Weer
Indle*. the C. N. 11. was Mudding n Ida
fie* brae', at Ma llfax and the tgprht
trade of the Protium, wen* 1nem:1*I11g
very rapidly.
The 'Tooker n.ked for '.3mpmtha'!I.
an,1 Intelligent ,an'ider,tinn of the
problems of the Maritime Pro -ince.
by the people of ontarin. The .fart.
of tl,Cnnadlnrl Chili to this end were
admlrmble, be slid, and the I emit, of
the whole Dominion ehotil10 Join in
the ,1Pvelnpntent of w sli•5r..fe1, 11,4
flael, harmonion. (lnna,lhnn notion.
The 'meeker wax heartily applonded
no he concluded hitt Nieves
A vat! of Menlo to the speaker *a*
proposed by Mr. .1. F. Tom and rnr-
dially supported by the gathering.
('Iia'. Girtln, This year marks the Mr. Nol.nn Arma rong. (Yho i* 011.11'
Jnl.h .e of 4.d*.Inns hl Trini,b,d and a (lying at Woodstock. n„..tn(mnkrf 1.y
tine prier on that 1'1•lnd and the work 1fr, rind 'jr". Ernest Armstrong and
of nll*s.fone there %•n" given Ly Mr.. the MI.•.'* Verna and .Adeline .Arno
M. McEny. )11.. iiaddock. den.otPs* strong. *lent the week.e1160 with
nt the 1'nited (buret in Prince Till- friend• in town. -
wY.t•re4f4f1 tool- 11-M the r•lttoe
attention of her audience by ' her
*kart edged with Cbant11I3 Ince, iTer rind her work among the popple of siiffarl i11P W4''hnln'trr Gnlld of K7'''
rinlm h p 1 g
tulle yell was embroidered with pert
purls. and caught In cap MD,s•I with
:1 Mee haudet44 and orange blossoms.
Shewore white *118111 511p111.1,1. with
rhinestone buckle.. and n rope of
pearl., the gift of the groom. and car
rled a lou,piet of Sweetheart roue. and
lily 4f the valley. She wn* offended
by Mrs. F:ric E. Jones. oho aorr :.
gown of deep orchid georgette. fash-
ioned with a drooping skirt rind a
rhinestone bookie (aught at the waist-
line. She carried a tetpptet of
and lily of the valley, The ¢soda win
Itt,•n,led by Mr. Eric i E. .loves. Mrs.
KI,y. mnth(r of the bride, wore 4 be,
...ming gown of ledge georgette' with
n felt hat to match and A merge 1,011-
tt of ro". and 1113' of the 1nlley.
Mrs. Walker, mother of the groom.
wore a gown of pencil blue crepe, with
a hat to match, and a silver tax fur.
She ware a corsage. banquet of mop.
and Illi nt the Valley *1st, Tater. the
bride 'and groom left by motor for the
F7„*tern Stones, the beide travelling la
n neige ensemble, with a brown hit fi
and st*. On their return they *111
reside In HMn,rteh.
Resides, Mr. Ind Mr. W(',tey
Winker, the Doren!. n(• the groom,
nod his brother., Roland And (Intone..
there were present from (7n,lerleh Mr.
and Mn. A. J. MnrKAy, Niko Thereto
Manning*, Mine Mor('ltr,t ('Amp1ell
And Megan'. L. N. T)11n*.Mn. N. Flo-
hlf mai inert SAnder*-,n.
Moto nnti ntul ,P t1 e. tilt rn1 n-, . rra4P pre144,1 T hey1 c Wen 4.r *irh n
alert. were 11nm,•Ieted for n 1,(th11,' bountiful signet ring 11ny1.1 cidtoter
'Wet" 0" be held 111 the et•ening of nn seats member of the (11111.1 and
November 141. when Roy. J. As IWaTker had oleo held the position or Somd'ny
*111 .leak of the work 19 Chinn. .ehnnl eecreton'-trettntrer.
ewMrs A Finlayson. South street hn'
•YLir1 been ill nod Mod been tinder treatment
at Alexandra hospital the 1 tat two
week*. She le making good Improve-.
itehonrs1l. for . the grand rprte•
Smit•." fire prngre*.In¢ and n flnieliel
performance will be presente,l next .
Threads, :.nil Fr111:t*, "Smik.".1If-
11111111 any other production giron
herr nod It ho* a lot In store for yon.
A rni of seventy -live of (:rhltrl.h',
heat talent tinder the direction of Mr.
ltrslrn '.n. nnnrpe w 111 keep yon
. rnliline for two, hoar. and fifteen
minute., and not one doll moment in
the whole Terfnrmnn,41 11114
doing all the time.
-\rMlis*lon ticket. ore now on stale
and with n ticket and 2:»i*.. or 75 et'.
you may obtain emir re•errel *este at
1Onloiia 6011,¢ *tura• beginning Tne•-
day morning at 11 o'clock.
--Pre _•S'811.F." nod Smll•
Mr. Charles Nnrmnn left on AVM.
Airy 4'm n bmrhneee trip to Tnrento and
Motdre,l prior to 111. opening A *nm -
PM ohon'rom at the nriti.h Ex.
4hm1ge hotel for displaying lat°*t
model. of hand -tailored men'. /me-
mento of Imported English cloth. AMn
ladle*' 11160 Alen'* rsinrratr of Seeth
motorist*, ete.
m(nt and hole. fp Le nide to len•° in •
a few, ))ay. for T), trolt. where ole will
spend the winter, Her dnugl,ter.'
111.. Ernhay•1n. is 'here at present 1101.1
%111 (4r"ntpnny her to Detroit.
Mr'. Wm. Felker nod •Iaoghter. Ills*
Dorothea Fell- r. leaye 1111 F'rl:lny 4.1r
11'alkOrrI141, %herd the.. lnton60 111 r4'
+tele. :At n meeting of the Wom:lh'*
tln'.Pltal A,xilinr.• hebf of the 714.1.11.'
library )net Thnrs4* nnefnoon Mr,.
Felker *n* per.Pntel With n *flyer
plotter in recognition of her wovice*
in ,.'nne•tlon with hospital work. MI..
F'rlker wee n'si.tnnl In Dr Headlam'*
dental one and lo'h will be mneh
missed In town.
For that party n'4. 11lnek•tonr'.
elell(ion• homemade Ice errnnl. in
Intik or fancy hrh.k'. tf.
Mr,.. Robert ,Tnlm'ton, Snrr„g4te
Court elerk, two unrr•hn.ed from MM.
R. 11. Taylor her comfortable MnI.
(tenor et the eortw'r of Waterton And
I,Ighthenlw' Orrrtn. He *818 get 44170-
Ar**Inn the Snot of December. when
Mn. Tnylnr *111 remove to 1113111.
Honor. dnritg• %high Mr.. llnnr.,wt
Dead ! Afar ll 511111 " 11:ntdel.
5,:to 1•10.151Int Pktn•'er-"
\\':1rd Stehen.
If. Tlnrkrr
IIyrnn--ills 74.
seron - •Pa•p,r'•4 .nbjre 1 : ••,\ Wnrlvst.
shit. ••1:48 1a 1.4.8..I'e:Me.".
Erne* it. 1ta11.
Mr-. 4114P.a It. C. Parr.
11 13114-4,619,
ISPneIle•t inn.
1'.'+t :11.1.•.
111'14911 t ".T. 1NITI:I) ('III'I(A'11
pa5•iat '1'1,:lnt,,to:ing and .trmi+tfrr
Brat Servitor
II a.m.
n•_:u, 1':44'1, ,1'b,:•,k.giElug 1'r1*•e.
'ton, 11. E. 1,.
T‘‘.. minute .11.,,.. (oll'ew(4 b% me-
morial- prayer.
Choir .1When' ' Ill'•'+ Thou Ill.
4'n14'h slater.
Sown port taken by %fr•, Fl i'r'on't„n.
I lff(rr.r) "Andante 4'1,11 Moto."
Jahn Adamson.
Sermon I'astor% su1.Jt,-t: •The Spirit
of T9mtikfnlit..'. in 1)144 11e•v,lop•
• . nM11t •of CL rI406tn character.-
Inlet1 r:ti-e .Ith Ik•Illrlil."
. irrilan1F¢ 114'9 Ttr114-.
4Arr. by •Alfr4.1 .In l.on0
Meters. 11. lt:irker and 4'. 18r,•.-kow..
1'n*Ilnfl( "Fe -tical
Mao eh "
Arthur FI .Jones
7 p.m.
Or¢:In Prehld, ('h:u,t of ins..) Neree-
Two talent. Silence
(To permit m1rf'atlon and prayer)
Atm. "riot Prayer.
11.11111 411.
0.: terra t 101.•.1 Prayer.
4'I:olr Anthem, 'Trn•t to in .h•' o•
1'. Harold
Sol, Part taken by Mr+, 1t!. ('rul••:,n.
Scrintnre I'.. -17. Ree-. 7:9-17.
Floral offering t,. Fallot, Here...
Mrs. .8 4 rnrl•t„n and Mrs. 11. Wor-
thy'. 4'b'. 11111 (h•.ornt(0 abbe erns+.
:ho emblem of 'n: rube mid sorrier,.
nhd lido, the 11011 or honor. Thi• Vic-
toria tiells-r'' rin.r *111 present a per-
m-inerlt armth for the fluor ib.11.
Doting the floral olfPrin¢ 1044 "root-
let %Ill play softly
Tn l'nrn'0l•nm. Int Hot.,
Solo- ••C1.11.0 In Flandar*." '
Word Stephen•.
Mr, H. Marker.
IIFmn- 47.
Sermon T,lrtnr's ,nhJart : "A \\'nrle•i
Sol" "Let 1'4' 1.4*( P4414A." _.
- Ernest R. nalfr
Mr*. fitev 1 M 4' Parr.
itrmn- -411.
The loot Poet. \ir. Itolert ilen}y.
T(aRltirl4►'I'omp and ('Irculm'.tante.
p tots. ,,,(7,' is noth'n2 n,,.., ,,
" _-1.'irr.'nt, the* Aye w'tl •40-x• •
the :,.,, •..-. heating 1:1)111. I:11-• ,r•,+
an,; -!::8' lig. 1Ih.1 10,...,. -el' r..' .
n.- Iclree:lllted rot. and 18-.,'4' .•e•
the• rrw'httl0n.
TI',' r,.tilt 14 that ..a• 41" , 01 •e. ',4411
It 1•. p..-.!h1e 111 t!'0* lit, :!:1', to Ont.1
Into any ,.grrrnetit •Pah }ear 44. r; 1:,•
Hill. 10 that 88,• calf 0:':1' p,.^^, ...,.1
of the 1.1 Int before 1►ncolloer tire! Ity
that dee it will le t.'.. 110n t.. rem "'el
the bol1Nng s1 1•14' .emit ,i01 0,., it for -
Pnrlo*e•4 %e had In mend. and It w.•111,1
only, he Used ni n storage plant 10 •11.
during tho w 181?Pr month.. t'on'e.
(nonny 114, plant w,inld' lie of no tom
to n* this win -ler, nod we think thi. 14
dile to the nwI.t'nc,• 1f (rutin mem
1101•lf of rout council And not ihr0ngh
Iny.feet of erne.. A• we hare done 011r
' $In,t to strive at a rt*iunnahle enm•
1f you heti sued on the reeoln(les
that *8as1.04 by ins( council. with-
out InjRettng Into the hylnw A iT,*t
(('nnelniO4 0,, loge 8)