The Signal, 1928-11-1, Page 711.11111111iiii WS&
County and District
(Continued from PAIR 80.taM► inI! WOMAN SO
The 11M) -acre farm of the late Ezra urday, (lituber :Null. The young cuu- 19as18."compared with 1.144 per
1161st 4th couewrslon of Stephen, w'a•pie will wake their home at bowies- The commercial use of the highway/
lx another problem 'suggested by The
sold by auction to J. lune, of near borei • St. Ju11,u 1 N.B.) Telegraph -Journal -
sold Parkhill. The price was tt, Bl. To Prearrse WLId Life which remarks: "From- dlseussiou. 111
Mr and Sirs. C. B. Forrest, llluryale, Nottteli forbidding trespassing, the mess it Ir evident}'rothat the .fl I-
anuouuce the engagement of their shooting or hunting are being lasted the pr s i glee serious cou•lderatluw
niece, Christie F. McLeod, od, to Andrew all over W'.'Nt Wu waaosh townshipof tie' t'. Turnbull. son of Mr. and Mrs. 5114 a vtew to eliminating the "sports- 1 to the h • ighways, au uerelalizelldlch was discri Helped by Taking Lydia E. I'tnk
warm Turnbull,etot of (lacy ww'11ship, the man" In that o 11..1 always
.1lmt sed atthelust luter-Provluetal cot ham's Vegetable Compound
vembe gr to take place early 11) No- and selvestisherIn du yot aomme conduct theintermite." it Is explained that there IsS
crwlwr. themselves In a way t0 commend thew- �
Angles Marlyn, who recently sold his relyes to the farmer, .but apart Prow I and tieution busses of
mine totghrdrive
aytrubut Grainland, Seek. -"I am lsd that
greery business at 'Itipley, left last this the 4West 1w."spry osh people have ' thf•re is n re IIIlg that, a: rxls•ubutLydia E. Yink-
weed her with his. family for Moue.
Detroit. i1) d. o the preservation ofe a lwall r1,:ollwds must he built to stand up in I heard of that good
where they wrI make their home. J. herd. of ,Leer which Is d' v.'"pint to this trutlk and as repair bills will be 1 will not be with -
formerly of .\rwow, 1s Mr. lir s--Sf tilkeU , ibis r• these cuwtuercial uswrs of t +ed t � ick h I
Starter'% stn rsw,r i1) the g1s'rry Jinks-'tiv wstYeylg took (dace at the highways* must pay some toil tax."
bushwsr.A F.Low'tug the mute argomt•It. The all
J. A. Flrwing, fur several cwu•: incite your of Mr. and Slrs. Jumfa• 11o1.'ltu Niuuve 111.11.) ReUorwer, fu cuww.nt-
ager of the Standard (tank at Ilemtell. 1.1.3. I:oshen line, Ila? township, 011 ItinwoL. tl4 III.)aa+etl tax of 1144 tents 'Per
hag been transferrer to ).oval'. and I. %V lIl4' key' afternoon. (k•tober -4• Ilion on gas Ibex not tuff
gutre•etled by Mr. Matins'. of renelo1) when their eldest daughter, Irene Mar gallon 41 between those who of the
Falls. Mr. Fleming Iws lawn prowl' gam. 'became the bride of Manley highretowa a for pleasure tho god thusr Who
tient as a promoter of baseball lib Hem I George Clsar1,- .1111k.. only w/1) of Mr w pure profits re ri their nsc' o
salt and Mrs. Flawing has as.isted ,'and Mr.. Charles Jl. ks of Mensal. The thrive The -prowler will heir 104•4 a
fn•qurutly In .IIertail'w.l'ts as a •,rremouy wits performed by Rev. A.
Sint•dlir. The yotwg couple, w•III reside I11lleti411 111 the cost of motor car 11-
reileorader. c4'1.w ostefleilbly to offset the new W-
dl 441u14r of Ilullrtt town- at Detroit. crt•a:e is gas tax. Any'w'ay, the cost
ship. died !years. .Neth at the age born; • Four
People IOjuMd of a license 11) Ontario, from three 111
silly -seven years. d it. e•d was most • Four i 't'1" were injured, two of ; Nle times as much as III m0et of the
in Toronto but lived it Hallett most them n riulosly'. when a furnllun' trans- I States, has al1(1(41 he•en ridiculously
of his 441.' lir leave.. tesides 444.4 bort NII roots. from 1!'ndo11 and a Inter high. This does not soo. huw'e 411'1 for
wife three oats and three daughters: ga•,•lttw truck ..raash..1 at an luterser- utot4. This end "t g"., the greatest
•1I a Robert at)4I .\1.•a- tion 411 the Thawot• road four rills users and abusers of t1. 1h,hwacs
out it again. I was
that could
not work at A and
could not sew on PR.►1'l:It
the machine. My
aunt told me of \\'e .ai•knuw•ledge. ee (cod, that li is
Lydia E. Pink- from Thee tlwt every good :14111 perfect
ham's Vegetable rift 4.nu4111 am1 we would pray that
Compoundandnow 1.3 Thy' gn4m to may be 4'11nl,:e'4I to
I am telling all of dedicate our Iivrs wholly to Thv r 'r
s'.t1'i.11r, Thou bae+t freely given
\II •th4' blessings we enjoy',.
1'.srtbly store uud I,rc'd 4,f heaien,
1.'•vrllml Isaac* without 4411o3
111111)1.1)' now we bow before Thee,
And our llrl to Thee resign:
For the kingdom. )ower and glory.
Are. a I ,r'I, forever Thine. Auu•11
-Robert Marl
,- my friends how chs. 1n .)esus' nava• 1c. pra) .\111411
good it is and I Will • __-
answer all letters I get from women."
- !lits. MARY SCHULT15 , Grainland, . S. S. LESSON FOR \t1\ . I Ill. I9'dt
Sank. Lesson Tcpir-1'r4ce :41)41 (ifs,, \1111
.\nipog Men.
of this Province safer for oil. On the I,lason 1':usage-Kt4u. 42: 1. !I,
other hand. '1`Ir4' 1'rtetls:roilgh Ex:1111- •.1.
Iver takes the view' that it is' all f•t' 4101(1411 Te\4-Kone. it:21.
Militant. of l i t aK • or r t'
onwr, early of which are operated by farm- pertinent to be tlalchl•d with caution,
cel ea of Ilullrtt: vii R. Prot. >!,m 1.1-t .,f 1..1.5 :u what -1. nee. e• ly' waxing fat 1)t the rxiensr .5f pertinPointin out..,'\\'hila 4..1 w t4 cautl to. \ neer flow of for .pi.tlr would
tit bot •1latululo, u( 1'hi.ai4. and F.d111 11:4 le.ola s R":ul church , he scald fur the system of 'Complaint ,.., to Iq.•u with the tpi.ile ouild
at hunk. \\'e•!ur•,l,i ' night of la.4 ww•k. 99in the 'Wiles
people awl depriving the K ter. The ' eft with
chapter. c"o.1h 44'
our de's ralhcacs of a cent share n! .card+,' there is 1)h, .our ground with "Sown:" but Amen. w1). 11.41 1)e
The marriage l,1 N'ilhrl. M 1rtr. the call It'd of shoal were riding„ i1) fur tale c1,u1there 1)t the smut.
gr tit. , : Th a dual word whit Illy liposh•
v.0uie dg II( of Mr. awl Slrs, the cab of "the furniture I -vita truck, erre t 4 for tae . uorht 5414 say'• that $1. ''
• s oof M , to taken l0 meity Exeter I , - .Iter. The trafil•." of
N'xt:- 11J1Llwwn. ]Ertl t j. Tyte! l'ornplalnf ('ard System 1epArtt;c=.twiny is.
....1.• t„ the wri Ile hue • his* 1)-t any' wo.
were --114+,1. P 1111. :. 'fir' i.'., Mashed;
Lloyd 11. B:un,'Iw, o1)ly aim of Nr aw�'u,•Ty,•,��roltieer u,�l ►�,�)Ihrw�-y'rar•dd ••• The newly ivaugurut,•d .ca.m •'f Fir lrtm4'ni may- i•• nbu•••,I I.1 '1•"'Ir .nl,ls,.ed t.5 hat'.• Nnl.hrd; always :,5\
\Ins. toms. 1411 cat of 1411us•r4Io•1 ,iitt Georg..
Roth coffer 1.1.11' from rowplslul c,rlip for the 111gi15'11y• "f 4 41,1 0 {w r•on:o1 %Noir''- r i•:ra la•rurrWd to him. Swim'
1►11t.. Took-piytr-rat N'vdtwtt1 1411 th•ty llutved, t414W.4 .._lticall by 140Iiy 11111 - adttri44.•4 '.4-...arrot,---11:41. the I
1144 311,1 Ta�wr1tth 4 i,' 'll" tmlrfi•and1
proved. .eeW4L,asll•nity- 4 14111)1 4utd i.•• 1554,(• o. :1Ve M t, .111nt -t Y-tir
Iwo 17th. of the ia1rwooage of lhr to g'In "Lb- in Its ecl•rriu+rt4 4 -t ,a•I c nn,l 'i 4' give. 4 the 1,"rd'. ul4.seg, of
;Ivy r Tutted rhur•h. Tortoni", Iter. body', and. i t addition. Mrs. Crozier with reservations by other. The T.r-
nflrtrd n d1.1.. ••! .1.,1 1,3• , Ger 11. 1 a1.- it %%Hi ;.Noce Ie.1r11,1 1x1' 11'
where tlw irroeua told.
auto 411•.161 .nru1)rngrs motorists 11) •.sly. ,.":duet d•harn.•ler.
r A. L. mare 4111,1att it The votnir�'rozl.r, the 4 1. 41 p:t"rnawlI U1 make tali use of IL Stn1hag ; '.There 111,1, • 1 i. dittfrmlt to 1 nil', t 1••415 1- c nl eeter,114 br.•1!„
t will re -ids at 14ilus rsaalit] the, track, .nfT, 1 111.4-e15 fr 1144' 11111 •+r 1!.1 I . Ideas 111 5 t. :, tlw nu.k. should 11"rte" t4(ta otl,r%hst `!bow hesitation
trial.'- '1'i.„t the 11ur:111 5,:,... „ ' n , 1, 1•` 'flue inerci4• "f Go.. 11131 c. 1•r.•-
anil ens k: T •' . ' •„"' Irglie. -When IIs• alar.1le
the I.N.It.
Al' old rerbieut 1)t (Iona ...linty, to l'IddeIlrp scalp Mardi.
• the•sm of Sirs. William Iiihnhl. smit ty "f‘111:::".1‘.
f ii,, 1'
diel 4b(,,lwr LN+t1. I4tIhe 1'n,z1•r 1!..' r
,taughtrr, Sirs. \1'rl hz'14 •.. -
la.r1)r t lwnsh))•, '11:"111.:41"41.14"4.•:14.:1'..1[31: Ili la•rt I,
eig1'ty .ix c.4?'" f ,_, • ' "I '.,','l x444/ 11.. draru,e " m other of Ilou. 1.1,-,,.......11:.,..„.1. .II >
_:,. ,.,n•• 1 -m , • 1 r 11 • . .,'n. all 1111-_
iwrltd Ille LI4t i1.,• r4ar•. 1111 \-1111:
44' y.w of 11. '1'.. 110 -Ate- of _Exeter, ''" �' t,.• t, ..:141.41414;,:43,1.
14* lHNJIy l 1. Yua14 I1
ordivanly. •a,., 1 n n • •
"•, e - -.11•',1 inturc. Ti'.' fundntrt• truck .\ .I. Morrish. She w... in Ler 442111x. rier.• hear11144 letters •'4 a1 oy u 4' ,11, 1 1 ode :' walkllc• T,'‘.0141,1...11111 , i,:, 11• -
suffers) w fravuu 55f 1111 '.sl
, i,e•1'•n114 .114) v111- lull,tl hlg 11:••11, - n, �
uta. fur some titre n m•id4ut //of xia. sad furniture uta fourt►1 y.:or. Shri;ttu. to 1'Ii1.t• n " „en, :i_:,1. •t tut: their,.\••.• with III.: .!s',I..
Inrth.,1•ui ! :,. tit' ,i," . 111 .„1 "rl •11 1. thy err of' Iwu,i Men! y'•tus :Igo .114 ,.,, als.nt forty- ce year- Igo. p1115,55:.- f-1.1bi9nn •a life •, u,-�c•I oula,lat rr-
.uffere l a "11 1 11• Pa h, e1) fin,, t iS,uLlg f"r "•un• . nn• ,
• NI '1 c,lyd and gi411144 Informatl'11 of 1i.4 11) rhi. rounwti0ii 1„• 11)'•:,•
;• a IA 1...:(5 :,Ify i• 11 e. 411144rr.'inu 55f '1': e Tor
t.:t r 1.1.111 Violations of the ,eliec low., They
o,lt4. tM-i . Ih4 onnt:u••:. 1•„•
i1),• "l,1,, Si 41r \Cw•klc, \Chit • it .i• 114 0 i1) uo•aw•r ;ell; . tl, a 1141 owl,
'4. t 1 the rums within l 14wir rxl1l %; or. '1'1..3 ,,61111• ,• a .4551-4,,n44c,• "t 514.11"
111 are netlug In nu w•noe' as. s►'k'11-er fu• '14114114 -111140 ions :•rt -i' from n, 4- :1),l .lwulol I a -►un•,, luu
ver of ifs• fonuers but simply na 1.015115-s4.r ''4-
t .,nein¢ in, tool ',r0wllior otf.' t4' p
• I • fu fir '.r1- ••t
r hu- .. the 14144 al,d 4 t,414 Ice d:411.. on. to
•.. • her tufort3•R the :uta lo. \I e ' 1, ,. / " 11.41, -I u
t I i, r i \11 \I r "Tie t l u • r .r Ili` lit"' Ile w'0•d. id
with members "f 134 •:.11.11 •• 1' yeare---4,11."1 -4,ure nr ,f e•qe 4atnt .. 1
ff A. with 11411, sit, , -
..Is• - 1amthter. SI, - ‘.• 1• .he wits its rie mot smile .' I , ar fn4 nlfl through ala• Is. 1 prat, , I ,
-refixed +•. .he wits married ti.. J,.liu Italbi tsh•r__aul4, (1.1 rut thitt�.01,4.,;1.1 t, 1,,,,,„•
Sir I. -unite.: is -Tine Aorii Nw rrjl serer •nr rut ari...,. L.
111141 IWO sou+. W9:121•1....4 ilibbert. and CLiVIII\ 1144 prrdea•3.r,) Is r. 1.1 their 'dria'io 1 will ..1' r:"'L" N'r l •ok. 1yi• •Is .l i. 114 rn.u1 1:11)1. it 1)e tl,ir-t
.:ii:in• of 41e•attorlh. t' rbi of the Co11e 14:11. 111,ii- I by Three .'.ns and 1111e 'Inngliter: 11:A r' \CiI.1.1114 lino., .11111 4i•11iit:l 1. ••Even herr. w• krill 541 nwr:r. w4 n'ar'. ri.r hen, 1
.nk : f •t 111 .•, •h•u/i t1.,.•
• Girt- titre shill hl. Lawn laid no with .111' Slorrl.L of oxbow. Snsk.: SlarJ' SI,•• ,':• n." • rowkLiww1lf,u tRull '1`nul l' by' HP' 1I,, of i1,.4•• matrviat .or1ul • .!..It heal, 551 lin 1 i- nrnl
•I'ur uuu'liagr 1,f Slhs tr. id ' alt•.14 of s•1r1•let •alar_.. Nils- smith,'ri.h of Iteatt,•1. S:1. .\ .1. \lor4i.i. •,, t hold 4.f air wi}{.•1OW., _atcria H'1l414m-.1,,It+i...i, •t tr.- ... bis rte.•'
r. .M11� duugtircr ..f Str: aril Nr-. ..t y Amid of a❑ odi, 1•, ••! 111.
as .nl,-t;tette .M. :if Clinton. and Nit., 1'uckeriug ,• el' he 1 in •t
he Inst. 'A 114-414 vitro -b wr L«•. •f. t•4 ,.m.
Rn hard Gorier of loan-•plgrrvi, to of to ,d,lit is artblg 4•
". -t:off Slimit• I,fs enforced Pickering, a.v or think- that a nu'1 ot'.4r aI,g.•on etre
Harold .\•{au••. y"an .st •o1) 0( Str. the w,altio 1 n.t o1'hrr uwn'r .\rel, 444 14 f.4 nit \.,
_ •-wittiiei- "411 ictal of hltu_ the :11rr4'ud••t• "f the hod1..1r r'•• .Ire :•'tar •rin11- ti tier- •riot ' •:,? I.
11 ,1 Mr. 1. t' .\.he+ra .•G Ow saute . ubs•uel. IirtFoRTH - �.,grLl.111*. 1111 ..n*a 11 i, 44.11,/,.,j I:, 1t is 15.' r, ,11.11 I
1 pas.rd t141':1j' ,,,,I, .c• . a• t,. 1,111er Then. front :Mr Ia.fin r,f- ..f N- FIM'+'•' _
td,.... was .o1.111nius! or the Lundr14. 1(rs. Mary I41uf'lho•,n1 of her .o1). �•,rryolw "1 1!14 read i. a tr:,5!r 1"•w of the will .f 1:0.1? '1' 1411,¢ If`th{c, 'meaty else ie. t... the kite••.
bon,' uo:nl.. 10 tier. J. .\!s•ry opt Sat- 1p•lob.r 21st a. 1
- 1`141 1 onamrr,•);i) hon•! barn leas . 55111 ht caro y" false the r. ul.l'' t .,l riti •r le••ol'af•. the' rra.55ua1''e ••'r 119rf r ^11i r hair :1 I .n 1 ,• he be ,
--- almu.t •onRdar:y- destroyed l,c fire the duty of .ar. rin•r'• ulac b. a
w .,t. of (Irnt111?."" „d11' oar. 1114.1. �r" dim ll11 4 dile it i•1141:1t'thr t1, ,.3 L. t•1' the N. i1 woe. 1 .•, 1.,u
ash .Ma-; u+•.rui111t r t Ilii' . '1'LrrP. t t 1 „
11 t {• cult- cal• r lute _r1) tao L .l1) the . i( 1.4 n{, 1)
weer a rbS. 1..r +tock in the (,1111, but ec"t„1 1't 1 w. .•a• lin• 1114111 4. I 1 11111 ,1 1)l I , ,' '
:a quantity "f Lac N'It+ ro11s11tne••1- `It hat• •w•l'1d I •• H.." wrtt.s Tim into it. right zelation to thing. .I' N.. • r t l.: , . , .
lir.. Lmther Itobbil'$. who had Iaa•u 1'. nddian I'ni11111•1lt:n' • ITorulll.,,• r` „ •1
nal. Thu the whole luau, f: r.,n.e- t'hr1 ity I f u,•'
, 1=:• ins Iwr sister. Mr.. 1'hr+twy. for • ,, ;,1' in Ihr I,aa ti..• tttfort• of s11n"• ,.r ltod to i .d. t1... , .. .
nluiiflts. 1144 inrnP.l tr. a.•'r.mir,,,ri-I" ,rrit4a4i/tb.n.-4'ae Just, 9 I 1 liar rice.:r fii•Talt7a+1-4-014•44.1-14.0.--41......L.-4.4,_1:,.s ro
11 •a„ -. � ,� '
,. he•idiu• , the
f' t
,rut, e.lhone
more t
1 rrt.It
li,• mi
. ,.• , : Rochester, N.N.lit '.f t 11) i.t i:1), ,•h 1 r 1 s.
defending rir•kIl•+s dri„•rs.t}Ia1) toward ilsr-.F l;r•n111i' ±.11ii.l•• a1�.
\1 1l s auuuul 144 ,lt,)C of the Sea- til. is whin WI' o"ti,ht t„ he and flitch,
forth I:Lari 'Il.'w41 'lni, 4'ilt turn• ridding the hi'_1h'4 : .5f, them:' and I to d'. 1111,! 1'un0•t la :ul'I ,•t11l'ot d", h Iiib1.
••,'tel 014 follows: 1're-Mlent.-.Hu.. J. co11tlnua'(4, ''rhe-1Mlu,rtmtut of 1'hbli' dace. ns•:uu at.cul Ii!eal. tL. salla. ;o. t1.,
rpl•,ia5l: t-1 P-prrs{ Itolert ilocd: )lith lcar14 N to le .snmm�ndwl fur lett- S%"•11.-11:41.1::"1:,111";14:•"
rru111o1) the• Slo11u1 .1,n1••Ihhoe I„
11,.,.ilrrr. 1'. P. Sills: .w•r.uarr. G. D.
ling into o4a•rtt4,.,, ttis 114.8' 4.4:111 11
Haigh: tournament secretary, J. Si. curb the reckless driver. Its success
1s')5 np 155, sonfahil,g to Art V44 1)11'•'.
S.4'Mia:111; rxr'tufsc cuun11itpr, 11:1rry will ulci"nsly depend on the eteopern• Ir i+ "1)l) by w•tliur up the ideal tlln
Stewart. R. F. I'r4_''t. ,1. F:. '.'•1814• tion of motorists. II tr to Ir 'Lolwd we cul do auyhiur w ,rt1 d'i111 In the \Clo•n r'lirlstiln-L1u,in,I• :,r,• rr.,,:
.1. Ii. Rest. 1t. \Ciit.r 1 f•bep1e1t1. Rev. ' that they give it not only thetr moral -
'1'. II. itr.w'n. but their ncNre swig)4rl." the lowly what it i.. In quality, i1) 11111"1, th•ti owl „1)t 11 I
_ "i.iftiug of Itemise+."-ud.'w:strd by
in tas•ivatinu. It 1+ etre mnin•IN Icarr•. ...lid If flat 1.11111111 111'
both Sl r. J. 1'. Itl kne•iI. registrar of 11tty Ihat ntx4.•• time worth Ih"inr. •'t"e'4' '''.nn•. alg.ul. it will la 0411'":-::Ili.::!'
lls ,Ili.,!
motor veltleles for . ,oar le 1l ithogt dlalmulntion.'.. to ('hri.t 1.n ss l' -lou., fur 41.4 Ie,
R. R. Ilenson. 181.4410111 of ittiyal Ant.,
:,•t th.rn Is• u.5 h31su r1s3 in surd:
• loco i.• air. au,l .Im I. 1. ('hrisNan ntis.baes nr:ot 'MU "T,
Tbursda7, November 1. 1906.-7
Special Prices at McEwen's
Groceries Tea and Coffee
Tobacco Dry Goods
Dinnerware and Chinaware
Phone 46 South Side of Square
I1o,rtr 111114cenrl promptly to all parte of for town without charge
"Now don't forget
to bring me Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food. I am feeling
so much better I don't want
to. miss a single dose."
I r Chases Nerve food
• � �..
371 /4"61is NIGHT COUGHS
�.yoe• ns •oral
Children Lose ASTHMA .1
r• - ` vt�T O's Syrup
‘41K1,11) 111S,ei111\'
The I'alhw'ly Iq I'r,fr
li rout aSri•-'-i"1):,r1 \I.•,.••n45r',
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
t\r rn.uun.1, , 11,1• .'
for N ' S -
\\ r.l aide ole ',quare I.oderich
J. R. Wheeler
!Amend Director and
promptly II '94•1I•1.• 1
day or Melo
1' 1111 N E s 3:15 lid-rIJ.•t'ts- ::-,-,�
11ami!ton litre.'. Goderteh
.\11 calls
Brophey Bros.
1 U
F. I.F.
\XII E'.IIt.11.HRK4
Ambulance service at all
hours, day or night.
I'Il'I\Is 1'tore 424) 14.•. '.'I-
hi- actual. 4455 11111 11 1• PILI• +:11 • r• 11, cued and app., it, internal „11.'1 1.
LI- murk. 1t is the 1 .41)' that 15114.'" . ho (4• for I•''
Radio Value ` Offered
When you buy a Westinghouse Batteryless Radio you own a beautiful
instrument that embodies the latest improvements at a price that repre-
sents more radio value thati-Utver been offered before.
h ,•t It gives you:
bun tiers. apse
minitlq nn'1 t1.! ertoer Full 6 -tube power, using the new
with til. coining • indu , lea� nghouse A.C. Radioirons.
wh'lt .0111,1 Ire 41114' fn a.'l"t in 4014 finely balanced, giving
I)e pr4'bm'. confronting the I'rn'41,,•r'. •i r and
this noide cone under three bends: \L,rtlW in the uppc
riff. .trnl's,I'rinH0n rips., trail. t1.. 11 un. 'V ;�4
reNltlrs. The,i'rnrimp's PtptiHih( in- thnlnl under, ♦ •bs ,�
l'strie. were not interested In preter- mission, afte ��, �� 4•(,,
lnw tost.were
ufnfrr'd,4.4inn, tediwth'11 In frn inquiry. had elglt s/sb
d to the extent the) Mrlffe'kept lip other matter. afro. t4':,
•1' they '41,1 not like diem. ,%n Por-
tion war the cont and allied sh'PI
ustry, which :isks't protection
Inst t i'nlle, 5y .
1 , Ir r
I 1 emit. Iron ,
1 i n nal
The opening of ns moat- mnr-
ad iN'gsltrle car Noes *coda prn-
nn the hest possible' terms. wag
1''�• R4') there wag ienanimlt' of
n In the Maritimes In favor of
44')lation of tr'aties with cmml-
hat take their products.
Ili /filth transp'rrfatlast rates,
kPa spoke of the !medal low
on western when established
sol legislation. Similar relief
Oriel 1)10' NrltIme-• by the
per cent. reduction of rates In
ern T'r.avtmr, looter the \fart-
4Ci1t Hates Act of 11127 The
of the into'? olnntal Railway
rt of the fbnferleratlnn pus).
narinnel or strategic reasons
nstnnteil br R lone runt°
of the expense of new
battery charging.
Oversize power supply unit provides
maximum of power for amplifier tube.
Distant stations brought in with ease
and clarity.
Pilot Tamp illuminates dial -.howl
when set is of or off.
New . impspPved cone speaker, de-
roli • lir,. - t�Westinghouse, and many
err:nm., "ad 1113 erroJtich we will be glad
batteries and
141541 *lure the 1ndtn4s of tf,•• 5 .innyt i gtl''miw4 'i,' \f1 •,
.don hn,l ieen adopted l.nditIo,s in Ka,. nlother of ff1(tl
Nene Scotia had improved. Tim lkr-
afltha n
hat• motet n • r , t fa
m1(tl n 1;.1 rum nt .suab'sh4', 'fi
11 n
haul t and '
R ren
s(enmrr mute to the ilrili-•h 1\'.•t
Indies, the C. N. 14. was betiding n hl(
dew Motel nt liallfat. find 41.• t,ytri.t
trade of the I'roc11re wen. illerea141144
very rapidly.
The speaker n••ke,l for n s3mirlthetle
and Intelligent 4011+identfl"n of the
bride and groom lef4 b f f h
problem, of the M'nrltinw Prolines -'-'fern State's, the bride travelling'In
by the people of (►11tarld• TLe efforts n beige entrerti4de, with a brown hat
of the Canadian club to this end were fund "Mme. f1i their return they will
adlt�n(dP, he Amid. and the pe'grle of
the whole Dominion should Join In
the development of a •a•.r+.fnl. uni-
fied. harmnninns Canadian nation. and his brothers. Roland and Claret'''.
The speaker wean hsnrtily app1thfic't H'ete mer. pre.enl from floder4eh Mr.
as he coneltMed hid addrea. and Mrs. A. J. M',.Knv. Miss Theresa
A rote of thanks to the sl,eaker was St?nnings, MIs. Margaret ('ani thele
proposed by Mr. .1. F.. Tom and err- and MPsnra. 1.. if. iluns,tnn. N. F1n-
4114113- ntppnrted by the gathering. I hitt and Alert Sanderson.
mold love. \\ here 1 I
be The Border Cities Star of \\'111(1141x'' ; 1"rrr will cows un ublsrn•ncr tot that and rmph:a-•444 n n•cngtol:,,❑ of t1..
whtrh oontlnut•s. "'191. n•uw,ulug ls, which 14 4'.111 uud a rl'otvlug t" !hat 4'nth.1 1 "t .a and the' 1.f the
soul',!. '19,. only thing to do w')th a 5111.1 1s g•.'<I h"o,4 1,f maw. Nothiu( .hurt or that
m1,hrri"l who laughs at the hay. de-' "In lo11wr preferring one Another' hi41, concept,.:n will ii11Tlhe to overcome
iH)4•nu4.Iv and .o114d.aalwpo and rr••.Thi. cannot h. taught 11 I'm schools. nn'e prejodi''• 3nn1 lull,• 1114 111(14,• -4
I*'ttrdly. is to umk4 it impossible for t1.o world n 1414.•1''1 u.irhl."rh,ao.l.
Elm t" o4a•rut,• ,o cur." Motto. a l'patiol xffw'tl"n. uulrnal ., Se. , „ r11re4,t4"„ rem,"•. 1111'
o:InticlpnUnn of r.5lI '''11+ ser- -'
pedestrians nn the Hlghw'ays ohm. runt eau ruuw•.5441'. 41-"111 f4ltew--:4.1.114:81-,i."1,4-4,1.11""1111,:.;
wldul fr111 I1.. nat,nlalis'11 1'1"11
I'.d.:fnialt' ''11 t1.. Lirhea3. is arc ship with Incl. Xu soul •'1)u b. bath,,) harks u4•ou .,Il ulher nations a+ 6.1661
other problem 1 died "a Iiy' 'roes. 614 it were in olivine fellowship. and or 1"'1'i'otr„1 .$6111th•. 411111 ft 1)l•
ht the smeller cities and town+. The then dr..wtld to earth to piny the ),,I4 ,' ,14.4,4..,,,,,t/1.14...i.:.11111:14, iulwuutlounlisw alma
Grlmadry' 1Otnt.i Independent believes or the r,urt. SV,' ,ho11ld kill," halt 1) lut.m.ts "f 11..'
that. "One of the lepl"rnble features fur any man has been op 111 b4':n'Pn by ends• \li -Jour would 5144' 1.f t1..
, of the highway atm :drift lint this yeti? alae n.nth•n a and h,crlin'•sr, 1111• ‘.%.1.1:1:111.411.:01::1111111111
111.1 ., unong ki11gdoe4 4:41f
f Go.l, with ,
1 is found la the number of Ire.lestrla11s lately and the hwantr. o4 1,11 medial e4111i natl.w lam leagn. of fffrn,lship
behavior. with all.
who have been victims of rea•kle•s, or r Christian wisiul'+ urn bn:r,l 111,
141r*Wky driving It Is not stir- '•N"( (411,11)1141 10 laltdiu''s." Tb1. ,'m' 1114 Jri te'•ipnl 111114 •,s•1'.Irr. n•'1
prising. therefore, to find Mr. •1urt14r the wane eons that ('brut nsrd w14
Il14hcr:14, h the 1)w rnr. ..f Rrrlh"�•:
1.nNhfnrd, white hearing a 4.141 111- 1 lir 461.11 •'\\'Ist ye not 111'11 1 roust Isl. `I'hE". therefore. rnrry t1.e antidote fur
v,.!t•Ing the running down of two b)4o• atxiut we Fathers 1,11.iwr14+. \\'. are 1
isle by motor ear. biking Itere_wnrnrd 11Saius4 sluthhal pbtc.' utu1(111*'inrl'u1N1 .4rifef711C„r el11 t','rt
pedestrian". Hr 1411111: 'Prde"trinne 4' ,tgnitst l'eglw•ting 4Iv411,• o1,li al''l"- ,.,,11,,1 fr"m the risrlh till nations I•:a• n
1)"t seem. nr Ie considered In rued sou• F.rcrnt In spirit 1 s,•rcing t1.. fl, th11 :e.. of 4heir right. nod nn,r4
.trnrtl'n. _They do not leew_.o have . lord." the apostle siw•Ik' of ,of 111 •lr ,'.1i, 44ion•. I.s. „f Is"
any right on t1.. highway'.. n,v"rding r.uchlug the temperature in rs14lon.. 41ud uu•rr ..f sl.war•Iship, I••••
t" practice.' The North ltay Nugget spiritual zeal i1) seeking the kitig,l"111 „f er•wi•1' nn,1 num• st•rch..�
writes 1.1 the sante tote. "Daily lei. „f Geal. 4. Th' and
Ulnare .nwPrt.rt4..4n t1..
utr•esslty for f,a,Ilwths 111011g t1.. 1111/11Paul 11114' c Il, .xh"rtnlli11s hr,sul +rens., is mn,y.rso,l fraise... 15 the
%flys 4s becoming apparent, end, the
whlta nlK111117111.,1" 1.14'1.6?' eery' iltrr:ally. ,,,.flw. U Is n hoping handl out '
highways l,flA416114, in planning 1).w Phrc Lad tuorr (" Iiy. 011 lieu' -11.'1'1""I I" flue l" -*/ needy 1111111 :at tt.
e,nstructton work. would• be well ad-
vised ro mak. 4m,risll,n for these.' „f Imlay loom nlsrM ' dhtrihnll°g t" mein-ih,g the 1w.rrL1. In pr"f.'rtlon
The Peterborough 11►nt.1 }anmin.r til• uw•r41$14) of 14:,hot.'%' \C,• n4,v ".44• is ola•rate•s among IIII•l' Bill "•,'
nolle. (Iw point that. ".\ very 'lore. chant%,• r"nrte•+ies4 we give and take lould,I for d:'c of uultrr 11 )e,1•. dual
I,r"Is,rtiun of nil rural iceldent14 are In 111-' dry saltit. wen, ir'r+w•i1t.•I nigh.
dor to n leek of pedestrian fn.11ftte•s. win, hay. we ever 1nlz.,r,ir.1 for tie
Despite the fact that the practice is
' 1 sou of God'=.--- . ,,
:1w'ny's d•argernns. thonsuii1 71 lie'"' ••41. 4101 wi.. in 51111,' "fr o ...-. ITt w;,r. to .eyP IlNme•y i+
sons are walking "n the highwlays..... Sonetim4's t1.. wor,l ..f "light ron11'• ob..1-1.U1) 11,414,- lights •and .top
..S"nw't41)6'. n our stns directly into fi-"m {a•rwnl+ wh.'n1 w. 1.:,1•. 1)"t 11,1.1%.4"."5115;.111.11 Itep.rtrr.
the iwde•"trinn" in other ense•s. t1.. .r.ditrd %nada ..n:,•. I,Is1e•n -
' driver o1 the car :were.. yin'ently. 1.1 1w•Ji: do 117,:i1,,,111 pls, a tint r55u am irf
order 10 nv1141 :1 pedestrian end If brevity I. Ill. w1t.1111
, Ashes i1)(" II 'Mt her nlnchliti Sl443 ..\4(1141,1,1,• is min.: 1 5411 r my. d.signe•r hi, a1s11m fwarht•,I t1.. 411,
n, uccld.uL of roan'+.. i+ "t 14)5.1• in „gill, tI,• Lord. Therefore. If thin. 1,1• little' 15,1(1'. ells:4oa• ifereld
Ir CInI of 111.11trnel, is 4snmlwn'Iwl
lulp4en nt night." The ratio. of .dn- e - •
cotton noel 3st more edln• 1s
.tressed by' •4t. Ia. I'nngh Writing in
Safety Rngineerh,g ( New Turk 1. w1,..
first says: ".\holtsh the smite,. of P•„i
4.r: Rnrrnllud It 114444 itteirds: rtao_
111114' and a1'ni,l 11. TLP.e are 1 h only
1a04144',wels.',,,-,..Thr hist u'Itl.ue,l
safety education Is the 1111.4, 5511
earming town of beige reek w11eh tlwy all nest. 441114')'. e,lncwllon
test'. prinarliy' "n the Incnlrntlon of n
,• ,
• n rr rot and t
•int n cl
ew u n Id 4
"f rums nn'l 1113 of t1.. Nall,•. .tom. 10
'1)w p f
I •_ I rnr• .+ 1
Sirs. \{'nik.r, m0th.•r of ))14' rro15, ern m:m lite. ) �Pakr l0 I ii"t
the .'whole ls'rf0rntan I 14x.4 n.rMene14 e•n roerl
wore n fow'n of pencil bine ern)s'. with doing nIl the ttm4'. aI-'•I, nn,l t1. tt the
:1 hat to ml lrh. and a 'direr fnT fur. .\rintiwintl ticket. are now one'
She wore n ventage 1•n/111111 of 10.14 and with n'tkeket and 27(41.. or 4•'r
and' lily of the railer alar, tater, Grp you may obtain ynllr eeserted Rean4
I y moor 0r the flul'ln)is firm( store beginning T11
,lay morning nt 0 teel.s•k.
-bee "FINITES:" nod Solite
4' tt tot r u. Ihal
la• n'•'"nanllsh.,l
'11th'/• antle.rit1.
sht4pv nowt -
81. 1nlr.t
reside in Gndt'rich.
Resided Mr. and Mrs. Wesly
WR1ker, the paten'• of the groom
li..._.....111111111111111.111111111 __yam
Mr. Chariots Nnrmnn left on Mob- dellrlons o
day on 11 business trip to Toronto nod hulk or far..
Montrwll print to his ripening R same Sfr. Rnt.r,.
pie 1ttowroom at the British ET- Cm1r1 eterk, inn
change hotel for dlapinyIng latest R. TT. Taylor
models of hand -tailored tnen's gm, donee nt the (elrner
meats „f Ifiported EORlish .lath. also 1.1ghthmlm streets II. N.
ladies' and a1M►'11 raintmats of 1imt1'It Iae1Rlnn the first of 1,..,„1\
materials. este. Mrs. Tailor will remove t•1 I.
Soo//i's C/Ears
Sore: Iroub/Fs omc
+ t..
1 o1
Singer Sewing Machines
Fre dt•Inonstre gi1.•u 111 y'•':'
08'11 hone al any time. Yon 311•
er no
1I IMISS1gS. obligation
�55I111, �41H of Square 4:"dericl,
W. GLEN COOK, General Agent
Call up your ,
customers by-
An occasional cull will make
it almost impossible for them
to stop trading with you.
Do you realize that one of tho
largest returns you can se-
cure from the expenditure of
a small sum in to be hod by
calling up old customers
occasionally by Dis-
Friendliness begets friendli-
ness. How can you or i keep
away from a m.rchant who
spends. 4114 money to .how
his interest in our affairs?
We can't.
The newspaper editor countsil
on this trait in human
nature. IIe mentions sub-
scribers' names frequently,
because he knows they will
look for them in his paper.
The merchant who occasion-
ally calls customers by lens
Distance is one who can't 11
overlooked or forgotten.
llbt Irl
Ichor I
;I'ontintM4 0 111 ngP R1