HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-06-22, Page 22PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1988. CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.75for 20 words, additional words 11c each. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. AT YOUR SERVICE QUEEN’S BUSH RURAL MINI- stry. We can help 519-392-6090. 13-tfn TIRED OF HANDING ALL THOSE square bales? Let Riley’s Custom Round Baling solve your problem. Phone 887-6739. 24-2 ATTENTION FARMERS 1. ] HAY CUTTING 9’ HAYBINE 2. ] ROUND BALING WITH VARIED SIZES [4x4' - $4.25/bale, 4x5' - $5.25/bale, 4'x6' - $6.00/bale. Discount for 50 bales or more.] 3. ] SQUARE BALING -Don't have time to do your haying? We will — from field into your barn. COMPETITIVE RATES DURWAY CUSTOMSERVICES R.R. 1, LONDESBORO 482-7301 GARAGE SALES FAMILY YARD SALE AT JAMES- town, 5 miles north of Brussels on County Road 12, Saturday, June 25 9a.m.to2p.m. 25-1 NEIGHBOURHOOD GARAGE Sale - 3 locations on Maple St. and James St. on Saturday, June 25 from 9-3. If rain-No Sale. 25-1 SATURDAY, JULY 2, 10.00 a.m. to2:00p.m. Many itemsfor sale including air conditioners, furni­ ture, sporting goods, books, etc. Rudy Leibold, 169 Coombs St., Blyth. 25-2p COMING EVENTS THE JUNE MEETING OF THE Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital will be held Monday, June 27 at 2 p.m. in the boardroom ofthe hospitaL Mrs. Marilyn Wood will explain the roll of the cancer clinic in this area. All are welcome. 25-1 NEWSPAPER DRIVE - SAT., June 25. Curbside pickup in Brussels. Please set papers out by 10 a.m. or drop them by Brussels Mennonite Fellowship by noon. 25-1 THE CHILDREN OF MR. AND Mrs. Lypn Hoy of Wingham invite friends and neighbours to attend a reception in honour of their parents’ 25th Wedding Anniver­ sary, in Lucknow on June 25 at 8:30 p.m. Bestwishes only. 25-1 I University Education for Adults -It’s YOUR Turn Course selection and academic counselling is available at: Kincardine District High School, Room 14 Thursday, June 23, 6:30-8p.m. For Further information phone: (519)661-3635 The University of Western Ontario Part-Time and Continuing Education Rm. 23, Stevenson-Lawson Bldg. London, Ontario N6A5B8 COMING EVENTS TUES. 28 JUNE GODERICH & Dist. After 5 Club. Saltford Valley Hall, Goderich. Featuring “Let’s Have a Picnic’’ with music by the Foghorns of Goderich. Speaker, Anne McLachlan. Cost $3.00 For reservations call Joyce 524-7118. 25-1 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AT Zion Mennonite Fellowship, 3 mileseastofCranbrook, begins Tuesday, July 5 and closes Friday, July 15, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., weekdays. 3‘/2 years and up. Call 887-6571 for information. 25-lb BUCK AND DOE FOR TODD Wheeler and Darlene Freeman at George Wheeler’s Driving Shed Saturday, June 25/88. 25-lp THECOOKIEWAR: JUNE 23, 24, 28, 29, 30 (matinee - rush seats only), July 2. The Mail-Order Bride: June 22 (opening), 23 (matinee - rush seats only), 25 (rush seats only), 27, 30, July 1. Unless otherwise indicated, all performances are at 8:30 p.m.; matinees are at 2:00 p.m. Box office-523-9300/9225. 25-1 BUS TRIPS: CANADA’S WON- derland, Saturday, June 25, Rag­ time Revue - Musical Dining with Dave Hoy, St. Thomas, Wednes­ day, July 6. - Ontario Hydro Bruce Nuclear Development tour by coach. Film and free full course dinner Monday, July 11.- Mystery Tour??Tuesday, July 19. - Marine- land Saturday, July 23. Phone Helen McBurney, Nicholson Bus Lines 357-3424. 24-2 BRUSSELS ROYAL CANADIAN Legion Branch 218 is holding a Decoration Service, Sunday, June 26, 1988. Parade line up at the corner of County Rd. 12and6thline Morris 1:30 p.m. sharp. Everyone welcome. 24-2 COUNTRY FAYRE: SATURDAY, June 25, in the Belgrave Com­ munity Centre, starting at 4 p.m. Free admission to arena. Featur­ ing crafts, needlework, baking, etc. Cold meat supper 5 - 7 p.m. Adults$6.00, publicschoolkids $3.00. Sponsored by Knox United Church, Belgrave. 24-2p MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER for Darlene Freeman on June 27, 8 p.m. at Brussels Mennonite Fel­ lowship. Everyone welcome. 24-2p FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL: RIBS and sauerkraut served in our lounge 5 to 8 p.m. Phone for take-out 523-9381, The Blyth Inn. 14-tfn BLYTH LEGION LADIES Auxi­ liary Branch 420 Annual Penny Sale on June 23 & 24 from 9 to 9 and June 25 from 9 to 3 at Blyth Legion. 24-2 STORY TIME - BRUSSELS Branch Library presents stories, songs, crafts, for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. This will be a six week session, starting the last week of June. Dates and times to be announced later. Please phone to pre-regi§ter at 887-6448. 24-2 BELLE RIVER FIDDLE SINGING contest July 28, 29, 30, 31. Campsites available. $7,500 prizes Featuring the Leahy Family, Box 10, Belle River, Ontario. NjOR 1A0 orcall (519) 728-1767. 25-lp AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE To be held at Richard Lobb’s Auction Barn, Clinton on Saturday, June 25 at 10 a.m. for Ellen Johnston plus additions. 1984 Dodge car, certified; upright piano, furniture and appliances. AUCTION SALE I of shop equipment, vans, Davis industrial trencher and back hoe, and household furnishings will be held for CHARLENE AND WALTER BROWN north half Lot 16, Concession 9, MorrisTownship, 1 corner north and 3corners east of Blyth at Brown’s Tire Service ON SATURDAY, JUNE25,-9:45 A.M. See last week’s paper or listen to CKNX for full listing. AUCTIONEERS: ALLAN R. MILLER 395-5062 AND BILL HALDENBY395-5142 For particulars phone 887-6788 REAL ESTATE ‘ Suddenly it s sold I BAILEY N MASON BAILEY BROKER 482-9371 [24 hour service] 138 ACRES: 6th line Morris Township, 110 acres workable, no buildings. MORRIS TWP.: 4 rfH Qom frame home and heated workshop on 1/4 acY under $50,000. 89 ACRES: 80 acres workable, near Westfield. 30 acres fall wheat. No atrazine. 85 ACRES: East Wawanosh, cut stone, two floor home, four bedrooms, twobaygarageandheated workshop. Hardwood bush, trout stream, very scenic. This is an exceptional property designed for the executive person who wants every convenience and country atmosphere. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY with 2 apartments, Queen Street, Blyth. 100 ACRES: Farm near Auburn, 75 acres workable, 11/2 storey stucco home. General purpose barn. 100 ACRES: 90 acres workable, East Wawanosh, no buildings. Vendor will finance. BLYTH: Building lot on Hamilton Street, fully serviced. 12 ACRES: Hog barns for 650 hogs. Frame home. MOBILE HOME in good condition. 12’ x 60’. Asking $8,900.00. 165 ACRES: On Maitland River. 100 acres workable, 65 acres hardwood bush, large shed, very scenic. BLYTH: 1 floor, 3 bedroom, new home, full basement and garage. DAIRY FARM: 142 acres, Highway location. Adjacent to village of Blyth. Will sell as going concern or bare farm. While working alone on Monday, March 3, 1986 a female variety store clerk was robbed at knife point at approxi­ mately 5:00p.m. The twist to this story is, the location! Toronto, London, maybe even Windsor you say... wrong! This robbery took place in Fordwich, Ontario! At approximately 5:00 p.m. a white male described as 5’5”,\ 150-160 lbs. with a stocky build, light brown to blonde hair, blue eyes, no accent and clean shaven walked into Miller’s AUCTION SALES REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE LTD. 82 ALBERT STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO. GORDONHILL SALES REPRESENTATIVE 233-3307 Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week Variety Store. He then declared that this was a robbery and pulled out a 6 inch hunting knife. As a car pulled up outside the store the robber went behind the counter and took approxi- mately$437outofthetill. He then ran out ofthe store. He was wearing a dark leather jacket and a dark toque. And was last seen driving west on Conces­ sion 6 of Howick Township in a blue Jeep Renegade or CJ7 with a white vinyl or soft top roof. This vehicle had Ontario licence plates on it. If you have any information about this or any other crime call CRIME STOPPERS OF HURON COUNTY toll free at 1-800-265-1777. Your call will not be traced, nor recorded and your anonymity is guaranteed. People around Brussels Continued from page 2 Saturday. Joan, Gary and Christopher Ritchie of Markham spent the weekend with their parents Mary and Murray Huether of Brussels and Mervin and Mae Ritchie of Blyth and other friends and relatives. * Miss Edith Baker attended the 55th wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Heuchan in Alliston on Sunday. A surprise 45th wedding anni­ versary party was held for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goll on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moffat of Bluevale. Others attend- ingwere Mr. Lome McCrackin, Mrs. LilaGolland Mr. and Mrs. Ross Goll and family. The local cable TV station, Channel 17, will present “An Evening of Music” at both 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. both today and tomorrow (Wednesday and Thurs­ day, June22-23). The program, which features the students of Brussels Public School, was taped by Pearl Versto^p at the concert held at the school on June 1. Gary Martin will be doing voluntary service work with child­ ren and teens at the Trust Saltshaker Centre in Belfast, NorthernIrelandfrom June 23 - July 16. This time of service is sponsored by the Mennonite Youth Venture program. Mrs. Glenna Stephens has come home from visiting a few days with her family Dr. Jim and Bette Stephens in Kitchener. While there, jthey took in the Bluejay - Cleveland baseball game in Toron­ to on Tuesday night, June 14. Mom & Dad The family of Len and Betty Archambault invite relatives and friends to adance in honour of their 40th wedding anniversary on J uly 2, 1988 in Auburn at 9 p m. Best wishes only. For more information call 524-6928 or 523-4538. 50& Thefamilyof ROSS AND TILLIE ENGEL would like to invite their relatives, friendsand neighbours toan OPEN HOUSE at the Cranbrook Community Centre ON SUNDAY, JULY3,1988 from 1:30 to4:00 to help them celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary BESTWISHESONLY