HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-11-1, Page 2‘f
I--'1'Ant'aA■y• November 1, MR.
,I of tile"(Blear South are the year part of
- the United States. and that the loyalty
J1�C•f 1Q�i1 I of the Suutheruer+stn the Democratic
ESTABLISHED 1848 party is being lit rattled by the ••Ioltt
IptpDEKICII CANADA l of a "wet" eaudtdate for President.
Member• f Canadian Weekly News - 1141e Pr14idcut: howe"er, eau wake n"
papers Association ehafiae In the ltrs'hlUitbit law. and
Published every Thursday morning. lntlltous of dry'IMw.a•rats will vote for
liab•criptlon price 12.00 per year Smith. while millions of wet Releddl•1
atrlctJy In advance. cane 11111 vote for Hoover.
TILE SIGNAL PKINTING CO. LTD* The issues wldeh we have ux•11tI(4
Telephone SS , • Osderich, Ont.
are nut the only ones which are
W. H. Rohe/110a. laditor and ]tanager
tiding the {orgies lu the tl;aul.
teat welsh will he ,oin1Udrd nc\
Tuesday,' but p•rha111. sufli.•Irut I,
been indicated to whew to what •''
tent 1'nited States petit lent banes .t -
between the two great parties compare',
wird thoxP of our own country.
Thursday, November .1,
1't:e United Stats ekvt.4 Its 1'reA-
dent every fouttt. year, ou the drat
Tuesday after the drat afouday iu No-
vember. 'thus suction day cannot be
mirlier than the 2nd of the mouth nor
later than the Sth. The question 1*
pmetimes heard: How lin the politi-
cal parties lu the states correspond
with those iu Canada? Which Is the
Liberal and which is the Cuuaer
party'' There la uo exact comport -
114.:11, µfn. yet the qt e
s[lu l'c o us up au ill -
terestiug examination of Uncle Sanies
polities. •
The Civil \\'a4' 44f the INis left au
lupus'+ upon Lulled ,States i
which hie uut yet worn off. Fur two
decades after that sanguinary !outdid
Western "%chea1 1s pouring through i
Hurou'a Golden Cate In it great flood. -
• • •
and at Ottawa, and declared to tbe
newspaper hien who, met hint: "Wei
return with a greater'prlde lu the Di►.
minion titan ewer before, and we are
satlsfle,l that 'opportunity Ilea more to
our way than IA the }yaw with ant
urger country under the sud."
lirdr., would have
444 •t of
enc. -cgs
Bruce county If its 1
tine of big city control
of the hig cities.
• •
111, wuu Ierfn! ;;as
lwliiF lierfrmnrrt----44(
throughout the length
a much better
144 its
fight it..
ItsturP• were WA
to the
' interests
P11I: 1\41t1,11 t'EDES1'111.tN: ••1 hole• they suspend your Berner
this time. you big stiff."
MARS +the r, 441 lust : tti.u't Make e Thelugh; why. I own Dally Express, Loudon.
is a land ..f goof 1.1
eat .appetites,
Whateyer the'rd-4111 ••f tilt 1'rrsidru-
tial Alt•4'tlou may be. 14.vtrruur :41111th
• 11na w141e the ea 1111.34:11 41 livelier one
u t114' 1 11tiwl
tr�.p.nui.•al (rats tent, hat been /.4•1/1/
--f _,yyelrs_litatr+_ y nlut?_-:4.1r-.
and breadth of •• •
_t,Y_Iieyuhlic•a11 arty. represeott11t :I •1. ,Y
victorious Northern cause, crus 11rud•
In the saddle, Grover Clevel?t141, to
ISM, being tl.e first Dcwu.•r.1t 1.4 la.
elected President after the mor.
Cleveland there 110• Leen oxly nuc
Deura'ratie President. \1'o..lrow \\'il
attn. Roth - these mw1 .44•.11pi1•11 ter
White House for twit term'. . While
the North during all tin••+' y4'.ir• ha-
beeu strongly It0lalldl'n11. the 5.11!tern
Itttlte.: Lave been Well more-1r•tetctn
1h.u)o;raatic. 11(441 In e4ery ete•t:ott tt.4
support of the
••Solid 4.1114 t:•t- lstW
aiceu to the :1I/Ai•i:ue f,•'
Presidency. A
.-oto-,,4-1-..».77 -nilZfl
114' 111,1.10 between the so,.
0,( 1:.e 111110 i . .'t r
almost -olid (tnet.er
the tabet..1 I•"Hy of 1.
„f ,our:e 1...4 cuu,liti•. -
L. 11:1- •,.'l.tatr 'y are aisil.etet,'.
_\ party lour; i:. power :e1..-
1ue.un-t'rcaihe. .•d r.;. ,4i•.. 4•'
it,tet•'-:s• Ui•iiffer'la or loud a t,• -
reform-. olid
1t.-- atrinr'd'i:-at
part! h 11 4.••t es•need 411' ...I.:4...11101.
.e• 40f ii- 1..114 1.11.: ••nly t y 1•roker.
trtrur.•of.i he• It n1_.1 1.4' t(rtrn•.1 1141
I 44,.•4 1 litrv'.
t',q4-,•; �, ..: i4 (•
,1.•,-. were• it net that :!•••re i- 1... era.
rndr••nl',4 ;- In the o+lt,: 4'y . It. ic;
it .1.11' •• said that 1'1111. -
1111.•State•. •,• it- great :.•1 .444 4llx•t.
in Inanv 11:1)s. 4"-'Is•litleail)- •••.e of the
Most consere.ttite Iwlluu- Ila _Citri-fru
dom. 'flit' Iteprblic.ile.1•:1rty is 41.•
party of_ high protection. white 4L.-
lieues•rati.: party 'has 11r' '4-*)e.t ••• '•
ur less 044tideteiviy a .tariff framed iu
interest of the retro iter'. In the
11.0410111 conte -t: Immense, the Ism.'-:
Brat- have preen Ised not to tit -curb 1 17e'1
tariff pi 1114• .ujury of •441) iu11urlry.
ani1 while \Ir. Homer - Mull other Bel
-----. ed:livens are still toin>• to scare 111*.
*otera Ly holding 44114 the bogey uf1
tariff rsluetiou- by the Itemocrats
should they why -tidy elrrtlen, 110'
Ugnuc-ratic INId-I'°. fool, 4:1rertwr'
Smith do4yu. are 11.scring the pro-
tected interests that they have ut'-'
•--4bi■a . fear„ ' In ?twit at4itnde 4444 the
tariff the Rrptablicnt - may be rem -
pared with Dar Conservatives of (Am-
ada. end the ts•m...rats with the 1.1b-1
*rale of this country.
There la another striking similarity
between the Canadian Llberuts and the
United States Dewuerate. A: the Lib-
erals did in the rase t*f -Sir Wilfrid
Laurier. the Democrats have 141.1411),
uplifted the banner Iof religious lot•:
'ranee and have nominated a Roman'',
Catholic as their national le'1der. j
There are bolters, of cunrse-thrxls-I
ands, perhaps :millions. of term -4814
the candidacy of Governor $tnilh is
giving the people of the United State.'
an opportunity of showing the degree
of their devotion to that clause. of
'ffielr, eonetltntion 11ilt-h declares that
mo '4'4 tot 1,.111 be rcgo4 ('(lirst-
a gnaliflcatioii .(while ultra•,„ --
Historically. the par It Sjt•e 1'
"States rights" party of t)' I'u II i
State*. while the Liberals are the
"Provincial rights" marts of 1'nnnd*
but tele, while 1t dells w•Ith n fnnda-'
mental distinction of ir.lrtiet+, 1s a
rather academic mnttt'r outside the!
scope of this article.
Contrary to the condition in ('sn-4
oda, the farming States of :h' II'e*t
halve given their sllpllnrt mainly to the
protectionist Republicans. \Beller
this is a matter of *Pnlinleut nrl1in-I
citing in the Civil War :period. or not.'
we do nM know. At any bete. will,..
the farmers of the Canadian Weal
have clearly *een their interest in op
posing high tariffs. the termer* of the
Western States, while freetlentl) di-.
affected and prone to forming nt
parties. and liate■Ing to Impractical
sebemfs !pr the alleviation of their
condition, have been a enhmtantlal pr••4,
of the penteetionlstoystem .rrfrrrn•'Pcfor4ftila,.
line. With their I
tattle tehetnes like that of A,4' MI
Mary -Haagen ln/.ia.ire, (14'4 n ,4041r 1••
be n41fortunet; In the
ednatterst.1f lend
Priddy and p' fur tI the t re"
Prohibition to an Ila le Int 4)1 {l tl"
en( contose. and. a rtdr-
• hltlon en1'a lines eyrie+' both portio-
n Is oa1A that lite 1tetntsratle 54:4r.• -
in'sat e
4-4444 "pm' noimiell, 1111! 'his 111(4 at lea.: 11.re.• 444••1.-' f•- i1.M•-►t
.1 ..u. *ntomn entitl
up his 4utsi,4' wort'; tut he dura 1140:
ave/I 114411' winter can (lune until the end
4.f 'Novemla'r at the earliest.
. • • •
Mr. Maclenxte King has returned to
intuit 1 after au abseil.* of two months
in Europe. durlug yy'lli.h Dear he rcpre-
'euted l'a1wda at sesslo11s or the
1A111lte T.tf Natitnr. - end-- perforated
Baby's Own Tablets Are the Ideal
Remedy for Babies • and Young
Childuwthl en
4'auudiwl eare noted for the
care they gee their little one* -the
health of the baby Is most jealously
guarded suit the mother is alwsye ou 111 r. and Mrs. Peter Fr41yue tele -
elandlookout fur a emetic a aleieh is eat- orated their gulden wetI,IIg 'Tuesday
*Mut anti at the saws time at41atlutrly
mfr. 'r111usau+Is 40f mothers ha
Slick u remedy in globs',. Own
ve ./f last week. Since their marriage'
f I I fifty years ago they have been real-
Taldels anti mange of them use uothlua' deals• of Exeter. Mr. Frryue cone'
elm for the ailments 44f their little din,te.t a harnesltuaking busbies: u11111
s. Among thew is Mrs. Huw'ard a teem years ago. tt'wit he retired. Four
King. of 'rrur.l, N.S., who aayw:--"I daughters and 444x• soil are living and
4''s Own 44'14 4„ .•Mud the uwitter,
caw ',trona') rtvvpwux•ud ita(y all "veer pt'@
Tablets to mothers ut voting thUdrt'u gars wi4h 41,0w.
hew I lett Reginald
444 I know Of nothing to e4tual t The funeral of the
' for little ones." Elliott. who died at 'Distill.. October
114410'.. (lion T.1I.Irts letrr still by' Reit. talk plat* 1n Exeter ..n the 2•211.1wt.li. i11` deu'rrs 441 b4' ml xt '.:1 .*uta no
yeas vsau:tacted under ales ale.
:, (Moi fropt Thr 11r_ \ 11"1". t4' Il- auspice:. The 440c1.1.4.41 Wo: the sou
-. Elliott t
It. V. aul. \i
r 1
late 1 I
1 •o tin. ..•'c a out. t 1
rfue 1'.•.. ltrv. l 111 .
--- -- Exeter and 1141e engaged with 111• agog
-A g+aal kici:er ha*, more (Heed- ..r. --aur:. thank for runny year. -- _--_ _---
t' a gridiron than on the ,:i:Ituold. -' The South Heron plowing ,atatch
41,11;1•11 'rivar<. _ I:el11 1/etuta•r Sltla on the farm of Ed
The subtle delicacy In everything Japanese ap-
pears also In the captivating i first -crop of r incom-
parable ee
first -crop teas.Y
used In this new Japan =teen tea.
Fresh tram the Gardens
I'In• • Itt.•rd S , . :ly ii iota Iakr other titlkiul tingle! Ile "vas wnnub
--_ -- - - • ' .wt 41410.1', where I!e 1:1 tided,
t1'ulker. testi and, a'half tulles .*Muth
,f Exeter 011 the Loudon road, 11•:1•
1% VII 111te11(lel1 and 111114'11 Interest w•as
0111.1w41 to the various contests.
Now that thtelltles on the highways
are falling off somewhat, the iI'
'r./1l Cs x1111111 to open 1111.
arine. Standen -Li.
Put Y ad. ha The 1 Bloat
est Colds
Rub well over
throat and chest
sc s
APOR!~ ■
"400" Advanced Six
7 -Passenger Sedan
Nash Dealers
to view a representative showing of the great -
New Nash "400"
The World's New and Finer Motor Car
Come and examine in detail the many sensational
features of the "400" -their strikingly beautiful new
Salon bodies . .. the great new Twin -Ignition high -
compression Motor ... the new Nash system of
spring suspension combined with hydraulic shock
absorbers ... the new -type steering mechanism .. .
Bijur centralized chassis lubrication ... and many
other important engineering advantages.
It is a genuine privilege and pleasure to announce that
Huron Motor Sales have assumed N 'representa-
tion in Goderich.
We feel that the Breay Nash Motors, Ltd., wholesale
distributors, and Nash owners in this section are for-
tunate in having the Nash franchise entrusted to a con-
cern of such unusual ability and excellent reputation.
South Street is
The new Nash home at
amply provided with modern and efficient service
equipment; and owners in this section are assured of
a high standard of car maintenance.
You are cordially invited to visit these headquarters
Three Series -Four Wheelbase Lengths -16 Enclosed Models
FBM ,\h.rit 50
7(MI hal•. of
*pelt*: n qunn)*4'uit
posts, and mina
*fir: 1ee.
Ulf wilI be anld, without re
Its the proprietor t* giving no
FIRMS play. grain, end all *elms
f %T0 and tinter, ea*h; over tent
inlonut ft month: credit will be given
ism tarnishing approved joint note*.
.1 di*ennnt at the mite of 6 per cent.
ts'r nnnnm allow AltM1 cash on credit
elf I4nndny ntnntmts
f11 the morning t:EtrR4:I: (' fi'•aMAN,
a Rev. R. R.' PJOprlrt.,r
nc1•upy the .I, T A01'NPRY A SON.
./1441111g 4'Y'1
fanning mill:
diafha, fora.. .-(shovels,; turnip drill:
Fara! car, 1tr14t. Farm Mmpri*in¢ frllv2 nrr/.s of loam'
Grain -.\bent bushela Data; 200- (1411 Mal mesh storing creek at hock of
Mi*hel* barley : a gnanifty of hay. 111x1 farm: h s fenerA : at dlfeh/.4'l
about 2 acres of t.. Im4a• hoot house on farm: R mile• to Luck -
OW flan gime time irarld Hamilton n • t i, mtloo 10 :.ane* : near thatch
no 811111-
41 sums of 4410 and
earth: over that mmonn. sir
.nth*' credit on approved joint note
with *iv per 4r40. per nnnnm Interest.
Having pttrchnamll n rrnrerr 1.771*lnr*
It Hanover. 1 nm gnittine farming.
Terme of sole of fnrm 11911 Fu/. mai*.
known at date of *411-.
A YS-R,..K
n. • AYS-RC,AYS ta., N.A
Hamilton Rt., tiodericn
SCRANCE CO. -Farm and 1M
bitted town property Imenrod.
Ofilceri-Jae. (snotty, Pres., Go&
retch P. 0.; Jas. Evans, Vice -Prue.
Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor.
See.-Treas., Sea forth P. O.
Dlreetora-A. Broadfoot, R. S-
1 No. 8• Seatorth ; John G. Grieve. No.
j 4, Walton; William Rinn, R. R. No.
2 Seatorth : Jahn B/.nnewle•. Brod
hagen ; Gen yc(arin/.y. R. R. No. 1l
SPaforth ; Robert Ferri* Airlock,
Murray Glhaon Rrneeflell ; Jame
Svana. Beecham -A; Jame'•• ('.onnolly,
AgontS--J. W. Yen. Goderieb
Ales. i.eitch. R. R No. 1, Cllntoa i
1 John Murray. Reafnrth : 0 ninety*.
Seaforth. Policy holders ran make 11I
1 payments and fret their cards receipt -
re of R. J. Mnrriah's Clothing Store.
CNt.tea ; R. A. Cett's Orncery. EIW -
s,nn strost, (UpAetich. or J. 0 Sete
Proprietor. .\nctlettkfts. HENRY Peninetor. • Anctlnneer. " f•e.nl Store. Reynold.
\ulnen R. R. A.
will offer fur tole 2 tow'*, r1•iag '
Par* 011, ntppo*hl to be in calf : 4 on main rend : all
nnewly seeded rec-
2 steers, .I sept 17 acre* : ore
treif/.4's rising 2 year/ old; aboet 'S acres. Lnph: barn, 411a/n.
riming 2 year* old, 1
There will 1*' no reserve, a* pro- modelled twel80 year* agn: litter ear -
fertilise. rler: venter howl* anti well: stable*.
prTFR is giving np 1A1m' cement fnllnd4tinn' *Ppnr*anr bowie.
TERMS. -All end Ali hay, moth;
and flint cement: ,%rlcine *heal. Ifrt4e: new
of 410 and under. he' M 4KlT 111try hmise Vut6n. Bowie 2isll7. 7
'lien o twelve menthe' �'(W will l t . pit 4j
nlnt roams with }tear and *eft water tied
ripen on fn yet
oITlr1*1 1 on `Hdlg In rahinet : Melt kitchen 1211i
credit Tour plat' cent. eft for yeah • faftw ; hens/. remodelled twelve years
rrwllt mm�n11Ints. PON, agn
i1.1,R. T. Gi'NT1R1f dl • JMTN PURViS
1 4,4
is t
st i