HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-06-08, Page 22THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1988. PAGE 23. CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.75for 20 words, additional words 11ceach. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 1 ABOVE GROUND SWIMMING pool with walL-around deck, pump and all accessories. Phone 523-9277. 23-lp HAY HEAD FOR A 717 HARVES- tor, excellent condition. Also 10 acres of standing hay. Phone 523-9538. 23-lp COCKSHUTT 423 SWATHER, 12 ft. cut, bat reels, in good running order, never cut hay, $950. Call 887-6750. 23-2p HARDWOOD SLABS - 10TO 11 cord per truckoad. $130 - $135, delivered in Blyth area. Phone 529-7302. 23-4 HAY FOR SALE, 887-6777. 23-lp 1982 DODGE ARIES, 2 DOOR, 2.2 litre, 4 cyl., automatic, AM/FM radio, $2,995 certified. Call 523- 9474or887-9104after6p.m. 23-1 30 ACRES OF STANDING HAY by the acre. County Road 25, 2 miles east of Auburn. Phone Bud Chamney, 526-7799. 23-1 12 ACRES STANDING HAY, 50-50 alfalfa - Timothy mix, will cut. Call Lloyd McClinchey at 526-7591. 23-1 1983 RM80 MOTORCYCLE, FULL floated, well maintained. $550 or best offer. Call Scott or Jerry 887-6786. 23-1 35 ACRES OF STANDING HAY. Alfalfa mixture. Phone 887-6348. 23-1 40 ACRES OF ALFALFA HAY. Phone 523-4260. 23-2 RAINBOW TROUT - YEAR round fishing and pond stockers, 3 concessions north of Blyth, 3 sideroads west. David and Gloria Hedley, 357-2329. 19-6 GRAPHS, POSTERS, SIGNS, Pic­ tures, Banners, and title pages designed by computer graphics. $2 for first copy, .20 cents per page for repeats. Phone Craig at 523-9636. 04-tfn HANK’S SMALL ENGINE SALES and Service, Highway 4, Londes- boro. Complete service for small engines. Dealer for Canadiana, Bolens, Weed Eater, Poulan and Badger Farm Equipment. Call 523-9202. 25-tfn RAINBOW AIR PURIFICATION Systems for your home - essential for people with dust allergies. Call Larry Bolger523-4784. 17-tfn 315 NEW HOLLAND BALER AND thrower in excellent condition. Call 523-4408. 21 -3p BAILER TWINE FARM EQUIPMENI IIMIIID 527-0120 SEAFORTH TURNBERRY UPHOLSTERY, Brussels - sofas and chairs, recovered like new! Free esti­ mates, pick-up and delivery. Workmanship guaranteed. Call 887-6073. 21-4 ROLLER MILLS, FEED MIXERS, Belt and Chain Conveyors, Feed­ ers, “Super Bowl’’ Energy Free Waterers, “Quality Plus’’Hog and Cattle Stabling, alsoCow Mats, Calf Hutches, Energizer Heat Recovery Units, Innovator and Valmetal Silo Unloaders (new and used in stock). Financing is available. Call Clarkhill Feeders, Phil Clark, 519-524-4367. 11-tfn ATTENTION FARMERS: Versatile swather model 400, 12 ft. Pick-up head and bat reel and trailer, 756 International gas tract- orwithcab. Massey Ferguson 1100 diesel with cab. Versatile 4 wheel drive model 300 hydro-mech with duals. Hank Reinink 523-9202 or after6p.m. 523-4569. 22-2 31 ACRES OF STANDING MIXED hay. Phone 523-9590. 22-3 110 ACRES OF STANDING HAY in Belgrave area. Phone 357-1279. 22- 3p $$ LIQUIDATION $$ BUILDINGS priced for immediate disposal. All items in stock. 30 x 40 x 14 $3,800; 40 x 60 x 14 $5,990; 50 x 80 $11,260; 70 x 120 $27,900. Various sizes available up to 120ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery. Call toll free 1-800-387-2115, or 1-416-858-2446 23- lp VERMEER 604J BALER, DE- luxe model, two years old; also purebred two year old Salers Bull. Phone Neil Metheral, Glen Huron, Ontario. (705)466-2169. 23-lp METALDETECTORS & TRAC- ersfor hobby, prospecting, trades­ men and law enforcement. For info call or write Detect Enterprises, 254 Bridge St., Carleton Place, Ont. K7C 3H4 (613) 257-7207. 23-lp SWIMMING POOL SALE. TOP quality inground, onground, aboveground. Professional instal­ lation. Free diving board or solar blanket with purchase. Riviera Pools (519) 747-4399, (519) 658- 8091. Guaranteed lowest prices. 23-lp STEEL BUILDINGS - SAVE Thousands while supply lasts - Summer Clearance - We have limited steel left over from our largest Spring Sale ever - Paragon Structures 1-800-263-8499. 23-lp ARTHRITIC PAIN? ACHING Back? Stiff Joints? Sleeping Hands? “BEULAH OIL’’ Helps!! Send $1 for brochure/information: Beulah Land, Box 1086, Portage La Prairie, Man. RIN 3C5. 23-lp STEEL BUILDINGS - BUY FAC- tory Direct & Save -Quonsets 10x8 xl2$698; Str#ightwalls30x 12x50 $8,658 - including endwalls - Galvalume material - other sizes available at discount prices - Call Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-668- 5422 (24 hours). Dealer inquiries welcome. 23-lp SPRING SALE ON QUONSET buildings: 32 x 48 $4,988; 40 x 58 $6,388; 46 x 68 $8,888; 52 x 78 $11,488. Don’t be fooled by imitations. Call Miracle Span 1-800-668-5111. 23-lp COMIC BOOK SUBSCRIPTION Service offers a 20% discount on Comics and Adventure Gaming products. Write -1,000,OOOComix, 2400 Guelph Line, Burlington, Ontario. L7P 4M7. 23-lp HYDROPONIC SUPPLIES. HA- lide & Sodium lighting. Ebb and flow tables assorted sizes. Aero Jet - HFT/aeroponics, 88 & 384 Plantlet systems. Expand-O-Gar- den drop systems from $20 per unit. Free expert consultation and local service, Homegrown Hydro­ ponics, 2737 Weston Rd., Weston, Ont. M9M 2R4. (416) 745-5007. 23-lp FOR RENT “THE MILLPOND’’, NEW IN Palmerston. Luxury retirement living. Large 2 bedroom suite, includes frig, stove, air condition­ ing, washer, dryer, private cover­ ed balcony, controlled entry. Re­ ferences required. Contact Mark Robinson at Marcon Studio, 519- 343-2201. 19-6 LOST LADIES’ TIMEX WRIST WATCH on May 11 in Brussels. Call Mrs. Dorothy McCauley 887-6573.23-lp WANTED WANTED TO BUY: 1 USED T.V. Tower, 40’ or 60’. Call 887-6918. 23-3 OLD WRISTWATCHES WANT- ed. Men’s only Eaton’s Quarter Century Club, Men’s rectangular wristwatches (25 years service) will pay $1500 and up for this watch. Also wanted old Rolex, Patek Phillip and Cartier wrist­ watches. Phone/Write (416) 365- 7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ont. M5A 1S2. 23-lp HELP WANTED FULL-TIME ASSISTANT DIREC- tor, Day Centre for the Home­ bound, Social/Recreational Day ProgramforOlder Adults. Send resume to 273 Edward St. Wing­ ham. NOG 2W0,357-1440. 23-2 IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR Crusher Foreman, experience an assetbutwewill train the right person. Wages are negotiable. Phone R. Farrish Construction Ltd., 291-3730, from 7a.m. to 6 p.m. and after 6, 291-3581. Ask for Rob. 23-1 THE BLYTH FESTIVAL IS TAK- ing applications from people inter­ ested in working full or part-time this summer in the Food Spot. We needaManagerandServers. Also, we require Backstage Assistants or General Office Helpers. Send letter of application and your resume to Joel Harris, General Manager, Blyth Festival, P.O. Box 10, Blyth,Ontario. N0M 1H0. 23-2 VOLUNTEER USHERS (over 12 years of age) needed for the Blyth Festival. We need Adults as well as Youths, especially for the Matinee and Weekend performances. Please telephone 519-523-4345 and give your Name, Address, Telephone # and Age (if under 25). 23-2 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS RE- quires part-time cleaning person to clean the municipal office and library once a week. Applications will be received in the Clerk’s office until5p.m. June 20. 23-1 ETHEL BRANCH LIBRARY RE- quires a branch supervisor. Re­ sponsible for library services to the Ethel area, five hours per week, Wednesday evening and Saturday afternoon. 1988 wage range - $6.44 perhourto$7.43 per hour. Apply in writingby June lOtoBeth Ross, Chief Librarian, Huron County Library, 66 Waterloo St. S., Goderich N7A 4A4. 22-2 CHICKEN CATCHERS PART- time and full-time - work available now! Also special student hours available. Call free 1-800-265-3034 01-tfn THE FORT FRANCES POLICE Force invites applicants to qualify for the position of Constable. Applicants must meet all require­ ments of the Ontario Police Act and must successfully pass all tests and interviews set by the Fort Frances Police Force. Consideration will be given for previous police experi­ ence and training. A complete and detailed resume in the handwriting of the applicant should be sent to J.N. Murray Chief of Police, P.O. Box 698, Fort Frances, Ont. P9A 3N1. 23-lp IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR IN- dividual to manage an active sales force selling printing, office sup­ plies and furniture. Proven sales background. Compensation excel­ lent, linked to performance. Send resume to: Temiskaming Printing, Box 580, New Liskeard, Ont. POJ 1P0. Att:Gord Love. 23-lp QUALIFIED AUTO ELECTRIC Rebuilders. Starting wages $20 an hour. Must have reference and hand tools. One year’s work guaranteed. Option to buy. Apply to Box 11, Listowel, Ont. N4W 3H2. 23-lp MACHERI FASHION SHOWS. Est. 1975. Join our successful team of independent representatives in presenting quality lingerie & leisurewear. It’s fun, easy profit­ able! Call collect (416) 632-9090. 23-lp RICH & FAMOUS! MULTI-MIL- lion Dollar International firm seeks 2 representatives in your area that seek incomes of up to $800 - $1600 plus weekly. No direct selling involved, daily repeat business, set your own hours. Training provided. For confidential inter­ view Call 9-5 (416) 756-7796 or (416)756-2111. 23-lp Help Wanted Wingham & District Community Living Association invites applications for one PART-TIME RESIDENTIALCOUNSELLOR for 53 Patrick St. Qualifications: Developmental Service Worker Diploma or equivalent with experience in the field of Social Services. Please forward complete re­ sume with references to: W.D.C.L.A. Residential Services Box 1042 Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 Attn.: Marian Raynard by June 15, 1988. HARDWORKING, CONFIDENT, Outgoing, Likes to help people, Not Shy, Might even say “Plea­ santly Aggressive”. Oil Check Labs Inc. needs sales people throughoutOntario. Call 1-800- 668-5340. 23-lp HOUSEWIVES, MOTHERS & interested persons needed im­ mediately to sell toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investment, deliveries or money collection. Call (519) 258-7905. 23-lp NOTICE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron proposes to enact a By-law to stop up, close and convey to the adjacent property owner that part of County Road Number 31 in the Township of Colborne more particularly de­ scribed in Schedule “A” as follows: Partof Huron County Road Number31 described as Part lonaplandepositedinthe Registry Office for the Regis­ try Division of Huron [No. 22] as Number 22R-2350. The Road Committee for the County of Huron will hear in person any individual, counsel, solicitor or agent, who claims thathis land will be prejudi­ cially affected atthehourof 9:00 A.M. on July 7, 1988 in the County Engineer’s Office of the Court House in Goderich, On­ tario. This notice first published on June 8, 1988. B.G.Hanly Clerk-Administrator County of Huron. TENDERS WANTED HULLETT TOWNSHIP TENDERSWANTED For loading and hauling of approx. 11,000 cu. yds. of B gravel and about 5500 cu. yds. of shoulder clay for road construction in Hullett Twp. at the rate of 1500 cu. yds. or more per day. The material to be supplied by the Twp. of Hullett. Work to start around the 8th of August, 1988. Contact the Road Superintendent for tender forms and they must be receiv­ ed by the Road Superintendent containing a certified cheque of 10% of the enclosed bid by 5 p.m. June 20, 1988. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and must be approved by M.T.C. Jim Johnston Road Superintendent Londesboro, Ontario. NOM 2H0 523-4404.