HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-06-01, Page 20PAGE 20. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1988. Classified Ads CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.75 for 20 words, additional words 11c each. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. TENDERS WANTED HURON COUNTY REGISTRY OFFICE REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon on Monday, June 20,1988 forthe removal and replace- mentofwindowsinthe Registry Office, 38 North Street, God­ erich, Ont. Specifications and tender forms are available from the undersigned. The lowest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted. B.G. Hanly, Clerk-Administrator, County of Huron, Court House, The Square, Goderich, Ont. N7A 1M2. CARD OF THANKS CARDIFF-HAHN. We would like to thank everybody who took time out of their busy schedules to attend our Stag and Doe. We both enjoyed seeing everyone, and hope you all had as good a time as we had. A special thanks to the bridal party, family members and friends who helped to organize the party, and make it so much fun. - Stew and Alison. 22-1 HAHN. I would like to thank all those who attended my community shower, andforallthebeautiful gifts Special thanks to Alma Watson, Betty Campbell, Rene Richmond, the “Hockey Girls,’’ and to all those who helped in any way. Thanksagain.-Alison. 22-1 KING. Again may I say how much I cherish the concern, the prayers and the friendship that has been extended to me in my time of need. The cards, flowers, books and visits are deeply appreciated and reflect your love and thoughtful­ ness. Special thanks to the Jamie­ sons and Mary Douma for so aptly doing my duties at the church. - Sincerely, Joanne King. 22-1 PROCTER. I wish to express a sincere thank you to Mrs. Lois Moran for her help getting me dressed and to Paul Cook who came to my home so promptly and drove metothe Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to my family Maxine, whocleanedthe windows in my home; Marjorie and Philip, who planted the flowers and to Karen Procter for all her visits. I would like to thank Dr. Long and Dr. Omole and also the nurses on second floor for the wonderful care I received. Thanks again everyone. It was all very much appreciated. - Beth Procter. 22-1 THE BRUSSELS JR. D. HOCKEY Club, executive, coaches and players would like to extend their gratitude for all the loyal support of the fans. A special thanks to all our sponsors, and to all the others who contributed to our successful season. 22-lb HULZEBOS. We wish to thank everyone for the flowers, cards and visits while we were in the hospital. -Ann and Hallie Hulzebos. 22-1 CARD OF THANKS SWEENEY. I would like to thank everyone for remembering me with cards, flowers, and treats while I was in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London and since coming home.-Sam Sweeney. 22-lp IN MEMORIAM HAMM. In loving memory of our dear parents and grandparents, Sadie who passed away June 6, 1985 and George, July 6, 1987. Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed, still very dear. - Lovinglyremembered by their family. 22-lp BIRTHS HULZEBOS. We excitedly an­ nounce the arrival of our sister, Hallie RuthannonMay 16, 1988 weighing 8 lbs., 41/2 oz. Special thankstoDr. Steed and nursing staff for taking good care of mom and Hallie. - Charlene and Jason. RILEY. Wayne and Karen are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Kristie May, born on May 8, 1988, weighing 8 lb. Proud grandparents are Bill and Marion Heddenof Brussels and Jim Riley of Exeter. DEATH CARDIFF. Passed away at the Children’s Hospital of Western Ontario on Friday, May 20, 1988, Christopher James Cardiff of London, in his5th year. Darling son of Victor and Shirley, dear brother of Lisa and Kevin, grand­ son of Ross Cardiff of Brussels, and Alvin and Evelyn Luckhardt of Monkton. Also survived by numer­ ous aunts, uncles and cousins. Visitation took place at the Need­ ham Funeral Home in London. Funeral services were conducted on Tuesday, May 24 at Faith Lutheran Church, with interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, London. ENGAGEMENTS CUDMORE-ROETCISOENDER Mr. Don Cudmore of Leamington and Mrs. Betty Jo Cudmore of Clinton are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Joy Ann Cudmore to Tony Hielke Roetcisoender, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hielke Roetcisoender of Blyth. The wedding will take place on Saturday, June the fourth, at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Clinton. (Rev. Gregory Gilson will offici­ ate). After the wedding, they will reside in the country north of Blyth. 22-1 CARDIFF-HAHN. Diane and Peter Hahn of Mississauga would like to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Alison Holly, to Stewart Albert, son of Audrey and Jack Cardiff of Brus­ sels, on Saturday, June 11, 1988 at theBrusselsUnitedChurch. An open reception will follow at 9 p.m. at the Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre. 22-1 AT YOUR SERVICE ELDERS GRAIN COMPANY providing alternative marketing avenues for all traditional crops. Also offering contracts on new & exciting Alternative Cash Crops. For fall delivery into the Port of Prescott for all grains. Phone (613) 925-4273 Collect. 22-lp AT YOUR SERVICE HANDY MAN, HOME MAIN- tenance, renovations. No job too small. Phone Larry, 523-9705. 17-tfn BILL’S AUTO WRECKING & Repair will pick up scrap vehicles. Call 887-6510. 20-4 QUEEN’S BUSH RURAL MINI­ STRY. We can help 519-392-6090. 13-tfn FOR CUSTOM BULLDOZING AND SCRAPER WORK CALL: BILLMcDOUGALL BULLDOZING BLYTH,ONTARIO 523-9643 OpeningJune6 ELAINE'S GROOMING STUDIO BELGRAVE, ONTARIO 357-1918 Across from the Ball Park in "Grooming by Appointment Only" ATTENTION FARMERS 1. ] HAY CUTTING 9’ HAYBINE 2. ] ROUND BALING WITH VARIED SIZES [4'x4' - $4.25/bale, 4'x5' - $5.25/bale, 4'x6' - $6.00/bale. Discount for 50 bales or more.] 3. ] SQUARE BALING -Don't have time to do your haying? We will — from field into your barn. COMPETITIVE RATES DURWAY CUSTOMSERVICES R.R. 1, LONDESBORO 482-7301 GARAGE SALES A 20 FAMILY GARAGE SALE June4 from 9-1 at the 4 Seasons Camp, Auburn. Dishes, clothes, furniture, quilted cushions and home baking. 22-1 COMING EVENTS THEGODERICH POWER SAIL Squadron will be conducting “Let’s be Boat Wise’’ sessions for children between 7 -13 years of age, starting Saturday, June 4, for four consecutive Saturday morn- ingsbetween 10 a.m. and noon. Registration is June 4 at Maitland Valley Marine. For more informa­ tion call 482-7849. 21-2 FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL: RIBS and sauerkraut served in our lounge 5 to 8 p.m. Phone for take-out 523-9381, The Blyth Inn. 14-tfn CALVIN BRICK UNITED Church is holding its annual cold meat supper on Saturday, June 4 at the Institute Hall, Belgrave, from 5 to 7 p.m. Adults, $6.00; Children, $3.00; Family maximum, $18.00. 21-2 COMING EVENTS ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET, salad bar, roast beef, home made pies, $9.95. White Carnation, Holmesville, Sundays, 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. 20-eow ANNUAL MEETING FOR THE Wingham and District Community Living Association (formerly the Wingham and District Assoc, for the Mentally Retarded), Tuesday, June 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the Wingham Armouries. Guest spea­ ker: Linda Girard, Program Super­ visor, Ministry of Community and Social Services, speaking on the ministry’s future direction in supporting people with handicaps. 22-2 STAG AND DOE FOR DIANE Jefferson and David Thomson on Saturday, June 4 at the Wingham Legion. 22-lp DAY TRIPS - KITCHENER - shopping, Tuesday, June 7. Rag Time Revue with Dave Hoy and his Honky Tonk piano and other stars, family-style dinner, Wednesday, July6. Phone Helen McBurney, Nicholson Bus Lines, 357-3424. 22-1 REAL ESTATE GULF ISLANDS, B.C. SOUTHEY Point, 3.48 Acres, treed water­ front, S.W. exposure, end Cui de Sac, water, power, add your dream house. $189,500. Call Mel (604) 537-5515. 22-lp “Suddenly it ’s sold’’ MASON BAILEY GORDON HILL BROKER SALES REPRESENTATIVE 482-9371 [24 hour service] 233-3307 ^\5^uystore’ Mly equipped, apartmentBlyth, main stree above. DAIRY FARM: 142 acres, highway location, adjacent to Village of Blyth, will sell as going concern or bare farm. LAWN CARE BUSINESS: A Going Concern. Full line of equipment. 89 ACRES: 80 acres workable, near Westfield. 30 acres fall wheat. No atrazine. 85 ACRES: East Wawanosh, cut stone, two floor home, four bedrooms, two bay garage and heated workshop. Hardwood bush, trout stream, very scenic. This is an exceptional property designed for the executive person who wants every convenience and country atmosphere. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY with 2 apartments, Queen Street, Blyth. 100 ACRES: Farm near Auburn, 75 acres workable, 11/2 storey stucco home. General purpose barn. 100 ACRES: 90 acres workable, East Wawanosh, no buildings. Vendor will finance. BLYTH: Building lot on Hamilton Street, fully serviced. 12 ACRES: Hog barns for 650 hogs. Frame home. MORRIS TOWNSHIP: 4 bedroom frame home and heated workshop on 1/4 acre lot. Under $50,000. MOBILE HOME in good condition. 12’ x 60’. $8,900. 230 ACRES: On Maitland River. 140 acres workable, 75 acres hardwood bush, general purpose buildings, very scenic. BLYTH: 1 floor - 3 bedroom, new home, full basement and garage. Faith justified, minister says Rev. Ramirez chose as his sermon subjectSunday in Blyth United Church, “Justified by Faith in Jesus Christ’’. He said, “that being justified by faith means to override the laws.” He stated that with God there is no distinction - all are loved equally by Him, and that there is no way that we can earn our salvation. The choir sang the anthem, “God who made the earth and heaven”. Lorna Fraser was in charge of the nursery. COMING EVENTS NEL VAN KAMER, WHO HAS worked as an animal handler at zoos in Australia and Toronto, will be visiting with Bev Brown this weekend. She will be showing her slides of zoo animals at 7:30 p.m. June 3 at Brussels Mennonite Fellowship. All animal lovers, young and not so young, are welcome. 22-1 BRUSSELS COMMUNITY Church Service and Picnic Lunch, Sunday, June 12, 11:00 a.m. United Church side lawn. A cordial invitation to all. 22-1 LUCKNOW’S “CELEBRATE IN 1988’’. Reserve June 30-July 3 for a full weekend of events for the whole family. (519)528-3139 or Box572, Lucknow, NOG 2H0.21-lp ANNUAL MEETING of Brussels Jr. D Hockey Club WEDNESDAY, JUNE8 at8p.m. Brussels Legion EVERYONEWELCOME REAL ESTATE BLYTH: 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, garage, new maintenance free siding, large landscaped lot, under $50,000. Owner 416-685-0678. 22-2p REAL ESTATE LTD. 82 ALBERT STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO. Rev. Ramirez in his conversation with the children explained the meaning of sin and forgiveness. They sang, “Praise Him, Praise Him, all ye little children”. Elaine Poore was their leader for Junior congregation. Edelgarde and Hubert Hoba, Margaret Caldwell and Feme McDowell were ushers with the King family as greeters. The church was decorated with bou­ quets of lilacs and tulips. k t U