The Signal, 1928-10-18, Page 61-+1lla�sa4, oeelilate . i
Weekly Farm Bulletin
• ,
A despatch from \\'luuipcg hears this For • instance. alfalfa, now one of tie 1
week's . nest important ugri.•ultur,l great farm (rope. was not t•uttsideretl
of,suttleleat important* for listing until
metre. Hobert For'ke, Minister of lea'
1912. 14tus, tuttlllel almost
migration, amwuu ed that he and filo
11110.0110 acres In 1..97, covered less than
aleacietes erre working 011 t1 0 te111e II6.11t10 Just thirty years later. ltealis
Ivy wbk•b (',.wtdial, toys would receive a111111 under
aeres larl!►17 acre pr pressure rise to olhr
the same s-sist:uNr lu trod s. ttlrweiit , following ing year fell to lees than 23.1100 '
as BritiAt boys. Details are not )t't I ;rod law year Stood at ui'1'ruxlnull)•ly'
available and' have protubly not )et -x7,(1141. ,
toren derided upon. .1n.Involved Ptreblea.
'I'hls report may besafely clas,itk.l' The .labor gtppty upon the, farm
as • uitertsthig if true." S.owe suet presents au luvin:•ed problem. 111 the
erheme is long overdue. 1n the lust latest report • Moro faros .vwlithae.
Me ytuu1 Canadian desirous of efa1.- ,uwpilyd thou, t1,.• e,wll) ,rtamen1$ 41f
Balling himself upon the form has lgri,ilitur.l lepre•entarive,.• there are ,
Meru )a!s,r•11 over - while gnat efforts .erertl r.•a(ri... upon the scarcity of ;
have been made to assist ethers,eelabor. 4' .e 'u i .rt: 111 factor • 1X
User Seed. I pra.•tl..• ,.f 11;ring for -
t terms.u '
Seed of alfalftl, alslke and red clover( mot,41 live r,tisfaeh 41( for twelve .
will 14• short twit snri014. Peel, one of 1 m•w,he upon the eaFIiine of .e,4 en us .
tis• largest alfalfa seed -growing comm' :nm ,rditiar) farm worker. :411,1t y•i111st
ties, if out the largest. will hun•e ver) eiddli are or.aiuzea in *taxi «:t work
Bathe face with Minard's.
Fill cavities with cotton
soaked in glinard's. Sure
and quick relief. 7t
TheGreat White Liniment
Oceopat ion and Administration of
Cyprus Taken Over b) Prlthah
. Just FM, Years Ago.
The Jubilee of British sovereignty
In Cyprus was celebrated this year.
and in a timely article in the `Con-
temporary Review Miss Fadden Tin-
dall givers us the history of the state.
The concluding paragraphs of her are
title read, In part, as follows: -
"Just fifty years ago, the 'Conven-
tion of Defensive Alliance' Induced
' by the Russo-Turkish war led to the
occupation and administration of
Cyprus by Great Britain. On July
12, 1878, Vice -Admiral Lord John
Hay hoisted the Brltlah Hag at 111 -
costa, and ton days later Sir Garnet
Wolseley landed at Larnaca to be
the first High Commissioner. On Nov
5. 1914, Cyprus was formally annex-
ed, and this annexation was recog-
nised by Turkey under the Treaty of
Lausanne. In 1925 letters patent
gave the Island the status and name
3t a colony an4 • Cfov4rnor in place
of a High Combilssloner
"And what of the country as it Is
to -day, this land of sunshine and
flowers, of rocky coastline. high
tableland and lofty mountains, of Old
, World towns and primitive villages?
Naturally one asks the result of fifty
little, ':e its own ,. ileireut•ur t r ththey,mu offer 4, .A a f)t w xm I yeah of British occupation. It rang
year, according to its agri.ultar:: n {••r Year :,n• unlil,•I)
a,ereither to svnrel 01'TLAN'�'ut' THE WILD".Seats confidence on behalf of the peo-
-_ -p eta,rts trues 4144 he attic hold-:Iti•farjory Lett. Three iwr Massy tutnwls \fbleb Mali ale jhat. ther�ts under the annex -
r &faun an t
tlrodudu{ sertiuus tell of u ('arty' airs .ears, Dues Not Like.
y one o Ottoman natlonall1)
Hfi ai,, a .,. , :.•u1t, _-. 1.sai ll 11 1 f,•a.,••untlPll the .could retain his status, and..abrenteer
yields in yue Ivy animal Id tt r n out
Hard Hit. _, - -ie, A -Ir i;-tl+.•-uumlar�.• C rhe ;x w _tugs. Th. 4 uta shot ..t s, ... . retpala Hader Turks}. buL aver IT:
sic . _. ._
Northern Outarl• f:lrl,m 1 4,,e,,, rcdu,e i. In the .iv moi -r iu are s111a11 like 4144 -;t .ud tate pot 000 applied for certtficatrs of Hrlt-
' iDad fIm' mh;- f�il..'1'l, t,lr' Llrt;, ,riots u, , _til• ypt natlonallty.
vest, e as is, mull it-e!f is .••u• (t.+4•! win:ties sista 11,.•i.,..•.,£•s•e•x• rabbit: Miters att.! ail . t
es aa fa e h,v•. J.at44441•04• 2ttddie.ev• I::g.0 Hud the timber.xvlll "The Phoenix La rasing. from der}
rrnusl, it gei.e,;,i.y c4..lh•u:: I u: t ashes. Time must' needs be the best
r! ma!•: 'tteM..t"I. tie average tene11tage of mountain lion. Liu,. all aro d•:'ruC-
%erce-tit!t[ ha, L•I,•i•u l'. ,"'ru! ,. •.;,ro,: i•luttt> k, -(#'4.d by lli.,rw' - la -t ,thee, unpleasant h,•,,,..,.ally of all who seek the welfare of
carry tr)r a (-end/hats- us. ,•,tl, .e•Y.,";'1 4.,,,e, was I:o- pier .rut..' writs. 1.1:,.f).,- . Australians hart. 1`,e, :.Ingo .re, wliu the long-suffering island: for the neK-
a)> 1-R' low aisks.,r !. .4..• 1..,e"1'. the Pr..rhe'hil dogs. It is a cunniuj, Cowl:rilly arca
0 of be quickly re,_'
act f centuries Cann
..[ 1. _1 ..r e , - iii, she• ;•
AMU. r �t . h
��,,o l,,.• ;. r -1,e- IrNi'.le+ttot our. far - -- - tem _and
ow y►u!'!tt S� t _ � pelted. Education. development, res-
•.. a in the ,.li•tri 11,1 Tite en•,,., , t,•_:,• t t� �1 tr itt(F r+Pllrg..
r The re.htliot, ioi tarnrer. The broils: 'suit of N41rth
I:azrtte' say- that he," ":r• : tri' America Is the sworn p» 04 -1114. ate. t • toratloa must be gradual. No senea-
htee.•. Clonal changes or triumphs can be in-
.. :i, r,iururF Is deluged. There l:es•� `.• R•: r •1 Lu...t hi 41t� e: f W raiser, the tea leil-r, and th. funnier. dlcate'd, but a slow and patient at
whole o t . • 1 , •; 4 nous he it
in -
lima. Loa, wily. a tea hour, ill 11 14:.• rputri
,. •�d
lG;rcr ,Ir.• r* llll4 i l rr'*'P born In Cyprus could -register as
two( u. h,diur :ell time -e oto,., tri-' law as there ur. awuu 1human. •- British subjects, not one- elected to
wen , The trapper also hate:. it •anus• tempt to revive the moribund indult--
or. ..+, t robs his traps.
time ..:thou( rain."
i, ,1,, ,, ,I ,i.. Asa. sister tm_ } tries. to awaken Initlatice in a lwople
Caere re Asia. t . Ir tri a.f: tittle :. Another. fo. of st:vep is the 'l'as-
,1 uo - it s the My
tar behind the march of modern com-
.ig,*tfi oast ts,;ut to uue• ,.w a ru t ttto .i.nrn marc a activity, - t w h le stn
1' 1 manias IY•%II . ,14ta
e,, deserves. On' o nes. g . t l f ttY, to supply up-to-date
vulture is 111 4., ih the report 1.. •' 1, - 'raitx "- -- facilities, without trying to impose
grealI'llfy all ..eti von -hart:. •if 111»' - •• " blas been knL14 to kill a esu of Western conditions on an Oriental
greatly ' inerra•cd their lulls., '_ 1--- �-- sheep to a ai:hL Ai
la community. •
wheat ,, .4 a,11rr' sines the ',.,r .1 rare, much to the elan.' sirs' y.
pat, and l'hhia have made the .in-- T} f'. ckc Mountain.- lion; •'.sash cu t
� 05 � UGH SYRUP
Children Love
V -I
Inventions of Moderil Warfare Are
Being Used.
Weapons and Iuventitne of modern
warfare have besot brought into ac-
tion recently In two det•isive victories
on land and sea over destructive
pests, age-old enemies of man.
Atter )'ears 11 e'xperimeutlgg,
Uncle• Asian's Chemical Warfare Ser-
vice has at last dev,lup••d a success -
(411 defence .I 8ifl t. ship borers, the
submarine destroyers which under-
mine wharves and which. It la said.
have destroyed- inure wLoden ships
than all the naval battlesi in history.
The new weapon, de•aer(bcd til the
Popular Science, Monthly. Is a poison-
ous chemical solution, a derivative of
the high explosive Lewisite. Appiled
to the pilings of wharves, It destroys
e worms.
armies( 11 sea w
the a
ami f
In Palestine this summer. an in:
vading host et locusts was driven
back by flame guns and poison
spray's. Since ancient time. these In-
sects have periodically ravaged the
Palestine crops. bringing famine.
This year scientists and military leen
rushed mobile field units to meet the
enemy. First powerful portable
lamps were used to attract the insects
into traps. Then the flame guns and
poison, sora.$- were brought Into ac-
tion. slaying the 1otuata and their up -
hatched eggs.
Often It has be.'n said that insects
are man's worst enemies. 11 -Is re -
The Cypriot is easentlally an agrt-
u . I urlst, and does nae tIa11s Tn igrl
ties il4' gr /terms,. L, Isnth spun many other occupations. There are a
Iris•+ U,e great crop from both the pr, Is nut a real lieu bat a tong: is few chlemes (large farms), but the
due-iu. and e4t*,twins -t:,: ,l,•• :,•:- A Condition Due to Watery Blood aunted ruthlea+ly and stain' the
stock -raisers becau a ut majority of proprietors or tenants are
rke Ii►tt wltaat- _1e, tuff""" 1114 & Corrected MUM& tha I
wu cerin, • a
our trnm-F',o4f"- ) aha.-.tsi:L.�:.. t... h. •irl: hlek the .powe•r et I t • k into •ticks and' huts .only gradually be persuade(' to ayropt,•
Canada's Part
in the Great War
A Stroking Companion
it will be seen that the (hnadtanN.
who 4,lmprlswd our -fifteenth of 11w to -
rut of British divisions, el"thrid emir%
than one-seventh of the Itritish total
in prisoners. Tu carry tilt. .r,wl.arlw/u
further, iu title period twenty-five•
American divisions (tl11111re.l 43,1)41)
prisoners. while four Canadian dIrls-
toes cu{titn•d 31.St7. (9', in other
111 the course of uu article, "t'a,*udnl moms. lu prula.rtk,, to tie ntwhcrof
in the Great War," which u11N•rrs lu dhisluus engaged the Canadians cup-
hired approximately five times as
the October 1st issue of Mitclasm's many us the .\werleuuw.
Mxgnsitw, major l:t'erge A. llrew.-
eluse -Truth About the War," whet 'Ch. Allle)d• victory arse not the
work of one nation, but of many. Nor
laplpeanxl lu the atltue • 111aga441w re . trio. Ir the work cot days or mnnthtt: - -
dull., (-unseal a wild ,en,reti41u, set- but of moire than four )wars' 4,•uth,u-
___._.. oto Aghflag. a only lu Ila• wore
tush some tactor regarding Canada's
contribution to the greet .e.ufil. t trying yt+ar'. whMh hod gone i«•fore LUI
to 114• siHeeasful climax of the ,tills•.'
a1,i4h are calculated to ataggrr u:1 but . sons, 11una,13 mot the whole of the
' students of the; hielor) orf 11414 J-tritish'I:rnidre have r.•,...n to be proud
t their fist. o
t;reut 11'ar. f p 1 th111u tu,lirate, moat•..
1Ie telly us. f..r example, that with- clearly 'here the 'moire In) In the
iu 144.41 habilis of the .1 of last nmroth, of the war than the* Cone
14lrr thirty -la. K•hsa1 t "'' Ih,t•r'.--Ih.• luriwa,s of prl.1ourrs .roprlorel .hiring
large.t newt of 1r,u,1N•rt. ever pati=--- `''trnrtonit oR4usly�
ere,' WKe'►he•r in the hlwor) of the An sluing Its share Canada paid n
4ur141 u
p to that titer-sal:eel from hw1vy loin. in -poen. tel Mealier. It is
tamed* currying a:3,IMN1 Cauudiah sol- true, than the other Wart• of the Rd -
diens -more than We-I1ingtuu had tl.'•h Eitioire. but nevertheless a ver)•
utl4er hlx l'oW1UMIld ut the Lwtlls of- bear) to . tt'hlch' iteele,f .d1re.•tly or
h allrw•tly Nearly- every I'anadhui home. -
That the tirt!L t anadlau -division lo, The 1.11114 .psnalties__ilurine the
reach the 'front went _into odic% nix were :11.1174 Lilted mad-elte.t ..r w..ou•1>♦
111..14114 mud "be woes nits 1114 and 141LT,t_ %molded. .\ .,oultsarlson
declaration of war. The tent of with the Anwrtenii !tows chow• tent -
tbie.,.•heveu,ett u..,r be, Kuu1 d by the Karat oh r.. arra• la. proi».rtinn 10 .
sans Tera and farufn their own lands on a small
Itt rants 1b syr• K gulriny deadly hive:vices oto human ,u.., .u,.• 4x4.4 Jluuri.o... uv• -4••t. • ••••r.
tumid. With ono* in china :umS :., > - scale. Like all then oft a so . zY. warfare to-eit tllabs.
nowth ••t' gcu.•r:i;•rit) :01.••:.. Use of Dr. Williams' Piny Pills is almost equally 1«'ttcu, ore Tl.'
wolverine i+ flirt and a
, are intensely conservative, and can
101' t /e,.8 ,
scientific methods and modern mach-
p1odh.1- t,• - o 41pidl) 44"11".o1 4:t.• 4.14.., . _•41•-.' Neesinto
on, h e.rkt",wa1 is 'fiery. The increased circulation fit
nr>t the. re -tilt ..f thio Mood. tail ars hull- out winterr supplies. ,en{..rt.inee. his elies. pear him: with.. the Agricultural Journal, published
1lceirLira- A•___ _- -__-�- 1- n:--__},es.lae4.- _ },ackauLrs and . Every Wild -Kest o__ d• -(eaten quarterly under Government auspices
_ \\'14th •her• , camp, in from the • .t41,., ,,;;,,•r trouble... Earls suffering the dismal and uneanaly ho•ring of -In English, Greek and Turk -hill. tndt•-
Hoe l'' ve the n• w1i•11•!'-k to .ban's' 1...11, •l11r. William's' fink rale son give. cowardice. But it le a 04.'ructive Horse or ox drawn ploughs ar
for aorar+ "flw_.ysrut_iou_uca.i_iL't f„r suns ),,,�•. Its. Williams' 1'iuk creature and a etunnlLF Fr. ,...thief. ginning to supersede the antiquated
take loon,,. as from 4hirly 1” "I%l)' 'I'll... hate !wen a world-famous blood- Tens of thousands a►P kith every type, and the prevention of disease
mimeo 4111 hour .:yu be �ireoetleal. 11. Wilder and, .nerve restorer. They i year in North America. • and insect pest* to be given atten-
-cordi+,4 10 •the .)fru• nmol :Ictuall) wake new, .rich red 1,11«x11 The 'rabbit• of Australia- leecen-- lion. Experts are ready to advise on
"SL,r•p -houL1 ,I e•' star, ed for fir ire' subject, and the will to learn
which iuqurt- urw vigor mud lite"" to i.dama of Hrkleh.
least eighttoy ,hours before dn•uc UnK, teems to ig tm developing.
1,11 the orgru,t of the Apia
-a ,ear i s I stock depend' for food `flint rs are "One nightmare of modern cictlls-
at least -1x-hours after drenchlIg. Tbc i t regalement' at night Wee their shine furnish a Mtge r -Mille factory t
tire and
to wooer .441Irtet. in the ran r• 14 I.ied !rot„ ;;,iu, impure b1,' *I need just the the coyote, and it if., .the s) •:,pool of cater a growing desire for knowledge.
P br-
be { 1 TI n t 'suer they rat the gra+ 1104 which
direct- tum t,... `.tter.t�e11&. tic frac u;- rtTes t 9.-- llsW144-v slt$14-WI by an m- .
cinl zuu;,.Kist. ^nu•1.1s•1 .ire,. ""alar for l,r„veti apjletile; theu the spirit* re- killed in Auslr a -ever; sear,_ and l 4 ie oily a Thew igen'
- a r pro em. actoriea are few. ;
way toward, peu• and such a thing as a ac ory system
Wiwy t'*UNes Mlakaps.
A workman at a suttfng machine
was disturbed over a quarrel wfihlnis
wife. In a moment of distraction he
forgot the knives and a serious acci-
dent resulted. Another man. Operat-
ing a huge press, was worrying over
a mortgage =ills home. Failure for
an Instant to attend '.o his Job nearly
cost him his life. Looking out the
window at a girl who was passing oe
the street caused a mechanic in an
automobile factory to Mahe $ cost!
error which lost him his Job.
An analysts of 719,000 Industrial
acetdents-recently completed by Mr,
H. W. Uainrteh of the Travellers' Ilt-
suranee Co. revealed, he says In the
to reach the trout and nein fiction all ..f the 1'tiilr.l Store. erre
won• thou etre )ear after the 1 -ousel a4,_rl killed and !tied of w:..M.41s. an
-.tares -dertaled war. - _01,4814 wmrndert.--'17ni►rtronrr.nrp.. ar-
T1wt.tlw_l:uite i etatxa alit a 1"'{•11 1gtl.414 ..f �JN«•f4••4 in .assess •.* with
lathe, ..f 11NI,0I.Mt,(NN1 prefile soot 2,11141,- their two{simian of 1,01.11110,17)/we boot
INNS overseas. Canada with N,41M1,114N1 more that, twelve times ae..ns klllwl
- i•semi r swat "4:411.0.11...t'11.«.tu rrut..ale glut -Ili Ile t11m('- a. nosily->rw.elts.iwl•-----
proximately our--e`chtteI11, of 1 tr 'The PxI' 11, tion of the re•apolose. of
11gtrlrttun; 11e 1 1111* 1 States ,Its-nf- the mon of Canada nnd the other 1),-
1114111, lu relation to INg1llalioll, ('4111- 1111uIon• In IIIP ,'a11 4,1.1411)' 5x11 4.- anm•
xda's .r.ntrihutkoo' la -141/•14 nus unser mot np in a etrngraph: Layette fn -
fitua that of the United States. Itrltlsl4• pria.•i{de% tart ,*early half of
That at Austin?. In August. 491,+• the Coale oolaletlan of retools ..f mill-
l'urwdlans a.i'Ant'P,l 14,4141) yards. the rnr - ngP b�nifnrm. 1MM'l,liur 1IL't
greatest adrguee waifs Iu uu. dap" it;pns*lhle t0 train the*• men with
1 e tittle or no prevlon• (•xl«•rfe•nee t.. a
!tntP of miHterc ff4"twr u".mri e7--
ksd none. F.p.hirnnt+ .d the hltrhe••t order -
throughout the entire course f the
That on August -l,-1U11i.,Cauatla
3.000 mora under arras. (lu Amist.t S,
4vay tv hell lth re!toriug ,trig For which goeR some is unknown. Conditions are Oriental, , Nand the day at e'p.rp1 rattled weary
to f.'ur.ounce- ,.f 0nr Toter .e M. ".+I+t- wiTrr-`e,7s front anaemia. urrv..us11<«s,1 trallslae their -elfin,
hi some respects. almost, patriarchal. Popular Science Monthly that a 1•)1•. Sir Arthur t'urtie cowprAuded a nen thrnn • the pit Iles- 4441(1 ..f
"ion ..f ./riper -nlphiete. , Ith1 Iitul'p Krurral weukuesN or physical exhauN- jworkman who M mentally disturbed lighting force of about 1&i,(!p) Cum I ainc 918(1Ple to rlctnry, rind ono need
bine• ritri.l., 'I'ul.. treatment if re -don Own. Estate 111 Wales_ Few of the country people posses" its as much a danger to himself and aditlu�-tllwos[ exactly tl(r total of the
Haut tenacity In attack 'which resulted
tion Ur. Williams"11'illiam* Pink fill, are a The City of Brandon owns six Clocks, and the generally accepted his fellow workmen as it he were two armlets under [he 4 iuman.f of
{,sated in the .{•ring. four weeks and restorative of the utmost vane. This IN boors of work In the mines and other In rnpharett bY the Canton= numbers.
r,rps ant
again ,.11r week before turning out for aCr�s o[ land In the heart of Cardin physically disabled. Wellington and Na14de"aa at the tattle „f prv,ry,rlon to Melt' nnmT4•r.. ,\dd
tM suganwr, mill get all the st411 for t`.a\t by111 a.`IltiIt,c NI.. `1. Basile 1 Pity) Wales, presented by an anony_ Industriesarefrom iunheeha hands
..f Waterloo.
moue donor and to wondering whatEducationto these initiative. born of life to a
. and tape Worm.." a
those {o Ai,ndnit .Leap is from three
` - . N. S_ who smiys� ' li41!Lthree t'sar"' to-do with the estate_ All pffort.SO
At approximate ate per .rent. mini-- ago I became very weak and nervon.. i learn the identity of the giver have
lion .1)1 1P matte by wine fuer •iunte. 1 had pains in my side :nnd buck. 1, proven fruitleea.
of eol•1't-r Mn1011de to throe gill"' ,f _Ills., had frequent 14 nsin Tl�14 bir(lrnf 'While the asse14am4ET�t-OT
water. Titre yuauttty is ('1,1114113 '-''r' lily head and neck. 1 was very Wile is. unknown, the property is believed
-,me bemired sheep, and veru weak. I had attacks of ser•' to be worth a great deal, as local
'rare 1+ im)Ntrtntr .' sae+ Dr. Ste'- roil- irritability. and at throes 1 was t that $ls.000
i ' officials have lease,
room.' -'1)o notraise the 1114.11 ,, j,erv„u"' that life seemed hardly was recently offered for one email
atawe' ,'.'t of the err. 1,(•e,--ti.:-....III, living. --Whits in this e•(oolitioN cottage -oaths ..astsa&
ewer. «tlrnd-'gnietl) int itis 'feel' fi++, a frie i; - strongly advised me -ter -take- - - a
tures it unduly. stud herr other strro•1' Ile. \\'Ifliam+' Pink Pills. i hegill Onion. Not limit.
'.. it hill fiat bleat." tskh�K thew., 1.x11, and Used theta fur Bermuda, famed for Its onions, has
Judging• about two months with the result thal but 74 acres now devoted to this
Among the new ),ulletil.s is - (sae there• en. such an improvement in my rod net; illlee are grown on 76 act es,
frau, 11,' 11.A.4'. I:1:1•, 1l,tarh. 1repart ,: audition that friend, word n.k me Baon 83, and potatoes on 660
-- lnl'nt-of-.tgrirrrblitr'': Too -moss .a,t :1L•.i wbar'fi�,-rt�-fitklM.-ait.t-1 wglN ur11y to,1 , nanas . - .
'1111'1• leu Al"'Ming.. 1."vr'''''"6.,0"°•" 1:1:1,1 to 141: than, it 4414" 1)r. Williams
. Isl. xr ll! Arus4-14141cle_;er ty�•1s. 11'-_..Bials rills.P
..,1 um tom ujn)itig gond
tufts•• and nest. fire the sn% '44 health and nm Klnd b. Kier 1141- state-
handl"l. The LnIletIn -2" pr'4,n14 event for the Wnent-•it may he to wow
primarily hitetlded for e.,lle1c• and sufferer...
abort (..orae student 4.. enol ,Impar You eau' tet these pills from nay
farther, 4-110 Rn• sTu,TrTfu Jndglnii. fiat uedi.-Ii" defiler ur i,) tuill`nf its••.. 1,T
n,ntnln+ mnrh 4f r 11111. M :h1Pu '•f :I Isex from The 1')r, `Williams' Medi-
, co. Itr•s•kritle, Ont.
more rxlorieute.
Statiatles. -._-__
An old 'jest ell -trifler f:lsrLoo„i
under the headings ..r.linary Be.. ex- DID YOU EVER
treordinary lir, and •roil tics 1 and STOP TO THINK ?
there i« 4-14,. tutteb justification.. _th,•t __ -
statistics ion 14• anal -fire 11.40.1 to prove• S. G. t:ol lU444.11u•, pnhli-her ..f Tile
thereto given thiuK I. right or trot a S- • 44;"1. Xew1'• 1,1puhlenr,. ray,':
1'n.%T if et .) ,
Nerrr►hcle.s sc orticer,. t ;treat -ammo:,
tot: • .,Tile other limn was 1414.111 with. the
sldered, may e..nlvey n Rrl'tt-ammo:1 inn,• 10441, mer••hAnt the blinks wop111 _
of 1nformatkon. I.e 10;1 of motley. the mer,•tmnte would
Tali! 1! by way i,f pre•lnde h, the• To. 'fill hniF+ ora boon•+. Lark u...111.1. he
'mirk ttatrirr-t a ata s 'lir
timid arows',
atmos- rep4lr, ..f the Oat 1St brimii -
a(re.rdlnc 10 114' 111, or the ase•• 1. n, t
..• rent that a'ns strl•nriu
of the Ontario Department of Agr,ciil- . 11r11413%
Why tsn't this motte•y all apenl at
torr for 1!r_'7. It e,mop it Informs. L,nte l':)ery person, olio hue urrlred
tical nprl weather.' ,-sop ores. and . 114 41e raga if 14 trlHgea•e k1N.w4 what .
•tivef, prM(ft lire mock. and 1')f'etstsparr „ a good thins; it would be for himself
slit farm atatl one for the post fort1g if he is a property -owner nisi what t ,
aft years. Anyone Who the«wr+ e. dig a„rnl 11iin4 it 4'..14141 14' for the town 1f
Int.. the 'r"elumn, of the inner-e,•t!on no nonce tures 'I"'"t. "01'149'.a"��w11l 41nd 1011)! 1nf.rtuntion•
spends his 111411') el'1'4 fere.
1)11e of the n,o-t elnslve and 111e•4-
1.1:111111101• re+l"r.11. 41 111 the 1171r41.'l ot;r
to n,mbtlt 1• 114111 A eertall: 44•r rept.
•.1 the 14a.p1e in town are sure that
IN home tnrrr-hnnts ate ttylne-to Mau -_.
tl:cul mol fire clonrglug nn,re for their
goods then they w411,) hove to, pony
e•lsewher•. They 44111 not believe if
volt Droll* it t4 them 11, Meek end
white and In dollars and (onto that
they con hay n• cheaply at home air
'.111 where rise. Dow can theme people
14• converted? 1 give up:
Another n':I...4 I. that the nw'r.•h•.
sone! 0hrrn-+h,•s ere not es (•4reful a!
they ah.ul.i 14• '•1011 .their ettototneta.
1'1e'rr store has 11 cun'les• nnd dllnt0ry
rk. F).ery
store lots one of thole
clerk! that tune up his or her Tawe
a hero yon 11.k f ,r n1 arm* tow Bey.
!n t hhngld)• and !tipercllion! rnetmer.
-We Inn's. no, Pell for that." F:rr•ry
-dor, Is tn.r. 4.r l..+ guilty of getting
11 good article end then getting out of
it and telling the customer they hate
something pet a. good or better. Pro -
want whatthey want.
•NI)CF)1l1'TTVLE5$. iT W111'1.i1 TIE
iiFTTF:R FOR ALi• uF '1`FTF'li"
KT('KEIU( FF lin l' t{tfl'LI(
"Now. don't forget
to brie foe Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food, I am feeling
to much better I don't want
to plias a single dose."
'I'Irrtt?-, are t5c0' reasons wily he
down.. a e e an s n Trek from Alaska to Hudson Bay -There )I --no . better evidence of various religious bodies. under Gov- Beginning with 1,240 .reindeer fights 1•ffieIrncy than in the somber weunt v of nllwliidp t. y o'f"lty la's
- end
ernment eupervlslon; but sp('ctat we have the whnFe • fiiitadx'it
' grants are made for the teaching of thief. years ago, a huge herd of these of prisoner+ captured. Ituri ig the great effort,"
"The local dialects le, a corrupt -n.600• Is to be moved
ur Jnty to the tmttrtftJer
Corm 01 modern Greek. The Moslems
their Alaskan range - to feeding tile, prisoners capture) `by- the Allies oil i THF, t'N11'i:Rf1AL DER?
grounds on •1.. shore of Hudson Aar.' .,,., rt•.......... r r acre .., r..l.4w•s • I
li T klsh f
t tai Osman ur
most of them -know (Week also
ht months 111 be By the Attlee -6.311 Armies.. -14.3410
more educated classes; Knowledge o1 vequ re or y -11-5.--the- Beigixtr :\sanies. r.. 14,414)- -f•4'hrierrt.n,e-weeny hrnther* hear.
English fs spreading, and in all but ten miles daily 1s planned, with long -in the first place. It Is sten that the Te give sweet w.17(•e to the old
the most remote districts each )'Illagr halts whenever complete for rest and
boasts at least one person who can Brasing, and •complete stop will be • British took (rrnwldernhly the IsrRtt A. t,hndow • of the nicht nuhdd ;
read and write the language of the made during the hreedir,g season
number. rand It must not hes forgotten
• each yet[. that the British troop. in Italy cap- For those who 5omp, to pause• in tens!
rulers. Natural InerNae is expected to; lured mother aI r,IMwr, and 11.4.4 • 111 Tur. .1 hrrftfi go ..f Ilii• more Jos?,
"*ire re.ade have been ,nada, new brin8 the herd Up to 100,000 within' key. N1,4100- more. itlxty-two British.. More e.wee•t than life has been Lafora,
buildings • rected, water supplies im- tea years. diri+sun, were engege.l en the west- To seek faith's heights. 1.. ilnd rnirli'.
prov.d. - host important of'
spec arc c _ The shortest and easiest route
from Persian or Arabic words, but os the Itritish •\rwiP+. .. .:MMI,IMM1
across country will be sought
and ft 1.
y the French Armies.... 1 L1.720
French 1■ usualiv understood by alis is estimated eighteen mon s w
1 d t the journey. Progress of
This le the universe; debt :
Te make };firth'+ 4114141 rem' better vet.
Tlr'te•sen. thf n rh ter 'matir•'s 'where.
,ern front. of which four were C'an- i core. •
public health has not been neglected. , notion. These four Canadian di'Isiune-
The visit u1 a de•ptttatlon of the Brit- Wonder Bridge Hand.
during the period r+overed by these This Is the data whish all men owe
soh Social tlyklene Council 1n 1926 At one table at a bridge party to ' figures' captured 31.1137 priarmer5. Thus • To those who, to these who go.
was a great event, and meetings wereAuckland. New Zealand, each player
Targ••T,r il%nd'ed at which the cine• - Was dealt a complete suit. Two handy '•" -
ma was utilized to illustrate the pre• lald down In the excitement of OLT
veatlon of disease. . A- Child Welfare revealed the extraordinary coincis
144641(44. fe doing tine Work for the lit- den0e• Such a distribution of the
the ones. Not altogether an unworthy earls might not ootur In a hundred
record: - And we work 'not careless million delas,
of the future!'" A similar hand was dealt at Bed-
ford year. in the third
tlf enures, tike loud sea,:er,. of ,nab
In May last
rubber, after the cards had been mho 1 -
titles will feel that the talking movies tied and cut In the nonual way, a
,are invading their lIeld.-IIttfeto t'onr- hand was dealt in which each player
ire-t:xi•, held a complete wit,
Silk Stockings
When 3Aettt. 1►'.trci I:relg• Itoyal Air Force. n,..,
the itrttl!h Alr Fore'. *peed pieties,. the Air Ministry
gigantic undertaking of ettempling M pilot a +Pnpiane
horn the world , timed re".ord from Italy. The alio
reached the :)Irnmlle mark. prep, Is stfinding in 141••
nse.l for the record attempt. lett a replica. At the
hi the ... kplt of the ma. Niue.
Ilshed the sryrd of :teoo miles per hoot 1n One of
n.1 satisflcd that he Asn. uenrl) ready for the
more (hats 317 nailer. per limn- in order tc recap•
two plMnres were take%, Ont prior to the trial whleh
Atte. wMch, by the w•Ay-, Is not the one whkth will he
tomo right 1" a elo.P-up 0{ the -daring airman !siting
Madam t If your husband or your
brother chews tobacco, ask him to
try Big Ben, the famous plug
chewing tobacco, for every plug of
Big Ben carries a "Poker Hand,"
and in exchange for four (4) sets
of "Poker Hands " (Nos. 1 to 52)
you will receive FREE one pair
of Kayser Pure Silk Full
Fashioned Stockings.
These atockingaare excellent •-•
quality, conform to the leg,
and retain their shape. Sizes,
81'2, 9, 91i and 10; in Patio
(fawn), Ifoggar (flesh), and
Sonata (grey).
Big Ben is mighty fine tobacco
and men do certainly enjoy it.
Save the "Poker Hands"