The Signal, 1928-10-18, Page 2j--411al, Detob•r alt. I0215:
to the satisfaction of Cie eoutumuitt, '
Q,n1� I WhileMat•Ihmulii. the Wan app hired,
ICSTAIt1.1Slihill 1848
Member of Canadian Weekly News-
evapapers Association
Published every Thursday morning.
Subscription price $2 vu per year
strictly in advance.
Telephone 35 : : Uoderirh, Oak
W. 11. Robertson, Editor and !tanager
l'Lur..J.iy. tk•tuler 1', lir:...
An article. -Studies' l0 'I'ruipwra•
is not a returned man. he enitsttil anti
was part in class 4' and retained fu
('enada. Such Is +tail earning a good
,eatery at the work %Will he has leen
d•,h,g for aw,t','rul years.
!leaders or The Gluts• uud The Free
!fres.. of course. are not given the full
anti 'correct " version of the. fact. in
these matter.. 14111 the truth i, iun.4 Is•
su4q,re,a-(rl, turd if Mr. ', 'uior t. to 1i•
.urce„sfully pictured as a s'otr4,•lence•
Iere. partisan his detra, tor. ail) have
to produce better evideuee than 411..3
have es. far placed before the p21hft..
tuenl" iu Thr .Mantic aluuthly for
tk•toh•r is au inlets -444,1g cxantivaihe;
or the two axun!ldutrs for the FattedWhat :,Ire A. u. tine (kt,l,rr d:c
States 1'rearldeucy.. The sutwr, sett-
tdblc. industtious !louver is contrasted
• • • . •
The t;f,.lr i4v s ecblettee :,Iwo.' ,
It'. gut• 41.4. I4eresscary elasticity ,•.
I stir Au.hen ('l:autl.•rla)n. Foreign !!:Meer. wattled the n
with the tr,ura •t5nls, e4ery. day now that it doesn't take• the Howse' ,•f 4'uu3ttu,us not I. e%leer lou emelt from the hell
1 righting Smith, much Nita k is ti.P oath coalmald• IiLlddrraulatat h, I rrltu.
rattier to the disadvantage of the
- ""•At rifer,/ -t
o out o fol vee--- s.'" .ny" OUR WEEKLY D I G
the writer,' 't{iar out of Xhree will le n 'relaier Frrgn-our al'iv.u11"44 taut
old n.r p4•lr.,o11. are o a,
you they are voting for him l4• saw Int
II, i 14.4:444 , next year. in .cru 1,,l r 0 P i• l: 1 11 It 1
is not -a politician. Hat--warix-Uttr
\rirtrNw-4i.lufuLrtl!;oceruwrur. whirl
reale to think of It, than T. t-eurtouplS
cs.'ientitlP reason t.,_udLotuce full-
41143. hair tllw.0.1. The Legislalnre u••
• t i mitt , • 4* •i:e Itte1-7Ir.• with n A Concise Review of Recent Opinion on a
Is the real .,•,dal science. and the, a4inttu�_-44fl1+.d`"pl"r>iti n. � --
amateur politician Is neWaer Niter Public Question
• • •
nor worse Ih:n/ the amateur .cienti.t
or the amateur pluul.r." 11,.•3or !t 1',414 1,"""14 Frer I'r,-. 'a,. the;
the Inat-„•Lr .ta1.1 wake `1"'"?"' 0? ueh"I'liug the 4'fvil '' Ser-;
i• • NW !
a rni-li.ether. Knuth I. a'us.n1 of;++ ____
the 4•w,ple -he awi;d be a great leader. tii.-YottU11i.N,,Ii a vital one.
t: t or r 4e F 1
I1ite• •'.•,u: hear Boomer. 1„i.t• nsl4ing '•"•4 to »1ri•1 'r to It+ tricu,14at Tor
t•'r order rund quirt. a hez...•r leisure•:4nd t.• cher patr1.uutr sho114,4 be 444d-
t+ise•,! il�,' I'r,•4:u••fal atTair..
ti e1.4 n••h however f t
Ohl -age 4s•u.ioi. bre uta! l
411 t'.luwbi:t. Sasklatcl,rwa41
and Manitoba.' The Proriu,r of Al -
lu dralin.g with the .ugge.ti.11 that
', !,arca i 4441• atrettaae of an 0441 -age feu+10f
tents a iterate' in the pauper cla.. Thr
lfalifax 4 X.14.) Star quotes train the
1'ruviadal law 41114.44 reads; -The re -
voila of a 4eu-4f,u shall not by }Leif
4-u11atih,tr a dleyualitiratiun from curing eat try
Provincial or wuuiciprul.
-A '--wutributur_ tAs Tlw H e l i to
great remour'eu are aha two. far tetter
pu•lttten." '• .
t'rttlriaiug eke delay of l'retuier
Rhodes' Government lu adopttug the
measure, The Itallfax t N.S. t throe
aide draws a (tIulalria,w with the
�yuk•k action of the {Western 1'rurhmart.
''lthat is the dIRereuyr," It declares,
111iii 'between w'Illiugio.s to `adopt a re.
fore mud wan•hiug for tiestacies
lgriliwt 'tutting it 1110 effect."
The Sydney 4 X.S. 1 Post crItic44es
lite Ih,uiln4ou measure larau.e 11
t•laims nu applicant for pension should
1 uu1 is• reonirel 40 place Mantel( in the
pauper 'I:1., to totality for state aid,
!u his .44,4 rice. It points out Mall
''7n,le +nay qualify 'for relic( under It
Nave those whose intone from all
Noun,•• is leas than $► a they. and
earn then their allotment duller it
1 rung41. from nothing t. tl;S;u,(M► a year,'
being reduce.! dollar for dollar by . the
eulluut their wage„ exceed $12•1.00 a
Chronicle under -the: lemdfug u r e
:111(1 'flog' ' maker. :tit barn -4111a
Leading} r 1 e ••ill t.
etidrut:' fur conclude••• ••t In 1 (r a. --
tion til the whew.) 3%0110.1 trust the -pew
I,Ie or Nova Scotia KL:$e4- per. law.tei per
year alit ad4444iew to their txnitrib11•
tion to Ih.anhilnn, while it
would increase their 1'ruiiuclnl budget
by seventeen per ,rft. • art Manitoba
where tar percentage oreblerlt people
ur�luurat in a, 4-
for only l.a per 'rad of tagru'ItfOu and
'-crows to 11114 they will g• nye de- he nnle•h {Darr the -darer WoiUd ,use
-.erring. Can tierce he
our r.a,w ur
' ' at li ri f
Kuria:'+ reminding us that tl,... rat le • • • - 1A•rta hu. Appointed :111 official fir wake The iteufrew- Mercury reuu,rk•. that 1"'r cent. b, t)u•-1'ro'I11ettl budget
, "the f
I pie•tion 4111 as utlte'rwas, p t t 1 t } \ rr
i. common, that he dove. Tun bey . if the f 1 teed sheet 01.•• i:or were nus •t repa•rt a. n' the tuttnta'r '•f 171'1,1
t ws'trutas .1-4 4 'sort .l I Balk i-4 rather t1nt1_ that .:...r•l.c �'"-'If••itA+; til+141 lice L•n•ur.•i of leer- \vh,. av•ul,1 "ail" uuoh•r Ilre .1•t. wtfn � ,� are• of the scheme is cow wrattl'el \ c
(u a ,rue Stn- .w roof
1 :Poi uu a only live
1'-' .1.w trod, matari./I 111., stn}.. t 6 i situation would involve
that t►rrtariu the 4-4ot
tir ribs fact i.4 Iwhiud Li tlge other iCr•.trre, 1'rovitt<•i•s h • t
the odd}Nan h. Pr,tinf bat 1•x-
«.,al-- 7ratt, rpWre• n••r,L not 1 1
ether fe b'oa's load is the fire 47:•c'i+f--- �.i"_•_{"rw i y. report �' .n� tie ready fur eels-.dt•ratiwt fstrutiun."
kit alae Iw11dihlr•: 40(11.1 Ise a4rn,t three ler
tjtiret, h_ _, �p"T much •1•tut.t a, to rho •caro..ale. drat,-' - 4:-.1 isdit44trr u! inn n.�' „c••++iutn, recent •h• rococo lit Nuru ae..•'vet .
t}a rite Nub __ veto. lit Kitkna hew.4.4u and .Ulcera:
"Kw.tL • ha. rtrn; r+ un o '. '•r Su_ ti�?h'r'u open u., Y. Ytrrywhere to ..!uredo. it f+ lutdrrsi,...'.that :the het ••t uldst-'�,uty,hM1+ '. acrd t oft two peer ce•ut- in ltritir[r
u !h
1Ur11.NMi .f Cif, ' ,u, i .city lire the ,., 3slon .f ; "I's4 -th'4kl'l +ire F'rrytn-• ha. bxr•t. ( issue. a+lMciutt\' U4 vara of tare 1.441111111M. » here i'r.t'UI,4At activities.,
} TY:1
t .171•
t n
t -i1 t1K -�
I ge/e/ )tat
rr t
i ran - at
e 1 it
u try tin
t- a • . ' g o .ev
,+ t4 1 a
•• t
It r
s.a h rni •. • ». • k alrra,l4
7.. He ha+ thv "flu 1 Noting will Lr rrad4 f t •'•ni.1.G rat- 1
frJrmlly holier«r G, the pse,r. d, a+t }(e1,n1aT\-_'n (n -r +.f aur rxu .
^1Tft.4► t ttJ/i id a \,+r ted. • the p.,ati•ot hof 111,
tet ft take, tutu tau l," aLile Mr. I!•.•ve•r I. tion, when the Le4ris:atlace :arts. this uuealurr wa.. 4,44),1 d„w'1 by it v.1e of tart. uud tjuc•ber• ahs le•tnvieel i111 iii`--
.41 tit., b, w'it4tra In the Marmn• ol'rutfu••,., rwruty-even ,.
1'uw•reatfrr.. to three 1111 \Dt'ritime•stand flint of the il'r•tern
Iun1 ,:.r. Literals. it i- ..rimnte:•d that the i•r.viu.e,,"
ter. *di ii,Ic aur (wel-
nT1:' Tltr r^`k'it, .•
team' 1 1,•4( elk. the forlorn tent- ci ai•ernwt-aby a .fts144e for «resrola _
" •r" -' Iify cola mot t, airmail,-reerrittttir,g tar ,1st mouth, .,,
mrd of 1 i+ I
d •'•cuter;. or .l.r+ lir.'idcd�intn the ;i w to --'get • l t h,:r-11411.1, a. tin' :Pro,.11.n1 of rim old- -lou lu that 1t•vfae are r,(►.r4:uu rr
•acucb o•r tovert3• t background like 1 :1'rplatuted` , ,tb•kIS with ,early ,rr.'t to th1. 1'r.vin4-r i. }s,3nJ:fu.=
Oil.. .Ride- and mother., Here ti•,i,i< nudten,•1•.• .1t the snme•tlme. HIP ,..11e1",Inrilg +tl r •rrm„•.,,.,.4„i ti.',1•Qn--a figure which sum, newspapers.
-+LiLL_.r .1 labor•Hoiettx in, things welting Dods at New York are still Nova Scotia. compare with • the iutrrti.\•d sulri•1y
r yu u t, rs _ ,n .,[ -. r 1 ,,. " wi,irh Nora $r.444a Is heating from
our. asthma! • • • a' +7TiruirT
in hi. murmw'1xn4e1 Mr. Mackenzie King. •,. hrr, r.-j.rtr .1 its (4 0.tiar
Ito. Wonderful it is } .1 t ir''�+iqQ lr t'ohlml.fa.' the iti•�•,tri
78•14 h
4,e hot u tel ro"•m full .f th+ n, obi t
fen' all. Int' terrihlr o 'r , iter• Front :111 three Pr'.4(14v• w
Sakti. 4s the air.t f - -"`
leader. Who ku.».
%liar them. tlipg-
Olaf 7:.' 14:ts ,.me thrnteie girl4,4s,wer 1111er of tate Canada fink In le..Yltt. 1411,'.1
Mot »1111 ri dun." i:utrinud. la+o ,. ri: ore. Hl lienar ti..: 44p
'here the orgaiwi,
nit.44.- lu
ua•1t of
,. 1. ••.%34.1 -on t. #Mi, : i,1-;0 Ltd- neai4 ,4 '.,rinse:ors of
11ie writer ha. a ,tinging relatiir for ei"e an "ficial 4114.1 y•eritic ,lrnial to 41-1er i'u• Niae ::r pian wa. 1
:, r, "bin" 4 • 1Srili.h of air )!
as .1 •lfopuunlri1aIn'i for Ihr !fent-,iu.lrte + r'.luruidn debar the fire P-1, ,t . in
r-- WIII ('l,ua,l:a acus --- alar •Ih.tufa.n too take
dell,•r , ernaifat -- _ _ su1r4, a Sep. ,
Ina a+taiu,e! !trill. t itnmi;rru Kn+kato-he•4i'a1i tni� tree',, iwchlg leu -
"Thew are the 44r4111•h words tabid, 11.1, 4. 'lei. country. ••X,r si.,ra, + -
an,e .0nuur.l. III. the bigger nn- lice June at1,! r•t4x• + ty lace u }
Jac•t 111.4," .f the troth w 3 ever .R*'rei in reeptr'4 t.• n thm•a114 ''11 41. p*rymlis » •hitt a .lu,rt 4
oatf v
The New 11,•"(N.K,, New., op,
I"�(•+ 1111 'measure Iw•4in 4er-toe III
number of odd people resiling In the
t. Jane 4'rovitce. It ,cacao•,
thu414 ah. would h
1.61 Smith's religion the ,•large made in certain Jrrlit}mal 1 lope I 1 t 4 ,art gr ,
wuat be far greater tier 1•Apit'. than to
thy other l'r,clteee in ('arnada, uut.hle
arahna'� ••It will require
from fifteen per 'cent, ta twenty der
rhe. of the wia,le rr1•et.l,r 1.f Nova
44, ni:1 to meet the creat .f the old -a gr
Mu -44114 scheme. elm:reet.. the .•4)144 to
he '4V*' -tern Pnlriuce4 whle•h have
dor/tett It will nut require more than
rout live per cent. to right per tent.
1P ('entrnl I'rn•itt•es of tjuehy and
- . :nal 11 .rtnttrr elan ,, .a fi14a•, t1:,1,1l.1a1 '17.n1111e•h 441 1alyin1(
13111I'f u, n quallticatborr ho luny oink r• Panels 41405 tort osis (tottery roc--'' ) a ion+ion+, a rr t 1 r 1
l i, lion aged r.ideui-. '1'111•-e pwlr• TI
le.t what! ever he
1.r public trust limier the 1"r 'ted frr.m the
'No r•ligi.u4 tee-
' a' w a fu ai'pt'uxutlntr•
f riti h i,114, .311 41 P
Ktttw, rime nye provided tegishlHuu ta1_1..Pd Ontario with all their wealth and
' {illister. 5'X,'t .mfr , , arts wiih t. by the Dm1414b'ti awl the I'.'.vito•e.
-Let 11. rote at, our e.4 1,•1
,me4,1lc- have Ihrm. bat wr are Ire ' "bell: '3 the reovinoe+ a r5• to pay up
n�I•r .d- - i dal 1ST to F
. - 4-4114 -.leer -.WI VI4 4. for II f.r--- 4. ft_4u n '*'nr 1,, those » bio are epi-.
fk 4 SIMI), as Merl. Let u+ hm1(•.tic 1,1144414 alt atit-1111"'t% " 1"r "IFilr larelsagr, And
1r , Ind'" I In *mm ,a".* 1144 the entire. gthle. the lIlle le,n, 4:oreru , re u44,".'
' rip., for the Inottorrrille plea for fair 141a•age for tins!,: a 1..I „ Ing Ivr vi tar __I f4tub.n to refund N.-
dealin •. Leet u- r. `�- ec .wM` ` Ifit lint ,p4 rr cent. or the
� C1/Tis to ,r.rrtluur .our ,•tulle• ural." Kno•h a declaration :4nounr�t paid. -_•
experiment 141 1-"l, Inion or put nacre .honed Iran 1.,,,,,gtl'r tmmr''+ary,; {Chile 3111411.• opinion. .~5'11444 141 hi-
aro. Let us .ane the
farmer by the w:Iy ace prefer. lent let
.r but unpatriotic journal. in MI. corm- ire• largely in facer of the adoption of
rtto.Ita _1t ,_ lt. ju,l nr ..441 -'u' be rte• with the 'object .f Maki HrL-
' (111-4 All.rme fu lilt l'r,.'in,r• nowt of
. • nee' bas to oh.'
voting before the world for a cure! ."cite Ig IMI
the t•ritl4-4.m widen
rmr".g wife* Nu• more drool 'o p1�11 af*-+n'.3-the-ICfug .[:.!tern• with, file u1,pIl'111 11 .f tile law. 4114
f 114 !limit. 14:4' 4•floor_.-- .._._--
dare +'cane!, to-etr murmur t : been -4. autly and pIr•r n,.o to the arrutgrupnt fry ghi•h rnMc
x11, .. oar- 4i+frolic mi1r1`prrI Mntiht int r the ror..r7.-flay 1"'r sent. .( the nnuoamounti+ lali,d
tarot 4' immigr,0h.n t«di, c tint the by Ihr IN•tnlulna l:.vrrnurut. Hefer
g o tile * ass .f rr-arra wrap shoat,!
rreithark o!ehhrt, of sec a rte.
h rhnrge.a weer, )(71rie• Xew+ suggr+t. tion a a d4ltlneNol
DETRACTION THAT TAus Prime aiini•ter rridenttr felt that all ria t I I
benefit b4 the a•hrune 11 KA )t
1'u..rwanter-deucr.4 1'eni.t is lender , t 34,- pend. of •.rent nritn4,,, should be wade between "the old pe,,-
obligatbm to '1'Iw' T.a•..uto Adobe -mod . ;de a'1,. full 1010 sIrait*'n4t cir•nu1-
17,e i..'tdfon.Frre Press tot• 11:r ,q,1.,r Ilurnn .[Iria-q-ll44.7 $,. 410.110-t.,4- ('• 0.110-t.,4 throng). 011 fink of their own" i
1 . ttW41 - that ha., iw a lAieg .rd ilirr,,r, ,111.1 the thn11slMl4 l'in'e; in wait for "u ;.
gree a 0f v».�li- c;.deri,'h Kig44443 .'rhe 1/eafnr,4 '111,1 ot'e 01.4-844,. p.•u,•iou fund, "Shu
___Ai4ting his adltyinit•ratiuu i41 regard to '444 ,.r *Mims that lire, tool lir'1e• are st4 nt (heiru IP,s, like Har gene t)4144p,Lr.,
several matter. flint etl1er4T'p might tile rnrtrioe *.cullas uf,Initarb, melte- wu$tiug their 'pp,rhu,4tfe•+ t. pr.4'Ip
never lace been cleared up 1411hli,•h' tut ,_tint 11:r74:',11 conntie•-4 Inrnidt• '',1 !"( "111 Ate- and are now 111,3.11,E for
}:ver sitter hire arrioalutrllent ow lead of larger props.•f .nit.,+ than adthe fruits of hard 'cork and ,'.num}''
the 1'oe,tutlkr Department Mr. {'ruprot ^Iah.•r .rm1ltlr,r in rile 1'rr'iner. It way: II/ others to carer thew 1tiruagh
Ira 11.: hat }}neon c.uut4 at, 1. well udverspc."
baa been described by his opponents as' repre.etit•'d on the. Great !sake..:' •\ eorres)sondeht of The London 1(tu•'
6 4fuk`» , : t cin
uo ,t.n46t toe Int•1114,e1 4'fth Brae aflll the FPr n.4.n (;r7,71,la•ut.
811 attached to friar eight hove Fxr„err - , ' action g
a wetter of general 11ccrptancc had not (Ir•y' Ir is t11e psora of (icstrrkh Whl•h Iroints 01)1'1.1 ,but •9 hr uge.l 7rrr rn,t a.k•
1 learn. un, .nod tic retal1atio u The 4ignul it right. 1l"r'm ,1114011,1 t u ) .►rhe•raiser 111 104.•1*thlg earl
the matter
o general a Duras!+, g 1,. !tarot, 1tie murine• 4n1)1ortwanbe•. 1114 for •charity': lint n ..mall rw'.n4•'
1 in a rt•in4leatl.444 Try Iluruu. rq(t4S.,a .lin.+. `sllRlrerlrl and».•ynfrifl rpt it, hieing their
Poo, nntlerstruid that 4P.er11 u( 1 11441' at least for what m their man -
-___.Int,ment of Weaku,so., ventured to give; the gr,•ste-t "blies Ott flit• lak are
rime. 11303
particulate of senate .f rite ifili4•ie�,i'
alleged mi.irirts uud nr 8111»Yd tln:.and 1(1411 the,1)ant' oa,•14 41gno,nu 4,f`irrtrein-Ia3Mgt'4r14-tltetfuuntlaliun of
allege to iselet 1. io their_ a ke:i value "Pulses h. ,ono lir 5,1,40.:4,•• rise lake•, elinr''h and state, 41nd 4lurkinR 11114'
estimate at,•1'1, nr4ur. _ 4 ummunnealt4 what it sheolld two"
x against him. yeas,___ - --. .
The matter of the Sla•cw pinonia.r-• -__
erst11p ha. vow been pretty well rend. lerilt111 Packet nu I Time., .f the ,'ihe•utr 4n Ontario. It point.:
Lied. and :,1thuUgh fate utobe will Th)+ hytno .A4 Wrlttt'tl h4 .4nay of oat 'Hart Ontario's p.rgsllAtl.ri i. H+.'
Sonnei rs nlaart in a .eat -created uinz.. thi. yr:Ir by' n
on nineteen year. .f 1haii our -third Enrol, And 11.711 til.
,,;4e, win i. in dome+tic .ertai,r• in j'ruvitive ,last Jotter the proposal "in
Of tnl'repn•s,.ntntiuu Ihr bodily. we }:ngit',1. ,Imp wear rend to n big,rrtrgre- the light .f 34'. 0a1 (144-11." In lnt-
Diva. le !nett- w•el- melted of the WI lion b, tor, ('ample!! M.rtun tit un4' uthe•r enielr 14 states that "lite farm-
facts of she e.1st'. To prop up the foil. of his service. Iasi week 111 {C,st,nn,- . of autnrfo 344) rn mnnl.'tpel and
tug ea0lpaig» Against the Prvdmaster-, suer Chapel: *".10".1 true. nl.ue 811 average of 141410'
Genera) the Iasi of the ),v.Uuaaterxhip L'4.44 .f All 4sdx and )aln4 nn,) things. ' than $I.(at al. acre on all the •n+.e.wvl1
14bar i'ce 4441 It4ne 441 iw , Noris or an average of [pore tin, it1,:4",
of 13rlgderr • was resurrected. The, un acre on nil their ei*1f}rahrl bast.
.1 sotto by della torr!, }hang., or
charge wee tiat a returned roan named: Wafehing late with Thee, 4114• The rine. r•I,ing opt forma, .32133
Stich had been notlfgA' by the lir}) Or 4prramfntt In- (hP dnanTl¢Ttl nr I I 111 the retb.•mm�t of In,ldi, feeling 4,
Service ('4m1wf.xirm of }law npparlltmPnt xf'rndng fRevere. gate•.. the relict of hnnn4n etlr rn... *rth.n tnr
Make tarn .vtht i»' getting for social progres. the erenthen of -
to this oRlce-yrubably }n the same !n•) g menhe, and 1,,.aph, and the, rl•,nn,n•'.•
Washing tip the plate.. of the
drlitt)te form u. In the 1(leorrte carr!- , worker in the enjoyment .r W- t he
the charg.•4 brought
- - the la tomes Sun 41',rotetul +
.1 Kitchen Saint
�w°°' strong adv,lntc 1.f .rnifhitl n tr �iirt(i
and that
14.futnenr and gate the )nr.•it14111 to 'In-' to administration 41.1 An l
IAnal when 1 black th« fxsrt% and show., h•?dnfr dclrl n'rhl.•t.n: 4q1 nn.fhrr,
.tier art t • '17rlI , , • oat that if
healon Aollertlaer pNorurNly gave dell thluk .f }row the trod the earth. (►near!. *Oujda the gaal.b,n A-4*'»,,' n
ac 4 c nIp ,r .x t lime 1 4•rale the }Harr; nrr.h•rtak,. • to add a .rrrrth.r emit .f ,
1 '+
I Although i tweet have Martha'. hamlet, warn.• and to thaw• told. freedom! .f
Mr. r. i'enla cancelled the ap I lune a Mary mind: trade. fru !
t Ill All, r a War \r e r tn.Th, sanded.. ferrel. 1 find. 01 n.d.n The yon p Ir t
f t''. of this elan, •froWi the l' t i
Arm et sh1
! ».4.)4) Ion, hard. 4 hate» t Alg,rnxlm,tely flu r salsa
n1ts(rr-t:rnerat n aet}nn in Ijtti4 ' 11 !tiff-' 44me for more. to Its �',t annually
Brent light. The applicant el Brie -
{Vireo r,ln•nd, Intoterabl,• httrdeh ef'
{{'areo nil the k1i.•Itrn with Thy love•
cern, air. Koch, already lett a pewlrion 1111,) Iia4,1 it with Thy ream: Phe Toronto rilAt n•nmrk4 that
(r,.nl which hi. ole - 1118khpt shwa Forgive are ,Il tett' worrying• and mike ' .or rryonr 4tf1l hope flint the Outurl"•.
Iti,11•st n year. Nut contort, With fhb..
all grumbling react'.("'torRmrnt ,)Price. ,I olio for „).na,.
he » nl:t•r) f. tea• a14sdrrtM 4x,4tmAstrr, Thmt W'"'"1441 I.vP Nr gree mPn for.'. (l.en+)Dnp Ilia, le better tlutn the our lw
1» eons!. or ►w the .ma. Ing .4usl•d eLPWh►er,. tint An
With the intention of farthing oat alae y «•Iron»
.lrrrylt Mb. *orrice that I do I ,)n If ' that he worth wbCe 4111 Hiron'e the
Joh to a yang woman oho urate be re-. ma*, r,,...
yrnrl3 exle•ndlhure .f millions »r dirt
**lie *10 a seek sill' tee ttrttll.l I.F.,.1ri (raters ?When", 0111 hove to;
Ire attractive indeed to warrant elm 1
people f.rnit•,ing the lerey Tate teat. '
Apply ...r Rho- t .nA eMD I greet the ihrminlun le % AIina M make
--,taanow• smart pist..,rf. i end.r the. ?',,leis, Ar•t.".
1 C K 1 The Border ('41),,. Kier of {,'incl+..,..
(Pn►AT.. Pt4rP.!r4 the *leo that.
�/A PO R V + „,Morn ehA'.n't seem to be a .lig'• rea-
QMr i imam Jes yaw Y4•ryr I am Why (►arses .)onll,) not 'ref into 1
I (4nM. The penxl)n. 'ire tr,•eded and the;
•retwket the remainder of the rotary of
a/w.nt *IOM) A year a1)1 ,•'a,tinne 411
n llitoytlxttt In w-Meh he a•:1. lir ond'
*r.gagrd. aur. Venl.t ohjcr•M$ Iu di: -
mariner .f teeing the .1Rce :u..* 11n•.t)e•r
applicant was Apfsdnted a 11.. tine free..
earry1117 on the work him•P4f, Pcid4ntl4
In discussing the .iht:ltf•,. In 1C/w
w-rlpt remark.: ••t4. fur th,_.t:n4'rrli-
nls'n1 .( New Itrun.,i••k h:1+ 1111.'1 1..
111114*' toward taking tdtnl,4age' .( the
Federal l.r,n'isiatn 1111,1 pr.c i lil4g all
1,gt• Iwn.ions for «111 own 1a r1 i•4t4-
zru.. 111404»-r it ,L r. ur down hot We
wail e,t4,444tte t. {++r ..ur 4srrti4.4 ,!L 1 e
Ft'14ral .lion,. of the )a•usi.n, �4 t .
14'1411f• III r''t• l'r 41 111 P Shu »'.mild w,•I-
.rane the ap4..rhulity t. rf,'rlsl' 0 pen•
"ion 4.1 raw• t4wir 4le.•liuiug year, may
fw Ilielitif•d t. w.ndrr why We +holtl,t
c144erfullr +ubtnit t. beiut 1414441 for
the lrta•tit .f the aged in tether i'ru-
vin.r•+ while re.trainirtg fr.4m holding
out n hel)tiug ha111 to 11,ew.':
i114elt."iIg the rrfu,utt of
rlrninl lea,k•rs to r•unsidrr the nduryi.n
of uid-age ps•n4ion, The. t',tuadlu,
Beaver 4±3'rnrt.l 'i1 ie.l to ex..' dm:
"{1'11y w'ttain of our Pro.lea dal Prem•
,�,your /stooe young .1
Keep your stove looking as well
as it cooks! Learn this new and_.
easier way to keep stoves glossily
black through years of service.
Apply a little ZEBRA, in its new
liquid polish form. Let it dry ...
Polish... that's all! Clean and
quick -and a lasting shine.
For those who prefer it, Zebra Past* is grill
obtainable. In both Peat* and L.gued the
Zebra et the sign of a good stove
pol,ah .
ire+. recti"•ru1 and 4',gt.ervatite. 4:e,rge 'bait all his other act A 't,,•.
shmld opgi,rse old -age pen -lou. 14111P/re•lue41. 'Chen the aIle r
111211, Iu..f 114 1.1111 fathom. P+.4• •1. t,d win'
10/1.0 o
expense eau relaters of (*amniar.ali1e• chis truth.
1 would be hurtle by the reheat - and adopt thtx sheltie men.ure of1.,-
Government and the peot4r wutlld tw toy' to the old ,ltuoigst us. they p1ll
Mk. grateful (or (bp ad4gr444•1i of eu ad• ; turn w•1!l partake of the L:orl e'er•
ante ps'ua.11 w•heue that. fustrul of pagnllarhy anwn.g't 1111• 1101,110ra of the
an, tiOcernniertt or tarty auaering, laxrple. full! they do. the -rest of u.•
they would gain trentel ,,iwty let poli- .1,0.114 keep) liamn(rritig at them t..
!kcal support. t,loyd Ger,rxe's ureal ju,glce to our 4141 folks."
popularity wit, the musses .f Great
Britain .should wet- be considered e.
(lite to his War work. {Car -rime Prime----Florida-11tH_11 11 rile I.o +
Mil)sier. seldom retain , their war- it °veal% that even the a Ke. aro•'i t'e'e ,x
time popularity. 4;.1 nee. pensions tin i• t, A ger•'•
hart• .44.41*' ,our• to ..*'occur the alfe•• pumpee tY wtlld time' next,• 1tofrt.-c
thole of the Ilr}Hah 4.5.411,• h. Lhr/'d Tran•rript.
a t4ata4