The Signal, 1928-10-18, Page 2j--411al, Detob•r alt. I0215: to the satisfaction of Cie eoutumuitt, ' Q,n1� I WhileMat•Ihmulii. the Wan app hired, ICSTAIt1.1Slihill 1848 GODERICH CANADA Member of Canadian Weekly News- papers evapapers Association Published every Thursday morning. Subscription price $2 vu per year strictly in advance. THE SIGNAL P1ULNTL' G CO., LTD. Telephone 35 : : Uoderirh, Oak W. 11. Robertson, Editor and !tanager l'Lur..J.iy. tk•tuler 1', lir:... HOOVER, AND SMITH An article. -Studies' l0 'I'ruipwra• is not a returned man. he enitsttil anti was part in class 4' and retained fu ('enada. Such Is +tail earning a good ,eatery at the work %Will he has leen d•,h,g for aw,t','rul years. !leaders or The Gluts• uud The Free !fres.. of course. are not given the full anti 'correct " version of the. fact. in these matter.. 14111 the truth i, iun.4 Is• su4q,re,a-(rl, turd if Mr. ', 'uior t. to 1i• .urce„sfully pictured as a s'otr4,•lence• Iere. partisan his detra, tor. ail) have to produce better evideuee than 411..3 have es. far placed before the p21hft.. tuenl" iu Thr .Mantic aluuthly for EDITORIAL NOTES tk•toh•r is au inlets -444,1g cxantivaihe; or the two axun!ldutrs for the FattedWhat :,Ire A. u. tine (kt,l,rr d:c States 1'rearldeucy.. The sutwr, sett- tdblc. industtious !louver is contrasted • • • . • The t;f,.lr i4v s ecblettee :,Iwo.' , THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. TEST BEHIND THE SCENES It'. gut• 41.4. I4eresscary elasticity ,•. I stir Au.hen ('l:autl.•rla)n. Foreign !!:Meer. wattled the n with the tr,ura •t5nls, e4ery. day now that it doesn't take• the Howse' ,•f 4'uu3ttu,us not I. e%leer lou emelt from the hell 1 righting Smith, much Nita k is ti.P oath coalmald• IiLlddrraulatat h, I rrltu. rattier to the disadvantage of the went. former. - ""•At rifer,/ -t o out o fol vee--- s.'" .ny" OUR WEEKLY D I G the writer,' 't{iar out of Xhree will le n 'relaier Frrgn-our al'iv.u11"44 taut old n.r p4•lr.,o11. are o a, you they are voting for him l4• saw Int II, i 14.4:444 , next year. in .cru 1,,l r 0 P i• l: 1 11 It 1 is not -a politician. Hat--warix-Uttr \rirtrNw-4i.lufuLrtl!;oceruwrur. whirl reale to think of It, than T. t-eurtouplS cs.'ientitlP reason t.,_udLotuce full- 41143. hair tllw.0.1. The Legislalnre u•• • t i mitt , • 4* •i:e Itte1-7Ir.• with n A Concise Review of Recent Opinion on a Is the real .,•,dal science. and the, a4inttu�_-44fl1+.d`"pl"r>iti n. � -- amateur politician Is neWaer Niter Public Question • • • nor worse Ih:n/ the amateur .cienti.t or the amateur pluul.r." 11,.•3or !t 1',414 1,"""14 Frer I'r,-. 'a,. the; the Inat-„•Lr .ta1.1 wake `1"'"?"' 0? ueh"I'liug the 4'fvil '' Ser-; i• • NW ! a rni-li.ether. Knuth I. a'us.n1 of;++ ____ the 4•w,ple -he awi;d be a great leader. tii.-YottU11i.N,,Ii a vital one. t: t or r 4e F 1 I1ite• •'.•,u: hear Boomer. 1„i.t• nsl4ing '•"•4 to »1ri•1 'r to It+ tricu,14at Tor t•'r order rund quirt. a hez...•r leisure•:4nd t.• cher patr1.uutr sho114,4 be 444d- t+ise•,! il�,' I'r,•4:u••fal atTair.. OLD AGE PENSIONS ti e1.4 n••h however f t Ohl -age 4s•u.ioi. bre uta t.la!dl.ht l 411 Britt..it t'.luwbi:t. Sasklatcl,rwa41 and Manitoba.' The Proriu,r of Al - in lu dralin.g with the .ugge.ti.11 that edema• ', !,arca i 4441• atrettaae of an 0441 -age feu+10f tents a iterate' in the pauper cla.. Thr lfalifax 4 X.14.) Star quotes train the 1'ruviadal law 41114.44 reads; -The re - voila of a 4eu-4f,u shall not by }Leif 4-u11atih,tr a dleyualitiratiun from curing eat try Provincial or wuuiciprul. rlw•tl,u." -A '--wutributur_ tAs Tlw H e l i to i great remour'eu are aha two. far tetter pu•lttten." '• . t'rttlriaiug eke delay of l'retuier Rhodes' Government lu adopttug the measure, The Itallfax t N.S. t throe aide draws a (tIulalria,w with the �yuk•k action of the {Western 1'rurhmart. ''lthat is the dIRereuyr," It declares, 111iii 'between w'Illiugio.s to `adopt a re. fore mud wan•hiug for tiestacies lgriliwt 'tutting it 1110 effect." The Sydney 4 X.S. 1 Post crItic44es lite Ih,uiln4ou measure larau.e 11 t•laims nu applicant for pension should 1 uu1 is• reonirel 40 place Mantel( in the pauper 'I:1., to totality for state aid, !u his .44,4 rice. It points out Mall ''7n,le +nay qualify 'for relic( under It Nave those whose intone from all Noun,•• is leas than $1.tk► a they. and earn then their allotment duller it 1 rung41. from nothing t. tl;S;u,(M► a year,' being reduce.! dollar for dollar by . the eulluut their wage„ exceed $12•1.00 a year." Chronicle under -the: lemdfug u r e :111(1 'flog' ' maker. :tit barn -4111a Leading} r 1 e ••ill t. etidrut:' fur conclude••• ••t In 1 (r a. -- tion til the whew.) 3%0110.1 trust the -pew I,Ie or Nova Scotia KL:$e4- per. law.tei per year alit ad4444iew to their txnitrib11• tion to Ih.anhilnn tux.st, while it would increase their 1'ruiiuclnl budget by seventeen per ,rft. • art Manitoba where tar percentage oreblerlt people ur�luurat in a, 4- for only l.a per 'rad of tagru'ItfOu and '-crows to 11114 they will g• nye de- he nnle•h {Darr the -darer WoiUd ,use -.erring. Can tierce he our r.a,w ur ' ' at li ri f Kuria:'+ reminding us that tl,... rat le • • • - 1A•rta hu. Appointed :111 official fir wake The iteufrew- Mercury reuu,rk•. that 1"'r cent. b, t)u•-1'ro'I11ettl budget , "the f r I pie•tion 4111 as utlte'rwas, p t t 1 t } \ rr i. common, that he dove. Tun bey . if the f 1 teed sheet 01.•• i:or were nus •t repa•rt a. n' the tuttnta'r '•f 171'1,1 t ws'trutas .1-4 4 'sort .l I Balk i-4 rather t1nt1_ that .:...r•l.c �'"-'If••itA+; til+141 lice L•n•ur.•i of leer- \vh,. av•ul,1 "ail" uuoh•r Ilre .1•t. wtfn � ,� are• of the scheme is cow wrattl'el \ c (u a ,rue Stn- .w roof 1 :Poi uu a only live 1'-' .1.w trod, matari./I 111., stn}.. t 6 i situation would involve that t►rrtariu the 4-4ot tir ribs fact i.4 Iwhiud Li tlge other iCr•.trre, 1'rovitt<•i•s h • t the odd}Nan h. Pr,tinf bat 1•x- «.,al-- 7ratt, rpWre• n••r,L not 1 1 ether fe b'oa's load is the fire 47:•c'i+f--- �.i"_•_{"rw i y. report �' .n� tie ready fur eels-.dt•ratiwt fstrutiun." kit alae Iw11dihlr•: 40(11.1 Ise a4rn,t three ler tjtiret, h_ _, �p"T much •1•tut.t a, to rho •caro..ale. drat,-' - 4:-.1 isdit44trr u! inn n.�' „c••++iutn, recent •h• rococo lit Nuru ae..•'vet . t}a rite Nub __ veto. lit Kitkna hew.4.4u and .Ulcera: "Kw.tL • ha. rtrn; r+ un o '. '•r Su_ ti�?h'r'u open u., Y. Ytrrywhere to ..!uredo. it f+ lutdrrsi,...'.that :the het ••t uldst-'�,uty,hM1+ '. acrd t oft two peer ce•ut- in ltritir[r u !h 1Ur11.NMi .f Cif, ' 11trd.lu ,u, i .city lire the ,., 3slon .f ; "I's4 -th'4kl'l +ire F'rrytn-• ha. bxr•t. ( issue. a+lMciutt\' U4 vara of tare 1.441111111M. » here i'r.t'UI,4At activities., } TY:1 t .171• 1.. t n t -i1 t1K -� fr. 11 is I ge/e/ )tat rr t i ran - at e 1 it tt u try tin t- a • . ' g o .ev ,+ t4 1 a •• t It r s.a h rni •. • ». • k alrra,l4 7.. He ha+ thv "flu 1 Noting will Lr rrad4 f t •'•ni.1.G rat- 1 frJrmlly holier w1.th«r G, the pse,r. d, a+t }(e1,n1aT\-_'n (n -r +.f aur rxu . ^1Tft.4► t ttJ/i id a \,+r ted. • the p.,ati•ot hof 111, tet ft take, tutu tau l," aLile Mr. I!•.•ve•r I. tion, when the Le4ris:atlace :arts. this uuealurr wa.. 4,44),1 d„w'1 by it v.1e of tart. uud tjuc•ber• ahs le•tnvieel i111 iii`-- .41 tit., b, w'it4tra In the Marmn• ol'rutfu••,., rwruty-even ,. 1'uw•reatfrr.. to three 1111 \Dt'ritime•stand flint of the il'r•tern r Iun1 ,:.r. Literals. it i- ..rimnte:•d that the i•r.viu.e,," ter. *di ii,Ic aur (wel- t nT1:' Tltr r^`k'it, .• team' 1 1,•4( elk. the forlorn tent- ci ai•ernwt-aby a .fts144e for «resrola _ " •r" -' Iify cola mot t, airmail,-reerrittttir,g tar ,1st mouth, .,, mrd of 1 i+ I d •'•cuter;. or .l.r+ lir.'idcd�intn the ;i w to --'get • l t h,:r-11411.1, a. tin' :Pro,.11.n1 of rim old- -lou lu that 1t•vfae are r,(►.r4:uu rr •acucb o•r tovert3• t background like 1 :1'rplatuted` , ,tb•kIS with ,early ,rr.'t to th1. 1'r.vin4-r i. }s,3nJ:fu.= Oil.. .Ride- and mother., Here ti•,i,i< nudten,•1•.• .1t the snme•tlme. HIP ,..11e1",Inrilg +tl r •rrm„•.,,.,.4„i ti.',1•Qn--a figure which sum, newspapers. -+LiLL_.r .1 labor•Hoiettx in, things welting Dods at New York are still Nova Scotia. compare with • the iutrrti.\•d sulri•1y r yu u t, rs _ ,n .,[ -. r 1 ,,. " wi,irh Nora $r.444a Is heating from our. asthma! • • • a' +7TiruirT in hi. murmw'1xn4e1 Mr. Mackenzie King. •,. hrr, r.-j.rtr .1 its (4 0.tiar Ito. Wonderful it is } .1 t ir''�+iqQ lr Itrlti.il t'ohlml.fa.' the iti•�•,tri 011 78•14 h 4,e hot u tel ro"•m full .f th+ n, obi t fen' all. Int' terrihlr o 'r , iter• Front :111 three Pr'.4(14v• w Sakti. 4s the air.t f - -"` leader. Who ku.». %liar them. tlipg- Olaf 7:.' 14:ts ,.me thrnteie girl4,4s,wer 1111er of tate Canada fink In le..Yltt. 1411,'.1 Mot »1111 ri dun." i:utrinud. la+o ,. ri: ore. Hl lienar ti..: 44p 'here the orgaiwi, tta4irftl�•-- nit.44.- lu ua•1t of ,. 1. ••.%34.1 -on t. #Mi, : i,1-;0 Ltd- neai4 ,4 '.,rinse:ors of 11ie writer ha. a ,tinging relatiir for ei"e an "ficial 4114.1 y•eritic ,lrnial to 41-1er i'u•4.us Niae ::r pian wa. 1 :, r, "bin" 4 • 1Srili.h of air )! as .1 •lfopuunlri1aIn'i for Ihr !fent-,iu.lrte + r'.luruidn debar the fire P-1, ,t . in r-- WIII ('l,ua,l:a acus --- alar •Ih.tufa.n too take dell,•r , ernaifat -- _ _ su1r4, a Sep. , Ina a+taiu,e! !trill. t itnmi;rru Kn+kato-he•4i'a1i tni� tree',, iwchlg leu - "Thew are the 44r4111•h words tabid, 11.1, 4. 'lei. country. ••X,r si.,ra, + - an,e .0nuur.l. III. the bigger nn- lice June at1,! r•t4x• + ty lace u } Jac•t 111.4," .f the troth w 3 ever .R*'rei in reeptr'4 t.• n thm•a114 ''11 41. p*rymlis » •hitt a .lu,rt 4 ,► oatf v th.tt The New 11,14.now•"(N.K,, New., op, I"�(•+ 1111 'measure Iw•4in 4er-toe III number of odd people resiling In the t. Jane 4'rovitce. It ,cacao•, thu414 ah. would h 1.61 Smith's religion the ,•large made in certain Jrrlit}mal 1 lope I 1 t 4 ,art gr , t.+t wuat be far greater tier 1•Apit'. than to thy other l'r,clteee in ('arnada, uut.hle arahna'� ••It will require from fifteen per 'cent, ta twenty der rhe. of the wia,le rr1•et.l,r 1.f Nova 44, ni:1 to meet the creat .f the old -a gr Mu -44114 scheme. elm:reet.. the .•4)144 to he '4V*' -tern Pnlriuce4 whle•h have dor/tett It will nut require more than rout live per cent. to right per tent. 1P ('entrnl I'rn•itt•es of tjuehy and - . :nal 11 .rtnttrr elan ,, .a fi14a•, t1:,1,1l.1a1 '17.n1111e•h 441 1alyin1( 13111I'f u, n quallticatborr ho luny oink r• Panels 41405 tort osis (tottery roc--'' ) a ion+ion+, a rr t 1 r 1 l i, lion aged r.ideui-. '1'111•-e pwlr•f.ms TI le.t what! ever he 1.r public trust limier the 1"r 'ted frr.m the 'No r•ligi.u4 tee- ' a' w a fu ai'pt'uxutlntr• f riti h i,114, .311 41 P Ktttw, rime nye provided ul.kw tegishlHuu ta1_1..Pd Ontario with all their wealth and ' {illister. 5'X,'t .mfr , , arts wiih t. by the Dm1414b'ti awl the I'.'.vito•e. -Let 11. rote at, our e.4 1,•1 ,me4,1lc- have Ihrm. bat wr are Ire ' "bell: '3 the reovinoe+ a r5• to pay up n�I•r .d- - i dal 1ST to F . - 4-4114 -.leer -.WI VI4 4. for II f.r--- 4. ft_4u n '*'nr 1,, those » bio are epi-. fk 4 SIMI), as Merl. Let u+ hm1(•.tic 1,1144414 alt atit-1111"'t% " 1"r "IFilr larelsagr, And 1r , Ind'" I In *mm ,a".* 1144 the entire. gthle. the lIlle le,n, 4:oreru , re u44,".' ' rip., for the Inottorrrille plea for fair 141a•age for tins!,: a 1..I „ Ing Ivr vi tar __I f4tub.n to refund N.- dealin •. Leet u- r. `�- ec .wM` ` Ifit lint ,p4 rr cent. or the � C1/Tis to ,r.rrtluur .our ,•tulle• ural." Kno•h a declaration :4nounr�t paid. -_• experiment 141 1-"l, Inion or put nacre .honed Iran 1.,,,,,gtl'r tmmr''+ary,; {Chile 3111411.• opinion. .~5'11444 141 hi- . aro. Let us .ane the farmer by the w:Iy ace prefer. lent let .r but unpatriotic journal. in MI. corm- ire• largely in facer of the adoption of rtto.Ita _1t ,_ lt. ju,l nr ..441 -'u' be rte• with the 'object .f Maki HrL- ' (111-4 All.rme fu lilt l'r,.'in,r• nowt of . • nee' bas to oh.' voting before the world for a cure! ."cite Ig IMI the t•ritl4-4.m widen i rmr".g wife* Nu• more drool 'o p1�11 af*-+n'.3-the-ICfug .[:.!tern• with, file u1,pIl'111 11 .f tile law. 4114 f 114 !limit. 14:4' 4•floor_.-- .._._-- dare +'cane!, to-etr murmur t : been -4. autly and pIr•r n,.o to the arrutgrupnt fry ghi•h rnMc x11, .. oar- 4i+frolic mi1r1`prrI Mntiht int r the ror..r7.-flay 1"'r sent. .( the nnuoamounti+ lali,d tarot 4' immigr,0h.n t«di, c tint the by Ihr IN•tnlulna l:.vrrnurut. Hefer g o tile * ass .f rr-arra wrap shoat,! rreithark o!ehhrt, of sec a rte. h rhnrge.a weer, )(71rie• Xew+ suggr+t. tion a a d4ltlneNol , DETRACTION THAT TAus Prime aiini•ter rridenttr felt that all ria t I I benefit b4 the a•hrune 11 KA )t 1'u..rwanter-deucr.4 1'eni.t is lender , t 34,- pend. of •.rent nritn4,,, should be wade between "the old pe,,- obligatbm to '1'Iw' T.a•..uto Adobe -mod . ;de a'1,. full 1010 sIrait*'n4t cir•nu1- 17,e i..'tdfon.Frre Press tot• 11:r ,q,1.,r Ilurnn .[Iria-q-ll44.7 $,. 410.110-t.,4- ('• 0.110-t.,4 throng). 011 fink of their own" i 1 . ttW41 - that ha., iw a lAieg .rd ilirr,,r, ,111.1 the thn11slMl4 l'in'e; in wait for "u ;. gree a 0f v».�li- c;.deri,'h Kig44443 .'rhe 1/eafnr,4 '111,1 ot'e 01.4-844,. p.•u,•iou fund, "Shu ___Ai4ting his adltyinit•ratiuu i41 regard to '444 ,.r *Mims that lire, tool lir'1e• are st4 nt (heiru IP,s, like Har gene t)4144p,Lr., several matter. flint etl1er4T'p might tile rnrtrioe *.cullas uf,Initarb, melte- wu$tiug their 'pp,rhu,4tfe•+ t. pr.4'Ip never lace been cleared up 1411hli,•h' tut ,_tint 11:r74:',11 conntie•-4 Inrnidt• '',1 !"( "111 Ate- and are now 111,3.11,E for }:ver sitter hire arrioalutrllent ow lead of larger props.•f .nit.,+ than adthe fruits of hard 'cork and ,'.num}'' the 1'oe,tutlkr Department Mr. {'ruprot ^Iah.•r .rm1ltlr,r in rile 1'rr'iner. It way: II/ others to carer thew 1tiruagh Ira 11.: hat }}neon c.uut4 at, 1. well udverspc." baa been described by his opponents as' repre.etit•'d on the. Great !sake..:' •\ eorres)sondeht of The London 1(tu•' 6 4fuk`» , : t cin uo ,t.n46t toe Int•1114,e1 4'fth Brae aflll the FPr n.4.n (;r7,71,la•ut. 811 attached to friar eight hove Fxr„err - , ' action g a wetter of general 11ccrptancc had not (Ir•y' Ir is t11e psora of (icstrrkh Whl•h Iroints 01)1'1.1 ,but •9 hr uge.l 7rrr rn,t a.k• 1 learn. un, .nod tic retal1atio u The 4ignul it right. 1l"r'm ,1114011,1 t u ) .►rhe•raiser 111 104.•1*thlg earl the matter o general a Duras!+, g 1,. !tarot, 1tie murine• 4n1)1ortwanbe•. 1114 for •charity': lint n ..mall rw'.n4•' 1 1 in a rt•in4leatl.444 Try Iluruu. rq(t4S.,a .lin.+. `sllRlrerlrl and».•ynfrifl rpt it, hieing their Poo, nntlerstruid that 4P.er11 u( 1 11441' at least for what m their man - We -___.Int,ment of Weaku,so., ventured to give; the gr,•ste-t "blies Ott flit• lak are rime. 11303 particulate of senate .f rite ifili4•ie�,i' alleged mi.irirts uud nr 8111»Yd tln:.and 1(1411 the,1)ant' oa,•14 41gno,nu 4,f`irrtrein-Ia3Mgt'4r14-tltetfuuntlaliun of allege to iselet 1. io their_ a ke:i value "Pulses h. ,ono lir 5,1,40.:4,•• rise lake•, elinr''h and state, 41nd 4lurkinR 11114' estimate at,•1'1, nr4ur. _ 4 ummunnealt4 what it sheolld two" x against him. yeas,___ - --. . The matter of the Sla•cw pinonia.r-• -__ erst11p ha. vow been pretty well rend. lerilt111 Packet nu I Time., .f the ,'ihe•utr 4n Ontario. It point.: Lied. and :,1thuUgh fate utobe will Th)+ hytno .A4 Wrlttt'tl h4 .4nay of oat 'Hart Ontario's p.rgsllAtl.ri i. H+.' Sonnei rs nlaart in a .eat -created uinz.. thi. yr:Ir by' n on nineteen year. .f 1haii our -third Enrol, And 11.711 til. ,,;4e, win i. in dome+tic .ertai,r• in j'ruvitive ,last Jotter the proposal "in Of tnl'repn•s,.ntntiuu Ihr bodily. we }:ngit',1. ,Imp wear rend to n big,rrtrgre- the light .f 34'. 0a1 (144-11." In lnt- Diva. le !nett- w•el- melted of the WI lion b, tor, ('ample!! M.rtun tit un4' uthe•r enielr 14 states that "lite farm- facts of she e.1st'. To prop up the foil. of his service. Iasi week 111 {C,st,nn,- . of autnrfo 344) rn mnnl.'tpel and tug ea0lpaig» Against the Prvdmaster-, suer Chapel: *".10".1 true. nl.ue 811 average of 141410' Genera) the Iasi of the ),v.Uuaaterxhip L'4.44 .f All 4sdx and )aln4 nn,) things. ' than $I.(at al. acre on all the •n+.e.wvl1 14bar i'ce 4441 It4ne 441 iw , Noris or an average of [pore tin, it1,:4", of 13rlgderr • was resurrected. The, un acre on nil their ei*1f}rahrl bast. .1 sotto by della torr!, }hang., or charge wee tiat a returned roan named: Wafehing late with Thee, 4114• The rine. r•I,ing opt forma, .32133 Stich had been notlfgA' by the lir}) Or 4prramfntt In- (hP dnanTl¢Ttl nr I I 111 the retb.•mm�t of In,ldi, feeling 4, Service ('4m1wf.xirm of }law npparlltmPnt xf'rndng fRevere. gate•.. the relict of hnnn4n etlr rn... *rth.n tnr Make tarn .vtht i»' getting for social progres. the erenthen of - to this oRlce-yrubably }n the same !n•) g menhe, and 1,,.aph, and the, rl•,nn,n•'.• Washing tip the plate.. of the drlitt)te form u. In the 1(leorrte carr!- , worker in the enjoyment .r W- t he the charg.•4 brought - - the la tomes Sun 41',rotetul + .1 Kitchen Saint �w°°' strong adv,lntc 1.f .rnifhitl n tr �iirt(i and that 14.futnenr and gate the )nr.•it14111 to 'In-' to administration 41.1 An l IAnal when 1 black th« fxsrt% and show., h•?dnfr dclrl n'rhl.•t.n: 4q1 nn.fhrr, .tier art t • '17rlI , , • oat that if healon Aollertlaer pNorurNly gave dell thluk .f }row the trod the earth. (►near!. *Oujda the gaal.b,n A-4*'»,,' n ac 4 c nIp ,r .x t lime 1 4•rale the }Harr; nrr.h•rtak,. • to add a .rrrrth.r emit .f , 1 '+ I Although i tweet have Martha'. hamlet, warn.• and to thaw• told. freedom! .f Mr. r. i'enla cancelled the ap I lune a Mary mind: trade. fru ! of t Ill All, r a War \r e r tn.Th, sanded.. ferrel. 1 find. 01 n.d.n The yon p Ir t f t''. of this elan, •froWi the l' t i what Arm et sh1 ! ».4.)4) Ion, hard. 4 hate» t Alg,rnxlm,tely flu r salsa n1ts(rr-t:rnerat n aet}nn in Ijtti4 ' 11 !tiff-' 44me for more. to Its �',t annually Brent light. The applicant el Brie - {Vireo r,ln•nd, Intoterabl,• httrdeh ef' {{'areo nil the k1i.•Itrn with Thy love• taxation." cern, air. Koch, already lett a pewlrion 1111,) Iia4,1 it with Thy ream: Phe Toronto rilAt n•nmrk4 that (r,.nl which hi. ole - 1118khpt shwa Forgive are ,Il tett' worrying• and mike ' .or rryonr 4tf1l hope flint the Outurl"•. Iti,11•st n year. Nut contort, With fhb.. all grumbling react'.("'torRmrnt ,)Price. ,I olio for „).na,. he » nl:t•r) f. tea• a14sdrrtM 4x,4tmAstrr, Thmt W'"'"1441 I.vP Nr gree mPn for.'. (l.en+)Dnp Ilia, le better tlutn the our lw 1» eons!. or ►w the .ma. Ing .4usl•d eLPWh►er,. tint An With the intention of farthing oat alae y «•Iron» .lrrrylt Mb. *orrice that I do I ,)n If ' that he worth wbCe 4111 Hiron'e the Joh to a yang woman oho urate be re-. ma*, r,,... yrnrl3 exle•ndlhure .f millions »r dirt **lie *10 a seek sill' tee ttrttll.l I.F.,.1ri (raters ?When", 0111 hove to; Ire attractive indeed to warrant elm 1 people f.rnit•,ing the lerey Tate teat. ' Apply ...r Rho- t .nA eMD I greet the ihrminlun le % AIina M make --,taanow• smart pist..,rf. i end.r the. ?',,leis, Ar•t.". 1 C K 1 The Border ('41),,. Kier of {,'incl+..,.. (Pn►AT.. Pt4rP.!r4 the *leo that. �/A PO R V + „,Morn ehA'.n't seem to be a .lig'• rea- QMr i imam Jes yaw Y4•ryr I am Why (►arses .)onll,) not 'ref into 1 I (4nM. The penxl)n. 'ire tr,•eded and the; •retwket the remainder of the rotary of a/w.nt *IOM) A year a1)1 ,•'a,tinne 411 n llitoytlxttt In w-Meh he a•:1. lir ond' *r.gagrd. aur. Venl.t ohjcr•M$ Iu di: - mariner .f teeing the .1Rce :u..* 11n•.t)e•r applicant was Apfsdnted a 11.. tine free.. earry1117 on the work him•P4f, Pcid4ntl4 OLJGHS In discussing the .iht:ltf•,. In 1C/w w-rlpt remark.: ••t4. fur th,_.t:n4'rrli- nls'n1 .( New Itrun.,i••k h:1+ 1111.'1 1.. 111114*' toward taking tdtnl,4age' .( the Federal l.r,n'isiatn 1111,1 pr.c i lil4g all 1,gt• Iwn.ions for «111 own 1a r1 i•4t4- zru.. 111404»-r it ,L r. ur down hot We wail e,t4,444tte t. {++r ..ur 4srrti4.4 ,!L 1 e Ft'14ral .lion,. of the )a•usi.n, �4 t . 14'1411f• III r''t• l'r 41 111 P Shu »'.mild w,•I- .rane the ap4..rhulity t. rf,'rlsl' 0 pen• "ion 4.1 raw• t4wir 4le.•liuiug year, may fw Ilielitif•d t. w.ndrr why We +holtl,t c144erfullr +ubtnit t. beiut 1414441 for the lrta•tit .f the aged in tether i'ru- vin.r•+ while re.trainirtg fr.4m holding out n hel)tiug ha111 to 11,ew.': i114elt."iIg the rrfu,utt of +.mit rlrninl lea,k•rs to r•unsidrr the nduryi.n of uid-age ps•n4ion, The. t',tuadlu, Beaver 4±3'rnrt.l 'i1 ie.l to ex..' dm: "{1'11y w'ttain of our Pro.lea dal Prem• A BEAUTY TKEA,�TMENT ,�,your /stooe young .1 Keep your stove looking as well as it cooks! Learn this new and_. easier way to keep stoves glossily black through years of service. Apply a little ZEBRA, in its new liquid polish form. Let it dry ... Polish... that's all! Clean and quick -and a lasting shine. ZEBRA. RE 0 rEVE STOVE PONS IN BOTTLES For those who prefer it, Zebra Past* is grill obtainable. In both Peat* and L.gued the Zebra et the sign of a good stove pol,ah . 35 ire+. recti 1.il"•ru1 and 4',gt.ervatite. 4:e,rge 'bait all his other act A 't,,•. shmld opgi,rse old -age pen -lou. 14111P/re .r.mt•lue41. 'Chen the aIle r 111211, Iu..f 114 1.1111 fathom. P+.4• •1. t,d win' 10/1.0 o expense eau relaters of (*amniar.ali1e• chis truth. 1 would be hurtle by the reheat - and adopt thtx sheltie men.ure of1.,- Government and the peot4r wutlld tw toy' to the old ,ltuoigst us. they p1ll Mk. grateful (or (bp ad4gr444•1i of eu ad• ; turn w•1!l partake of the L:orl e'er• rglit ante ps'ua.11 w•heue that. fustrul of pagnllarhy anwn.g't 1111• 1101,110ra of the an, tiOcernniertt or tarty auaering, laxrple. full! they do. the -rest of u.• they would gain trentel ,,iwty let poli- .1,0.114 keep) liamn(rritig at them t.. do !kcal support. t,loyd Ger,rxe's ureal ju,glce to our 4141 folks." popularity wit, the musses .f Great Britain .should wet- be considered e. (lite to his War work. {Car -rime Prime----Florida-11tH_11 11 rile I.o + Mil)sier. seldom retain , their war- it °veal% that even the a Ke. aro•'i t'e'e ,x time popularity. 4;.1 nee. pensions tin i• t, A ger•'• hart• .44.41*' ,our• to ..*'occur the alfe•• pumpee tY wtlld time' next,• 1tofrt.-c thole of the Ilr}Hah 4.5.411,• h. Lhr/'d Tran•rript. t► a t4ata4