HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-05-03, Page 25THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1988. PAGE 25. Classified Ads CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.75tor20 words, additional words 11c each. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. AT YOUR SERVICE COMING EVENTS AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES HELP WANTED J.C. ENTERPRISES - CUSTOM farming, planting corn and soy­ beans and all kinds of tillage. Phone526-7523. 16-5p CORN PLANTING - FOUR 36” rows, $9 per acre with fertilizer and insecticide. Phone Brad Thomson 523-9723. 17-4 HANDY MAN, HOME MAIN- tenance, renovations. No job too small. Phone Larry, 523-9705. 17-tfn CUSTOM CULTIVATING AND plowing. Phone 887-6287. 17-4 THE FAMILY OF GEORGE AND Magaret Wasson wishes to invite you to an open reception in honour of our parents' 50th wedding anniversary, to take place May 7 in the Blyth Memorial Hallcommenc- ing at 8 p.m. Best Wishes only please. 17-2p THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Class­ es being held at Huronview Auditorium, Clinton commencing Wednesday, May 11, 1988. The next series of classes will begin the week of September 12, 1988. Please pre-register by calling the Health Unit office at 482-3416 or 1-800-265-5184 toll free. 17-2 AUCTION SALE of van, tractor and machinery, furniture, antiques, dishes, miscellaneous items. FOR GRAHAM AND MARGARET WORK Lot 1, Concession 8, Grey Township, located 11A miles north of Brussels on County Road 12 ON SATURDAY, MAY 14 Sale time: 10 a.m. AUCTIONEERS: BOB & DOUG GILMORE 291-3489 or 291-3421 QUEEN’S BUSH RURAL MINI­ STRY. We can help 519-392-6090. 13-tfn REAL ESTATE FOR CUSTOM BULLDOZING AND SCRAPER WORK CALL: BILLMcDOUGALL BULLDOZING BLYTH,ONTARIO 523-9643 BUILDING LOT, BLYTH, FULLY serviced, 66 x 132. Asking $6,000. Phone887-9137evenings. 17-2 500 ACRE FARM, 100 CLEARED, 400 bush. Beautiful 4-bedroom 2-storey home. Barns, buildings. Excellent Springfed ponds. Excel­ lentrecreation property, Ranch Land. E. Ont. Private sale (613) 649-2225. 18-lp EVENING ESTATE AUCTION Modern Brick house on main street close to arena plus household furniture and appliances to be held at the Blyth Arena for the Estateof Norman Garrett THURSDAY, MAY26 AT6:30P.M. For information and viewing of house phone Executors Ted East523-4335or Fred Howson 523-9434 AUCTIONEER RICHARDLOBB482-7898 requires an ASSISTANTTOTHE ADVERTISING MANAGER to work in our Brussels office 17 hours per week [Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays]. Some office work, some telephone solicitation. Must be self-start­ er, hardworker, organized, creative. Be part of an award-winning organization. Apply in writing to Dave Williams, Advertising Manager, The Citizen, Box 52, Brussels, Ontario. GARAGE SALES MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE, Saturday, May 7, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Main Street, Londesboro. Many miscellaneous items. 18-1 GARAGE SALE: OUR 13TH AN- nual Garage Sale will be held Friday, May 6 from 7 - 9 p.m. at the Blyth Community Centre. Call Bonnie Shannon 523-9326 or Can­ dice Howson 523-4508 for any donations you may have. There will be special geraniums and a bake table on sale by the choir. Advance orders will be taken for flowers by calling 357-3514. Also our Kid’s Corner and Food Booth will be some of the extra features at this year’s Garage Sale. So come and enjoy. Sponsored by the Evening Unitofthe Blyth United Church Women. 14-5 OPEN HOUSE Friday, May 6,6:30 to 8 p.m. and Saturday, May 71:30-3p.m. 93 James St., Seaforth Victorian-style home on deep lot, large kitchen, dining room, three bed­ rooms, 11/2 baths, double garage, excellent location, $69,900. MLS 8-371. PHONECHARLOTTE GOEBEL595-4979 Representing Century 21, Scott Real Estate i Stratford A CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM MACHINERY, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ANTIQUESANDTOOLS FOR IRVIN AND EILEEN GETHKE, RR1, BELGRAVE 357-2631 8TH CONC. LOT40EAST WAWANOSH, 1 MILE WEST OFBELGRAVEON SATURDAY, MAY 14,1988 AT 10 A.M. &2GUEST CONSIGNORS Plan to attend this sale of good equipment and household effects. Reason for selling is farms are sold. Terms: Cash Dayof Sale, 8% SalesTaxineffectwhere applicable. Owners or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss of purchase. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: PROPRIETORS: IRVINGETHKE357-2631 GERALD EDWARDS 357-1868, JOHN WATSON 335-3079 AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL357-2349 Lunch Booth Sunday shopping Continued from page 1 don’t want to be forced into keeping their shops open. This comes, however, he said, from a misunderstanding promoted by the Opposition parties about the actual legislation. When it came time for municipalities to decide whether or not they will allow stores to remain open, he said, he expected people against Sunday openings toadvise their municipal leaders which way to vote. Andy Brandt, leader of the Progressive Conservatives said in the press release however, that “The test is whether or not Mr. Riddell will stand up for his beliefs and that of the majority of his constituents and vote against the government’s Sunday shopping legislation.’’ Liberal M.P.P.s must decide, he says, whose interests come first, their constituents or the Premier’s. "Suddenly it ’s sold " COMING EVENTS Wreal estate ltd. I 82 ALBERT STREET ■ CLINTON, ONTARIO, k FOUNDING MEETING OF THE new Huron-Bruce Federal Pro­ gressive Conservative Riding As­ sociation at Wingham Town Hall, Thursday, May 12,8p.m. 18-2 ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET - salad bar, roast beef, home-made pies. White Carnation, Holmes­ ville, Sundays 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. 18-2 MASON BAILEY BROKER 482-9371 GORDONHILL SALES REPRESENTATIVE 233-3307 EVENING AUCTION SALE Appliances, furniture, garden tiller, lawn mower, garden tools, etc. to be held in Walton for MR.ANDMRS.ERNIESTEVENS THURSDAY, MAY 19 AT6:00P.M. See next week’s paper for full listing. AUCTIONEER: RICHARDLOBB482-7898 REMINDER: Thursday, May5at6p.m. appliances, furniture,car, etc. 96 E. William St., Seaforth. Estateof MikeMalaniuk. COMMUNITY SHOWER FOR Patricia TenPas on Monday, May 9th at 7:30 in the Brussels United Church. 18-1 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic held at the Huron Unit Office, Medical Building, Brussels on Tuesday, May 10, 1988 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Vision Screening. Adult Immunization will also be offered at this clinic. 18-1 89 ACRES: 80 acres workable, near Westfield, 30 acres fall wheat, no Atrazine. MOBILE HOME in good condition. 12’ x 60’. $10,900.00. MORRIS TOWNSHIP: 4 bedroom frame home and heated workshop on 1/4 acre lot. Under $50,000.00. 12 ACRES: Hog barns for 650 hogs. Frame home. BLYTH: Building lot on Hamilton Street, fully serviced. BLYTH: 4 bedroom frame home on Morris street, large lot. Vendor will finance. 100 ACRES: 90 acres workable, East Wawanosh, no buildings. Vendor will finance. 100 ACRES: Farm near Auburn, 75 acres workable, 11/2 storey stucco home. General purpose barn. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY with 2 apartments, Queen Street, Blyth. 85 ACRES: East Wawanosh, cut stone, two floor frame, four bedrooms, two bay garage and heated Workshop. Hardwood bush, trout stream, very scenic. This is an exceptional property designed for the executive person who wants every convenience and country atmosphere. RIDE program bringing results FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL: RIBS and sauerkraut served in our lounge 5 to 8 p.m. Phone for take-out 523-9381, The Blyth Inn. 14-tfn Of 40 Ontario motorists charged with drinking and driving offenses during the first week (April 17 to 23) of the new OPP year-round RIDE program, 25 per cent (10) were caught in the vicinity of Metro Toronto. The OPP RIDE team working in the Toronto area, stopped almost 2,500 vehicles during its first week of operation and charged the 10 drivers with drinking and driving offenses. ‘ ‘Clearly there is a problem with some motorists thinking that they can drink and drive on provincial highways,” said Insp. Norm Wasylyk. “That kind of thinking is deadly. It costs lives and it must stop.” During the first week of opera­ tion, the OPP stopped 28,699 vehicles across the province. Police are looking for thieves who during the period of July 30 andNovember 18, 1986stole seven tires and rims from Cullen Chev Olds at 115 Josephine St., Wingham. The thieves got into seven locked Blazers in the parking lot and removed the spare tire from the interior. The stolen tires were Crime Stoppers Crime of the week. 215 75R 15” Black wall Uniroyal Tiger Paws valued at over $1400. If you have any information about this or any other serious crime call CRIME STOPPERS OF HURON COUNTY toll free at 1-800-265-1777. If your infor- mation leads to an arrest you could earn up to a $1000 cash reward. Callers will not be required to identify themselves nor testify in court.