The Signal, 1928-8-30, Page 8R. aoi&OA. . ve" W11111 Iqll qt Ova 1) , R -ill,; il , j X7 r X ONT. GODERICH N SIGNAL, T E4,4i F�1� It", 7 THE WANTED _-JIMMI1111i y, August 80, 192K if FOR SALK it gate to the itieuvral Council of the A"N D "', r '' PERSONAL. MENTION United I-1humb, which Will ikke�( ill' ELI' WANTEV-4KIT11 MEN ­ALE.---SFN'EN-ROOM �s H lit FAC. women. Apply CANNIN41, that city next mouth. 1.1*i,,k house. 4,11 double lot I lh� GRAND F TORY. f toile Gritlill is visiting friends I Mr. William 1AILIV, 1`6110 tint; I'llcut tilt hild loontry, four clothes cl4 -uvt,.s oil sal"Ito -ouver, where he vk Lachine, Que. summer in to"ll. It I storm ti... -ra suit w i ndow st; moden' Von ASHING T EN 4T a, o00, 0 , I I AK IN. Fill kt, 0 1 , ", I'll if visit tug her for J'ant %elkielkit's, Voll lie "Itil at city titut'. Band Tattoo h W ill 1-.41. BIOX S412, Gw*rieh. it Miss Gertrude hats[ visit his *oil, Mr. Stewart Lane. Mrol. 1. rtissionable. Alqgf JA M E�S F1 tC 9. .4, J' Ullus. I.alle still children will rt�itirti rtt* It 1100D on one h VM ratfurd, was a -E. Park ArIt. —FAMI' OP and Fireworks `­"tou- IlIkItTIOIK' ino. l,urves. �-f st IIID WANT1011o. LY 01 to their home at likelroit tin siiturkla�- ise give refert-liVeS Mrs. 4 two. I'le, and end vilkitol ;It town- Mrs. 11. J. Black and it S BOX mm. y and daugh %valtok-A reiluirml. Address Mrs. John (--kal' John Smith and son* Dedil and Fit Mt'\ I's on (14ollooirue Irevt ter I I Jolill. 11011TEIt A PA ItT. -�tla have loft :,,r Saskatoon. I of itickson. Mich., Ita,ke retlirlit'.1 I,- low stmt. Godcrich. 2t I! CLINTON lower alturt- FVur n­iurk and batik hi 411 e roo, Ill soun rooni BU41 twill E IIF ON k visitij lit his lit"UP here. 1 While here they were the ga of Inelit 11, 'I Stationary Tulin In I '17,-routo, Ik, Mr. unit Mrs. W. Phillips still Mr. MON P all-, ill 111.1K W tirst mortgage Mr. Huristell I Of slwut I their homes after a visit In ti""I September 4th Lab)r Day 'Jill PAY 71". INT Ll has Se t. 3rd loan M *& Nellie V !I­rIlP- of .\I-ldy M184 BELLE IlioltTE Ful. ter - :It gl*.11iling holida,_ at her home here. Mrs. ('.Patton. street. jar, apply, F. N4,ItMAN Munroe: .r Stratford. P -Mill J. It. vol1wrikie returned oll 'Ate, V I , 110. giAte, at I III liollars, good Ill 11 t Books for Collel I ria I We Hbve All the Tex -Mrs. it U J ( I Tyr- ld street E I lit VANY. 114 Rit'll-ol knilLN by tier soon "':, , r I )y IV ,all(. 2. publicland Separate Schools, also 11 1:,. week -end :11 relalivik-A It, low", Sunday from It visit to I'viAtito' ltlit'I' koLE.—BRICK HOUSE 7- Seven Bands 7 Mrs. W. L. H-! -11 and Mis4 "', 11"11 She was oveowl I -A, street. May lot, Well y. E. Coltworue. Mrs. Coll-m-ile SCRIBBLERS hate returned fl -,111 it %isit It. T,,ri uIlk TE BOOKS (1 Xtr. Geok. Vivi Ah,! kill Fra k, of their daughter Helen. (if lNialia", all', :11ji-Ildii, 1wirehaser by alotioinfluelits, WAN NO Is,,t .1,., -titnd oil the 4quare known a inion, Clinton Stral- 11 1`01).—MAID liNjift GENERAL A `11 housework. Apply to BOX 36. ford. Mitchell, (;odvrich. lit- T,�:cdo, Ohio, %'i-ilillg fl"c"ll's ill 4hoe Store. Apply Mrs. Tout. of Toronto, who all It if EXERCISE BOOKS PENS I lie s rukkan (.uderich P. O. vlicn4 r and Illi'atcrloo own. following day for Toronto. tvl SIIARMAN, Pholle 3(ml. -pellikling a few wil-kilkil -out slid Three daughters. RS Fireworks Displati Similar to Old Mrs. Stleyd I. 11re. Will. If ERASE Mi, 4, (;odkvrI,! ��q INKS Home Week, 192S at Toronto will, er durmliter. Mrs. J. Mi.,; Fienuor, Mi" liortith) meld F TO UrST tomA &tilt Mrs. Wilson, after Ileale. Marguerite. FOR Pik k��J , " SLE Olt EXCIIAN(;F--A To U&\-r.—STORE SUITABLE AND ALL SCHOOL SUPPLIES 151 t Mr. and Mrs. kavor,:Q .1iijivVivar 3ill, ding six Wt-eks of Illeasaut ret,reta, FJ f. ,!re lioultry farm betwii,vit Immediate I!Zi: ins of Cairn to Clinton's unvtil Toronto Exhl- Itich grocery or office. Pon Nj.u't,. Pioneers will Take Place ,.it tire attendi- the tion at their summer cottage kill I - ilit (;oderich and tint, mile given. Apply to ALEX. i"C' at 7.30 p. in bition. street. left floor their li-inke ,u listik-herivo. Ilan It session from it It. jl�jtterson left SAIIN R924. Goderich. Mr. and Mr- Toronto. tile jolfixt week unit ";1 eh., ,I R11 k end At 1 .d :.-$*I ft. z with water to vdo r a ADMISSION: today to sloe: Ilk( Mr. and Mrs. Le Marr slit RK M rs. A lit, to I He and � will at" NOTICE TO CKMITO TORE I wt rolt. still Le Iloy, John tlok'I In 4(in, Ito l(KI0. There art- dillt-o -,1 1'.. '15C. 'let. threi� I., wit), tot.-ve, Freddie suit Mr. and Mrs. t -her COLES BOOK S Mr. and Mr. 112111 As WAjioQi1lt-. vir'. Gilder-. alL oLlj�-Lroit. wit-, %isitkild a, L 'It TIC 'Me 111. .a- mt. I I lit,, Aw q"-kkL%JwW4 Mr. unit Mr*A. It. Il. MWill Im-irsou. ha%illg town. The hoille (of rr it; tim! lo -lay S. 41. White Nlr?c J. Andr. %,. of Molkniald sireo.r. .1uruil: ill(- loosi and it,,, potate of John IL Sil,11,11,111. late oti-itilig at the I Tilt- ef Nil— Win. %I,.- ,u Still- IA'gl1ori I'lle Atileis art. ready To 'the Tualit411P of Astifield. ill the returned.lu their litime. lay vi -1, The six-irmnu hon*e I, -- of fluron, farmer. dovintiad. ll,aiki. '.%Ile. %jocvicar At -hurils. if lm� Ai,gv- Of tilt. .'wire type Atilt three rooulk� County of lith day I Nn�- Mary I rooms dowllslal,� viollo died (it, or al"itit tilt I ront'. at-elld u -i tion �i New Fossilure Re-ldltt tire fit jes. (*alif.. It, the Xur*t of hitar krritwl- U14111"' (if April. A.11. IW -111 1.) loa-11.1 it. to theGODERICH INN GARAG1. t ,treet. slid easy to h4 -al; tin, furuwi- before like slot Exhibition. mother. Mt& C. L. Nl­re. 1:a- (,it or PHONE 247 Mm Clung. of %Vuldbur, 16 ud j.i.. 'ri, ligilts; I and %kills accompanied from Rutter. 11k . g.."I day 'of August. A.D. full lair- -------- %iillug relativ­ �1),j fri'Ll�".f hi. L 1. %MW" Lvi tlirougl,- There is an apple and !w I enuil., by her Until, Miss 4- 1 �ozlkke small fruit. Wit', con twuhirs of their claims, as On %%. 11i,j vicinity. {aches f that vVY. who is also vialftilli; ard, all after that (late the Fleetitorif of the Nli,ls Ralph, Nirs. Moore. M SALES AND SERVICE 11;t!. ret linked older lol- JoRY111011 HUDSON AND ESSEX t or will eyebitntre It - .11" Is a Aster ill said if-statt, will proi,tsed to tu.tke dig ;Zbag 7N rt -pair ;ill iiiak-�- of eirr� atiol give YOU NEWFURNITURE ber ollsill. 1, it u... ,rti or send in-oklern• I lierein Ijav- W Of .!-. %%I­�" it %.4 -Is t , 11 aw after t % M r Frokslerl,-k L. 16.1rar to,: tribution of tile to A,540k� 1,ring one we can't lepsis. Nirs. Ilerald. I-ifed *Lere lat year. Go,wri- For further itiforurit Jur regard only to Irh,. cLILM" o 1 111 IX 44, Signal Olt at. ii I I 101TH Alernite Greasing Automobile Supplies riiat,� ak sio-1:111-v %%itll It-. Mr. and Mr?, 1'. .1. sl"'Ilt the 1, addre-- will. -Il they Men Gall have lis Cars Washed price. Moderate c, kitchen wtwk--Pn(i -r-I (;okleri. notid'e. it storage for 30 Carl, 24-hour Service filrilimli from qkidtij.'frivwl� it) 'str-Oft a WAR VETERANS ENJOY to attic' nml Kitchener. L o\TAIV , DATED at t;odrrl,-Ii This Illb day 'M r- :-�I,I­A FAIIM It' of Augn,, t HARRY BRADLEY Mr. and Mrs t ­*rank '*Vk4o-1 11114 D Fill` iwilic lot 1. 4...n volt 111011ty- :111.1 Mrs. W. C. art on 11 ulot.-r OUTING AT BAYFIEL INI; 'V.- HV7. JuIL HAYS A I[AYS. of late with Win Craigi A-hlle:d: well Goderich, Ontario tril- down BOUT tile in -.114-roisol of KLlw_-I,ri,1%:.P. is Jorge Attendall" at AllnUal Pir moved. .%4-11 ff-114.144 and is. . \11,4 Mary sollc(tors for Ilke F%ecutti,rot off Iflie, Mr. James Jowelit's Grove lint -n-4-41. driving •I,e-1 :141\44). F�l P1 AfT qTfiNVI 9 ,Iest at tb- houlle estate.