The Signal, 1928-8-30, Page 7i
County and District
Township Clerk J. ringlet'''. of &M. fie, t'Ilutem, Mitchell and T. esw'uter.
desloro, hem returned after, a trig, to After a short trio to East, ii points
the Weed and a visit to !thereon Murray the happy young 'Ample left for Keaora,
at Cochrane. almere Mr. Jefferson baa a t.•4tlwt„on
Mae Itinloul, rive -,rear -del 'sou of ilw snug (of the Kenora .,•hoot.
Mr. and Mrs, John Itintoul. Morrl.+ Barn Bunted In Morris.
township, had his leg liroketi and w.s \\'edhes.luy night of last week the
taken to Wlughaw hosidtul for treat- 'urge horn of Themes Clark... Morris
Merit, township, was burned to the ground.
The dentlt'of Joseph N iru+:tu Jolm-(The• ire started about S:30 ....lock and,
.ton, ism of Sir. and Slrs, ,loon Jule- In 1Iw course of ,lout tfte,•. minuted
stun, Linnett toousttip. occurred Au- the• hail', „nuplkte•ly eit„-:elicit to
giost tutu toth Ills IweutlHh year. The dames. 11r. Clarke had. sect lantern
young wan had been ill for some au a chair In the harm,, . while
weeks with inflammatory riamantiti.m stiliclug a rope. N'hi':• .hit _ this a
The death of George Dickson. went- dug ramp In and attra:r•IC,h :o drive
ler of a wel1•kutnu .family of Mr-
, "irt fids: ".1,110 the t„qr were
Killip toaush r, usent"! hist w,w. making their exit the hu.;rrn was
tier •en iI111eNa of ;severalnxwths of knocked over and the lire .!.,rued• im-
aunwr. itwtaiuee( was iu his uixheur wslintely. Sfr. Clarke nen out of the
,ear and leave, a widow' and Iw'u wow MG' the lantern. a stri•,uu'of fire
•langhters. logon am him. Ile vent ba. h to Nan'e
;'situ., of 11i11 I'.,uteuts, but t):.: tire had l
The tine brick residence on the farm k'aiued .wn'h 1ea1wtt3. that t! - wits an I
,.f \\'tlliant ('nrlit• 11th ronee•ssiou of, Itntiesslbhlitr- Mr. Clarke', loss is
1lnw-itk. was completely destroyed tO ruusidenehlt', its lie hunt ilk season's
tire, together with the entire .intents, ,sup of hay mail lath wheat o;"ug with
cora• night last week. Tile origin of mui•h of lila harlrt•, iiha i uplement
he tier is unknown. The house led' shad sass tai, huruet. T.e loss is FenMeit, Oatarl0.
`en-mosenpled for -.smut lime. iwru•,Ily covered by iaisnrawc
\t'illfnm lt.-S. llootiry. Duty tun of
the late Mr. and Mrs. John Sl'N,Ia y, ! « vire. Before, moving to Rri,wrls ulaa
Morris tewi+hlp. died at Toronto 1rt t +- RLYTB m. I feu years ago, Mr. grans lived lit Mo
- }cis townsh
_limb 3lst, the result ata stroke. n few Miss Patience Mutt has i+
.opted a Ruli�•t Tovell. now' tit' Rtlwersl i
niers t.revieue. Mr. Mooney was in It,+�l+tlt_os alt J,.tij t iru•L.•r in the has disposed of his sumer lot Hud tl
hi- sixty-fifth year and bad leen at $crib,er continuation school. !. t uud electric light Plaut and the torus
resident of Toronto for about twenty lies. Geo. Weir Iia refitr:c,I home !choppingmilt t the Iir1Ns .►utrrica
, y t :e rs. He was tit mit rrheit:-t That'- r. --A li Luise tit- IAL. s, where -Aar ret-- y,r7-i-lit t'o,.r_a4-T-miss !i
\t'elr and other member: int ttat
nouns erre brvunght to Brussels ter ..f 'he fent-,; s+l.! It to Charles Pols.. It is nso.
atermeut• Sly he Spent a tuoutii . 11.4,:, •., Mr-. stt.ol a gasoline and nil station wall
Dat'id Bowen I/ rrssrd. 11'eir hail the utiafortnoe to :.:tutu her erected eat the corner of Mill tin
After an ilttiess of s•ieral weeks of pttkir. ,tevwsitatingrhrr Tim nteJry »trft'tP.
walls are almost Intact, although itis
tuteteled to wake some alterations,
more Swishy school room being needed.
A bundleg committee has been ap,
pulnteal and S. It. Coon & Son will aide
nate plans, •
■ Willie C. Cooper lies arrived from
LEngland and Is visiting hi. Iatre�nts,
Mr, anti Mrs. A, T. blooper. lie leu\•es
tm au eight months trip to the
Orient, on business for the English
firm with which be Is cone.•,'tied,
After Taking Lydia E
Pinkham'a Vegetable
LL'CKNOW 1 lore to ring its worth;
There is ii aauae I lure to hear;
1 The sorriest theme on earth.
Fenwick, Ont. -'T am taking Lydia
E. Pink/la/ifs Vegetable Compound
during the Change •
of Life for nervous
feelings, Iota of ap-
petite and to gain
strength. It is a
great tonic and
have taken a doze
ttle+s of it. It was
recommended t
me by a friend an
now I recommen
it to all women f
such troubles as
come at this time.'
-Mas. W. V. Htemest., R. R. No. 5,
Tburaday. August 34, 1112.1.--?
Goderich, Ont:
It *Minis like wade in Lillie ear,
,lex. Sk'('urrbmow has e r„ \lltciel
to take charge of J. 0. •\anlers'.m &
Son's tiax mill for the aee.t•n.
Mr. and Sirs. J. A. Gianni.,ft
, of .l
hl. visited with Lucknow friends ia•
week. lir. illenuie wit formerly nun
ager of the Batik of Hamh;on here.
Sirs. Si.N+tehou see Silt. hell an.
it tells um of a Saviour's lure,
Who died to set We tree;
1 It tells we of Ills previous blood,
The sinner's perrfe"•t plea.
-F. %Vlalt1ield,
I hntghter, Alicia. have retufnrl home
n utter a trip to England.
Miss Mildred Treleaven. of Toronto.
0 Is spending holidays at her :,.,rite hurt..
Sllsa Iteia (Ionian. of Detroit, is
or s{s•nding holidays with ,.•r ,lister,
Sirs. 'Jerold Allot.
.1 family gatbering was . :l at the
home of Mrs. Dorothy dour'. i on Au•
gust tooth to seleirate her eightieth
' Idrthilnr .111 her daughters and casts
and Mrs. Temple ('lark. o ••.wit • n -s.
r' t'. tttchards..n, of Tes'awater. and Ails.
- blotted. of f'hatitanu. The gu:h Asti.. n -
H eluded Alun a nnumler iof gran+•', hlhtreit
e ; and two Brent -gra ndth l ldrer
IaNI•ps.t,suing. itis\ll Bowes, of. Ilul stay at Ile ramp,
lett township. ,Aar Blyth. lasses' nway A notither hove left frau fttyth on
on Sptit ey, ,Ungnsr 19th. at the e.irly the harvesters' excursions, minding
,e' of thirty -pe r.t years- lie was a Ernest i11n1 F,dd•ar I Rouse. .I is. Ta• The remains of ,the lute J..-th,
,x1 ,tt th., township in w'Idch he wan, Leslie 1'opbaitne. J..h, `Fraser, Henry lauahrtok, alio died lit For
cies! and lad lived there nli ii.. life. Herold Ileacnm. Albert Ly At and - trayi.... in,, in his seventy -lir.
Ile is survived try hl+ wife. formerly Gordon Jeu'kles.
Sits, .lnutu.kt Watson of ilidletI. uud
:•.,• young rhndrrn.
I.ord, e'nnflrw Thy, people, In their
most holy faith, buCdiug and establish -
Mg thew iu all strength, toot \vwfurt-
ia g tient With la ail needful eutuurege-
wear. ''lints shell Thy church glorify
Thyself. and Thou, Nutt of that, ,hail
he incarnated again. in the spirit add
roudttt•t or Thy followers. -ttneu.
- WIr lied.
S. I.Esst►N Jolt �J;rr,. Std 19:11
Lesson Tapir -Paid in .%Ihetts and
l.estsmt Passage -Arts 15:1 • I 1 : I.
Tinsdhy 2::3.7.
Golden Text -I. ('er. 2:t,
-When Paul deported front hers•... I:,
cut Timothy_ to ,•short and . ouNrtu t!,c
T)teessal,mlaus and determined to hr
:eft at ,Athens alone. Silts uieutio :hlr
d Is a Sure Sign That the Blood Is retualnitg to parry on the work at It. -
Thin and Watery seas Then Paul. on his arri+Ll :r
,l+in•tesr-+rxtkp-may tat-liutlp ;,.
of testiifyl tag -co
to Iave an it the benet - de-
rtu .vee to Ism at moa Tory
I de-
rive,! (now the Mae of Dr. Itilliatta' itud bound him lit l'uriutlt." --
Pink 1911e,writes Mr, .Laurence
The w1 ket•placr in any Greek city
Kennedy, St. Joseph, N.B. she 'fur -
orate of Mrs. John Weide. " - - farm: east of town, one day last wee
The death of F'relerlcka-Stch' il'e, T'he marriage took hae• tti,swlulr and suffered severe Injuries.
f John Weide, of %uri,•h. Oirnrrt,l at i -tilted ••?larch: Toronto. , • Weluea-.- . Graham_ Moffat.--_t+l Tee, w'rtter wit
'r hemp there ern •1•tgost lith. in her day, August _nil. of Alit : y gh- hrtttlght to the hospital here after u
,miry -third ;year. 1hr;.usrd • lout ter of Mr a hash :qrs. Johtr I: iii,ratith of - accident at I'entralia ie which he wit
•'•u ill for tat' yen r- she is ,nrvicrd 't It ghatu. tt, Henry .1.' ttahhr+ of deadly cut and bruised. Inds -leg n
her_ hustr lad. two sees Ovral twit Toronto. The •ceretuuuy - mus per- tight tunring ear, lie failed to make tin
r ughters, Wilfrid and Elutere-WeiT"i,' formed----by-User. Dr.. _
'Hay township. Sirs George natio,.. Afterw'urd' the brute
Exeter. and All.. Laura. at hear. , ou a hooey Moon trip to
AI : a slater. Sirs 1'. Ile ss, sr., of esu their return the
s ei7]C ero��te,
Frank Fowler. of
)ear. were brought to Exeter ft.
• interment.
, • .lh•hie Tower: fell in the burn on ti
nus the reutre of its iife, Hither
r tier says: -"Some years u_-• 1 mus Paul, after having addressed the Jet,.
working as a 4ete•uugrnilwwr, •u,d IN'- in their synagogue. went uud spoke r„
i: •'uta• I+null%- rwlrLnyn, I r n., s iudr. a throng of cnrioys llateliers. He p.m.
a tired -ant feeling•. lard n :tppa•tlte as his tit' I au Inc rit.tion he omni sect,
,Wil :suffered terribly- from '•...'k•idle. MI one of thelr nuux•ru11•yaltars. Wir!,
s' Almost every month I Kati remain sublime faith in the message-, he bad
l'rnnr the office fiat a dol i't xy-c t - L-ter--tFwm, .HW lit. the
pas ads -he'd to try Ur. Williams' -al:Ister..rkuiiurrcyI-
a 1'tuk !'Ills, and I have sea he ghee• them at most _reuumrkubti hit_
to he tires.,, to which they listened until he
, glad that I followed this a.: lie-: uuoh• 11a•unon of the .rewtrrec,hot,
fore 1 had been taking the .I• Is very from the 11.1141. Some uuN•k,••I, +not
butt; I l't'gan to feel mu. ., better. others said:, -We wilt hear thee ago%
e'ontinuing their use my •aouent of this matter."- Some; -haws...,. be -.-
i route back. I regained my olinetite lieved, &m.a,g t'huw ails it member of
and the terrible backache fr,a, which • the court. and a woman. nisi. prohnbly
:I had suffered diiai ge.areii i have ,rl spate distinction. Tradition tells
hews married mime yours -t.o.w and ns that tilts Ithotyiius te•onnle-Itisbi,t+
have two tote healthy ehllelrer,. a girl of Athens, and died a marry r. In this
and- ti t+nc. and ata- In Ili•• 1N•st-u4-'-ity Paul 4104 with lees swi mss than
• health. ,1i1 oris i owe to Irr, Wit- ha any other he visited and he left it it
llama' fatuous Pink Pills, and I frust despise'd and 4ItJr•11.11 man, hut. Par -
that these few lutes may 1a'Ip 10)/UP ritr sayn: -Of all Nilo visit Athens.
other weak, non -down person.' htanv ea:newt it with the trine of 19nd
,111 weak, run-down people a •ho alio Dever- so witch as remember that.
will give this bloodAn ilding tonic at shrew the days of its glory, it hos been
-fair trial will rind through. IIx MSc trodden. by the feet of poets and eon -
new health and strength. Yon eta , ,luu•nmrs and kings. They think not of
get the -pills from any ,kcaler lin mo-chchem..ce, or Virgil, or Germ/miens,hu t
i due, or by mail at- :'sl emits th a lox of the wandering tent -tenter:" _
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Previous to this cane little tine, the
('ti,, Brockville. Ont. /that
Roman Emperor Claudius bad ordered
FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY ! On tthat ll. Jews lee expelled t u pe from Rome.
persona. Aquila
SMITH'S HILL W. JJs, s, and Priscilla. took their departure not
oaly from Route but frotu Italy, and
(Contrjbuted) I arrived in Corinth about the sine,
llud)tton. turn quickly ertttngh when tearing
-gr.s,m left'retitralle and -file ear went intei the
Ili Amerit,t.''3ltedt and wits huflly wrecked,
w 11resideiu
Plitt ih[I[. nn oid-
(lua' resident of IV ugh nu, was • re , Lust week tie S1u1,Mord boa .ting. a
1t the home of -51r• and gi's.' trFntr tent �isTCor rp Ili Ytr
•trw•art, Stanley township. on Wel• -W a Streplarge retost..rti brstatiot.trydo Maui
l ham ferty•sfx y ars ago- When he street, - near the station, was+ r-
n'•wtay, .utast l:dh, their third lived herehe wormed
!atngbt.,r. FllrattN•tit Lillian (Betty'. ire nets h• the firm uf',•hased i, the Pure Food I'n+durtt
Fowler & Anderson. saw millers. Since company, of London, who wnl operate
was muted in marriage to Fnatx'fa moving to Winflpeg he has been mayor - the plant shortly. A few weeks ago
Edgar Raymund, yonugest Ali of the of the.eity t n ears, an.K
late Mr. and Mr. Thomas IMymoael y y 1 member of ;the. town disposed of the large flour
Yarllameut f¢r a term, mill, which had not been In operation
of +'true*. The .ereuso y_was.__tter Rmltit._ _Aa ,,b1 matt wh i 1
forme[ to Bev. .1. K Hogg of Clinton. $1 Flour several years, to the fps. That
had been hints Lex In tWinghnnm and Mille Co. of ant, Slarys, That
The rating emttoh• left un a motor trip. _whintly thin summer, died in the hos- courpuuy has made ',OWN iewled
n, Novu S.utia. via (tttaw'a. Montreal. pital Tu sday of Mat +reek. after a alterations and is How running the
and Queli e', and on their return will few da Blues.. mill night and ds
reside at Chatham. A weddingtook
Jefferson-Downing.BRUSSELS plate at ,August
s, -'- t'hlitd church on Saturday, August
On Wednesday, August Sth. a pretty 174th. when Ella Wanless, eldest tiaugh-
house wedding took place at the home
J l. Lowry has purchased} the ,tel ter of Mrs. Turnbull and. tie late!
of the bride's ptareuts, Sir. and Mrs. W ii,llrn mill, which has been Idle for Geo. T. Turnbull, became the bride of i
John IhoaulnK cencPNsl m ' t' tlr , turning it Into a James Itht•bard 111111s of Toronto, son
their younger inn line Elsie Iiarbar' gurigt and automobile showroom.
of Mr. and Mrs. George Hillis of.:
Is',-, lw brhl • 'f J
. . d .rss. Pointe years. and is i
R t t . t
'oat of the hue .loin Jefferson. rstt' t I toneh .pe P
iseph \►•. JPR- Miss Mary McNabb, who Is leaving
•t nth oreupine. w•aa
• presented by the Sliastoii iland of Mel-
ridle idn`nr�u pith a iiisau__ _-
stlt'er-wuI,intetd pyrex plates -
iter. Dr. John Russ. a further tats
ter of Melville l'resbyte•rtan cher•h
diel at Toronto last week in his s•ven-
ty-elghtli year. The r'malns were
firelight to Breetels.amei wore interred
In the twntetery here on Saturday
tfter,ton. Rr. Ileus was minister of
Melville chervil • for twenty -r irht
ears. levying here over twenty ):ears
of St ,lugustiue; Ile,. Sir. Si•lurfle
,f N1'1110.41 in tuRlhAn rhuir?I, .aa4 t
, N1•111111 ( '1111111.1'11 WO* played by
Mrs. Peter .irkrU. The bride h ,keel
-of the
bine silk
rise;, toolr
in .was -hp-
1e ceremony wits lerfo tweed meter an
rch of ferns and whine wpaditag I ells
1 1 tl 1
lint -ming It a wwidliot gown of
t'i•tN• lie chem.. and carried a It
Butterfly roses. The brl
II.. evert tele I).w'ning,
ride. wee &toned in .111.•e
rime prod carrhetl t►p,hrlin
inidenhair fern. The g
soled by his brother,
it uNis' Was pl'ettily-iiw'r,ratal
ith ferns ,nt.! Auw'Frt. 4 tests fatal -
wring ntwntr fifty *ere present front
htkTilb'. Eaorn. .Nun. Flnnuyen, ,bur- t
ago for fort htiIhon,ie,
,lane. Evans, ate old resident of this
l,Nallty, diet at his home, ilrn-s•ls
S+tnt'h. out Saturday. aged eighty-tlye
years. Mrs, Wane died lext-mit ter,
bud two some and two daughters 'nr-
LL Good-
years. Full
quality. Low
prices. Our
own -. service
thrown in free of
charge. If we
haven't your size,
we can get it for
you fast.
Bark's Falls. The ceremony' was per
- founding tat the r3mlth's
r w71N tetrbnnwt ',,t lgmtth's hill their trade t,, s-uw'ure at !lveliitaai,.
formed by Hews. W. I'. Lane. After
anise the happy (oaple left by moor
Muskoka and_IIle__ eganetea'at
IHirer. tin their return they will re
aide in Tuntnto. -
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Charles
Armstrong. Stild,ard avenue. Toruutu,
!Mummy*.!Mummy*.the engorgement of their
elatighter, Huth Frames. to Dr. Wil-
liam Charlene %iroat, of Seafortb. rite
marriage no take pima September (Slit
at Toronto.
time ter Paul. They Inlet. aid, foto t
The fortieth anniversary of the( r'
- ItU,l \V SLS Ing tett-mtikPrs and having Lir ply
m I'nited church on Sunder, ‘11101•4
- lath. Bev, 11)r, ;Tleui»tiTer M.iatSlhi-
len, of Toronto, who- stay.. minister
when the Society Was formed. seas
prest•at and had charge lit a special
service to work the
choir was t,+wpused of members of
- the te ry.- wird reutdrre"t- suitable
t music. Mrs. A. Henderson. a post
tresidett, gave a brief n•st7,ae of the
dstory of the urpputizathrr. A We,.
lit i'tdlier
street i'nited rinrt•la.
Barrie. on .inns. Iqh, Helen Garrido -
lite. daughter of Mr. 111141 Mrs. Fronk
II. ituriburt, of Barrie. a -as united In •
marriage to Charles Edward Corbin of
,Tinton, son of Sir. sol Mrs. Willie;
1'nrbin of Guelprh. Slr. ental lir.. (lar
Ids, all! reside ht (''tthtutt.
.1 rwluction iit tine dollar a horn.
Power n year in the t„st of eIei tri.
tower to the Clinton Hydro system lass
been grunted by the Ontario Hydr„
Electric Commission. missi n
effective frrtg
January 1st Inst. TI1P )Lew• emit Is A.TA
horsepower. Ratra to !iN•ni tusto-
triers are um -hanged except for it slight
rests tion In the doneetii- rate.
Bev. J. L. mid Mrs. !logo have left
on a trip to the Pacific ileast and will
return to Winnipeg to attend the tntr•t•
ing of the Generol council of the
I•uit,'.1 I'h11rch lit.September.
T'Ite--Ls+utluu-_ _road is--heltut ha s-eu
from the bridge to the 11 rtutnn corner
a u.1 Is area- cliOnsil to traffic. This rood
ss i;1 I.robtibly Is• purl through next
' year,
Nemo lethal!' for onion of the lieu
I'ndte',I Church .sigre'gathtrs 'teeing
felled. the lonr.i of \'Psi •i'•
1 ,• 111111s
.•Intrch hits decided to rebnlld the
church with.), was tle•»rroyed by Are
fen "t.''athas ago. The fetiminthnll ,til
Phone 259 Goderich
Buying at home means service At home
"Now don't forget
to bring me Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food. I am feeling
so much better I don't want
to miss a single dose."
Dr Chase's Nerve food
man's Foreign Slissioiar> .t;oe
ens organized ha June, ISMS.
Iletober of the tires-ioas year I
Alexander Slni•Millan had been
,lushes into the charge• of Swi
Still and Benefit..ter, sad was fresb
front Edinburgh, wlaere :here
much tuistluuary t•nthusiasi0, x•1
,p knit he inttserl into his trw chit
Mrs. k'uir. president of alae Hu
Presbyterial, arrive[ nue w'wlnesr
evening and the Smith's Hill Wont
Allesltnmry SociRyf wee organize
Sirs. John M. lhi.lutn,uu was elec.
as 'president, e- i,l
chit Miss 1 Mi : Annie W. tlsmllu
(Sirs- R. Si. Yining I a. set•rcl'trye
Mist ('luras Hobert -,!p us arenanr
it Vail Miss Amt... 1,'nklaIer ISI
Peter Uow•alist osis model Silas N
lows its seretnry. .1 I h "Se he
r some ye
J'Nlt1ehtitas charter memmber.dge six is
now' tiring: SIrs. \1'ut. Young, 15'i,
11/1111, who Is in her -ninety-third yet
'Mrs: Peter Gowans. Mr, \\'116 You
t tc .11F-''!f#'i tiira-p , ror-rrutti .lrrp�-
forait, Sirs. Ihvrge GN'n, Sirs. R.
Young... and Slrs. A. Ilen,h•raon.
;We. went oa there were rioinges
the ilife'rent ottk•,'a, end there ha
INr11 many who serswl fnithtbully, n
in helping others tool their lit
vlsinn.r and sympathies eniurstwl m
st rengthems!. It is hop., -Tole
state islet g,u.i,l 11114 'been do
through this society, lett w,• firm
14.11nrn tont find has honored us wool m
11114 taken aur ,leak faltering efforts1
tend believing prayers and link,
them till with Ills strength nn,f tri
*tar. bra- tttftf'-fire-'acct-•wit.•-auiY
tool Posit born Into - the Kingdour .
the, first year the Membership nut
t,ielitydive, during which lime 5:t
on. raised end a isle of sr. rettelh and
lothh,g rained at 7t1': alts gent t
the Indian work. In later years th
nee nth n'rsltill deei bred s, amm4s it, het
t sl year it had reached the fetal of
hyrntyright, Nu we* neiwal and n ;
,u le of clothing int,rl .it *OD w11a
',Pitt RR n3. Thr lits, life weatie•r-
hip. w'n' pr."rotted to the i-io• Sirs.
Phoma. settee s oh tette twenty-first
nrniv'ersary-. a -hills' last year hour ter-
tlt,nte, were prtest•nt,Nh. mnn;y hating
1•Pr'u pn're•nrrvi ,luring the vicars.
Tt;r ineelefy lets never yet attained
th ail it. ps"tibilities. brat see press
on is. the mirk of Miring ''beer. m o
matt in the runrregtttkm either en
netlrte or a Itonie helper nmtwhp-r ..f
tore $relish, and the girls and bort it
Mlaa'lon Rand Work. Mists a Si.
t'Mrk Ir now (+resident, and MIs•
.h',n 41. Ellen is at's•retmh M this
they shared the sone house. Barnes
Special Prices at McEwen's
Groceries Tea and Coffee
Tobacco Dry Goods
Dinnerware and Chinaware
PhOn'"�e� 46 South Side of Square
Goods delivered promptly to all pane of the toe -n wabout charge
-Hotels -- _
t7n the heart o/ the
down -town district nedra//
pudic• duWino oeodnmerd
stores dud theatre4'. rot'
away from the noise of
the Cher -t
$2 AM0 LeWARtl
authority. for thereby they are the
boost'_.-nkeli' 1u lend a -prnoi•,t.t,•
quiet life. The gospel of Theist r• -
tubes that era bice in ao godlhtr..
'and honesty: and the reline; he
bur -this 3.. •aecauve this I good and
us.rptnble In the sight of 1 t
n'iour." .111 tltett are to h, I r:n,
I. he. Further says. lee'au there a -
one (:.NI and nue Susiour., That ' ..Ac
God (sears a gnash will to all Man-
kind anti desires net the death turd
donne -Don of any. He Would herr
all to fie saved In the wily that IIs
has atgwelnteed. ('twist, the medlar,
between (odd and itllett; -N hi' -11':,,
and the Truth aid the J,Ife. ,1u,1
'hitt! then f,dlnwr,t up his feet - ninety I
to this by declaring that he batt'
been appointed. to he a preacher, .,sad I
au ats.,ale, a teat•her of the (lentil.•.
In eery troth and deed..
Jerusalem ('oolrrenee (continued) ;
Jett,eilota. April 7, 1flOt.
u There i.r a 'funkish prnye•rlt,
nreesc -'Ret irittttnittosl - 1.7 euritiltia.
sibyls about,tCrutaLlltin nf, tent-! •ort men by talking." Thia la largely
tbg _ i xpplitmble 1 IAN _gt at .1%u. lsha et
unukt•rs that then•, nave .been i•nrinu.; 111+»Ions repr•�,•htiig I'hr blain,
tedtlons exprerraett. Some hare sale ' from nearly ttinrw•ore 'ottntrtes on
i.rx',t that it d(PuotPN is aets"er of to
the Slo,nt'uf (strict. I huie iiIn•ady
1!Pary. 1,1,1h er )hilt Irtuslutwl it. lent ,ltw•rhfa',I Ihr grnernl rnnr10"111,tu of
it he probable that It denotes H moms- fill. anu•Ierfhl .ts', iiit na•etiug of the
bitterer of tents nook' of skin or d.ith. Ietern -I howl )hi:.i,,, Dry rootlet
it wits nh Iiofiorat,to or. ttprttton end •lt\t•hng rhe loin • 1,a of which
:Paul was Ilot..aiihxt+art to 1* Pm tktye• t + s'"
1 f ,'rite. Fur a r...,..i.,,., men
111 It. The Sabbath on. his ,!oy of tq,.. werme
._,rfan)ty. He Tills ala'u . to I f.. n of n Nuck of owl Ntkt
lit his eNe +„ 1 f
te\. on With Jew's and Greeks. ! 1 111.1.1104111111. and In pricnte t'nnvrrnn•
in• q'hen , fi!!ns and T ImoNtens xn hee.l i Hous, II lid bore got to know one
bolt tie was m'neh chet'rwt iy their l r' s'h 'e, AnnthPr as teres II. 'l, . Brit it i.
unit (ttfIFgpn(.ntty he h rcimte more• steal., fN,t only rhroetgh tntk shat they {Mit -II:.
hello out fur lift Sinner's triose. .\iutai obs ' ' this tt u,f -
psttIthon wa• aroused,. and Paul int•; the Stour» of flee hril• Ing of No•
rge• i toward that from that day forth be u'•w heirs nulltttua 4' t.ti.t hit.
n'opl boon flair ivrunu'- (htisti:rn tnirh
avis+le( tNemcli Dole to the Gentiles. 11.• ,,,,it wortttit..
la' established his iendynnrt,•rt in the _
nit's. house M one .Linins w'ho 1U'rl near to ,tit 'ii session the or 't'thi delegm
eat the Jewlrh tt•nng'Ntni•. At this IIam , tion, on INit urn ttI their tis'.1 it('hris-
ff ,
rr ,
rr. � •
r , lt.r
tg er
,IIP w' t n P
n. h e •n
uh lit tr 1 d u into
w. tapped by the eon- t t
� i VVPrahni of I'r'-phi . r e ser hr •.'rithiiil w•Itli word l In
and I the c.rrrrnur c Itltindew• d•himnM'h'rs, The I.W.t
Cr. the syncs;"gr•• oft• 11nd hilt L•utntl, ...
rr stet «tie,• t:enJlle runyel't1_Lxtlali.ttn,'I
nl- to meet wIll, 1.11111 for •some nein' la.. out tl•
let). v. s and and t nation.
Ia.rst iae-o auk -
In the synng'anre then nod pis w kl• i.
d(sivnraes prudut•Oil n des• t tar tn'ssbon a conference a 'ea'iou, lit group
Ihtring this 'Moe he wile bitterly. u , ', a; .a rli,g and this L.41 1
els I . will stip,. more ass•• :oily to t, r
II Isww1 aha s'orried by his ' fellnw four corners or the a ,th /Nt-ane'
are '"ntntryti'a and he might h:n1e IN"'n 7/WW1 _'wr
tvnstrnitted tri withdraw to new field.' bottom Ming- .are htlkwl,
tr. of la lion hitt fur the .nppn,rt N'iti.•h , Ityt••I and still ',.. t e h,`r -h for
came td. hlttu Rum n laeayetls- s-ltluu. Sahni of ogl-id ,,' I.'r with the
eeK' . nn•nu'rle•s of Iladr i,.•:,,l.•r
_. Tbeti J. r,J. N'hn_ bud np''sewfwl to him 1Vltnt w ill IN• Il.
on the -niad to TL, WSv ttt'tip ps'Sl t Ti==, 4', - � r t,•tlr•A1 nnt-
S!• ! ►uteri at nigltl, nu,! s.tid to Luing, "Fs:tr I„ttie T"T „�1if I
:1s rsying falsely if 1 <ny that this
in tot, Intl »Ir uL an'I boil fist toy nowt lig I, n N'-uterst,c• in the n,ep nl
prose: fur 1 inn' with thee. end u" ndssionar� history. III- ,.,to them
\e Milli shall set un this•,' (o liar?, nor: Hi 1
I ttN ,
r IN,•
burr i liaise n too grunt :. '. n uW i for
yrs b people 1n uhf. city." ,renes of eu.k•11sor thew in t„•
td S„ It N•i. dint Patti remained in - tti:n,y aIrw•tlons. Ito, i, , thins'
tri b'''rittle for n yr in and tt-half tougrr,' ti,,' remit of hurts n'', -n. Ia torr,• „i I
tie Xnrhering mendm•rt lnln IINe ''hurt -Int IN• (,.Pecs rnt•unh rlt g rrrnft, o
I) and establishing it mu a firm f"un•I Ihr ol.:rr in,.l tJa i, i . n 41.11.....);.;„
tlo" , I'•inu nailed in poll..1, Ib,' rnrrrnts
'I'Itn, 2:3-7. ref prnr•tlr•ni \relish, nr:dt :•rn wFH Hos•
lural in Writing In Timoltiy give% •t.•ndiht row'n',l. or. creat w•n • n'',
vl"1111, Inst rltrtl,m eonre•ruing the thinks nr'•„topli•hn,e•,�i. 'di- ns IN"•apse
lie shied,' o!,tr vie to do Mill to fetich. ' thi•y I.dh•s,• I, , 1', r; •';ike • wit^lel
'-int the Mt ?Rn Met''iflr-Wtttn>i-nt,mr .,,i«:r i'
prayer. saying tbnt t'hris,bi,' are In rr1Menr fie'.
: r Nor•k i. ri•d, ntr I r,t � l rta,nmati•.
he nrrn Whit 1111141 In prayer, They are trip! :�, r111.‘1711,1 ".+1,:::'- hs+lhlr,
to per) fur nit nein. hitt ...waiter grimier )»twee to .,i •• both In.1
.sir for kbrg. And for all -tlun nr• in.' tJ'Ipahl and +'imus' e
II - AAAA -- --
Waxy. 7 I
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Estimntet, givenpu appli,'alInn
Frank McArthur
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Telephone 82 Vilest Street
Clubbing List
The Signal and The Toronto
Globe ,.... *1,50
The Signal and Th. Toronto
Daily Star 6,50
The Signal and The Loads*
Advertiser t1,i0
The Signal and The (•cads*
Free Press tee
The Signal and The Toreato
Mail ■
d Empire plea 6.50
The Signal and The Farmers'
Sun 3 25
The Signal and The Family
Herald and Weekly Star 3.0•,
The Signal and Saturday
Night 5.50
The Signal and
Evening Pon • y4 75
The Signal and vie New
The Signal and Canadian
The Signal and IN aeon's
Magazine 3 75
The Signal and Montreal Wit-
ness . renewal 3.85
Wide renewal 4.25
new 3 85
The Signal and Youth's
Companion 3 75
The Signal and The Toronto
Star Weekly 6 73
The Signal and Rnd •nci
Gun 3.85
The Sign•l and The Canadian
Countryman 2 95
Clubbing Rates With Other Peri-
odicals May Ele (tad os