The Signal, 1928-8-30, Page 54
AM Public School Text Books and both
Public and High School Supplies
Scribblers, Crayons, Loose-leaf
Note Books, Pencils, Rubbers
Waterman and Parker Fountain Pens
- Campbell's Drug Store
In AWaY UIl a'vacation;•
Better leave the Heat Folks on
the job to leo after the place for
\ "U.
The prospect of coming back
to a cold, cheerless house will ruin
the fun of any vacation
Prepare yourself a welcome
home M• having that coal -bin till-
e.1.before you go.
For Good Clean Cosa
J. B. MUSTARD cgagtiy
P`oma 98 -. Gases&
Coal and Wood
Genuine Hard Stove Coal
Chestnut Coal
Pocohontas 1 2 by 4 egg)
Quantity of Good Hardwood in
various lengths '
j.ean supply roar"ante in
y of the abore fnt•r-- Prompt
»lee and rea•,mah•.. prices.
1'rlepl.or t�-i ,)drricb
outstanding range of
e models
in all the new trends
of fashion.
You are cordially
invited to inspect
our stock
Miss MacVicar
Kingston St. Goderich
I PORT ALBERT , ' KA, of 4,,heetd, and one daughter, Zimmite,f5ar,,_ abelleit
Sll,,' Reside. There Si are four Ms- The wrrrin
Kc of rdie .yoaidsMrs. Cunningham and Sir. and Mra. tern.fir+•Andrew Stewart and Slra, use daughter of Sr. and Mrs. F. A.
e. Crawford motored to fiaplfltun withSte'idieu Stotliers; of Diii,; aunou; Mrs. 1 Babcock, of 11etrolia, to Mr. Peter '/,iw-
Mr. II. W. t'anulugltsut of N'alkervIlle, Joseph Stutters, of 1111th. awl Mrs linerluan, of Goderkh,-,formerly of Pe -
to attend (fie wedding of Itr. It. W. Arthur Greer, o('G1am1, The funeral trolls, was solemnized at the tsars,,.•
• Cuuuinginaul t•• Miss M,•Allisae: ,.f that took Wave on Saturday. ., tallith. seer-' age of St: Paul's United church, 1'e-
' cit)'. The bride turd groom %oared the rhea toeing held lu Lu• ,nnw' I'real.y- iroilu, on Wwiiiesdii afternoon, August
batter's relative: here oi, their b ,y. teriIII �churctr, coedit ....1 by Rev. _Sud. The ceremony was iw' II111led
MOOD trip. John { oiluek of Wil. ,. burrh. The' by trete. A. Licit nail immediately fol
McMillas Bars i Bated. -The large Her" Intermentwas n Dungir..t.on ielu. ery, ' lfia lug tt re, option wits held st the
bu•u on the farm of James McMillan, ' Dungannon home of -She. and Mrs. Iltliv.a•k. '('tae
Lake nand, just north of fort-llhert, doled ehur,dh assisting it, the set.% he bribe looked love) in a g'wa of astral
was ks'lroyi•el by tire tt'eduesde,y at the grave T''•••
morning of hist week. together with a
.ouaiderable twir, of the se•a,agl's crop.
Threshing was lu firmness at the time
and It ix aupilave•d that the lire started
from u stsu•k from Ihi• ,•ngl;P. The
separator wart taken trona the barn
' and the lice ,lurk and utast of the
farm Iaipb•na•nIs nl+,• were save,i. The
house wax in groat danger but w'ae
savwl by. the efforts or the vo:Iil:ut•r
t Ike -fighters.
(ii, •rmet,. wereerepe ronuttn• wlth hal of matching
%V. Solt nod Sf. Seott, ,.i Kiulough, J. shades. She carried tt bouquet of,
Richards, of Moron tine •u;l., Walton' (hDhelhn ruse's. tauter Sir. and Mrs.
Smith, of Kest \Pow:,r,.,•1,, R'illltm Xiutmermau left for Muskoka and upon
Sh:o•kletem -thud James Davidson, of their return they will utak,. their home
lu Goderich. Sirs. Zimmerman was
the guest of honor lit, a number of sae
reel affairs cit Tetroti, during the rum -
night pr„•teling the w'eddtng.
At'Itt'1iN, Aug, 2S.- Ur. and Mrs. Note, from the Waterfront
t'liut(11 Lansing, of Theban, are visiting The steamer IMlia from Fort WU-
his +aster, air.,, Juin' ,Ra ably thaw discharged a ea rgn or iu,(MNI
A mt-ethig of' the r r;epayers of tri vt •1s .
e. e• ':tet
S"1II'I'L(.lil: ItCII l .�.,. N.,. ,was held 11. the Foresters'
tot-ttth0nl at the itt r n
• t
hall lint S ado Flour Stills elevator hast Friday.
urday evet..,,4 to ,l,.,usa .lfter tinioading this steamer took on
%VI11T}4:ii1 HI'H. Aug. .i7. ---Sire the starting of a eoutiwsetiot ,+.haul ti margo -of ealitied n'uIs told ,•;cured
('lots. Stewart and son Gordon. of in .Auburn. .1s the •,e,•isluu was for Wallaeeliiirg. 'rhe ,;lot -,1 g,s,ds
l,nekuuw. 11114 Mr. tui,( Slra Arthur alwos•t unanimous, It St.,ri will Iflt•ty had been lrougftt here in trucks from
Nen Mali. or fiaminim, are visiting be wade $0x111.
with Sir. and SIrs.'Ii. S• Naylor. Sh•. ,ltd Mrs. I'. SI. s-r•,ut;;tuut and the Dominion l -.t ion I ii I ior. factory at Ext. -
Mr. and Mrs. Will ! Arthur and fumil visited ter and stony^ in the nuutl•ilnal freight
Ruth. of ' Mrs. tn.1his stat,•:, Sirs. Slay- sheds.
spent Sunday hew, of 'Itnmesville, las week. Sii,ses The ('his. uW110,1 by 'dr. Miller.
alit, SiI'. and Mrs. J. le L'eeer, dt. Annie anal Huth titr.,;,,1II a,r.•111
Mr. El.lott Fella has taken a num- 1'ttuird them and .I'Is. rue •'f IMtmll N•as !u lam un Tuesday.
t. of- 1L,l..�uuLa�. 3 l u lunger Dt•eduh,g ufavntions were .
Neck's comping, r- . : °lir
--h url-Tit t the cast cud of the harbor
Dr. SI'. J. and Mrs. o �' - toting. a..- • uredge,cthe 1teathr--tryto lt«rl. h ,
J(. t':eaagl,an, f former Lutheran church •tzllting, and dredge, the weather Is -hut; I.s' rough,
11'e•llao.t, are visiting her .sister, Miss pla11s are being hurried -r•.-lit it h,r a -fir operations in the Omer ,.arc of the
dal':I I, I;a llal!1. •ontlotialinn school.
harbor. Mr. int' eastern
has i11e c,uitetii
Misses Doreen, Muriel and alarj0,rie. Mr. it. McLeod has returned to for dredging the eastern slip anal will .
('urdoo spent lost week with their slrmUo('d alter heiping 1ii'"ii.rve r -'`,,ring hi+
grandparents. Sir. and Mrs. .\r•ehit' Kiper 1%'cd(tin P1rh equipment Mao startle
.Ln:r•r•un, of St. Helens. caw• � g' -'1 ..�i,Vy aortia from Kinenn!i+:e to der the sure.
k plate at the home I. .4r• and Mrs. pit. Indwell Sun,' & (:ritt'el Corn
Sli-s Kate SI,•Keuzie, It. N., of Jeal. ttebert Taylor, .1rd con, -ion of East
don, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos.. I\'aaartosit, oho Saturn. . att,•rma,n !':un hate at ill tt to or Ili,.
flaunt• 1,,t, %%lien Sir. and Sin '1':ty;or cele• on the wlrnrf at the north side of the
Lrul,r, u•- - harbor. it 1: sou r'1 than a law will
.'''1 Reed, of Ile .i . + 1, afte t 110011 and • , Dour• wen•on
SL's. alctire ur, 1'tvo lire hvdru,t hair leen date,(
g gatlua'ed ill lunar of alas. , 'y and to !
_Mrs. Ger,. Tiffin, (Hit•. it ai. ou the t'.1'.It. prrgM•rfy, one toes. Iter.
L,. , [ a 1. -
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Newton, of !to- 1 their ...titer we, .,tug. ,. very arrive 1111+ week from Windsor to
',ester. and Sirs. Alfred - ' iii.,% L
roar, cisited hist wick %vitt their. uur,t. •15.111 14t rehitive5 and e•.vi.i5 "1".take it n land. -
*sic 111 Virion, n( h Mr. and Mrs. 7.•,,.•.I •.;, goud."1:11041-huuw• and tin• other at II:P
V11tigham. are visiting with Mrs. Joe wishes. 'Ihe•y were the i;.ieuw of r,mudfiouse 'no. water main Is con -
and other re:wipes in Kinloss. a number of caro VII r,( a-r`nI ndsh,I with the nimileilral N:1!erttork:
' Mr. and Sirs. Rohr. Ms't'IenagItan presents. Sir. and Mrs ...c Ill • ..
- stent Smniay nitlt re,attive, in Clinton, was Ni,..sSlary Merlin, .,rte mar-
.1Slaster °Nelson Lovott, of Clinton, Is tied them) Jive ,tears u_ at the SL,
't ri-iling ills . grandmother. -Sirs. Ale- Clinton homestead at We- ueld by Rev.
Brien. T. It. I''tplaud. For b. years they
.• ' Mr. Cottle returned 'trout d,uu.luti - tired lu. the neighbun ..1114 „f St.
hospital ant' day last week. IIs•ieus. Sin, -r then the;"ue resided
Miss Jeiuie Whitley, of Guelph, b. at their present"Longe ul, and rot,-
v't+;till: with Mrs° Emerson /Ind. Mrs. cession of East Wawaa• .. The best
It. S. Naylor. wishes of the whole ,-...,,unity areSX,c
,-...,,unity .Sias Robins Henry left on Saturday extruded to Sir. and Mrs 1,,yaur. Thr
4gc for Toronto. folluwlug guests attend. Sir, and
Saba. (take and Sits Irene Moore Sirs. lien Taylor, Myth; th'. and Sirs.
.,�r ' etre s etoliug this week in a cottage at winTayl.r, Si. Hely.•; Mr. Ed
ir; Point Clark.
Taylor, Westfield; Mr. :1:..1 Mrs. Will
Slci)uwell, Westfeld; S1r. and Mrs.
' James Howatt ' and 31i.+ Sadie, i:g
uuuudrllte; Miss U. Mei intim. Nl[ God -
11,'. DI-NGANr, Aug. 29. -Sir. and ertdht
l; Dr. Jaes McCllrrou, Toronto;
qMrs. Roy ilarris and family, of Strut- Suss Wilson, Shake,gtean Miss Sadie e regular marring of the (heIs'rieh
,, p .foal, spent the week end with rhe
Carter and Rev. and Mr=. W. It. Alp. Wooten'+ tustitatr will Is, held in
lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. G.
l Auburn. Ma,'Knc Flail on Thor -slay. September.itten. Iter. Eric Anderson, Ices, Sloulktun, 0. at 3 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. McKenzie and I will preach in Knox 'United church
-hen Malcolm spent Sunday at Clinton. i aexl Sabbath morning.
T'he fishermen here and at hayfield
are t+•ti'lonlnz the SFini=err of Gant,.
and }'ixlierle.. regarding. perch 'nets.
For manly year., '', :11„1 :t -ht 1, net -
Wire been 'seri :not Jai -t t-e.•eutly or.
der: have been given O.- use 21i:",-ittell
size. Ne,ds of this size ,•;urh li+h wtb•h
., r small 1� • tuts:
arable and nn. area('Ir and fish must
Ia• 1(111,• ill. h.•..long. The proper size
of pets for ta•r,•)), it I+ salad. is 23, or :!
Inches. and the fishermen are a -king
that this .size he allowed.
A number er of men are at murk
pinch: wale -pieces along the side of
the wharf in front of the Western ('an -
iota F'Ionr Stills Mani. These timbers
are of white oak. .
Sirs. Edworthy and two children, of �iey- ^Mlas Janet Alp, TOWNSHIP COUNCIL
Toronto, tare rlsiting at the home of daughter of the late Re,. W. H. Alp,
Mr. and Mrs. ('has. ,alarm.
Granton, and Mr. Paul Vit Thorn- tY)LBORN}. TOWNSHIP
Mr. and Mrs. Jae. McEachern and ley, second son of (}jar. at ,l Mrs. A. E. Colborne township ee>•uie•1l met .\u -i
little daughter Mary, of London. spent Thornley. Teterboro' Oat., were mar- 1 gust 14th. Slinttt,w of last regular
the Meek -end at the home of Mr. and
.tail on tPeelttpsetay, August in Knox meeting adopted as read. on motion of
Mrs. R. A. McKenzie.
United church, Auburn. The bride's (ounelllors Wilson and Thum. Court
Mrs. R. E. Willis and daughter. Miss brother, Rer. W. H. Alp. Auburn. oral- ."r revision on John Atilt, drain osstess- '
Beth. have returned to their home in elated, assisted by the groom's father. the t elated for resumption at this
letroit after a three weeks' visit with (t. r- A. E. Thornley of Teterboro', and ' meeting tans postponed to Seplemter -
Mrs. Willis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. ltev. T. D. Jones of Ymlt)ury. The m(wthrg of council. a: reports N,•r.' 11.51
t'raw-ford. bride, who was given away in marriage ' rend.. The waiter ..f Division court
miss Winnie McClure, anrsein. by Slf.,,_Jutln Strang, of Myth. wore a , costs left over from previous nnetitig
tr:tiuing at St. Thomas. who lin,. (woo gown of poudre bine crepe with hat to i was again brought op. the. itae, e re-
--rtwyoti iwr itulldny'a with her }tttr- match and earried a lsougnet of but- porting that Sir. hays, Jr.. would '
ems. Mr. and Mrs. 'Win. McClure.' re- treat. roses, sweet pu,i - and marbles- • bring the suhj(r•t to the Jn,lge', notl.r
to St. Thomas Iasi Saturday. lint. `rn ttt.4 wetluevhite bridal rah- toe re's nrsttterattrrrt. ('emr(rry - w.tx,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred ltuss and wan bon Hass. New I•Is •
notate. n9worte(l no artlou Inuke, in re-
1►tmnld sixnt a new days at Fxeter tilts eased. Ontario, w5a bridesmaid
amt Bard 10Ire•es.aeroe-nod to Is' cut dow'rl
tvef'k. ryas, gowned in canary yellow crepe in eetnetery, as they ,lid nut e4nsbler
U1+.• Amber Mi' Kenzts. who w•a,t trimmed with $emu's. Dr. Glee Ihd•c wars (lxmaging the sennas. '('ht•
visiting her parents. Sir. and Mrs. Thurilep. Catxtr, Sti,•iii_an, brother at - (%hale Indemnity- agora waited uu the
It. A. SleKetzts', has returned to Ph0 grnonn. w'm$ hest titan and Mrs. eerntn it re Insuruwr far ,,tan -hip Ihr
Strathroy, (Rev.. W. R: Alp played the wedding tillry against meideuts. on motion
Silos Lorisa Stirling. of Itnfi'alo. and music. The chur•h was bewutifnlly
of roundnurs Thorn and Goldthorpe it
Mr.. Morton. of Goderich, spent Stale deteorat•d With a profusion of gindlntl was left laver for neer meeting. (lu
day with ,Heir ahem, ,Sirs. Chas. and ferns. the guest hetes being de,.ig- motion of Counellnrs S;oleltborle and
i Mr. FAI Verne I'entlnud, who had note,( with gladioli and narrow white Wilmrn, the road superintendent's pay-
ment visiting his ywrenta. lir. »n•1 Mrs.! ribbon. Following the wedding erre- ment vont-hers were passed and signed
A. 3t Pentland. returned to Detroit many n buffet torah w'a+ armeed in the • I;r Reeve and treasurer. Treasurer
last Sunday.ttianse. after which alis bride and repM,rte,l receiving ti;, from Magistrate
Bor. SI r. Phortt, of Itarrle, preached
groom left by motor Ito- Dexter, Mich]. Reid for fine in Colborne. IM motion
in the l'resbyterlan ettnreh Ism Sash- gap.. w-hecre Sir. Thorn ey is prineip.-s of Coma -Worm 'iS'iI sun and 'ff Ti,
day, of the High school_ .% Dong the ttie•$ts Signal'.. 14tl 'fur printing bylaws, oats.
The United rhumb are holding abetr fittendhip the w-edQinz ' ore the follow- etc., $21.20. and Municipal World bill
Sondtty school lrit•nk• at Harbor Park,' iog: Rev and Sirs. .1. '' Thnrnlev and far eollector's roll, form. 41144 general
Gtwterieh. on Wednesday of this week. Floyd, of Petertoro' : 'I -s. 11'. i. 91p suppiisC. t7.s's, were lar" -e,1 anal paid
Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold VI>notidge and and Mies Hester All.. r)n,tttnn: Ile, tin motion n1' 5'ounrlllur 11'l;..on tnr•I was,
chtldren. of Toronto. who were visit- Alen Thornier rand Mrs. tl•iilard Goldrhor,e. t, tion of tt(;aut w'a+ made
Mg the fortner'e sister. Mrs. G. St. Thornley and babe. n Panne. Stiehl -
the t'olli,nyn• Telephone System far p�
McKenzie, hare returned in their Ran: Silts Erang,•tin• (toss. of New, four months stew Interest mt the i�' iia.
(tome. Tdskeard : Miss S:, 'i'• 'grter. of .Stent 5501.1, t'• be returned ta`I of 'Ixs,em-
Sir. Everett Mu hlouglt. of Toronto, horn : Mt" Jf'ss4e Mu,:land. or Gran. far, >11_s. Road' super►nn•nd+ nt w:,+
en11ed on friends here Inst week. inn; Dr, and Sirs. G. II. RrrkPlrc, of inxtrueted to order tier Aar Mr. this
A taut was Morn to Rev. Wm. and Pt. Catharines: SFr. and 'Sirs. John' holm's gateway. On motion of ('mu,
Strs. Perry, of the Dungannon Angle• Strang and Sims. of )tlyth; Rev. and!d'lllors Goldthorpe „nal )'lung, the
tan ehurt-h, in the h.wpitnI at (:alt sit Mrs. T. D. .Innes. of Pndhnry: SFr. township rate will remain as last year.
Angus; t;trd. Donald Graham. of Toronto. Next nteetMg September 11th.
RurrhIII--.k-A quiet w5shltng - U. .1. IIETiiERIN4rrt)X, Clerk
was su!enwised in ltloor street fres- AT'R1'RN. Ant. 2” -Mr. Charlie
hFterian church. Toronto. August 21st, 1tobirf.on Mid far[ttty. f Iltxlertrh.-; _ Mosquito ('ampaigrt Sa.csssfol
whet Rev, G, A. Little united in mar- were Pnnelnv- visitor. It the village. • That (►r1113a' nunpnfgtt ngrrirra alit%
Nage Mary Edna Fowler. ymtngest Mr. and Mrs. Wath-er. of Toronto. mr"elttitnl•s had (',tell as sn.s•et-fol ns
dhnghler of the Lite Mr. and Sirs. visite,( the lady's tither Mr. A. eonld reasonably le aslMrtrd far !hr•
Edward Fowler, Dungannon, and Rny SirKenzle. last week. first season was the opinion of .%fr.
Rurrhtii, Sliteltrlt, eldest son of sir. Mr. Robert Scott '+ Asitia: his C. R. Twine, of the Entomological In -
and Sirs. Hobert Burchill, lhi(ubert (laughter. Sirs. .Jewell. of Colborne. lwur,ment, Ittt.,wa, w)n came Io t•illl:,
township. The bride oast hrlrtegruotti this ay eek. to rnyuire luta the rd•sntts of rbc more
were attended by SFr. and Sirs.. John Strs. Sy'ming,nn and "un graham. or mint w•hl•l, he had tern ltrgs'ly in-
.\. Mid►onnld. the latter being a sister Toiont... visite!' friend. in the village strnmentnl lithe
n stnrtlnt. Sir. TN'Inn
-nr tIn' •bride. ,after the ceremony• a last week. addressed m meeting in the limit
wedding (limier was se•tlye,l at the Mr. I.4trri•s-. Washl gran, of (:rats ehumler of Itrillla Inst ,Sprit on the
• itnme of the bride's sister, 9:, atnnt. erieh. visited friend. in the rills:,• on "hie" of mosgnito control• and deft•
gomrry' acerae. The hnl'ps' ennl,ff' Patnrday last. nits' steps arra• then taken for making
culled oil relatives and friends in t Mr. and Mrs. E. I,tw•ln.n stent the war on the pest.
Mitchell and ihtnganttou before' Werk -end Reith yteaAortli friends. .\,x•omlsanlrd by SFr. }'rank t;nrer.
IeavJug by motor on a honeymoon trip, Sir. and Sirs. Ttld•1r(1 motored to '"itnirtnnn of the Irw'nl termmlttee. isn•t
to Colorado and Wyoming. Forntn,a li't F'rft:w r. Sir. Harold Overend, the sre•r•tnry, Mr.
The late William Mallosgh.-Thr SFr. Torn Johnston ani Nil'.. Palen -Tah:n made n surrey of the territory
emit!, took platy at Ills home In t.rtc•k•'.'billies motor.,) to F,onlon net t% ht, I, lo" Iern treated lost -Drina.
now on Wednesday of last week of Stoolay. tau Ihr wln4e be found that (Si,' piping
`fllliain )(elnourlheth former
resident .•••lapis J. her sister.
Nowy York. I+ ha,l )ritlThe'tlrstimntlye•rtletire,rnvif'
followed strokes' t f , M. Witt. Indite. .exalts• t I
on the morning and tlrsnlng of the day of the village was tont. tali(. in xomr ..,+Ions Ihr
of his death. Mr. Maliongh was the Mrs (Rep . W. R. Stn is attending mnwinitet• Serf' stlIh amara•,.,.- ,'donut
last 4f sl; wins of the lite Mr. 'and Toronto Exhibition sill• week, to he frontolPsnme nn still, ,lamp Pren•
Mrs. William Mallongh. who were , Sir•. Nelson .Irmetronr. of (bah -rich. ' Ings. 1'n the WI,,u sr thu•rt- 1155 it" ,tonin
nrnaorg the esrtlest pollee. -psi ihitt is Vt.(ling her sister. Mr.. Ni•.rgmrret that they were very III,MIt Ie.. nnlnrr-,
Bannon. being here even before the .trfhnr,
on. and bothersome Min of old,
plate re, eked a name. He w•es horn Mr. and Str.. Frank Ptnnh•v. of
seventy-four years ago and .trent his .tltlsrin, were Sand,y visitors at theta
early days In this riclnitt. tint later home of Mr. and Mrs. Balint MINI.
talent many years In Chilean). t'iw,n
returning he enamel in the teerehsa- A De1111tHtl Harvest
Maine business In Teeswater, Where he From Frank E. lt,.v'I. Violet. Sian. :
remained until setting out about one r'Ffnd enelosrd the stun of two dal -
year ago. Piney that time he haul re- , tars ss renewal of The Menai for an -
shied et Lneknow. Surviving sire lits other year, The !may time Is on and f'LfIk(.t7'
wblow, formerly Miss Maggie Millet.+ the harvest ii a tstnutifnl one.'
Take a Ride
and you will know
ONE of the lost spectacular achieve.
ments in automotive history is the
manner in which today's "Bigger and
Better" Chevrolet is increasing its margin
of leadership as the world's largest builder
of automobiles.
Come, take a ride 1 Learn the' reasons why people
prefer Chevrolet,
Know Chevrolet performance I Wherever hills
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greatest -because it is built on the valve -in -head
principle, which provides all the power advan.
tapes of overhead direct firing.
Chevrolet's delightful smoothness is achieved
by the use of invar-strut alloy pistons, and by
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Chevrolet flashes out and away when you open
the throttle because it offers the advantages of
- light invar-strut pistons, large valves, and car.
- buretor equipped with an acceleration well.
Come, take a ride --today 1 uc•><s-a-tae
The C!f..4.('Crowel Hew? saw 1.1 n./ 00700141 O., 1/04/..,_ 111.
awl ,ameasesi in w
.cwe.inbarb(l sal .l barb( TM, Ch.w.lal ow ar.
5-•Xet.r • • , • 5521.00 Cen..etihi. *Wit $aa7.N
T.nrin5 • • • • 1121.50 Cenotw.rc.a C erase • 470.00
G ren • • • • 740.50 R.edww Delivery • 421.50
Crveb7 5.05 brimow * harrow • • 610.00
amens 501.00 /� ernes et Forum Othewe
--Ga.ow,rw/ Taw, Siropen
ip1p .••'... aid Spa., Tie R»n.
Thi1r.,,Lt). August 31), 1034,-3
Labor Day Specials
Men's Shirts
Fine quality
Made from imported
repps, poplins and
Sizes 14 to 17
Clearing at ... $1.95
Men's Pyjamas
In plain and fancy
Clearing at $1.75 and
Men's Silk Ties Men's Sox
Made from the pure SILK. AND 1X OOL
Italian silks ice.. in grey, black
Regular 75c and 95c "`T-4-; and brown
Clearing at . 49c Special at 39c a pair
Sweater Shirts Men's Combinations
In fancy designs
and checks
Natural color
Sizes 36 to 44
Clearing at .. , .$1.29 Special at $1.45 a suit
1 lot
In broken sizes from 14 to 171.
Clearing at 79c
South Side Square Telephone 384
September 8th to I5th
See Canada at a Glance!
Visit the Western Fair and view the progress in
Industry, Science, Art and Agiiculture. Each
year sees a permanent brick and steel structure
added to the Fair Buildings. This year we have
built a splendid'new Livestock Arena.
"Pack Up the Family Car and Come to
London for a Couple of Days"
$40,000 in Prizes & Attractions !
President. Secretary
Imperial Se:aw • • 500.00
AAer, t+tart at Facto", �1,h.s. l,.� ' Valk, Trask Ctra.4 $4N.50
-47e- rrnwret Tara, Annoys /11
At tsetse-,, AT.,.,,51e Or.lar/+
A.( c)rrr Tin FiM.. {r f�CoespeasTofu, ,yaw
�.. fire set Beef r.,.:
\ 'iOLE'
MacEwan & Tebbutt
Goderich, Ontario
J;"RfIMMN�nt ".'II 11;, J
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Ali Ill liilliroi�� 1
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Get the "Faber Guarantees" back of you
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and Overcoat, and you will actually Save
$10.00 to $20.00 on each garment.
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3. - !leo rttu5lit,y Linings, Buttons ural interior workman -bit
4. Mali-fi•tit)n nr Sletn,.r iietltn,l•,1.
IA•II . fals'r ,\ I'o., 1.1.1 , limy,• Latif np the I,trg,•.t Pers' -nal
Tailoring I; ;-turas in t'ana,l t by emptying and $'TIsFY I XI; ,,si,ssn
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Because Quality Is the Best..
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I hr I x•,tl Resident "Pule..\gent sill (se pleased to wait otter %,.11
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anal nu your leisure. S''.11 tt ill he under no obligation t,. hay. Phone
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Iter,-. n,ple.
Lewis Faber & Co., Limited
iia:A I, ttF'FiCI` and F.S('TOitl'-MuNTHF:.VI, •
f aLondon. .
43 East Street Phone 489, Goderich