The Signal, 1928-8-30, Page 4•
4--JTburaday, August' to',\loss.,
For School Opening Buy a
Suit of Prince Clothing
The best clothing for boys and young men.
patterns. Nifty styles and well tailored.
Moderately Priced. Fall Stock Now In
W. C. Pridham & Son
-Ho -t:r. \\ Ilii lin• t -t n -I'
Men's and Boys' Wear Phone t7
\t I 1 h • •h I I' -It ‘11.41: T„
Monday and Tuesday
Marion Davies and Conrad Nagel
.t v„,o.ihc ••t un,:tot ui: .1 -lta:l,'-. a n.-
min ua.^M Ir t't•-tt ''M '
yr_ t.ia y tLl L jar- .
sum .t `,Laren•'" a.' r r hHHiltNtt master- .
I•bi at, i,., . ,
}'► •'WHOOZIT tlf ht
Mann.. 1 •il' Il:,t ,' .i ' !n.
Wednesday and Thursday
Norma Shearer
with George Sidney and Ralph Forbes
Tew.[ 1 t shay I nitciius to the charier '
,tot tax,arr Jiggly t•n•Iianl n,.aJ,•rn woman. One
tl., l:ierttne and :ionising taints in
y,,,•- 1 n're a„itr_to like
I'..:I.. t' •n:.s1v
Friday and .'aturday
Bob Steele
7ton of a f;olon- h:ut,lit-.I„ Illn.l by all
arts BYirl--yet through sheer bull -dog
pitch 1 win- thron¢h. All of wire,'
make- .1 . •,sI \Ce -ton, thrill pictnr•
Matigew Monday and Sntnr.lay at 3 p.m. R F
\ •I
Benmiller Sunday School
ole, t -aver) - •'
at N
Everybody Cordially Int, ed !n' Attend
Have Your Clothes
Cleaned and Pressed
ill tIt,' up -to
i:,aal-•aIle! for „ •'•I
lialo•rda.her and I• • r
West Street Phone 339
Singer Sewing Machines
l'rt•.• derit,.li-t ration :it••,.:i1 yomt
own home at any the, You are
under no obligation t ,y.
:,oath Side •'f .stitlerr, slerieh
W. GLEN COOK, G !Agent
. GODERiCH, ONT., ,1' ''$. •rf! . it 'f; \v, tits
ST. AUGUSTINE dressing a fish. In cl,..rtte of Mrs. W. 1. the last lap of a Motor 'trip through
Alilll'r. Hoateeses, \ir. Neale and! part of the States and Ontario.
\1rs. R.J. \Voodoo X full i eeillig la' Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Young had as
S7'. .\1'1;1'S'PINE. Aug. 'Jr.-'YIias rerpuestrd. as bushiest:..ofiwpt,rtapee;rtaiiors oti $afinday
Mr. 'and Mrs. K.
-Prances Reid, of Aahiield. is the guest wi'1 D' discussed. SI McQuarrle and two sons, of Nova Sas.-
]Ir,+. Mason \Ie.UliaterMr. atop Mrs. J. lJ. ,ledd, rf Clinton.,
tide week.
Ila. NI r'. Ed. Lawson and two little
of her dant, t isttt•,i re.rnlly with Mr. rude Niro. W. daughters, Ruth and Grave. of Ihiitl0l'
Mrs. J. Shanahan. of Hulett. who Tayior• Mr. and alta Albert Glens Mr. and
was the guest of her daughters, Mrs. Mr Frank• 'Add a,• i son are leaving ales. Scrod' and little girl, of Loam
1. W. Boyle. last track. renuuee,t h
Tuesday fur the Est, iiiou at Toronto iugton, stent it trek -cud with Mr.
oil Sunday.
' with their herd of p ",•,l Angus .•stile• tare's loather. sirs George Girl. and
Mrs. Christina Jefferson called on Mr. W. I. Miller le r-. ,t.lttng his foul fondly.
Gt.dericlt friends on Friday. ut "1'orouto. ,
Irs. J. \L•1'I:arson Not \Iisa M. liter. It. M. (:ale, ' Ihtytle'kI. ear•u-
Ileiudlentan. of \I.•rri stow it. were • the Itied the Iwtll.i t In 1 .iI ill clutch w,
atesls or •Nes. Jefferson last week. Sunday. Iter. II. 1: t'itiltiit•I.t a iii Is.
Mr. Maurice end'. Miss Annie Klub hem,, for next Sunil„
!sail ti-Ilit with Mrs. Itrdmitt.I. of 114.Uwn,-Woeda. - 1111 Valla okay.
Westfield. oil Sunday.tugitst :::1411, .i toilet ,•• .ilei: took pia. 0
lit. and Mrs. Whitnick.. of Tees. at hill Whitfield chi. r,l :ed 1 11111 itte. vitt iWhei
water. spent Uwe weak -crud at the home
..f Mr. and Mrs Wilt. W il•nui• N'itn.ifre'd, ,lnughle, .•f afro. Woods
• and the hue Robert \t ' ,1s. and -\rtl,,ar
N•ltethdn. son of al • %Vliethanl tut,l
WESTIFIELD tie :ate John \\'hell,.. -ti of Galt. The
_ Lrl :e. who was unattended, wore 3 I'e-
\1'BS'I'F'IF:LU. .tu_. _'". Mr. Nor:.e'onl,S ensemblee,-' tnie .f a ban:
eau M.•1/.well was a TNrouto visitor ''rete dress and bine. :it of rota bloom
.t e•.•r•p'r of days last week. tr:wait%) itIth pintint:t dyed opossum.
' Miss It. Coventry. of N'int:h-iw. She wore the gift ,•f. the groom. it
-•t:t SHOW- c with her aia:Cr. Mrs. string of pearl a, and .-lrriel a sotorel
.1 E. Ellis. nie.h-Ira g. After the arrewony the
Mr. ItotC Meil..w,•11 andaalts; ltrblal couple returns. to the home or
the bride's mother, .. ` ere a %tit :dins
e:l: , are atrrudL:g Toronto- Fair supper was served. \l r. :n.1 oleo.
i, week' N'L•etlranr left rater . •, d mot,•r trip
11Haze: Betts. of Blyth, spent
i -riu•"tgL-W.awra-4• -0t., $""'\rw 6t
inn' er with Mr. and airs. Nnner York State and o,
i ', ar!,:
\passe \lildrrd and alight Sall..n-
vIslted with their aunt, Mrs. J. \L'
Bride. for a few data this week.
\\'e are sorry to report., that the le
.rptlut. to is riven for Mn. and Airs
Thos. \1"i hon .lid not take place. as
Mrs. Nilson took suddenly III at her
house at Parkhill and is muter the
d..ctur's .•are. We hope Phe will 11:1 t
n s1e'edr recovery and•tliat she will he
able to come to her new b .' very
Mr. and AIN. ('Irirles Car -•e, of
'Toronto, are visiting at his old !moue
atiii in Go,lrrihh, where his neither
has been for some wseks will, her
daughter. Mrs. Trethewey.
re.,i,'' In Galt.
-stem au.l . ]iJs. L _3tt12itaell b•yS•rtt -
tte week end with the I itier'+ brother.
Mr J.ihn Lima of ]htrott. Miss Mit .prifit SHEPP AIRI)TUN.
;. ie :tel Lor nice. Miss Elsie. vet - -ttv''
,.::n• itill .them.
Mr .and Mrs. 11. Meltr!rtr. Miss E itla ••• SHFII•l'AIU►'roN, tog, 3•. Misses
Ni -itrler. :int \I` i;....1. of Auburn. I'e:u-1 and \largare s agar, .of God
ii-licl with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon erii•h. :ire sisit{ng t • r swish,. N...
-n. 11 o:, Sma;iy, Frank Gawking, this .'eek-.
\Ir s: 1Mr.Bert Taylor and four- M1e1 Brute Rennet: - ii the nth -for-
• v -rt<hrd with Ni,. ,tool Mrs. 11 MINA: tune It. Gere lila are week.
I' ..'t-. of i.,tide.hori. on Sandac. \Ce hope for a sprit. asaciery.
I:e• N' and Nits. Who '-h :int L•tu• We were al: sort to heir of the
Cy. „f \lilvt•rton. Spent It 4 -angle of ;.ttei•It•n death -of Mr. r •Inman Eby. who
,y. 11st week with Mrs. \I,intosli's wa. found dead at hi tilde ell Friday.
_ .'ai. r. Mrs. Marvin NIeltew•ell. morning. The symp r of the cow-
rie W. M. S. of the We-ttleld 1•nited nmllily is extrudeti • Mrs. Eby and
elenra•lt- are karh.g. _their _.miss:otlary family In.thety groat `.•'e.itru,•li.
S onlay on Septemle•r. P. Bev. Will 'Nit's Evelyn Rogi• visited a few
Taylor. of R'frnore, will be tie orr.mker.. ,!ii%+ :est week with Miss Irene• Gro-
lier: W. R. Alp wil have iharse of him. of Shepginrdtot
`dr T.. i....'.. -. ri k«+--af ileltttore flat Mr. mid 311ra. Frit :.;:_1L'[tcl:Ina_ and
,i:ty. dou¢hter. with Pea:'. and alar¢aret
1' a Ml --es Merle:• and ikurotby La- Stntiy. of t:.derich, i•otored to Berrie
„•o.'. cif Toronto. who 11:11 1‘• heed Ti4t- 'on Sunday to vbsit friends iii that
is _ "•r•e,.1. In illsth nn,T Auburn, spew, ue•irhleirt•t.. !. On tI.• return tri!. the)
:' . , ,sr week with ,their .m,rle atid- were niw'mpnutied la Met,. Hawk iit ter. Mrs. Sandy Ha. kelt• and Mra. Ju,
iii,:. Mr nil \I•-. .Los. Twins/. ,and mohter, Mrs. Okhn. who had leeen -4. ,_est.
sir ,•'noir.• MrsWolter -t ark. %tshtin¢ the postin ., milt her sem
In"' 11azel-1- Pette, aWingbnm. , Mr. James Mahn. of liercie.
spent Sunday with her ronsin. Mrs. Mr. Johnny Bogie n>me hemp ore
N'alh•r funk. Saturday- 'from sail nn t,, help hi-
father withhe harvest.•
KINGSBRIDGE ' Mrs. i HawkInx ..r - Wtu. soot.. I,t►Y. .. Aug. r) --The. garb dry
is visiting relatives around Sheppard- • %rather of the rat -t two week. has ni-
ton this week. :tile.! the farmers to get on well wi
KIN(:SII1tIDGE. Aug. 2S. -Mr. andth
Mrs. Kyle and eh16'ren. of Goderiell. the liarrest, nil now the sound of ti.e
Mrs. Nicholas Austin and bele rite laive been visiting ., few dace this threshing meas::hue is heard Du •Very
turned to their home In Lorain, Ohio.' week with Mn.. Anil -Gordan. hand. Several le act• finished and the
• after a week's c; ation at the home of Mrs- N. Dougherty. of Goderieh. has yield per erre is alone the average.
1,i. uu le. \I r. Peter Austin. been vIAftitrg the port week at the Mr. Frank Voting sold a load of
Miss Bernadine O'Loughlin and' home of Mrs. Nelsen (:reh:am. lambs this 'week and received a big
• Messes. Len mud Albert O'Loughlin price. lie -hila a tine 8.10 k -o{ sheep
• F. II. Seeley, of Gice¢. etid Thioladrl• motored up from Detroit for the week- and lambs from which to choose.
h' 11 ( t III ' end COLBORNE TOWNSHIP , Mrs. D. limit returned to her home ;
■■masa■ ■$a ■t■ ■M.M•I1•/lla■ ■$a
Our Going -Out -of -Business Sale ;
Is Drawing to a Close •••
Saunders' Ready -to-Wear and
Dry Goods Store "
If you have not taken ad-
vantage of the bargains in
ladies' apparel and mer-
chandise, do so now before
everything is sold.
All our lines of merchan-
dise are offered at astound-
ing low prices.
Come in and look over
our Goods
BELFAST. .tu;[. _;'.- Mu-; 11.iie U
ytur,l , .t( ,cur '\\'hiUe loos►, sla•ut a
[ , :,rte return will "nwlacl k tilt with her friru'1• \t' • EAST SIDE OF SQUARE - GODERICH•
•ammttti,s .,.-a
Smile Awhile
Tile surest foundation for
smiles and happiness is, good
health and abundant igor.
You'll find both in
Milk Made Bread
Eat it at meals and iii lre-
tween mepla-whenever you're
hungry -for this loaf of purest
quality ingredients till- every
food need for strength and
nourishment tgIl
Phone 114 \Pest St.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton -c111111.1.) ! M
spent Sunday afterno nt with friends a a a a. a■ a a [♦ a a a m a a a I• a a a am um
near fort Alpert Mrs. ll,nniltou is spending -a few
'lays with her brother. Mr. J.tues
Cook of Belfast.
Mr. and Mrs. Zinnia. Hud tawily.
of near l'urrir's Corners, pia -at Situ
tar aftentta'n with friends around
Britain. -
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alt.m nail !••t
aeut Sunday afterl,.e'ti with"
in Luckuow.
Mr. :uid Mrs. John Mullin spent..
Snuday silth Mr. anti Mrs.
Strong of Varna.
A cumber from here ante-1uuts' i the
Anniversary si•rrio e: he:d in fI,i e:
ehureh on Sunday last.
Miss Niuuie Cunningham. of Tor
onto. %IN, 113s heel! .110.1141111g a 1,•w
days with friends hew, le now -44.4.444“;_ her sister, Miss Slaty Cunningham. o!
Punt Albert.
Mrs. N'iu. Minter. of Ln.knoa. is
,pk'udin;; a few dies with her longi,
phial. nationally amoua,'%1.•r , ivill
personally be at the• Itolfonl Rotel, Mr end \(r+ Maurice Griffin, of 1'-'•' in I.nufavItlr, Kentucky. a few slays'
troll are spending n few days with his . in I
.. ! ! after n visit of three weeks with
and will remain in Gesd'ri.. Wednesday
sister, 'Mn. Tim Griffin. I OOLRORNE TOWNSI%IP. Aug. her parents. Yr. and Yea John
only, from 9 a.m. to p. u'. Mr. Se►elry Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moss and family, -Mr. and Mrs. L. Jervis and family J• Clark.
says: I jot Woodstock. spent Sunday at Mr. I .'f HuhlW,s%1lle. ris(ted with the pat• Our new teacher, Miss Reid, made a
"Tow Aperu,aur •hfebl with not mile retain say J- ('. Paltan'a. teres mother, Mrs. Percy Welters on i tying visit to the section oil Tuesday
Int -
sass of raptor* pottier?v, but tenets.-+ the opt•o Iaft,
mg to mil days,.,, the ii,..mire
nu, -ate. siting a rsst Miss Hazel Robinson,isnnof fD Dublin. Sunday. - Y. Acheson, of Gthier{eh. 1 Her. Colin young. LED., c:ofon Tuesday
t an r in [ plianal Miss Marie Bellinger
a r. J. ('. Tiwitoa
• ItNI.'rtarrta, dee ac to l'i't 'calving
t►gliter Mgrs',_ of (:pderieh. spent )piss alargwre. \Ihte•hell has r•turt,el t" as tar as the Pease Rlver district
a• ♦serene o.,•r a former vii« ,a t-.•iPm - , •,••
[ging Justinian,.
,.,.est, q armee uasely avpieei' visited tit son 9utiday• visited her Zr;. nd, Miss Christine satiaal his friends here last week, prior
able and withstanding/14) wren or pelt{on ao I last
,natter the else or hsat,.n. Lunn or dthtratt Mr. and \ira John Hussite and
.tPt,,tlt al. ---
, aaet. or .nelsl.ual nndu.-. ,G,Itowi,,e op.n• do
liana +M+•tahr an'renvn. This tntTntment re- I
'est. He
for the R
,el%rd ii oniyseam to sural y. in span Mandan. with 'al r. andlaft.. Andrew home after letels¢ sptept -et l ams wiTi be sweat for a meati utr all
Vial} with frlea' in Toronto ',Niagara ,
Ow • Ir and r + Brantford.
J. Townsend. of Mumtreal, was
Hat -',,i.4 n thea n avert-a,tJly'ery sly of Kitchener. fire ',Pending a few.11 visit hi+ uncle and aunt, Mr. cud
our. t Na.r il, stet Allen.
This nttnv,ont In Supp ,e, o.0
• d \r Ales.f Wi i 'jrHarold M!ellel of Detroit, epee his field of tither in West-l'hlua lit
h future. or at Ikea latirs,r.,t. • att,aete demand- prevent ,p'rrr it f onnNr. \(welt I. f i We are . glad to know that Mrs.
•topping at am taws Watt, in thio ,rediae _ t At. \(:arcs. Mrs..t¢nr%•. Nf ('Myelanel. Ohio, has
f t'ol. \'nrr,10e is improvinK. and h•th'•s
pnetuvine reliil;. without .ntgern tnlerdom. Martin. r t w :+ - week.'
awliral tretiment+,r'n•.rrlptloos, nil A ,as \ Mrs. F -rank l'oi-,e and lane Falls and Windsor. (Intuit -heti pen.,nal t•etrnn. of all netloaa " Rei'
e .,, .• „ Miss .peal• (' iIsii in. (1 -
Me lo. raw.nt-nlpv . former Ywln al uin toys with her grandmother. Mrs. Jul.'. is holidaying r' It! her ton -lin. a ss
Mrs. John Young. of the store. Mr.
• V
hl 1 i l - - r Wel to n UMliOn 'r¢ t Townsend hopes to be able to return
vitt mutton r- . '..0 Vitt -ern \T •K,.,,, im n In¢ rem - to' a • . Claim
-__-. s a•nt Mn,.lac with lila sister. Mrs. the weekend with, his mother, Mrs.
Ne MITI tv clad to tem,aoinia wit,out churn' 1 n tenmill.r.
N k-G',et, y•r„• m.tit ,,,Otto 'saes, hat. here . slits Mary lbrwr 1e.of
• tier a pleasant cult
few rhos. after spaendht¢ three months
ft` .'!,•,,.,«tsr.. H..'tot ' L %honing her brother. Rek'. F. .t retnrned home .t p to be able to re:urn to her home 1n a
r:e Mt• ardle• with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
resisters -eV ata.•. .bm ted et. rauternwt
.11111144 the nae ,.: ata)«roan: ..r won intoe ..lith \hiss Rose McGuire. of Gn,leNeh. is Walter. and other `r1Pnd+. with her daughter in Goderich.
ass. a r«.I ti here en Aunt, i+. and -ts uid "lir n true days with Nil+. .\unit' Mr. P. A. ThenpWfli.' of Loneion.
Dalton. slant the week -end -with his friend. HAYFIELD
Home ,.iti, s.Is-,,,, aoat..ChtesC"Itt \I' Isabel t 1 \lir. Myron f1'RPTiTc ij. Will Tiehte.
risttiu¢ ut the homy of Mr. Michael Norwich. vl-•,te•,1 '•Ith ihP formers
X,y XXXX lygt, tVat [yntutXXXX ei'R Ill ¢nlnd\intent.. air:,,,d Mr.. Paxil Mee -HATFIELD. ttAnatitflaf afti/ti[tllrrisfh/1th1A[sAt
and Mr. Michael Foley rind Mr. Mike a Mr. and Mn,'.. L. Robertson. n - Toronto on Wednesday.
I WIItoil moored up to ()wen S. mi faro Falls. visited the farmer's bm-' Mrs. • McDowell. of Thn me•erllie.,
Snnuh,v. titer. Mr. (leas. N. Robertson. wn . went the week -end with Mrs. F. G.
The dunce whist, was 1,1-1.1 on FTI. Monday last. \•dram.
day night was n derided •1[.r•P.+. We Mica Amanda NI 'elle' visited her Mr. and Mrs. G. Henry. of ninnies-.
all hots' for another soon. brother Herman :r West Monkttm on vine, spent the week -end with Mr. and
Monday evening. Mrs. Templetnon at their Cottage.
ST. HELENS Mi.. •tnnie Miller. who is with Mr. Miss Gwen Elliott. of Toronto. is
' and air+. Rnhnke. ,•e Guelph. Is visit v•
lsltlug her parents. Mr. antI- airs. T.
• hp¢ Miss .tannin Amulet while the :Elliott.
' former are away
tss ti,.
and little Miss Gunter, of Detroit. are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mandel. of
for ervice and Quality
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Daily x
Silverwood's Ice Cream
Bricks, Bonbons. Dixie Cups and Bulk
-A Trial Will Convince You -
Sparr's Grocery
Hamilton Street Goderich Phone 146
Travelling Goods --
Our new styles of baggage particularly itilpre-dr the ex•1
perienced traveller. The high-grade materials, quality,. work-
manship, expert fiinishinR-all combine in one pest-
toward complete satisfaction
Suit Cases from
Hat Boxes from
Club Bags •
Boston Bags ( all lea
Trunks Let us supply your needs for travelling
$1.75 to $19.00
$3.75 to $16.50
$1.90 to $25.00
tier) $2.25 to'$S:OO
$5.50 to $28.00
Our aim in to give you a proper fit. We have a large
mock to choose from at reasonable prices. You are invited to
shop at
W. Here's Shoe Store
Establi 1 1878 - Reorganized 1908
Three F ulties-Arts, Medicine and
Public Health.
Five Aff::. •ted Colleges.
Degrees. es b. snout in any assortment it
scrotaee a limited. Only'atadeats haying the
highest gm: .• canons lord giving ereideece of met-
abittr sea t'e accepted. harry
spoiiutioa t r eatraace is desir-
Until the University is able is
eug ment iter classes will
beT.n,,ed•m ambers. wither
an incree,, I weedlike staff sad
equipment ..rues be •Margot.
day. Sept. 55th, rs3$.
Poe adelitioaal Iatoe-
a-ilea, writs:-
Lentos• Oaten*.
Republic/of Colombia
6 Eaterbal Sinking Fund Gold
Dated April 1, 1928. Mature
October 1, 1961.
These *11.1,.Is will conatitutu direct
obligation o1 the Republic of
Col his, secured by its full faith
and credit.
Corner Hamilton and Simi:ate:til.
Phone 474
P. O. Bo: 768. Goderich.
LD. Aug. 29. -Mr. W. J.
r y.
at!osles iinr¢nret. Hrl'nn, Gertrude tato on Forestay and Monday Inst. Stinson •[tet itidrt. 1'ouhale mvt2rrlL.Sp
r \ia
Massey -Harris
and Genuine
Massey -Harris Parts
\Ve have on di -plias a full line
of seasonable I, ..rhinos
Open is Desloge Until 9 o'clock
H. Clements
Kingston :+t . I ioiterich, t Int. I
Pilot, - :vs.,
st'h' "LENS' tat[ 1 \pica•'+ n titer holidays. Miss Erie MltrhtrlL who visited for
(:hulys and Caroline Width are lismving.'. \i r. itnlutke I. n t'n•her In th'rh'mli a week with Miss Dorothy Hart. r! -
(Inlay be motor for fort %Valliant. MI•s try dtrlsirtmenI of •he (intnrin Agri- turue,p to London on Sunday.
Gladys tent Ct' lu lura t....11"..1. al{.+ ,:nitnnil (wl:'¢,. .0 Guelph. Nihs Mr. and Mrs. Will and Mrs.
(lirdine in Central. \ani' is fortunate '.n lolvina hl n %\•right, win ,vvvnt the past .ix week+•
\fro noir\ir. Nilo'?wcfar tet[rte[t- *dile:- sic' -Tei Lift floit'rh•it. s, guests with , the formers parents.
'silver %rodding celebration of Mr. left for their home at RIIltnaa. Mon
and Mrs. lobi. Taylor at .mimeo on, C`ARi.OW tone. on Sunday.
Nuturtn>. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Anderton end
Num,. Annie ('leek motored for Tor family. who ,15'nt the post month at
Nota Drs Friday With liter. Nand
\las. M'"'"'""sh t" I'll' hu the ,, °Poling eARLOW. .Uta. ::•i. -Mrs. N'. Meld- Jowett'+ Grove. returned to their home
'f. ti' Exhibition. wain had nt• gneM, tin Snturday Mr.. at Tormto on Snnukiy.
Mn'.. Ea \Litole•rt. 11114 her sister. J, Andrew.. her -:.:,, Brack. Mr. P. MIs. Elizabeth Cameron is a guest
Mrs. Herb. Thompson, and daughter, of \tcG"rman and Mr- M'temif. all of with Mrs. F. M. Holmes at St. ('nth -
N allgiitln. VI„tit to few- ,lays last %%trek \\•nll:'rville. wi,n , ! IPnvy for their r &rineMi.a Mil r3 It. Stewart, of Clinton,
hallilaolug Ili G,aleric1,,•hrn•+ on F'ri,ln% ,free „ 1 epMnt Ina Thursday Stewart,
with its. Jinn.
Mr. Will \Ceh-i'r left Nn Friday on holld'c at litre' R, ch.
n trip to Murray piny. on the St. paw- Mrs (Rev, ii, R. .I Been. of Round Worth.
r'ul'e River. given In the Mutual LIN' Lake I`ts'I' It parr; ri school.
c o 1. form- Olt tall weeks and MiNaear. rovr, who
t spent
:taenrnnve Cu. in ctru[patp with other ter;; of Olt' to their home at Rtt'heetrr last week.
nitenta• sNm' of her old' friends here
Mies il.•Kno. ..f Kfnr•nrdht', ens a Tlntradny.
Miss ietty Elliott. who has sewn
rri.itor It Ow' w„me of :Mr- Rai.inw.0 Mis" Maris• Maele% of West Memk• I visiting her torrents. Mr. nal Mrs. T.
\\'.arta for a sew dilyt best week. ion visityl her rrto.lpiarsnts, Mr. anti Elliott, returner! to Toreatoon SmldnJt4
Mrs. A. Stuart left for Toronto hast \Irs. Peel-Siie,l'1, for a few'dnyr this Thholidaying Army here {month' pders eattbo atweeks
week after spending n coned' of wk.
months with her wen. Mt. Geo. Stfart. Mr. and Mrs, Lasser Robertson. of left on Saturday for Toronto.
Miss Mahe' \\'.. d- rind Miss oral Ningnri 'Fells, were on n visit to his Mr. rind Mrs. F. G. Neelin left MI
Finnigan, of Nile. left Saturday for a .i••I'r•. Mrs. Ed. Helier and Miss' Monday to visit at London and Tevr-
mobur trip to Nlaglrt not Oilier pc InIs. Mary Robertson. nr„s ht+ brother. Mt. onto.
Mra Minton], of Brussel., was n t'. .%. Rub'rt.on.' NEP.!'. They left : • Mr. Geo. Blair. of Detroit. 1s holi•
visitor for a few- ,toys HI th' home of on Tne ably to si-It relatlr's at 'teMn.. Chas. tving at s and babe. of De-
ter. and Mrs. A. Rlntonl. ('heslcy.
In Toronto. on Friday. a win was' Mr John McKenr' end Mr. i i - troll. are visiting her parents. Mr. and
Mrs, W. J. Meieod.
Mr. Walter Stalker• an old rmulie'nt
of Barfield, renewed old aegnalntamesa
here Inst week. lie is living at Paine
vine, (Shia.
Dr. and Mra. J. H. Smith and ear -
men halve returned to their home at
Landon. having spent the anmmer at
their cottage.
Mr. Henry Peter' and family sad
Mr. A. E. Doll have refereed tit thrice
hoetes at awareness. having spent a
Month et "the roosts."
The Square
born to Mr. and Mrs. it)d. Smith (nee can McKay. of Kh,tdll. visited
Pearl Wetter p. Congratulations are their t•Intives here and at Loyal on
The monthly meeting of the Harris Mr. Harold Mandel. of Detroit. Is
1lilai•Ioh Bath will he held
in the On and holidayt visit to his relative, here
2.31) o' on 8atardry, 1lept ' airs. h \iellontlt. of Peteelme '.
R Ie t SeptemberThe Meeting of the St. and son Roes are at the home of her
Helens Women's Tnhtttnte will he held laments, Mr. and Mrs. A. Errington.
at the home of 'Mn. E.I. Thom on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Msedel, of
in . *visited
the formers
Rollll: Hlntson Making Rr ligrantparentsover tse wtch-endnd
subject: Pemowslratios on boning and left for their Mime on Tuesday. It la
The Leading
Men's Store
Special Orders to your
Chas. Black
Phone 219
We specialize in Shingles
of all kinds
Let us supply your wants
Robt. Standish
Phone 369
East Street Goderich
Cedar Chests
Now is your time to secure a Cedar Chest at a great saving. We
have a limited number at the remarkably low price of
Furniture Dealer Frmeral Director
Hamilton St., Gorlerieh. Phones: Store 335. Residence 365w
School Shoes
Are Your Boys and Girls
Prepared for School Opening ?
They will tired good tervieeable Footwear that will stand
the moot a't'i're test in ell kinds of weather. We ire prepared
to supply your wants with the best lines of
Shoes, Oxfords, Strip Slippers and Rubbers
manufactured, at reasonable prices.
Our stook of Roots and Shoes for working men has been
selected with the greatest care. The most reliable makes are
here at the lowest possible prices. Call and look them over.
North Side of Square Goderich, Ont.
PeW.... earl.
pprpgana et ,•.