The Signal, 1928-8-30, Page 3The Signal's Clubbing List will save you time and money. We can give you a price on almost any publication issued on the continent. 4i V w.'•.ae.ergs.•"•view•,.awess=•r.a.wwr......... ....•.er.w..wur• -. r. tewannassiantse' THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LiMITED, Publiahers.J GODERICH, ONTARIO, THt RSDAY• .liths' :lo, 1928 Experience YOUR experience tells you what your boy cannot know -the value of money saved. Teach him to spend his money in a bank. His first thousand dollars may mean a life- time of success. $7 s0 a rnenth till Lw. hon I10001n to crow.'sea. The Royal Bank of Canada Goderich Branch c- a F. Woollcomhe, Manager COUNCIL DISCUSSES TOWN CONTRIBUTION TO BLUE WATER ASSN Last Year's Assessment Not Yet Paid, and Money Not Forthcoming r The regular Meeting of the tont uncle was held on Friday evenings August 17th. Councillors Sproul and Lee were not present. Mr. 1'. I.. Turner was heard cote lit'st• ween did not show• suave spirit GODERICH FOLK such waiters. . AT THE COAST CITY Councillor Bailie -"When a bled - hess wan that elo•teld Lt,- $10 bunds I Ti..- Ohl Toon Remembered at Annual taut one duller, what are you to say} Picnic . . 14o not believe the money 'Mould The *aa,uud annual tai, sic of former route out of the .e•ueral ,tains. The mildews .of l;oderich .now Tiring at People generally at. taut Ia tietie. f VatIn-taucet was held recently tit $tuu- Fiu•tlly Committer „Mutilators moved. hey Park. with an attendance of alwut Hutt the amount to ready sulleted be !iffy. The guests of honor were Mr. forwarded to the Association. anal unit Mr.. lt. J. Ilegaw and Miss A. this vine carried. ' ; _\ddheuu of Goderich, Mrs. Robbins and Applkallemt fee Building Pet/slits Mrs. Chesney. formerly . Misses Strati - Applications for lantditag 'termite ton of this town. were received 'as follows and were, Mr. G. It. Gonion aus taws!-uateter referred to the fire cuwwittee: Chau. for the occasion and reminiscences of 11. Boats. re-ruothe, part of dwelling. , Uta• lid town were ghee by Mrs. Elgin avenue; Mrs McKim. re -re f- Evans. Mr. Mclutyre, Mr. A. Muct:illi• lug part of dwells.:. !'hurl; taxer;: %ray: Mr. ltruce. Mr. W. khans and lies• taut -of dwell- Miss Jean eanteluu. Mr. Megow and JuLu iil4 4. re rax etas•:: t shed. Illi at avenue. A. M• !visitors. Fred wails•.!.1 Mrs. Hoidens replied on leltatlt of the e•eruing a filially in need of assist- hag, Britannia uix-e, and the matter was referred to apes -hit 4r.ramitteP Mr.' J. 11. Edwaerel appeared itis be- Robertson. e- re-rail ug s a . H 1 t rrshtngl n . .lira ',.f dwell- Greetings were neat from the gash- • ` raw a carious !lineae. leaf uf< the Goderich Trulties_ Aud I street : Mi charts \ .. Isere. re-na.th:g ns•ot cringe( Pacing Aasociatlon and orated that if i part of dwelling. 1':a -I .;reel Ins.. Among those present were: Mr. and the town would furnish the material Mallough, veranda- a`,1rtdna.I rag. Wnr- Its fin_• Ili.. It..rI+ Mega*, Mr. mid Mrs. ill. for about San- feet of picket fence ern ,treat: 1.- t nett, Wer sen. • . mg. -Victoria- stsosa t I1ta MaarJ• .1. wring to the home town nod at's to 1'ti Wnn re -roofing duel.lug. Bruce- Iter. lir. MarGilNvray of ('Invite mita) 1. south from the grandstand,tat Agri- .fuelling. scam e. n• • cultural Perk the _1cssvintim would , Weller. reshinglr _ -table. East Idoud. Mrs. all ! Pittsburg. nee Visas - Mau- ' erect the fence. Thstreet Tills was referred strt: Miss Ethel t ;me ovie s'-rwrtinii Youngldeetis. Mrs. George Evans,. Mr•:along the highway. ;knee n go nh alta, to the puWk musks and }talks cum , dwell*tt: \\'aterl•4, astre•tMau-and Mrs. B. A. Straiten. 'Airs. it,,Itof merit. Being somewhat tat a dr• mlttees jointly. i later. reshiutking .erau.kt. lt+tytid•lat♦ bias ,l'ittsburgn. 11r+: ('haesney sSa•n-, signer as well.•aft a thinker nod withal The- aextou of Mafttewd cemetery - road: T.' R. Wallas ga.ruge. Via•torin ' forth a. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. E:vatts. a reader or the history of the Burton Miss Isulelle 1(4111 h. Mrs. Tho+. P.trn Tutsi, In the settlement a Irut nn,l uunlef reported fire lnterweutts in tlse oust I upset. from enter awl light alis Wee Eva Ralph i. Rodolphe Petra. i ;tang of whieh lie 4.1.1 his forebears tkt'it ars for at July. A letter Mau , n ` The tux aullectur gate the follow- v.rmmMafuu tusked • :u, the betel! pro- des. Mie: Xrllie Husker. 11 r.. J. Watt. • several generations hove taken an Ru- t the stint 1ff !leer to meet the! Mr. d'. McInt)-re, Mrs. A. us tt:iillt•- portant kart, lie has ,:rami• up a design lug statement of Untold taxes: I1► i. !went et. tis• cults.•! . for ray. Mr. Archie M.+:illicnty. Mrs. which is originalthanti It i till le. 1 $1.015.30; lW.li 71'-'.T:S2:MI; Ifr_T. *5,-, ta.Wnd la.' knew' 'mowing eyu.l.nw_ut_ Tlds was a1G•c,a Tatou (lar Pearl McY:illicrnyl. time en interesting eo bins It given +ts Matta*, Miss- Atoms E:vuus. Mrs. Emery be out of as Mist. The arch e tire brigade 'for le in the ham:. a the a f •lou much publicity one • . m . I..'hick. Mrand zit A. f:. Yn *+ • .II l %r • Printing First-class work at reasonable prices. Call The Signal when you want a job of printing well done. Telephone 35 11Ir;nTY•Plit•T 11' \I: ENDORSES G. L.AITHWAITE S DESIGN FOR ARCHWAY -- -.t ••lyter I'htltiatau," who writ,. a column in The Stratford iteacomiler aid, has the following In u- resin article: .. I note that here rind .there pubii.- spirited citizens are Offerin-' lmizt•s for the hest .eeaarated farm. along the, Iluruu highway for the a. helm of the centenary •on Lalwrt-Isle. This. should stimulate those whose prop- erties front on the tilru uraanr rood to al !M healthy and Miro form these decoratiotu+ sh.au;d take , left to the ingenuity' and taste Of those ; who will enter the ,palest. bel the a•- rsal.n shouid suggest a ga.d deal of variety. and one mays reasonably roue elude that the task of the judges will ' i.e no easy one. Farrtnttntely. for the latter. there are curious groups pro - posts'. The first a int i.rolusbly be front rr3-fories--4o-*ealf.a:sk the next 0. F. CAREY & SON Li-nited INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Telephone 230 NI:a-sone Temple Building GODERICH •• ONTARIO from here to •Mitchell. and eel on along the line to Goderich. 't tie mael:- tloti the sogges leatsf n w-aitc. of Gotterich. that an arch con metuxntti-r1 of fire aeitlrilstty of the Iluron road be created somewhere Pay Open Next Week Monday, Sept. 3rd Labor °Day Night -Special Features Wednesday, Sept-Sth Saturday, Sept. 8th _.... - .-a .n.vn. Iii % request front .. cuwmudee•. I Miss _Mr. and Mrs, h au a jjnue rubber crest thione hat ryes fNdewalka N (.1'.K. Bridge , Mist. Jeal t'autelon. Mrs. e'a,H. Mule would ler of as sut..uiuthtl :t nature ns I sett to the tire committee. 1 letter Ensu, sn,s.uII a.wlelt( Mullett. Mr. Thouete It to last for generations and would aIt was Ira w b the past century I 1 dee•ided to take siadit at u' by . tat the C-I'It 'la met ted Nat cost of $Iib in a si,ea-hti edition of I the matter of phi, .: a sida•w,t:ks fiat The Stratford the m setae- r l.edest riius on t ,: -. ,.id c,t of dice - ` centenary with the e•elrbratiuu of the' bridge on letrbor ' .I was reet'elviu$ that a.utrusrc of the Iluruu Tract: attention ' of tl lett. ton. M, a eft. Stratton. Mr. and Mrs. D. ,. Itrua•e. show not only to 'ai,its'rei1 one tsst,lisLe•it-. Mrs.. Muriel (tall a ate• Brace a. Miss! whattot-hoseryaahu celebrate but would erose ;luria retailer, .- . ,..e.tatJ of -the Hurws Tract -- _oday appfcciate the labors ,e pioneers. Ostensibly tae of this trurnUlon 'will be.ousiddr,•,p pioneers A letter to the Mayor from a Tor- A ryuett from t , 1 alar Day e'ele - SAVE THE CHILDREN taut,, Ilam enquiring with reg•t&t to a !nation .armmittee •r permission to 1 by those• who calry•ou herr' a hundrmlt f t site and manufacturing fact- erect two pillars 4,aIluruu road was oryin S when Childhood Ail- years hence. It t.+ tut to the county Mkt Lam whirin -whose ;sailers t6.. original uo stake rtaw deft 'tti, jtla pVttlehlp to tett a lbs hands 'af the Mayor. the p0. Summer councils of Perth. Huron eke eels( Reeve and the Deputy Were. -runts AT! 1 4 > eTO design m Blue Water Highway s♦NaeMt A pet Rion fur,an.other stets! light ,I Mothers` who keep a hos tat Bellys I Huron Tract lies. to true this k es ra vin Tablets In the house their earnest A letter front the itiur Nater water. light ami harbor committee. that the Utes of their l►t tt ar The design of the ar h in question 'towu'aay Asowlatfun asking that the A request for permission to erect' totru'a contribution to the feeds j an eleetrk emblem in front of the tea t,, deet, la leder that i•xleutae' Idrssrnie Temple Ott West street was might ire laud. vies the a•autre tat vine I referred t.. the public we apiece - A testnest from A. 1I. Rolerlsflt for permission to remove n dead tree I taut have a safe medklne lit lured to give promptly. Italy's Own Tablets from the family mat to Maitland Tellers these trunbte•s. tar If :Ivcu or•- tery awas referred to the came caslonally to the well child they will A tars anal parks from A. ee. prevent their coming on. The 'reb- ind .\. ht. lacing Robertson lets are guaranteed to tie absolutely and ch -ba fibre te'r thesPlacing water of harmless even to the new -burn babe. a catch -basin Vk.t r to drain surface They are eepeelally geed In s•Immer Nd St.. an ,ernbowels Ire!1 from Vk•torla street because 'they regulate the iestl(a, and Pare worts view refer- keep the stamnah sweet and pure'• reel to the palate works from !tee. They are sold lay medicine sealer, or A petftfiii, was refile for from' oilingrest. by wall at 2,; cents a box from The slants of roadway son to for the rom Dr. Williams' tMaelieinr of the ruadwny ,,n that street from Dr. Ont. I: - the Reeve. but how are we to du it Ia street to \\':tterin, street. This; %litWe have made a thorough cant twin.poor • tel petition was sent to the pub - and the'. money Is not forthenmlitg.' lie works committee with the remark - The Reeve suggested a meeting of that it was tae late for oiling. but the of .-Nlirl.fas_-i444„ Ise ]1aeil. The Mayor -"The business men A letter front r. f;. Itundatll. Lon - meet. but that's all they did do. They clue. with refereu.e to his indelrtedl- fantum and diarrha•ti carry off thou-, feet high and probable the same width. 'ands taf Huh' t r even• suwuser int One pilins wou1d lw• sttnnonntel by a Ceo. Williams Desist In DOML'1lON, PROVINCIAL. MUNICIPAL ANIS C RATION BONUS Fire. Accident, Automsshile, and General Insurance Agent entice, nest to !lank of t'oouoetce I'ha.t,e :.:t 1 i.xtericlt . Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada offers -many attractive forms of policies. Consult vis n•ganling these. - H. R. LONG, District Agent Goderich Phone 115 •s lecmusr the moths} does represottatlon of a `tttgat m. with 1 Indians surrounding it. The other would typify eondittarna as at present. with each pillar in turn nail the arch showing the gead'tal transmutation of Some fine chemise to sesame a very • the country from savagery to .•(•1117/1- cheap home in Galcrich, In some cases tion. The cote of the yyrnjert. Mr. n Lalthwalte !estimates. waAld ie $1.000 or more. He advises ns that he huts been promise) a gae••.I dell in private m,hewriptl,ns if some , rgauized effort, IS made to give pructiavl effant to his plan. The comparatively small east M., lira k of such n project spread over as.a well- to-do a community would be relatively small. and the reettlt rt mild be very TOWNSHIP COUNCIL effective to say the least ad' It.The, stairs. n •-- this side air t;ralerlch. irtd•icntes thnt that tlaurn. rricet elle Larne S' • nppnanch to Mr.- Lnithwaltrs -farm. tuutcuteut 'tenptlhtlnun: purr• i': 11 WEST 1-t .%utgaed H iLe-_is not only a drs'snie The council Inst .\(- tgu us . a he can Nit his view* into effect. Must \ !Erle ten slury Lrtci bates. riot adjournment. Tilt with alt file n,.•tuls'rs of its who hard trdgrlle.l this nasal winter heated: hardwood floors: full prewar!. The minutes of las! Meet - have been Interested in hl- Otte -way, modern eptipteal: garage: tint. garden dug were rend nod ueerppel. .\ •phi- and in the wnndrrfully •*reed reps• plot. etc. Eton terms. Price....$31110 • The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency LIFE INSU'RANC'E (Sun Life Co.). ACCIDENT. SICKNESS'. AUTO. ET('., INSURANCE Houses and Lola in Genteel&L and Vi- cinity, and Parma for Sate leave it to the council.- nese to the town sins referred to the Councillor 'dunning', was of spi- fiunu.r eoirjntlttre fou that either' the mules slionld tee' Indigent Immigrants anon of Te per yard stat p.it: 1ea' sentation of a polar barer witch Chol.•e of two 1t_ story genal house./ collected and Pall tar the Asaulla- ♦ -- i•irmmnntentAn was reeeiveel gravel taken' by the oemuty frac mhrrnft his Sfa.ut lawn- Soul pride with mrr.lPrn apnlp.mrnt t:aw,l_ 1 tiun shdruld be in -banned that the f Stun 4.1- (ten's Iif1I. The town drip rate for I would sntltRPst that tf the anti town cannot pay the ututsittrfe- Me Iitists enclosing a resolution asking ant would be willing that tile council should pay half the amount: He could' not understand why the bust - from the 1 Ilion aa Canadian about halt the cost of building with the Int thrown to the bargain. Well located. Just it few of them: house, 11- .\u stvrmllt.nt -PT-story h lase. n round tine asenditluu ;, good location; convenient to Square' well planned for con'enit.uoe and a-•nntairt for any size fitfully: full modern equipped: heal water heated: 4 -Ides. bathroom up- •nsrulr+: tine to teas, . i iwto was tixet at •Inv millsairy , The a malt! It be erreecfhl lit Ile ant that the 1►omtnion (:aaa-ernlnent pay clerk was instructed to,t)uusr la,rnre. I.t, the Huron Tract at the N' wood "rand. !lona: 2 tuts t.nrh. Pried eai-it..61 rills.' 4124v down. Easy terns for t.. lines -a --- 11n t . FIRsT AID to i THRjTY FAINO4 is a Bank of Montreal• chesuing -account which may be opened at any of ntu Offices. The balance -require- ments of such accounts are moderate while de- positors are entitled to the full benefit of our service. Ltab 1e 'ter'= V Y ortrA- BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 TOTAL ASSETS 1N EXCESS OF $ 060,000,000 GODERICH BRANCH Manager. E. V. LESSLIE expenses in .•owaction with smml- gtauals who become indigent within two tears of Flair arrival in Can, Mill. Referred IA the :special com- mitter. k tl from the ink moved y that his lannatary. novel fr.yu the hlgtaWay- at one•e..- Mn, Charles Alton. of lhungnunon. FALL PAIRS -1928 e -as appointed colle•ter of taxes. The etrrue•il adjourned to mart September ■t 1 a, nn. At venal ... t Kept 10 Zit price*: Aaanfher-,_av?Altoun h stn_ !inion of f'aandlan Milul,.11anll= Dt'RXIN PHttk4iP I Hayfield yfield io Mint less than vnttle. New aotta¢d; $330. .\antler $7m. Another $1030. Another $1300. Ask • about them. 'vitt. . 21. 22 Panes - geld. 25, 211 . Many fine farms all bis; bargain. lath ties soiight the support of the eunn- itrinlise in mil fn a protest to the Dominion lsoc mortgage according to their •agree-' t that the chief srf pwdia-,4. roil!! luugannam Ii •t the imposition of men I Pennant ngn n. xe: er 411114 17ot'dwlrla. taken from munlcilellysown •ll pits or Dinesh to pay tap nil nrrenrs of react ,(;OD4110.0 quarries ural used for municipal forthwith, Ilanovatt• poses. This alms was referred to the Thr public twirl committee. A weepiest from Chief Postelethwstlte sales tax on send- gf vet m surae -I -fir. rt. Tiellw•alu snit nit Mr. W • works t•ommiIten remai - menalel that F. it. 11111er Is. !;mots•• permission to install another gasoline for the team two weeks bailbliys for Pink and pump at his enrage, rural tats himself and gi•rgPant !toss ,owl alio mere k4ee•1rie light* he pineal lu granted. n .apply to be nrrnntddl 1,y I the town hall yard. The eoinnifttee t reported that dile tuns .of calcium chloride lad !Weil ordered, to he nsel ns a dust layer: Bell Bros. bad s)gue at the contract fur the con+triu•tiou'of that nu eialir shingles Is• sallniPd i cement sidiacnlk* and the work heal t,,,,,,,„.„,,,n,,,,,.,.4.- --- pw titiart et. Inde !runt thee-__ a tree - . -„ ,bantnmmIttee reported shot • stt•tt.•test to attend all fire enlist and It wits nhMlntug s•atnply. and prdc^ enforce traffic rstrifnthon.. Mc. - I .stn fsolicp uniforms anti would sepseos' Tile water. light and luirlwar cons- I later. mitts reported that the l'an.idinn l The cenieter any l,ntk'a nmmitte. C'auaars Unified land sltlpl,N !!!toll nasatonieualel that Ja,.. A. I-tirnchim be rant./ of canned goods through the allow -el to remove a tree from his pbat lea•ll freight shed anti intended" to ill ltnitinnd cemetery. The tourist ra tail' Make nnather shipment slwo,l ii., endaeHrhen eyed w,nrt.npemes are meas-''.ne of thlt month. The fmihling. tiaeet so piety. the retwrn stn tel: thee .to,thiiu_ ssnitnry s•imvenkea.-PS at Ilarlror ihark wt thud furl Runde. Inrtuding Ihre•• had leen novel to the harbor. rooms an the third floor. Is near% The !hams'.' aonnntlttee retwirtdal ihot a finIshel. end ver atpeet to lin re the the mortgage oaf *l7af10 had Wen Owed tenernt In Isentesiion before lite end of on the Pork House property ntn,rd- the month. N;d are haslet fist I'r...iai -IHR Itbylaw•. Will the sum of $R.aK, dal Department of Agrlcnitnre iiia! -'i ..had been paid over for ihe property'. gntt. the al u.P of this' ilerna-tioof wh1.9n is loins n•bnllt by ihF 145-,, t` thee !rale. aloud thy hnrt'rtr a h1R 1Me,n k - committee. The f;Oritrlch Mun,nfne• These reports were all adoted. lasing ('aid hod been poll the sum of The mailer of Installing n a.m.'' • the rhainnan of the etecial com- mit tee. onnmitte. Reports of Committees The tire eammi tee reettil►niende+l $4.0555 ran the grsndstund edntroct. The baadn on Keay, street In front of total reelpt. of the new grandstaml Mr. C. .♦. NnIMro's property vin- tr. on civic holiday were a771.23, ono -half retrad to the puhlh• work. a•1enrtnitt.+ of whish. i.e..$:to.S.(id: hod iCPn tr- with power to net. . a-elret, by the town nnd'wleps.Ited In the 'no Many Nip Signs town geminal account. The committee, Ti watt deeldel to have the "aililit made the follow Inc rt•a.ammenditlons I policemen" on Hamilton street tither That the \Iasieal Society be paid TI•'ttes repaired or removed: also that some - em their grant: that the paddle library I thing shnnlat hd rump aMrtlt the stop hoard he paid n further sum of $3110 signs at the ae.rns•r of Ttrayflelat *MI ott their levy; tint the clerk he Pm-' itritarnta, roads. where there ere- sit pwowered to engage the necessary all- ninny signs That motorists Inti) be detainee to Issue the grandst.1nel de- conftusea1. tenttres. and that the c be offered to I Itrlee No. 27 of 102*. providing for the l„enl pnllle St par that the (;ad the Issnlng of rldhr'ntnir* for the mat h Organ co. Dal. tae askeo4 to pay of the new gronrlwtand at .1grk•ti- all arrears of interest nn their loan treat Park. ens renal three dines and t ono' and to clear off the balenee of I passed. ntid the a•atna•ih aaljonnaedl l.ineanlit Kirk ton London Dickman. Mtn -hell_ list. 4. 5 1411 netts: eveellent imrdillit : 7 C Nbosh. 7 et. 4, r : to lies !ram I.odcri,•h : Sept. 1R, 111 acres orehural. Price 117 . net. i Tile bitthttitga --- 'feet. 17. 1E. H 45 renes: good hniitliags: 412 miles Sept. 1U-21 i trait Materiel'. 1"rias' $'-:ice u• Sept: 10. 211 N.ttrlIi Irutrta fur stats' Ott. 2, A . Many other. .1skabont them. field. S-ir Sept. 27. 2'; Sept. 23, 2ti Office days --Mondays. Wednesdaya, Natnrday.a, or any day by ffpectat a eaptest. For till particulars see ••r write J. W. ARMSTRONG s neat Fslatc \gain! I'. Il. Ito. 119. I:oderie h. Ont. Huron Investments Limited St, Brokers Bonet Dealers Insurance Royal Banti Building, Goderich, Ont. Phar , 430 and 445 henna. ' at a,:a J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Insurance For a real investment nothing is better than' Royal Royalties - $1.25 for one share of preferred and one of come . - mon; yielding 1 - per month. - Frig,. The Globe of recent (lots: - Oil Royalties, which during the pad year bare loomed large in the Province as a field of investment. are a target for .tidy by the Attorney -General's f)epartnient nt the prese'bt time.. Col. I►rni-on, Registrar under the Security Frauds Prevention Act. dated that he personally is quite satisfied with the -!gannet in which those royalties companies he haft investigated to data' are operated. ' W. J. POW ELL Phone 292 P. O. Box 438 'S7 mist