The Signal, 1928-8-30, Page 2dram**
- - -
, • 1`7,,,r; '
• • .
2 -Thursday, August 311. 11.12.1.
. The Anti -Mosquito l'aitmaiglt 1
, tOrldia Po• het alt.'. Tone•si,
ighe timid That* lite ul .. sures taken last I
' spring for ...omitting the mosquitoes
ESTABLISIIIIID 1948 ' had a marked ',eat *limiest be goes-
. • •
GODEILICH : : cANADA t toned. Jill t this seamoi ,.. ,t..1.14,11,.e
would inelh•ate- that oue attack on the
mosquitoes in' the tokritig is not
ideot to %%in a cutu5110i. elitillIa
wits IIIIIII.St entirely free fr.on not,s-
ottitoe•.'41aring tday tool June. nut
ars the 1,uanser progressed tiny lie -
ca Ille wore IltlInerallS, Mali for the
laat week or ao a pesky little variety
ha* her a trouble...we • in spots. It
is evident that in future it will be ad-
visable to wake regular insiwctikiii of
the breaslitig plateea, with u view to
treating any of them that .sitoce • the
, prt•setice a I% ritulpri: to n wow.' or
, third dose of oil. It is not :ikely
, that. now it .Inns been 'boom-Init.-4
that mosquitoes eau Is. got rid of,
4/Irillill11/4 NW lie ttatistied to ..initire
tlwm In future.
Umber of Canadian Weekly Nowa-
pipers Association
Published every Thursday morning.
Sub•cription price $2.00 per year
strictly In advance.
Telephone 36 : Goderich, Ont.
W. H. Robertson, Editor and Manager
Tlittrselay. Augost loos, .
Fine harvest weather.
. • •
'Flits •is the oeek Tormite. people
hear *one good music. -Our" hand is
14:tying at the Exhibition.
Waste In Ativerthing
• • • ill:tree Exaint...r.
oWNElt OF. GENUINE ,tNTII.'I'E 1 think I must • •11,0 . or tole
ear or a new hooter. because. I feel that tine of :I It
Cr should preeleinsitiote "-Front The passing a how, ,f„,,
A PE.%CEI.T11. 111111
A Trlp through Qtiebec
tr.litine of shopping. fishing th
ino*. attenetIng dances? Or 'Is it
What is life? Is it a never ematig
I Min beneath a canopy of leat)
Trall-one of the moat scenle roads ill I
the %oriel. tine Inmost deocribe.the
xnagoilitent IntonistaiMI
evergreens eight to the oututnit.
Nesi led at the foot of Mt. Grostinek
Williams College, made memorable by
the linyeittiek Meeting and the begin -
nit foreign missions. One van -
not don't -Rao the lordly Hudson River
or the rounintie Oilskin Mountains
atilt their menteriea of Rip Van
Wilikle. At _Albany the unignitirent
State 4 ROW!" ilia 141,ter intereallng
bollel'ings heetalt Its. but we hurry
along ,the 'Million Dollar Highway to
Buffalo unit 'the Peace Bridge. the •,
Falls. kind home.
This is one of the twist interesting
tripa,nnyone VIM take. More Otiis. of
Ii It' interest may he VIAltWI 111141!
more **We beauty may lie passol
through than on any other trip In I
or negt. weeke_. Yet amity nwre•hants ki large
the numee they tdifil. the. and New England...v... lb tlie hardships
We -do not bear any cheers from the.
a 'less 4.0111t1 hot get :Get g n1111..111
' stud girls ocer the
• • • . a re "petoltuir for a dis•r• !sing d'uo and worries of life are far distatit..atol
after Motoinv'S the v4.01ilier
f. o. b. Walkervifle factory
buys the new, larger
Canadian' built
Erskine Six
-the most that $1095 has
ever bought in style,
comfort and in
• - -for . l'ae• folloceing. which tie take fr.itu Leels, one soon enter,. , eountry--1-ht• 1.71"ter".".u:1•')1.If Its
Press wa4 lawn _info liaise, the .,,istttey h 'piny not found pERFORMANCE
Ii III •
lain peaks are seen. I w eemiltry is
hidden brook offeritio p•oktertit ;
roved by
• tilt an' r hull Hite: trhoenire; it.& the rorMisir, m t4,e,
erieli It all! rd,," u"'"t "f '' ta011z The E..ox rev,
next 1.1g evettt ..ett
time t.. 1.1.1 ..nt the tviggeat ininvolkii..
ilw ‘u". .111- el -Pr lliesirlelo.1"f..trbiztior•r11:4*pteistort7 .tte.f v"l'ijetoria.
%p.m in gr. I.voking 141er ille tot.-
' sing' a new ..4.114. V% if 11
and the reddest apples for the Ii -113' hoards; or reading the woe ie•
at Illurou's greatest foil.. ,olvertisvinents onter eif.
, . !kw, she get her .114../.1.4.444: itIforara-
• • • , her notid %%hat or V, I • ii teit
Jack Frost has eisited tea
Yields In., porthole of ‘Vestern Canada,:
hut tlw•crop'is MI VIVI. 404 WI far it
%lowed. that then is to. diutinuthol in'
the chorus of orwawrity that ..i•lioes
front- the pretirie.. With' the assist-
ance if tells .4 thousand* of workers
from Easter', ea multi and ilreat 'Bra
tain, the larvest being-rophily
lion from a theatre prozroit..r a tele-
phone II lire -tory Not ',our life.
in tside of tile shire i'••• t_
tile only a altra.;
oneryeetlye elottonier':
ain't yen have to n.tigh the
11111 Siallitr that MS kap,.
tatIre that ,
and persistently In news-
papers hos tok 114.04t
• • -
a, 4 ,11 IS With
the Kentiebee River. 1 is ricer %soh
hat the benuries 4.f life are retie...tot I el•••,' -'^-14"4444"4!
tree . an.
-end ill 044 elll•It 011S l'reet* .mr
lee! l-aited church, elealerielt: through most beautifttl -cowry atIong 1
• I nate been asked by The Free l'ress others along the Allan ,.• seaboard is 't
ono a recent trip, by motor through tossible the great mat -ifaettiritig in- I;" Kawartha Lake, Nlia.koka.
to relote souse ineident• 111 VIIIIIIISIIIIII 00.1.SSIIIIIIIy /Mitt-MI/di .: and wake. '
'ijnela-, not New England. ou any ,L44,,trh,,,, f".. which, ‘,..,, Furatuti 14 44'4M:inn Bay. the dlittigitlow **otitis,.
.t yrr•iitii itiv..r 0.4 Nipisivat. or 41.; it
At l'ort land we eM,._ I our first thr ni I" "I )H."441°1111 4.111
trip, one traseller 'ice". one thIIIII. all-, l'utumis. .
441111W. of the speed at which they tr iv- 4:ling.,. „r the 044eftn. Is 4 alts tit Old „tv'th'irealtillui,,..,41,:ntoritl its..alilliiti;11.„fain;e1.rtry,":"Inliii;li
tilt r * . •thitig rise. %%tale
Let the Canadian Pacific tossi.i you
with your trip. -Consult their nikar
est agent for tone' portionlars.
h I t ti gi A. A. A. record, -
int the "Olio' Inferior n,•
githe•red in, • ......._•- ' tione.t.
el. see searrely anythiug but the root orchard Beach that a. .•1.1 our first
Lusa ahead. In order to see %%hill ought pluoge into its depths nip sloire
Ii tic one must have a goal knowls the• 1,4 very roeto here and
edge of geographY tool Ilistor• told there long stretchets .• bea•
-seine- fair acqttaiuouwe %vitt' the lit- Evv.„1..,,r wit,litt the ,44,,,10,
endure' of the people alsoit to lw be of historic 'torrent. Here. the.
(sited. Ii CII Seale ewlapa111011. grim Fiiiher4 were mi., tir.w A.scientist says that one lia ceolts 1,
Y. -
Ii i Ii
Ti.e Vancouver Sun wants a tariff alto cam cuter into every e‘Perielive and left their impress of. eceryibink hee"itie rnii" eeN'
oar oat, the Vull;Trset-ates. -Tfi atter -N9 Need far Bank Mercer
isoolon Adver •et • hit lit -an iUi- new 4the.,,a641:4uut_im.„ often that married men find anything •
To times alwnts, -hitt
anal in the Untie.1 utriff• ut'r nti. the 4.11111111latl "r SI few years ag.. W4.4114 Itilve chore -lies appear. RINI it- interest is ""tri" l" help Ihem
If the people. of th.• States are 1 • wet Ann • • • . • • •il in tonti,oeiek a here Mr. st„.N. itnheNk.rmithit i Olet
ota lig. nut .44,44,-,-.• iuut..1 resit • made I.v re vow of the. s .104.11.1' • .
pressive the obi older il homers and
Ilr'trdP. it 'wait" 4-.8"ilati tariff t" The Finance Minister the mer- interesting trip is ii.siiresL Journeys
1.1 Ii %oat.' be Ow lieighl of ekotiouti.• nit'ree and fire PIt4indar,i Rank sd Cam been thought impossible ore now very oftou athieheti to thew Here is one
111,11. to 1w .tnat intlialice roads in both ....manes awl t se oe •Louiii I.„rt an. ta • huttter 1.0.. se• ed Mi
tidal eleei.n,n. I. e ar.:11111ellts foiretsT-ranwfw-mvie-fented- so- -other 1,„met441,rw wm44.a,u_Ani Its selects he Is owner „r hoer 41,4
that' ok no reason- ohy ealtadillos briektly. Standard I:. num We left Essex ou ThltrsdaY ulor111.111z. George Whittiebt often pn•ached aunt .letour.--Peterbero Examiner.
at f'd. tile benefit er lurk's' for the itilattlifalaailtIII 111.44 It tate.l. fort, towla and city. Newimaryport is the .4d .1tur.-11 %herefint" W1UT- that 11"1"1"rerrrd-dIrit
•I .104 oulauit :hetter•Ive, to the !lame eron+ brindles in Ont... . com- auly Intetolluic tro where he is buried. in Salem. the
a•r: of treatment. ellhada's tarin Punitively few elsewbei. 1-•,•••trsiot. Montreal alla Quel ec. then through lionse of Seven Gabler, made nwitior-
ther Lie, it., w.. .• ...0Maine to Portland and Bestow- and. able by Hawthorne. A.little way took
should be framed in ther-iiiletes - A.
t'anada. noI to niatell !lie whims ot 1 1 . „ .. . . - . . .. .., . . ... . ... trt1;111 The f'ell• 1111"111111:-ulterr- Wb14-
i rem) 1. "trier Neuss it . •• a.m.! re tam to r.s.-ex again. oe ol:t.te II"' tier Was Norm and nearer by the honer
. and a. these field, Air, ,,-•.'i ..-..uitle,1 hack West trifin-irdi -.1itanl -ant But -
our neighbor:4. , overlapping and wasteful odication. journey without miy trouble or tool- where he lived moot Or ilk life. Off
• • 0 ' S111-11 eN1,1111,41Uli .4 Mid he .•••,,.....ently- dent. thongh il. Involved a dist:owe Of ' the toast near lilloneeeter is the reef
A reinierrt tboi slionid be empliati- and economically °Waite: tor the over 2atu0 miles. of Norman's Woe whets. the ahooner
catty "turned down" Is that of the
Standard Rank by Milting Vvitti the 'The jounwy to- Kingston is delight- ilespento wax wrecked. 11111 It is In
Bank of Commerce, which is itarool• Till. Thait old slime rity witit-ite-for- fliv4m, _ ,,,,,h(4%. ths---histurie tame-
eonvention of chief conatubles, held nt wide. iitications and its University wag in- • abounel. Tido City ix but mite centre of
Toronto last week, to the Minister Of The inference is Sat there is no tensely interesting. ,Theit to l'reacott a great tuetropeditan .:istrict where
Justi.e. that the tingenwitits I.f all lin- pinee in the inantoliaa bank:fief( sTy-zrent---a-tojor. tte--Inot.-ktild, Islitatts e
the _.,,,r 4.w„ mottoll peor. aare.. A, ill:.
migratits• should Is' taken on their Cr- for any honk that will not or caitnot wenery is wenolerful. One Call e4111111 el -a
ty proper is very old :not it -n atreket.
s.utter Its branches *Wel' Ow %lode, right beside Ore Long Sault Rapids/. I rery narrow, the "greet tre till enter
rival in till,' Is SID I ty. liefore hoot. if the
l To admit that is to admit Across to totawa the country is poor', underground and ' have t . terminals
Russittnisaition of the country were ""Illt-e,
that toe. scstew is udiapttad oul tovery ay. stony, hut one 144 well reload by right in the heart of the • or. coming
eontinned. everybody would be ettil"1, large lustitiitiono. The etan.inril Batik the sight of Ottawa. This city standsma of the sulov•ay one ;sea Boston
upon to terry on identitioatIon card. is neither large nor enroll, and its ofi a bluff overlooking the Ottawa ,-;.,atura,,,,j„,w a I;eautirii: park. Over
with photesgraph and record of rest- aubstatitill ail,* grof:iztopprollts Boit-, River. Ott the highesa hill facing
foe a tvink I river rise the Paniallientr buildings 'lags. Rut we turn to look at the old)
the-- I a little way are the Goternment build- '
dew* teem birth. and a. rerun, at 'tient, that it is While
to Ito prosper without spreading itself, with the stately Peace Tower atalldIng hillbillies.. Here Is Park Street eltunit .
itatieu lwerr air/3e 111°1"A teT,rer the Dominion. What hstereat -Is4-aem et eentinei among them. To liskten and cemetery. King's (-impel. OV
• If looked over V. line muat .se I lolitions?' in the evening to its peal of bells is an
ltimwe • • :eniffprfng limier too n 41 I
itself no to officialdom -and the linger-- wryly*. to its client., Their number is beautiful' not only I.) reannr-ept
e ore rmtr- to 1.e‘tIlAt.d.14 the .44---
tus,t, hatik's im.lness I. putters:Mg. The ell- **ale driees in and 411.111It the .•ity. heart of every Anteriean eltIzen.
for which there is little or to.
North thurell. where the lanterns we e
It,- drawn --the--emuury eyed' 1.soo_samit irivine Kniisfnciorr ;experience not soon forgotten. Ottawa hung on that famous night n -hen !Intl
inn iffe volume of the buildings but also because of the manY State and Ftinettil 1101. dear to the
printing of new citizens is a demand increasing
vidend is 12 per cent. per' annum and Before we rettotied Nbrutreal
Vim ' •i 1. of Que. We tpl. lout to i'ntobrielge and lies*
tor Hat a Centurff
the Standard.
Su( essf ul Treatment
1000 miles
1,4 4,44,444,0 Mi•V44
in 984 minutes:
Showroom St Andrikw•ii Street
Phone 540 Goderich
Made in Canada by
The Great Independent
ofTcrs so': a Practical &wises& Tralaitag that has made it po-ilde
for -ii- -cores of students to obtain atol Hold Positioss
.I..nianding a High SitasAaril of .•tii.•:.•to.s
There Is a Position Waiting for You
cot- RS F.:- See retari a I, St en ogra ph ie. Co rt b .• re ia I , General
()Hi..., Civil Service. Comm. -rend Teachers' Course.
- • and Special C.oirtes arratigol
You Cannot Austad • Bettor School. Why Not Attend This'
School Re -opens September 4th. 1928
Write today for information Phone 19S.
M. A STONE, Corn Specialist 13 F. WARD, B. A, IA. Accts.
Vice -Principal Principal
• • • . •
_ _
:Marketing e. t ter the int-
mentie wheat crop of the West are the
subject of much conjeeture.
dent that the price will he below hest
year's, and the managers of tlte wheoit
pool.are making a smaller initial pay-
ment Huth In tir.17. To what extent
can tine wheat-growiag area tW
tended without producing ei surplie,
that vrould bring a 411.411.1rous
tion in the Rolling price of who' it
This Is a wino ion to *lifel experience
olone ean furnish the ansoer. New
markets are opening up. lit Chinn for
instance. and the r:thatlinn wheat Is..
callse of Its ouperior quality tally
gradually displace the inferior prodnet
of other countrieN. 'The working of
the law of supply and demand will In
this ND* have a great effect upon the
developnwnt ..f NVo•stern Cona•la.
the market' price of the shares woo
steadily advancing__ryen before till`
merger Nis T. Ike sure, 'the
union with the Isrser hottk %cont.} Dot
more money boo diareholders'
pockets. nut surely flint Is not stint-
cienFreas..ii for the di tail I' ranee of a
lottg-toitablbited institution, sound and
thriving. The nierger would leave
Cona.ha only. ten .lifiro•red, banks, with
Inc Imn.sikeet that the eircle would be
eoine narrows* haft eat rower. •
FAIR DATI65-1928
Sept.: Mat -Varna
" 14th-Colhorne townahlp.
" 17th-Ashnelit 1°one:tip.
" Inth-Wrozeter
" 20th -Blyth.
" 2lat-lboriek biwnablp.
" 221.1 -Ethel.
" 24th-Belgrave
" Helens
20111-Usboreie toanship.
" 27th--Croitton.
Tao or three years ago. when till 2At II -4; Betol,
agitation an, on for the alsdition of Oet. 1st--Doshwood. ;
the Federal Income tax, one of tlin 21/4 .40P4+4' --
arguments for abolition was that the. .
revenue from the tax Was decreasing.,
an evidenee. It vrn. mill, that people, _
were stieceashilly evading it. The
Rigtin 1 at the time ventured the opin-,
Ion that whist was called for In the
elretimataiwes was not the a holitinn of
the ths but a MOM rigorous system of
colleet i•nder the present Min
toter of RevenUe, lion. W. I). Euler.
collection., have been stubotantially
(roasts!. and this In spite of the noble- ,
tion of the rate of taxation. The In-
come fax la one of the mein sonrces of
rPt1Orfil revenue. rind to do fp:v.1y a lull
It would mean the inerense of taf4ition
some other direolon, rof the three
most importont Federal taxes. 1.1144
tom' tariff. stile. fox. nod income tax,
the last Is the least burdensome upon
t hose who pay it. The antes tot Is
drug tilton hneue.s and mot -t
1104101v upon hentb, fomilies. whose
living should. If poesible.
lightened rather than inerensed.
the Wile* tfIX eompletely wiped oat
the Inconif tar 'honki be continued
knew we acre in the I roc to around the buildings •mf Harvard mi• p,!..,„,,w.,,,, 44114, .:4.1_.: , .
lieu There
wtasbv. aomeitellr17.t. i'fnhoth-tf'annwP.-1- fiv.:,",,,,,..minignilN 1...Apram. mnoeum. 14tr,wori=7:-..,....,,,._.
• m• atistasid IbIlime:rit:ITI11;tiffiTiiitt•te.-Ivi'l.1;1114.4-rrillAl--;frote"11,11:111;;a441.1.a.rilitirit"be ii:::iiiiii,-7-'-' --,---
We 14.uld loot. •pent hours in tants9.0 r
language. We thought al. understood of Low..11 sea „titer weedot ib.ime.t.
French. Ina a few attempts at coiner -
We SeW the lIrbirrI o‘er the chair:es
, sation tuade• us feel nut so sure Ilhalit River whenc Ismsfellow %rote his
il• NI"litreal Is situated "II the suutli r.s.m. -1 stors1 ..n tine Igidge at mid-
night." este. The old 1. ackamith /*holt
the OthiNtn and St. Lawrenee. it , ,
std. stow!. "int•ler the opremling'
rises Meek from- the water and seems to trvit
e nnt tree." wed f stolwr old is the t .
elinit. almost to the summit of Mount old tavern made Ninon- by 1114 ""Titlem
Ito al. Wheii We think of NIontreal ,,r ti wa . ide blii...
oe think of narrow, crowded streets. , , )m
tAill'ing IteSt4411 allot I I ming epos. one
A.aladix haunt hunts snit tun guiti..ent where the
itioirchea. We vis.ilea Chateau ile !tattle-
itirirk ant.11".171*.nit.iterimusolpiri,4'..44he apot aliere
-ay. the old reoldeuce of the French
. Menai was tirso .1sed la the Refolii-
go PI erpor4. with its ancient Walk 1.1,..
War. About cighi miles far-
- historic associations. 'lite 1111V4lIlla Is timIarY
titer on 14" eittorrl'd IA i fti Its 'while
now tkeil as a museum and contains a
•e the iont•ttfle.1 farmers
. vast !lumber of relies. In 011e 111111111 ..Wher"
StIMIII. Whit tired the shot benrd 'round
are seated the Fathers of Confederal- '
the WOrliL" IlOrt. Eniell,PUra. Alenit, ,
don. life size. II r..1.11111 II table AS they
Thoreau mid .11awthorue lived, and!
a -ere 'sixty -live 'years ago. Besides ,
th„,,,,,, their home. still !dant brantiftil sad
this we eon only mention Notre.
attractive hy the roadside. Tin is town
,rtut,, mut ,orop rnflf.4ftre..6,44,4404.14 livid. N it It Its nwitooles 'if M•polly.
Cathedral. McGill University, and' last.
hut not least, the splendid vessels alai
steandssits ill the harbor. iis'r:rimi,INciii.:ntit; I: enilifit.g.trilt1;i7onfm'ieifiliiiiitsciiii,,r'n";::1-ptrherPel'riei.tole41
real to Iinelw.• everything is very pr. tty with its i, ide st reef, and
--Iteilliir*Igf,:lisTirirrsks-r.wl'"I''It"' A New Sta ndard of
• • •
side of an isktml lit the junotion of
t'reatelr. 'The liottaes with Hoar dortner near the•contiectieut it ver. Is North-
" 4th --i'linton moithul billies, the *gond the Here nee,a awmp riT
" rith-Clinton •runt. atlySi.VP ....11!ele.. Lillie 011111 !Wel11141 Plittlei' kl'ennotial
I,, Is* grown. hut stock fait/dn. Wss
- - everywhere eV Tlse banks of
hiroi trees. are gr:Ilia turbot lIrwine nghlt-
•••-, „
When sorry at a mans WO alVkaya
count ten before speaking. and If the 1
other man I• big V. e Inrariotrly count
- twenty Gait Reporter.
In twenty-four hours, it la maid. one
• -ollitworm will pooliwe materkil for n
woos**eompirto oath! RI I k worm.
her, are getting taster and lazier. ,
' (Mae*) Union
• .0••
• 44
KE" your shoes pliable
---in good condition ---
and always brightly pol-
ished, by the daily appli-
cation of
Shoe Polish
Nugget coltS little --
100 shines for 13 cents.
'ea Nugget Outdo
Careenor. Ow). mad*
the St. lauretwe sevni rise libeler
1111 higher a* late nears (pietas.. Some L. 1.1" wife The home of
It tulles above the eity is the wonder- hi' b"Yl""41 it Ill /minds and is kept CR
fill 4)11ohoo !Whip% elle of the greatest a tull'etini•
beide. Iii the world. Here the river Trim Greenfield nine Poem."' tire? the
1. narrow and the batiks very high. Berkshire llllll totnitis to the Mohawk
l'assing along one opines to the resi-
dioOlk of the Lieutenant -Governor on
high ridge cieerlookIng the river
Then forther mmut Wo:res or
Wong* -htterest. theo 4104 level CX-
ifIhe l'Inins nit Altritlitttn, 1111W
bentitiful pork. bordered on one side
by a well4milt street tend on the ether
I't' the' high banks tmf the river. Then
nti the extreme end of the promontorY
mail.. Inc the St. Chories and St. 1,aa
rem*. Rivera stand. the citadel. The
fortilicittien Is In the form of It st*r
with strongly-41dB it all.. hi the cen-
tre Is lhe old French fort, still well
ores, t've.l. A giorrisen of 2110 men is
st itioned here. The eft) Itself I. hunt
on the Institut of the river it nil the
steep hillside. Here. as in Montreal.
are narrow streets and 'queer n'.d
houses. As many Astierkan tourist.'
, "fere hem, the city ams thriiii4ed alth
Iraq* visiting the ipsoint lit hilts
Farther flown the ever Is Ntontmor-
eery ran". it wonderful intoned. awl
1 farther .till sr Anne ite Deaner.%
with Its vast eloirelt ond
twil•vings The highwny between Que.
be, and St .‘otte'A Is very
Eueillhlutt I e.) 'PI 1114 '1 Fre11.41.
Etell Ille I big -4 Art, were murli In evi
dews". Hooked env of be/toilful net
tents were for wile Itu aloiree eters
I enumIng the f. La% reneo to Pu.
r"' r
- IfttOOKIL.4
rqit'-s'.':' ti.
dollar value in the lowest
priced field.
Pine, *t#4
44:4414'it 0,44;44: tir41r.t.
:Nem iinige ,41,141'74e4,,,,,F.+•444` /*W5III'5 YF4.,,h,,I;
Comparison quickly shows the host of buyers who count the iiikrvais:Aqi
cost of motoring, that the new Plymouth is definitely above -
and beyond all other cars in the lowest -priced group in
kil-size, in style and luxury details and in performance.
The Plymouth is Chrysler -built, assuring years of depend-
able service with marked freedom from mechanical trouble.
Coupe, $850; Roadster (with rum-
ble seat , $850; Touring, 070; 2-
DOOT Sedan, $875; De Luxe Coupe
with ramble malt, $910; 4 -Door
Sedan, $915.
All erteet f o. It FfIndser, atterio,
ewe beefing rtarielard factory equipment
(freight anal taxer mare).
The millions in the lowest -priced field find they need
seek no further than the new Plymouth for the quality
to which they have long been entitled. They find that,
in this field, no other automobile dollar gives as great
return as the dollar invested in Plymouth.
5"4 tovi•
' St.444,5, n404,-4,0,44-4,;
J.' W
MC "4"4Pir:-.....7:•..,
Hamilton Street Goderich
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