HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-8-16, Page 6... tat Ate r OD rHE SIGNAL, The Weekly Farm Bulletin Commencing August 15, the "feeder purchase loony iu effect during the past four annuitant is again ler oper- ation fur a four-m.•,th period. buys au auuountwweut "from the lkamiuloe lire stock brunch. Under this policy the branch pity the oae-tray railway .fare ural ream, able 1;viug expenses 0. auc ayplicru Collude k:a.teru Catdu who 1.urchuse at Moose Jaw or Coigury feed.. Amer one ur more carloads of feed' 41e -lea veil 0'14.1y is rum 14 th. Iasiwlo eYtthat the leaves are lurk purply. l'be ,JaIJJuese barberry is not at- meted t- mete.IJl.y tlri. fors of rust and way' las safely grown. It t,. a ]ow -.proud - ii shrub. seldom more than four ur y, tit' flet tali. and the testes are snws•U,-edged. There are other slit- u ferule -es. but thew are enough to ills- • ° it ting( l.h it from rhe , common and " purple -leaved lulrherrles. eteerr' or lush" for finishing upon his /hose olio have had experience IN' uw41 farm or the t.rrw..•f those fur .killing Ialrherrles say that the yuirk• shot est tray to do it fa to apply about 1::0' 8l8i•r. rumbling the ).t•it rut: - the he i+ :+cth+4; ua ak-tint. In cu:•t• 1 the apl•Ii.:rut ).reter,, hr may 4t•It.1 feu )smts fir res -k wit 141 the crown _ Hs stern's at the saa'kyard. or eu the of the plant. or Luring a gallon of range. tweeter. coal oil around the crown. I1 is not • F.1RLY RM' NRAN(`F: RIfhl ashron F Thi. MILK' 1 ill be Here is the finish of the Ion-metre..,snit err t,t:e t►iynq.L game, hr .1m• snit -dam with Percy Williams, of 1\71J.Lk/LS M WINNING 100 E17i•8 vers et the world. Among the coats (U.S.), Loudon tlireat lien/nut,to whom be showed a clean lair of Lammers (Germany 1, and Legg heels were McAllister awl 11'ykt,if III. Itloutb Afefea). I • lu ra') w • t.1µ•11 til ).urrbaser-. at the rennin' steelier •.t!4'1 pI;tuts er gates might he Ire FIVE INTiCI(.( 1\4.1% NEW 111'1' -Consecutlt•e Hours. d ft ',Jet sham this fa!!, r In 1604 one John Lefton made a wager that he would Mde Eve times bateeen London and York, a total 33 feet v sttiapca o 11111-1BIT1V. strut He a(compliehed the feat with some- thing to Apart.. etarting or, a rtundny morning from Si. Martin's le Grand. Long(�on, and Anhhtng at York on the wes*ta1t of ebur results; friday: worth while digging thein out. utile ancien are oto hours or t4 sewehere where ------ One Man Rode 1.000 Mlles In 1,000 inns) ire the v'ilt or oily 1111hF:1 ' Ap).l :rtli.us must t mu'l T+r•-tum •''f7mre-i+tr,..,.--•-•tato the ale.: lite eh.l branch repro-eutatiic at and cultivation of the barberry in 'Moose Jus. ('Nlgary, ..r T..rion AMA_ t/atarl„•" points out Prof. ll.•witt. •'.1 yards, as the case may be. law. bowel er. mil: nor kill barberry -.Valueless? • hushes." .-. 4. lnteriral treatment for eztertt4I Bine---' p„R tamoR ashes of hens le 8alurlew, accent- ing to tr 1'. $. Deportment of Agrl Hog grading. end with It the finery. . a vult,tre teetiui.•ai ion:iW ill .eistrl be H. of ('rnn.linn h.. pnshu•11on. hangs !:. 1;utteridte, poultryman at the Ceti- -'1» the •winnow jnst at )u'rs•'Jil. 1t tta•ritien I Farm. (wawa. is nes.rtrd that only in shit•trio. of -There wan ice -iu4 1irlta• ourui of :ill tht I'rotinee.. 14 nnc rr:11 1.1Tott any of the iqui'.-i.. uf'!hr fn•m Ibe' na-^,$,ie• to tout the regulations In- ehrwhole udti,iuisirred in the ie. t '" 4 T45•t. and as nonny thitario .Irever.' 1•c writes, end -4looter the fiulsl' c.,n. :try )$tions- .lp)""4.1 •11. the r11e% nr clnsiur,. deriis') fr..ttt the tests ns they 1...w stand there 141 a definite ngl• "that the rt•e of internal medications talion to .1"' 1han herr. if drat i. agaiurt II eNterwll purloin's' not dew.. It arraye praetlea1 ahamionment - elan Ireere s u•aat•,gr 41%la•n tatur' 1811. of our attempt i.e .•nphtre the British also. allow'% the purusite. to culitianP starlet : lett It ie mere 1)1 e), that the their, ravage. *heti' they might Ix r•_»In1iolei w•i11 be amended than that .irar..ys) r r,rotnlrrd n,el11.'ds." 1hrt wilt hs• .tr.ig...4 -Winter_ 1V" _ Helly drover- have diene their rage Although wheat i. sti Oen, i, ' • w•tion with grading rind w.•- !hr silo.k in 11 »nw1•er of Holds it. f. !trine for the :,rte. i int-fef? re4i tw t nut tery- long to wheat eeeding, awl f..r gn•1'its : 1.10 /MIRY others hart It 1,1 high 11m* 10 he drinking of -eel itethinr for /oxide lotheirrecord. nn- 1 sentruws, le.. they coke nri.'r to setfrlrne.a and (If the ieadiug earietle.i render tr>t Pli h4a/1M!t' .'1 The hitter• gnnllty Ile Exper s4•e•nt. t.. try cnnitdPn..) n slrlrM fay Ct..1,tr, 1@t. Imperial Amt.er \u. !r_• „Mf0 "f the 71)011 who .1011 1» elrs. 14 i Mental t ui41n thew end Iliw•ts,u's Golden Chaff No. 411- ('41411111 Sum.•- ' „41re so closely bunched that (herr it 1 surplu-' ..f %310.1001, a,ruuullate,t enmparar1cety little"tc. h. 4.411 -?or any • smut '_. i r sk'4s" it. Canadian terminal An Inland Dock. The eutting of a dock, from earth ' and solid rock 650 feet inland at the th0c plant of the Thunder Bay Pape, 11111 has been completed at a coat of 3500,000. The dock has a depth of of water and Is 150 feet wide. Collection of ('lucks. -y A collot•tlon of clocks, lumbering 222 in all. and chained as Ile finest cul ectiup nt the world, was recently Sold in London tut 3110.000. • s gine of them in the war sof view The e•evater., Is to ini1eVistK-rrerevetteht: \o. 111, howevert generally. eutyield. ' worn-ih-rests -pre/dews. tin National lfnirp of 11ie )4084'..t irate .Tate rho others, mod would b• t)rst emili •' Ae'e•rtroh' C'uune11 *4141,4845.4., This. brims-teerwwdwyv,: This will he a god - :41 if 11 moor "al' a !1111,. alffrr la the nw,ury 411)1 to ttevuted tt rstendingl send ha many wr/fnMn whose la•an:r t. straw. Kharkov and Yurus(av bevel tatestlgatluur *Iresdy ander way ,old rnlwtsr•1 !.T the uttdeniubtr fiart. ring stw.wr. up fairly seri, but not suite in will Sins. nwke is•s. lie work en Prole In+,.. Actvrdingli. the first int in rho• tilt• .runt• clans with the llr.t ttlree. Irmo wbi.h laacr not yet leen "lint:: lthtstratinn wltuw(n tlnr Lrfm. T!:,• 341 Hoa IPlatr, ta,•ked I•,•aus,. 131 lurk of lunacy'. Model Js of mound h*ngkok. a brow): fuer some light souls sad where tin -1,--1t the twwc tJwr i,. it. \ewttxln,' riu ritrh..n banding it *DIt 4118118- it • laa.l141 outs tri •• Ik.nrit.ion errrnlia, 1- rna.rtr,l a+.1148•' color. its nrlgl•tor is one of 1ie.. tl>1 lit'� heart." T attnirtice new turban*. winter rye ntaJ' '!141 iett'ftnlLle t'o`'tttlC rJr111 stases. is alwust hr +fight !Petite/we re wheat. It yields well as a rule. acrd I In the IV.•'t's most pre.siue crop' aunudnit ".'ctrl" motif at the Mack, turns out a' henry crop of straw- tot prelude -rine. Within three ye•cra Another brimmed hat I. shown in. turn into manure -s .•unsideratlu1 o11 Investigators ezia•rt to develop a the .ventre. Th)s. tore, is of nntura) such .oils. wheat of high Hist rewi.toner and Irangkok. enlfrevred with dlAerentic Iiome.dalrymen, e'en our eery high milling quality as well. color'e,l bandy .1 rit04:n. 1'!iI mold Roeel g 1 y Is fur dnwrier .a•,y,witn• limn is the tend, now stater rye Aahkfally. They Feeding Pullets. -- mix Ir with tate. and use it. for fail It la a mistake to four early oil- othPF. .. mixture. The nate die out over w -in., tete int.. ria. bea8y egg PrishotIon in - At the is,rnnu t{ the panel i. :in- • ter and the rye come. to In t)e the fall. e*ys F..E. Ellis of Wou,h'tot•k. l other hat with a robot 4141,) Ant, rrlth- 1 out. Th, first i, a "Hsn.ier" m'ah•t - ' ett 8rtc star the vror.e. �iAkr etrikinge lintnts trtr.,tdts In the 1 111)aurae ut! "f imtt.rrsl ]rlllla rp rittiljte �r�cr-r Hum 84•Icet how }wiping oyer 0,,- ..7.1,.. he "Tlie go t , f the e,antniin liirbe•rrc'`nnt+h-t..tal..-rue-the year.. •'These sou s ha, long been Pstabiiehe,l beyond •eny' 1raeP fortYd early pullets for 11earT �!Il!J of toe-- bMm. end handled x111 eh/uLt. it torr. the rU411 istartif full trrwhn tbm with a msat ration. velvet rfMwin: The .wr., a e 1he spring," de.•lar Prof. Jr*. E. Huw• The hied. los{ weight, moulted, and ; skull cat, ordin.rr e. rt .Intoe. inn li int. head s•f the department of botany' m:nlr 8 iao,.r *how-ing for the year.- txtrner,ii7..rc as M trimming, the trlmmh.g ta•intr triangular nrellhrnd. "Qt the Ontario 3grkultur t fr►Ilr "These ail pulleta 1 rP' . -One n n anw, to continue Itrnwt 'ren i the chief renews why *tem rule of� when lacing. To promote gn.wth the frees years aftrt'w•ettda rt.-rnura vett rode front IlOMdpp iv iVeit , thence crossed by' berg. tt Calais and was back again in lot,dor. Ih.• same day. having performed the whole tourney Ip eeventera betas. In 1701 Mr. $inelair, a Kirkby Lonsdale man, wager •d that he would ride one of his 'awn Pontes on the ' w•lfte at Carlisle 1,000 miles In 1,000 coneecuttve hour*. He aceo»rpllshed the feat. In 1773 Mr. Tht dean Walk- er and Captain Hay matcbed their horses to run the whole of the dis- tance* from. London to York. about 200 miles. lir. Walker's horse tail- ed to May the Journ'y and died from' exhaustion at Teamster. Its oppo- ' • Dont. however. completed the task int forty and one-half hours. *rid requfr= ed no fewer than twelve bolt! of wine to be admtnlst,-rod to her trdm , time to time as a stimulant. Perbaps the greatest achievement ' accomplished in the New World wee that which brought tame to the name of one daring rider, Aubrey. who In ' 1851 rode out from the plaza of San- a Fe to the public square at Inde- pendence` a . distance of nearly 800 miles and through a country peopled by Indiana' still on the warpath. ft was for a wager of 31,000 that he undertook to ride alone from Santa Fe over the trade trail to fndepen- ' dente within six days. It iiesatd that no man, and many tried, could keep pace with the dying Aubrey, who spared none of his hones. and as a result !cathed bis destination la ave days and nineteen hours. His feat cost him the lives of several of his best horses. After he was carried oft Me last worn-out horse he became un- conaclous and remained so for forty- eight hours. Lnodoel's Schoolchildren. The roll of schoolchildren fn Lan -}I don. England. is decreasing by about II 3b,00u a nUitily, ow'iag, to the lower WHEN a car wins success as quickly as this new Oldsmobile, there is only one conclu- sion -it must be good! And the facts confirm this judgment. Its magnificent new bodies by Fisher reveal the surpassing beauty and craftsmanship for which Fisher is world-famous. 111 great 55 hp. engine provides high -compres- sion performance without special fuels. Its silenced chassis embodies every principle of fine -car design. its complete equipment shows exceptional concern with owner satistection, Four Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers, easy - acting positive four-wheel brakes, radiator shut- ters, bumpers front and rear, gasoline gauge and temperature gauge on the dash -in fact every- thing that contributes to comfort, convenience and easy riding --are included to its low price. So the evidence rolls up -until your own good judgment tells you . "I must see this Oldsmobile, I must drive it myself. There's no denying, it must be good!" o -n -sissy 2 -DOOR SEDAN Apply Minard's at once. It halts the pain and stopsin9am- mation. Removes all poison from cuts and sores. Acep a beetle on the shelf. $1165 •- - AT FACTORY, OSHA4 A. Ot4TAR10 G........., T..., gad SNr. Tr. is** Goland Molar? -.•.. defer..' peso 5t 411., cW AC afr.4 7.•., the •..Nell end •. "1 r. o.,mot .l *.y e, Murk/ y... , 4.1,4 Ade ,, tri., tate-vicattttrug orange tetansp . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•1111111118/1111111111•111111111111111111111111••111111111111111•111 Seventy years ago a woman In orkeblre received a packet of gold 1 gist from a relative in Australia There were twenty-one one-ael illi/. : orange stemps stared for the postag. ! ,_�br the past forty years the stamps +� t Tare been is the ssesslon of a cnlma - lertor In Huddersfield. It to the hare- e1t block Qf the depth +ustralt3 III lqu.is�Thl;tam s about 146, but the Wenty-one sold together braugbout ;2,300. afey;ec Pue$ lar g)' Fit in a cir•nlnr jnal reeel l ffit p ei ti h Tim r tresr •7 rayu, 111*11_,JI'tre. lie.4. its Lad form to , stirstit'dr.re- grain dues, Ax mlu•tl damage ht Ontario ninon ',Medd sot be heavy in Kende Ir the fact that the common barberryj and thou].)Inelorie enough oriole to • and its purple-leavedvariety are tot inereas.e booty weight. I* found pi nearly 4n-rrs- par: of the "1 plan many of the beet poultry - 1 Frothier, in bri,•f• Or pr'rwnre of Inez, are adopting 141 to paint a wing' the 1ar).erey near grain inereasP41 the 4111 ten birds out of every hundred. At nPrw'rtnnIr of infer -tion 64.1a41)-.at0 regular internale these Mods are limes." welghe.l. the painted wing en"41y hien- rre.tn,.•tinn ,.f barberry- bashes was tifcing. and the grain ration revile - ted n,r,.rdingly." _ (.reed iu i)erimark In 1944. Inner -44n4,1.-an*. there lista not been a w}ttgle series, ourhr.•,k of stein- nest In that eoo, t ry lbw 10 Tell 1t. Th ,'"ninon l.nrl..rrr la a whin,' •!t r shrub from -1) to nitre fret h)gh, with w' ..'• :•reh!ng I.ratiche., :end present,. Minutes of former tnevtIng RnY tw-iY Thr 11'., .•. air bright wete'read and npprlt•el, on motion ur $gllirau and Mckenzie. N,,tlee of h., ret• inches lung. and harethe old -age pension' *as read hut no !vett "I"lot :' e• naar>cny. .tt action t*kens On motion of Nherweawl tow "t i '• ,411 of filo. 1.• if there .ani McKenzie it sus d«ided 341 take u are ant 1r. fet14-4 uu, are t omTaNuy o[ ('417111(111 iusmring high - TOWNSHIP COUNCIL AS11F`IE1,D Caused met July 9th, all members ' ars• .) flow, r n ane ii41 t r, l•)•-. Ta.hdw• hr n )cy with the l;bIndemnity • s�.i(i tk"'tr .•linters. The, 7,11P and hrtdge0 against public Iia• ori nuitiee of - e ' ell rift the ?..!lowing 11)11.( moire ordered laid -.fNeonr- flirt/ter. fwitrot nut We- pay lief, flLt21.95; 11:J. itlake. tsttrrlman'a tiny list, $214-1,75; !toy Myer, patrnl- mnn's tory Ila. 32x4.50: (tee., Bar*et.1 T.ittelnigin's pity list, *245,00; A. Me- t -tee. p.rr'dlnnt,'. )wry 11st, $2110111 John l'. 1MIton,'t-ltrtlman's my net. •11rt40: Simnel swan patrolman's •,y :1001. $1:,11.30: flower') Barger. tr•olinnu's pvy list, $145.7.: ('Toa. R chit'. pltrtlnunr'• ;sty lint, $272.75; 11. ohnstmn, Is.trolmaree pay list,' alt _ , 1etirdna Congram. pntrot- '1A/4•11 }wlY Jint. *22.4411: Her)' ('urrnn, r s;r411m*u'. racy list. $322.73: 1Ym, LI:, palrol'nlwn'n pity 1)41(. Alio 25: •;n1KIl)alterick, ar41el, $70.4..: 1Pet -t an'nl..7.-`'grit 'eel. *1241.22: Tliue, ',lean, ItnelIt.ur gravel, *25.30: Milton Kilp.tri,1, grading, 812.00: 11 '1 Al- ton. cr e!',,g, *4.1111: A Whir 30h1l.01111, ' ,4'.',111 gravel. $2(1.07: C. E. Ile- 1',i,:,>;h. hauling ir.in. 010.911: C.N.R.. frei¢ht. en Iron, 819.95: John Kitten - ....h. eatery p4s.:at, tenni work. 89.30. 137.1111: Arthur %sire, IMT on tore r'• '111,40; S11wr,•raro M....''", , •t••,' grader nal tom(.-.. 114)72: V • 1'. W,(t. eIIfm'.... on rep-•Irs $1.10: et 11 r' oIght. •' Pef ,'11+f11A $11: ' 394•+•,o991,, 4* 7 •ltmfur. 412.40: Alt,,.,. holt .• .11 plank. 851.47. tl lsw. e; one,. 7. satherlaing ihr s,rrowing of money fells the Hank of It"" tr''A1 L,a'kni:u. and Rndn} hank. T ingannon. wren duly ita'' 'de 1! ern mltl.,n or inlllyan and 1te- Ren>•iP .mmol) ad).41rted to meet A free. 1'tth. -.,.._ /'. E. MclivoN 1 .11, Clerk. The Walter: "R.. 1 '*'e'Patel. sir." Guest: st: •'Then 1 will be Anent aMmI this ehleken." m Irish Homo Mend /letter, Irlah bones mend Dett. r than Eng- $ ng to a police sen ingerm, his theory being that the cal- , Own in the potatoes, so much eaten 1 In Ireland, strengthens the boot' 111 structures.111 - - afi hones arcordl A Lisette Tree: A banyan tree in India has been known to shelter 7,000 men. The cir- cumference of tits spread 01 branches is 3:000 f4 -vet.- - ewer 1 own WantsJndustries Yorkshire Pita Qek. er1 Eleven pita. employing 4.430 p- 111sons, cl"a"d !town in the Yorkshire ET ctalfl.-Ids this year. Trate;,ls Feet, ■ The ray* of the sun take 311 I. utas to rea.ih the earth. Every industry, be it large or small, adds to the progress and prosperity of any community. Every such industry brings hew capital to a town, and distributes this among the business men generally -in ;the way of wages and salaries. Everybody benefits.) •PC1•r -� �r 0. xs�grf%''" Among local industries there is none of greater A" importance in any community than that of the local home newspaper. Not only does it provide em- ploymentcar--a--certain__ number: -aw+ -Qrkmen, but it offers a service to the community which could be obtained. in no other way. ° In their own hest interests, therefore, business men should use their local paper for 'Purposes -of advertising, and also for the procuring of their re- quirements in P,R I N T I N Ge All business men need printed matter of various kinds from time - to time. Remember your local printing office when in need of printed matter. • THE AUSTRALIAN MARVEL FAMILY Premier riders of the world, coming to G.x)er1.1h with Etpatke Circus Friday, August 17 DODERICH, ONTARIO #, - _ : r•=:'rte (Issued by the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, 313 Manning Chambers, Toronto.) 1'kh.�Y sou:+t,Yt4s,i^ �