HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-04-20, Page 20PAGE 20. THE CITIZEN. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 20, 1988. Classified Ads CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.75 for 20 words, additional words 11c each. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. HELP WANTED SANDY LANE RESORT - APPLI- cations are now being received for full and part-time work in summer and year round positions. The following are available: waiter/ waitress, breakfast cook, dinner chef, gardener, dishwasher, main­ tenance and recreation. Some positions to commence May 10th. Phone (705) 489-2020 or write Halls Lake, RR #2, Minden, Ont. K0M 2K0. 16-lp TENDERS WANTED The Blythand District Community Centre are requesting sealed tenders or a proposal on a profit sharing basis, for the operation/ management of the Food Booth at the Blyth & District Arena. Sealed tenders, clearly marked as such, will be received until 5:00 p.m. on April 28,1988 at the Village of Blyth Clerk’s Office, orby Mail - P.O. Box 393, Blyth, Ontario. NOM 1H0. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept. BLYTH AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD. TENDER FOR PIT RUN “B” GRAVEL TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS - TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Sealed and clearly marked tenders are now being received for the supply, loading and hauling of approximately 25,000 cu. yds. of “B” Pit Run Gravel, to be delivered to the Boundary Road east of the Hamlet of Bluevale. Work to be completed by July 22,1988 to the satisfaction of the Township’s Road Superintendents. The contractor to be responsible for any rules and regulations which may be applicable under the Pits and Quarries Act. Contractor to supply approximately 1500 cu. yds. per day. Apply to the undersigned for contract forms. Tenders must be received by the undersigned by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 28,1988and be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of the enclosed bid. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and all tenders are subject to MTC approval. Lloyd Michie, Road Superintendent Township of Morris 519-887-6137 TENDER FOR PIT RUN “B” GRAVEL TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS Sealed and clearly marked tenders are now being received for the purpose of supplying, loading and hauling of 10,000 cu. yds. [more or less] of Pit Run “B” Gravel for various locations in the north half of the Township of Morris. Work to be completed by July 22,1988 to the satisfaction of the Township Road Superintendent. The contractor to be responsible for any rules and regulations which may be applicable under the Pits and Quarries Act. Contractor must supply approximately 1500 cu. yds. per day. Apply to the undersigned for contract forms. Tenders must be received by the undersigned by 4:00 p.m. Thursday, April 28,1988and be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of the enclosed bid. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and all tenders are subject to MTC approval. Lloyd Michie, Road Superintendent Township of Morris 519-887-6137 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED TO CUT grass at Horticultural Park, Brus­ sels, on County Road 16. Submit to Mrs. Jane White by April 30,1988. 16-1 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWAN0SH Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the clerk Joan Armstrong at the Municipal Works Building, Lot 18, Concession 8, West Wawanosh, RR 2, Lucknow, NOG 2H0until 5p.m. Tuesday, May3,1988 for the construction of the addition to the present Works Building to house coun­ cil chambers and clerk’s office. Plumbing and electrical con­ tracts will be let separately and apart from general construction contract. Tenders shall include quote on both - building with full basement and building on concrete pad only. Drawings and specifications may be seen at the clerk’s office in the Works Garage and are available on payment of a fee of $25.00 [cash or certified cheque] per set. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. TENDERS WANTED Request for tenders at the Bel­ grave Ball Park. Please submit in writing separate bids for each of the following: a) grass cutting and general maintenance; b) marking and booking diamonds; c) operator for snack bar and caretaking of washrooms. Submit to Ruth Gordon, Belgrave by April21,1988by6p.m. 15-2 TENDERS WANTED: THE Blyth Lions Club invites tenders for the cutting and trimming of grass at the Lions Park. Send tenders to Blyth Lions Club Inc., P.O. Box 383, Blyth, Ontario. Stating - size of mower and requested hourly wage by Thurs., Apr. 28, 1988. 16-2 Z\ © HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY S.F.T. [HC] 88-02 for janitorial services & snow removal at 85 West Street, Goderich [0H-3] and 250 Picton Street, Goderich [OH-2] Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, May 4,1988 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5, [519] 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TEN­ DER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. CAREER TRAINING FREE: 1988GUIDETOSTUDY- at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosme­ tology, Electronics, Legal/Medi- cal Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide W., Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. 16-lp TURN THAT TIME ON YOUR hands into Cash for you. Get to meet new people and make new friends through Auctioneering. Next class June 18 - 25th. Register now. Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, RR #5, Wood- stock, Ont. N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115 (519)469-3936. 16-lp PERSONAL * ‘IF I COULD SHOW YOU A WAY to lose weight without missing a meal, would you be interested?” Call Don523-9407. 01-tfn TRAVEL FREE ‘88 BROCHURE ON SCEN- ic Rideau & Trent Severn Canal Cruises aboard comfortable cruise ship Kawartha Voyageur. Write Ontario Waterway Cruises, RR#3, Peterborough K9J 6X4. (705) 748-3666. 16-lp BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROW FOR IT! $$$ RAISE baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odorless, Low invest­ ment. We Train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) RR 1, Smithville, Ont. LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4251, 856-2248,(705)435-7463. 16-lp BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HELSINKI METHOD BY IMAG- es for hair loss. Easy home application. 100% unconditional money-back guarantee. Distribu­ tors welcome. Call (416) 354-9552. 16-lp NEW TRUCKS AVAILABLE W/ steady year round contracts. Low interest rates, 12.9% and up. Good selection of makes and models. Minimum investments, $8,000. Phone Transpo. 1-800-663-5166. 16-lp CASH IN - CASH OUT. COKE, Pepsi, Libby’s, Heinz - world famous drinks you will refill in your new, unique, cold pop/juice ven­ dors with separate price settings. Minimum investment of $11,980 secured as we supply freight, equipment installed in locations, product fills, supplies, etc. Own your cash business, your choice, part or full-time. Call/write (24 hours)forbrochure. SolarBusi- nessCentres, lOOEastDrive, Suite 200, Bramalea, Ont. L6T 1B3. Mr. Halbotl-(416)-761-5705. 16-lp CARD OF THANKS McCutcheon, i would like to thank my family, friends and neighbours for their visits, cards and generosity while I was in Wingham Hospital and since coming home. Your thoughtful­ ness was so very much appreciat­ ed. Special thanks to Dr. McGregor and Dr. Hanlon and the nurses in I. C. U. - Janet McCutcheon. 16-2p BRUNKARD. We would like to express our sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for their support during the recent loss of our father and grandfather, John Kelly, alsofor floral tributes, cards and memorial donations. Your kindness will always be remember­ ed. - Paul, Marg, Greg and Geoff. 16-1 PERRIE. We would like to thank our friends and the neighbours and cousins for all the kindnesses showntoBillonhislong illness. For the baking sent to the home and the help. We wish to thank Mrs. Margaret MacLeod for her solo numbers, the pallbearers - and Rev. Kenneth Knight of Goderich and Rev. Steven Webb of Monkton and Barb and Max Watts. - Signed, Rev. andMrs. JamesPerrieand family, Brenda Perrie and family, Mrs. Mildred Perrie. 16-1 THYNNE. I would like to thank my many friends for the beautiful cards, telephone calls and enquir­ ies as expressions of your sym­ pathy. It was all greatly appreciat­ ed.-Annie C.Thynne. 16-1 BROMLEY. On behalf of Queen’s Villa, I would like to take this opportunity to say a special “Thanks” to Wayne and Karen of the Village Restaurant. It was very considerate of them to supply delicious sandwiches during a time of uncertainty. Also, a word of praise is extended to the Blyth Fire Department for demonstrating their persistence, making Blyth a secure location to live. - Kathy Bromley. 16-lp THEBLYTH MIDGETCOACH­ ING STAFF would like to express their thanks to the boys for their gifts. We appreciate being part of the team and helping the boys reach the OMHA Finals. It was goodtoseethatallboystry hard and reach their full potential. - Thank you Kurt, Melvin, Ralph and Pat. 16-lp CARD OF THANKS BREMNER. Many thanks toDr. Hanlon, Dr. Sales and the nurses on the third floor, St. Joseph’s Health Centre, London. Also to Rev. Carpentier and to Bob and Isabelle for the many things done for Doris and myself at home; and to all my family and friends for their cards and visits. - Andrew Brem- ner. 16-lp SMITH. The family of the late Mrs. Glenn Smith wishes to acknow­ ledge all of the kindnesses shown to them during the illness and death of their loved one. Many, many thanks to those who brought treats and spent an hour chatting, provided excellent nursing ser­ vices day or night, broughtdeli- cious foods to tempt the appetites, donated and bought flowers in Isabel’s memory, sent cards, made telephone calls and enquiries, to Rev. Nunn who offered comfort and prayers, to the church ladies who provided the tasty lunch after the funeral service and to Mr. and Mrs. Peebles for their care and thoughtfulness. Never has the small word ‘thanks’ carried such a big meaning. - Glenn Smith and family. 16-1 THE BLYTH MIDGETS would like to thank the Legion Ladies Auxi­ liary for the dinner and the moral support throughout the season. - Thank you, Blyth Legion Midgets and coaching staff. 16-lp QUEEN’S VILLA. We wish to thank the members of the Blyth Fire Brigade for the prompt response to our call last Wednes­ day. We are grateful for the thorough search which located the cause of the trouble. - The residentsofQueen’sVilla. 16-lp APPLEBY. I would like to thank my many friends and relatives for their cards, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Clinton and University Hospitals and since returning home.-Lloyd Appleby. 16-lp 50-50 DRAW. Thank you to all the groups and individuals who sold tickets for the Blyth and District Community Centre 50-50 Draw. 50-50Draw winner of $431.50 -- Gordon McDougall. 16-1 ENGAGEMENTS ECSEDI - PECKITT Russell and Joyce Peckitt of Waterloo, are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter Tammy Dawn to Jim Miklos, son of Nick and Judy Ecsedi of Waterloo. The marriage will take place on July 2, 1988 at 4 p.m. at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Kitchener, Ontario. 16-lp AT YOUR SERVICE J.C. ENTERPRISES - CUSTOM farming, plantingcorn and soy­ beans and all kinds of tillage. Phone 526-7523. 16-5p HANDY MAN, HOME MAIN- tenance, renovations. No job too small. Phone Larry, 523-9338. 15-2p QUEEN’SBUSH RURAL MINI­ STRY. We can help 519-392-6090. 13-tfn ELDERS GRAIN COMPANY providing alternative marketing avenues for all traditional crops. Also offering contracts on new & exciting Alternative Cash Crops. For fall delivery into the Port of Prescott for all grains. Phone (613) 925-4273 collect. 16-lp