HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1988-04-20, Page 19THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1988. PAGE 19. Classified Ads CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.75 for 20 words, additional words 11c each. 50c will be added for ads Inot paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED HELP WANTED SEED GRAIN & MIXED GRAINS Mingo Barley. Priced to sell, 356-2292. 16-2 1979 PROWLER DELUXE TRA- vel Trailer, 31 ft., full bath, rear bedroom, all conveniences, excel­ lent condition. Phone 887-9058. 16-2 GROCERYCARTS, USED4 FT. Fluorescent light fixtures. Phone 887-9202 after 6 p.m. 16-lp 12’ x 50’ GENERAL TRAILER, excellent condition, steel utility shed, ready to move in Brussels Trailer Park, 348-8964. 16-tfn 1977 COUGAR XR7 49,000 ORIGI- nal miles, new rad., battery, Michelins, good solid car, 1 owner, phone Paul Mutter 887-6117. 16-2 5 GAL. FISH TANK WITH SOME accessories, portable dishwasher, small fridge, gas dryer, automatic washer, boxes of romance paper­ backbooks. Phone 887-6180. 16-2 494 A JOHN DEERE CORN planter, 8 ton Elmira hay wagon. Also for sale a New Holland manure spreader and a scuffler. Also40 acres of alfalfa for sale. For more information call 526-7292. 16-2p NEW MEMORIAL STONE SAD- dles with polyester flowers, fresh flowers and funeral arrangements, weddings, are our specialty. Coun­ try Garden Flowers, 887-6351. 15-2p 260 V8MOTOR&AUTOMATIC transmission from 1980 Olds, price $150.00,887-9563. 16-2 HAY - SECOND CUT. PHONE 887-9483. 16-2 1978 MERCURY ZEPHER, 2 door, 4 cyl., 4 speed trans .,$1,150 cert, phone 887-9104 after 6 p.m. 1982 CHEV CAVALIER WAGON, 4 cyl., 5 speed trans. $3,250. cert, extra clean, phone 887-9104 after 6 p.m. 1980 DODGE OMNI, 4 CYL., automatic, very clean, low mile­ age, AM/FM cassette, $2,250 cert, phone 887-9104 after 6 p.m. 16-2p 21’ KRUSE CULTIVATOR, 1 - 13*/2’ and 2 - 5Vi' Turnco packer. 180 gallon plastic Century sprayer with electronic controls. 40’ Smok­ erelevator. Phone 887-9417. 16-lp DUROC BOARS. PHONE BRAD Thomson 523-9723. 16-2p 15*/2 FOOT CABIN TRAILER - fridge, stove, sink, water tank and pump and awning. Sleeps six. Call 523-9439. 16-2p BOY’S 3 PC. GREY SUITE SIZE 7 (6X), and grey dress shoes size 2. Excellent condition, call 523-9542. 16-2p PIGS - CHUNKS FOR SALE. Phone 357-1462,357-1890. 16-lp POTATOES, SEEDORTABLE. Call887-6985. 16-1 GREENHOUSE & HYDROPONIC equipment, supplies. Everything you need. Best quality, super low prices. Greenhouse $175, Halides $115. Over3,000products in stock! Send $2 for info pack & Free magazine to Western Water Farms 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9. 1-604-682-6636. 16-lp 25 ACRES OF STANDING HAY. Phone 887-6444. 16-2 1981 CHEVETTE, 2 DOORS with sun roof. Standard. Phone 357- 2289 evenings. 15-2 1 NEW KNOTTY PINE DESK - clear finish, 4 drawers, 48” x 24” x 32”. Contact B. Brooks, Blyth 523-4503 after 6 p.m. 15-2p VIDEO CYPHER 2, RECEIVES All channels, new, $1250. or best offer, private. After 7 - 524-6670. 15-2p RAINBOW TROUT - YEAR round fishing and pond Stockers, 3 concessions north of Blyth, 3 sideroads west. David and Gloria Hedley, 357-2329. 12-6 APACHE TENT TRAILER. Phone after 5:00,523-4279. 15-2p GRAPHS, POSTERS, SIGNS, Pic­ tures, Banners, and title pages designed by computer graphics. $2 for firs t copy,. 20 cents per page for repeats. Phone Craig at 523-9636. 04-tfn VAGABOND BMX BIKE FOR sale - suitable for 8 yr. old, 887-6553. 15-2 1976 FORD SUPER CAB WITH OR without topper - as is, best offer. Phone after 6 p.m. 887-6636. 15-2 10” DE WALT RADIAL ARM saw with stand, $200. Phone 887-9017. 15-2 YOU CAN NOW ENJOY 2 WEEKS of Classified Advertising at one low price. Your “For Sale” ad of 20 words or less is now only $4.00 for 2 weeks. (A savings of $1.50). Offer good until April 30, 1988. Copy may change weekly - personal ads only. Phone The Citizen at 523- 4792 or 887-9114 before 4 p.m. on Monday. 14-4 1973 CHEV SUBURBAN, FAIR shape, for more information call 887-6447, anytime. 15-2p HANK’S SMALL ENGINE SALES and Service, Highway 4, Londes- boro. Complete service for small engines. Dealer for Canadiana, Bolens, Weed Eater, Poulan and Badger Farm Equipment. Call 523-9202. 25-tfn ROLLER MILLS, FEED MIXERS, Belt and Chain Conveyors, Feed­ ers, ‘‘Super Bowl” Energy Free Waterers, ‘‘Quality Plus” Hog and Cattle Stabling, also Cow Mats, Calf Hutches, Energizer Heat Recovery Units, Innovator and Valmetal Silo Unloaders (new and used in stock). Financing is available. Call Clarkhill Feeders, Phil Clark, 519-524-4367. 11-tfn NEW & USED PRESSURE Washers, 500 PSI - 2000 PSI Weaner Decks, Weaner Cages, Dry Sow Stalls, Farrowing Pens, Cow Stanchions, alsoplumbing and ventilation equipment. Call Kosi Kasa or Andy Thalen 291 - 2906. 13-4p STEEL BUILDINGS - 1/2 PRICE Sale - Buy one building at regular price and get double length for 50 % more - stock clear-out - limited steel. Paragon Structures 1-800- 263-849924 hours. 16-lp YEAR END CLEARANCE ON steel buildings. Quonset or Straight Example 40 x 60 $6,995. Call Toll Free 1-800-668-5111 Miracle Span. 16-lp $$ LIQUIDATION $$ BUILDINGS priced for immediate disposal. All items in stock. 30 x 40 x 14 $3,800; 40x 60x14 55,990; 50 x 80511,260; 70 x 120 527,900. Various sizes available up to 120ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery. Call toll free 1-800-387-2115, or 1-416-858-2446 16-lp MONTREAL MILITARY SUR- plus: Work shirts $2.75; work pants $3.50; work boots $15. Send $3 for catalogue (reimbursement 1st order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St-Timothee, Quebec. JOS 1X0. 16-lp RUSTY WATER? IT LOOKS AW- ful, tastes awful and smells awful. Water is such a basic everyday thing, we tend not to realize it’s something we can change. We live with rusty water simply because that’s how it’s always been. Introducing the RUST-BUSTER... under $2,000. A unique filter that treats the entire water system and does more than just take the iron out. If you’re at all interested how your water is supposed to look, smell and taste when it doesn’t have any rust in it ... Call 1-800-263-7056. 16-lp HYDROPONIC SUPPLIES. Halide& Sodium lighting. Ebb and flow tables assorted sizes. Aerojet - HFT/aeroponics, 88 & 384 Plantlet systems. Expand-O-Gar- den drip systems from $20 per unit. Free expert consultation and local service. Homegrown Hydropon­ ics, 2737 Weston Rd., Weston, Ont. M9M 2R4. (416) 745-5007. 16-lp 1980 PLYMOUTH CARVELLE, 2 door, Slant-6. Asking $1800 or best offer. Phone 887-9831 evenings or weekends. 15-2 BLUE SPRUCE, DIG YOUR choice - Spruce $2.50/ft., blue spruce$4.OO/ft. (taxincluded), 1 % miles E. of Wingham, Hwy. #86, Diane Kralmer, third house E. of school, 357-3381. 16-3 PETS LOVEABLE FUZZBALLS - KIT- tens to give away to good homes, 3 black, 2 white. From good mouser stock. Call 887-9843 (evenings). 16-2p LOST MY 17-YEAR-OLD CAT ‘ ‘TIGER” wandered away from home on April 12. She is orange, black and white, deaf and thin. Any informa­ tion appreciated. Bev Brown, 887-9621 evenings or early morn­ ings. 16-1 WANTED WANTED: SOMEONE WITH over 8 horse riding mower to cut large lawn. Phone 523-4717 after 7 p.m. 16-2 WANTED TO RENT: LAND FOR cropping in 1988 season. Phone John Gaunt, Belgrave 357-2697. 16-2p LAWN MAINTENANCE: YOUNG man willingtoedgeandwork up your garden and flower beds. Will mow your lawn this summer. Also can trim hedges. Will do general lawn care. Has landscaping experi­ ence. Phone523-9687. 16-3 WILL DO TYPING IN MY HOME. Students’ essays, business letters, general typing. Phone Pat Brig­ ham 523-4332/523-4400. 15-eow WANTED TO RENT: CASH CROP land for 1988 season. Phone 887-6444. 15-2 WANTED TO RENT: THE BLYTH Festival is seeking houses and apartments between May and September. Housing is needed both in Blyth and within a 10 kilometer radius. Phone Karen, 523-4345. 16-2 WORK WANTED IN BLYTH. Will do spring cleaning, yard work, painting, etc. Phone Lorna 523- 9687. 11-6 OLD WRISTWATCHES WANT- ed - Men’s only Eaton’s Quarter Century Club. Men’s rectangular wristwatches (25 years service) will pay $1,500 and up for this watch. Also wanted old Rolex, Patek Phillip & Cartier wrist­ watches. Phone/Write (416) 365- 7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ont. M5A 1S2. 16-lp FARMERS WANTED WHO ARE paying too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today. Appointment times available to process ‘87 tax returns in your home. Farm Business Consultants 2109 Oxford St. E., London N5V 2Z9. Call toll free 1-800-265-1002. In business year-round for 36years. 16-lp HELP WANTED FULLOR PART-TIME STONE- pickers needed. Students wel­ come. Call 887-6181. 16-2 MATURE STUDENT TO SUPER- vise wading pool at Lions Park. July and August. Salary Negoti­ able. Send resume to Blyth Lions Club Inc., P.O. Box 383, Blyth, Ontario by Thurs., April 28, 1988. 16-2 STUDENT REQUIRED TO WORK after school and weekends on a farrow-to-finish farm, 5 miles north of Dublin. Call 345-2550 after 8p.m. 16-3 BABYSITTER NEEDED DAILY in Brussels for 2 girls ages 5 and 3. Phone 887-6132. 16-1 WANTED: MAINTENANCE person and store clerk, 20 to 30 hours per week for 10 weeks June, July, August. Send letter of application or resume to: Family Paradise Campgrounds, RR 4, Walton, N0K1Z0. 16-1 CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF BLYTH request Applications for the following positions: 1. [a] - Recreation Supervisor - to create and provide an all round children’s recreation program. [b] - Recreation Assistant - to assist the Recreation Supervisor in implementing a children’s recreation program. 2. Manager/Caretaker - for the Blyth Ball Diamond and surrounding area. Applications accepted atthe Village of Blyth Clerk’s Office until 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 28,1988. Village of Blyth Recreation Committee. HOUSEWIVES, MOTHERS AND interested persons needed imme­ diately to sell toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investment, deliveries or money collection. Call (519) 258-7905. 16-lp MA CHERIE FASHIONS. Dis­ cover a new rewarding career. Be an independent. Join our team. It’s the fun, easy way to earn extra money. Call collect (416) 632-9090. 16-lp TRAIN FOR A JOB WITH A future ... with Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Job Search Assis­ tance available. 2411 Eagle St. N. Unit #1, RR #32 Cambridge, N3H 4R7 (519) 653-1700, 1-800-265- 0400. 16-lp FULL-TIME BABYSITTER wanted in Brussels or Listowel area to start immediately. Call 887-6787 after 5. 16-1 EXPERIENCED RELIABLE PER- son for grain elevator and cash crop farm. Apply to: Ken R. Campbell Elevators, 527-0249. 13,15,16 PART-TIME MORNING CLEAN- ers required immediately for light duty work in Brussels. Call 1-679- 1153. 15-3 PERSON TO OPERATE PELLET mill. Shift work required. Experi­ ence preferred. Apply T.B. Allen Ltd., Londesboro, Ont. 15-2 SOMEONE WANTED TO CUT lawn for summer. Contact Neil Hemingway, 887-6444. 15-2 CHICKEN CATCHERS PART- time and full-time - work available now! Also special student hours available. Call free 1-800-265-3034 01-tfn PART-TIME MORNING CLEAN- ers required immediately for light duty work in Blyth. Call 1-679-1153 15-3 OVERSEAS JOBS ALL OCCUPATIONS • TAX FREE INCOME ATTRACTIVE COMPANY PAID BENEFITS CALL (305) 456-6603 ro^zo.,. OR SEND RESUME TO: Op«n7D>yi WORLDWIDE EMPLOYERS *2!!^ 1126 SOUTH FEDERAL HWY. SUITE #322 FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33316 ADVANCED FEE•FULL REFUND IF NOT PLACED OVERSEAS PER CONTRACT LICENSED AS AN OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY