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The Citizen, 1988-04-20, Page 17
THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY APRIL 20, 1988. PAGE 17. County home day care one step closer A proposal for a private home day care program for low income earners and mothers on welfare crept over one more hurdle on the way to being implemented when Huron County Council met April 7. The preliminary proposal, which would see day care provided in private homes and paid for by the Huron County Social Services department for those who qualify was approved by council. The final proposal still must win approval before the program is implement ed. Earlier the budget allocation for the program was approved at the March budget meeting of council giving the program $82,408 for a six-month trial in 1988 with the county’s 20 per cent share being $16,482. Bayfield Reeve Dave Johnston started the questioning wondering what would happen if the province, after getting the program started with 80 per cent grants begins to cut back. Would the county be stuck with a program and have to pickup the tab, he wondered. John MacKinnon, Social Services ad ministrator said the program is strictly experimental and can be dropped at any time. Reeve Johnston also asked if the program had to be expanded in multiples of 25 or if it could be increased by less than that amount (under the private home day care provisions there must be a home day care visitor for each 25 children in care). Mr. MacKinnon said it would be possible to add someone for each five extra children on a part-time basis. Warden Bob Bell reiterated, however, that the program was only allocating 25 spaces for 1988 and for a trial basis. The county was not even con sidering 26 to 30 places, he said. Even 25 places was too many for Howick Reeve Gerald D’Arcey. He said he still felt the program was wrong and that the council would find that next year there would be a call for 30 or 40 or 50 places in day care. The program, if finally approved would have restrictions on such things as the amount of liquid assets a parent could have before qualifying for the day care pro gram. A 22-page eligibility guide line was included in the social Rebekahs plan Variety Fair The Noble Grand Leona Con nelly conducted the regular meet ing of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge. A donation of money is to be given to the Cancer Society with several other requests that were filed until a later meeting. Cards were signed to be sent to Marie Tyerman and Janet McCut cheon. Vice Grand Lillian Moses gave a report on the Pilgrimage for Youth speak-off held in Clinton, sponsored by the Oddfellows and Rebekahs. The winner gets at trip to New York and United Nations. Plans were made for a euchre party April 18 and for the Variety Fair May 14 in the library. Several members were to attend the District meeting in Clinton the afternoon of April 13 and some were attending Monkton Lodge meeting in the evening. One member received the birthday honours. After closing ofthelodge, Lois McCall and her committee conducted some contests. A draw was made for a lovely doll donated by Mrs. Ada Brittain, which was won by Mary Lowe. A delicious lunch was served by Sarah Steph enson and her committee. services committee’s report to council. According to the committee’s report, if council approves the program a graduate of an Early Childhood Education program will behiredtodevelopthe program including formulation of the policies and procedures to deter mine eligibility; recruiting people to provide the day care; compiling a manual for day care providers; developing an advertising bro chure; selecting and monitoring day care providers, completing day care applications; matching child ren to providers; assisting provid ers with their individual programs and evaluating the day care needs of the county. 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