HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1928-8-16, Page 5-.arae aC' . .,...rrr=ts,-wa,ee. cn.cial Qf qtr Flies - Ants - Mosquitoes GET RID OF THEM WITH ONE OF THESE Fly -T ox r''" Flit - Fl yocid e Flyosan Fly -X ! s:. - FOR SALE AT -- Campbell's . Drug Store PHONE 90 - GODERICH The Leading Men's Store SMART WEAR HAND TAILORING Special Orders to your measure Chas. Black Phone 21!1 U.; New furniture THE SIGNAL, f GODERICH, ONT. 1t ' Thnrany August 1A, 1I* --E DUNGANNON l R Betty, of Toronto, are vieitfug trolt, spent the past week with Mr. is and father, Mr.Robs Scott and Mie John Menem. Staines, of Toronto, DUNGANNON, Aug. 15. -Mr. Mrs. Wollldge. of 'loruuto, are lug their daughter, Mrs. G, M. Kenzie. Mr. Nornulll Treleuveu returu his home in Toronto last S,tturtl ter a two weeks' 'visit with his er, Mn. Robert Treleaven. J Hell f I kt w and Mer Mrs. Ilart'r er ter. , . this weak. Miss Margaret Hall and nephew,' and Mr*. Sclater and daughters, Helen !darter Alan visit- nud Marlon, of Seutortl. are visiting have:been the guests of Mr. and Mrs Mr Edgar Rd- McWhiuhey the past fortnight. •this lie I.a w lora. ell to leaded the funeral of the Mee Julw y at,- airs harry Willlarus is bultdnyi°g ttuulr}•. which oma: held from the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Many front hl neighborhood at- a moth. at the brae of his gregduurthrr, airs. home of Mr. Will. Gouley, 1„Nhrilh• Thus, v rsary s • to Klntall ' /cemetery. Mr. Ilauley's Mem. 11 uc w Anniversary services will Ise held early home ens on the 0th couces M. atcliruzle, of '1'oru11to, tLsItesl at I 1 l K 1 • r Pxtel1dwi ro the the home of Mr. mid Mrs. F. Russ day. August 26t1. Rev. W. ltaithby INrPacPd wrwhPr. u! Ms ftlwlly. this week. will let• the preacher. There wilt bPi Ur. and Mrs. Earle Blake and children. of Clinton. Ea visited on Sun - Mr. andg Mrs;. Jus. a}c...mio ru and s{ss iul wuslc, by the chaos. Sar with Mrs. ton. s xtaron airs the eek -end alar, i,! le,uf Mr. .q and airs. Roy !`armew and children, of 1 Sun - the week -end at the hurts of and Jlih9rrll, spent Tuesday "f tl:ts week au,i air. David McWhinney' (luh- Mrs. Robert rL•Kettzie. with her parents. Mr, :end \Ir. J. 11. Boys' and Gish Nbe.cp Mr. and Urs. Harold Tigent uud Joh11stun, At the Boys' and, girls' Shaer 1'11111 children, u! Sheppardwn, spent gun ',1 Mrs. Jlarry Mi !trim. f Detroit, • exhibition geld In Make's Hall on day with the hatter's mother, alts. \\'. has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Friday last. Clifford Blake secure! It. r anus. W. R. Patterson. first prize In all the classes of air. anti. Mrs. S. U. \1'i, ecus and Mrs. Norman Garrett, of c'liuton, is sprhig lambs ahnwh : pert \t. \\hen Satur , of 'purouto, uom,red up oil ihr gars[ of her sister, air W. ltobe nay second ',Ara, In entries .tf double Saturday and are vi -cuing the hitters ewe Iambs and si11it1 : Cecil J•,hn- ir�n. son first a In jading: llJohn- {strruts, al r. and alts. T. G. .\ileo. 'sirs M1+stun Iluud of Knox Misled .rt•re iu J l:i1'' Mr. and airs. Jas. \\'ull,•r. sof Nask• tudersou sw t 1 Sunday of had"had its {.seri.' Clifford Blake standing Arst :inn re • Walker. Br a l rad al.n. rierry 110 Tuewlay• herlker, of Rrua,tels, raCe4 on friends celvine the largest n11ntteer of prize: Dr. B. C. N'rlr has purchased a 11WAZ,le,l 1s entitled to exhibit his here lust week. new }'urd coach. Mi.', Wiiillie UcClnre. nurse -in- llulto a uuwler utteuled .he pienl, lambs at the "i aria❑ Fair this ?'est' training it t St Tlo.url: 1s sl,eudiug +li }urmosg 00 \\elnesdut in the Roy/ and (art Shw•p Chtb • t ILItInn 1u the Auburn Rapt st a .u.- 1 , uu- .4011. SyngOat ty s her holidays at the home of her par , x n . Mr. and Urs. Riddell motorist to ruts, \l r. nud airs. 1\m. McClure. ,\ilsa st'raig 1111 Welluewioc w• d '� j Het. J. A. and Mrs. Walker and \1'tit'tp,„ .t,„ }5. -iter. 1'. \1'. OLD A1rEODOTF • 1 children ay renlnee,l home fruit their Gaslw'lll has returned to bis duties holidays Inst week end and Mr. Walk- as {wars 11f the Myth and .\'Mini Y I er , ch and 11-• {Ntplt lu the l cited Prebterlans. Ills (laughter Ehia 11 Mr•-rs 1';rlviu Melut�re. ioy \ttl- ask., formerly of Auburn, to Ur. lis. U\Vickers and lt.'rt \1'igius Harold Me}Imy- of ltegin•i.he turtr- •r,1 u{, to the lake at !slack. nage to take place nn .tntrt lth We have on hand a niee assortment Ih i �• eu al"u.kiy ufterwN,u to fish, t tlo Iwme of her lrttet. er. aut bn• rr:f„rnwr11ely their tuck was ul- of l'arriaew, Strollers. Praw, Go- Urs. J. P. Murdoch.arts, ate indifferentlor'sAlio Carriage church 011 Nut. ,ay. t ns rx{Nr c, ,1111 5011. \'Ictor, nccnmisn,5ed hint f.1...Mr iii.. \Clli.', of Detroit. alit tawdorlsltli slug its the 1 titwl church next Sou- - S The engagement its n1u:••nneed of try w••roiug rind eveuiug' MIs's label 1. Murda•h. of & i ,it.Iia. "."•: nil. -\ friendly -game .f 1.••r-e.hee Nit, Harry lila', ..f G,Nlrrich, is i,ib•hing took place Is•ncce;: 'Lende:- ,1-.•u,g trends here. burn Incl Fri•I:,t Pccn- r Doll ('atriagwl, Kiddy !ars, Reeking koro and An anything1 this }'1 1 1' 1 1 f Horses. 11 in need of a s \Ir „int Urs. , tv a cru au, . 11. Ing. line give us a rail. Our prices are 0'i .• .go. lave been visiting the for- air. and Mrs. It. G. Thou,;• -•o, and right. ut•r - mother and other friends here family, of Clinton, and \li-= W. s• •, :era few ,hays•19unuµw nn; of Toronto. cane,' 11n11 Mr. 01111 Mrs. Jetties M.Nain. "f friends ill .\''sura the fore pa: J. R. WHEELER \elderly, Miss Trim McNair', in, of `I'"- lite week. Palm, and al r. and \its. D. Iv air- Some •, BLACKSTONE'S Furniture Exchange -M ne balmy Nwwow ''x 44** *444 gist it illinery FEATURING a most outstanding range of distinctive models in FELT in all the afw trends of fashion. °11.15 :al f'' You are cordially invited to inspect M l our stock ► " Miss MacVicar f the former. have Ihr.•-he'1 torite people don't know that we sell NEW FURNITURE ThaThat'sa specialty with us. \1'.• can furnish from kitchen to attic and positively save you money. • V \} Furnit I Funeral D' Stns their i sides. - lay.ii. ci-.i:ed r. and rs. fall wheat in the field and, the Furniture Dealer unera ere }•. Russ belay. Hamilton Street, Goderi. h The hr crena ..eial held on the hr1111 11r tl:e binder Is heard nn nil Phones: Store 335. Residence 355w Vetted simnel grooved, dile (Wed- nesday 1 evenirlg, was quite It success - fill affair. There oma: u toast attend- KINGSBRIDGF. tf eat In my eyes; and 1n an evil mo - 11.• and an -tntcresting program. wase meat It was removed with a knife. elven he local w'e't. The evetit was 1;--\'i;Itors Great was my anxiety to know tete cic *1 4I Kingston St. Uo,lerich` xcxxxxx'xxXXxxxxxxxx X "'ARR'S GROCERY for Service and Quality --PRICES RIGHT - X Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Daily Silverwood's Ice Cream Bricks, Bonbons, Dixie Cups and Bulk ..n_ -A Trial Will Convince You,_ AGENT FOR Massey -Harris Machines and Genuine Massey -Harris Parts \4e have on display a full line of seasonable machines DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE H. Clements hiugston St. Goderich, Ont. Phone 3K5 Iiloetes of [Scott and Stephenson Which Retain Their Charm. Thine are some anecdotes which are often told and lose .nothing_ Of th 1r whimsical appeal In the process. indeed the passing of time would ap- pear to enhance rather than [detract from their interest and charm. There, are two well-known anecd,dus. nue originally told by Sir Walter Scott to a friend, and the odor, dealing with an amusing comment made by 1leorge Stephenson, Inventor of the locomo- tive, which are worthy of vetteratlen. in telling the story of a ulent,rabl" Incident which occurred when he was at school, Sir Walter Scott said: "There was a boy in my class :,t school who stood always at the top. nor could I with all my efforts sup plant hint. Ihty came after day, and still he kept hen place, do what I would; till at length I observed that, when a question was asked him ti - always tumbled with his fingers itt a particular button of his waistcoat. To remove It, therefore, became expedt- Electric Washer --- See the New ROTAREX STRONGER MOTOR. COPPER TUB 1 Nickel - plated). NEW STYLE WRINGER. t i �1 4 r#'it` BALLOON ROLLERS In fact, :totpethingllitilvetit to anything ever sold in (;o,lerich Special price ( incltilling premiums) $140 LET Cs DEMON•TIH.\TE IN YOUR OWN HOME: I'II(1NE +rill JAS. C. CARRIE HARDWARE SIDE �ljl'.\RE T, it LIFE -BUOY shit . t OUTING SHOES LIFE -BUOY OUTING SHOES have proved to be the most reliable, best -wearing summer footwear on the market, for baseball, tennis, bowling and all other pastimes that are enjoyed by men. women and chil- dren. They are herr. in the latest styles at the moat reasonable prices. Golf Shoes are now in stock in the new patterns. z'a3 GEO. MacVICAR Goderich, Ont. North Side of Square :Pu r�w'frnt' The Event of the Season TIIE ASHF11':I,It CATHOLIC WOMKN'i LEA(;1•}: will hold a party in the KINGSBRIDGE HALL, on Friday evening, Aug. 24 Dancing from 9 to 2 o'clock Music by the Arthur Radio Orchestra of Wisghais Come early. Everybody welcome. x mater the auspices of the Migeton KINGeltltllrc'} \lig• Circle. home fn w were )I r. I'. Ryan. Mr* Thos Lan- seeded too well. N•ten the boy was non. alis Margaret 15Conmir. Miss again questioned. his tingers sought Wel Gritliu. Mr. and ',irs. 1o1111 t',d again for the button, but 1t was not lius and family. Messrs. Joseph and to be felt. He atdod confounded, and Leu. O'Laughlin. Mr. Nick ferry. Mr. I took possession of his place; nor NIDE. Aug. 15 -The first threshing George Drennan and Mr. Le,.0 .ley did he ever recover It, or ("Vet', 1 be - of the sears.n was done the pent week Mr. Will 4(Iuugliliu. , f Chl.-ag Ileve, suspect who was the author o[ of Mr. W/muel Shepperd's when be .ere.tthe week -end with friends his wrong."- btui bis w•lert stook -threshed. bore. The anecdote which is associated Mr. r. ('hrster Brown ,awe up from Mr. ,old Mrs. Jawes Foley. of with George Stephenson dates back Detroit ou Saturdayto Mr. Joseph almost a hundred years, when It war G Nttrrfeh, AMU( Yumtar wee Qhetr proposed to construct the i • way mil - Semi uto's. returning by motor on ,laughter. Mrs. James Garvey. tray between Manchester and Liver - Nike Senility a,ruwlnuiwl be his wife. who Miss Mary and Master ('loud pool. There were many timid per - lad sent several weeks here. Clean. of Nallaceburg, are Tlslting sons who saw danger In the project Miss Alma lite, R. N. and her th.•ir gr;urdistrenl+. Mr. and airs.' and, as a result, 1t met with stroug mother. Mrs. W. }'ree. of Dungannon, alnrgnn Daitnn• opPoAltitia. It was necessary that a R.eut W wlu.alay of the least Week at . Mis. Lillian Dalton returned to bill should pass through Parliament to busts 11f Mr. and Mrs. Telford Detroit on Sunday, ne.ompsuied bl' I authorising the work and the pro - Nixon. Miss Marie Reninger, "! Dobkin• rooters wire closely examin.d. While Mrr. Snyder and Mrs. Henderson, Miss 'Tarts" Reynolds, of Clinton. under exawlnatlun by the Horse of of Underlie:. were Sunday Iriaitors at is visiting Miss hose O'Connor. Lords, Stephenson was qu' -cloned by the home of Mr. White Finnigan. Mr. and Urs. },iwnril O'Neil, of a Peer who was strong[. against the . Iter. 1.. C., White preached in the Jxekson. Mi. h., sent the week -end . proposal. "Now, Itlr. ,t.•PhPnson." I"ultwl church herr on Sunday ere'- with his aunt. )Its. John 11'Xeil. I said the Peer, "et a vow strayed on • ing to a large cengregatiun. Mrs. ' !Rex, Louis Dalton is spending a to the line in (root of the stain, would White and two children accawfsrens few [aye with friends in Detroit. that not be an awkward circum - i -r. White here and were the guests Rev. J. J. Hogan. of New York, is stance?" "Verry awk'ard wy lord." enairs. James Table over the week Mende 1 1 ' replied Stephenson, in his broad amt Detroit for the week -end success of my measure; and It buc- NILE seeterhet visiting s r em s err. Misses Catherine. and ('Artie,' Northumbrian tongue, "Terry some Mr. Geo. Snell, sr., has completed , ()•Nell. of Godericl'. awl air. rem ' 'ard Indeed -tor the coo. lir ,ye-ses: Ernest end Reg: Rlett's and with mends: here. LEGEND (1F THF: SPHINX. has trowel to Mr. A. W. Younis. •Mrs. ,T. 1'. Dalton. Mies T,111h,n ' Mi Eli heti Dobson f \fit 1 Il Mi \ leLonghlhn Awful Being for Long Terrorised a operations with his ditching nnic111ne, 1r•Rrien. of Lnndt'11 s1N'nt Stmdny ss , izx s l o ..Ion. a cit • imitun. and s .ora is visiting her friend. Misr Yelton slant n few days with Nits and Mrs.' Whole Disipal. Finnigan. for n few days. Michael i 4-ninger In Dublin. According to ihr Ino b•nt (:n clan Mrs. JohnShepperd and the Misses Mrs. Jo,. t\ tulle Mel son \'Ictnr. of legend. the Sphinx, which teall> Mary and Edith. of Toronto, are ci+- Detroit. motored up to her mother'+. means "Strangler," was a moneter iting at the home o f ' Mr. Shirai Mr- ens. Dalton'-. with the head of a woman and th Shap{ erd• D•. !Inch lteninger visited lit J. r. body of a winged lion. This awful tie - with Ernest Semple. of Nile. and Mr. T►altni'- 11n Snttluy• \ Int for long terrorised a whole dls- lrthnr Kingsbury, of Tendon, will Mr. NPd Dalton leas returned tn' tract, netting on a roadside era¢ at11 return this week from n two w'Peks' },mag 1.n'. clot.. after n torr works' propounding a riddle to every pesn- vn.mtion spent lit Burrow Ray. SII. vocation at his home here. • er-by. Failure to answer rightly was Ser Lake sari other poltila Mr. John EMIT. of Port Landiton. 'followed by Instant death. The rld- aflss Lenore Smith, of Drayton. b die was as follows: "What Is it that spending a few dart oils wept,. with • is fir visiting M .iA ernh� i of ting 0 new . In the morning walks on four labs. her friend, MIss Oral Finnigan. . lit noon on iwo, and in the eveningrls. Chrysler sedan. ! art th ee, and that when It has most Mr. and Mrs. 11arvey Treleaven Quite n 'nabs• �'', here tn.k in �: l IPg,A tv...k� t mal airs. Samuel Tn•1PucerS, of Dun- the lawn social a; St. .\ngn-tlue hast In th• vud the problem oma, sol' cannon. yislted at Mr. Pcmm�el :hep- w.ope. and se rel.,,, -, goo,! time. .•d by a kine': 1ns1 ern, •., .1to .. 11MWe1 I enl'x on Sunday. Mr. George F olio. ,v tan 1 t1 Men ed that the r ply wan al _ n hln181 Miss Sylvia Seg1ms, of London, is oeso for the post r••w tenth- rnsw•d Inaomur'1 as in Infancy or dawn ..f sieeding A few dry+ with her moth- n('.8% on \tnnday Inst at the hurtle of Itfe ha.1 'o -•:pPort him oaf with :, er. airs. E. actniss. his brother Edwa1 t. T! e fnn.•rat w•n' stick, '. •r on the mnnst' , the, \f r. alt! alts. Fulton And Mrs. held in Geslerieli Iv"'ll's,'.'v• \1 .t,. Itself d,...'1 1:"m the ria.:. and ilio Sn•In, wh" are the glnP-.ts of lits. R. svmpathV 1s felt f,.r the b reaved rel- prince w.l.; n•wardrd with the king .\. nal Mrs. Lnnoly lit their cottage ntlycs. dam and t at l'nrt .111s'rt. offended the cra'f't sett service In the United clinr•h here on Sunday. Mrs. Stein rendered s - 4iFl jl1 &t �i leantifnl solo. 141 nit,nnie,1 of the ASHFIELD • �•1r.ic» organ by Mrs. Fulton, nm1 Mr. Ful- Grocery }'I}:1.1 Ana. 13. --Mise A Hamilton Street • ton made the sango of praise more 1n- al. Ma, 1humid. of 1h•tr(dt, Is h Goderich Phone 146 2 fere °ng by an•onttstnring them with 1•.r 1,. r 'rlcation. '('(111 x xxxx cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rummuuuunmmmnmmmummumnmuuuunmmomnmunuuum s Travelling Goods-- • - eros t:i i irtar'rtP 1 fctr his cornet. Mr. Pelton Is Mrs. Lan- { \I Its I 1 and pression 0 cr ■ It's brother. he hand of tit princ'•ss The famous Rphlux of Egypt, how- , hurled in the desert nand - differs Announcement I have tak.•tt over•thc repair -hop at the Godcrirh Inn Garage and am prepare,! t" repair all 'takes of cars. 1 off. r $25 to the is•r-"n who eats bring me 1 ear tical I cannot repair. 1tAh• .% NI) NIGHT SERVIUI': Prices utaterale. Cars wash- ed by an expert (i.'t ANII Oil Harry Bradley (of late with \\-itis ('niig• ever --a vast mondment of steno half Republic of Colombia 6'. External Sinking Fund Gold Bonds. Dated April 1. 1928. Mature October 1, 1961. These Rondo will constitute direct obligation of the Republic of Colombia, secured by iia hill faith and credit. NORMAN LEWIS Corner Hamilton and Newgate Sts. Plume .17t1 1'. O. Box 768. Goderleh. Put an ad. in The Shosal Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Coke Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg) Briquettes Quantity of Good Hardwood in various lengths f can supply your w•ntita in any of the above fuel l'iampt semi,. and reasonable prices. L. FLICK Telrphnne• 1 i itj Goderich 1 Singer Sewing Machines SOLO ON EASY PAYMENTS Free demote-drat1 11 layer in your "• own iteoat any time. Yon are Ilimier no obligation to buy. I MISS S. NOBLE �..ut 1 -i 1.•'o 1 square te-dericlt W. GLEN COOK, General Ageat THE "'m GODERICH ot k� THE NAME AT ,SME BOTTOM 01 Toe AD Is E Ai' SWER Buy now ' We have the time, the place and the coal. If you wait until later, we will still have the lest place to buy, and the hest coal to buy but the time will be lacking. And you may have to wait yetfr turn with the others who forgot that winter was coming until the first , ,1,1 weather caught them. Buy now CALL t'HE For Good Clean C;oal J. B. MUST Phone 98 from the monster of the (beak fable a ■ ■ mi ■ a a a ■ nun In having no wings, and owning a owe man's fore instead of a won,an's. The face, however, is eared intn nn -.•a- 1 f [lel Interest that often I Mr _t1hr1 \Irk. Hain it ms , ea tt the title of the 1114414e -of -the fntnilc of \1'inds+.r, tire spPnlffilR gives - Our Going -Out - \fr.. Tock nv-nn. of Detroit. and .a A tv ;res 411 .\shfh•bl. Sphlax. 1.•r mat cedar \--.let, weret! It r 1 ti -sting old friends I 1 e.•'sc of this w,ek lit the hntn, n res .\�hfink. ir- Tel Nixon.• N. Beckett. Reg \ who oma. her. airs .inures Johnston. of. alt \ii i,t-a tt of fhtmiltrm. is !king Reef Better. 1 •• t s ,, r lir Wrd- s lit n0. urllnt- n f an 1 Our new styles of Haggnge particularly impress the ex- _ perieneed traveller. The high-grade materials. quality. work- _ I tranship, expert fiinishing-all combine in one great drite E V -- e satisfaction. to rtion. Pt t toward cotnpl , .sl,i5 to $19.00 tills gli Suit Cases from .�.'',, $3.75 to $19.0 Hat Boxes from $1.90 to $25.00 Trunks Club Bags 1 Boston Bags ( all leather) • • ., ! $2.25 to =5.00 $5.50 to $28.00 1,1 us supply your needs for travelling t f ,fi lawFootwear ---fa !iii ai!Ir 11 SI A' Iffy � . Our aim is M give you a proper fit. \\�P have a largeVonStore stook to choose from at reasonable priceto slmp at W. Hern's Shoe Phone 43W The Square Mach of the famous •'roast beef of til-- England" conies In these days from I °Ai nor- lit m 1►tln6^urnon re.•ettly, has Australia or Routh America 4,len- Iter. :iud Ni t•- Fronk M ,,Ketone 11,1 1811111'. of i'orent,l, are visiting in .\shfiel•l. Mi Catherine Mnrda•h, who was 1,.•e tl-iting with her aunt. Mrs. 1'. 1'otheart. for the post six weeks, In - minimills; to Detroit thl. week. Dr. and Mrs. D. MneNAln. of Mon - !riot. mild Miss Level tiaoNehi. itN.. of Toronto. are home for their vaca- tion. alis. 1.f!li:rn Mnclientle Is emend- ing the Halter pert of Ger •ene'sftnn in Toronto. The \\",e'arn's allsst'0.ry Soelcty will meet lit the Inane of Mr". D. IneDnnAhl, Klnhnll, on fternam. Mrs. 4ltev.l Ritchie. of earnin. who 1.18 jest returned from the convcntlein in ' Yonconver. will n l ire's the meeting. We are sorry to report the ,leith . of Mrs. Ttsrry Herrin. formerly of Ripley. Mr., Neil MneDoneld. Mrs. rtew' AtJRI1RN retuned home. .1I it ItN. Aug. 11.- Misses Dor- '.thy :,t 1 Muriel isittiont. of Toronto. .and r Mr. At the home f am gr.est Nir-. .1. Robinson. \lis- Eine Stoltz, olio has been taking a short coarse in Toronto, re- turned home ;est \t"ndny. \li-. Jean Itntc liffe, of Sault Ste. \lari,•. is helldnyln: it the h,rnle of her s•islet. Mrs. James rIllekinRbnt- Mr awl Mrs. Itnker. o' W'ingllam. sere Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs C. Pehnits. lir and lir Will Role's"), anemic e,} tilt' funeral of Misr Della \loran, of Londeslsero'. nn Mondry. Mrs \\'tlfred ikmsl,Mnm n n A daughters. o! e:n,lerlch. are spending a few day: ,%I! 11 iter parents. Mr. and Mr*. W. 1'. Robertsen. Mks Nlnrgeret Jackson. of Toren- t called M, fri,•nds In tie ei1MR1' n ,lav lost week. a' Janet .111x. of Weirton, le tl1e gra of it.e'. and Mrs. .alp et the Imanse. I Axnghter5, D.hdky Mn. [Hart np, estr;s181111.1111a111111ths- sa5arra aati \ Wednesday ,Annie. Montgomery nal Mr. Wm MrDensld• attended t he Morrill. whlch was held In Detroit hMrs. ft week. r ■ us ■ .111 - than have been trying' to make this more palatable, for the freesing pro - Vets nereseary to carry the meat on its long journey dries up all the nat- ural jnlrPa. It has been discovered that. when beef Is frozen and thawed v.•ry slow- ly. little Auld in lost. 1n one experl- meat nearly eighty day+ were taken In ?reefing and thawing the meat, 1 which at the end vets so„II ely dis- tinguishable froth fr •,h meat, This method may le n1 cnnslder• . a hie comm. trial tnrportance If It can ice applied fn ilida.+tel. - ssig To Vesehingtun'• t'nrelwar. To latnrence N'ashlne0nn, great- Brent-grnndfath•-r of Georg•• Wash - Melon, a memorial window hos been d,-flies:4A in All Saints' ('hurch, Mal - don, England, where 11'• .1.1.1 Wash- Ington worshipped it le the elft of tie citizens of Malden, Massachusetts, la rnnitinetion with the George Washington Sulgrave Instllate, The ceremony was nttentrd by a delega- Hon from Malden. MAAA.; Lord bane bourne, Lord I,}eu'enant of !ages; tie Lord Mayor of Malden and many ■ 1/ 5 ■ ■ 1 5 - 1''�eltllllllllma a� . 1 5 ■ ' ■_Wear and ■ „ Saunders'Ready -to ■ ■ Goods Store _■ IIIIIIINIMINall um EAST SIDE OF SQUARE - GODERICH n 5 oder ■■�� ■ usinessAttv ■ ata":are ■ ■ A real opportunity awaits every roman to i secure in th , clearing ■ d a c ce S sale apparel and ■ sories at un�ard-of low ■ prices. n the store must E�erpthinjf up ■ • be sold, a+' we are giving business Goderich. ■ 5 SALE CO fINUES ,15HF1}:LD. .\ug. inn. I' lit- ter■1•$ ■ Mei Higgins enol sun Jsrk. of D.•- others.